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Heat Recovery Ventilation for Energy-Efficient Buildings: Design, Operation and Maintenance

  • Xpected Design - Milano

Abstract and Figures

Since the 1990s, many efforts have been intensified to fight global warming and energy crisis. Considering that the building sector is responsible for about 40% of the EU energy use and 36% of CO 2 emissions, many sustainable concepts have been revived from the past, a number of new innovative technologies have been invented, and new construction standards and policies have been implemented. Sustainable architecture offers tailor-made solutions to minimize the negative environmental impacts of buildings without compromising its users' comfort. According to studies, humans spend about 90% of their live-time indoors; indoor air quality has a major effect on human health. Hence, bringing fresh air into all habitable areas without letting the warm/cool air escape has become a priority. If properly operated and maintained, heat recovery ventilation (VHR) in energy-efficient buildings leads to an increased filtration and removal of micropollutants, and an overall improvement of the indoor air quality, thus generating more comfort and less health-related problems. A systematic case study in Italy is used in this research providing evidences of the effectiveness of mechanical ventilation heat recovery systems. This paper discusses a case with a combination of poor design, operation and maintenance to answer the questions of: what are the concerns about potential failures that are associated with these systems; and are there any cons in the technical aspects of a mechanical heat recovery ventilation system?
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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: A4795119119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4795.119119
Abstract: Since the 1990s, many efforts have been intensified to
fight global warming and energy crisis. Considering that the
building sector is responsible for about 40% of the EU energy use
and 36% of CO2 emissions, many sustainable concepts have been
revived from the past, a number of new innovative technologies
have been invented, and new construction standards and policies
have been implemented.
Sustainable architecture offers tailor-made solutions to
minimize the negative environmental impacts of buildings without
compromising its users' comfort. According to studies, humans
spend about 90% of their live-time indoors; indoor air quality has
a major effect on human health. Hence, bringing fresh air into all
habitable areas without letting the warm/cool air escape has
become a priority.
If properly operated and maintained, heat recovery ventilation
(VHR) in energy-efficient buildings leads to an increased
filtration and removal of micropollutants, and an overall
improvement of the indoor air quality, thus generating more
comfort and less health-related problems. A systematic case study
in Italy is used in this research providing evidences of
the effectiveness of mechanical ventilation heat recovery
systems. This paper discusses a case with a combination of poor
design, operation and maintenance to answer the questions of:
what are the concerns about potential failures that are associated
with these systems; and are there any cons in the technical aspects
of a mechanical heat recovery ventilation system?
Keywords: Passivhaus, Energy efficiency, HVAC, Indoor air
quality, Sustainable architecture.
According to the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), indoor environments can be much more
polluted than outdoors even in large metropolitan areas (EPA,
n.d.). Many people are at high health risks in their own homes
due to the extensive exposure of indoor pollutants. In
developed and temperate countries, it is estimated that
individuals spend 70% of their live-time in their private
homes, 20% in buildings, and 10% working outside or in
transport (as cited in BenGhida, 2016). It was estimated that
indoor pollutants are 1,000 times more likely to be inhaled by
occupants than comparable outdoor pollutants due to
improperly air ventilation and air renewal (California Air
Resources Board, 2005).
Revised Manuscript Received on November 05, 2019.
On the other hand, indoor air emissions have a direct
economic impact on cities and countries, e.g. California loses
more than $45 billion a year in direct medical expenses and
worker productivity and efficiency (Ibid).
Besides radon, which is the natural undetectable
radioactive gas that accumulates in enclosed spaces
(BenGhida, 2016), building materials and furnishings,
appliances, human activities, tobacco smokes, pets, devices
for combustion, chemical products, air conditioning and
ventilation systems are the main man-made sources of high
indoor levels of air pollutants. These indoor contaminants can
be found at very high rates in energy efficient buildings where
airtightness is very important (Arundel et al., 1986).
Humidifiers are usually used not only for minimization of
adverse health effects but also to increase indoor comfort
conditions and building durability. If not properly maintained
and sterilized these humidifiers will have a negative effect,
first, on the occupants due to microbial contamination, and
second, on the building structure due to fungal growth or mite
infestation (Arundel et al., 1986).
Figure 1. Optimum relative humidity range for minimizing
adverse health effects (Arundel et al., 1986)
Figure 1 shows the optimum relative humidity (RH) zone
for minimizing adverse health effects related to the indoor
relative humidity. Most biological and chemical aspects
increase in severity below 40% and/or above 60% (fig.1).
Mortality due to influenza and respiratory diseases might be
decreased in regions with low RH during winter seasons by
increasing it (Arundel et al., 1986).
Heat Recovery Ventilation for Energy-Efficient
Buildings: Design, Operation and Maintenance
Ben Ghida, D.
Heat Recovery Ventilation for Energy-Efficient Buildings: Design, Operation and Maintenance
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: A4795119119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4795.119119
Figure 2. Formaldehyde concentration by ventilation system
type (Rudd and Bergey, 2013)
Figure 2 shows indoor formaldehyde concentration
measurements in the main and master zones in two different
houses during baseline test and four different ventilation
An Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) acts exactly as an
HRV while keeping some of the indoor air moisture. The
selection choice between an HRV or an ERV depends on four
factors: 1) the climate, 2) the number of house users, 3) the
specific personal needs (e.g. heath conditions), 4) and the
house size and volume. The ERV system gives an optimum
result for formaldehyde abatement, however, it is important to
mention that Rudd and Bergey did their experiment with
different air changes per hour for the five ventilation systems
(Rudd and Bergey, 2013).
HRV units (air-to-air heat exchanger) provide continuous
clean, fresh, and filtered air from the outdoor to the living
indoor and exhaust stale air from high moisture spaces:
kitchens, laundries, and bathrooms (fig.3).
Up to 95% of exhaust air heat can be recovered by
transferring it to the incoming air (depends of HRV model and
brand). Indoor comfort is ensured by smart sensors that
monitor the relative humidity and supplied air that adjust
automatically the indoor air quality with minimum heat loss.
Depending on installed windows quality, air permeability of
the architectural project and climate zone, HRV can save up
to 30% in heat energy (Manz et al., 2000; Juodis, 2006).
Figure 3. Heat energy ventilator
The HRV also known as the heat recovery air exchangers
are equipped with two continuously running fans. The first
one expels indoor stale air (saturated with smells, smoke,
pollutants, etc.), and the second one supplies fresh filtered
outside air. The fresh new air and expelled stale air never
come into contact with each other; the air is not
recycled. This technology captures heat or cooled energy and
recycles it; it does not generate it. It can recover heat during
winter or cool during summer from the expelled stale air, and
transfers it to the fresh incoming filtered air. The available
HRV with cross-flow in the Italian market has a varying yield
between 70-95% satisfying the actual EU ventilation standard
for single family dwellings EN 13141-7: 2010.
A frost protection control is activated when the outdoor
temperature is below the freezing point 0 °C to prevent the
freezing off the heat exchanger core; the HRV is put on a
standby mode. The antifreeze solution transfers the warm air
towards the core, and the damper closes off the cold
airstream. If the outdoor temperature rises again, the unit
returns to its normal working mode. The frost protection
control prevents the heat exchanger core from freezing
There are two types of HRV (fig.4):
Centralized heat recovery ventilator (ducted): requires
an adequate ducting for air distribution installation. It
ventilates the whole house.
Decentralized heat recovery ventilator (monobloc):
designed to be installed directly in the wall or in a glass
in contact with the outside. Ventilate the one single
space or room.
Figure 4. Centralized (Ducted) HRV vs Decentralized
(monobloc) HRV
Filters, as well as the exterior vents, should be removed and
cleaned four times per year on a regular basis.
HRVs are designed to maintain a quasi-neutral indoor
pressure by creating an equal balance between the incoming
and outgoing air. However, the balance might not be reached
in these cases:
The HRVs are improperly regulated which creates a
negative indoor pressure similarly to an unregulated
exhaust fan, which on its turn can cause appliances
combustion and inefficiency of the ventilation system
There is a stack effect
The HRV is ducted to an existing HVAC ductwork
Radon gas mitigation fan
Existing exhaust fans (e.g. WC fans)
Doors and windows opening
Natural gas appliances that pull indoor air for
Table 1 presents the most important pros and cons of an
HRV use and installation in residential buildings.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: A4795119119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4795.119119
Table 1. Pros and cons of heat recovery ventilator units
Works efficiently in
well-insulated and airtight
Larger encumbrance of the
insulated air supply/exhaust
pipes, and air distribution ducts
Important initial investment
Filters need to be cleaned every
3 months (or replaced)
To simplify the comparison, I will use an average
electricity price for Italian household consumers (taxes
included) of 0.2067 €/kwh which was determined for the first
half 2018, as provided by Statistics Explained from the
European Union portal (Eurostat, 2018). Obviously, the
Italian market is much more open and competitive and offers
many solutions and opportunities to spend less. An annual
energy consumption comparison of different household
appliances with a standard HRV is shown in Table 2. The
selection of the heat recovery ventilator system depends on
the number of house occupants, climate, and the volume size
of the house to be ventilated. Thus, the energy consumption of
an HRV varies from 50Watt to 100Watt and even more for
bigger houses. The costs vary from €10,300 to €12,100 for an
HRV unit and its full installation inside a 100m2 house. The
Law no. 190 of December 23, 20141 encourages the use of
new technologies towards energy conservation and energy
efficiency in buildings; it is possible for home owners to get a
50% tax deduction and in some circumstances, it can reach up
to 65%.
It is important to mention that the recovered thermic watts are
much higher than the consumed electrical watts, and of course
it is much cheaper to heat dry air than humid air.
1Known as the 2015 Stability Law, for documented expenses related to the interventions
referred to in Article 16-bis, paragraph 1 of the Decree of the President of the Republic
December 22, 1986, n. 917
Table 2. Comparison of annual energy consumption of the HRV
unit vs household appliances
Estimated use
cost [€]
20-Watt LED
4 hours/day
Hairdryer [With
only 1 speed]
2 hours/month
Fan [with 4 #
8 hours [speed
Providing clean and fresh indoor air into our homes is
essential for a healthy livable environment. Controlled
mechanical heat recovery ventilation do not only provide
clean and fresh air but it also contributes to the building’s
energy efficiency and global warming mitigation. With the
“2015 Stability Law”, the Italian government is working to
build a healthier and more sustainable country, encouraging
the population to use the latest buildings cutting-edge
sustainable technologies. Disadvantages outlined in this paper
are almost negligible in comparison with the huge benefits
that the HRVs are bringing to homeowners. The initial
investment cost of an HRV are worthy for a healthy family.
However, this is not a ready-to-use high-tech technology;
because the study, installation and calibration of HRVs must
be done by professionals. Any oversizing, negligence, or
misuse can compromise the efficiency of the system and
affect negatively the house user’s health.
1. Arundel AV, Sterling EM, Biggin JH, Sterling TD. (1986). “Indirect
health effects of relative humidity in indoor environments”. Environ
Health Perspect, Vol. 65, pp. 351-361.
2. BenGhida, D. (2016). “Indoor radon mitigation in South Korea”,
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 11, no. 15,
pp. 8521-8523
3. BenGhida, D. (2017). “Concrete as a sustainable construction material”,
Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 744, pp. 196-200
4. California Air Resources Board (2005). Indoor Air Pollution in
California. [online] California: California Environmental Protection
Agency. Available at: [Accessed 4
Feb. 2019]
5. Del Corno, B. (2015). L’umidità in casa. Prevenzione, diagnosi, scelta
dei materiali e tecniche d’intervento. Con 7 esempi progettuali.,
Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna.
6. EPA. (n.d.). The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality | US EPA.
[online] Available at:
ir-quality [Accessed 4 Feb. 2019].
7. Juodis, E. (2006). Extracted ventilation air heat recovery efficiency as a
function of a building's thermal properties. Energy and Buildings 38, pp.
8. Manz, H., Huber, H., Schlin, A., Weber, A., Ferrazzini, M., Studer, M.
(2000). Performance of single room ventilation units with recuperative
or regenerative heat recovery. Energy and Buildings 31, pp. 37-47.
9. Rudd, A. and Bergey, D. (2013). Ventilation System Effectiveness and
Tested Indoor Air Quality Impacts. BA 1309. Springfield: Building
Science Corporation - Building America Report.
... The rotating wheel transfers both sensible and latent energy between the counter flowing exhaust and the air supply to get more fresh air at lower energy costs within the conditioned area (cooling/heating/dehumidification/humidification) (YangLi et al., 2015). Research implied that ERV can be energy efficient and minimize indoor air pollution for modern buildings, and enhance indoor working and living environment (Zhang and Zhang, 2016;Ben Ghida, 2019). To ensure IAQ through improving the ventilation process in the case of the novel coronavirus, the ventilation could be provided with Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) or Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV). ...
The coronavirus has come to the world and spread with great wide among the countries of the world and has resulted in numerous infections that exceeded 110,518,566 million patients and are close to 2.5 deaths by September 2020. It also brought with it panic and fear, halted many activities, and led to the decline of the global economy. It changed human behavior and forced people to change their lifestyles to avoid infection. One of the most sectors that must be taken into consideration through pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19) around the globe is the air conditioning systems. The HVAC systems depend on the air as a heat transfer medium. The air contains a group of pollutants, viruses, and bacteria, and it affects and destroys human life. The air filter plays a major role as an important component in the air conditioning systems. Thus, it requires more effort by researchers to improve its design to prevent the ultra-size of particles loaded with coronavirus (COVID-19). This paper provides insight into the design of existing combined air-conditioners on their suitability and their impact on the spread of the hybrid coronavirus epidemic and review efforts to obtain a highly efficient air filter to get rid of super-sized particles for protection against epidemic infection. In addition, important guideline recommendations have been made to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to obtain indoor air quality in air-conditioned places.
... Buildings are a key sector in terms of energy users. Their exploitation and maintenance currently consumes up to 40% of the total energy demand in the world [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems account for 40-60% of a building's energy needs [7][8][9][10], and the ventilation systems themselves account for 20-30% [11]. ...
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The purpose of the article was to present information on heat recovery in ventilation systems and to highlight what has not been sufficiently researched in this regard. A lot of information can be found on methods and exchangers for heat recovery in centralized systems. Decentralized, façade systems for cyclical supply and exhaust air have not been sufficiently researched. It is known that these devices are sensitive to the influence of wind and temperature, hence heat recovery may be ineffective in their case. The literature describes the aspect of heat recovery depending on the location in climatic zones, depending on the number of degree days (HDD). Attention was also paid to the risk of freezing of heat recovery exchangers. The literature review also showed the lack of a universal method for assessing heat recovery exchangers and the method of their selection depending on the climate.
... However, such actions have consequences in the form of reduced air exchange and the deterioration of indoor air quality (IAQ). This, in turn, has a negative impact on the performance and health of people in the premises [120,121]. Likewise, the way the air is distributed in the room is important. ...
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Poor indoor air quality affects the health of the occupants of a given structure or building. It reduces the effectiveness of learning and work efficiency. Among many pollutants, PM 2.5 and 10 dusts are extremely important. They can be eliminated using mechanical ventilation equipped with filters. Façade ventilation devices are used as a way to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) in existing buildings. For their analysis, researchers used carbon dioxide as a tracer gas. They have shown that façade ventilation devices are an effective way to improve IAQ, but require further analysis due to the sensitivity of façade ventilation devices to the effects of wind and outdoor temperature. In addition, legal regulations in some countries require verification in order to enable the use of this type of solution as a way to improve IAQ in an era characterised by the effort to transform buildings into passive houses (standard for energy efficiency in a building).
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Sustainable concrete is nowadays one of the biggest challenges in the construction industry. Performance-based specifications for concrete can materially help meet this new challenge while supporting the concept of “sustainable construction”. Concrete can be found in almost every building structure, be it a pavement, a bridge, a house, a tunnel or a dam. Scholars nowadays are researching the best balanced mix in concrete in order to diminish its environmental impact, especially the cement component which is known for its high carbon emissions. This paper describes concrete durability and outlines what project specifications will significantly influence concrete performance, including its environmental impacts. The paper argues that, despite the sustainability of concrete, concerted efforts on the part of scientists and engineers are still necessary to improve the design of concrete in order to ensure their expected sustainable quality and reliability.
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Radon has long been recognized by the WHO to be the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Even lower amounts of radon present in everyday living areas were categorized as an important cause of lung cancer. In an effort to reduce radon risks in the country, the South Korean government took strategic actions to deal with this issue; first by identifying high radon areas in the country correlating actual indoor levels with local soil and housing, second by adapting the legislation especially about preparatory actions, and finally by implementing all the measures decided. The purpose of this paper is to describe the real situation of the indoor radon gas in Korea and present governmental actions.
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Mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery for low energy residential buildings have gained an increasing interest during the last few years. This article focuses on single room ventilation units which do not need any ducting within the dwelling. Therefore, they are potentially very suitable for retrofitting use. The performance criteria of these units are similar to those of central systems. A recuperative and a regenerative ventilation unit were investigated by means of experiments and numerical simulations with reference to ventilation efficiency, thermal comfort, heat recovery, electric energy input and acoustics. It was shown that using these units, rooms can be efficiently ventilated (typical air change efficiency 0.6) at a good level of thermal comfort. Temperature efficiencies of up to 0.78 were found at low levels of electric energy input. The main difficulty in the design of these small units is to reach the target values of indoor sound pressure levels (<30 dB (A)) and sound reduction indices (>20 dB rsp. >30 dB). With reference to acoustic properties, further development of these units seem necessary.
Extracted ventilation air rated heat recovery efficiency is defined under standard rating conditions as ‘the efficiency of separate heat recovery equipment’. Real heat recovery efficiency depends not only on single unit efficiency but also on a building's heat gain/loss ratio. Maximum efficiency of heat recovery becomes unnecessary when heat gain compensates heat demand from a heat generator.The demand of recovered heat gradually lessens when the outdoor temperature rises and heat recovery is switched off if the outdoor temperature exceeds the thermal balance temperature of a premise. Thus, the mean annual heat recovery's efficiency is less than a technically possible one. This phenomenon is hardly perceptible in poorly insulated buildings where transmission loss plays the main role. The decrease of heat recovery's efficiency becomes significant in large, well-insulated buildings where ventilation heat loss is many times more than its transmission loss.
A review of the health effects of relative humidity in indoor environments suggests that relative humidity can affect the incidence of respiratory infections and allergies. Experimental studies on airborne-transmitted infectious bacteria and viruses have shown that the survival or infectivity of these organisms is minimized by exposure to relative humidities between 40 and 70%. Nine epidemiological studies examined the relationship between the number of respiratory infections or absenteeism and the relative humidity of the office, residence, or school. The incidence of absenteeism or respiratory infections was found to be lower among people working or living in environments with mid-range versus low or high relative humidities. The indoor size of allergenic mite and fungal populations is directly dependent upon the relative humidity. Mite populations are minimized when the relative humidity is below 50% and reach a maximum size at 80% relative humidity. Most species of fungi cannot grow unless the relative humidity exceeds 60%. Relative humidity also affects the rate of offgassing of formaldehyde from indoor building materials, the rate of formation of acids and salts from sulfur and nitrogen dioxide, and the rate of formation of ozone. The influence of relative humidity on the abundance of allergens, pathogens, and noxious chemicals suggests that indoor relative humidity levels should be considered as a factor of indoor air quality. The majority of adverse health effects caused by relative humidity would be minimized by maintaining indoor levels between 40 and 60%. This would require humidification during winter in areas with cold winter climates. Humidification should preferably use evaporative or steam humidifiers, as cool mist humidifiers can disseminate aerosols contaminated with allergens.
Indoor Air Pollution in California
California Air Resources Board (2005). Indoor Air Pollution in California. [online] California: California Environmental Protection Agency. Available at: [Accessed 4
L'umidità in casa. Prevenzione, diagnosi, scelta dei materiali e tecniche d'intervento. Con 7 esempi progettuali
  • B Del Corno
Del Corno, B. (2015). L'umidità in casa. Prevenzione, diagnosi, scelta dei materiali e tecniche d'intervento. Con 7 esempi progettuali., Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna.
Ventilation System Effectiveness and Tested Indoor Air Quality Impacts
  • A Rudd
  • D Bergey
Rudd, A. and Bergey, D. (2013). Ventilation System Effectiveness and Tested Indoor Air Quality Impacts. BA 1309. Springfield: Building Science Corporation -Building America Report.
The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality | US EPA
  • Epa
EPA. (n.d.). The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality | US EPA. [online] Available at: ir-quality [Accessed 4 Feb. 2019].