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“NO LOAD” resistance training increases functional capacity and muscle size in hospitalized female patients: A pilot study


Abstract and Figures

The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of resistance training performed with no external load (NLRT) versus resistance training performed with elastic bands (RTEB) on muscle hypertrophy and functional performance in hospitalized patients. Twenty hospitalized females (age, 59.05±3.2 years; height 163.6±2.5 cm; body mass 70.2±3.6 kgs) were randomly assigned to RTEB or NLRT. Both groups trained three times a week for five weeks. RTEB was performed with elastic bands, while NLRT involved maximum voluntary contractions with no external loads. Biceps brachii, triceps brachii and pectoralis muscle thickness (MT) were measured by ultrasound. Functional performance was measured by the 30s elbow flexion test. MT significantly increased in all muscles tested for both groups, with no differences between groups. Changes ranged from 14 to 38%. Functional performance significantly improved by 42.7% for NLRT and 52.1% for RTEB, with no difference between them. The present results suggest that NLRT might be an efficient, feasible and low-cost strategy to promote morphological and functional benefits in the upper limb of hospitalized patients.
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“NO LOAD” resistance training increases functional capacity and muscle size
Eur J Transl Myol 29 (4): xx1-xx5, 2019
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“NO LOAD” resistance training increases functional capacity and
muscle size in hospitalized female patients: A pilot study
Matheus Barbalho (1), Victor Silveira Coswig (2), Martim Bottaro (3), Claudio Andre
Barbosa de Lira (1), Mario Hebling Campos (1), Carlos Alexandre Vieira (1), Paulo
Gentil (1)
(1) Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, Goiás,
Brasil; (2) Faculdade de Educação Física. Universidade Federal do Pará, Castanhal, Pará,
Brasil; (3) Faculdade de Educação Física, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Distrito Federal,
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits
any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of resistance training performed with no
external load (NLRT) versus resistance training performed with elastic bands (RTEB) on muscle
hypertrophy and functional performance in hospitalized patients. Twenty hospitalized females
(age, 59.05±3.2 years; height 163.6±2.5 cm; body mass 70.2±3.6 kgs) were randomly assigned
to RTEB or NLRT. Both groups trained three times a week for five weeks. RTEB was performed
with elastic bands, while NLRT involved maximum voluntary contractions with no external
loads. Biceps brachii, triceps brachii and pectoralis muscle thickness (MT) were measured by
ultrasound. Functional performance was measured by the 30s elbow flexion test. MT
significantly increased in all muscles tested for both groups, with no differences between groups.
Changes ranged from 14 to 38%. Functional performance significantly improved by 42.7% for
NLRT and 52.1% for RTEB, with no difference between them. The present results suggest that
NLRT might be an efficient, feasible and low-cost strategy to promote morphological and
functional benefits in the upper limb of hospitalized patients.
Key Words: Resistance training; Physical Functional Performance; Hospitalization; Sarcopenia;
Exercise Therapy. Eur J Transl Myol 29 (4): xx1-xx5, 2019
The hospitalization process is characterized by loss of
functionality due to inactivity.1,2 Previous studies
reported a muscle loss of up to 1.5 kg per day in intensive
care units,3 as well as a loss of 4 to 5% of muscular
strength weekly,4 which is directly related to
hospitalization time.5 In some cases, patients are
discharged from the hospital with significant physical
deficits that persist for long periods.6,7 In order to
minimize the negative effects of hospitalization, passive
and early mobilizations in the bed, as well as stretching
are commonly used in intensive care unit or after
discharge.8 However, less is know about the effects of
resistance training (RT) in hospitalized patients. RT may
be an interesting strategy in these patients, since it
promotes benefits in muscle strength, function, and
muscle mass in frail people.9-11 RT is usually performed
with moderate and high loads in order to promote
strength gains and muscular hypertrophy,12 and it often
requires specialized equipment’s, which in many cases is
not feasible in the hospital environment.13 As an
alternative, RT programs have been carried out
effectively with elastic bands, promoting muscle strength
gains in middle to old aged persons.14,15 According to
previous studies, the improvements in functional
performance after RT performed with elastic bands
(RTEB) are similar to those obtained with the use of
machines and free weights.1618 Elastic bands have gained
popularity because of their low cost, simplicity,
versatility, and portability.19 Another promising low cost
alternative is “NO LOAD” RT (NLRT) that has been
shown to promote high levels of muscle activation,20 and
similar gains in muscle size as traditional RT.21 In
summary, during NLRT the participants are instructed to
perform maximal muscle contractions over the range of
motion without any external load. Based on previous
studies,20,21 NLRT might be a viable strategy to
implement in environments that do not have equipment,
such as intensive care units. The objectives of the present
Accepted paper
“NO LOAD” resistance training increases functional capacity and muscle size
Eur J Transl Myol 29 (4): xx1-xx5, 2019
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study were to evaluate muscle size and functional
performance after NLRT in upper limbs of hospitalized
patients and compare it to RTEB.
Materials and Methods
Experimental overview
This study is a parallel randomized clinical trial in which
patients were allocated independently for two
interventions groups from July to September 2017. After
screening for eligibility of patients by inclusion criteria,
a simple random sampling was done following a 1:1
ratio, without restrictions, to define the groups that
received the different treatments: No load resistance
training (NLRT) or resistance training with elastic bands
(RTEB). To enable blind analysis, randomization and
data coding were performed by different researchers. Pre-
intervention measures involved muscle thickness and
functional performance.The experimental protocols were
performed three times a week during five-weeks of
hospitalization, totaling 15 intervention sessions.
The participants were recruited in two reference
hospitals. Initially, 23 hospitalized women were recruited
after intensive care unit admission, they were informed
of the procedures and potential risks associated with the
study protocol. All participants gave written informed
consent before enrolment. The study was approved by the
University Research Ethics Committee (n.
56907716.5.0000.5083). The inclusion criterion was to
be admitted to the nursing ward, from July to September
2017, to be hospitalized and in the rehabilitation process,
being able to perform the proposed protocol, being able
to ambulate (with/without assistance), being able to
communicate and collaborate with the research team. The
reasons for admission in the rehabilitation sector after
intensive care unit were: heart failure (n = 12),
oncological patients (n = 7), orthopedic fractures (n=4).
The patients were counterbalanced considering the
reasons for admission, so each group would have similar
clinical characteristics. Exclusion criteria included:
multiple fractures, patients who did not want participate
in appropriate rehabilitation, unable to cooperate in the
tests and terminal illness. Those who did not complete all
tests or intervention sessions were excluded (n=1 in the
NLRT group, n=1 in the RTEB group), and one
participant stopped NLRT for considering it
uncomfortable. Twenty participants were included in the
final analysis.
Muscle Thickness
Muscle thickness was measured using the ultrasound
method (Toshiba Tossbe model, 7.5 MHz linear
transduction) for the biceps brachii, triceps brachii and
pectoralis major, following the standard procedures
previously suggested.22 For the biceps and triceps brachii,
measurements were taken 60% distal between the lateral
epicondyle of the humerus and the acromion process of
the scapula. Pectoralis major MT was measured four
centimeters below the coracoid process at 60% of the
distance between the acromion process of the scapula and
the middle of the sternum (50% of the distance between
the xyphoid process and the jugular notch). The
procedure was performed once on each subject, pre and
post intervention and performed by the same evaluator,
which was blinded to group allocation and had
experience with method. The intraclass correlation
coefficients was 0.96-0.99 and the CV was 1.8-3.2%.
Functional Performance
Functional performance was evaluate by the 30-second
elbow flexion test, wich involved the greatest number of
elbow flexion and extension that the participant could
perform with a 5-pound weight in 30 seconds.23
Nutritional control
All patients had their meals controlled through a meal
plan divided into three meals per day throughout the
intervention period. The standard dietary plan prescribed
by the hospital dietitian involved 6-8g/kg of
carbohydrate, 0.8-1.2g/kg of protein and 0.8-1.0g/kg of
fat per day.
Training Protocol
The RTEB group performed six exercises for the upper
body in the following order: seated row, seated chest
press, push press, lat pull, elbow extension and elbow
flexion. All exercises were performed with elastic bands
(Kit max, Elastos®, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), because it
was more practical to implement in a hospital setting and
previous studies showed that it promotes similar results
to machines and free weights.17 Each exercise was
performed with 2 sets of 8 to 12 maximum repetitions and
2 seconds in each phase. Resistance was adjusted by
changing the elastic bands whenever necessary for
maintaining the prescribed number of repetitions. The
NO LOAD training condition was characterized as
voluntarily maximally contracting the muscle through the
full range of motion without the use of external load. The
NLRT group was oriented to contract the muscle at
maximum intensity with a 2-second cadence in each
phase. The participants performed 2 sets of 20 repetitions
maximum per exercise. Considering that previous studies
showed that agonist and antagonist muscle are recruited
to the same extend during NLRT,20 this group performed
seated row/bench press, lat pulldown/shoulder press and
elbow flexion/extension with reciprocal actions. The
exercises were performed within a RPE of 8 to 10 from
the Borg-10 scale.20 Each session was supervised by
Physical Therapy and Physical Education professionals
and care was taken to ensure proper exercise execution.
Statistical analysis
After normality and sphericity tests by Shapiro-Wilk and
Levene’s, respectively, data is presented by mean and
Accepted paper
“NO LOAD” resistance training increases functional capacity and muscle size
Eur J Transl Myol 29 (4): xx1-xx5, 2019
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standard deviation. The paired t-test was performed to
compare pre and post-training for each group. ANCOVA
analysis were performed to compare the post-
interventions results using the pre interventions results as
covariates. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM
SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 22.0 (IBM Japan,
Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), with significance accepted when
The characteristics of the participants are shown in Table
1 and no differences were found between groups. Table
2 presents the pre and post values for each variable by
groups, where it is evidenced that all variables showed
significant improvements.
Functional Performance
The t test showed that both groups significantly increased
the performance in the 30-seconds elbow flexion and
extension (42.7% for NLRT and 52.1% for RTEB).
Between groups comparisons using ANCOVA revealed
no significant differences.
Muscle Thickness Outcomes
The t test showed that both groups significantly increased
MT biceps (38.71% for NLRT and 38.04% for RTEB),
MT triceps (18.68% for NLRT and 20.0% for RTEB),
and MT pectoral (14.88% for NLRT and 14.17% for
RTEB). Between groups comparisons using ANCOVA
revealed no significant differences for changes in any MT
The present study aimed to compare the effects of RTEB
and NLRT on upper body muscle size and performance
in hospitalized patients. The main results were that both
protocols were equally effective to improve muscular
size and functionality. Our results are in agreement with
Counts at al., 201621 who found similar levels of muscle
activation and hypertrophy in untrained young men
performing NLRT or traditional RT for the elbow
flexors. The present study extended these findings to the
pectoralis major and in hospitalized participants. Our
findings may be supported by the study by Rudroff,
Staudenmann and Enoka,24 which indicate that high
levels of motor units activation produced by repeated
contractions may provide stimuli for muscular
adaptations. Considering the high levels of activation
reported in NLRT exercises,20,21 this might, at least in
part, explain the results.
Table 2. Muscle thickness and functional performance pre and post the training period
MT Biceps (mm)
MT Triceps (mm)
MT Pectoral (mm)
30-seconds Arm Curl (reps)
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. MT: Muscle thickness. Reps: repetitions number. NLRT: No load
resistance training group; RTEB: Resistance training with elastic bands group.
Table 1. Physical characteristics in the training group
Age (years)
Height (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. SBP: systolic blood pressure. DBP: diastolic blood
pressure. NLRT: No load resistance training group; RTEB: Resistance training with elastic bands group.
Accepted paper
“NO LOAD” resistance training increases functional capacity and muscle size
Eur J Transl Myol 29 (4): xx1-xx5, 2019
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On the other hand, our results on functional performance
are in contrast to the findings by Counts et al.21 since we
found similar gains for RTEB and NLRT. This apparent
divergence might be explained by two factors. Initially,
due to the different characteristics of the participants,
since Counts et al.21 investigated healthy individuals,
while our study involved hospitalized patients in an
intensive care unit, which might present a lower adaptive
threshold. Another point is the test used, Counts et al.21
used the 1RM tests, that is a more specific and similar to
traditional RT, while we used an endurance-oriented
functional performance test. Considering that increases
in performance might be specific,25 this might have
influenced the results.
It is difficult to compare our results with previous studies,
because, to best of our knowledge, we are not aware of
any similar intervention in an intensive care unit.
However, previous studies showed that hospitalization
lead to significant reductions in muscle strength and
mass, reaching 40-48% after three weeks.26 Therefore,
the fact that our participants increased muscle mass and
functionality seem to be of clinical importance.
In summary, our findings suggest that NLRT might be a
feasible strategy to be adopted in hospitals and
rehabilitation centers, since it promoted gains in muscle
size and performance without the need of specific
However, one important limitation was training only
upper body muscles. We opted for using only upper body
movements because previous studies involved this
region and many participants reported difficult in
performing NLRT in lower body muscles. Whilst upper
body training might be useful for daily activities
(personal care, feeding, etc …), it would be important in
future studies to extend these findings to lower body
muscles and additional tests.
In conclusion, the present study suggests that
hospitalized can benefit from exercises performed
without external load, with no detrimental effect.
Moreover, our results showed that NLRT promote
similar results, when compared to traditional and widely
applied methods.
List of acronyms
1RM one repetition maximum
CV coefficient variation.
DBP - diastolic blood pressure
MT - muscle thickness
NLRT - no external load resistance training
Reps - repetitions number
RPE - rating of perceived exertion
RT - resistance training
RTEB - resistance training performed with elastic bands
SBP - systolic blood pressure
Authors contributions
All named authors contributed in equal part to the
We would like to thank all the participants of the study
and their coaches for consenting to provide the data.
Funding No funding was obtained for this project.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Ethical Publication Statement
We confirm that we have read the Journal’s position on
issues involved in ethical publication and affirm that this
report is consistent with those guidelines.
Corresponding Author
Matheus Barbalho, Faculdade de Educação Física e
Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás Avenida
Esperança s/n, Campus Samambaia Goiânia, 74690-
900, Brazil. Phone: +59 62 35211085.
E-mails of co-authors
Victor Silveira Coswig:
Martim Bottaro:
Claudio Andre Barbosa de Lira:
Mario Hebling Campos:
Carlos Alexandre Vieira:
Paulo Gentil:
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Submission: August, 08, 2019
Revision received: September 20, 2019
Acceptance: September 22, 2019
Accepted paper
... However, the increase in anterior upper arm muscle size was similar between the no-load and high-load conditions. Regarding multiple types of exercise programs for hospitalized patients, Barbalho et al. 9 compared the effects of noload resistance training and elastic band resistance training on muscle size and function. Both training groups did upper body training (e.g., seated chest press, lat pull, elbow extension and flexion) and both groups observed an increase in muscle size of the biceps brachii, triceps brachii, and pectoralis muscles. ...
... 10 The no-load training exercise is defined as a maximum voluntary contraction of muscle through the full range of motion in selected movements. 8,9 No-load can also be combined with bodyweight exercise. By combining both, it is possible to maintain a high muscle activity level at all times regardless of the muscle strength level by performing voluntary maximum contractions during bodyweight exercise. ...
... Elastic resistance bands are widely used resistance training tools [20,21]. Utilizing these bands has been shown to have positive effects on regaining muscle strength, mass, and size [18,[21][22][23][24]. However, the amount of resistance an elastic band generates depends on how much the band is being stretched, and on the material of the band, which is not easy to measure or control during use. ...
Full-text available
While resistance training promotes muscle hypertrophy and strength, accessibility of equipment is a barrier. This study evaluated a wearable VAriable Resistance Suit (VARS) as a novel and alternative method to achieve muscle strength improvement. It was hypothesized that by providing adjustable, bi-directional and speed dependent resistance, VARS can target specific muscles to improve muscle strength via an accessible and portable device. Twelve untrained healthy male adults (22.08 ± 4.1 years old) participated in an 8-week long resistance training using VARS to strengthen four muscles (biceps brachii, triceps brachii, biceps femoris, rectus femoris) of their non-dominant arm and leg using VARS. The results showed significant improvements in the muscle strength measured by isokinetic dynamometer – 49.9±9.6% increase in isokinetic force and 30.6±7.6% increase in isometric force. Muscle size and body composition were also assessed using ultrasound imaging and bioelectrical impedance analysis, which did not show significant changes. The study demonstrates the efficacy and feasibility of VARS as a resistance training tool to achieve muscle strength improvement and its potential extension to clinical populations.
... If one decides to avoid exercise facilities, RT can be adapted to be performed in many different situations, even with limited space and equipment, and it can easily be adapted to an individual's characteristics and health status [61]. For example, previous studies have shown that bodyweight exercises [66][67][68], stationary bike training [69], plyometric training [70], elastic band training [71][72][73], and even exercises with no external load [74][75][76] promote similar responses to traditional RT. These exercises might be performed as basic multi-joint exercises (i.e., squats, pushups, pullups, rows, etc.) as this has been shown to be sufficient to promote gains in muscle strength and size in most muscles involved [77][78][79][80][81]; the addition of isolated exercises, in general, does not seem to bring benefits [80,82,83]. ...
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By the end of 2019 a severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by the SARS-CoV-2 started a pandemic, leading to millions of deaths and many important political and social changes. Even in the absence of contamination, the mobility reduction, social distancing and closing of exercise facilities negatively affected physical activity and conditioning, which is associated to muscle atrophy, loss of muscle strength and reductions in functional capacity. In case of infection, it has been shown that increased physical capacity is associated with decreased hospitalization and mortality risk. Although millions of people died from COVID-19, most contaminated individu-als survived from the infection, but carried different sequelae, like severe loss of physical func-tion and reduced quality of life. Among different physical exercise models that might help to prevent and treat COVID-19 outcomes, resistance training (RT) might be particularly relevant. Among its benefits, RT can be adapted to be performed in many different situations, even with limited space and equipment, and it is easily adapted to individual characteristics and health status. The current narrative review aims to provide insights on how RT can be used in different scenarios to counteract the negative effects of COVID-19. By this, the authors expect to provide insights do deal with the current pandemic and also in case the World has to deal with similar events in the future.
... In summary, skeletal muscle atrophy is a wellrecognized debilitating condition that affects the health and well-being of humans world-wide (56)(57)(58)(59). It accompanies many diseases and strongly drives up the cost of medical care (50)(51)(52). ...
Skeletal muscle atrophy may occur with disease, injury, decreased muscle use, starvation, and normal aging. No reliably effective treatments for atrophy are available, thus research into the mechanisms contributing to muscle loss is essential. The ERG1A K+ channel contributes to muscle loss by increasing ubiquitin proteasome proteolysis (UPP) in the skeletal muscle of both unweighted and cachectic mice. Because the mechanisms which produce atrophy vary based upon the initiating factor, here we investigate atrophy produced by denervation. Using immunohistochemistry and immunoblots, we demonstrate that ERG1A protein abundance increases significantly in the Gastrocnemius muscle of rodents 7 days after both sciatic nerve transection and hind limb unweighting. Further, we reveal that ectopic expression of a Merg1a encoded plasmid in normal mouse Gastrocnemius muscle has no effect on activity of the NFκB transcription factor family, a group of proteins which contribute to muscle atrophy by modulation of the UPP. Further, although NFκB activity increases significantly after denervation, we show that expression of a plasmid encoding a dominant negative Merg1a mutant in Gastrocnemius muscle prior to denervation, has no effect on NFκB activity. Thus, although the ERG1A K+ channel increases UPP, it does not do so through modulation of NFκB transcription factors.
... Furthermore, an impairment of muscular function is discussed for chronic fatigue syndromes [68], COVID-19 [69], cancer [70] and hormonal dysfunction [71,72]. Currently, e.g., no-load resistance training [73,74] and power training [75] are being investigated, with the aim of improving functional muscle capacity. However, the parameters of Adaptive Force (especially AFiso max ) might be reduced, too. ...
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Adaptive Force (AF) reflects the capability of the neuromuscular system to adapt adequately to external forces with the intention of maintaining a position or motion. One specific approach to assessing AF is to measure force and limb position during a pneumatically applied increasing external force. Through this method, the highest (AFmax), the maximal isometric (AFisomax) and the maximal eccentric Adaptive Force (AFeccmax) can be determined. The main question of the study was whether the AFisomax is a specific and independent parameter of muscle function compared to other maximal forces. In 13 healthy subjects (9 male and 4 female), the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (pre- and post-MVIC), the three AF parameters and the MVIC with a prior concentric contraction (MVICpri-con) of the elbow extensors were measured 4 times on two days. Arithmetic mean (M) and maximal (Max) torques of all force types were analyzed. Regarding the reliability of the AF parameters between days, the mean changes were 0.31–1.98 Nm (0.61%–5.47%, p = 0.175–0.552), the standard errors of measurements (SEM) were 1.29–5.68 Nm (2.53%–15.70%) and the ICCs(3,1) = 0.896–0.996. M and Max of AFisomax, AFmax and pre-MVIC correlated highly (r = 0.85–0.98). The M and Max of AFisomax were significantly lower (6.12–14.93 Nm; p ≤ 0.001–0.009) and more variable between trials (coefficient of variation (CVs) ≥ 21.95%) compared to those of pre-MVIC and AFmax (CVs ≤ 5.4%). The results suggest the novel measuring procedure is suitable to reliably quantify the AF, whereby the presented measurement errors should be taken into consideration. The AFisomax seems to reflect its own strength capacity and should be detected separately. It is suggested its normalization to the MVIC or AFmax could serve as an indicator of a neuromuscular function.
... Furthermore, an impairment of muscular function is discussed for chronic fatigue syndromes [68], COVID-19 [69], cancer [70] and hormonal dysfunction [71,72]. Currently, e.g., no-load resistance training [73,74] and power training [75] are being investigated, with the aim of improving functional muscle capacity. However, the parameters of Adaptive Force (especially AFiso max ) might be reduced, too. ...
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Adaptive Force (AF) reflects the capability of the neuromuscular system to adapt adequately to external forces with the intention of maintaining a position or motion. One specific approach to assessing AF is to measure force and limb position during a pneumatically applied increasing external force. Through this method, the highest (AFmax), the maximal isometric (AFisomax) and the maximal eccentric Adaptive Force (AFeccmax) can be determined. The main question of the study was whether the AFisomax is a specific and independent parameter of muscle function compared to other maximal forces. In 13 healthy subjects (9 male and 4 female), the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (pre- and post-MVIC), the three AF parameters and the MVIC with a prior concentric contraction (MVICpri-con) of the elbow extensors were measured 4 times on two days. Arithmetic mean (M) and maximal (Max) torques of all force types were analyzed. Regarding the reliability of the AF parameters between days, the mean changes were 0.31–1.98 Nm (0.61%–5.47%, p = 0.175–0.552), the standard errors of measurements (SEM) were 1.29–5.68 Nm (2.53%–15.70%) and the ICCs(3,1) = 0.896–0.996. M and Max of AFisomax, AFmax and pre-MVIC correlated highly (r = 0.85–0.98). The M and Max of AFisomax were significantly lower (6.12–14.93 Nm; p ≤ 0.001–0.009) and more variable between trials (coefficient of variation (CVs) ≥ 21.95%) compared to those of pre-MVIC and AFmax (CVs ≤ 5.4%). The results suggest the novel measuring procedure is suitable to reliably quantify the AF, whereby the presented measurement errors should be taken into consideration. The AFisomax seems to reflect its own strength capacity and should be detected separately. It is suggested its normalization to the MVIC or AFmax could serve as an indicator of a neuromuscular function.
... The WHO recommends 150 min of PE for asymptomatic people, which can be distributed throughout the week, and for those people with comorbidities who do not present symptoms the recommendation is to continue with active habits (40) From a practical standpoint, PE can be performed with numerous possibilities. It is possible to adapt materials, use body weight exercises, elastic bands, exercise with no external loads, calisthenics and others (41)(42)(43)(44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49). ...
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Objective: To evaluate the levels of anxiety, depression, and stress associated with the practice of physical exercise (PE) during pandemic by COVID-19. Methods: This study has a cross-sectional characteristic and was carried out between May 12 and 14, 2020. An online questionnaire was applied with questions to assess sociodemographic characteristics and physical exercise during the CoVID-19 pandemic, in addition to depression, anxiety, and stress analysis. The study was approved by the local ethics committee (CAAE: 31521720.8.0000.5082). Results: One thousand one hundred and fifty four answered the questionnaire (69.84% female). During the isolation period, the number of participants who declared not to exercise was 54.16%. Women generaly presented higher levels of anxiety, depression, and stress when compared to men (p < 0.0001 for all domains). The risk of having increased anxiety were 118% higher (OR = 2.183; 95% CI = 1.717–2.775), the risk of depression was 152% higher (OR = 2.525; 95% CI = 1.991–3.205), and the risk of stress symptoms increased 75.1% (OR = 1.751; 95% CI = 1.386–2.213) in the participants who did not perform PE when compared to those who maintain regular PE. Conclusion: People who was not involved with PE during the COVID-19 pandemic had higher anxiety, depression, and stress scores. Based on this, it seems important to advise people to continue PE, following all the recommendations of preventive measures of the pertinent health organizations.
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The cumulative dissertation consists of four original articles. These considered isometric muscle ac-tions in healthy humans from a basic physiological view (oxygen and blood supply) as well as possibilities of their distinction. It includes a novel approach to measure a specific form of isometric hold-ing function which has not been considered in motor science so far. This function is characterized by an adaptation to varying external forces with particular importance in daily activities and sports. The first part of the research program analyzed how the biceps brachii muscle is supplied with oxygen and blood by adapting to a moderate constant load until task failure (publication 1). In this regard, regulative mechanisms were investigated in relation to the issue of presumably compressed capillaries due to high intramuscular pressures (publication 2). Furthermore, it was examined if oxygenation and time to task failure (TTF) differs compared to an-other isometric muscle function (publication 3). This function is mainly of diagnostic interest by measuring the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) as a gold standard. For that, a person pulls on or pushes against an insurmountable resistance. However, the underlying pulling or pushing form of isometric muscle action (PIMA) differs compared to the holding one (HIMA). HIMAs have mainly been examined by using constant loads. In order to quantify the adaptability to varying external forces, a new approach was necessary and considered in the second part of the research program. A device was constructed based on a previously developed pneumatic measurement system. The device should have been able to measure the Adaptive Force (AF) of elbow ex-tensor muscles. The AF determines the adaptability to increasing external forces under isometric (AFiso) and eccentric (AFecc) conditions. At first, it was questioned if these parameters can be relia-bly assessed by use of the new device (publication 4). Subsequently, the main research question was investigated: Is the maximal AFiso a specific and independent variable of muscle function in comparison to the MVIC? Furthermore, both research parts contained a sub-question of how results can be influenced. Parameters of local oxygen saturation (SvO2) and capillary blood filling (rHb) were non-invasively recorded by a spectrophotometer during maximal and submaximal HIMAs and PIMAs. These were the main findings: Under load, SvO2 and rHb always adjusted into a steady state after an initial decrease. Nevertheless, their behavior could roughly be categorized into two types. In type I, both parameters behaved nearly parallel to each other. In contrast, their progression over time was partly inverse in type II. The inverse behavior probably depends on the level of deoxygenation since rHb increased reliably at a suggested threshold of about 59% SvO2. This triggered mechanism and the found homeostatic steady states seem to be in conflict with the concept of mechanically compressed capillaries and consequently with a restricted blood flow. Anatomical configuration of blood vessels might provide one hypothetical explanation of how blood flow might be maintained. HIMA and PIMA did not differ regarding oxygenation and allocation to the described types. The TTF tended to be longer during PIMA. As a sub-question, oxygenation and TTF were compared between (HIMA) and intermittent voluntary muscle twitches during a weight holding task. TTF but not oxygenation differed significantly (Twitch > HIMA). A changed neuromuscular control might serve as a speculative explanation of how the results can be explained. This is supported by the finding that the TTF did not correlate significantly with the extent of deoxygenation irrespective of the performed task (HIMA, PIMA or Twitch). Other neuromuscular aspects of muscle function were considered in second part of the re-search program. The new device mentioned above detected different force capacities within four trials at two days each. Among AF measurements, the functional counterpart of a concentric muscle action merging into an isometric one was analyzed in comparison to the MVIC. Based on the results, it can be assumed that a prior concentric muscle action does not influence the MVIC. However, the results were inconsistent and possibly influenced by systematic errors. In con-trast, maximal variables of the AF (AFisomax and AFeccmax) could be measured in a reliable way which is indicated by a high test-retest reliability. Despite substantial correlations between force variables, the AFisomax differed significantly from MVIC and AFmax, which was identical with AFeccmax in almost all cases. Moreover, AFisomax revealed the highest variability between trials. These results indicate that maximal force capacities should be assessed separately. The adaptive holding capacity of a muscle can be lower compared to a commonly determined MVIC. This is of relevance since muscles frequently need to respond adequately to external forces. If their response does not correspond to the external impact, the muscle is forced to lengthen. In this scenario, joints are not completely stabilized and an injury may occur. This outlined issue should be addressed in future research in the field of sport and health sciences. At last, the dissertation presents another possibility to quantify the AFisomax by use of a handheld device applied in combination with a manual muscle test. This assessment delivers a more practical way for clinical purposes.
Purpose This case report aimed to investigate the effects of supervised home-based resistance training (RT) on functional capacity and mental health on a man with idiopathic peripheral polyneuropathy (PP). Method A 50-year-old man diagnosed with PP with no previous experience in RT performed 24 session of home-based RT for 12 weeks. Resistance training consisted of 3 exercises performed with 3 sets and lasted approximately 30 min per session. Exercises were performed with minimal implements (e.g., elastic tubes and light dumbbells). The Patient was evaluated for muscle performance, functionality, anxiety levels, and depressive symptoms before and after intervention period. Muscle performance was evaluated though 30-s push up test (PU30), functional capacity was evaluated through functional tests [sit to stand test (SST), arm curl (AC), and 2-min step test (2-MST)] and anxiety levels and depressive symptoms were evaluated through the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Beck's depression inventory (BDI), respectively. Results After 12 weeks, the performance on PU30 increased 40% (from 8 to 11 repetitions), while the performance on SST, AC and 2-MST increased 100% (from 4 to 8 repetitions), 44% (from 16 to 23 repetitions) and 157% (from 47 to 121 repetitions), respectively. Anxiety state and trait levels have been reduced 24% (from 42 to 32 scores) and 4% (from 47 to 45 scores), respectively. There was no change for BDI. Conclusion Supervised home-based RT using low cost and affordable equipment was a feasible strategy to provide functional capacity and mental health benefits in a patient with PP.
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The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has emerged at the end of 2019 and caused a global pandemic. The disease predominantly affects the respiratory system; however, there is evidence that it is a multisystem disease that also impacts the cardiovascular system. Although the long-term consequences of COVID-19 are not well-known, evidence from similar diseases alerts for the possibility of long-term impaired physical function and reduced quality of life, especially in those requiring critical care. Therefore, rehabilitation strategies are needed to improve outcomes in COVID-19 survivors. Among the possible strategies, resistance training (RT) might be particularly interesting, since it has been shown to increase functional capacity both in acute and chronic respiratory conditions and in cardiac patients. The present article aims to propose evidence-based and practical suggestions for RT prescription for people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 with a special focus on immune, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. Based on the current literature, we present RT as a possible safe and feasible activity that can be time-efficient and easy to be implemented in different settings.
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Given the practicality and low cost of using elastic resistance in training for different populations and its effectiveness in a range of outcomes, a comparison with conventional devices could clarify and quantify the benefits provided by both mode. To compare the effects of resistance training with elastic devices (tubes and Thera-Bands) and conventional devices (weight machines and dumbbells) on the outcome muscular strength. A search was performed in the databases PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database), and CENTRAL (Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) from the earliest records up to 20 December 2017. Data were pooled into a meta-analysis and described as standardized mean difference with a 95% confidence interval (registration number: CRD42016042152). Eight studies were included. The results of the meta-analysis demonstrated no superiority between the methods analyzed for upper limb (standardized mean difference = −0.011; 95% confidence interval = −0.40, 0.19; p = 0.48) or lower limb muscular strength (standardized mean difference = 0.09; 95% confidence interval = −0.18, 0.35; p = 0.52). Elastic resistance training is able to promote similar strength gains to conventional resistance training, in different population profiles and using diverse protocols.
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Introduction: The purpose of the present study was to compare the effects of different volumes of resistance training (RT) on muscle performance and hypertrophy in trained women. Methods: The study included 40 volunteers that performed RT for 24 weeks divided in to groups that performed five (G5), 10 (G10), 15 (G15) and 20 (G20) sets per muscle group per session. Ten repetition maximum (10RM) tests were performed for the bench press, lat pull down, 45º leg press, and stiff legged deadlift. Muscle thickness (MT) was measured using ultrasound at biceps brachii, triceps brachii, pectoralis major, quadriceps femoris, and gluteus maximus. Results: All groups significantly increased all MT measures and 10RM tests after 24 weeks of RT (p<0.05). Between group comparisons revealed no differences in any 10RM test between G5 and G10 (p>0.05). G5 and G10 showed significantly greater 10RM increases than G15 for lat pulldown, leg press and stiff legged deadlift. 10RM changes for G20 were lower than all other groups for all exercises (p<0.05). G5 and G10 showed significantly greater MT increases than G15 and G20 in all sites (p<0.05). MT increased more in G15 than G20 in all sites (p<0.05). G5 increases were higher than G10 for pectoralis major MT, while G10 showed higher increases in quadriceps MT than G5 (p<0.05). Conclusions: Five to 10 sets per week might be sufficient for attaining gains in muscle size and strength in trained women during a 24-week RT program. There appears no further benefit by performing higher exercise volumes. Since lack of time is a commonly cited barrier to exercise adoption, our data supports RT programs that are less time consuming, which might increase participation and adherence.
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The objectives of the study were to compare the effects of resistance training using either a low cost and portable elastic tubing or conventional weight machines on muscle force, functional exercise capacity, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in middle-aged to older healthy adults. In this clinical trial twenty-nine middle-aged to older healthy adults were randomly assigned to one of the three groups a priori defined: resistance training with elastic tubing (ETG; n = 10), conventional resistance training (weight machines) (CTG; n = 9) and control group (CG, n = 10). Both ETG and CTG followed a 12-week resistance training (3x/week - upper and lower limbs). Muscle force, functional exercise capacity and HRQOL were evaluated at baseline, 6 and 12 weeks. CG underwent the three evaluations with no formal intervention or activity counseling provided. ETG and CTG increased similarly and significantly muscle force (∆16-44% in ETG and ∆25-46% in CTG, p < 0.05 for both), functional exercise capacity (ETG ∆4 ± 4% and CTG ∆6±8%; p < 0.05 for both). Improvement on "pain" domain of HRQOL could only be observed in the CTG (∆21 ± 26% p = 0.037). CG showed no statistical improvement in any of the variables investigated. Resistance training using elastic tubing (a low cost and portable tool) and conventional resistance training using weight machines promoted similar positive effects on peripheral muscle force and functional exercise capacity in middle-aged to older healthy adults.
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Muscle strength is often measured through the performance of a one-repetition maximum (1RM). However, we that feel a true measurement of ‘strength’ remains elusive. For example, low-load alternatives to traditional resistance training result in muscle hypertrophic changes similar to those resulting from traditional high-load resistance training, with less robust changes observed with maximal strength measured by the 1RM. However, when strength is measured using a test to which both groups are ‘naive’, differences in strength become less apparent. We suggest that the 1RM is a specific skill, which will improve most when training incorporates its practice or when a lift is completed at a near-maximal load. Thus, if we only recognize increases in the 1RM as indicative of strength, we will overlook many effective and diverse alternatives to traditional high-load resistance training. We wish to suggest that multiple measurements of strength assessment be utilized in order to capture a more complete picture of the adaptation to resistance training.
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Context: Imbalance in shoulder rotator muscles has been considered a risk factor for injuries in handball. Strength training programs (STP) may play an important preventive role. Objective: To verify the effects of an STP by using elastic band on shoulder muscles and ball throwing speed. Design: Randomized and prospective controlled trial. Setting: Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Participants: Thirty nine female handball players were randomly assigned to experimental (EG, n=21, 15.3±1.1yrs) or control (CG, n=18, 15.0±0.8yrs) groups. Intervention: The EG performed the STP with elastic band progressive exercises for six weeks before regular handball training and the CG underwent only their regular training. Main outcome measures: Before and after the STP, both groups underwent a ball throwing speed test and isokinetic test to assess shoulder internal (IR) and external rotator (ER) muscular performance. Results: Average power values for IR muscles presented a significant group vs. time interaction effect (F=3.9, p=0.05), EG presented significantly higher values after the STP (p= 0.03). Ball speed presented higher values in EG after the STP in standing (p= 0.04) and jumping (p=0.03) throws. IR peak torque values and balance in shoulder rotator muscles presented no group vs. time interaction effect. Conclusions: STP using elastic bands performed for 6 weeks was effective to improve muscular power and ball speed for young female handball players.
Methods: This study was a randomized controlled trial with pre- and postintervention measures. Participants included OOW, aged 60-85 years, with no medical history of disease that would preclude them from engaging in physical exercise. Participants were randomly divided into the following groups: elastic tubes with handles group (ETG; n = 22), traditional elastic bands group ( n = 21), and control group (CG; n = 20). Exercise groups (EGs) performed the following supervised RTP: 8 weeks, twice weekly, six overall body exercises, and 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions at a rate of perceived exertion (RPE) of 7-9 on the OMNI-Resistance Exercise Scale of perceived exertion. The controls did not change their usual lifestyle. Outcome measures included body composition (BC; total and regional percentage of fat mass [FM] and fat-free mass [FFM]) and physical performance (PP; dynamic and isometric strength, flexibility, agility/dynamic balance, and endurance). Results: Both EGs exhibited significantly reduced FM in the upper limbs (ULs) and trunk and increased FFM in the UL, while the ETG exhibited a significantly increased trunk FFM. Both EGs improved in PP, and there were no intergroup differences. Trunk FM and FFM and meters walked differed significantly between the ETG and CG. The CG did not exhibit any significant changes. Conclusion: Training with elastic devices at a moderate-high RPE produces short-term improvements in BC and PP in OOW.
Objectives: To assess the prevalence of non-responders to different tests and to compare the effects of different resistance training (RT) volumes on muscle strength, anthropometric and functional performance of older women. Methods: Three hundred seventy six women performed 12weeks of RT with either low or high volume (LV, 71.29±5.77years and HV 69.73±5.88years, respectively). Both groups performed the same exercises, and all parameters were held constant except for the number of sets performed per week. LV performed 8-12 for upper and 4-6 for lower body, while HV performed 16-20 and 8-10, respectively. Before and after the training period, the participants were tested for bench press and leg press 1RM, 30-s chair stand, 30-s arm curl, six-minute walk test, sit and reach, body weight and waist circumference. Results: Both groups significantly improved in all strength and functional tests and reduced their body weight and waist circumference. ANOVA revealed higher gains in the leg press 1RM, 30-s arm curls and 6-min walk test for the HV group and higher increases in the results of the sit and reach test for the LV group. However, the differences were negligible and may be attributable to a type I error due to the large sample size. Non-responsiveness was not apparent in any subject, as a positive response on at least one outcome was present in every participant. Conclusions: Our results suggest that RT, even at low volume, improves waist circumference, muscle strength and physical function in the older population, with no evidence of non-responsiveness. Therefore, we should not be restrictive in prescribing this type of exercise to this population.
Objectives: To explore the acute effects of training status, movement velocity, dominance, and visual feedback on muscle activation and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during resistance training with no external load (no-load resistance training; NLRT). Methods: Thirty-three men (17 untrained and 16 trained), performed elbow flexions in four NLRT sessions: 1) slow velocity with EMG visual feedback, 2) slow velocity without EMG visual feedback, 3) fast velocity with EMG feedback, and 4) fast velocity without EMG feedback. RPE was measured using the Borg Discomfort scale. EMG for the biceps and triceps were recorded for both arms. Results: EMG feedback had no influence on RPE. The peak and mean EMG values were not different for the biceps (93.8±11.5% and 50±13.1%) and triceps (93.7±23.9% and 49.6±16.2%). The results revealed a difference in the training status, with higher peak EMG for untrained than for trained participants (96.9±20% vs. 90.2±15.6%). However the values for mean EMG were not different between the untrained and trained (50.3±15.7% vs. 49.2±13.7%) participants. There was no difference in the peak (92.8±19% vs. 94.7±20.4%) and mean (49.8±15.0% vs. 49.7±14.5%) EMG values for the dominant and non-dominant sides. Peak EMG values were not different between faster and slower velocities (93.6±19.6% and 93.9±17.8%). However, mean EMG was higher for slower (50.5±14.4%) than for faster (48.5±15.4%) velocities. The peak and mean EMG during contractions with (93.3±17.5% and 49.5±14.1%) and without visual feedback (94.2±19.9% and 50±15.4%) were not significantly different. Conclusion: NLRT produces high levels of muscle activation independent of training, status, dominance, movement velocity, and visual feedback.