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World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 03(02), 066072
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e-ISSN: 2581-9615, Cross Ref DOI: 10.30574/wjarr
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Soft skills and its application in work place
S. Vasanthakumari
Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Institute of Health Sciences, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia.
Publication history: Received on 30 August 2019; revised on 23 September 2019; accepted on 26 September 2019
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Soft skills refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a good
employee and compatible to work with. There are two types of skills viz hard and soft skill. Soft skills are important
for professional development, maintaining IPR and effective Communication. Soft skills include Inter personal and
Personal attributes that enhance an individual’s interactions, job performance and career prospects. There are many
key soft skills that need to be applied in work place .Hence Soft skills training should begin for a person when they are
students, to perform efficiently in their academic environment as well as in their future workplace.
Keywords: Soft skill; Hard skill; IPR; Communication; Soft skill training
1. Introduction
It's often said that hard skills will get you an interview but you need soft skills to get -- and keep -- the job. What makes
one stand out from others???
Good Soft Skills….Will help you STAND OUT in a crowd of mediocrity.
Soft skills are a synonym for ‘Peoples Skills’, ‘Interpersonal Skills’ and also ‘Transferable Skills” .Soft skills are Personal
attributes that enhance an individual’s interactions, job performance and career prospects. In other words they are
the subtle behaviours and communication styles that help make a work environment or interaction with another
person easier to manage. [1-7].
2. Literature review on significance of soft skills in work place
Studies by Stanford Research Institute and the Carnegie Mellon Foundation among Fortune 500 CEOs established that
75% of long term job success resulted from soft skills mastery and only 25% from technical skills. [7].
Researchers at Boston University, University of Michigan's Ross School of Business found that workers with soft skills
training are 12% more productive than those without them. [7].
Harvard University reported that 85% of success at the work place is attributed to Soft skills and only 15% to
technical skills. [6].
A public interest study conducted by McDonald’s in UK predicted over half a million people will be held back from job
sectors by 2020 due to lack of soft skills.[7].
S. Vasanthakumari / World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 03(02), 066072
3. Types of soft skills in work place
Hard skills are the technical skills individual use each day to perform the job. Some examples would be computer skills
or procedural knowledge applied in job. [3, 4, 6].
Unlike hard skills, which can be proven and measured, Soft skills are intangible and difficult to quantify and they help
facilitate human connections. Hard skills, tend to be specific to a certain type of task, soft skills are broadly applicable.
[3, 4, 6].
4. Soft skills: defined
Soft skills refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a good
employee and compatible to work with According to Collins English Dictionary term "soft skills" defined as "desirable
qualities for certain forms of employment that do not depend on acquired knowledge: they include common sense, the
ability to deal with people, and a positive flexible attitude." [5, 6].
5. Why do soft skills matter?
Soft skills are a combination of people skills, social skills, communication skills, character or personality traits,
attitudes, career attributes, social and emotional intelligence, intelligence quotients, that enable people to navigate
their environment, work well with others, perform well, and achieve their goals with complementing hard skills. [7, 8].
Soft skills differentiate between adequate candidates and ideal candidates. [7, 8].
In most competitive job markets, recruitment criteria do not stop at technical ability and specialist knowledge.
Recruiters will be looking for people who can become leaders, and leadership, itself, depends on several key soft skills.
[6, 7, 8].
Soft skills acts as key in building relationships, gaining visibility, and creating more opportunities for advancement. [7,
6. Importance of soft skill [2, 5, 6]
To handle interpersonal relations
To take appropriate decisions
To communicate effectively
To have good impression and impact to gain professional development
7. Soft Skills: Examples [6, 7, 8]
7.1. Interpersonal attributes
Empathy, Leadership, Communication, Teamwork, Good manners, Ability to teach, Works well with diversity, Self-
7.2. Personal attributes
Optimism, Responsibility, Sense of humor, Integrity, Time management, Motivation, Common Sense
8. Key soft skills required [4, 6, 7, 8]
8.1. Communication skill
Communication skills form the corner stone of Soft Skill. It is a process through which a message is exchanged from
the sender to the receiver and vice versa.
S. Vasanthakumari / World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 03(02), 066072
Figure 1 Good Communication
8.1.1. Verbal communication
It is essential to communicate appropriately with colleagues, seniors and subordinates to avoid any sort of
misunderstanding and misinterpretation at the workplace.
It is a tool which is used to communicate a message from one to one another of the same group. It is also called as
verbal communication.
Important facts about language
The grammar has to be properly used to during all the conversations.
Always think before you talk
Use simple and short sentences to convey your messages.
Avoid using complex and long sentences.
Don’t use verbal and nonverbal fillers during the conversation.
It is a set of guidelines which tells us clearly how, when and where to use the words of any given language.
The rate of speech
To communicate clearly, a rate of speech plays a vital role. An average rate of speed should be maintained to deliver
the message clearly. The average speed of a perfect speaker is around 130 to 160 words per minute.
8.1.2. Non-verbal communication
Body language, also called as a nonverbal communication. It presents to the audience what we feel & think about the
particular matter.
Body language
It is a natural representation which is inbuilt within each and every living organism in this world. It is also known as
the first language of the world.
S. Vasanthakumari / World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 03(02), 066072
Figure 2 Non Verbal Communication
8.1.3. Written Communication Skill
Writing evaluates a person’s proficiency indications, spelling, grammar etc.
8.1.4. Presentation skills
Include planning, preparation & delivery of the message. Making a formal speech is one form of presentation.
Presentation skills can be broadly categorized into physical, oral, & electronic.
8.2. Team work
It is the collaborative effort of a team to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient
way. People of either gender, different age groups, qualification, status & skills work as a team with a common
objective of accomplishing the task.
8.3. Professional ethics
It is defined as the personal and corporate rules that govern behaviour within the context of a particular profession.
8.4. Interpersonal skills
It is the ability to communicate or interact well with other people. Man is a social animal & his success in life largely
depends on his relationship & interaction with others.
8.5. Interpersonal skills and Personal chemistry
Interpersonal Defined: of or pertaining to the relations between persons, Personal Chemistry: In the context of
relationships, it is a simple "emotion" that people get when they share a special connection. It is important in
Interpersonal relationship to decide who will be with each other.
8.6. Time management and how to work under pressure
“Time management” is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities.
Good time management enables you to work smarter not harder so that you get more done in less time, even when
time is tight and pressures are high. Failing to manage time damages the effectiveness and causes stress.
8.7. Leadership
Leadership is the ability to influence others, with or without authority. All successful endeavors are the result of
human effort; thus, the ability to influence others is a derivation of Interpersonal Communications, Conflict
Management, Problem Solving / Decision Making.
S. Vasanthakumari / World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 03(02), 066072
Figure 3 Leadership Skills
8.8. Critical thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas.
8.9. Problem solving
Problem solving is the act of defining a problem, determining the cause of the problem, identifying, prioritizing and
selecting alternatives for a solution, and implementing a solution.
8.10. Creativity
It is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving
problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
8.11. Conflict resolution
It is conceptualized as the methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict
and retribution.
8.12. Negotiation
It is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while
avoiding argument and dispute.
8.13. Decision making
It is the cognitive process resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several alternative
8.14. Self-motivation
It is the ability to do what needs to be done, without influence from other people or situations.
8.15. Self confidence
It is self-assurance in one's personal judgment, ability, power etc.
8.16. Self awareness
It is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the environment
and other individuals.
S. Vasanthakumari / World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 03(02), 066072
9. Soft skills used in work place [2, 5, 6, 7]
Communication skills, Body language
Team skills
Ways to manage time
Stress Management strategies Changing one’s Focus (diversional activities)
Leadership strategies
Critical thinking - Now a day’s no need to think there is a box but simply realize there is no box
Showing kindness and courtesy
Being Flexible and Adaptable
Maintaining Eye contact, Using common sense
Intelligence quotient (IQ)
EI-Emotional intelligence
Positive work ethics and attitude
Maintaining good personal appearance
Understanding what the world is about (what’s going on in the news?)
Willingness to take instruction and responsibility
Able to relate to co-workers in a close environment
Not expecting to be promoted within the first six month
Membership and Volunteering
10. Good basic life lesson to be learnt to be successful at work place [6, 7, 8]
You are responsible for yourself
Don’t be afraid of something. Learn about it!
Skill and Technical competency is the core of your career!
What you don’t know may hurt you, or hold you back
Develop important soft skills
Build on your strengths; target weaknesses
What you don’t know may hurt you, or hold you back
Don’t be afraid of something. Learn about it!
Build on your strengths ; target weaknesses
Develop important soft skills
Skill and Technical competency is the core of your career!
The Choice is yours
With a Bad attitude you can never have a positive day
With a Positive Attitude you can never have a bad day
11. Preparation of a resume and self-introduction: [7, 8, 9]
Push the soft skills during self introduction, in resume and during job interview
High light the Soft skill while describing yourself, narrating work history/ experience
In curriculum vitae, mention one or two of the skills, and give specific examples of instances when you
demonstrated these traits at work.
When you attend an interview, remember that this is your first chance to show your interpersonal skills to
your prospective employers.
Be professional, make eye contact, shake hands, listen closely to the questions and answer them fully.
S. Vasanthakumari / World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 03(02), 066072
12. How to improve your soft skills [1, 9]
Take online courses
Get feedback from others
Practice with a friend
Get a coach
13. Conclusion
Hard skills help to acquire employment and Soft skills helps to ensure the employability. Hence it is essential to
integrate hard skills with soft skills to fast track the career. Soft skill is an umbrella term for skills under three key
functional elements: people skills, social skills, and personal career attributes. Experts say soft skills training should
begin for a person when they are students, to perform efficiently in their academic environment as well as in their
future workplace. [1, 2, 6]
Pick one skill…work on it….Practice!
Compliance with ethical standards
I would like to acknowledge Wollega University and my Pediatric Nursing Department Heads Mr. Werku Etafa M.Sc(N)
and Mr. Bizuneh Wakuma M.Sc(N), Dean Mr. Eba Abdissa M.Sc(N), Head of Department (Nursing) Tadele Amente
Belisa M.Sc(N), Research Technology Transfer Post Graduate Coordinator Mr. Motumma MPH(RH).
Disclosure of conflict of interest
Author declare that there are no conflicts of interest in any form.
[1] Silber H, Kenneth and Foshay RW. (2009). Handbook of Improving Performance in the Workplace,
Instructional Design and Training Delivery, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 63.
[2] Anju A. (2009). A Holistic Approach to Soft Skills Training. IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 3(1), 7-11.
[3] Dennis R Laker and Jimmy LP. (2011). The differences between hard and soft skills and their relative impact
on training transfer. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 22(1), 111122.
[4] Jane A and Helen H. (2008). Graduate Employability, ‘Soft Skills’ Versus ‘Hard Skills’ Business Knowledge: A
European Study, Journal of Higher Education in Europe, 33(4), 412- 422.
[5] Jungsun K, Mehmet E, JeoungWoo B and Hwayoung J. (2011). Training soft skills via e-learning, International
Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(6), 739-763.
How to cite this article
S. Vasanthakumari. (2019). Soft skills and its application in work place. World Journal of Advanced Research and
Reviews, 3(2), 66-72.
... Secondly, Personal attributes include Optimism, Responsibility, Sense of humor, Integrity, Time management, Motivation, Common Sense. Communication skills, which consist of verbal, written, and non-verbal components, pertain to the transmission of messages (Sundararajan, 2019). The concept of teamwork can be defined as a collaborative endeavor that yields exceptional outcomes through the pursuit of a shared objective (Tarricone, 2002). ...
... The concept of teamwork can be defined as a collaborative endeavor that yields exceptional outcomes through the pursuit of a shared objective (Tarricone, 2002). Interpersonal skills encompass the ability to engage in successful communication and interact with people, which are seen essential for achieving social success (Sundararajan, 2019). The concept of time management encompasses the systematic arrangement and strategic allocation of time in order to enhance productivity and effectiveness (Nasrullah & Saqib Khan, 2015;Sundararajan, 2019). ...
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The research aims to examine the relationship and impact between soft skills (independent variable) and the quality of accounting profits (dependent variable) by surveying the opinions of accountants in several industrial companies in Nineveh Province. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire was distributed to a randomly selected sample of 31 respondents. The research employed a descriptive-analytical methodology to address the research hypotheses and derive conclusions. The study reached several key conclusions, notably that soft skills enhance creativity, innovation, organizational abilities, and problem-solving capabilities within organizations. These skills and attributes are crucial for addressing complex tasks within the organization to ensure both individual and organizational success in a dynamic environment. The research also provided several recommendations, including the assertion that relying on soft skills contributes to the quality of accounting profits. This is achieved by producing reports that include adequate information on cost management for sustainable development, adherence to environmental regulations, effective investment planning, optimal resource and energy utilization, and waste management and reporting to stakeholders and the community.
This chapter aims to explain innovation in higher education institutions to develop students’ entrepreneurial skills through contamination lab experience. In the dynamic evolution of work, innovation plays a crucial role in ensuring both the survival and success of organizations and in leading professional behavior in higher education institutions towards the adoption of a new learning technique. Soft skills, as a psychosocial aspect, play a foundational role in students’ inventive capacities, encompassing cognitive and interpersonal skills, willingness to engage in discourse and problem-solving, collaboration, and communication proficiency.
The shipping industry is regulated by international laws with the stakeholders significantly influencing the standards of international transport systems and, therefore, demands highly qualified specialists. The introduction of digital technologies, automatization of working processes, and globalization of international maritime trade create new challenges and increase the requirements for the mariners’ professional competences, thus impacting the training of future specialists. The latest studies on the current trends and the long-term prospects indicate the need to acquire new professional skills to support the shipping industry’s sustainable development. The stakeholders are increasingly recognizing the influence of human factors on the efficiency of the processes aboard ships and emphasize the urgent need for an overhaul of maritime education. The focus on the soft skills training aims to contribute to the formation of future leaders and improve the quality of seafarers’ professional training. Thus, there is a need to substantiate the importance of soft skills for a successful career in the maritime industry and to describe the methods to integrate them into the educational process. The authors acknowledge that the concept of “soft skills” proposed by national and foreign researchers varies in their characteristics. Based on the analysis of scholarly papers, we have formulated the “soft skills” definition appropriate for our research. We define “soft skills” as individual psychological and behavioral properties that are realized in interpersonal interaction and contribute significantly to its effectiveness.The purpose of the article is to present some approaches to integrating soft skills into Maritime English program at a higher educational institution.To determine the primary directions of soft skills development, the authors have analyzed the latest international projects, conducted by maritime experts. We consider the integration of soft skills into the Maritime English course to be one of the most suitable approaches since the teaching methods and the course learning materials are aimed specifically at the development of effective interpersonal communication skills.The information presented in the paper can be useful for researchers and educators, who are interested in soft skills embedding into educational programs.
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El propósito de este trabajo es conocer el rol que juega la tecnología en los diferentes modelos educativos. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática siguiendo las directrices PRISMA de los estudios encontrados en Web of Science y SCOPUS, incluyendo un total de 511 estudios. En base a los artículos analizados se puede concluir que los diferentes autores están de acuerdo con el impacto positivo de la tecnología en los resultados de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. En este sentido, la tecnología es una aliada para la educación superior, de forma que mediante su uso se pueden desarrollar ambientes simulados y herramientas que faciliten la comunicación, el carácter social que propicie la interacción y facilite la apropiación de las herramientas. Sin embargo, es importante mencionar que la innovación docente no solo está asociada a la tecnología. La baja capacidad docente en el trabajo a través de entornos virtuales, la baja motivación del estudiante, la nula apuesta de la institución educativa en crear ecosistemas tecnológicos que responden a las necesidades del mercado y el desarrollo de entornos tecnológicos de las instituciones de educación superior, son las principales limitaciones con las que cuentan las prácticas educativas innovadoras.
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There is a growing awareness in the UK and mainland Europe of the importance of higher education to the development of a knowledge‐based economy. European universities are increasingly required to produce highly mobile graduates able to respond to the ever‐changing needs of the contemporary workplace. Following the Bologna Declaration (19991. 19 June 1999. “The European Higher Education Area” (Bologna Declaration), Joint Declaration of the European Ministers of Education, Bologna View all references), higher education across Europe has expanded rapidly. This has resulted in questions being raised about the quality of the graduate labour market and the ability of graduates to meet the needs of employers. This paper analyses graduate and employer perspectives of graduate employability in four European countries (UK, Austria, Slovenia and Romania). In doing so it adds to current debates in this area.
There is a need for a standard reference for instructional design professionals. Sponsored by ISPI, Volume One of the Handbook of Training and Improving Performance presents multi-disciplinary knowledge, standard principles, and evidence-based best practices for designing instruction delivering training. It offers a comprehensive review of topics including: Performance Analysis and Needs Assessment; Establishing Performance Objectives and Performance Measurements; Designing Instruction for Results; Developing Instruction for Results; Implementation, Delivery, and Facilitation of Instructional Design; Evaluating Instructional Design; Managing the Instructional Design Process; Instructional Design Competencies; and includes international case studies.
Most research and conceptualizing of training transfer assumes that the content of the training is irrelevant in whether or not or to what extent transfer is successful. The singular perspective that all training is the same when it comes to issues of training transfer is misguided. This is especially true for the types of training that have been traditionally referred to as hard-skills (technical) and soft-skills (intrapersonal and interpersonal) training. It is hypothesized that this singular perspective of making no differentiation between hard and soft skills can actually hinder training transfer. It is the contention of this article that this perspective masks significant differences between these two forms of training and the extent to which each transfers to the job. Anecdotal evidence has emphasized that soft-skills training is significantly less likely to transfer from training to the job than hard-skills training. Soft-skills training, rather than hard-skills training, has primarily been discussed in the HRD literature. This is easily reflected in reviews of the training-transfer literature. Consequently, from this perspective, the work on training transfer has almost been exclusively based upon soft-skills training. This focus on soft skills may be warranted by the specific difficulty in transferring soft skills (intrapersonal and interpersonal) rather than hard skills (technical). This lack of soft-skill transfer results in an extremely costly waste of time, energy, and money. This article discusses differences that are hypothesized to exist between hard- (technical) and soft- (intrapersonal and interpersonal) skills training that we believe impact the degree of training transfer achieved. It is our belief that differentiating between hard and soft skills may add greatly to our understanding of training transfer and additional ways of its facilitation. This article also contends that development of a more robust and comprehensive model of training transfer must consider training content.
This paper emphasizes the need for a change in the conceptualization of soft skills training as it is practiced today in finishing schools and subsequently proposes an alternative approach rooted in a deeper personal sense of the trainer. In this view, conventional recruitment components like Group Discussions (GDs) and interviews need to be redefined. They should be seen not merely as the process of elimination or acceptance of one’s competence, but have a deeper meaning wherein a candidate displays his true inner potential. Aligning with this the author suggests a paradigm shift in the role of soft skill trainers both in the domains of personal comprehension and classroom instruction.
Training soft skills via e-learning
  • K Jungsun
  • E Mehmet
  • Jeoungwoo B Hwayoung
Jungsun K, Mehmet E, JeoungWoo B and Hwayoung J. (2011). Training soft skills via e-learning, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(6), 739-763.