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"We cannot stop cooking": Stove stacking, seasonality and the risky practices of household cookstove transitions in Nigeria



Drawing on qualitative data from three contrasting sites in Benue state, Nigeria, this paper explores how and why cooking system use and priorities vary over time and space as well as the influence of household air pollution (HAP)-related health risks on fuel and stove choices. The findings indicated that cooking system choices were constrained by economic and access considerations linked to spatio-temporal variations in fuel cost, availability and service quality coupled with socio-cultural and utilitarian influences on cooking practices. Respondents demonstrated strong preferences for wood-fuelled traditional stoves although shifts in fuel use between wet and dry seasons were observed. Stove and fuel 'stacking' were widely practised to meet different cooking requirements and minimise risks from (often seasonal) variations in fuel prices, access and reliability of supply. 'Backsliding' from clean to solid biomass fuels was observed when families outgrew their improved cookstoves or considered biomass to be more affordable, reliable, accessible or safer. There was limited awareness or concern about HAP-related health risks and smoke was valued for preserving food and signalling food security. Attention is drawn to the value of integrating household risk perceptions into improved cookstove promotion and behaviour change initiatives to better understand constraints to the adoption and sustained use of clean cooking systems. The paper concludes by highlighting the benefits of monitoring household cooking system stacks (rather than the 'main' fuel/stove used) for analysing how their components vary over space and time and providing insights into the effectiveness of measures taken to reduce HAP exposure
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“We cannot stop cooking”: Stove stacking, seasonality and the risky
practices of household cookstove transitions in Nigeria
Sarah Jewitt
, Peter Atagher
, Mike Clifford
School of Geography, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom
Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom
Energy ladder
Household air pollution
Benue state
Drawing on qualitative data from three contrasting sites in Benue state, Nigeria, this paper explores how and
why cooking system use and priorities vary over time and space as well as the influence of household air
pollution (HAP)-related health risks on fuel and stove choices. The findings indicated that cooking system
choices were constrained by economic and access considerations linked to spatio-temporal variations in fuel
cost, availability and service quality coupled with socio-cultural and utilitarian influences on cooking practices.
Respondents demonstrated strong preferences for wood-fuelled traditional stoves although shifts in fuel use
between wet and dry seasons were observed. Stove and fuel ‘stacking’ were widely practised to meet different
cooking requirements and minimise risks from (often seasonal) variations in fuel prices, access and reliability of
supply. ‘Backsliding’ from clean to solid biomass fuels was observed when families outgrew their improved
cookstoves or considered biomass to be more affordable, reliable, accessible or safer. There was limited
awareness or concern about HAP-related health risks and smoke was valued for preserving food and signalling
food security. Attention is drawn to the value of integrating household risk perceptions into improved cookstove
promotion and behaviour change initiatives to better understand constraints to the adoption and sustained use of
clean cooking systems. The paper concludes by highlighting the benefits of monitoring household cooking
system stacks (rather than the ‘main’ fuel/stove used) for analysing how their components vary over space and
time and providing insights into the effectiveness of measures taken to reduce HAP exposure.
1. Introduction
Heart disease, childhood pneumonia, chronic respiratory diseases,
cancers, burns and cataracts are all linked to the use of traditional
cookstoves burning solid biomass fuels which are used by around 3
billion people globally [1]. In Nigeria, cooking accounts for 91% of
total domestic energy consumption [2] and wood is the most widely
utilised cooking fuel with 120 million Nigerians estimated to be vul-
nerable to illness and deaths from exposure to cooking smoke [3].
Household air pollution (HAP) from inefficient stoves fuelled with
biomass, kerosene or coal is thought to cause 4 million deaths yearly
[1]. Women and children often suffer greater exposure as prevailing
gender norms tend to give them greater responsibility for food pre-
paration [1,4,5]. In addition to these health impacts, the use of un-
sustainably harvested biomass fuel for cooking has been linked to forest
degradation while soot from incomplete biomass combustion con-
tributes to black carbon emissions and global warming [4,6].
Recognising that biomass will remain an important source of
cooking and heating energy for decades to come [7], the Global Alli-
ance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC) was established in 2010 with the aim
‘to foster the adoption of clean cookstoves and fuels in 100 million
households by 2020′ [8]. In October 2018, GACC changed its name to
the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA); acknowledging the importance of
increasing access to ‘clean’ cooking systems (CCS), rather than just
stoves, in order to address HAP-related health and environmental
problems [9]. This has been accompanied by emphasis on increasing
investment in the clean cooking sector, developing programs to raise
demand for CCS and improving the policy environment; strategies that
mark a departure from more classic hardware-oriented-initiatives that
have been criticised for failing to consider end-user priorities [9,10].
Alongside CCA's activities, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) in
collaboration with IEA, the World Bank and the Energy Sector
Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) drafted energy-related tar-
gets and indicators for inclusion in the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). Target 7.1.2 seeks ‘universal access to clean fuels and tech-
nologies for cooking’ and tracks the ‘proportion of the population with
Received 12 May 2019; Received in revised form 23 October 2019; Accepted 28 October 2019
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Jewitt), (P. Atagher), (M. Clifford).
Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101340
2214-6296/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies’ but progress towards
this is lagging and has barely kept pace with population increase [1].
Efforts to explain this have focused primarily on barriers to the initial
adoption of CCS [12] yet, as Rosenthal et al. [13] point out, there is a
need to better understand why biomass fuel use persists even when
clean cooking solutions are available (and often affordable). House-
holds that adopt CCS often continue to use their existing stoves
(‘stacking’) both to meet diverse cooking needs (a fairly universal re-
quirement) and address more specific deficiencies in energy access or
stove characteristics [14–17]. More serious is a tendency for families to
abandon CCS and revert (‘backslide’) to biomass-fuelled cookstoves
[14]; behaviour that echoes concerns about the sustained use of im-
proved sanitation systems as it undermines the health benefits asso-
ciated with sustained and exclusive use of ‘improved’ technologies
[9,18,19]. A need has therefore been identified for better under-
standings of how user-based and socio-cultural influences on cooking
practice [20–23] interact with existing energy services to not only in-
fluence CCS uptake but also their sustained use [12,24,25].
Building on these studies, this paper draws on research with (pri-
marily) biomass fuel users in three contrasting sites within Benue state
Nigeria. Our research questions focus on the interplay of socio-cultural
systems and energy services (including stove/fuel characteristics) as
influences on fuel/stove use, how this affects fuel/stove stack compo-
sition over space and time and the extent to which knowledge or con-
cerns about HAP-related risks affect fuel/stove use. The paper is in-
formed by the careful use of a range of ‘human-centred’ [26], primarily
qualitative approaches to explore how and why cooking system com-
binations vary over space and time, interpret meanings attached to
fuel/stove choices and understand how they are perceived in relation to
other household priorities. Its novelty lies in its focus on shifts in the
composition of cooking system stacks (rather than on individual fuels or
stoves) and its contributions to existing conceptualisations of key bar-
riers to and enablers for energy transitions among biomass users
[10,26,27]. A key theme arising from our findings is how context-spe-
cific end-user priorities plus spatio-temporal variations in the cost, ac-
cessibility and reliability of modern energy services combine to pro-
mote risk minimising behaviour that can inhibit the sustained use of a
single CCS. These insights, along with understandings of how in-
dividuals perceive HAP-related risks and prioritise ICS in relation to
competing financial priorities, have relevance for policy-makers as well
as for tracking access to clean cooking solutions and promoting the
development of approaches that support their uptake and sustained use
A review of key literature is provided in Section 2 where, drawing
from our empirical findings, we also outline the value of considering
end-user risk perceptions as an influence on the uptake and sustained
use of CCS. In Section 3.1, an overview of the study site locations is
provided while Section 3.2 describes the methodological approach.
Section 4 sets out the key findings and is divided into four parts. Details
on household fuel/stove use are provided in Sections 4.1 while 4.2
identifies how cooking system choices reflect a combination of socio-
cultural and more utilitarian factors. The influence of economic con-
siderations is explored in 4.3 while 4.4 focuses on issues of fuel access
and quality of service. A discussion and a conclusion to the paper are
provided in Sections 5 and 6.
2. Literature review
A range of models and theoretical approaches have been developed
to elucidate factors that encourage (or hinder) CCS adoption. One of the
most longstanding is the ‘energy ladder’ model which assumes that
increasing socio-economic status is accompanied by a linear shift from
biomass-fuelled traditional stoves to cleaner, more efficient cooking
systems [28,29]. There is inconsistent evidence for such a pattern as
while low socio-economic status is often important in preventing CCS
adoption, it is often not the main or only constraint. In the cookstove
literature, key barriers to CCS adoption tend to fall within three broad
groups; namely economic influences, access and availability/infra-
structural factors and socio-cultural considerations [14,20,21,22,30-
33]. In addition to constraining CCS adoption, many of these barriers
have also been linked to the frequently non-linear nature of CCS tran-
sitions including the stacking of clean, transitional (e.g. kerosene or
biogas) and biomass fuels and the abandonment of clean fuels in favour
of biomass [12,14,20,24,34].
With respect to economic influences (broadly defined), initial stove
costs coupled with ongoing fuel payments often deter uptake; especially
for those with competing economic priorities or using zero-cost fuels or
stoves [1,10,14,20,21,34-39]. Among those who adopt CCS, fuel price
rises or unaffordable ongoing fuel costs can encourage stacking or
backsliding; especially where zero-cost biomass is available
[1,12,14,21,22,34–36,40]. As influences on both CCS uptake and
stacking/backsliding, economic factors are therefore often intersected
by access-related issues including the availability of free biomass at one
end of the spectrum and infrastructure for reliable and affordable CCS
access at the other [1,14,20-22,24,32,34,35,37,40,41]. Spatio-temporal
variations in fuel requirements, availability, access and quality can also
promote stacking [12,14,24,34,36,42].
With respect to socio-cultural considerations, CCS adoption and
sustained use can be inhibited by inertia-inducing influences including
taste preferences, [12,21,24,32] and religious customs surrounding
stove/fuel use [20,32,43]. Culturally-constructed gender norms that
give women responsibility for cooking and fuel collection but deny
them control over household budgets may also limit CCS transitions
[5,31,36,39,42,44,45]. By contrast, other socio-cultural factors can
help promote CCS adoption including their aspirational appeal [12],
associations between ritual purity and clean kitchens/pots [32] and
challenges to gendered household decision-making by more educated
or financially independent women [12,20,39]. Such influences high-
light the duality of agency and structure [46] and illustrate how com-
plex stove/fuel choices and the ‘practice’ of cooking reflect both self-
interest and socially-motivated factors [20,21,22,24].
Reflecting this, efforts have been made to identify and adapt be-
haviour change models to counter inertia and promote sustained tran-
sitions to CCS [12,34,47]. Some of these effectively highlight more
utilitarian end-user preferences for traditional cooking systems that
often underpin both stacking and low motivation for CCS uptake
[9,12,47] but receive less attention than the three main groups of
barriers mentioned above. Examples include perceptions of traditional
stoves as durable [10,12,31,34,42], easy to fuel [10,12,31,40] and ideal
for cooking particular foods [25,31,32] or large meals [12,34,39,42].
Also, and in stark contrast to global concerns about HAP-related health
problems, biomass smoke is often greatly valued by end-users for pre-
serving food and deterring mosquitoes [10,31].
These observations often reflect end-users’ limited awareness of
HAP-related health risks [10,31], but even when this is not so, health
concerns rarely drive cooking technology transitions [9,20,32] and are
often overshadowed by more immediate priorities that cut across the
three main barrier groups. Examples include backsliding to or stacking
biomass fuels to reduce the risk of not being able to cook when faced
with fuel shortages or price rises [12,14]. CCS-related safety concerns
can also shape the practice of cooking within a community; especially
where significant incidents are known to have occurred [20–22]. This
has been observed where LPG explosions and leakages have deterred
uptake and caused backsliding [20,21,31,34,40].
Knowing how different risks are perceived at societal as well as
individual levels can therefore add significant insights into cooking as
practice [20–22]. To date, however, risk-related research has received
limited attention in relation to CCS; despite being used to explore
perceptions of energy-related issues as diverse as electricity transmis-
sion infrastructure, non-conventional renewables and interlinkages
between energy security and health [48,49,50]. To this end, we high-
light the contribution that a closer focus on cooking-related risk
S. Jewitt, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101340
perceptions could have to this field. In particular, the ways in which
different risks are ‘foregrounded’ or ‘backgrounded’ [51] can offer in-
sights into decision-making by low income groups preoccupied with
meeting basic subsistence needs [10,11,52]. At the same time, the risk
and environmental risk transition models [53,54] provide useful con-
text for exploring spatio-temporal risk perceptions in response to shifts
in mortality and disease patterns and their environmental influences.
Given the influence of the energy ladder model in CCS-related research,
the intersection of risk perceptions with socio-economic status has po-
tential to elucidate how priority is given to different risks/hazards ac-
cording to their spatial or temporal proximity. Amongst groups whose
everyday lives are dominated by hazards linked to food insecurity,
disease and high infant mortality, for example, temporally distant,
complex risks such as HAP with poorly understood cause-effect re-
lationships are likely to be backgrounded [10,11]. Understanding how
such risk perceptions intersect with social norms and available fuel/
stove combinations to influence cooking practice at both individual and
community levels are therefore likely to be of value for initiatives
seeking to promote and sustain clean energy transitions.
3. Study location and methodological approach
3.1. Study site location and context
The field-based research was undertaken in a Tiv-dominated area of
Benue state (BS) in North Central Nigeria (see Fig. 1). Analysis of data
on the main cooking fuels used in the 2008, 2010, 2013 and 2015 Ni-
gerian Demographic Health Surveys highlighted Benue as a good study
location on account of its high dependence on biomass fuel and pro-
nounced rural-urban variations in the use of alternative fuels such as
kerosene, charcoal, electricity and LPG. An additional influence was
Atagher's familiarity with local socio-economic and cultural norms and
ability to speak Tiv which helped in gaining access to local community
members and building trust.
Three sites within BS were chosen for study based on their con-
trasting fuel use and access to energy infrastructure. They are referred
to by codes instead of place names in line with assurances of anonymity
provided to participants. The first site, located in an urban community
(BS-U) within the state capital, had good access to modern fuels (ty-
pically around 120 h/week of electricity supply plus a range of LPG
refilling outlets) along with charcoal and fuelwood. As such, it provided
useful insights into the value attached to ICS and modern fuels com-
pared to more ‘traditional’ cooking systems typically comprising of
wood-fuelled three stone fires (WFTSFs). The second site, located in a
peri‑urban area (BS-PU), was characterised by a reliance on fuelwood as
the primary cooking fuel. Households that couldn't afford to purchase
firewood travelled several kilometres to gather it free of cost as local
woodlands had been exhausted. Electricity was available in this site for
only around 18 h/week. The third site, a rural community (BS-R), had
access to state-managed plantations from which households gathered
firewood for cooking. Livelihoods here were dominated by trading and
farm produce processing with access to electricity on a par with that in
A greater proportion of households in BS-U (86%) had electricity
connections than in BS-PU and BS-R (43% and 14% respectively) which
they used mainly for lighting rather than cooking (see Table 1). Solar
lighting was also used; especially in BS-U. Although electricity subsidies
meant that tariffs were below the prices charged by generating com-
panies [55], concern about the overestimation of bills by electricity
distribution companies had deterred some households from paying for
connections. This was particularly so in BS-U and BS-PU where fewer
meters were available. Reflecting the situation for Nigeria as a whole
[56], LPG was not widely used for cooking. Unlike LPG, kerosene was
subsidised [57] for most of the fieldwork period
but was rarely
available at the official price and kerosene stove use declined from the
late 2000s. Echoing studies elsewhere [20,21,31,34,40,60], concerns
about the risk of explosions were expressed in relation to both fuels and
kerosene was associated with serious burn injuries.
Fig. 1. Map of the study sites within Benue state.
Table 1
Main fuel used by sample households in the three study sites.
Urban Urban%
Firewood 43 (3) 57 (4) 86 (6) 61 (13)
Charcoal 14 (1) 14 (1) 0 10 (2)
Kerosene 14 (1) 14 (1) 0 10 (2)
Electricity 14 (1) 0 0 5 (1)
LPG 14 (1) 14 (1) 14 (1) 14 (3)
In January 2016, petroleum product subsidies were removed and the gov-
ernment approved kerosene price rose from US$0.25 to 0.41 but when oil prices
rose in mid-2016, official kerosene prices remained stable, implying ‘the return
of an implicit subsidy’ [58:1]. More recently, moves have been made to remove
VAT on locally-produced LPG [59].
S. Jewitt, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101340
3.2. Data collection and analysis
Fieldwork in Benue took place between March 2015 and May 2016
although contact with the study communities is ongoing. Echoing si-
milar studies elsewhere in Nigeria [10] access to community members
was obtained via chiefs who acted as gatekeepers and assisted in the
purposive selection of male and female participants from different
socio-economic groups and with access to a range of stove/fuel com-
binations. To capture the perspectives of female respondents and
minimise potential discomfort about being approached by a male re-
searcher, a female Tiv research assistant was employed to work
alongside Atagher. All participants gave informed consent before taking
part in the research and their names were anonymised in line with
ethical approval obtained in advance of the study.
In response to calls for improved understandings of how cultural
dynamics drive household stove and fuel choices [16,26], qualitative
techniques were used to explore research questions on factors influen-
cing the use of (and temporal shifts between) different cooking stack
components along with spatial variations in stack composition. Ques-
tions regarding respondents’ awareness of HAP-related health problems
and their influence on stove/fuel use along with discussions on broader
perceptions of risk and socio-economic priorities were investigated
using qualitative methods. Focus group discussions (FGDs) and parti-
cipatory exercises were carried out with 49 (14 male, 35 female) par-
ticipants to identify stove/fuel use and preferences in the different sites
with ranking exercises chosen as a means to identify where stove and
fuel choice sat within broader household priorities and aspirations. The
fieldwork also involved direct and participant observation of cooking
activities in each site. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with
3 community elders in each site (6 female and 3 male) to elicit in-
formation on changes in cooking practices over time.
Questions relating to spatial variations in energy access and the
influence of household demographics and kitchen layout on stove/fuel
stack components were addressed with the use of household surveys
undertaken with 21 participants recruited during the FGDs; 7 at each
site. These surveys contained open and closed questions and sought to
complement the qualitative methods in enhancing understandings of
variations in stove/fuel use, including stoves that were no longer in use
and the reasons for this. The overall sample size (survey plus qualitative
methods) was influenced by a desire to inductively analyse and inter-
pret differences between the three sites rather than to produce gen-
eralisable results [61]. Qualitative data derived from these methods
were translated from Tiv, transcribed, exported into NVivo 10, coded
and analysed thematically with meanings and interpretations being
cross-checked among the research team [61]. Quantitative data from
the surveys were coded in Microsoft Excel and analysed using simple
descriptive statistics.
Although fieldwork conducted by Nigerian researchers from the
same ethnic group helped to provide ‘insider’ perspectives that were
useful in informing the research [10] we acknowledge that their edu-
cation and economic security simultaneously marked them out as
‘outsiders’ and may have encouraged some social desirability bias [62].
We attempted to minimise the effects of this by using observational
approaches in combination with interviews, FGDs and surveys during
the course of the fieldwork. Other limitations include the danger of
misinterpreting meanings during interviews or translation [61], silen-
cing less dominant voices due to FGD composition or dynamics and
missing nuances during coding due to the fast-paced nature of the FGDs
[63]. In order to elicit the views of quieter FGD participants, efforts
were made to speak privately to them on a different occasion. To
minimise misinterpretation and the loss of nuance, Atagher and his
research assistant compared notes taken during FGDs to cross-check
their understandings of the issues under discussion and fill in any gaps.
Transcribed interviews were also shared for cross-checking while
translations were checked and clarified by the co-authors.
4. Findings
4.1. Household fuel use
The cooking systems used by respondents in the study sites formed a
spectrum from WFTSFs through slightly cleaner charcoal and transi-
tional kerosene stoves to ‘clean’ gas and electric cookers (see Fig. 2).
Echoing SDG7.1.2′s emphasis on tracking ‘primary reliance on clean
fuels and technologies’, questions about the main fuel used revealed
that 13 of the 21 sample households (61%) relied on wood (see
Table 1). Some rural-urban variations were noted with firewood being
used more widely in BS-R than in BS-U and BS-PU where more fuel
options were present. One BS-U household used electricity as their main
cooking fuel and two (one in BS-U and one in BS-PU) used kerosene.
LPG was not widely used on the whole although three households (one
in each site) reported it as their primary cooking fuel. Charcoal was
more prevalent with one sample household in BS-U and BS-PU using it
as their primary fuel and a few reporting good incomes from selling it. It
was most commonly burned on rudimentary metal ‘Abacha’ stoves
which our respondents referred to as ‘improved’ (compared to WFTSFs)
although they likely offer insignificant improvements in either fuel-ef-
ficiency or smoke reduction.
As discussions with respondents made clear, however, our questions
on the main fuel used revealed only a partial picture as most used a
stack of fuel/stove combinations to meet their cooking needs (see
Table 2). Echoing studies in many other areas [12,14–17,22,24,31,32]
wood was widely used in combination with clean (or cleaner) fuels in
all three sites. In BS-U, many households retained WFTSFs and demand
for firewood was such that some households purchased it for re-sale
within the community. In BS-R, WFTSFs were most commonly used but
many respondents made sparing use of kerosene (sometimes just for
Fig. 2. Different stoves used in the study sites.
‘Abacha’ stoves became widespread following kerosene shortages during the
time of Sani Abacha; a military dictator who served as the President of Nigeria
from 1993 until his death in 1998. Since then, they have been widely produced
and there are many different types available. Initially, Abacha stoves were used
to burn any available fuel but our respondents were referring to locally made
charcoal-burning stoves (see Fig. 2).
S. Jewitt, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101340
lighting their fires) and some used charcoal- and LPG-fuelled systems.
Although 12 electric and gas stoves were used by our sample house-
holds, none relied solely on CCS.
During discussions about the make-up of household cooking system
stacks, it became clear that temporary – often seasonal – shifts between
stack components were common in all three sites. Sometimes this re-
stacking resulted in cleaner stove/fuel combinations but both short and
longer term ‘backsliding’ to more polluting systems were also observed.
Coding of the qualitative data highlighted three main sets of explana-
tions for these shifts which focused around user-based priorities linked
to a mixture of pragmatic and socio-cultural factors, economic con-
straints and issues relating to access and poor quality of service. These
proved useful in identifying key barriers to both the adoption and
sustained use of clean fuel/stove combinations - as either primary
cooking systems or components of cleaner stacks - and are explored in
the following 3 sections.
4.2. The influence of user-based cooking priorities linked to utilitarian and
socio-cultural factors
Utilitarian and socio-cultural factors had an important influence on
how users prioritised particular cooking systems and the value placed
on WFTSFs was clearly apparent in all three sites, helping to explain
low levels of demand for CCS. Echoing research elsewhere in Nigeria
[10], respondents emphasised the benefits of wood smoke for adding
flavour to food and also preserving it in the absence of either re-
frigerators or a reliable and affordable supply of electricity to power
“…on the three-stone fire we use firewood as the main fuel for cooking
and sometimes for preserving meat…you cannot use another stove for
meat preservation, so when it comes to that…firewood and the three-
stone fire is utilized to give the meat an accentuated aroma that is highly
appreciated. If I had a gas stove, I would still use firewood to preserve my
meat because it is very important to the family”
(Male. Interview. BS-U).
Perceptions that wood ‘cooks faster than any other fuel’ also en-
couraged WFTSF use; especially when food needed to be cooked in a
hurry such as when household members returned hungry from the
fields. During our observation of cooking activities in the study sites,
cooks explained that they could quickly increase the heat by adding
more wood, helping to perpetuate the belief that traditional stoves cook
…with my three-stone fire I put in as much firewood as I can to enable
my meals to cook faster
(Male. FGD. BS-U).
The fact that fuelwood could be added to three stone fires with
minimal preparation (unlike many cleaner burning biomass stoves
which require wood to be chopped into small pieces) was particularly
valued along with the ability to keep the cooking pot in place whilst re-
fuelling. During FGDs, respondents explained that as it is considered
culturally inappropriate to remove a pot from the flame during cooking,
many improved biomass (including Abacha) stoves were disliked for
requiring this:
…what I do not like about the stove is the process of feeding in fuel
which is carried out in a manner that reflects a typical traditional ritual.
The practice is uncustomary, a pot is usually brought down from the
stove before charcoal is fed into the combustion chamber…I personally
know of some places where people, especially strangers, hardly eat meals
that are prepared on the stove”
(Female. Interview. BS-U).
WFTSFs were also liked for their capacity to cook large meals; an
important attribute in Tiv communities where ‘ethnic specific’ [10]
cultural norms associate cooking large quantities of food with higher
socio-economic status. Tiv respondents also preferred smoke-producing
stoves as they made clear visual statements that there was enough food
to give to a visitor. Linked to this was the ease with which WFTSFs
could be adapted to accept larger cooking pots for special events:
“…during cultural festivals…a gas stove cannot satisfy the demand of the
people present…that is why we use big pots on the three stone fireplace
because these traditional stoves can withstand the large sizes of our
cooking pots”
(Female elder. Interview. BS-U).
This was an important theme in all FGDs as respondents pointed out
that the food requirements of larger households could not easily be
accommodated on most improved stoves:
“I believe there is no stove that would accommodate the quantity of food I
cook in my household except my three stone fireplace…stoves like gas,
electric, kerosene and Abacha would not help out…so I prepare the three
stone fireplace and purchase enough firewood for all my cooking activ-
ities…even if I have a gas stove, the quantity of food that is needed in my
household cannot be prepared on such a stove…not possible”
(Female elder. Interview. BS-PU).
Indeed, this appeared to be an important cause of long-term back-
sliding in the study sites as families ‘outgrew’ their improved stoves and
reverted to WFTSFs:
“I have stopped using my kerosene stove since my family size is now large
and I have gone back to my traditional three-stone fire since it can cook
the desired quantity of meals at once”
(Female. FGD. BS-U).
Other explanations for backsliding from kerosene and caution in
using LPG reflect fears about the risk of burns and explosions (with one
respondent having witnessed a kerosene stove exploding at a neigh-
bour's house) coupled with a dislike of the smoke they produce:
“I think it is the smokiest stove I have ever used…we are done with the
(Male elder. Interview. BS-U).
Although strong user preferences for WFTSFs were prevalent in all
three sites, there was widespread agreement that one cooking device
was insufficient to meet all household requirements. Echoing research
elsewhere [10,12,14-17,22,24,32], FGDs revealed a combination of
practical and socio-cultural reasons for stacking a range of fuel/stove
combinations. The ability to cook different foods simultaneously was
highlighted as particularly desirable so households without multi-
burner stoves used more than one system for preparing larger meals or
foods with different cooking requirements:
“…the three-stone fire [is used] for preparing large quantities of food
while the kerosene stove is for soup only”
(Female. FGD. BS-U).
As is common in other areas with pronounced seasonal weather
patterns [12,24,34], cooking system choices varied between the dry
and wet seasons with short-term shifts up the energy ladder often oc-
curring during the rains in response to increased smoke production
from burning wet wood:
Table 2
Total number of stoves used by households in the study sites.
Three stone fire 23.8 (5) 33 (7) 33 (7) 90.4 (19)
Abacha stove 19 (4) 14.2 (3) 23.8 (5) 57 (12)
Kerosene stove 23.8 (5) 19 (4) 14.2 (3) 57 (12)
Electric stove 9.52 (2) 4.76 (1) 4.76 (1) 19 (4)
LPG stove 14.2 (3) 9.52 (2) 14.2 (3) 38 (8)
S. Jewitt, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101340
“In the rainy season, I use my kerosene stove because firewood is usually
wet, so it produces a lot of smoke. I don''t use my three-stone fire during
this time’’
(Female. FGD. BS-U).
One respondent reported having purchased a new stove as a result
of his wife's smoke-related health problems:
“…my wife … was experiencing pains in her eyes and when I took her to
the hospital, I ended up spending so much money such that I have no
savings again. Since then if she makes a demand in the kitchen, I quickly
respond to it … unless I don''t have [the means to do so]”
(Male. FGD. BS-R).
Additional reasons favouring the use of cleaner stoves from house-
hold cooking stacks during the rains include difficulties associated with
keeping stored wood dry, lighting wet wood and the impracticality of
moving WFTSFs to drier or indoor locations. With these factors in mind
and reflecting a tendency for men to control household budgets in the
study area, as elsewhere [5,10,20,21], FGDs revealed that the wet
season was a time when women often asked their husbands to purchase
improved cookstoves. In most cases they were referring to Abacha
stoves which they perceived as relatively inexpensive and cleaner in the
sense that they produced less smoke and helped reduce drudgery as-
sociated with keeping kitchens and cooking pots clean:
“…since I have been using the Abacha stove, my cooking pots have re-
mained clean, but the three-stone fire produces a lot of smoke and dirt …
you don''t experience that with Abacha stoves”
(Female, FGD. BS-U).
“…three stone fires and firewood smoke make the kitchen look untidy
including the cooking pots”
(Female elder. Interview. BS-R).
The onset of the rainy season therefore acted as an enabler for shifts
to slightly cleaner cooking stacks whilst also encouraging household-
and community-level reflection on the health risks of WFTSFs. The
discomfort of smoke generated by WFTSFs was widely acknowledged
during this time along with seasonal coughs and impaired vision among
cooks. Some respondents mentioned that they tried to reduce these
problems by moving away from the cooking area and returning when
smoke was less visible. Others expressed both a dislike of and concern
about smoke but felt compelled to put up with it as food needed to be
prepared and they couldn't afford cleaner cooking systems:
I do not have any means to reduce smoke…and we cannot stop
cooking” (Female. Interview. BS-U).
“…it is not my desire to cook on a three-stone fire because of smoke but I
have to cook in this way since I do not have alternatives and we have to
cook a large quantity of food”
(Female. FGD. BS-PU).
Outside the rainy season, HAP-related health concerns, insofar as
they were understood and articulated, tended to be further ‘back-
grounded’ [11,51] in relation to more immediate priorities associated
with meeting household food and financial requirements. To some ex-
tent this reflects limited awareness of HAP-related health risks coupled
with difficulties linking HAP to respiratory problems like chronic ob-
structive pulmonary disease that are not experienced immediately
4.3. The influence of economic factors
As the quotes above suggest, economic constraints and associated
spending priorities had a significant influence on stove and fuel choices
in the study area. Providing some support for the energy ladder model
[28], FGDs indicated that low income groups tended to rely particularly
heavily on WFTSFs; especially in BS-R and BS-PU where zero-cost
fuelwood was available:
“Just look around this community…you will discover that it is poorer
households that travel in search of firewood”
(Female. Interview. BS-PU).
By contrast, higher income groups
in all three sites and residents of
BS-U (who typically purchased their firewood) tended to make greater
use of modern and transitional fuel/stove combinations including
electric, gas and kerosene. As other studies suggest [14,20–22,30–33], a
key barrier amongst non-adopters in BS-U seemed to be the initial cost
of a clean stove
rather than concerns about ongoing fuel costs. Indeed,
respondents in BS-U in particular were aware that a 5 kg LPG cylinder
typically cost US$6
and would usually last a family of four for a month,
making its cost comparable to the charcoal needed to fuel an Abacha
“I am aware that after the preliminary cost of the stove, the users only
need to refill the gas cylinder and that now has a lower operational cost
compared to kerosene, charcoal and firewood…Nevertheless we have
other needs that constrain our budget’’
(Male. Interview. BS-U).
In support of studies indicating low levels of demand for CCS
[1,9,10,14,21], discussions about competing spending priorities in-
dicated preferences to invest in children's education, land/property and
goods (e.g. generators or a vehicle) that would help in developing or
expanding businesses:
“I cannot make such investment because I need to pay my children''s
tuition fees and expand my firewood business”
(Male. FGD. BS-R).
These preferences were particularly pronounced in BS-R and BS-U
where many households depended heavily on zero-cost fuelwood.
Reflecting particularly low concern for (or ‘backgrounding’) of HAP-
related health risks coupled with the low aspirational value of CCS
relative to property-based assets, some respondents stated that they
would prioritise a new kitchen over a new stove as they perceived well-
ventilated kitchens to be more effective in reducing smoke.
For users that had already invested in transitional or clean cooking
solutions, by contrast, rising fuel costs coupled with fluctuating
household incomes sometimes resulted in either temporary or longer-
term backsliding. In terms of longer-term backsliding, many households
that had previously stacked kerosene stoves reported abandoning them
in favour of WFTSFs as they found it hard to obtain kerosene at the
official subsidised price of US$0.25/litre. This became more pro-
nounced in BR-U after the subsidy was removed in January 2016 and
the official price rose to US$0.41 [58]. In the study area, kerosene was
commonly sold for US$1.05–1.7/litre which was considered too ex-
pensive for regular use as a cooking fuel:
“…kerosene…is available only at the unregulated price of ₦210 [US
$1.05] even in urban areas so some of us are forced to use three-stone
fireplaces. Sometimes we wonder if it is the government's desire to en-
courage us to use firewood’’
(Male. FGD. BS-R).
Shorter term shifts between cooking stack elements tended to reflect
efforts to juggle user-based cooking priorities, available income and a
Income groups in the study sites were identified using a range of indictors
including the number of income-earners in the household, their approximate
income levels and key household expenses including the average cost of
household energy.
Gas stove prices started from US$63 while a double burner electric stove
cost US$105. Kerosene stoves cost around US$40 compared to US$15 for an
Abacha stove.
US$1 equated to around 200 Nigerian Naira in May 2015
S. Jewitt, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101340
need to minimise the risk of not being able to cook:
“I like charcoal, I use it when I do not have money to refill my gas
cylinder and when I do not have the charcoal, I use firewood and with
these three arrangements, I rarely run out of fuel for cooking household
(Female elder. Interview. BS-U).
“…[the] electric stove, has high electricity bills associated with it. I can't
afford continuous usage and the price of kerosene too is high but the
Abacha stove is okay given my lean resources”
(Female. FGD. BS-U).
Providing additional insights into seasonal shifts towards cleaner
cooking stack components, FGDs revealed that fuelwood price rises
during the rains worked alongside increased smoke and wet cooking
locations to encourage the temporary abandonment of WFTSFs among
households that paid for their wood. Because of higher transport costs
in the wet season, prices were reported as being over US$15 for a
month's supply compared to US$10 in the dry season. Seasonal price
variations were also reported for charcoal with a 100 kg bag in the wet
season typically costing US$8 in BS-U and US$6 in BS-PU compared to
dry season prices of US$6 in BS-U and US$5 in BS-PU.
Although these price differences didn't appear to inhibit a shift to
Abacha stoves during the rains – even in BS-R where many households
gathered fuelwood free of cost – households with gas stoves tended to
make greater use of them in the rainy season.
4.4. The influence of factors related to fuel access and quality of service
In addition to cost-related factors, issues relating to access and
quality of service often discouraged the adoption of clean (or cleaner)
cooking technologies or – where households already owned such
technologies – their sustained use. Likewise, the role of stacking in
minimising risks associated with fuel price fluctuations applied equally
to short and longer-term fuel access problems.
In BS-R and BS-PU, the availability of free fuelwood and the time
taken to gather it had a major influence on the composition of house-
hold cooking stacks. A number of respondents from these sites lamented
their declining access to firewood but felt financially constrained in
paying for alternative fuels. This was particularly noticeable in BS-PU
where the conversion of former forest and bush into farm land had
made fuelwood collection more time-consuming:
“Since firewood around the community has been exhausted, we travel to
the hinterland covering 10 km each trip…valuable time that could have
been invested in other household activities is lost in the process, but
firewood is obtained at a free cost”
(Female. FGD. BS-PU).
Alternative fuel options were limited, however, as access to elec-
tricity connections and LPG infrastructure was poor and kerosene was
rarely available in BS-R.
In BS-U, by contrast, the lack of access to free firewood meant that
wood-fuelled stoves occupied a less prominent place within household
cooking stacks while better access to electricity, kerosene, LPG and
associated infrastructure encouraged the use of transitional and clean
cooking systems. Nevertheless, concerns about poor quality of service
were reported to have hindered the adoption and use of electric stoves
due to suspicions about corruption surrounding estimated (rather than
metered) electricity billing. This was most common in BS-PU and BS-U
where electricity meters were uncommon:
“many people protested because there were no electric meters to read
their daily consumption”
(Female Elder. Interview. BS-U).
For other respondents, concerns about the quality of the electricity
supply were more significant in discouraging the adoption of electric
cookers or causing backsliding among households that owned them.
Echoing Oyedepo's [8] critique of Nigeria's failure to meet domestic
demand for electricity, FGDs highlighted a decline in the regularity and
reliability of their service:
“Although I bought an electric stove about three years ago, we hardly
have steady electricity supply in our community…When they supply
electricity, it lasts few hours, so we do not use the stove”
(Male elder. Interview. BS-U).
The difficulties associated with re-filling LPG cylinders were also
reported as causes of backsliding in BS-PU as the need to travel to BS-U
for this added significant expenditure:
“I have a gas stove, though I stopped using it because of the refilling,
transportation charges…I now use my Abacha stove”
(Female. FGD. BS-PU).
In BS-U where access to LPG and kerosene (albeit not at the official
price) was better than in BS-PU and BS-R, households relied on WFTSFs
when these fuels were in short supply. For kerosene, shortages tended
to occur in the dry season as demand was lower and vendors didn't
always maintain their supplies. This facilitated seasonal fuel switching
as households made greater use of kerosene in the wet season when
fuelwood was hard to access, smoky and difficult to light. Similar ten-
dencies were also apparent among electric stove users who were forced
by seasonal supply interruptions to backslide to transitional or biomass
“…there will be a need to make alternative arrangements since electricity
supply has been seasonal over time. In such situations, the traditional
stove has a role to play that is very essential”
(Male. Interview. BS-U).
In BS-R, by contrast, options for seasonal re-stacking were more
limited as kerosene was rarely available and wet weather conditions
made firewood collection difficult. For households wishing to avoid
using WFTSFs during this period, charcoal-fuelled Abacha stoves were
generally regarded as the most accessible and reliable option.
5. Discussion
Findings from the study sites illustrate how end-user cooking pre-
ferences and priorities are spatially and temporally specific and often
differ widely from more technology-oriented systems for classifying
improved cooking systems [37,42]. As Benue is poorly serviced with
energy infrastructure – particularly outside urban areas – these pre-
ferences and priorities are intersected by variations in the cost of and
access to different fuels and cooking devices. In contrast to fuel effi-
ciency as an incentive for CCS adoption and sustained use [30] com-
peting economic priorities coupled with seasonal and rural-urban var-
iations in fuel prices, access and reliability of supply acted as more
important influences on stove and fuel use decisions in the study area
(see Fig. 3).
Echoing critiques of the energy ladder model [14,16,20,24,28,29],
income was often not the most significant influence on cooking system
choices. As is the case in high income countries, fuel/stove stacking was
widely undertaken to facilitate varied (and socio-culturally specific)
cooking practices whilst minimising fuel insecurity risks by enabling
flexible responses to fluctuations in fuel costs, accessibility and relia-
bility of supply [14,24]. Reflecting this, both backsliding and more
temporary (often seasonal) shifts away from clean and transitional fuels
were quite common among (primarily urban) households when faced
A 100 kg bag typically lasted a family of five for one month.
S. Jewitt, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101340
with rising prices or reduced/unreliable access to their preferred fuels.
Backsliding was also linked to families ‘outgrowing’ their improved
stoves and reverting to WFTSFs which allowed them to cook larger
Of significance for initiatives seeking to promote CCS transitions
was the value placed by households from all three sites and across in-
come groups on retaining WFTSFs within their cooking stacks. In rural
areas where fuelwood could be freely gathered, cost and accessibility
considerations were clearly important, but this was less true of urban
households that had access to a range of alternative fuels but were
frequently willing to pay more for firewood. Echoing findings by
Herington et al. and Malakar et al. [20–22], this inertia reflected the
interplay of social systems and energy services (including particular
stove/fuel characteristics) on the practice of cooking. Particularly im-
portant were ‘ethnic-specific’ [10] cultural preferences for food cooked
using biomass and the capacity of WFTSFs to cook large quantities
which in the study area signals food security and wealth. In more
practical terms, WFTSFs were valued for their sturdiness, reliability,
simplicity and flexibility (in accepting unprepared fuelwood and dif-
ferent sized pots) as well as for producing smoke for preserving food.
These characteristics coupled with difficulties in accessing CCS that are
perceived as reliable, flexible, affordable and safe present important
challenges for stimulating their adoption and sustained used; particu-
larly in rural areas where zero-cost firewood is available.
Reflecting Smith and Ezzati's (2005, p. 324) finding that ‘high ef-
fective discount rates’ tend to accompany low incomes, discussions of
HAP-related health risks indicated that many respondents were forced
to ‘background’ [11,51] these relative to more pressing anxieties linked
to food and financial security and the need to ensure some means of
cooking. Although some respondents had experienced serious HAP-re-
lated illnesses, others struggled to connect smoke to diseases with
temporally distant symptoms and, following various accidents in the
local community, expressed greater concern about risks linked to ker-
osene burns, stove explosions and leakages from highly flammable LPG
Nevertheless, evidence from BS-R and BS-PU indicated that a desire
to avoid smoke produced by wet fuelwood coupled with difficulties in
gathering wood during the rainy season sometimes stimulated seasonal
shifts from WFTSFs to slightly cleaner and more efficient charcoal
stoves. As most respondents appeared to be acting in response to dis-
comfort rather than an awareness of HAP-related health risks, it is
possible that such shifts could be encouraged through information and
communication campaigns targeting respiratory health or greater
involvement of women (as change agents or CCS entrepreneurs) within
the CCS value chain [44].
6. Conclusions
The challenges of increasing demand for cleaner fuels and improved
stoves among low income biomass-dependent groups are increasingly
acknowledged [1,7,9,10,12,20,65]; especially in rural areas where
zero-cost fuelwood is available and national energy policies overlook its
importance as an energy source [38]. While findings from this study are
drawn from three communities in Nigeria and can't be generalised to
other regions or countries, they nevertheless shed light on decisions
underpinning cooking system choices that are likely to resonate with
biomass-dependent groups in other parts of the world. In particular, our
research illustrates how end-users favour stacking a range of stoves and
fuels that give them the flexibility to cook different foods for varying
numbers of people whilst minimising risks related to changes in price,
accessibility and reliability of different fuels along with perceived safety
hazards. Whilst efforts to discourage stacking would be counter-
productive and most probably resisted, an emphasis on promoting
cleaner and safer stacks may be more effective in combining end-user
priorities with health and environmental benefits.
In particular, more emphasis on risk perceptions within CCS pro-
motion and social marketing initiatives would help to elucidate user-
defined benefits of different cooking stack components and factors
underlying variations in stack composition over time and space [9]. The
influence of reliability of supply, sustainability and affordability of
household energy sources on CCS use is recognised by SE4ALL and
included in SDG7 indicators [65]. Keeping track of their impacts on
cooking system use is problematic, however, as household-level data is
currently limited on the nature of cooking technologies used [1] and
household surveys rarely capture information on seasonal changes in
fuel or stove use. Particularly problematic is the focus of most house-
hold data collection to date on the ‘main’ cooking fuel rather than
whether multiple fuels or stoves are used. This provides a poor sense of
trends in fuel stacking and ‘backsliding’ over time (including season-
ally) and space. Given that SDG7.1.2′s indicator is the ‘proportion of the
population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies’ (our
emphasis), limited data is likely to be collected on the nature of
household fuel and stove ‘stacks’ - and how they vary spatially between
rural, peri‑urban and urban contexts or temporally. This will in turn
provide an incomplete picture of HAP exposure and the success of
measures taken to reduce this.
Fig. 3. Key influences on cooking system choices.
S. Jewitt, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101340
In terms of developing monitoring and evaluation tools to ‘support
sustained success of HAP interventions’ [13:5], it would be useful to
track the components of household fuel and stove stacks as well as more
linear shifts between the main fuels and stoves used. This would enable
better insights to be gained on how the components of stove and fuel
stacks vary in different settings and over shorter as well as longer time
periods. It also has potential to encourage initiatives promoting cleaner
stacks that allow households flexibility to adjust to fluctuating fuel
prices, availability, reliability or changing family sizes whilst seeking to
prevent backsliding. While the establishment of such a nuanced mon-
itoring approach would no doubt be complex, the development of tiered
approaches to monitoring multiple attributes of energy access suggests
that it is possible [1].
In terms of encouraging shifts to cleaner stacks that make greater
use of fuels like electricity and LPG, there may be useful lessons to learn
from community-wide behaviour change approaches used in sanitation
interventions [9,19]. In particular, multi-level approaches embodying
sensitivity to culturally-rooted end-user priorities and risk perceptions
could help to encourage community-level shifts in the adoption and
sustained use of cleaner cooking technology stacks; especially if com-
bined with financing strategies and infrastructural investment to ad-
dress affordability and quality of service constraints.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
ence the work reported in this paper.
This work was supported by the Government of Nigeria’s Tertiary
and a Department for International Development, Department of
Energy and Climate Change, and Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council joint grant [EP/L002639/1]. We would like to
thank Esther Igyase for working alongside Atagher during his field re-
search as well as respondents in the study communities without whose
assistance the research would not have been possible. The authors are
also very grateful to the anonymous reviewers whose comments and
suggestions were extremely useful in improving the paper
Supplementary materials
Supplementary material
Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.erss.2019.101340.
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... Burdens and benefits of energy service provision currently remain unevenly distributed, with gendered disparities shaping energy-related practices [4,21,35,36]. A just energy transition that reduces poverty, improves health, and promotes a fair and equitable distribution of energy-related well-being benefits needs to involve the modification of these practices [37,38], along with changes to cultural and social norms [39], and the gendered division of labour [40]. To render institutions that govern energy resources more inclusive, it is important to understand prevalent social meanings and prescriptions [41,42]. ...
... Our findings illustrate that women are able to steer certain material elements related to domestic energy service generation: if given the opportunity, women have an essential role in the purchase of stoves and on the adoption of innovative, energy efficient technologies [88,89]. Women also tend to actively increase their options to generate energy services with different technologies and energy carriers, in line with prior research [38,90,91]. Women regulate the domestic availability and consumption of energy carriers. ...
... Our study results suggest that women tend to decrease the frequency at which they generate energy service in households with higher female decision-power. A possible interpretation of this result is that women try to reduce the risks and plight entailed in energy carrier collection and energy service delivery [38]. For male-headed households, the statistical relation between domestic female decision-power and drinking water preparation increases quite strongly, while that for food preparation for social events decreases. ...
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Current energy-related practices in bioenergy-dependent households and communities regularly reinforce social inequality and exacerbate environmental challenges. By investigating women's influence on rural energy service provision, this study sheds light on gendered practices and women's agency in a case study of three villages in central Ethiopia. Women's lives in these communities revolve around practices such as collecting wood and using fire for cooking, hygiene, or space heating. Energy-efficient technologies like cookstoves are peddled as solutions to the day-today challenges women face. While these can enhance health and well-being, a one-sided focus on technology overlooks the deep-seated social meanings that limit the agency of women. Energy research urgently needs to improve its understanding of how women may alter energy-related social practices, to avoid that technocratic approaches entrench the provision of energy services as a gendered female chore. This interdisciplinary research employs a Stock-Flow-Practice nexus perspective to analyse interlinkages between agency, practices, meanings, and the use of materials. Study results reveal that the agency of women to change their engagement in energy-related practices is curtailed by social prescriptions within the investigated households and communities. However, in households where women can garner higher levels of agency, they are able to shift how their households engage in practices. Our findings highlight the importance of understanding women's agency as unfolding through their engagement in social practices and reflecting negotiated social prescriptions. Policies and programmatic interventions towards sustainable and equitable energy transitions in bioenergy-dependent communities need to incorporate a practice-centred concept of agency to reach their goals.
... The situation is especially acute in Sub-Saharan Africa [5]. The problem of access to clean cooking is linked to issues of affordability and availability [6][7][8][9], as well as structural gender dimensions such as education, access to income and work and related inequalities [3,10,11] and cultural and practical aspects of cooking [6,12,13]. One underlying cause is gendered divisions of labour and how women's responsibility for care work (including cooking) is less valued, producing a barrier for clean cooking investments in households [3,14,15]. ...
... The situation is especially acute in Sub-Saharan Africa [5]. The problem of access to clean cooking is linked to issues of affordability and availability [6][7][8][9], as well as structural gender dimensions such as education, access to income and work and related inequalities [3,10,11] and cultural and practical aspects of cooking [6,12,13]. One underlying cause is gendered divisions of labour and how women's responsibility for care work (including cooking) is less valued, producing a barrier for clean cooking investments in households [3,14,15]. ...
... This lays the foundation for how power is manifested in decision-making arenas and opportunities for stakeholder engagement This also provides insights into how distributional justice and procedural justice may unfold in a future transition based on the Tanzanian government initiative. There are striking differences between what is recognised in the expert and policy makers' narratives, and the realities on the ground as described by several academic studies at the household and community level [3,6,12,20]. The narratives are thereby lacking in important dimensions of recognitional justice. ...
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The achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 ‘affordable and clean energy for all’ is incomplete with 1.8 billion people worldwide still dependent on biomass for cooking, with detrimental effects on health, well-being and environment. The situation is especially acute in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study explores cooking transition narratives in the Tanzanian context. The recent policy initiative towards clean cooking from the Tanzanian government provides the opportunity to investigate the main actors and perspectives that set the scene for clean cooking, and justice implications. Drawing on interviews with relevant stakeholders and analysis of key strategic documents we find that the current narratives highlight technical, financial and environmental dimensions, but has little emphasis on the end-users. This provides limited understanding of the practices that underpin cooking, and people's ability to transition to clean cooking technologies. In the future, there is a need to consult the end-users to ensure a successful, just and sustainable transition.
... The term 'fuel stacking' [58] refers to the concept of using multiple fuels (and stoves) or a combination of fuels at the same time to meet households' needs for cooking. Fuel and stove stacking-or switching-are often dictated by fuel costs, fuel availability, personal needs and preference, cultural norms, and time availability to cook [59][60][61][62]. In the two informal settlements of Mukuru and Ndirande, the most commonly used solid fuels stacked were wood, charcoal and charcoal briquettes (also called charcoal balls locally). ...
... Our photovoice study demonstrates that informal settlement residents in Mukuru and Ndirande practice fuel stacking and switching, defined as the use of multiple fuels, or a combination of fuels at once-to cover households' needs for cooking and heating [58][59][60][61][62]. The reality of fuel stacking in such environments challenges the more dated idea that population tend to move along a progressive linear energy ladder from particular solid fuels to cleaner fuels as their household income increases [58,65]. ...
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Introduction Worldwide, 2.4 billion people rely on solid fuels such as wood or charcoal for cooking, leading to approximately 3.2 million deaths per year from illnesses attributable to household air pollution. Across Africa, household air pollution generated by solid fuel use accounts for nearly 700,000 deaths each year. Most studies to date have focused either household air pollution exposure, its impacts on particular health outcomes or on the efficacy of mitigation interventions. However, the economic, social, and cultural determinants of household air pollution in Africa are still poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to explore people’s experience of using solid fuels for cooking in two informal settlements, Ndirande in Malawi and Mukuru in Kenya, and the associated harms caused by household air pollution. Methods We adopted a community-based participatory method, photovoice, which was conducted with 9 participants in Ndirande and 10 participants in Mukuru. Participants took pictures reflecting their experiences and perceptions of household air pollution harms over a two-week period, and later discussed, sorted and analysed those in a series of meetings. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Results With their pictures, participants described fuel stacking and switching behaviours in their communities. They described a mix of charcoal, firewood and other biomass fuels use. They also expressed their awareness and perceptions of the harms caused by smoke when cooking. Participants explained the simple behaviours used by residents to minimize the harms of household air pollution to themselves and within their own household. Other themes explored the roles and responsibilities for procuring fuels in the home, and the stated solutions required to address the issues and manage the transition to cleaner fuels in those informal settlements. Conclusion This study highlights not only the need to understand the daily life, priorities and concerns of those who use solid fuels on informal settlements, but also the urgency to place them and their experience at the heart of the solutions that will reduce the health harms of household air pollution.
... While majority of households in the developing nations prefer cleaner cooking technologies like LPG and electric stoves, less than 10 % make use of them for cooking due to accessibility and affordability considerations [6,7]. Low-income Households practice 'fuel stacking' with greater propensity to use cheaper alternatives like wood and charcoal as costs of cleaner fuels rise [8]. Low-income households are burdened with the challenges of energy poverty beyond the considerations of the health risks associated with cooking smoke, or the issues of climate change and net-zero carbon which are key drivers of the global transition to clean energy [9]. ...
... Public awareness of the precise links between IAP and disease burden is low in SSA and Nigeria in particular [8,30]. Most low-income residents are aware that heavy smoke and dust are detrimental to health (with symptoms such as eye pain, asthma, and headache as common beliefs), but may not know that combustion of LgFs can create pollutants that may pose serious health risks such as hypertension and stroke [36]. ...
... The slow adoption rate of ICSs is influenced by various factors and is different from place to place [1,39]. From the literature, some of the factors that influence the uptake of ICSs are consumer perception, prices, peer influence, access, safety, institutional barriers, and sociocultural makeup [4,12,23,24,41]. In Ethiopia, one of the challenges to stakeholders and policymakers is the unavailability of scientific data because limited research has been conducted on the determinants and barriers of ICS adoption [36,39] so this paper aims to contribute filling this gap. ...
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This study examined the influence of socio-economic factors on the adoption of improved cookstoves (ICSs) and identified barriers to their dissemination in Wereta district, Amhara, Ethiopia. A structured cross-sectional approach was employed, surveying 308 households through questionnaires and interviews. Key socio-economic factors such as income level, family size, education, and age were found to significantly affect ICS adoption (p < 0.05), whereas cooking location, household decision-making, and involvement of societal stakeholders did not show a statistically significant impact (p > 0.05). The primary barriers to ICS adoption included limited awareness, high costs, and age-related factors. Addressing these challenges by targeting the significant socio-economic determinants is crucial for facilitating the transition from traditional to improved cookstoves. The findings offer valuable insights for policymakers, NGOs, research organizations, and manufacturers, highlighting potential areas for targeted intervention to enhance ICS adoption in the community.
... Nepal has made significant progress in promoting biogas technology through initiatives like the Biogas Support Program (BSP) (Jewitt et al., 2020). BSP, launched in partnership with the Netherlands development Organization (SNV), has successfully installed thousands of biogas digesters in rural households (Northcross, 2012;Sovacool et al., 2015). ...
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Energy access is vital for socioeconomic development in rural areas, but challenges persist due to unreliable grid power. There are potential solutions in renewable energy technologies, including biogas, but implementation hurdles remain. The purpose of this paper is to review existing literature on the implementation of biogas technology in rural South Africa with a particular focus on Limpopo Province. To recommend a sustainable integrated approach, secondary data from journals, reports, and conference proceedings were analyzed. Numerous biogas projects have failed, underscoring issues associated with poor project conceptualization and inadequate critical engagement. The uptake of biogas technology remains low despite its benefits in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing energy security. A reconfigured approach to biogas implementation in rural areas is necessary to increase acceptance and dissemination. As part of South Africa’s broader energy security goals, this review aims to inform policies and strategies that promote sustainable renewable energy development, particularly in Limpopo Province.
... Social and cultural factors including but not limited to; membership to association; cultural norms, food tastes, cooking practices, type of food cooked (Cimini and Moresi, 2022;Jewitt et al., 2020;Agbokey et al., 2019;Williams et al., 2020) are reported as influencers of choice of the cooking solution a household may adopt. Williams et al. (2020) noted that socio-cultural practices impede the use of LPG in Peru. ...
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Nearly half of the global population rely on solid polluting fuels such as firewood, charcoal, animal and plant wastes for cooking. Continued reliance on such fuels and technologies has severe negative health, environmental, and development impacts. Using a systematic literature review methodology, this study sought to unveil factors influencing choice of clean cooking solutions among households. This study adopted a systematically literature review approach to systematically identify, evaluate and synthesize articles in the field of clean cooking solutions. Systematic literature review is a rigorous and replicable methodology that is designed to identify, appraise and synthesize already existing literature on specific question or sub questions. In this study, the procedures suggested by Liberati et al. and Moher et al. based on preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) approach. Seventy-four articles were synthesized and many factors influencing the choice of cooking solutions were identified alongside the existing gaps.
... Electricity investment, access, and infrastructure has grown considerably over the last decade (Batchelor et al., 2022). However, transitioning to electricity and LPG remains limited by costs for the end-user and competing costs economic priorities, seasonality and variations in fuel prices in urban and rural areas, reliability of access and supply, and practicality of cooking solutions (Jewitt et al., 2020;Rubinstein et al., 2022). Challenges also arise from "fuel stacking", or "multiple fuel use", where households rely on combinations of clean and polluting fuels, such as LPG and charcoal (Gould and Urpelainen, 2018;Puzzolo et al., 2016). ...
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In sub-Saharan Africa, four out of five people use biomass fuels for household energy, with associated health and environmental problems. Interventions for clean cooking transitions tend to simplify agency and adoption motivations , with knowledge gaps in policy design. Drawing perspectives from own research from Tanzania, we focus on four key dimensions: household energy needs, climate, health, and the policy context. Six recommendations are highlighted for future research to inform evidence-based policy. First, gender is intrinsically associated with energy use patterns contradicting the common narrative that modern energy technologies can empower women. Second, fuel stacking is very common, and higher quality data is needed to better assess health and climate impacts from the energy use mix. Third, fossil LPG results in lower climate impacts than biomass energy, especially in contexts with high rates of deforestation. This challenges the dichotomy of renewable and non-renewable energy. Fourth, we query the polarity of clean vs. non-clean fuels, with charcoal found to be less polluting indoors once the stove has been lit outside. Fifth, energy policy effectiveness may be increased by combining Pay-As-You-Go fuel technologies with social services and policies beyond the energy sector. Sixth; poverty exacerbates the challenges of making decisions on essential household expenditure. Hence, policies should address poverty to ensure widespread adoption of clean fuels. The policy perspectives presented here are relevant for low and middle-income countries where the majority of the population relies on biomass fuels for their household energy.
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Improved cooking stoves (ICS) are intended to reduce indoor air pollution and the inefficient use of fuel yet there is often reticence to shift permanently to ICS. Drawing on a scoping review, this article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of factors affecting the acceptability of ICS. A scoping review was carried out using a systematic search strategy of literature. All articles identified in three major databases that included Pubmed/Medline, Scopus and Web of Science underwent screening followed by content analysis to generate major and minor themes using a structured social level analysis. The analysis identified factors at micro, meso, and macro-social levels that potentially contribute to an adoption of an improved cooking stove (ICS). The findings from the review were discussed and refined among a group of experts identified based on their prior academic or commercial contributions related to ICS. Adoption of ICS was dependent on functional outputs (e.g. cleanliness, and cooking efficiency) while meeting local social and cultural demands (e.g. cooking large meals, traditional meals, and taste). Health and cost benefits played an important role in the adoption and sustained use of ICS. The adoption of ICS was enabled by use among neighbors and other community members. Sustained use of ICS depended on fuel supply, fuel security and policies promoting its use. Policies offering subsidies in support of supply-chain garnered institutional trust among community members and resulted in the sustained use of ICS. In addition to design attributes of ICS that could meet both scientific and social demands, policies supporting promotion of clean energy, subsidies and supplies can substantially enhance the adoption of ICS.
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Improved cookstoves (ICS) have been promoted for several decades, with little success. Advocates looking to drive uptake encourage greater involvement of women in ICS enterprises, on the largely unproven premise that women’s participation in the value chain will enhance their financial bottom line while giving a boost to ICS sales. This paper tests the validity of that premise, using qualitative evidence from East Africa. The analysis shows gender-differentiated outcomes for enterprises across the value chain. Women-led enterprises are significantly underrepresented at higher levels of the chain, where sales volumes are highest. Value-chain positioning also influences access to key inputs like finance, potentially reinforcing the gender divide in enterprise performance. The findings challenge the dominant narrative in the ICS field about the inevitability of the link between market participation and economic empowerment for women and indicate a need to look beyond conventional market models to enhance financial outcomes for women.
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This study examines the effects of a novel construct - energy insecurity - on adverse health in a community-based sample in New York City. Using a 2015 cross-sectional study of 2,494 households in Washington Heights, we described the socio-demographic characteristics of energy insecure households and examined the association between energy insecurity and health outcomes using logistic regression models. Twenty-seven percent of participants were energy insecure. Racial/ethnic minorities, households with children, long-term neighborhood residents, and those with poor housing conditions were more likely to be energy insecure; meanwhile, middle income households were not fully protect against energy insecurity. Energy insecurity was significantly associated with poor respiratory, mental health, and sleep outcomes; it was not associated with metabolic disorders, accidents, or neighborhood violence and cohesion. This study indicates that energy insecurity may explain some existing respiratory and mental health-related disparities in vulnerable populations. More research on energy insecurity is needed along with refinement of its measurement.
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A series of weaknesses in creativity, research design, and quality of writing continue to handicap energy social science. Many studies ask uninteresting research questions, make only marginal contributions, and lack innovative methods or application to theory. Many studies also have no explicit research design, lack rigor, or suffer from mangled structure and poor quality of writing. To help remedy these shortcomings, this Review offers suggestions for how to construct research questions; thoughtfully engage with concepts; state objectives; and appropriately select research methods. Then, the Review offers suggestions for enhancing theoretical, methodological, and empirical novelty. In terms of rigor, codes of practice are presented across seven method categories: experiments, literature reviews, data collection, data analysis, quantitative energy modeling, qualitative analysis, and case studies. We also recommend that researchers beware of hierarchies of evidence utilized in some disciplines, and that researchers place more emphasis on balance and appropriateness in research design. In terms of style, we offer tips regarding macro and microstructure and analysis, as well as coherent writing. Our hope is that this Review will inspire more interesting, robust, multi-method, comparative, interdisciplinary and impactful research that will accelerate the contribution that energy social science can make to both theory and practice.
This project probes perceptions of long-standing concern about high voltage electricity overhead transmission lines (HVOTL). Psychometric, cultural and broader risk analysis frameworks permit close examination of homeowners' worries about relevant externalities. Investigated via a telephone survey in Queensland, Australia, the most significant perceptions are hypothesized to relate to technologically-infused risks. Visual effects and noise are the key externalities but shield deeper qualms relating to electric and magnetic fields (EMFs). Safety, environmental damage and property impacts are less feared. Regression analysis indicates that prior knowledge about HVOTLs and a person's residential locale influence risk perception, along with gender and age. The research supports the underlying precepts of a ‘risk society’ while offering significant policy guidelines for infrastructure and associated agencies.
Improved cookstoves, which are designed to address the health and environmental damage caused by inefficient biomass cooking and heating, are generally engineered to prioritize technical emissions and efficiency improvements over practical user cooking needs. As a result, improved stoves are often only used alongside traditional technologies, or are rejected by cooks entirely, and may fall short in efforts to address health and environmental problems even if they are technically capable of doing so. A testing protocol for cookstove usability was developed by the authors to help stove designers and implementers evaluate user needs for a given stove technology and cooking culture, and balance them with technical design criteria more effectively. The protocol is based on established usability practices and includes ethnographic testing methods to increase validity in cross-cultural testing applications. This paper discusses evaluative trials of the protocol in 10 rural and urban households and 2 institutional kitchens near Lira, Uganda, 4 rural households in Antigua, Guatemala, and 11 stove designs in a US laboratory, as well as preliminary results from a usability study on 20 rural households near Gulu, Uganda by an international NGO. These trials, along with feedback from test administrators in Uganda and Guatemala, demonstrated that the protocol is a viable tool for increasing the understanding of cookstove usability, though more work is needed to improve its validity and connect the results to effective stove design and selection decisions, as well as health and environmental impact. As a result of this research, various improvements were made to the protocol, and opportunities for further validation, expansion, and improvement were identified. In addition, methods used by the protocol elicited related data from participants regarding their attitudes towards improved cookstoves and the relative importance of reducing air pollution and fuel use in the larger context of their lives. Finally, this research highlights the value of an interdisciplinary approach, in this case based in anthropology and engineering, to increase the accessibility of user input in international development more broadly.
The growth of renewable energy has been raised as a strategy to respond to the global demand to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, this type of energy infrastructure has faced local opposition that could be explained by the perceived risk associated with new energy technologies. Our research aims to understand how risk is socially constructed in relation to non-conventional renewable energy (NCRE) projects in Chile, considering ecosystem services (ES) as central. This research was carried out through a qualitative methodological framework, which involved the application of semi-structured interviews. The information was analysed based on a qualitative strategy of categorisation, combining the inductive and a-priori approaches to the definition of themes. Our results reveal that ecosystem services are a practical tool that can be applied in the social perception of risk to improve the management processes associated with NCRE projects. We provide an understanding of ES's role within the social amplification of risk theoretical framework. Our findings suggest that conflicts around NCRE projects would be linked to a reduction of an ES provision. These results contribute to understanding the function of ES in risk perception associated with the balance between supply and demand.
Background: Research often suffers from overspecialization, a practice nurtured in academia and reinforced by funders. Indeed, investigators in household air pollution (HAP) and water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH), working in poor parts of the world, rarely interact despite having similar training and using similar methods to evaluate interventions in the same vulnerable populations. Disappointing results from recent trials of improved cookstoves and traditional approaches to WaSH suggest the need for alternative approaches. Objectives: We argue that bringing these two areas together would improve the effectiveness and efficiency of interventions to reduce the massive disease burden associated with HAP and poor WaSH, including pneumonia and diarrhea, the leading killers of young children in low-income countries. Results: HAP and WaSH face similar challenges in designing, implementing, and securing the sustained and exclusive use of scalable interventions such as clean fuel and water. Discussion: Research can advance greater coordination of these areas by demonstrating their interactions and wider impacts on well-being as well as the potential for programmatic synergies. Integrated solutions to clean households and communities can benefit from the contribution in multiple disciplines, including economics and policy analysis; business and finance; engineering and technology; lab sciences, environmental health, and biomedical sciences; and behavioral and implementation sciences. Conclusion: There are compelling reasons to overcome the artificial and unproductive segregation of HAP and WaSH. Researchers should encourage integration by expanding the scope of their collaborations and projects. Policy makers, funders, and implementers can help by supporting comprehensive solutions, encouraging innovation, and requiring rigorous evaluations of their effects.
Solid fuels are the primary cooking fuels in a wide range of developing countries, a situation that is projected to remain for the coming few decades. In the energy poverty scholarship, it is a well-argued concept that social systems influence people’s energy choices. Influenced by theories of Practice, this study explores the role that social structure plays in the perpetuation of the use of solid cooking fuels, with a particular focus on rural India. We employ a qualitative approach of inquiry for data collection in three villages in Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The results presented in this paper are based on in-depth household interviews and focus group discussions. The findings suggest that cooking with solid fuels is intertwined with structural elements, such as established traditions, traditional income generating practices, gender norms, and a sense of belonging. These factors profoundly dominate households’ decisions to continue using solid fuels despite the availability and the adoption of modern alternatives. The paper argues that interventions targeted at reducing the use of solid fuels may fail if they: 1) focus only on supplying modern fuels; 2) do not consider contextual social barriers; and 3) are implemented as standalone projects.
A clean cooking energy transition necessitates effortful behaviour changes by cooks, financial decision makers, and other family members. A new inter-disciplinary CI-CHANGE model, rooted in technology adoption and behaviour change literature, provides an integrated framework to study the transition process. It provides new testable hypotheses on the how and why of the transition process using behavioural constructs such as perceptions and habits. In contrast, the current approach is to examine socio-demographic conditions and market/technology characteristics to identify- ‘who’ are likely to move away from solid fuels and ‘under what conditions’. CI-CHANGE combines elements of the Transtheoretical Model (health behaviour change psychology), Theory of Planned Behaviour (social psychology), and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (information systems research) to identify & prioritize intervention focus areas. Such framing highlights three key gaps in the current approach. First, based on process factor conditions of target audience, differential intervention strategies are necessary; second, post-sales interventions are required to support complex and effortful endeavor of accepting a new technology while fighting the old habit of traditional cooking; and third, entire transition process is fragile due to seasonal changes and no-cost reversal to solid fuels. Hence, long-term monitoring should back any intervention-specific climate/health gain projections.
Within the domain of public health, commonalities exist between the sanitation and cookstove sectors. Despite these commonalities and the grounds established for cross-learning between both sectors, however, there has not been much evidence of knowledge exchange across them to date. Our paper frames this as a missed opportunity for the cookstove sector, given the capacity for user-centred innovation and multi-scale approaches demonstrated in the sanitation sector. The paper highlights points of convergence and divergence in the approaches used in both sectors, with particular focus on behaviour change approaches that go beyond the level of the individual. The analysis highlights the importance of the enabling environment, community-focused approaches and locally specific contextual factors in promoting behavioural change in the sanitation sector. Our paper makes a case for the application of such approaches to cookstove interventions, especially in light of their ability to drive sustained change by matching demand-side motivations with supply-side opportunities. Abbreviation: DALY: Disability-adjusted life year; CHC: Community Health Club; CLTS: Community-Led Total Sanitation; HAP: Household air pollution; BM-WASH: Integrated Behavioural Model for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; ICS: Improved cookstove; LPG: Liquefied petroleum gas; NBA: Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan; NGO: Non:governmental organisation; OD: Open defecation; ODF: Open defecation free; HAST: Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation; RANAS: Risks, Attitudes, Norms, Abilities and Self–regulation RCT: Randomised controlled trial; (Sani) FOAM: Focus, Opportunity, Ability and Motivation; SBM: Swachh Bharat Mission; TSC: Total Sanitation Campaign; WASH: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene