The mechanical response of engineering materials evaluated through continuum fracture mechanics typically assumes that a crack or void initially exists, but it does not provide information about the nucleation of such flaws in an otherwise flawless micro-structure. How such flaws originate, particularly at grain (or phase) boundaries is less clear. Experimentally, ''good" vs. ''bad" grain boundaries are often invoked as the reasons for critical damage nucleation, but without any quantification. The state of knowledge about deformation at or near grain boundaries, including slip transfer and heterogeneous deformation, is reviewed to show that little work has been done to examine how slip interactions can lead to damage nucleation. A fracture initiation parameter developed recently for a low ductility model material with limited slip systems provides a new definition of grain boundary character based upon operating slip and twin systems (rather than an interfacial energy based definition). This provides a way to predict damage nucleation density on a physical and local (rather than a statistical) basis. The parameter assesses the way that highly activated twin systems are aligned with principal stresses and slip system Burgers vectors. A crystal plasticity-finite element method (CP-FEM) based model of an extensively characterized microstructural region has been used to determine if the stress-strain history provides any additional insights about the relationship between shear and damage nucleation. This analysis shows that a combination of a CP-FEM model augmented with the fracture initiation parameter shows promise for becoming a predictive tool for identifying damageprone
Continuum fracture mechanics has provided a wealth of methodologies for modeling the evolution of damage, but these methods all depend on knowing where the damage nucleated; hence a pre-existing void or crack is normally introduced arbitrarily. The process by which undamaged material develops damage (here defined as the generation of a new free surface where there was none before) is not very well understood. An understanding of this damage nucleation process in the context of microstructural evolution will allow properties that are of great importance to designers, such as toughness, ductility, and fatigue life, to become more predictable. Damage nucleation frequently develops in two stages, where nascent or pre-damage conditions develop during monotonic deformation resulting from forming operations, followed by growth to a critical size during service, e.g. growth of short cracks at a scale smaller than the grain size, to one larger than the microstructural scale during subsequent loading. In this case nucleation and growth of fatigue cracks depends strongly on microstructure evolution during prior forming history. Thus, a paradigm is needed to understand how the process of plastic deformation interacting with microstructural features leads to the development of subcritical cracks or voids. From both experimental and computational studies, it is commonly held that damage nucleation occurs in locations of large strain concentrations (from the continuum perspective, as in Fig. 1a), or microstructurally, where substantial heterogeneous deformation occurs. If large local strains are effective in accommodating required geometry changes they may prevent damage nucleation, whereas it is conceivable that damage may nucleate where insufficient strain or shape accommodation occurs, as illustrated schematically in Fig. 1b. Such variability in shape accommodation is connected to crystal orientations and crystallographic deformation mechanisms. Experimentally, heterogeneous deformation is often assessed using slip trace analysis, which can be accomplished with both optical and electron microcopy, and can be greatly enhanced and made more quantitative by using tools such as orientation imaging microscopy and strain mapping. However studies that fully analyze the operating deformation mechanisms in the context of the stress–strain history and observed microstructure evolution are rare. More qualitative experiments commonly show cracks and voids developing preferentially in some boundaries but less in others, indicating the significance of heterogeneity in local deformation history. Computationally, two approaches to modeling evolution of microstructure have developed, statistical methods based upon Taylor theory, and finite element polycrystal plasticity approaches (atomistic or discrete dislocation density models can typically model volumes much smaller than a cubic micron (e.g. Farkas, 2005; Arsenlis et al., 2004), making them most useful for modeling nanocrystals). Statistical models developed on the foundation of Taylor theory (e.g. Chen and Gray, 1996; Nemat-Nasser et al., 1998; Nemat-Nasser and Guo, 2000) homogenize deformation characteristics, which is useful for modeling deformation phenomena at the scale of forming operations. This kind of analysis motivates models for yield surface evolution, e.g. Barlat et al. (2003). Homogenization is not helpful for investigating damage nucleation, however, which is a statistically rare event that reflects deviations from homogeneous behavior. This shortcoming can be partially overcome using viscoplastic self-consistent polycrystal plasticity codes that allow strains and stresses to vary in different crystal orientations (e.g. Lebensohn and Tome, 1993; Lebensohn, 2001; Karaman et al., 2000). Nevertheless, self-consistent codes are still based upon a statistical representation of a microstructure. Hence, damage that originates from strain incompatibilities in specific sites cannot be meaningfully predicted with statistical models such as the large body of literature based upon continuum damage mechanics (e.g. review of Lin et al., 2005), because the specific strain history depends on both the local strain behavior near an interface, as well as the strain history in adjacent grains or even within regions of the same grain (non-local strain). Self consistent models homogenize the grain neighborhood and, therefore, cannot provide detailed information at the local scale.
Modeling of site-specific stress–strain histories can be accomplished with crystal plasticity finite element modeling of representative microstructural volumes (oligocrystals or microstructure patches). Several approaches have recently been developed and compared with experimental observations (e.g. Hao et al., 2003, 2004; Heripre et al., 2007; Querin et al., 2007; Dunne et al., 2007; Clayton and McDowell, 2004; Bhattacharyya et al., 2001; Raabe et al., 2001; Ma and Roters, 2004; Ma et al., 2006a,b, Zaafarani et al., 2006, Cheong and Busso, 2004, 2006, Dawson et al., 2002, Kalidindi and Anand, 1993). To date, most modeling attempts of this kind have simulated high ductility damage resistant metals such as steel, copper, or aluminum. Characterizing damage nucleation events microscopically in such high ductility metals is challenging due to the large strains and high dislocation densities that precede damage nucleation. The ability to predict damage nucleation and evaluate whether it will lead to the fatal flaw is one of the major goals of computational plasticity. Such predictions require multiscale modeling approaches that are under development in a number of groups and laboratories (Hao et al., 2003, 2004; Clayton and McDowell, 2004; Voyiadjis et al., 2004; Buchheit et al., 2005; Dunne et al., 2007; Cheong et al., 2007). While heterogeneous deformation is understood to be a precursor to damage nucleation, the actual initiation step between heterogeneous deformation and damage nucleation is not clearly understood. This connection is crucially important, because if the locations of damage are not properly predicted, then any simulations of microstructural evolution that evolve thereafter will be unreliable
(merely fiction). A comprehensive review of multi-scale modeling of plastic deformation shows that solutions to practical problems often have the nanoscale effectively interacting with microscale, which cannot be handled by atomistic methods (Liu et al., 2005, Hao et al., 2003, 2004). Currently, there are no effective handoff methods between atomistic and microstructure scales. Hence, there is an opportunity for bridging across length scales if damage nucleation (intrinsically a nano-scale phenomenon) can be predicted reliably on the basis of heterogeneous microscale deformation. Interfaces represent a profound challenge to modeling heterogeneous deformation and damage nucleation. Damage in particle-free materials normally nucleates at discontinuous interfaces such as grain or phase boundaries.1 At interfaces, strain must be somehow transferred from one grain to another through the boundary. In this process, damage may nucleate at a specific (rather than a generic) interface, due to both local and non-local effects. Rules for predicting which interfaces become damage nucleation sites are not known, though some have used slip transfer criteria as a means to identify suspicious locations (e.g. Ashmawi and Zikry, 2003a,b). From the review that will follow, it will become clear that damage nucleation at interfaces depends on
i. the orientations of crystals on either side of the interface,
ii. the boundary orientation and structure (energy),
iii. the activated deformation systems on either side of the boundary, and
iv. the stress–strain gradient history in the grains on either side of an interface.
Research that considers all four of these factors is rare. For example, the grain boundary engineering paradigm focuses on grain boundary energy (item ii) as a metric for ‘‘good” or ‘‘bad” grain boundaries, but little has been done to examine how slip processes affect the character of ‘‘good” R boundaries differently from their ‘‘bad” random boundary counterparts. Item iii has rarely been examined experimentally or computationally, and when it has, it has not been done with fine detail. Studies of deformation transfer have led to identification of some rules by which a dislocation in one grain can penetrate into a neighboring grain (Clark et al., 1992; de Koning et al., 2002, 2003). However, it is not clear how deformation transfer and damage nucleation are related, and this open question provides the primary motivation for this paper. Clearly, knowledge of a boundary’s propensity to generate damage could provide an effective bridge between atomistic and continuum scale models. To assess the role of slip processes at interfaces on damage nucleation, it is important to have a reliable representation of heterogeneous deformation, the character of the grain boundary, and slip transfer mechanisms. These three topics and current approaches to integrate them are reviewed in some detail in order to provide motivation and a foundation for a new approach that identifies a deformation system based definition of grain boundary character. This new definition of grain boundary character was developed on the basis of experimental observations, and it may be able to determine which kind of deformation system interactions at the boundary will lead to damage nucleation. One example of a deeply characterized microstructure from this experimental work is examined using a current polycrystal plasticity finite element model to identify how mesoscale computational modeling may be used in combination with this new definition of grain boundary character to predict locations of damage nucleation.