
Destruction et création

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... This leads to a mental cycle, or loop, of structure, unstructure, restructure. (Boyd, 1976b) Boyd's (1976) paper about fast transients introduced the term observation. Decisions can be seen to be built into fast transients and quick kills. ...
... Decisions must be timely, based on observed reality, and actions must be compatible with the goal. (Boyd, 1976b) Boyd's Conceptual spiral (1992) is a discourse on winning and losing. It builds from his previous studies in the context of how to succeed in many-sided, uncertain and constantly evolving reality. ...
... Decision making happens in a cycle or loop, which calls for constant destruction and creation of mental patterns. (Boyd, 1976b) Mission command has evolved to be the US army's way of real-time operations execution and it takes several notions from OODA-loop. Main purpose of mission command is to create disciplined initiative within teams by empowering agility and adaptivity. ...
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The goal of red teaming is to create better plans, policies, procedures and products in any domain by challenging the current ones. This calls for assessment and critique of status quo. Red teaming is about mitigating future risks and communicating bad news. Red teaming research has focused in adversary emulation and penetration testing practices somewhat disregarding the remediations which are the key in building better security. Cyber threats are evolving and so should cyber red teaming research. Red teaming efforts should be conducted through a comprehensive planning and execution process which considers the complete information security lifecycle starting from planning of intelligence activities and ending to implementing remediations for security to the target organization. Red teaming should be a process that can be understood and adopted by organization and it should be also transparent and traceable. The research problem was to create a comprehensive agile red teaming framework by combining adaptive planning and execution framework in information security context. Design science research methodology was used to solve this challenge. Solid knowledge base and environment description about red teaming and information security was completed in accordance with information systems research framework. Adaptive planning and execution framework, intelligence, targeting and agile methodologies were introduced to support the creation of the framework. Challenges in red teaming were identified by a survey to five cyber security companies. Challenges were remediated by success factors identified from literature and survey. The framework was created, and it underwent two Delphi iterations with subject matter experts. Main result of the study is the comprehensive agile red teaming framework which incorporates the remediations drawn from subject matter experts, military and agile methods. The scope of this study was wide and therefore results can be considered general. The significance of the created framework lies in its novelty and possibilities to adapt it to any red teams’ purposes due to general outcome. Framework delivers a good basis for future work.
... Operator-Machine interaction is governed by trigger-decideact cycles [5]- [9] and reflects human cognition steps to (a) Observe, (b) Orient, (c) Decide, and (d) Act (OODA) [5]. The SOP Step Model is summarized in (2) of the SOP step model. ...
... Operator-Machine interaction is governed by trigger-decideact cycles [5]- [9] and reflects human cognition steps to (a) Observe, (b) Orient, (c) Decide, and (d) Act (OODA) [5]. The SOP Step Model is summarized in (2) of the SOP step model. ...
... Therefore, methods for explicitly representing the human in the system during development and implementation of complex human-machine systems using MBSE is worth further development. Herein, we propose a MBSE based method for modeling human machine interaction that allows the Observe, Orient, Decide and Act (OODA) loop [4] to be explicitly modeled. This method provides clear indications of where the processes in the OODA loop can be improved through better human-machine interface (HMI) and human machine teaming, ultimately resulting in faster, more accurate decision making. ...
... This method provides clear indications of where the processes in the OODA loop can be improved through better human-machine interface (HMI) and human machine teaming, ultimately resulting in faster, more accurate decision making. Originally described by Col John Boyd, the OODA loop depicted in Figure 1, represents a closed-loop decision cycle [4]. Boyd proposed that organizations that were able to effectively close this decision cycle more rapidly and accurately than their adversary would have an advantage. ...
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Future systems development includes Command and Control (C2) technology to support Air Battle Managers (ABMs) and fighter pilots as they support complex missions employing autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) within a larger System of Systems. In complex, evolving, and dynamic environments, the human operator's ability to efficiently observe, orient, decide, and act is imperative. However, the operator's performance can be degraded during changes in UAS custody between ABMs and pilots, which significantly increases operator cognitive workload beyond that typically seen in previous missions. Unfortunately, C2 technology development often places a heavy focus on automation and hardware, leaving the human operator underrepresented to the detriment human-automation interactions. Currently, Digital Engineering and Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) tools are rapidly being adopted in system development, integration, and management to support the complex development effort necessary to integrate these systems. The current research integrated human considerations in MBSE tools to analyze human-automation teaming during the development process. The method supports representation of the automation assistance and human operators during a modeled mission simulation in a pair of specialized activity diagrams referred to as the Mission Actor Diagram and the OODA 2 Activity Diagram, permitting analysis of errors and bottlenecks during operation. This method illustrates the potential to reduce operator cognitive workload, improve operator decision making, and increased system performance, while reducing time spent in system redesign.
... Decisions made under rapidly changing conditions are especially challenging. Boyd's (1976) Observe/Orient/Decide/Act (OODA) Loop-Observe, Orient, Decide, Act-provides a framework through which decision-making can be better understood. The intersection of knowledge management and decision-making is especially important as emergency managers make communication choices in alerts. ...
... Interviews indicated there is variation in the process and weighing of decision points. See an application of a conceptual decision-making framework illustrated as the OODA Loop (Boyd:1976). ...
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Disasters can move quickly. Effective communication is a critical resource that can significantly enhance public safety. A mass notification system (MNS) uses text messaging to inform constituents of crisis, provide recommendations, connect to resources, and has the advantage of speed. Limited research has been conducted on the variables that influence the effectiveness, utilization, and perceptions of MNS. The extant study employs a multi-method approach to advance the scholarly knowledge on MNS. All emergency managers in a state were surveyed on issues of MNS enrollment, utilization, and brand. A subgroup of emergency managers were then interviewed to provide depth to the survey findings. Key findings indicate wide variability in MNS usage, little relationship between population size and enrollment, and a high perceived importance of MNS as a communication modality. Policy implications and recommendations are offered.
... The oldest and most famous model of situation awareness and decision making is Boyd's observe-orient-decide-act loop (OODA loop) [2]. The Boyd loop models human behavior that is mostly performed unconsciously: humans observe and interpret their environment using their senses and based on their focus, they try to understand the meaning of their observation and interpretation, they decide what should be done, and they execute the decision. ...
... Another issue is the need for ensuring that the service chain is stable in the sense of control theory. 2 A system is stable if the effect of a small perturbation will eventually dissipate. A system is unstable if a small perturbation will cause the system to oscillate forever without dissipating or to exhibit increasingly large deviations from normal behavior. ...
... Human operator performance is frequently modeled by trigger-decide-act cycles [9], [10], [11]. The operator first senses a trigger, decides on an appropriate response to the trigger, before acting or performing the appropriate response. ...
... Відзначимо, що сучасне розуміння ІВ спирається на теорію американського дослідника Дж. Бойда про те, що будь-яка війна складається з трьох компонентів: моральної війни, скерованої на руйнування волі супротивника, штучне «подрібнення» його внутрішньої монолітності, єдності, підрив його віри у перемогу; війни ментальної, скерованої на створення викривленої реальності у сприйнятті супротивника через різноаспектну дезінформацію; та війни фізичної, пов'язаної з фізичним знищенням людських ресурсів та державних управлінських інституцій супротивника [8]. ...
... Thus, the OODCA cycle represents a role-and issue-based practical approach to developing situational awareness. This approach was conceptualized based on Boyd's OODA-loop (Observe-Orient-Decide-Act) (Boyd, 1976). The defined OODCA-loop is used to identify and monitor person-specific threat scenarios and helps individual decision makers to monitor volatile threat vectors to design a targeted and sustainable strategic training and awareness program for employees. ...
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In more than 95% of all successfully conducted cyberattacks, the human factor is exploited as a vulnerability point. The following principle applies. Whenever a hacker uses external attack vectors and thus does not directly use the Internet as a medium, employees become the target of the attack. As a result, the current technical and intelligent defense mechanisms can only contribute to a limited extent to the increase the resilience of IT systems, as these technological approaches do not fully account for the behavioral, cognitive, and heterogeneous motivations that lead to human error in the security causal chain of information security using social engineering (SE) methods. In this paper, we present a strategic and iterative analysis tool to detect SE threats through systemic monitoring, to train and successfully defend against them. For this purpose, we use the so-called Course of Actions to practically check the security-compliant behavior of employees and to initialize the feedback processes for reactivating the human firewall based on the knowledge gained. This approach is already being applied to various types of organizations and critical infrastructure and can be seamlessly integrated into existing training and auditing programs.
... Sursele umane pot fi motivate de numeroasele prejudecăți specifice pentru a determina unde au fost "greșite" analizele. (Heuer 1999) Strategul militar John Boyd a creat un model (OODA) diferit de decizie și acțiune, (Boyd 1976) util în multe domenii de conflict. Modelul său are patru faze: 1) Observarea unei amenințări sau oportunități; 2) Orientarea în contextul altor informații; 3) Decizia privind cel mai bun plan de acțiune; 4) Acțiunea pentru ducerea la îndeplinire a planului. ...
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Despre analogia existentă între aspectele epistemologice şi metodologice ale activităţii serviciilor de informaţii şi unele discipline ştiinţifice, pledând pentru o abordare mai ştiinţifică a procesului de culegere şi analiză de informaţii din cadrul ciclului de informaţii. Afirm că în prezent aspectele teoretice, ontologice şi epistemologice, în activitatea multor servicii de informaţii, sunt subestimate, determinând înţelegere incompletă a fenomenelor actuale şi creând confuzie în colaborarea inter-instituţională. După o scurtă Introducere, care include o istorie a evoluţiei conceptului de serviciu de informaţii după al doilea război mondial, în Activitatea de informaţii definesc obiectivele şi organizarea serviciilor de informaţii, modelul de bază al acestor organizaţii (ciclul informaţional), şi aspectele relevante ale culegerii de informaţii şi analizei de informaţii. În secţiunea Ontologia evidenţiez aspectele ontologice şi entităţile care ameninţă şi sunt ameninţate. Secţiunea Epistemologie include aspecte specifice activităţii de informaţii, cu analiza principalului model (Singer) folosit în mod tradiţional, şi expun o posibilă abordare epistemologică prin prisma conceptului de cunoaştere tacită dezvoltat de omul de ştiinţă Michael Polanyi. În secţiunea Metodologii prezint diverse teorii metodologice cu accent pe tehnicile analitice structurale, şi câteva analogii, cu ştiinţa, arheologia, afacerile şi medicina. Lucrarea se încheie cu Concluziile privind posibilitatea unei abordări mai ştiinţifice a metodelor de culegere şi analiză a informaţiilor din cadrul serviciilor de informaţii.
... In his far more complex model, Boyd describes how fighter pilots make rapid decisions in mid-aerial combat using a system of multiple observation, orientation, decision and action loops. (6,8) A distillation of Boyd's OODA loop was felt to reflect a similar process to the desired one in this model and was therefore selected for its ease of recall and its current use within emergency medicine. (9) BACKGROUND When observing first-time POCUS users there is a common anecdote of learners being completely focussed on the screen before them, whilst the transducer slips further and further away from the location of the intended anatomical structure. ...
Unlike practitioners of formal diagnostic sonography, point-of-care ultrasound users must often acquire basic ultrasound skills in far shorter time frames, with less time dedicated to obtaining mastery; therefore, they often rely on conceptual models to achieve this. There is currently no introductory model which point-of-care ultrasound users might adopt to describe the cognitive processes involved in acquiring a basic ultrasound image, and in learning point-of-care ultrasonography. We propose the ‘sonographic OODA loop’ in reference to Boyd’s observe–orient–decide–act (OODA) decision loop, as a model which can be used initially by ultrasound-naive clinicians to understand the cognitive and motor processes that occur when they acquire ultrasound images, and hopefully achieve greater insight into their early practice.
... [We] destroy and create these patterns to permit us to both shape and be shaped by a changing environment" -John Boyd, 1976 41 John Boyd's long journey from fighter tactician to ground-breaking strategic theorist and thinker can be summarized as a cascade of intuitions about competition and conflict informed by analogies from seemingly unrelated domains. The uncanny validity of Boyd's intuitions and his reliance on analogies as a tool for discovery marked him as a highly original thinker. ...
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This article reprises central aspects of John Boyd’s thinking about competition and conflict, including his unwavering reliance on analogies and connections between disciplines as disparate as fighter tactics, decision theory, history, philosophy, and physics. We trace how elements of Boyd’s ideas about winning and losing have been incorporated (or neglected) in the doctrines of the U.S. military services. Given the richness of Boyd’s ideas there is much we can learn from the view of decision making underlying the Observation-Orientation-Decision-Action (OODA) loop, for which he is best known, as well as the analogical reasoning embodied in slide presentations such as his massive “Patterns of Conflict.”
... It should be noted that the TEMU is not a single action; it is a cycle of consequent actions from the task formulation to its final action (such as destroying an object or a military unit). In western military literature, the process of TEMU is often modeled by Boyd's observe-orient-decide-act (OODA) loop (Boyd, 1976;Osinga, 2005). In the military literature of post-Soviet countries, the OODA loop is called the task formulation-execution cycle (TFEC) and consists of three stages: detection of the object, decision making, and action (see, for example, Maistrenko, 2014;Maistrenko, 2016;Maistrenko and Repilo, 2013, and references therein). ...
... KIDS (Knowledge Intensive Data System) is an example [32] of this type of system. It is based on the Observe, Orient, Decide, Act loop (OODA) [33]. The ontology presented in that work represents both data hierarchy (Facts, Perceptions, Hypotheses and Directives) that describe the process of generating action directives from the facts and the modes of reasoning. ...
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Nowadays, companies and official bodies are using the data as a principal asset to take strategic decisions. The advances in big data processing, storage and analysis techniques have allowed to manage the continuous increase in the volume of data. This increase in the volume of data together with its high variability and the large number of sources lead to a constant growing of the complexity of the data management environment. Data governance is the key for simplifying that complexity: it is the element that controls the decision making and responsibilities for all the processes related to data management. This paper discusses an approach to data governance based on ontological reasoning to reduce data management complexity. The proposed data governance system is built over an autonomous system based on distributed components. It implements semantic techniques and automatic ontology-based reasoning. The different components use a Shared Knowledge Plane to interact. Its fundamental piece is an ontology that represents all the data management processes included in data governance. A prototype of such a system has been implemented and tested for Telefonica’s global video service. The results obtained show the feasibility of using this type of technology to reduce the complexity of managing big data environments.
... Like in techno-psychological military attacks in observe-orient-decide-act (OODA) cycles (Boyd 1987) or techniques of reflexive control (Jaitner and Kantola 2016), the actions and energy from the enemy camp were also put to work on Bolsonaro's behalf by taking advantage of affordances that were already available in the platforms. Twitter hashtags for instance afford the kind of recursive, escalating opposition that anthropologist and cyberneticist Gregory Bateson (1958) called schismogenesis. ...
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The polarizing tendency of politically leaned social media is usually claimed to be spontaneous, or a by-product of underlying platform algorithms. This contribution revisits both claims by articulating the digital world of social media and rules derived from capitalist accumulation in the post-Fordist age, from a transdisciplinary perspective articulating the human and exact sciences. Behind claims of individual freedom, there is a rigid pyramidal hierarchy of power heavily using military techniques developed in the late years of the cold war, namely Russia Reflexive Control and the Boyd’s decision cycle in the USA. This hierarchy is not the old-style “command-and-control” from Fordist times, but an “emergent” one, whereby individual agents respond to informational stimuli, coordinated to move as a swarm. Such a post-Fordist organizational structure resembles guerrilla warfare. In this new world, it is the far right who plays the revolutionaries by deploying avant-garde guerrilla methods, while the so-called left paradoxically appears as conservatives defending the existing structure of exploitation. Although the tactical goal is unclear, the strategic objective of far-right guerrillas is to hold on to power and benefit particular groups to accumulate more capital. We draw examples from the Brazilian far right to support our claims.
... Its core realization is the need to empower the execution resources i.e. the edge, with all required context for informed decision-making and in order to achieve a new operational swiftness. The Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) loop [41] is recognized as a design principle in the military systems. It describes a four phase cycle that enables to translate observations into high quality decisions that determine actions fast enough to gain an agility that can outperform a raw superior power. ...
... This is done with the help of massive data gathering of information. In order to cope with the amount of information to be processed, some metadata is generated and classified in various structures: spheres [6], levels of interaction or layers [7]. The final layer that was added, was that of the human factor itself. ...
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Using Machine Learning in cyber defensive operations has proved to be highly efficient especially for fast pattern detection. There is yet an application in using Machine Learning in cyber offensive operations in order to improve existing skill set of human operators, or enable large scale offensive operations, otherwise hard to do, without extensive manpower. Machine Learning can be a solution to the complexity of present-day world structure, it can support full autonomous work mode operations and can support asymmetric operations by being the perfect invisible enemy. Having a fully autonomous system that can launch multiple attacks in multiple domains (social, infrastructure, telecoms) simultaneously, can be valuable in a world of interconnected networks. For military operations, it’s obvious that in the era of 4 th generation warfare, such solutions might give an advantage over the other combatants. Furthermore, Machine Learning can become a formidable weapon if used right in the era of 5 th generation conflicts, where it can target the individual itself, escalating effects to groups of people. The paper presents a generic framework in using Machine Learning in offensive cyber operations as a solution to the present-day expansion of cyber operations on foreign and national territory.
... This connection has been the starting point of the framework. We found inspiration and ground in the public value approach of Moore (1995) and (2013) and Benington (2010), in the practical business model generation approach of Osterwalder et al. (2010), in the extensive psychological research of Kahneman et al. (1979) of making decisions under uncertainty, in the high reliability organisation concept of Weick et al. (2007), in the design thinking technology of Liedtka et al. (2011) and the no-nonsense approach of John Boyd (1976) and Bazin (2005). They all share light in their own special way focused on the object delivery of values. ...
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Purpose: In this article we lay out and discuss a framework proposed by the Public Risk Management Organisation (PRIMO) ( of which the authors are board members and the results of a test on public and private entities of EU small jurisdictions, Cyprus. These are countries within the EU having less than 3 million people population. Design/methodology/approach: We collected our primary data by using a semi-structured questionnaire and administering it to participants who are working directly or indirectly with entities within these EU states. The questionnaire was structured using the FORTE TM acronym as themes, 'Financial and compliant design', 'Object orientation and delivery', 'Responsibility and stewardship', 'Tools and processes for creation' and 'Environmental awareness and interaction', with 5 statements under each theme to which participants were required to answer using a 5-point Likert-scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". We, however, allowed the participants to open up and discuss each statement and recorded these comments. Some demographic data was also collected as to the type of entity the participants are working with, the level of expertise on governance of the participant and the size of the entity. The quantitative data was subjected to statistical analysis while the results from the open ended question was analysed using the Thematic approach.
... Dalam perspektif modern, manusia melalui pencarian kekuasaan dan kedaulatan intelektual akan memisahkan etika dan spiritualitas dari sains dan alam raya serta berusaha mempopulerkan kapitalisme; pada proses yang merusak ini, semua nilai kemanusiaan dan ekonomi merupakan ikatan materiil. 6 Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Ke-8 Asosiasi Program Pascasarjana Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah (APPPTMA) ISBN: 978-623-90018-1-0 Ide dasar Pancasila terlihat sebagai perlawanan atas keseluruhan pandangan modern tersebut. Alam semesta dalam pandanga Pancasila adalah wilayah yang netral, tidak memiliki bentuk makna yang pasti, ia bukan objek maupun subjek. ...
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Pancasila memang tidak mencantumkan konsep ekologi secara eksplisit di dalam sila-silanya. Kelima sila tersebut hanya menuliskan pokok-pokok dasar negara berupa asas ketuhanan, kemanusiaan, persatuan, musyawarah dan keadilan sosial. Ini menimbulkan persoalan dalam konteks perundang-undangan menjadi tidak memiliki dasar normatif yang jelas, akibat lainnya adalah pada ranah penelitian hukum lingkungan hidup dan nilai-nilai interdependensi antara Tuhan, manusia dan alam semesta tidak memiliki ancangan yang pasti. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi nilai-nilai profetik, karena itu metode yang digunakan adalah metode filosofis. berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa pertama, dalam hal tidak ditemukannya konsep ekologi tidak berarti alam menjadi objek eksploitasi tetapi manusia merupakan bagian dari alam semesta, dan kedua, nilai interdependensi transendental dalam perspektif profetik menunjukan adanya amanah untuk memprevensi kerusakan lingkungan. Kata Kunci-Profetik, ekologi, Interdepedensi, kerusakan, eksploitasi.
As the volumes of data generated in healthcare delivery grows, the need for embracing big data strategies and data analytic techniques to better navigate dynamic and complex healthcare environments becomes more and more pressing. This focus has been further fuelled by the advances in technologies and medical science and the incorporation of digital health solutions that enable us to isolate genome sequencing data. However, it is the thesis of this chapter that unless healthcare organisations become learning organisations and incorporate the techniques of knowledge management and organisational learning, these large and essentially raw data assets will become a burden and not a benefit. Thus, healthcare systems need to be redesigned into intelligent health systems that maximise technology and utilise valuable knowledge assets. To do this, it is imperative to understand the link between the principles of organisational learning and knowledge management (KM) to facilitate the building of learning healthcare organisations.
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This paper examines cybersecurity policy framework requirements for establishing highly interoperable and interconnected health data spaces, with a focus on the European Health Data Space (EHDS) and its corresponding joint action Toward European Health Data Space (TEHDAS). It explores the challenges of ensuring data security within an increasingly digital and collaborative healthcare environment, emphasizing the need for robust policy management to protect sensitive health information across diverse healthcare systems and supply chains. Through an analysis of use cases and held expert workshops, the study identifies key requirements for enhancing cybersecurity measures, fostering cross-border data exchange, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. It illustrates the practical implications of cybersecurity policies in a real-world scenario, demonstrating how they can be applied to enhance data security and policy effectiveness.
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For approximately thirty years an unanswered question has hung over the military enterprise of nation-states: As the digital information age progresses, should we construct a military for the information age, or should we construct an information age military? The former would be an old enterprise applying new tools to its roles and missions. The latter would be a new enterprise. The new tools would not only alter the roles and missions the military prosecutes; they would alter the primary purposeful activity of the modern military. The short answer is that militaries and the national security communities that support them have hedged, wary of the uncertainty which comes with complex change. Into this gap has grown a new type of insecurity-a type not confined to military affairs and national security but society-wide-which open societies in particular are yet to fully understand and, thus to develop an appropriate response. The formulation of an appropriate response ties directly back to the thirty-year question. The response, where it exists, is decidedly fragmented. A new addition to the associated lexicon-"cogni-tive warfare"-has made its way into the discussion and makes no pretense of being confined strictly to military affairs. While a topic of increasing interest, anything resembling a bounded and discrete set of meanings to be associated with cognitive warfare has yet to emerge and seems a way off. This article aims to address this omission and to take stock of how the national security, intelligence, and defense (NSID) communities might begin to approach a coherent understanding of cognitive security. It argues the conflation of operational information warfare with cognitive warfare is a category error that must be addressed first. The hubris of the early digital age provides a lesson to be avoided.
As societies, governments, corporations, and individuals become more dependent on the digital environment, so they also become increasingly vulnerable to misuse of that environment. A considerable industry has developed to provide the means with which to make cyberspace more secure, stable, and predictable. Cybersecurity is concerned with the identification, avoidance, management, and mitigation of risk in, or from, cyberspace—the risk of harm and damage that might occur as the result of everything from individual carelessness to organized criminality, to industrial and national security espionage, and, at the extreme end of the scale, to disabling attacks against a country’s critical national infrastructure. But this represents a rather narrow understanding of security and there is much more to cyberspace than vulnerability, risk, and threat. As well as security from financial loss, physical damage, etc., cybersecurity must also be for the maximization of benefit. The Oxford Handbook of Cybersecurity takes a comprehensive and rounded approach to the still evolving topic of cybersecurity: the security of cyberspace is as much technological as it is commercial and strategic; as much international as regional, national, and personal; and as much a matter of hazard and vulnerability as an opportunity for social, economic, and cultural growth.
Situation awareness has become a popular method for modelling human–automated process allocation and, more recently, applied to model collaboration between humans and autonomous artificially intelligent agents. However, the role of how to distribute decision-making within this new collaborative paradigm remains underexplored. In this manuscript paper, we propose an integration of situation awareness into the decision-making process by combining the Endsley Situation Awareness model with contextually tailored sequences of cognitive activity referred to as end-to-end decision-making loops. We posit that this approach benefits designers, implementers, and users of intelligent systems as it orchestrates a cognitive and perceptual alignment between human and non-human agents, thereby enabling the formation of meaningful end-to-end action loops.
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After the Russian aggression of February, 24 2022 in Ukraine entered a new phase, the debates in Po-land and NATO on adapting the shape and equipment of the armed forces to contemporary challenges in the international arena started again. In Poland, this debate has mainly focused on technicalities, aimed at enhancing potential. This paper presents a never described in Poland concept of the observation orientation decision action decision loop, which was developed by US Air Force Pilot John Richard Boyd. As there is no publication that comprehensively characterises this concept, the loop analysis is based on Boyd's presentations and English-language literature on the subject. The OODA loop, which emphasises the aspect of time and how a task is performed, can be helpful in a decision-making process. The article identifies the imponderabilia that make up the concept, and how it can be used.
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W artykule, napisanym w duchu teorii realistycznej, skupiono uwagę na trzech podstawowych pojęciach – doktrynie, strategii i polityce, ujętych w kontekście teorii polityki i zarządzania organizacją. Doktryna jako zbiór zasad i wartości jest podstawą do formułowania strategii, ta zaś jest konkretnym planem działania, ukierunkowanym na osiągnięcie celów politycznych. Przez politykę natomiast należy rozumieć proces, w którym są podejmowane decyzje mające wpływ na codzienne funkcjonowanie człowieka. W artykule przeanalizowano wzajemne oddziaływanie tych pojęć i ich wpływ na zarządzanie organizacją. Autor identyfikuje powiązania między doktryną a strategią, strategią a polityką oraz doktryną a polityką, by wykazać, w jaki sposób podejście doktrynalne kształtuje działania strategiczne i jak podejście strategiczne wpływa na doktrynę, która z kolei determinuje decyzje polityczne i skuteczność zarządzania. Badanie ma na celu nie tylko dostarczenie teoretycznych definicji tych pojęć, lecz także wyciągnięcie praktycznych wniosków z ich zastosowania.
The study attempts to unleash the relation that will arise out of the challenges that RUPT has offered corporates to decide on a better and correct environmental sustainability programme for its organisation. The study reveals the challenges and solutions that RUPT has to offer in the context of environmental sustainability. The study attempts to reveal the benefit at the increased level in creating consciousness of both the environmental and professional aspects of the large and small enterprises alike who are under pressure to contribute for the greater good.
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John Boyd is a notorious figure in the military community for his views on aircraft design and his many briefings on tactics, strategy, and science. His ideas on what should constitute a basis for ground operations would go on to form the conceptual foundation of U.S. Marine Corps doctrine. This paper attempts to dissect the logic of Boyd’s theoretical work in detail to determine on what grounds his claims are made.
This essay explicates the philosophy of strategic design, a reflexive practice of generalship for defense and security organizations. It presents strategic design as a distinctive facet of generalship which enables defense practitioners working at the strategic level to address the kind of complex security challenges facing military leaders and decision makers in the 21st century. Combining unique first-hand insights from the co-instructor of the Israeli Defense Forces Generals’ Course, cross-cultural expertise on socialization of knowledge in defense and security settings, and elements of narrative and critical theory relevant to military design practice, it advocates cognitive agility as a critical mindset for defense leaders who need to generate transformative potential in an era of wars with no end. As a way of illustrating a model for cognitive agility for generalship, the authors unpack some of the more esoteric aspects of the ‘Z’ model of strategic design inquiries, namely the concept of self-disruption, the strategic efficacy of storytelling, and the principle of leveraging real-world operations as the expression of epistemology in action.
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Human elements have been identified as a factor in over 95% of all security incidents. Current technical preventive, corrective, and defensive mechanisms address intelligent and practical approaches to increase the resilience of information technology (IT) systems. However, these approaches do not fully consider the behavioral, cognitive, and heterogeneous motivations that lead to human failure in the security causal chain. In this paper, we present the Awareness Continuum Management Model (ACM2), which is a role-based and topic-based theoretical approach for an information security awareness and training program that uses Boyd’s observe–orient–decide–act (OODA) loop as a framework. The proposed ACM2 is based on the situational engineering method and regards the human firewall as an integral, indispensable, and complementary part of the holistic approach to increase IT systems’ resilience. The proposed approach can be applied to different types of organizations and critical infrastructure and can be integrated into existing training programs.
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Communications resiliency and data distribution assurance has been compromised in highly competitive, dynamic, and stressing environments with the introduction of off the shelf, high performing jammers. This paper introduces a novel cognitive communications system that can be fielded on small attributable platforms; the architecture amalgamates a highly capable environmentally perceptive aperture, a software defined radio, and sophisticated networking techniques. The proposed cognitive communications system uses the 5G new radio waveform and applies groundbreaking machine learning methods to facilitate systems orchestration amongst its subsystems to transfer information effectively between nodes, and across large-scale multi-hop networks, essential for rapid strike missions. With the challenges imposed by mature and readily available jammers, a cognitive communications system can be used to maintain and sustain continuous communications to provide near real-time surveillance and situational awareness updates. In addition to describing the comprehensive cognitive communications system architecture, a jamming analysis will be presented. Performance results for an operational use case will be compared to existing trite architectures consisting of siloed apertures and standard radio systems to demonstrate an improvement of approximately 10 dB in communications margin with the auspicious technology offering of the cognitive communications system for low size, weight, and power attributable platforms.
Conference Paper
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones have become ubiquitous in the recent years. Collision avoidance is a critical component of path planning, allowing multi-agent networks of cooperative UAVs to work together towards common objectives while avoiding each other. We implemented, integrated and evaluated the effectiveness of using a low cost, wide angle monocular camera with real-time computer vision algorithms to detect and track other UAVs in local airspace and perform collision avoidance in the event of a communications degradation or the presence of non-cooperative adversaries, through experimental flight tests where the UAVs were set on collision courses.
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The Cyber Defense Review - vol. 6 issue 1 - Winter 2021
This chapter adds to our observations a perspective originally developed by a group of Spanish researchers. Their approach describes the different underlying family philosophies of entrepreneurship and corporate management. The question of how a business family views itself and its relationship with its business is referred as the mental model. The mental model theory sees the human mind as a kind of “model-building device”, and the mental patterns or concepts of meaning that people establish coin their way of looking at the world (Boyd, 1976; Johnson-Laird, 1983). According to this theory, the mental model of a business owner or a shared mental model (Denzau & North, 1994) of a business family has a far-reaching impact on how the company is run and how the business family is organised.
Conference Paper
Digital twins run concurrently with the assets and systems they mirror. They offer real-time execution of advanced control schemes, e.g., for smart buildings, but also various analysis tasks, e.g., for predictive maintenance that ensures resilience. In this, they need to cope with change: The physical twins they mirror operate in a highly dynamic environment with unknown or unexpected variables and impact factors to which they adapt or are adapted to via upgrades, maintenance, or behavioral changes. Keeping digital twins fit for their purpose over their lifecycle is thus a demanding governance challenge that needs to be addressed in tandem with the lifecycle management of the mirrored system. We argue that the best practices of Systems Engineering (SE) and Information Technology (IT), especially software development, need to be brought together to succeed. In this paper, we present a joint SE and IT lifecycle model called the Double Helix model. It highlights the concurrent governance processes of both twins, capturing the temporal dynamics of the environment and the system itself. It accents the important concept of the leading twin. The Double Helix model captures both design and operational phases of SE and management, going from cradle to grave, by empowering a shift from using data in offline simulations during design, to the online operational phase.
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Given today’s dynamic business environment it becomes essential for organisations to maximise their intellectual assets in order to ensure that they are able to support flexible operations and sustain their competitive advantage. Central to this is the ability to extract germane knowledge to enable rapid and effective decision making. At present, knowledge creation techniques tend to focus on either human or technology aspects of organisational development and less often on process-centric aspects of knowledge generation. However, to truly understand knowledge creation and transfer, thereby enabling an organisation to be better positioned to leverage the full potential of its intellectual capital, it is important to view knowledge creation and all socio-technical organisational operations that result in knowledge generation through a richer lens. Actor-network Theory is proffered in this article as such a lens.
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Une analogie entre les aspects épistémologiques et méthodologiques de l'activité des services de renseignement et certaines disciplines scientifiques, en préconisant une approche plus scientifique du processus de collecte et d'analyse de l'information au sein du cycle du renseignement. J'affirme que les aspects théoriques, ontologiques et épistémologiques de l'activité de nombreux services de renseignement sont sous-estimés, ce qui conduit à une compréhension incomplète des phénomènes actuels et à une confusion dans la collaboration interinstitutionnelle. Après une brève Introduction, qui inclut un historique de l'évolution du concept de service de renseignement après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Renseignement définit les objectifs et l'organisation des services de renseignement, le modèle de base de ces organisations (le cycle du renseignement) et les aspects pertinents de la collection de l'information et l'analyse du renseignement. Dans la section Ontologie, je souligne les aspects ontologiques et les entités qui menacent et qui sont menacés. La section Épistémologie comprend des aspects spécifiques à l'activité de renseignement, avec l'analyse du modèle traditionnel (Singer) utilisé traditionnellement, et j'expose une approche épistémologique possible à travers le concept de connaissance tacite développé par le scientifique Michael Polanyi. La section Méthodologie contient diverses théories méthodologiques mettant l’accent sur les techniques analytiques structurelles ainsi que certaines analogies avec la science, l’archéologie, les affaires et la médecine. L'article se termine par les Conclusions sur la possibilité d'une approche plus scientifique des méthodes de collecte d'information et d'analyse des services de renseignement.
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The search for leader authenticity implies that somewhere there is a true self. Yet the self, like anything else, is constantly changing, passing through a series of liminal phases. Authenticity, therefore, would capture the liminal condition within which all leaders operate. What this process yields, however, is a web of paradoxes, such as the need to stabilize while remaining open to a shifting reality and interpreting that reality at both the micro and the macro levels in a never‐ending loop known as the hermeneutic circle. Only a complex and fluid leader can cope with a complex and fluid reality. Fortunately, the literature presents a conceptual toolkit, including Boyd's OODA loop, paradoxical thinking, design thinking, and systems thinking–gathered in this article to assist the leader whose authentic self is always a work in progress.
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How can teachers increase the effectiveness of their classroom practice, so that not only are ideas transferred (Perkins & Salomon, 1988), but so that students become people who shape their future and make the world a better place? This is an important question that refocuses the purpose of education and takes attention away from curriculum and outcomes to issues that have been seen as peripheral to education, such as ‘learning readiness’ (Schindler, 1948). The ludicrousness of the unspoken assumption that many students will simply ‘suck up lessons’ like a vacuum cleaner as they are presented, is thrown into stark relief.
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David Singer afirmă că, în prezent, amenințarea constituie principalul obiectiv al agențiilor de informații. Activitatea de informații poate fi considerată ca fiind procesul prin care anumite tipuri de informații sunt solicitate, colectate, analizate și diseminate, și modul în care sunt concepute și desfășurate anumite tipuri de acțiuni secrete. Ciclul informațional reprezintă un set de procese utilizate pentru a furniza informații utile în luarea deciziilor. Ciclul constă din mai multe procese. Domeniul conex al contrainformațiilor este însărcinat cu împiedicarea eforturilor informative ale altora.
Purpose Within the context of business school education, the purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual foundation in making academic knowledge more relevant to managerial practice through the use an off-shoot of pragmatist philosophy, Bridgman’s “operationalism,” in order to integrate theoretical knowledge with managerial experience. Design/methodology/approach Drawing on practice theory and Dewey’s theory of education, the paper argues that the operationalization of concepts into a set of actions brings theory closer to experience. An example from decision making during the Second World War illustrates the approach. Findings Facing future uncertainty, managerial practice strives to achieve goals in particular contexts. Knowledge is prospectively useful in situ when it is a source of fertile suggestion in perplexing situations. By presenting concepts as actions, students should find it easier to develop cognitive skills that can combine experience and knowledge for addressing novel decision-making situations. Research limitations/implications The research presents an application to decision making. More research is needed to determine how the approach can be extended into other domains of business education. Empirical testing of the effectiveness of the proposed method in different contexts may explicate how the method can be implemented, developed and improved further. Originality/value The debate on how to educate future business leaders has addressed concerns over the relevance of abstract knowledge, business practices, legitimacy and professionalism. It has also been marked by a lack of prescription for improving business school education. The current paper addresses this lack and will facilitate the development of teaching pedagogies that are more relevant to managerial practice in business education by providing a solid theoretical foundation.
The growing number and severity of cybersecurity threats, combined with a shortage of skilled security analysts, has led to an increased focus on cybersecurity research and education. In this article, we describe the design and implementation of an education and research Security Operations Center (SOC) to address these issues. The design of a SOC to meet educational goals as well as perform cloud security research is presented, including a discussion of SOC components created by our lab, including honeypots, visualization tools, and a lightweight cloud security dashboard with autonomic orchestration. Experimental results of the honeypot project are provided, including analysis of SSH brute force attacks (aggregate data over time, attack duration, and identification of well-known botnets), geolocation and attack pattern visualization, and autonomic frameworks based on the observe, orient, decide, act methodology. Directions for future work are also be discussed.
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