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Fraud Detection in Payments Transactions: Overview of Existing Approaches and Usage for Instant Payments


Abstract and Figures

Financial industries are undergoing a digital transformation of their products, services, overall business models. Part of this digitalization in banking aims at automating most of the manual work in payment handling and integrating the workflows of involved service providers. The focus of the work presented in this paper is on fraud discovery and steps to fully automate it. Fraud discovery in financial transactions has become an important priority for banks. Fraud is increasing significantly with the expansion of modern technology and global communication, which results in substantial damages for the banks. Instant payment (IP) transactions cause new challenges for fraud detection due to the requirement of short processing time. The paper investigates the possibility to use artificial intelligence in IP fraud detection. The main contributions of our work are (a) an analysis of problem relevance from business and literature perspective, (b) a proposal for technological support for using AI in fraud detection of instant payment transactions, and (c) a feasibility study of selected fraud detection approaches.
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Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (CSIMQ)
eISSN: 2255-9922
Published online by RTU Press,
Article 118, Issue 20, September/October 2019, Pages 7288
Fraud Detection in Payments Transactions: Overview of Existing
Approaches and Usage for Instant Payments
Alexander Diadiushkin1,2
, Kurt Sandkuhl1,2 and Alexander Maiatin2
1 University of Rostock, Albert-Einstein-Str. 22, 18059 Rostock, Germany
2 ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia,,
Abstract. Financial industries are undergoing a digital transformation of their
products, services, overall business models. Part of this digitalization in banking
aims at automating most of the manual work in payment handling and
integrating the workflows of involved service providers. The focus of the work
presented in this paper is on fraud discovery and steps to fully automate it.
Fraud discovery in financial transactions has become an important priority for
banks. Fraud is increasing significantly with the expansion of modern
technology and global communication, which results in substantial damages for
the banks. Instant payment (IP) transactions cause new challenges for fraud
detection due to the requirement of short processing time. The paper
investigates the possibility to use artificial intelligence in IP fraud detection.
The main contributions of our work are (a) an analysis of problem relevance
from business and literature perspective, (b) a proposal for technological
support for using AI in fraud detection of instant payment transactions, and (c) a
feasibility study of selected fraud detection approaches.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Enterprise Modeling, Digital
Transformation, Instant Payment.
1 Introduction
Financial industries are currently undergoing a change process that many researchers consider as
digital transformation. From a business-centric perspective, digital transformation focuses in
general on the transformation of products, processes, and organizational aspects triggered by
new technologies [1]. This opens up a variety of opportunities for changing business models and
value chains in order to meet constantly increasing customer requirements and offer services
faster, more intelligently and more efficiently. For the financial sector, examples for new prod-
ucts and services are robot advisory and auto-trading, value-added services based on account
information and transaction history, or ad-hoc loans in online-banking. Many of these services
Corresponding author
© 2019 Alexander Diadiushkin et al. This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
Reference: A. Diadiushkin, Kurt Sandkuhl and A. Maiatin, Fraud Detection in Payments Transactions: Overview of Existing
Approaches and Usage for Instant Payments,” Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly, CSIMQ, no. 20, pp. 72
88, 2019. Available:
Additional information. Author’s ORCID iD: K. Sandkuhl PII S225599221900118X.
Received: 25September 2019. Accepted: 28 October 2019. Available online: 31 October 2019.
are facilitated by applications of Artificial intelligence (AI) approaches, which provide the nec-
essary functionality for automating certain steps of work processes or the overall end-to-end pro-
cess. However, among the prospective users of AI and the decision-makers in organizations,
there is often no clear picture of how AI should be put into operation and where the limits are
The focus of this work is a specific aspect of digital transformation, which concerns both, new
kinds of services and the application of AI in these services. More concrete, the focus is on the
newly established instant payment (IP) service and ways of fully automating fraud discovery in
IP transactions. Fraud discovery in financial transactions has become an important priority for
banks. Fraud is increasing significantly with the expansion of modern technology and global
communication, which results in substantial damages for the banks and new regulations. Instant
payments are expected to bring a new complexity to fraud detection; the European Central Bank
and Central Bank of the Russian Federation have already proposed the introduction of IP
systems. Compared to conventional Single Europe Payment Area (SEPA) transactions, in instant
payments fraud detection has to be completed within a few seconds instead of a day or more.
New technological approaches are required to achieve this goal.
In the above context, the article is an extended version of a paper presented at the ILOG 2019
workshop in the context of BIR 2019 conference in Katowice, Poland: Alexander Diadiushkin,
Kurt Sandkuhl and Alexander Maiatin: Fraud Detection in Instant Payments as Contribution to
Digitalization in Banks. Joint Proceedings of the BIR 2019 Workshops and Doctoral
Consortium. pp. 107-117 ( and aims at a contribution to quick
fraud discovery by investigating, which approaches can be utilized in the real-world fraud
detection task. For this purpose, publications about existing approaches were analyzed to explore
their utilization in the area of instant payments. Two approaches were selected for
implementation with an explicit focus on efficiency. To evaluate performance in terms of speed
and precision, a benchmarking of the approaches was performed.
The main contributions of our work are (a) an analysis of problem relevance from business
and literature perspective, (b) a proposal for technological support for using AI in fraud detection
of instant payment transactions, and (c) a feasibility study of selected fraud detection approaches.
The remainder of this article structured as follows: Section 2 summarizes the foundation for our
work from fraud detection in payment transactions including important terms. Section 3
introduces the research approach taken. Section 4 investigates the problem’s relevance. Section 5
is dedicated to fraud detection and the feasibility study. Section 6 summarizes the results and
gives an outlook on future work.
2 Theoretical Foundations
2.1 Instant Payments
Originally, banks could take their time to process a payment transaction order. The procedure
might take hours and even days. Formally, it consists of clearing and settlement of order. The
clearing is a process of transmitting, reconciling and, in some cases, confirming transfer orders
prior to settlement. The settlement is the completion of a transaction or processing with the aim
of discharging participants’ obligations through the transfer of funds [3].
To reduce the amount of time it takes to proceed with an order, the European Central Bank
and Central Bank of Russia developed the proposal of instant payment systems [4], [5]. Instant
payments will dramatically increase the speed at which payments are made and received in Euro
in the European Union. Today it normally takes one business day for a payment to reach the
beneficiary. With instant payments, this will happen in real-time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year. The funds will be available immediately for use by the recipient.
The Euro Retail Payments Board (ERPB) [6] has defined instant payments as "electronic retail
payment solutions available 24/7/365 and resulting in the immediate or close-to-immediate
interbank clearing of the transaction and crediting of the payee’s account with confirmation to
the payer (within seconds of payment initiation)". This is irrespective of the underlying payment
instrument used (credit transfer, direct debit or payment card) and of the underlying
arrangements for clearing (whether bilateral interbank clearing or clearing via infrastructures)
and settlement (e.g. with guarantees or in real-time) that make this possible [4].
As described by the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures [7], the idea of
“instant” or sometimes called “fast” is not new. Technically, speed comes from instant clearing
of the transaction, and only the settlement process is being delayed. According to Mastercard [8],
such an approach is the default for many countries, but not for Europe, and called Single-
Message clearing, during which authorization and clearing in payment network is done in one
dispatch. On the contrary, Dual-Message clearing separates authorization and clearing processes
in time [9].
2.2 Bank Fraud
Fraud is wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain [10].
Thus, bank fraud is commonly described as a criminal act that occurs when a person uses illegal
means to receive money or assets from a bank or other financial institution. Bank fraud is
distinguished from bank robbery by the fact that the perpetrator keeps the crime secret, in the
hope that no one notices until he has gotten away. The term bank fraud also refers to attempts by
a person to obtain money from a bank’s depositors by falsely pretending to be a bank or financial
institution [11].
In the work, we focus on bank fraud cases, related to instant payment systems. Mainly, on
identity thieves, stealing, duplication or skimming of card information, which may often be the
result of phishing and Internet fraud. In other words, our main attention is on fraud approaches
that utilize genuine payment card credentials.
In 2016, total fraud involving Single European Payment Area (also known as SEPA: the EU
Member States plus Switzerland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway) cards decreased to 1.8 billion
euros, which is 0.8% less than in 2015. Card fraud at ATMs dropped by 12.4% and online fraud
rose significantly, accounting for 73% of the total value of card fraud in 2016. One Euro for
every 2,428 Euros spent on payment cards was lost to fraud. In relative terms, i.e. as a share of
the total value of card transactions of 4.38 trillion euros, fraud dropped by 0.001 percentage
point to 0.041% in 2016, down from 0.042% in 2015. This is the first decrease since 2011 [12].
Online card fraud is naturally increasing as digital services develop further and are becoming
more and more sophisticated. The most common types of online fraud reported by the industry
are “clean fraud” where criminals obtain genuine cardholder details including 3D Secure and
Address Verification credentials and “identity theft” where the fraudster steals the
cardholder’s personal data in order to make unauthorized online transactions. However, in recent
years there has been an increase in “friendly fraud”, where the payer first makes a genuine
transaction then claims that their card has been used fraudulently and asks for money back [13].
2.3 Fraud Discovery Approaches
In this section, an overview of related works found in public access is presented. In summary,
more than 40 papers on fraud detection were analyzed in the process of collecting related
researches [14]. Quality highly varies between them; some even do not present any
implementation or lack well-defined example of evaluation. Correlation to the banking fraud also
divides into fraud in the area of loan approvals and area of transactions, sometimes even datasets
from one area applied for evaluation of an approach for another, which seems to be not
appropriate. A short overview of selected papers is presented below.
Vishwakarma et al. [15] propose an approach for fraud analytics for the NFC-enabled mobile
payment system. A multi-layer solution is presented where each subsequent layer is responsible
for separated parts of fraud analysis. However, the article presents only a generic view on the
problem and its solution, avoiding implementation at all.
Kultur et al. [16] propose a novel cardholder behavior model for detecting credit card fraud.
They propose building a model by clustering transaction amounts of a user, with respect to
merchant category code (MCC) of the transaction, using the Expectation Maximization
algorithm. The evaluation was done on a real-world dataset provided by a leading bank in
Turkey, which is not available in public. The proposed approach showed the detection of 43% of
fraud transactions, presented in the dataset. However, no information about the application of
this approach in the real-world was provided.
Carminati et al. [17] propose a supervised auto-tuning approach for a banking fraud detection
system, called Banksealer [18]. They describe the application of the Multi-Objective Genetic
Algorithm (MOGA) for the task of feature weighting task, this way freeing end-users from the
need in the manual configuration of this unsupervised system. This gain up to 35% of
performance in detecting some sophisticated fraud cases.
Patil et al. [19] implemented a supervised artificial neural network with back propagation
algorithm for the purpose of classifying transactions for fraud detection. Experimental evaluation
was made on an old dataset of applications for credit loans, which seems to be unrelated to the
task of fraud detection in bank transactions. However, accuracy up to 98% was shown during
Hatamikhal et al. [20] present a concept drift detection solution based on streaming ensemble
algorithm with deep belief network utilized in it. Concept drift problem highly affects fraud
detection due to variable user’s behavior. The evaluation was done on MNIST and SEA datasets,
comparing the proposed solution with Morelli’s method. The F1-score of the proposed method
for the evaluation is 50.41%.
Nami et al. [21] developed a two-stage approach for fraud detection. In the first stage, the kNN
algorithm was utilized to rate similarity between past user’s transactions and incoming ones. In
the second stage, dynamic random forest algorithm was applied for initial detection along with
the minimum-risk model for cost-sensitive fraud detection. The evaluation was made on data
from a private bank and future deployment in the real-world is only proposed for research.
Panigrahi et al. [22] built fraud detection systems that combine several approaches. Initially,
the proposed approach checks for address mismatch and which outliers using the DBSCAN
algorithm. Afterwards, the results of previous checks are combined using Dempster-Shafer
adder. If the result falls into a certain threshold, additionally Bayesian learner was applied to
make the optimal decisions. The evaluation was done on a synthetic dataset with up to 98% of
true positive cases and less than 10% of false positive ones. No information about future
applications in the real world is presented.
Wang et al. [23] propose the application of K-means clustering algorithm and Hidden Markov
Model (HMM) for the purpose of fraud detection. K-means are utilized for translating incoming
transactions into a set of symbols (states) for further application in HMM, which used to model
user’s behavior. If incoming transaction highly deviates from expected user’s behavior, it is
considered as fraudulent. Real-world bank data is utilized for evaluation; however, no further
real-world application is mentioned.
Behera et al. [24] implemented a hybrid approach using fuzzy clustering and neural network.
After initial user authentication and card details verification, a fuzzy c-means clustering
algorithm is applied to perform initial transaction scoring. If the score falls into a certain
threshold, the transaction is considered either legitimate, suspicious or fraudulent. In case of
suspicious transactions, a neural network algorithm is applied to make the final decision.
Evaluation of synthetic dataset showed up to 93.90% of true positive cases and less than 6.10%
of false positive ones.
Wei et al. [25] proposed the detection of sophisticated online banking fraud on extremely
imbalanced data. This solution is highly limited on online banking due to the utilization of
ContrastMiner algorithm to examine deviations in user’s behavior on a bank’s website (for
instance, if after login user instantly traverses to a page different than the home page). Cost-
sensitive neural network and random forest are utilized for the purpose of transaction scoring.
The dataset for evaluation was provided by a major Australian bank, however, no sign of further
application is provided.
Li et al. [26] proposed a solution for the selection of globally optimal (business) rules for
detecting fraud. The proposed MCGminer algorithm is based on the Max Coverage Gain metric,
which scores how good a rule performs globally. Datasets for evaluation were borrowed in
public sources along with one provided by a major Australian bank. Algorithms were
successfully deployed in the aforementioned bank.
Jarovsky et al. [27] focused on the problem of business rule sharing between financial
institutions for the purpose of improving fraud detection efficiency. Their work allows rules
defined in the context of one financial institution (say, a bank in the U.S.A.) being translated into
the context of another financial institution (say, a bank in Europe) using GOLDRUSH algorithm.
This allows better collaboration between these institutions for the purpose of fraud detection and
prevention. For evaluation, real-world transactions are used from a private dataset. However, no
sign of further application in the real world is presented.
Hormozi et al. [28] implemented a fraud detection system based on the Artificial Immune
System algorithm called Negative Selection Algorithm. Parallel implementation of this algorithm
based on Hadoop allowed to slightly improve training time and cut detection time almost in half.
Evaluations were made on a private dataset from a large Brazilian bank, however, no further
application of this solution is mentioned.
Dhankhad et al. [29] made a comparative study of supervised machine learning algorithms of
their application for the fraud detection task. Ten algorithms were compared, among which
Random Forest proved to be one of the best. Evaluations were done on the dataset from Kaggle.
Zheng et al. [30] demonstrate how user’s behavior profile can be represented in a form of a
graph, where vertexes represent different values of certain transaction feature and weighted
edges represent the correlation between them, i.e. how likely value of one attribute would be
present if the value of another is. Incoming transactions are evaluated against this profile to
measure how unlikely the user’s current behavior is. Once again, the dataset from Kaggle is
utilized in evaluation and no information about the further real-world applications is present.
3 Research Approach
The overall research paradigm we follow in our work is design science research (DSR) as
proposed by [31]. The research goal is to investigate the potential of using AI as an element in
the digitization of fraud detection in instant payments (IP) with a focus on confirming problem
relevance and feasibility study. The artifact envisioned as a long-term result and thus in focus of
our DSR project is method support for introducing AI in IP fraud discovery in combination with
technological components implementing AI approaches.
Within the DSR frame, we use different research methods in different phases of the research
work. Problem relevance is investigated by an interview study in different banks and financial
service providers (see Section 4). This business-oriented aspect of the problem relevance is
accompanied by a literature analysis to discover relevant existing work in the scientific body of
knowledge (see Section 2). The main research question of the problem relevance investigation is
“What challenges do organizations in the financial industry experience in implementing fraud
detection in instant payments?”.
As the problem relevance investigation confirms the need for changes in IP fraud detection, we
propose an initial design of the envisioned technological support, i.e. the AI component. This
initial version serves as a feasibility study for fraud detection in instant payment transactions
applying AI. Lessons learned from the feasibility study and requirements derived from the
interviews form input for the next design-evaluate cycle of the artifact. The initial version of the
method is not discussed in this article but presented in related work [32].
4 Problem Relevance
The investigation of problem relevance was performed in two steps: first, we performed
interviews with three different payment service providers about their way of performing fraud
detection in conventional SEPA payments. The interviews were conducted on the basis of a
structured questionnaire. The objective of the interviews was to understand which steps in
conventional SEPA fraud detection could no longer be performed in instant payment fraud
detection because of the short time frame. In SEPA payments, banks usually have one bank day
for fraud detection, in instant payments max. 10 seconds. Thus, the interviews aimed at gaining
a better understanding of the process of processing suspected cases. As a result of the interviews,
we discovered similar processes at all three organizations that simplified consists the following
A specific back-office software monitors all transactions and identifies suspicious cases
based on rule sets tailored for the payment service provider
The transactions identified as suspicious cases are assigned a rating that indicates the
severity of the case
The fraud officers at the payment service provider work on most severe cases first in an IT-
supported but mostly manual process
The investigation of suspicious cases includes checking payment history (amounts,
recipients, geographic distribution, etc.) of the customer
If the suspicion is confirmed, either the customer making the payment and/or the recipients
bank are contacted by phone call
Based on the manual check, payment is blocked or released
If a fraud case can be confirmed, all relevant information is documented and a police
investigation is initiated.
For investigating the potential use of AI, it was also interesting to understand what information
is available about suspicious cases. The fraud officer commonly receives or fetches the following
Reason for displaying the suspicious case, e.g. known suspicion/fraud pattern, rule(s)
Assessment result of the criticality of the suspected case, e.g. using multi-level scale
Information about the triggers of the transaction, for instance, name, age, address data;
transaction/sales history
Information about the content and recipient of the transaction, such as account information
of the trigger, amount, intended use, name and bank details of the recipient
Any further information about the trigger of the transaction, such as the service agent in the
bank assigned to the customer.
The basic process flow of fraud detection takes an average time for the manual parts between
510 minutes and up to 30 minutes for difficult cases. All interviewees confirmed that the above
process is not applicable for IP due to the drastically reduced time frame of 10 seconds for the
whole process. With millions of transactions performed every day, the payment service providers
participating in the interview estimated the time frame available for checking a single transaction
to a few milliseconds. This is confirmed by earlier discussions in the financial sector, for
instance in a discussion paper by Mastercard [8].
Feasibility Study: Fraud Detection in IP Based on AI
Section 2.3 shows that there are many fraud detection approaches but that publications
describing these approaches do not provide sufficient information for using or implementing
them. The only exception detected in the analysis was the Banksealer approach. Thus, we
decided to apply the Banksealer for the feasibility study. Furthermore, we aimed to understand
performance issues in implementing AI-based fraud detection. In order to have a way of
interpreting the performance of Banksealer, we decided to implement a second approach to
compare with. Here, we selected a general approach, the random forest approach, as an element
of the feasibility study.
As there are other general approaches that are potentially applicable in fraud detection (for
instance Dempster-Shafer or K-means clustering), we followed a component-oriented software
design offering the possibility to easily integrate implementations of additional approaches.
More concrete, we designed generic interfaces to classifiers and score detectors that have to be
specialized by the actual approach used in our case Banksealer and random forest. The class
diagrams provided in Section 5.3 provide more information and illustration of the design.
This section will first cover the random forest approach (Section 5.1), followed by more
details on Banksealer (Section 5.2). Section 5.3 and 5.4 focus on implementation issues for both
approaches and the evaluation, which includes a comparison.
4.1 Random Forest
Random Forest is an ensemble classifying algorithm that represents ensembles a collection of
Decision Trees, each of which is built on a randomly selected set of features see an example
from famous people domain in Figure 1. A decision tree is a tree where each node represents an
attribute and edges following from it represent a condition, under which the edge can be
traversed. On leaves of the tree target classes are located. The final decision is represented by the
majority of results. It is easy to see that the model behind Random Forest can be easily
visualized and analyzed for investigation, thus, results of classification can be explained in a
reasonable amount of time.
Methods for the creation of Random Forest mainly consist of three approaches: bagging,
random split and a random set of weights. Bagging is made by sapling original training data set
randomly until a certain size is reached. This way, training data sets made by bagging may
contain duplicates. For random splitting, a tree is built using K attributes from the training data
set, selected at random. The last approach is similar to bagging but duplicates are represented by
a weighting of instances the more instance’s weight, the more copies of it were sampled.
A decision is made by traversing the tree from root to leaf by a path that meets conditions
associated with it. At the end, arriving at a leaf presents the result of the classification process.
Random Forest runs classification on each tree it consists of during the runtime.
Figure 1. Example of Decision Tree visualization
4.2 Banksealer
On contrast with Random Forest, Banksealer [17] consists of a few major algorithms, helped by
some tiny ones, altogether presenting an approach that is more complex (see Figure 2).
User’s behavior is represented by three types of profiles:
Local profile represents past user’s activity in the form of a histogram
Temporal profile represents statistic values of past user’s activity
Global profile aggregates by the similarity of their spending patterns
The local pattern is built by evaluating HBOS algorithms on past user’s transactions. The
transaction has the following features: amount, country code of autonomous system of the
client’s IP, client’s IP, IBAN, IBAN country code, timestamp, and recipient. Features
highlighted boldly are hashed for privacy preservation.
Initially, a histogram is built for each feature separately, representing its distribution. For
evaluating of new transaction HBOS [33] is calculated by Formula 1.
 (1)
Where  represents score for i-th feature of transaction t, calculated by a histogram,
associated with the feature.
Figure 2. Banksealer architecture (adopted from [17])
The temporal profile is built by calculating statistic values, mean and standard deviation. The
following features are extracted during training: total amount, total and maximum daily number
of transactions. For each numerical feature, statistic values are calculated. A threshold is set to
the sum of mean and standard deviation. During the evaluation of the new transaction, for each
of the mentioned above features, cumulative value is calculated with a certain frequency. The
positive delta between each cumulative value and the threshold sum up into the anomaly score.
Global profile builds by applying an iterative modification of the DBSCAN algorithm for the
purpose of clustering users. Afterwards, CBLOF is applied to measure how a user’s behavior
deviates from the most common one.
DBSCAN [34] algorithm takes into account three parameters: distance metric, epsilon radius
in which algorithm searches point’s neighbours and the minimal number of neighbours in this
radius, required it not to be noise. The modified version, used in Banksealer, iteratively applied
DBSCAN to the larger cluster, each time lowering the search radius. This is done for the purpose
of splitting larger clusters into smaller ones, to further present a more detailed view on how
user’s behavior patterns aggregate.
After building clusters, information about them passed into CBLOF [35] algorithm, along with
three parameters: distance metric, alpha the percentage of points that at least larger clusters
must accumulate in summary and beta for clusters, ordered by size, rate of sizes between larger
and smaller subsequent clusters. Initially, all clusters are separated into large and small ones,
according to incoming parameters. The process terminates as soon as one of the conditions is
met. Afterwards, for each point score is calculated by Formula 2.
 (2)
Where SC represents a set of small clusters and LC represents a set of large clusters. In other
words, if a point belongs to a large cluster, its score will be the distance to the centre of the
cluster. Otherwise, its score is the distance to the center of the closest large cluster. Mahalanobis
distance [36] is utilized in the building of the global profile.
Resulting anomaly score is the sum of scores gained by the aforementioned approaches,
multiplied by the transaction amount. Finally, the transactions are ordered by scores assigned to
them for further investigation by analytics.
4.3 Implementation
For evaluation purpose, only the data set from Kaggle [37] was utilized in this work. The reason
for this decision is that it consists of real-world transactions, ready to be utilized in the
classification algorithm. The disadvantage of this data set is high anonymity, thus, it can’t be
utilized fully for certain algorithms as they require some knowledge of users. Features, presented
in this data set include the following information:
Time between the current transaction and first transaction in the data set,
V1-V28 anonymized features of the transaction,
Amount transaction amount,
Class a nominal attribute that classifies the transaction as fraudulent or not.
Since information about users is vital for correct evaluation of algorithms, it is necessary to
look for synthetic data. Only one suitable simulator of bank transactions was found: PaySim
For Random Forest, the implementation from WEKA [39] was chosen, as will be
demonstrated further. WEKA is probably the most popular, open-source, production-ready
library, that provide support of many algorithms. It supports many data formats and even
connection to SQL databases via JDBC. Official GUI allows experimenting and the result
visualization without the need for a single line of code, just like similar commercial products, for
instance, RapidMiner. There are three main approaches to build Random Forest classifier:
bagging, random split and random weighting. WEKA implementation of the algorithm supports
combining of first and last approach with a random split.
Since parameterization of this algorithm may vary depending on incoming data, it is necessary
to create a generic classification detector for high customization and de-duplication purpose.
Generic interface for classifiers in WEKA is called Classifier. Source data in WEKA presented
as a collection, named Instances, each of which is presented by interface Instance. Data attributes
are represented by the attribute class. Figure 2 shows the class diagram of generic classifier
detector implementation, which was part of the implementation.
Figure 3. Class diagram of generic classifier detector implementation
Further in implementation, Instances, Instance and Attribute were used for storing and
handling of data. Rich set of operations can be performed with Filter class, which makes it easy
to manipulate large amounts of data without the need in manual implementation with
aforementioned classes and interfaces.
To implement score detector of Banksealer approach, algorithms, utilized by it require
efficient implementation first. First of all, the HBOS algorithm implementation is required. The
original paper by Goldstein et al. [33] that presents this algorithm referenced implementation for
RapidMiner platform [35]. Since original implementation was also written in Java, it served as a
basis for porting it under WEKA data structures. However, due to the significant number of
incoming parameters, a separate class diagram was designed in order to separate algorithm
parameterization from the creation of a model (see Figure 4).
During the HBOS model creation, the value of each selected feature is observed from
minimum to maximum value, resulting in the creation of histograms on the way. These
histograms are represented by a set of bins, which account for values falling into a certain range.
Depending on input parameters, the size of each bin may be dynamic or static. The score for
each bin represents how often values from the training data set fall into it. Finally, each bin is
normalized to maximal feature value, represented in training data set. The resulting score for a
feature value is determined by the score of a bin, into which this value falls.
Figure 4. Class diagram of the implementation of the HBOS algorithm
HistogramBin class represents a bin, created by HBOS algorithm. Scoring is performed as a
sum of scores for each Instance feature, specified during training. In addition, it is possible to
implement a weighted score, where each for feature is assigned a certain weight, which is
multiplied by the determined score for a value to form the resulting score.
For the DBSCAN algorithm [34], the situation is similar (see Figure 5). However, the speed of
the algorithm highly depends on the index acceleration method. According to Kriegel et al. [40],
one of the authors of this algorithm, in our situation the best approach would be to choose Cover
Tree for this purpose, provided by Smile library.
However, we still need to modify the algorithm into the iterative approach. Also, the distance
metric suggested by Banksealer serves Mahalanobis distance which requires computation of the
covariation matrix. This metric is already presented in Smile library.
Information about the distance between classified points is encapsulated into RNNSearch and
Centroids instances. The first interface is utilized for searching of nearest neighbors and the
second for calculating information about cluster which can be used later on: its quality score,
centroids and some additional data.
As a stop condition, we utilized the Davies-Bouldin index [41], which evaluates clustering
quality. The lower index value the better clustering was performed. Since on each iteration,
DBSCAN is applied to largest cluster and smaller clusters are preserved, a new index
acceleration structure needs to be generated each time so that already points from other clusters
would not affect the results of the algorithm. To evaluate the score, it is required to calculate
cluster centroids. Since centroids also required further in CBLOF algorithm, they are also stored
as a result of DBSCAN.
Figure 5. Class diagram of the iterative DBSCAN algorithm implementation
The class diagram shown in Figure 6 and the sequence diagram in Figure 7 provide more
information on the CBLOF implementation. The CBLOF algorithm was proposed by one of the
authors of the HBOS algorithm in another research [42]. However, it is also implemented in
RapidMiner plug-in mentioned earlier. Another well-documented version is implemented in
ELKI library. However, everything necessary for implementation was calculated before during
evaluation of the DBSCAN algorithm, and actual implementation is as trivial as the calculating
distance to cluster centroids.
Figure 6. Class diagram of CBLOF algorithm implementation
Figure 7. Sequence diagram showing a simplified algorithm of calculating CBLOF
Finally, combining results of previous algorithms it is possible to implement Banksealer score
detector (see Figure 8).
Figure 8. Class diagram of Banksealer score detector implementation
While it is not mentioned directly, it seems that all scores derived from profiles are multiplied
together. Utilizing this knowledge, it is possible to create a simple detector that multiplies the
results of others. Using Functional Interface annotation provided by Java 1.8, it is possible to
simplify the creation of detectors, allowing their declaration via lambda expressions. Since
information from the global profile and transaction amount is supplied along with incoming
transaction, it helps to simplify the process of detector creation. Local profile detectors are
expected to be created per each user of a bank. Resulting score is computed by multiplying
HBOS score, transaction amount and global score.
4.4 Evaluation
For initial unit testing of different algorithms’ implementation and for testing assumptions about
their performance the Junit [43] library was utilized. For benchmarking purpose, JMH [18] from
OpenJDK was applied. A plugin for Gradle [44] allowed running the benchmarking process as
simple as possible. Different metrics can be extracted during evaluation but since detection must
fit into a certain amount of time, operation per second is the one that was used.
Since it is unknown whether the Random Forest model must be built for each user separately
or can be global, the first approach was assumed. Loading of data is separated from benchmark
evaluation into the setup, since implementation mainly requires only a vector of float point
numbers, so transformation into this representation would depend on actual data source. In
addition, building a detector and actual detection always split into different benchmarks.
Typically, 10 iterations of the building process and 50 iterations of detection were benchmarked.
Evaluation also has to include the effectiveness of the approaches under comparison, which
basically means that actual fraud cases included in the data sets should be classified as fraudulent
(true positives - TP) and not as correct (false positives - FP) whereas correct cases should not be
classified as fraudulent (false negatives - FN) but as correct (true negatives - TN). For the
purpose of evaluating effectiveness, we used -scores [45] which are based on precision
. -scores were calculated with β = 1 and β = 2. The F1-score is the harmonic mean of
precision and recall. The F2-score weighs recall is higher than precision by putting more
emphasis on FN. Payment providers usually would like to detect all TP and avoid FN.
Results of the evaluation
The evaluation was performed on the transaction data set, generated by the modified version
of PaySim. This data set contained around 15 thousand transactions, more than 600 of which
were fraudulent and 450 clients were involved in the simulation.
Precision = TP / (TP+FP)
Recall = TP / (TP + FN)
Performance measurement was performed by 5 benchmarks, each of which were executed for
101 iterations with 5 iterations of warm-up. The evaluation was performed on typical PC-class
machine with 16 GB of RAM and Intel® Core™ i5-3450. The results are reflected in Table 1.
Since the global profile of the user is derived from payee of a transaction and represented by a
single score, it can be derived outside the detector. Since the resulting score is a multiplication of
all scores and amount value, it is correct to assume that detection time for the global profile is
constant, as it only depends on how results of the profile creation are stored.
The -score for the Banksealer approach is equal for both cases due to utilization of the
evaluation method used in original paper: the precision value equals the recall value for fraud, as
only the number of inserted fraud transactions is observed.
While the Banksealer approach takes more time for profile building, detection time is slightly
faster than it is for Random Forest. However, Random Forest seems to provide more precise
results. Generally, both approaches perform well and can be utilized together.
Table 1. The result of the evaluation
Random Forest
Building (sec)
0.115 ±
PC-class machine
with 16 GB of
RAM and Intel®
Core™ i5-3450
(per user)
Detection (sec)
Depends on
weighted average
5 Summary
Digital transformation in financial industries and the introduction of new payment methods, such
as IP, cause technological challenges and lead to discussions about the potential of AI for
financial industries. Starting from an investigation into the state-of-the-art of fraud detection for
payment processes and an interview study with payment providers, this work aimed at providing
insights into the feasibility of AI use for fraud detection in IP.
Based on the observations and analysis results of the problem analysis presented in Section 4,
we argue that there is a need for additional technological support for fraud discovery in instant
payments and propose an AI implementation using the random forest or Banksealer approach.
To overcome the unavailability of proper test data, a modification of existing payment simulator
was proposed and implemented. This allowed the successful evaluation of the explored
approaches. The selected approaches were efficiently implemented and tested for the
applicability in the instant payments area. The limitation currently is the lack of real-world test
data, which can be used for developing and evaluating fraud detection approaches.
Further research can be done by improving the implementation with other production-ready
approaches. In addition, the area of payment simulators can be improved to generate more
suitable transactions for different kinds of payment methods. This would allow gathering more
useful context information that can slightly improve the quality of the detection process.
The research presented has been supported by the Government of Russian Federation, Grant 08-
08 and by German International Exchanges Agency (DAAD), Grant 57464138.
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... Payment security, in particular, is a significant and important concern for merchants and consumers (Chen et al., 2019). Cyber fraud incidents are the use of online criminal deception and theft intended to result in financial and/or personal gain (Diadiushkin et al., 2019;Park et al., 2019). Ecommerce fraud prevention relies on rule-based detection systems. ...
... Huang & Huang, 2019). Cyber fraud is online criminal deception and theft intended to result in financial and/or personal gain using Internet technologies (Diadiushkin et al., 2019;Park et al., 2019). Global ecommerce online payment fraud has resulted in an estimated $41 billion of losses (Statista, 2022). ...
... Many organizations have been combating ecommerce fraud with detection platforms with rule-based approaches (Diadiushkin et al., 2019;Kawase et al., 2019). A rules-based system is a special type of expert system consisting of if-then rules used for classification, regression, and association (Liu et al., 2016). ...
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Aim/Purpose: This research study aimed to explore ecommerce fraud practitioners’ experiences and develop a grounded theory framework to help define an ecommerce fraud incident response process, roles and responsibilities, systems, stakeholders, and types of incidents. Background: With a surge in global ecommerce, online transactions have become increasingly fraudulent, complex, and borderless. There are undefined ecommerce fraud roles, responsibilities, processes, and systems that limit and hinder cyber incident response to fraudulent activities. Methodology: A constructivist grounded theory approach was used to investigate and develop a theoretical foundation of ecommerce fraud incident response based on fraud practitioners’ experiences and job descriptions. The study sample consisted of 8 interviews with ecommerce fraud experts. Contribution: This research contributes to the body of knowledge by helping define a novel framework that outlines an ecommerce fraud incident response process, roles and responsibilities, systems, stakeholders, and incident types. Findings: An ecommerce fraud incident response framework was developed from fraud experts’ perspectives. The framework helps define processes, roles, responsibilities, systems, incidents, and stakeholders. The first finding defined the ecommerce fraud incident response process. The process includes planning, identification, analysis, response, and improvement. The second finding was that the fraud incident response model did not include the containment phase. The next finding was that common roles and responsibilities included fraud prevention analysis, tool development, reporting, leadership, and collaboration. The fourth finding described practitioners utilizing hybrid tools and systems for fraud prevention and detection. The fifth finding was the identification of internal and external stakeholders for communication, collaboration, and information sharing. The sixth finding is that research participants experienced different organizational alignments. The seventh key finding was stakeholders do not have a holistic view of the data and information to make some connections about fraudulent behavior. The last finding was participants experienced complex fraud incidents. Recommendations for Practitioners: It is recommended to adopt the ecommerce fraud response framework to help ecommerce fraud and security professionals develop an awareness of cyber fraud activities and/or help mitigate cyber fraud activities. Future Research: Future research could entail conducting a quantitative analysis by surveying the industry on the different components such as processes, systems, and responsibilities of the ecommerce fraud incident response framework. Other areas to explore and evaluate are maturity models and organizational alignment, collaboration, information sharing, and stakeholders. Lastly, further research can be pursued on the nuances of ecommerce fraud incidents using frameworks such as attack graph generation, crime scripts, and attack trees to develop ecommerce fraud response playbooks, plans, and metrics.
... Banks have applied information security management controls to prevent fraud and make the e-banking platforms more appealing to customers. Diadiushkin et al., (2019) conducted a study that focused on fraud discovery and the ways to fully automate the process. The study lends support to the use of machine learning algorithms in fraud risk governance in instant payments and proposes the use of artificial intelligence like Random Forest or Bank Sealer. ...
... The findings of the study substantiate the findings of Diadiushkin et al., (2019), Ivashkovskaya and Ivaninskiy (2020) and Flowerastia et al (2021). The studies focused on fraud discovery and the ways to fully automate the fraud risk governance process. ...
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Every economy relies on the banking sector to boost economic growth and development because of its intermediary role. However, the Nigerian banking sector has been plagued with the risk of fraud which has led to the loss of huge amounts of money annually. This challenge has put pressure on the management of banks on how best to curb the fraud scourge. Although several studies which relied majorly on the traditional method of fraud management have been carried out on how to reduce the frequent occurrence of fraud in the banking sector, the problem persists. Therefore, this study took a different approach to examine the role of information security management on fraud risk management in Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria. The study employed a survey research design. The population of the study was 1,030 staff of the Internal Control, Internal Audit and Information Technology departments of DMBs in Nigeria. A sample size of 288 was determined using Taro Yamane’s formula. The respondents were purposively selected from 12 listed banks as at 31st January 2024 due to the role they play in fraud risk management. A structured and validated questionnaire was distributed and 99.7% response rate was achieved. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients for the constructs ranged from 0.864 to 0.952. Descriptive and inferential (multiple regression) statistics were used to analyze the data. Utilizing a regression model, the research examines three key proxies of information security management: Application Security Control (ASC), Access/Authentication Control (AAC), and Network Security Control (NSC) and one proxy (Fraud risk governance - FRG) for fraud risk management The model reveals that both ASC and AAC have significant positive effects on FRG, with coefficients of 0.216 and 0.247, respectively, while NSC, with a coefficient of 0.080, does not significantly influence FRG. The model's adjusted 𝑅2 value of 18.9% indicates that these controls collectively explain a modest portion of the variability in FRG, suggesting the presence of other influential factors. The findings highlight that strengthening ASC and AAC can substantially enhance fraud risk governance in Nigerian DMBs, whereas NSC requires further investigation to understand its role. The significance of the overall model, supported by an F-statistic of 21.939 (p 0.05), underscores the importance of integrated information security management in mitigating fraud risks. Additionally, the study aligns with existing literature advocating for the integration of advanced information security management and traditional fraud management methods. The study recommended that the board of directors of DMBs as part of its oversight function should periodically review the overall fraud risk management framework of the bank to ensure it is current, adequate and effective.
... Manufacturing companies can utilize ML algorithms to track the performance of their suppliers and partners, ensuring that each complies with environmental, safety, or labor standards across international borders. In cases where a supplier's behavior or output deviates from agreed-upon benchmarks, the CCM system can raise an alert, allowing the manufacturer to intervene before non-compliance leads to a regulatory violation or supply chain disruption [17]. In addition to detection, AI and ML help organizations stay ahead of regulatory changes. ...
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In a digital age where the smallest oversight can lead to massive financial penalties or reputational damage, maintaining constant oversight of compliance is not just prudent - it’s essential for survival. As businesses navigate an era of heightened regulatory scrutiny and growing cybersecurity threats, continuous compliance and controls monitoring (CCM) has shifted from being an optional safeguard to a critical necessity. Across industries, organizations are grappling with the dual challenge of meeting evolving regulatory demands while mitigating risks in a deeply interconnected global environment. This paper examines the core principles of CCM, highlights its strategic advantages, and presents a comprehensive framework designed to support its effective adoption across various sectors.
... Transactions are typically organized as tabular data, comprising a mixture of categorical (e.g., currency), numerical (e.g., amount), and textual (e.g., account name) columns. Developing efficient representations for transaction records is crucial for a range of tasks [1], including fraud detection, transaction tagging, and process optimization. ...
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Large language models (LLMs) are primarily designed to understand unstructured text. When directly applied to structured formats such as tabular data, they may struggle to discern inherent relationships and overlook critical patterns. While tabular representation learning methods can address some of these limitations, existing efforts still face challenges with sparse high-cardinality fields, precise numerical reasoning, and column-heavy tables. Furthermore, leveraging these learned representations for downstream tasks through a language based interface is not apparent. In this paper, we present an innovative and scalable solution to these challenges. Concretely, our approach introduces a multi-tier partitioning mechanism that utilizes power-law dynamics to handle large vocabularies, an adaptive quantization mechanism to impose priors on numerical continuity, and a distinct treatment of core-columns and meta-information columns. To facilitate instruction tuning on LLMs, we propose a parameter efficient decoder that interleaves transaction and text modalities using a series of adapter layers, thereby exploiting rich cross-task knowledge. We validate the efficacy of our solution on a large-scale dataset of synthetic payments transactions.
... With the development of contemporary technology and global communication, fraud is significantly rising, resulting in major losses for banks and new rules. IPs are anticipated to make fraud detection more challenging, and the European Central Bank and the Reserve Bank of the Russian Federation are currently considering implementing IP systems (Diadiushkin et al., 2019). ...
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Purpose Technology advancement has changed how banks operate. Modernizing technology has, on the one hand, made it simpler for banks to do their daily business, but it has also increased cyberattacks. The purpose of the study is to to determine the factors that have the most effects on online fraud detection and to evaluate the advantages of AI and human psychology research in preventing online transaction fraud. Artificial intelligence has been used to create new techniques for both detecting and preventing cybercrimes. Fraud has also been facilitated in some organizations via employee participation. Design/methodology/approach The main objective of the research approach is to guide the researcher at every stage to realize the main objectives of the study. This quantitative study used a survey-based methodology. Because it allows for both unbiased analysis of the relationship between components and prediction, a quantitative approach was adopted. The study of the body of literature, the design of research questions and the development of instruments and procedures for data collection, analysis and modeling are all part of the research process. The study evaluated the data using Matlab and a structured model analysis method. For reliability analysis and descriptive statistics, IBM SPSS Statistics was used. Reliability and validity were assessed using the measurement model, and the postulated relationship was investigated using the structural model. Findings There is a risk in scaling at a fast pace, 3D secure is used payer authentication has a maximum mean of 3.830 with SD of 0.7587 and 0.7638, and (CE2). Originality/value This study focused on investigating the benefits of artificial intelligence and human personality study in online transaction fraud and to determine the factors that affect something most strongly on online fraud detection. Artificial intelligence and human personality in the Indian banking industry have been emphasized by the current research. The study revealed the benefits of artificial intelligence and human personality like awareness, subjective norms, faster and more efficient detection and cost-effectiveness significantly impact (accept) online fraud detection in the Indian banking industry. Also, security measures and better prediction do not significantly impact (reject) online fraud detection in the Indian banking industry.
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This study primarily focuses on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on banks, particularly in the context of fraud prevention. The better outline discusses how AI assists in regulating risks, scoring credit, and uncovering banking scams, all of which are crucial tasks. The Bank of Maharashtra is used as a case study to examine the utilization of AI technologies in the real world, specifically in the Indian banking system. The sketch emphasizes the importance of having a plan to address the problems and opportunities presented by AI. An ethical use is required to find a middle ground between technological progress and customer-focused concerns. According to the study, AI can be used as a preventive step to make banks safer, more reliable, and better for customers in general. The plan doesn't repeat itself too much because of the feedback received. Instead, the focus is on providing a short but comprehensive overview of the study. The study's focus on useful insights stands out as it ties together academic ideas with real-life uses. To enhance the ability to identify fraud and manage risk in Indian banks, a qualitative study method was employed to thoroughly analyze recent data.
Investigations into the organisational uptake of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions confirm that there is a growing interest in enterprises and public authorities to use AI. In this context, the lack of understanding of AI concepts in organisations is a significant challenge. As a contribution to addressing this issue, we previously developed and evaluated a morphological box for AI solutions. To further refine this morphological box, the paper follows a well-established scientific method for this purpose: This paper presents the application of a taxonomy development method to our morphological box. We use this method to determine a meta-characteristic, identify the target audience, project the use of the morphological box, and define both subjective and objective ending conditions. We describe several iterations of the development and evaluation loops and present our final results. Our analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the taxonomy development method in refining and enhancing the morphological box for AI solutions. We further present the application of the morphological box for classifying AI projects with four initial case studies, discuss the results as well as further development directions and potentials of the box.KeywordsMorphological BoxArtificial IntelligenceTaxonomy DevelopmentOrganisational AI SolutionsAI Context
With the popularization of online shopping, transaction fraud is growing seriously. Therefore, the study on fraud detection is interesting and significant. An important way of detecting fraud is to extract the behavior profiles (BPs) of users based on their historical transaction records, and then to verify if an incoming transaction is a fraud or not in view of their BPs. Markov chain models are popular to represent BPs of users, which is effective for those users whose transaction behaviors are stable relatively. However, with the development and popularization of online shopping, it is more convenient for users to consume via the Internet, which diversifies the transaction behaviors of users. Therefore, Markov chain models are unsuitable for the representation of these behaviors. In this paper, we propose logical graph of BP (LGBP) which is a total order-based model to represent the logical relation of attributes of transaction records. Based on LGBP and users' transaction records, we can compute a path-based transition probability from an attribute to another one. At the same time, we define an information entropy-based diversity coefficient in order to characterize the diversity of transaction behaviors of a user. In addition, we define a state transition probability matrix to capture temporal features of transactions of a user. Consequently, we can construct a BP for each user and then use it to verify if an incoming transaction is a fraud or not. Our experiments over a real data set illustrate that our method is better than three state-of-the-art ones.
Payment card fraud leads to heavy annual financial losses around the world, thus giving rise to the need for improvements to the fraud detection systems used by banks and financial institutions. In the academe, as well, payment card fraud detection has become an important research topic in recent years. With these considerations in mind, we developed a method that involves two stages of detecting fraudulent payment card transactions. The extraction of suitable transactional features is one of the key issues in constructing an effective fraud detection model. In this method, additional transaction features are derived from primary transactional data. A better understanding of cardholders’ spending behaviors is created by these features. After which the first stage of detection is initiated. A cardholder's spending behaviors vary over time so that new behavior of a cardholder is closer to his/her recent behaviors. Accordingly, a new similarity measure is established on the basis of transaction time in this stage. This measure assigns greater weight to recent transactions. In the second stage, the dynamic random forest algorithm is employed for the first time in initial detection, and the minimum risk model is applied in cost-sensitive detection. We tested the proposed method on a real transactional dataset obtained from a private bank. The results showed that the recent behavior of cardholders exerts a considerable effect on decision-making regarding the evaluation of transactions as fraudulent or legitimate. The findings also indicated that using both primary and derived transactional features increases the F-measure. Finally, an average 23% increase in prevention of damage (PoD) is achieved with the proposed cost-sensitive approach.
Because credit card fraud costs the banking sector billions of dollars every year, decreasing the losses incurred from credit card fraud is an important driver for the sector and end-users. In this paper, we focus on analyzing cardholder spending behavior and propose a novel cardholder behavior model for detecting credit card fraud. The model is called the Cardholder Behavior Model (CBM). Two focus points are proposed and evaluated for CBMs. The first focus point is building the behavior model using single-card transactions versus multi-card transactions. As the second focus point, we introduce holiday seasons as spending periods that are different from the rest of the year. The CBM is fine-tuned by using a real credit card transaction data-set from a leading bank in Turkey, and the credit card fraud detection accuracy is evaluated with respect to the abovementioned two focus points.