Content uploaded by Jared R. Towers
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All content in this area was uploaded by Jared R. Towers on Nov 19, 2019
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Sighting rates and prey of Minke Whales (Balaenoptera
1Marine Education a nd Research Society, P.O. Box 1347, Port McNeill, British Columbia V0N 2R0 Canada
2Bay Cetology, P.O. Box 554, Alert Bay, British Columbia V0N 1A0 Canada
3Hakai Institute, P.O. Box 309, Heriot Bay, British Columbia V0P 1H0 Canada
*Correspondi ng author:
Towers, J.R., C.J. McMillan, and R.S. Piercey. 2019. Sighting rates and prey of Min ke Whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
(Balaenoptera acutorostrata
Clupea pallasi
Lance (Ammodytes personatus
Key words: Min ke Whale; Balaenoptera acutorostrata Clupea pallasi
Sand Lance; Ammodytes personatus; Cormora nt Island; British Columbia
for depleted populations of Killer Whale (Orcinus
orca), Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae),
Balaenoptera physalus), and some
ingly abundant and widespread in coastal waters in
et al. 2009, 2013, 2017; Nichol et
al. 2018; Towers et al. 2015, 2018, 2019). Although the
ecology and habitat use patterns of some, such as
Minke W hale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), remain
poorly understood.
Minke Whale is a small, migrator y baleen whale
that normally occurs in coastal waters of the eastern
et al.
2013). Despite a lack of human exploitation history in
documented Minke W hales 18 times between 1991 and
north, in the coastal waters of British Columbia, sur
et al. (2010) detected only a combined total of
Whales in British Columbia and Washington has also
(Dorsey et al. 1990) and 44 between 2005 and 2012
(Towers et al.
not been compared between these periods, but at least
sey et al. 1990; Towers et al. 2013).
2019 et al.
Herr ing (Clupea pallasi
(Ammodytes personatus) on 10 and two occasions,
et al.
et al. 2013).
shallow compared to depths of other nearby water
bathymetry in this area result in strong currents (<10
Island in the summer of 2012 while making concur
rent under water acoustic recordings. This note pre
that were opportunistically documented from small
to 2014. The acoustic results of this study are reported
in Nikolich and Towers (2018).
the north shore of Cormorant Island at 50°
and 15 × 80 binoculars (Steiner, Greely, Colorado,
USA) with built in magnetic (M) compass and ret
(272° °
__Sho re
watch_Seastate.pdf for explanation of Beaufort sea
Balaenoptera acutorostrata) predation
of British Colu mbia.
Vol . 133
states). Data, including Beaufort sea state, tide height,
and reticle distance were recorded each time a cet
acean surfaced (Nikolich and Towers 2018), but when
Minke W hales and other species were present in the
scribed and shown in Towers (2011). To reduce any
biases arising from animals being missed when sight
area, cetacean occurrence is portrayed in this paper
aceans were documented: Minke Whale, Humpback
orca; also known as West Coast Transient popula
Phocoenoides dalli), Harbour
Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena
sided Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
2). Minke Whales had the highest PPUE (0.44), as
Towers 2011). Harbour Porpoises were the second
most commonly present species in the study area fol
documented transiting; although most species likely
foraged at depth in the study area, only Minke Whales,
Units of survey effort
15−Jun 30−Jun 15−Jul 30−Jul 15−Aug
Island, Br itish Columbia, 11 June to 15 August 2012.
45 39 14 20 5 4 1
Sightings 1551 109 113 35 23 40 3
Units present 224 80 27 23 8 8 2
PPUE 0.44 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.02 0
O rcinus orca Phocoenoides dalli Balaenoptera
physalusPhocoena phocoenaMegaptera novaeangliae
Minke W hale (Balaenoptera acutorostrataLagenorhynchus obliquidens).
Balaenoptera acuto-
rostrataPhocoena phocoena),
Megaptera novaeangliae), DP
Phocoenoides dalli
Lagenorhynchus obliquidens), BKW
Orcinus orca
(Balaenoptera physalus).
occasion, and Minke and Humpback Whales were
any species was detected.
Between 10 September 2010 and 7 August 2014,
morant Island was also opportunistically documented
2019 et al.
Of the other species documented in this study, all
et al.
chol et al. 2013; McMillan et al. 2018; Towers et al.
2018). Among them, at least the second, third, and
et al.
1998; Nichol et al.
search Society unpubl. data). All species documented
Min ke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata Clupea p alla si) o n 18
Ammodytes personatus) on 11 June 2014. Photos: Jared Towers.
148 Vol . 133
Balaenoptera acutorostrata) around Cormorant Island,
Clupea pallasi
(Ammodytes personatus).
Date Prey species
10 Se p. 2010 M004
10 Se p. 2010
18 Jul. 2011 M0 01
27 Jul. 2011
1 Aug. 2011 M022
18 Sep. 2011 M007
18 Sep. 2011 M007
15 Jul. 2012 M0 01
15 Jul. 2012 M004
15 Jul. 2012 M0 01
15 Jul. 2012 M002
18 Jul. 2012 M004
18 Jul. 2012 M004
18 Jul. 2012 M004
Date Prey species
18 Jul. 2012 M004
20 Jul. 2012 M022
25 Jul. 2012 M0 01
17 Jun. 2013 M0 01
17 Jun. 2013 M0 01
17 Jun. 2013 M0 01
17 Jun. 2013 M0 01
11 Sep. 2013 M001
11 Jun. 2014 M0 01
11 Jun. 2014 M0 01
14 Jun . 2 014
1 Jul. 2014 M022
1 Jul. 2014 M022
31 Jul. 2014
7 Aug. 2014 M0 01
et al. (2 018).
ings compared with other cetacean species and numer
documented such high rates of Minke Whale occur
Minke W hales and their prey are not unlike those
documented in Minke Whale habitat in other regions.
shallow water that is near deeper water in Washington
et al. 1989) and Scotland (Robinson et al.
2009). The dynamic bottom topography of such areas
et al. 20 05;
Tynan et al.
substrate around Cor morant Island and in other areas
where Minke Whales are often found in the west
ern and eastern North Atlantic (Naud et al. 2 003;
MacLeod et al. 2004; Robinson et al. 2009; de Boer
et al.
tuations in the abundance and distribution of their
This research was funded in part by Mountain
bert and Wendy Thompson for supplying some ma
for input toward study design, and George Speck for
Nation land.
2010. Cetacea n abundance in the Califor nia current
fornia, USA.
and 2007. Abundance and popula
tion densit y of cetaceans in the California current eco
Ammodytes personatus
2019 et al.
to whales: trophic lin ks in a coastal upwelling system.
ke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata
1990. Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) from
Whaling Commission
2014. Marine Mammals of British Columbia.
Royal BC Museum , Victoria, Brit ish Columbia, Can ada.
Columbia, Canada.
2017. Habitats of special im
portance to resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca
Oceans Canada, Ottawa , Ontar io, Canada.
and 2009. An
eries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa, On tario, Canada.
of critical habitat for transient Killer Whales (Orcinus
eries and Oceans Ca nada, O ttawa, Ontario, Canada.
Biological Stat ion, Nanaimo, Brit ish Columbia, Cana da.
and 1989. The for
and 2004.
Seasonal distribution of min ke whales Balaenoptera
acu torostrata
Isle of Mull, Scotland. Marine Ecology P rogress Series
humpback whale foraging strateg y. Marine Mammal
Lagenorhyncus obli-
phology on minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
distr ibution in t he Mingan Island (Canada). Journal of
2018. Distribution,
(Balaenoptera physalus
Ontario, Canada.
lap and niche partit ioning of sympatric harbor por
common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in
2009. The dist ribution and habitat preference of coast
ally occu rring minke whales (Balaenoptera acutoro-
bia, Cana da.
dent Killer Whale population in 2014. Canadian tech
(Balaenoptera physalus
continental North America. Northwestern Nat uralist 99:
ters of Brit ish Columbia, Canada. Canadian technical
150 Vol. 133
and Oceans Canad a, Ott awa, Onta rio, Cana da.
and 2005. Cetacean distributions
Phocoena phocoena Pho coe-
noides dalli, in the i nland waters of Brit ish Co lu m bia a nd
in Mar ine Mam mal Protection
and 2007. Distribution and
abunda nce of mari ne mammals in the coastal wa
ters of Brit ish Columbia, Canada. Journal of Cetacea n
Accepted 17 January 2019