
Micro Energy Generation in Different Kinds of Water Flows on Lead Zirconium Titanate/PVDF

  • Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, Haryana
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Piezoelectric energy is produced using smart piezo materials like Lead Zirconium Titanate/PVDF by the application of dynamic load. This load can be applied using various means like fluid force, impact load etc. In this article, significant research for piezoelectric energy harvesting using flowing fluid force are discussed. Here, the force is applied on patch with in various systems like open channel system, closed channel system; flow through nozzle etc, this force is converted in to electric energy by piezo patch. Piezoelectric materials have been used for sensing and actuating applications at a wide range. The article overviews the different ideas of piezoelectric energy harvesting using hydraulic pressure and provide a potential research work in the field of utilizing fluid vibrational energy.

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... The increase in percent between the two functions is also shown on the secondary axis, where the values are flipped for simpler presentation [21][22][23][24][25]. As we can see, using redundancy improves an IoT system's dependability when each component has a poor reliability rating of a greater amount [26][27][28][29][30][31]. To formalize RBD combinations made up of type operators like series, parallel, and atomic, researchers define a recursive datatype named RBD. ...
Reliability analysis aims to assess the dependability and performance of a system over time, considering factors such as device failures, communication issues, and data integrity. By integrating taxonomy and reliability analysis, researchers can systematically analyze and enhance the reliability of IoT systems by addressing specific components and categories identified in the taxonomy. IoT based on its reliable applications is classified among various categories such as smart home devices, smart watches, electric vehicles with IoT capabilities, industrial, healthcare, agriculture, soil monitoring sensors, smart city infrastructure, environmental monitoring devices, and smart energy management devices. The need for a consistent taxonomy was one of the problems recognized and examined in this paper even though IoT management technology is developing. To examine the reliability analysis of IoT systems, we created a brand-new taxonomy for IoT gadgets that places a strong focus on administration. We have released a completely new IoT reliability RBD model analysis at different gateways and Round-Trip Time is to be analyzed. It features an aircraft for dependability. Our goal is to help administrators of networks, as well as designers, put processes in place that will analyze and enhance the reliability of IoT systems. To implement techniques to increase the IoT system's reliability, we may utilize the management capabilities to keep an eye on the devices. ChatGPT can act as the conversational interface for ISABELA. By integrating ChatGPT with ISABELA's functionality, users can have natural language conversations with ISABELA, making the interaction more intuitive and user-friendly. A use case study of ISABELA has enhanced the position of the CHATGPT system in the IoT system which increase the efficiency and reliability of IoT designs and networks.
... Interaction of fluid-structure through the closed channel has arisen in last few decades since it is easy to cope with other systems, as shown in Figure 3. The investigation has been carried out to generate energy at a micro-scale in different kinds of water flows on piezo-smart materials [6]. In close channel system, applied load is either impact load or continuous fluid force (with turbulent flow). ...
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In this work, the different kinds of fluid flow interactions with piezo smart materials have been discussed for energy harvesting. The present work has been classified into the following categories: (i) experimental investigations (ii) simulation and (iii) mathematical modelling. In section (i) different experimental set-ups such as harvesting of energy with the help of vortex flow, turbulent flow, cross flow, flow in an open channel and closed channel and flow through nozzles have been examined. In section (ii) simulations studies performed with different tools/software like ANSYS/fluent, COSMOL etc. have been detailed. Lastly, in section (iii) different mathematical equations such as Navier-Stokes equation of motion, Continuity equation, finite element method, numerical methods, transport equations, Bernoulli equation, equation of linear elasticity, fluid structural equations, piezoelectric equations and coupled-wave equations are described for generation of energy with fluid’s interaction. The present work has to fulfil two aims: (i) active engineers can choose the best appropriate methodology for their work in the same field (ii) researchers can know about how the area of energy harvesting has been grown in various decades, what are the practical application of this field with real life and the literature gaps of the field.
... Solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, nuclear energy, etc. are all major scale renewable energy harvesting systems. Their main purpose is generating large scale power so as to diminish the worldwide dependence on fossil fuel consumption [13]. The micro scale energy harvesting systems, including electromagnetic energy, vibrational energy, piezoelectric energy, water drop energy, etc. present us with an attractive and feasible solution to low-power generation that can power portable electronics applications effectively. ...
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In the era of comfortable science and technology, there is a huge demand of self power source for portable devices and wireless sensor network systems. Due to decrement in size and power requirements of such daily use devices, researchers are focusing on developing such circuits which can generate electric energy from mechanical vibrations and hence can supply power to portable electronic devices. Energy harvesting technology using piezoelectric materials is a significant step in this direction because of their ability to directly convert the mechanical stress into an electric charge. This article discusses the effect of various shapes like cantilever beam, ring, shell, disc etc. on piezoelectric energy harvesting system.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) proposes to transform human civilization so that it is smart, practical, and highly efficient, with enormous potential for commercial as well as social and environmental advantages. Reliability is one of the major problems that must be resolved to enable this revolutionary change. The reliability issues raised with specific supporting technologies for each tier according to the layered IoT reliability are initially described in this research. The research then offers a complete review and assessment of IoT reliability. In this paper, various types of reliability on the IoT have been analyzed with each layer of IoT to solve the issues of failure rates, latency, MTTF, and MTBF. Each parameter has a certain classification and perception as well as enhancement in efficiency, accuracy, precision, timeliness, and completeness. Reliability models provide efficient solutions for different IoT problems, which are mirrored in the proposed study and classified with four types of reliabilities. The field of IoT reliability exploration is still in its initial phases, despite a sizable research record. Furthermore, the recent case study of CHISS is elaborated with discovered behaviors including brand-new aspects such as the multifaceted nature of evolving IoT systems, research opportunities, and difficulties.
Harvesting energy from natural flows like wind and water with smart materials such as piezoelectric yields an economical, eco-friendly, lightweight, and sustainable source of electricity for gadgets. The higher level of spatial coherence exhibited by turbulent flows and the vibration induced by piezoelectric beam arrangement with the striking of fluid offers a distinct opportunity for energy generation. In the proposed work, an investigation has been made to generate voltage by striking turbulent flowing fluid with the velocity of 1 m/s on a piezo-beam in a circular pipe mounted inside it at a distance of 0.20 m from the inlet. Simulation has been done by finite element analysis (FEA) in ANSYS software, while the mathematical modeling for fluid–piezo interaction has been done using discretization method. The vortex shedding phenomenon occurs by induced vibrations due to the interaction of the fluid with a piezoelectric beam arrangement of pipe at the frequency range of 10–103 Hz. Consequently, the maximum voltage of 2.95586*10–1 V has been generated in the structural arrangement at a frequency of 103 Hz through simulation. Further, it can be stored in storage devices like batteries for upcoming usage. The simulation and mathematical modeling findings are in good agreement with a percentage error of 2.033.
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In this work, energy is harvested from circular piezoelectric materials with different boundary conditions under dynamic loading. The output of the proposed system is investigated by connecting piezo with full wave bridge rectifier (FWBR) and voltage doubler (VD) circuits. The proposed setup can be used to apply dynamic load with varying magnitude. The boundaries of the circular piezoelectric material are 3D printed using Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) material with FDM 3D printing machine to fabricate its simple support (SS), fixed support (FS) and circular support (CS). The proposed setup utilizes a stepper motor, a display unit, a load sensor, eccentric mechanism to convert rotary motion into reciprocating motion, power supply and a compatible circuit on the printed circuit board. It is observed experimentally that the energy harvested is maximum, in case of circular support among the three applied boundary conditions and validated mathematically. The output response of the circular support boundary condition is analyzed using various combinations of three input parameters, i.e., varying dynamic load, number of strokes, two circuits and a total number of 120.experiments were performed. Artificial neural network has been applied for modeling and training between input three parameters and one output response, i.e., energy harvested. Further, genetic algorithm is applied on the ANN model to maximize the output of the system w.r.t input parameters and experimentally validated. As number of strokes (26) at dynamic load of 44 N with circular supported piezo patch connected with voltage doubler circuit gives the maximum output of 16.09 V further, when the system is tested on these parameters experimentally, it gives the 15.26 V
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FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) 3-D printing, also known as fabricating process is transforming the outlook of additive manufacturing. This modern specialized craze is furthermore uniform in hugely supervised production, such as agile tooling, quick prototyping and automotive industries. Working on the studies foreground, 3-D printing technology is developing latest ideal in research departments, like defence, implanting cells, tissue engineering moreover in dynamic robots interconnected subject. 3-D printing is first & foremost focused at mini ratio of tailor-made & made to order while traditional machining is twisted to stack productivity. Additive manufacturing (AM) in mini-scale extent is besides inexpensive in contrast to traditional manufacturing method, where cutting operations, guiding & planning technique initial to bona fide mass-productions are exhaustive & overpriced. In this paper we study the design prospects of knurling bolt to fit in a 3-D scanner with tripod stand. Design and additive manufacturing of device holder with FDM 3-D printing by HSHT (high strength high temperature) glass fiber filament used as working filament. Functional 3-D model of gear terminology used in industries & additive manufacturing of crutch tip used in standard aluminium crutches for handicapped person.
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Lean Manufacturing Model has arisen as a major field in Indian science. Due to commodity shortcomings (semi-finished and finished) and consequent cost increases, the need for Lean Manufacturing has increased. Specific variables of the application of Lean Manufacturing program from the literary analysis and perspectives of experts have been established. After the brainstorming session, the relationship between these variables was created. In order to evaluate these variables rate, a questionnaire-based survey was also performed. Clear understanding of relationships among these variables allows companies to evaluate, control and execute these variables more efficiently and effectively. In this sense, this analysis is an attempt to develop a systemic model of the important variables in Indian automobile industry for the implementation of Lean Manufacturing Model. After the brainstorming session, the relational relationship between these defined variables was established.In fact, analysis of variables dependent on moving force and dependency has been carried out. In fact, an Indian Automotive Conceptual Modeling (ISM) methodology has been used to build a conceptual model of variables for applying the Lean Theory. These variables were also ranked in a questionnaire-based survey. In the literature eighteen variables and subsequent discussions with experts have been identified. Ten variables were classified as reactive and ten were defined as passengers. The relation variable and the autonomous variable were not known. Relative cost benefits' were defined as the highest dependent variable and the highest management engagement as the lowest independent variable from the model created. The developed model is a theory based on the opinions of experts. In actual circumstances, the conclusions therein made may be further amended. Clear understanding of the relationships between these factors can enable companies identify these variables and handle them more effectively and take advantage of the introduction of the lean manufacturing method.
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In this paper, a comparison of piezo-electric energy harvesting using PZT material with hydraulic dynamism has been done considering different factors. The water flowing through a nozzle has been directed towards the PZT patch using a water pump and then output of patch has been measured in terms of voltage and current by considering different factors like location of patch from the nozzle, different nozzle angle and number of parallel connected PZT patch (one and two). It has been observed that the maximum output current is generated with double patch connected in parallel.
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This paper includes development of the model for piezoelectric energy harvesting system using hydro-dynamism and conversion of the dynamic pressure of water into electrical energy. In this article, a model has been designed to harvest energy by using dynamic pressure of water on a single patch of PVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride), a piezoelectric material. The flowing water is made to strike on a piezoelectric patch of PVDF for the conversion of kinetic/pressure energy of water into electric potential on the basis of piezo-electric effect.
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In this paper, a comparison of harvested energy using PZT with hydraulic dynamism has been done considering different factors. The flowing water has been directed towards the PZT patch through nozzle. Output measured in terms of voltage and current according to different values of the distances of nozzle from PZT, different nozzle angle and number of PZT patch (one and two). It has been observed that the maximum output voltage is generated with double patch connected in series.
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The concept of power harvesting has experienced significant growth over the past few years. This is because of increasing desire to produce portable and wireless electronics with extended life. The use of batteries can be troublesome due to their limited lifespan, thus necessitating their periodic replacement. In the case of wireless sensors that are to be placed in remote locations, the sensor must be of a disposable nature to allow the device to function over extended periods of time. Energy harvesting devices are designed to capture the ambient energy in the surroundings and convert it into usable electrical energy. The concept of power harnessing works towards developing self-powered devices that do not require replaceable batteries. Sources for harvesting ambient energy are waste heat, vibration, electromagnetic waves, wind, flowing water, and solar energy. This article will review recent literature in the field of power harvesting using piezoelectric materials and present the current state of power harvesting in its drive to create completely self-powered devices.
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Agreeing to the Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Forecast by IDTechEx, the development of the piezoelectric industry is reckoned from 145millionin2018to145 million in 2018 to 667 million in 2022. This clearly indicates the escalation of interest of the renewable energy market in piezoelectric since its discovery in 1880. Inspired by the growing demand and unique ability of a piezoelectric energy to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, the authors present an efficient model of a piezoelectric energy harvester in this technical paper. The proposed harvester is capable of producing electricity by converting dynamic fluid flow pressure of waste water into electrical energy using piezoelectric patches made from PZT (Lead Zirconate Titanate). The patches are attached inside the pipes via a mesh and utilizes the flow of segregated waste water flow from households, factories, etc. to produce feasible electricity to power small scale electronic devices. The authors have established the feasibility studies, system engineering experimentations and gathered experimental results confirming the idea and motivation to fabricate and test the actual product.
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The ability of piezoelectric devices to convert mechanical strain into electrical energy has helped it find its application in multiple disciplines. We can produce this mechanical strain from numerous sources such as vibrations, human motion, magnetic force, ocean/sea currents, biomimetic motion, etc. This review paper covers assorted structures that can be utilized for scavenging piezoelectric energy from a stream of flowing fluid. The mechanical fluid flow energy is converted into electrical energy (via piezoelectric materials) that can be directly used or stored for applications which require a low to medium electrical energy input such as piezoelectric hand-held devices. The structures covered in the paper include cantilevers, canards, films, plates, flags, membranes and piezo discs. This review paper has three objectives: (i) to provide a structural configuration database for fluid-flow energy harvesters, (ii) to help practicing engineers acquaint themselves with the construction and output characteristics (such as voltage, frequency, etc.) of these structures, and (iii) for making it easier to select piezostructures for different applications.
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_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In this article, a model has been presented to harvest energy by using dynamic pressure of water on a single patch of PVDF, a piezoelectric material. The water is made to strike through the nozzle on a piezoelectric patch for the conversion of kinetic/pressure energy of water into electric potential. The energy from the piezo-patch has been calculated by varying the parameters such as distances of piezo-patch from the nozzle, the angle of the nozzle, number of nozzles (one and two) and two different circuits. A comparison has been made between the energy extracted by using different parameters. It observed that the voltage doubler circuit provides more energy than the full bridge rectifier circuit under the same conditions. ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. INTRODUCTION Energy harvesting is the process of extracting energy from the environment, storing and converting it to a usable form. With the advancement in wireless technology, energy harvesting is highlighted as the alternatives of the conventional battery. Ultralow power portable electronics and wireless sensors use the conventional batteries as their power sources, but due to short and limited life than that of the device their use is somewhere restricted. Therefore, a lot of researches have been conducted to harvest energy and use it as a self-power source of portable devices or wireless sensor network system. In the field of energy conversion, human beings have already used energy harvesting technology in the form of windmill, watermill, geothermal and solar energy. These technologies produce kW or MW level power, so generally called macro energy harvesting technology. On the contrast, micro energy harvesting technology is focused on the alternatives of the conventional battery. Micro energy harvesting technology is capable of producing mW or μW level power and is based on mechanical vibration, thermal energy from furnace, heaters and friction sources, room light or sunlight, human body, chemical or biological sources etc. In this paper, the energy harvesting is limited to micro energy harvesting. Since the piezoelectric material can convert mechanical vibration into electrical energy with very simple structures so they can be an
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The purpose of this work is to control the vibration of the plate with the help of fuzzy logic controller. Using augmented equations, a finite element model of a two-dimensional cantilever plate instrumented with a piezoelectric patches sensor-actuator pair is derived. The contribution of piezoelectric sensor and actuator layers on the mass and stiffness of the plate is considered. As mesh size (8x8) is found best for the future modeling and analysis of the plate has been taken. Fuzzy logic optimal control scheme have been designed to study the control effectiveness. Tip displacement and tip velocity are taken as the inputs and the control forces are taken as the output to tune the fuzzy logic controller. Rule base of the fuzzy logic controller consists of nine rules. It is observed that fuzzy logic controller is found suitable and give effective control to suppress the first three modes of vibration of cantilever plate. With the help of MATLAB simulation results are presented.
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A multiobjective optimization procedure is proposed to deal with the optimal number and locations of collocated/noncollocated sensors and actuators and determination of LQR controller gain simultaneously using hybrid multiobjective genetic algorithm-artificial neural network (GA-ANN). Multiobjective optimization problem has been formulated using trade-off objective functions ensuring good observability/controllability of the structure while minimizing the spillover effect and maximizing closed loop average damping ratio. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are used to train the input as varying numbers and placements of sensors and actuators and the outputs are taken as the three objective functions (i.e., controllability, observability, and closed loop average damping ratio), thus forming three ANN models. The trained mathematical models of ANN are fed into the multiobjective GA. The hybrid multiobjective GA-ANN maintains the trade-off among the three objective functions. The ANN3 model is used experimentally to provide the control inputs to the piezoactuators. It is shown that the proposed method is effective in ascertaining the optimal number and placement of actuators and sensors with consideration of controllability, observability, and spillover prevention such that the performance on dynamic responses is also satisfied. It is also observed that damping ratio obtained with hybrid multiobjective GA-ANN and found with ANN experimentally/online holds well in agreement.
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This paper proposes a versatile non-linear model for predicting piezoelectric energy harvester performance. The presented model includes (i) material non-linearity, for both substrate and piezoelectric layers, and (ii) geometric non-linearity incorporated by assuming inextensibility and accurately representing beam curvature. The addition of a sub-model, which utilizes the transfer matrix method to predict eigenfrequencies and eigenvectors for segmented beams, allows for accurate optimization of piezoelectric layer coverage. A validation of the overall theoretical model is performed through experimental testing on both uniform and non-uniform samples manufactured in-house. For the harvester composition used in this work, the magnitude of material non-linearity exhibited by the piezoelectric layer is 35 times greater than that of the substrate layer. It is also observed that material non-linearity, responsible for reductions in resonant frequency with increases in base acceleration, is dominant over geometric non-linearity for standard piezoelectric harvesting devices. Finally, over the tested range, energy loss due to damping is found to increase in a quasi-linear fashion with base acceleration. During an optimization study on piezoelectric layer coverage, results from the developed model were compared with those from a linear model. Unbiased comparisons between harvesters were realized by using devices with identical natural frequencies—created by adjusting the device substrate thickness. Results from three studies, each with a different assumption on mechanical damping variations, are presented. Findings showed that, depending on damping variation, a non-linear model is essential for such optimization studies with each model predicting vastly differing optimum configurations.
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This paper deals with the Active Vibration control of beam like structures with distributed piezoelectric actuator and sensor layers bonded on top and bottom surfaces of the beam. The patches are located at the different positions to determine the better control effect. The piezoelectric patches are placed on the free end, middle end and fixed end. The study is demonstrated through simulation in MATLAB for various controllers like Proportional Controller by Output Feedback, Proportional Integral Derivative controller (PID) and Pole Placement technique. A smart cantilever beam is modeled with SISO system. The entire structure is modeled using the concept of piezoelectric theory, Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, Finite Element Method (FEM) and the State Space techniques. The numerical simulation shows that the sufficient vibration control can be achieved by the pro-posed method.
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Vibrational piezoelectric harvesting devices (PHD) provide an autonomous power source for various types of sensors, actuators and MEMS devices. There have been several examples of vibrational energy harvesters published in the literature over the years. However, for many applications the generated power is not yet sufficient. In this paper, a physical model for predicting the generated electric power from piezoelectric harvesting devices is introduced. The model is based on estimating the total charge generated on a piezoelectric material when it is subjected to mechanical strain as a result of bending at the fundamental resonance frequency. Based on Euler–Bernoulli beam theory, the strain can be determined in terms of the beam deflection at purely mechanical excitation. The proposed model extends the current state of the art by consideration of the strain distribution due to the presence of an extended mass volume at the end of the beam. The constitutive equations of piezoelectricity in the sensing mode correlate the strain and the induced charge in the piezoelectric element. Using the device design parameters and the beam deflection as inputs, the power output can be calculated. The results of the model were experimentally verified for MEMS-based PHDs. The model was found to give an accurate prediction of the electrical parameters under various damping conditions. After model validation, a subsequent device optimization has been made to improve the power generation.
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As demonstrated in recent studies, the bioinspired flapping foils are capable of harvesting kinetic energy from incoming wind or current. A practical measure to achieve this is via the coupling between different modes in a system with multiple degrees of freedom. A typical scenario includes external activation of one motion mode and extracting the mechanical energy from other modes that follow. In this study we create a numerical model based upon the Navier–Stokes equations to investigate the performance of such a system in low Reynolds numbers. The effects of both the mechanical design and the operational parameters are examined. Specifically, we concentrate on the vorticity control mechanisms involved in the process, and demonstrate that through vortex-body interactions energy of the leading-edge vortices can be partially recovered to enhance the energy harvesting capacity. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.
In this work, an attempt has been made to harvest energy from polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) piezoelectric material using fluid flow in an open channel system. Piezoelectric energy harvesting using fluid flow (PEHF) experimental model has been designed and the outputs obtained are compared with results obtained from simulations using ANSYS (computational fluid dynamics) and also with the mathematical modeling. The PEHF model has been utilized to analyze the effect of flow rate of water with reference to energy extracted. The full wave bridge rectifier circuit has been used to obtain the direct current (DC) from the PEHF model. It is observed that the output obtained using experiments holds good in agreement with the results retrieved through simulations and mathematical results. It is also observed that the increase in flow rate of fluid leads to increase in output of PEHF model. ANFIS is also used for the prediction of further results.
In this work, an attempt has been made to harvest green energy from piezoelectric material using fluid flow in a conduit. Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting using Fluid Flow (PEHF) experimental model has been designed and the outputs obtained are compared with results obtained from simulations using ANSYS (computational fluid dynamics) and also with the mathematical modeling. The PEHF model has been utilized to analyze the effect of flow rate of water with reference to energy extracted. The full wave bridge rectifier and voltage doubler circuits have been used to obtain the direct current (DC) from the PEHF model. It is observed that the output obtained using experiments holds good in agreement with the results retrieved through simulations and mathematical results. The increase in flow rate of fluid leads to initially increase and then decrease in output of PEHF model as the maximum energy generated when flow rates (external force) matches with the frequency of excitation of the systems, i.e., at its resonance. The maximum energy output is generated at its resonance frequencies. It is observed that the full wave bridge rectifier circuit gives greater output as compared to a voltage doubler circuit.
The process parameters for xylanase biobleaching of mixed hardwood pulp like, reaction time (6-35 h), pulp consistency (2.5-15%) and xylanase dose (5-35 U) were optimized using OFAT approach and hybrid statistical tools viz. GA-ANN and GA-ANFIS. The biobleaching ability of xylanase in terms of reducing sugar yield increased up to 28.16 mg g-1 (28.05%) than OFAT optimization (21.99 mg g-1 of pulp) after employing hybrid statistical tools. After TCF bleaching of xylanase treated pulp, we observed that lignin content reduced to 0.29% whereas it was still 0.41% in the untreated pulp. Moreover, the brightness level achieved up to 70.4% in xylanase treated pulp while it was only 53.60% in the chemically treated pulp. The kappa number for xylanase treated, chemically treated, and xylanase-chemical treated pulp was recorded 9.90, 7.10 and 4.70, respectively. The present study reports an improved eco-friendly biobleaching method using novel GA-ANN and GA-ANFIS hybrid statistical tools.
In this paper, an experimental study of wave power generation using flexible piezoelectric devices (FPEDs) is presented. Two alternate configurations to harvest power from waves are proposed. With the first configuration, the FPEDs are installed horizontally into the wave, namely, are parallel to the sea bed. With the second configuration, the FPEDs are installed vertically, namely, are perpendicular to the sea bed. A theoretical model to estimate the performance of horizontally oriented FPEDs is also presented. In this model, the Morison equation is adopted to evaluate the force created by the waves. Results from the theoretical model show valid agreement with experimental results for horizontally oriented FPEDs, operating in various water depths and wave heights. Copyright © 2014 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).
This work proposes an energy harvester that captures the mechanical energy caused by water flow and converts into an electrical energy through the piezoelectric effect. A flexible piezo-film has been used as a transducer in the energy harvesting system and the kinetic energy of the water flow is produced by using the vortex induced vibration technique. When placing in water way the transducer is fluctuating in the vortex of the fluid flow, producing the kinetic energy of 44 μW at a low fluid velocity of 6.8 m/s and low frequency of 0.4 Hz. This configuration generates a corresponding open-circuit voltage of 6.6 mV at a matching load of 1 MΩ, leading to the maximum output power of 0.18 μW. An efficiency power conversion of the harvesting system was evaluated to be about 4.4 %. It is possible to use the proposed unit under gravitational force where there is a difference in the levels of the fluid no matter in water way or transporting parts such as petroleum pipes. However, rectifying the output voltage generated by the present micro generator is compulsory in order to feed small scale electronics and communication, for instance, wireless sensor networks. Furthermore, multiple arrays of the piezoelectric unit are also promising for delivering higher output power.
Conference Paper
The present work considers with the optimal placement of piezoelectric actuators on a thin plate via modified control matrix and singular value decomposition (MCSVD) approach using Modified Heuristic Genetic Algorithm (MHGA). Optimal placement of piezoelectric actuators is investigated to suppress the first six modes on cantilever plate. Vibration suppression has been studied for cantilever plate with piezoelectric patches in optimal positions using LQR (Linear Quadratic regulator) scheme. It is observed that developed present approach has given the greater closed loop damping ratio and lesser computational requirements.
A sea wave energy harvester from the longitudinal wave motion of water particles is developed. The harvester consisting of a cantilever substrate attached by piezoelectric patches and a proof mass is used to collect electrical energy owing to the electromechanical coupling effect of the piezoelectric patches from the longitudinal wave motion. To describe the energy harvesting process, a mathematical model is developed to calculate the output charge and voltage from the piezoelectric patches according to the Airy linear wave theory and classical elastic beam model. Results show that the mean value of the generated power increases with the increase in the ratio of the width to the thickness of the cantilever, the wave height, the sea depth (which equals to the cantilever height in this study), the ratio of the proof mass to the cantilever mass, and the ratio of the sea depth to the wave length. A value of the power up to 55 W can be realized for a practical sea wave with the values of the sea depth, wave height and wave length to be 3 m, 2 m, and 15 m, respectively. The collected power harvesting with respect to different categories of the sea waves are provided. Our simulations also show the generated electric power can be further increased by an increase in dimensions of the harvester considering the scale effect. This research develops a new technique for energy harvesting from sea waves by piezoelectric energy harvesters.
In this paper, we have presented a MEMS-based piezoelectric fluid-flow based micro energy harvester. The design and modelling of the energy harvester structure was based on a piezoelectric cantilever affixed to a bluff-body. In a cross fluid flow, pressure in the flow channel, in the wake of the bluff body, fluctuates with the same frequency as the pressure variation caused by the Kármán Vortex Street. This fluctuation of pressure in the flow channel causes the piezoelectric cantilever, trailing the bluff-body, to vibrate in a direction normal to the fluid flow direction. COMSOL finite element analysis software are used for the evaluation of various mechanical analysis of the micro energy harvester structure like, physical the Stress and Strain state in the cantilever structures, Eigen frequency Analysis, Transient analysis to demonstrate the feasibility of the design. Detailed steps of modelling and simulation results of the uniform cantilever were explained. The results confirm the probability of the fluid flow based MEMS energy harvester.
In this work, we propose a high performance piezocomposite generating element (PCGE), which can be used in energy harvesting applications and evaluate its electricity generating performance. The effectiveness of the PCGE is verified with numerical and experimental data. The PCGE is composed of layers of carbon/epoxy, piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramic, and glass/epoxy cured at an elevated temperature. The results of this study reveal that the output voltage of the PCGE under vibration is affected considerably by variations in the layup configurations of the PCGEs and residual stress after the curing process. In particular, each laminated structure has a distinctive moment arm and bending stiffness, both of which affect the generating performance of the PCGE. Besides the effect of the layup configuration, the curing process causes the PCGE to have residual stress in the PZT layer because of a mismatch in the coefficients of thermal expansion between the constituent layers. This residual stress generally causes a change in the voltage coefficient, g31, of the PZT layer. The ANSYSTM program was used to conduct a finite element analysis of the stress distribution in the PCGE. For the experimental tests, three kinds of PCGE layup configuration are subjected to vibration in order to validate theoretical predictions and verify the PCGEs’ capability of converting oscillatory mechanical energy into electrical energy. The experimental results confirm that the electricity generating performance can be enhanced by a proper design of the PCGE.
A new piezoelectric energy harvester for harnessing energy from flow-induced vibration is developed. It converts flow energy into electrical energy by piezoelectric conversion with oscillation of a piezoelectric film. A finite element model is developed in order to estimate the generated voltage of the piezoelectric laminate subjected to a distributed load. Prototypes of the energy harvester are fabricated and tested. Experimental results show that an open circuit output voltage of 2.2 Vpp and an instantaneous output power of 0.2 µW are generated when the excitation pressure oscillates with an amplitude of 1.196 kPa and a frequency of about 26 Hz. The solution of the generated voltage based on the finite element model agrees well with the experiments. Based on the finite element model, the effects of the piezoelectric film dimensions, the fluid pressure applied to the harvester and types of piezoelectric layer on the output voltage of the harvester can be investigated.
This paper proposes a T-shaped piezoelectric cantilever for generating electric power from fluid flow. The working principle of the device is based on aeroelastic flutter and utilizes a bimorph cantilever with T-shape which hastens occurrence of flutter at a low fluid speed. A prototype device (100×60×30 mm 3) was tested in a wind tunnel. The device was found to provide power from a wind speed of 4 m/s and a continuous peak electrical power output of 4.0 mW. The simplicity of the present device consisting of only a bimorph cantilever is considered to be cost effective.
Harvesting ambient vibration energy through piezoelectric means is a popular energy harvesting technique which can potentially supply 10-100's of ¿W of available power. One of the main limitations of existing piezoelectric harvesters is in their interface circuitry. In this paper, a bias-flip rectifier circuit that can improve the power extraction capability from piezoelectric harvesters over conventional full-bridge rectifiers and voltage doublers by greater than 4X is implemented in a 0.35 ¿m CMOS process. An efficient control circuit to regulate the output voltage of the rectifier and recharge a storage capacitor is presented. The inductor used within the bias-flip rectifier is shared efficiently with a multitude of switching DC-DC converters within the system reducing the overall component count.
Cantilevered flexible plates in axial flow lose stability at sufficiently high flow velocity. Once the instability threshold is exceeded, flutter takes place, and energy is continuously pumped into the plate from the surrounding fluid flow, sustaining the flutter motion. This kind of self-induced, self-sustained vibration can be utilized to extract energy from the fluid flow. This paper studies the energy transfer between the fluid flow and the plate. Then, based on the energy analysis of the fluid–structure interaction system, a new concept of energy-harvesting, the flutter-mill, is proposed in which these flutter motions are utilized to generate electrical power.
The Energy Harvesting Eel (Eel) is a new device that uses piezoelectric polymers to convert the mechanical flow energy, available in oceans and rivers, to electrical power. Eel generators make use of the regular trail of traveling vortices behind a bluff body to strain the piezoelectric elements; the resulting undulating motion resembles that of a natural eel swimming. Internal batteries are used to store the surplus energy generated by the Eel for later use by a small, unattended sensor or robot. Because of the properties of commercially available piezoelectric polymers, Eels will be relatively inexpensive and are easily scaleable in size and have the capacity to generate from milli-watts to many watts depending on system size and flow velocity of the local environment. A practical Eel structure has been developed that uses the commercially available piezoelectric polymer, PVDF. Future Eels may use more efficient electrostrictive polymer. Every aspect of the system from the interactions between the hydrodynamics of the water flow and structural elements of the Eel, through the mechanical energy input to the piezoelectric material, and finally the electric power output delivered through an optimized resonant circuit has been modeled and tested. The complete Eel system, complete with a generation and storage system, has been demonstrated in a wave tank. Future work on the Eel will focus on developing and then deploying a small, lightweight, one-watt power generation unit, initially in an estuary and then subsequently in the ocean. Such Eels will have the ability to recharge batteries or capacitors of a distributed robotic group, or remote sensor array, thus extending the mission life indefinitely in regions containing flowing water
Meta-heuristics Approaches for the Placement of Piezoelectric actuators/Sensors on a Flexible Cantilever Plate: A Review
  • Neeraj Sehgal
  • Monu Malik
  • Deepak Chhabra
Neeraj Sehgal, Monu Malik, Deepak Chhabra, "Meta-heuristics Approaches for the Placement of Piezoelectric actuators/Sensors on a Flexible Cantilever Plate: A Review" International Journal of Enhanced Research In Science Technology & Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 6, June,, pp: (7-16),ISSN: 2319-7463, 2014.