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2017 cognitive structure
Math and Science Reading List 2017 by Stephen Cox
Volume 2 including Education, History of Math, and Instructional Design
2017 Cognitive Structure
An introduction to cognitive linguistics, F Ungerer, HJ Schmid - 2013
Attitude structure and function, AR Pratkanis, SJ Breckler, AG Greenwald - 2014
Children's Logical and Mathematical Cognition: Progress in Cognitive Development Research, CJ Brainerd -
Cognitive construction grammar, HC Boas - The Oxford handbook of construction grammar, 2013 -
Cognitive control over learning: creating, clustering, and generalizing task-set structure, AGE Collins, MJ
Frank - Psychological review, 2013 -
Cognitive diagnostic attribute-level discrimination indices, R Henson, L Roussos, J Douglas… - Applied
Psychological …, 2008 -
Cognitive economics: an interdisciplinary approach, P Bourgine, JP Nadal - 2013
Cognitive grammar: A basic introduction, RW Langacker - 2008
Cognitive load theory, educational research, and instructional design: some food for thought, T De Jong -
Instructional science, 2010 - Springer
Cognitive models of psychological time, RA Block - 2014
Cognitive neuropsychology: A clinical introduction, RA McCarthy, EK Warrington - 2013
Cognitive ontology and region-versus network-oriented analyses, C Klein - Philosophy of Science, 2012 -
Cognitive processes in writing, LW Gregg, ER Steinberg - 2016
Cognitive responses in persuasion, R Petty, TM Ostrom, TC Brock - 2014
Cognitive semantics: An overview, L Talmy - Semantics: An international handbook of natural …, 2011 -
Cognitive social structures in social network research: A review, RA Brands - Journal of Organizational
Behavior, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Cognitive tools for learning, A Ferreira, PAM Kommers, DH Jonassen, JT Mayes - 2012
Concepts and categories: A cognitive neuropsychological perspective, BZ Mahon, A Caramazza - Annual
review of psychology, 2009 -
Conceptual change and student-centered learning environments, DH Jonassen, MA Easter - Theoretical
foundations of learning …, 2012
Conceptual change: a discussion of theoretical, methodological and practical challenges for science
education, DF Treagust, R Duit - Cultural Studies of Science Education, 2008 - Springer
2017 cognitive structure
Conceptual resources for learning science: Issues of transience and grain-size in cognition and cognitive
structure, KS Taber - International Journal of Science Education, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Culture and cognitive development: Studies in mathematical understanding, GB Saxe - 2015
From brain maps to cognitive ontologies: informatics and the search for mental structure, RA Poldrack, T
Yarkoni - Annual review of psychology, 2016 -
Human reasoning and cognitive science, K Stenning, M Van Lambalgen - 2012
Individual cognitive structures and collaboration patterns in academia, B Ozel - Scientometrics, 2012 -
Individual differences in anthropomorphic attributions and human brain structure, H Cullen, R Kanai, B
Bahrami… - Social cognitive and …, 2014 -
Interorganizational imitation heuristics arising from cognitive frames, R Nikolaeva - Journal of Business
Research, 2014 - Elsevier
Language in the aging brain: The network dynamics of cognitive decline and preservation, MA Shafto, LK
Tyler - Science, 2014 -
Making the social world: The structure of human civilization, J Searle - 2010
Mathematical models of attitude change: Change in single attitudes and cognitive structure, JE Hunter, JE
Danes, SH Cohen - 2014
Mathematics, the ultimate challenge to embodiment: Truth and the grounding of axiomatic systems, R Núnez
- Handbook of cognitive science: An embodied …, 2008
Measuring cognitive reserve based on the decomposition of episodic memory variance, BR Reed, D Mungas,
ST Farias, D Harvey, L Beckett… - Brain, 2010 - Oxford Univ Press
Mental models: an interdisciplinary synthesis of theory and methods, N Jones, H Ross, T Lynam, P Perez… -
Ecology and …, 2011 -
Metonymy and cognitive operations, FJR de Mendoza Ibafiez - Defining metonymy in cognitive …, 2011
Modeling of cognitive structure of uncertain scientific concepts using fuzzy-rough sets and intuitionistic
fuzzy sets: Example of the life concept, N Yorek, S Narli - … Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge
…, 2009 - World Scientific
Multifractal dynamics in the emergence of cognitive structure, JA Dixon, JG Holden, D Mirman… - Topics in
Cognitive …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
New avenues in opinion mining and sentiment analysis, E Cambria, B Schuller, Y Xia… - IEEE Intelligent …,
2013 -
Ontology and alternative languages, E Hirsch - 2009 -
Principles of visual attention: Linking mind and brain, C Bundesen, T Habekost - 2008 -
Representation and understanding: Studies in cognitive science, J Bobrow - 2014
Spatial cognition: Embodied and situated, B Tversky - 2009 -
Structure of decision: The cognitive maps of political elites, R Axelrod - 2015
The cognitive neuroscience of ageing, C Grady - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2012 -
2017 cognitive structure
The cognitive paradigm ontology: design and application, JA Turner, AR Laird - Neuroinformatics, 2012 -
The cognitive side of social responsibility, D Secchi - Journal of Business Ethics, 2009 - Springer
The effect of peer feedback for blogging on college students' reflective learning processes, Y Xie, F Ke, P
Sharma - The Internet and Higher Education, 2008 - Elsevier
The new psychology of language: Cognitive and functional approaches to language structure, M Tomasello -
The origins and structure of quantitative concepts, CD Bonn, JF Cantlon - Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2012 -
Taylor & Francis
The philosophy of literature, P Lamarque - 2008 -
The role of cognitive skills in economic development, EA Hanushek, L Woessmann - Journal of economic
literature, 2008 -
The theory underlying concept maps and how to construct and use them, JD Novak, AJ Cañas - Florida
Institute for Human and Machine …, 2008 -
Visualizing scientific inference, DC Gooding - Topics in Cognitive Science, 2010 - Wiley Online Library