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Environmental Monitoring

  • Dr.-Ing. Michael Lersow


Environmental monitoring is an integral part of the repository concept for all geotechnical environmental structures used for the final disposal of radioactive residues and waste. In this context, reference can be made to the explanations given in Chap. 5, where such environmental monitoring has been presented for the safe long-term storage of uranium tailings ponds. Therefore, the statements made here are initially limited to the final disposal of radioactive waste, in particular highly radioactive, heat-generating waste (HAW-HG).
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This article reveals the problems of creating a monitoring system to assess the ecological state of the environment of the selected area. An information model of the system has been developed, which takes into account the parameters of air, surface water, and soil pollution. The main components of the system, including the logical model of the database, have been designed and implemented. To assess the state of the environment according to the selected pollution parameters, the fuzzy logic model is constructed.
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A holistic view on the availability of the energy source uranium should include – in addition to the resources which are far from fully known – the different factors of the energy yield in nuclear reactors, taking into account future technological possibilities. A static viewpoint based on currently secured resource data and today’s uranium consumption (in nuclear reactors with second generation reactors) possibly leads to an underestimation of the range. The further exploration of resources, the advance in nuclear technology as well as the consideration of economic criteria, which could also justify uranium mining from deposits with low concentration and/or difficult degradation conditions (up to the extraction of seawater), correct a simplified estimate of the extent of reach (12), clearly upwards.
Radioactive Waste provides a detailed historical account of the policy and practice of radwaste management in Britain, Sweden and the Federal Republic of Germany. In their differing approaches, these three countries define the parameters of civil nuclear strategy in Europe. The comparative analysis of the evolution of policy clarifies the context of political and technical decision-making. Assessing the varying degrees of influence which the public, the industry and the government exercise over these actions, Frans Berkhout applies the concept of boundaries of control', questioning the extent to which such control can be relinquished. This analysis of nuclear strategy, the politics of nuclear power and the shifting emphasis of government regulation redefines the issue of radwaste management and sets it at the centre of the current debate about power, the environment and society.
Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases have been attracting a significant amount of research, industry, and media attention of late. What is all the excitement about? This article provides an overview of this emerging field, clarifying how data mining and knowledge discovery in databases are related both to each other and to related fields, such as machine learning, statistics, and databases. The article mentions particular real-world applications, specific data-mining techniques, challenges involved in real-world applications of knowledge discovery, and current and future research directions in the field. Copyright © 1996, American Association for Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved.
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