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Concept and Significance of Lifelong Learning
Dr. Radhika Kapur
The individuals need to generate awareness and learn various aspects throughout their
lives. In other words, learning is regarded as an integral part of the lives of the individuals.
When they would learn various aspects, they would be able to enhance their personality,
career prospects and living conditions. Apart from getting enrolled in schools and training
centres to acquire knowledge in terms of academic concepts, the individuals need to learn
other concepts as well. They need to up-grade their competencies and aptitude in terms of
various aspects that may enable them to emerge into good human beings and promote
productivity and well-being of their families, communities and nation. In lifelong learning,
the individuals acquire information through various means, these include, distance learning,
e-learning, continuing education and correspondence courses. The family members as well as
the community members, including instructors and fellow students render an important
contribution in providing knowledge to the individuals. The main concepts that have been
taken into account in this research paper include, significance of lifelong learning, stages of
lifelong learning, characteristics of lifelong learning, proficiencies of teachers in the lifelong
learning sector and benefits of lifelong learning.
Keywords: Awareness, Individuals, Learners, Lifelong Learning, Proficiencies,
Lifelong learning is the blend of pedagogy and andragogy. It can be provided through
various modes, such as, distance learning, e-learning, continuing education and
correspondence courses. The concept of lifelong learning has been undergoing
transformations within the course of time. As the name implies, it takes place throughout the
lives of the individuals. It is stated to be taking place from cradle to grave. Apart from
academic concepts, throughout the lives of the individuals, they are required to generate
awareness and augment their skills and abilities in terms of various areas. Acquisition of
lifelong learning enables the individuals to create an attitude of openness to new ideas, skills,
decisions and behaviours. It is apparent that throughout the lives of the individuals, they need
to augment their skills and abilities. They need to enhance their knowledge and understanding
in terms of various aspects (Iqbal, 2009).
Education does not end with the completion of school education and the education
acquired in higher educational institutions. Life is composed of growth and development of
human beings that takes place from cradle to grave. Lifelong education involves
understanding of the lives that involves determining how the society measures it and views it
in the relationship of various perspectives. When the individuals get engaged in employment
opportunities, manage the household responsibilities or need to form good terms and
relationships with family members and community members, they are required to make
effective use of education and enhance their skills. Lifelong education takes into account all
stages of education. It includes both formal and non-formal patterns of education, planned as
well as incidental learning. Lifelong education seeks continuity and articulation along with
the vertical and horizontal dimension at every stage in life with the implementation of
methods and approaches to bring about improvements in the overall quality of lives. The
main objective of lifelong education is to ensure individuals generate information in terms of
all the concepts that are needed to live effectual lives (Iqbal, 2009).
Significance of Lifelong Learning
Lifelong learning is the principle, which could be used to bring about reformations in
the current education system and augment the education system to lead to effective growth
and development of the individuals, community and nation as a whole in future. The
reformation of the current education system is eminent and the construction of the future
education system is also regarded as indispensable, both of which should regard lifelong
education as a guide. Through lifelong learning, development of the individuals takes place.
The individuals are able to augment their understanding in terms of various aspects that are
necessary to bring about improvements in their overall quality of lives. Through acquisition
of education, the individuals not only take care of all the needs of their development, such as,
practical and realistic skills, but to accomplish the desired goals, lifelong education is also
regarded as indispensable. It puts emphasis on the personal and social development of the
individuals (Chen, 2015).
In the field of lifelong learning, the learning activities are beyond the areas of
traditional education. It means, it not only relates to the educational areas, but also have more
contacts with the survival areas. Furthermore, lifelong education is turning into a critical
responsibility for survival, and is also turning into a style for individual’s living in the society
for future. Lifelong learning renders a significant contribution in up-grading social existence
of the individuals and bringing about improvements in the overall quality of lives. Lifelong
education not only is referred to the learning, which takes place throughout the lives of the
individuals, but it is a process that calls for comprehensive learning. The development themes
and subjects which are produced by the society is imparted to individuals. In addition, it
focuses upon knowledge, values, skills and understandings that are needed by the individuals
to get engaged in learning throughout their lives (Chen, 2015).
Stages of Lifelong Learning
Lifelong learning is the learning that takes place from integration of formal, non-
formal and informal education. The individuals are required to augment their abilities that are
needed to achieve personal and professional goals. Learning is a continuous lifelong process,
which initiates from birth and carries on throughout the lives of the individuals. Throughout
the lives of the individuals, they acquire knowledge and enrich their competencies from
family members, community members, educational institutions, workplaces and so forth. The
stages of lifelong learning have been stated as follows: (Kashinath, 2013).
Age Group 0-5 Years
In this age group, great amount of learning takes place, making provision of the
foundation for future learning, habits and resourcefulness. Within this age group, informal
learning takes place to a major extent. Children learn from their environment, parents,
relatives and community members. From the stage of early childhood, they are taught the
differences between appropriate and inappropriate and are inculcated the traits of morality
and ethics. Apart from academic concepts and other creative activities, such as, artworks,
handicrafts, dance, music, physical activities and sports, they are taught good manners and
etiquettes, so they are able to maintain good terms and relationships with others. The learning
that takes place at this stage has an influence upon all other aspects of learning that takes
place within the lives of the individuals.
Age Group 6 to 24
Learning that takes place among individuals, belonging to the age group of 6 to 24
years, primarily takes place in educational institutions. This learning is referred to as primary,
secondary and tertiary learning. Family life, social organizations, religious institutions and
mass media renders a significant contribution in making provision of formal and informal
learning during this time. The primary objective of learning during this period is to ensure
that individuals acquire knowledge, skills and competencies that would bring about
improvements in their overall quality of lives. At the age of 24, individuals normally
complete their education and are seeking or engaged in employment opportunities. Within the
course of employment, they are required to generate awareness in terms of various skills,
such as, communication, time management, decision making, conflict resolution and so forth.
Enhancement of these skills renders an effectual contribution in facilitating the achievement
of personal and professional goals.
Age Group 25 to 60
Individuals, belonging to the age group of 25 to 60 can learn informally during their
working lives. The major aspects that render a significant contribution in augmenting their
learning include, use of technologies, reading books, articles, newspapers, reports and so
forth, communicating with others, carrying out various tasks and activities and getting
engaged in problem solving activities. The individuals have the primary objective of
acquiring employment opportunities, related to their field. They have the main objective of
making use of their educational qualifications in sustaining their living conditions
appropriately and promoting well-being of their families and communities. These individuals
are aware that apart from making use of educational qualifications and competencies to
augment one’s livelihoods opportunities, they need to inculcate the traits of morality and
ethics and depict honesty and truthfulness. They focus on the continuous development of
intellect, capability and integrity.
Age Group 60 and Above
The individuals, belonging to the age group of 60 years and above are senior citizens.
In some cases, they are retired from work, whereas in other cases, they are engaged in jobs or
social work or other activities. The individuals, belonging to this age group aspires to gain
knowledge that may help them in enriching their lives as well as promoting well-being of
their families and communities. Research has indicated that individuals, belonging to this age
group develop interest in particular areas and read books and reading materials related to that
particular area. Normally, elderly women may participate in social work activities, and make
use of their knowledge and skills. If they have been from medical professions, they may
provide medical assistance free of cost to individuals, belonging to deprived, marginalized
and economically weaker sections of the society. On the other hand, they may provide free
tuitions to the children, belonging to economically weaker sections of the society. Therefore,
they focus upon enhancing their learning primarily related to tasks and activities in which
they participate.
Characteristics of Lifelong Learning
The characteristics of lifelong learning have been stated as follows: (Kashinath,
Informal Learning - The informal learning encompasses both non-formal and
informal types of education and training. Formal learning includes the hierarchically
structured school system that functions from primary school through the university and
organized school programs created in business for technical and professional learning.
Formal education is referred to as school education. Whereas, informal learning describes the
lifelong process, whereby individuals acquire values, skills, attitudes and knowledge from
daily experience and the educational experiences and resources in his or her environment.
The main aspects that render a significant contribution in making provision of informal
learning to the individuals are, family and community, work and play, marketplace, library
and mass media. The individuals generate information from these aspects throughout their
lives. Hence, it can be stated that informal learning is a lifelong concept and takes place
throughout the lives of the individuals.
Self-Motivated Learning - In particularly higher educational institutions, the
individuals are required to take responsibility for their own learning. Apart from higher
education, too they are required to take responsibility for their own learning. Lifelong
learners are not defined by the type of education or training in which they are involved, but
by the personal characteristics that lead to their involvement. Self-motivated learning is
influenced to a major extent by the personal characteristics of the learners. They need to
stimulate their mind-sets to develop motivation towards learning. It is essential for the
learners to possess interest and enthusiasm and develop motivation towards their learning.
Motivation towards learning is developed either formally or informally throughout the lives
of the individuals. The individuals develop the confidence to learn, including a sense of
participation in the education and training systems.
Willingness and Motivation to Learn - It is recognized that economic activities alone
are not necessarily sufficient to motivate individuals to participate in the acquisition of
education. A range of motivational barriers need to be identified and addressed to encourage
individuals to participate in the acquisition of education. Some of these barriers are economic
and can be overcome with financial assistance and most of the individuals are deterred from
participating in education and training by social and personal factors. This is apparent that to
acquire learning, it is vital for the individuals to develop willingness and motivation to learn.
When they will develop willingness and motivation, they will be able to acquire an efficient
understanding of the aspects and how to make effective use of them to enrich their lives.
Self-Funded Learning - The concept of self-funded learning is linked to the
characteristic of self-motivated learning. In recognition of the costs involved in subsidizing
lifelong involvement in education. The lifelong learning policy puts emphasis on the
responsibility of the individuals to finance their continuing education and training with
minimal support from the government. The lifelong learner is the person, who takes the
responsibility of their own learning. When the individuals assume responsibility of their own
learning, they are required to invest in time, money and effort in the acquisition of education.
Research has indicated that individuals, belonging to rural communities also migrate to urban
communities to acquire education. When their parents are unable to provide them financial
resources, they need to self-finance their education. For this purpose, they either obtain
scholarships from the universities or other organizations or get engaged in part-time jobs and
so forth.
Universal Participation - Lifelong learning is referred to commitment to universal
participation in education. Universal participation is necessary for meeting the economic
demands of the 21st century. The concept of universal participation includes both formal and
informal learning for all purposes, i.e. social, economic, cultural, political, religious and
personal. All these areas are regarded as an integral part of the lives of the individuals.
Therefore, it is essential for them to participate in all activities. Within their lives, individuals
experience changes from time to time. These changes are usually experienced in their
personality, work, career, relationships and daily life routine. The universal participation in
lifelong learning is necessary to promote social cohesion, particularly in the time of rapid
social and economic changes.
Action Learning – In lifelong learning, action learning is given recognition. The
individuals learn by doing. The educators are guides to sources of knowledge. In action
learning, the individuals generate information in terms of practical performance of tasks and
activities. When they are unaware and need to understand, they may either get enrolled in a
training centre or seek assistance from family members, friends, or community members.
After obtaining information and training, they are encouraged to get engaged in the
implementation of tasks. When they are performing the tasks, they are able to augment their
learning. Therefore, it can be stated that action learning is one of the effectual ways that
provides practical understanding of the concepts to the individuals.
Improvement in Knowledge and Skills – Within the course of lifelong learning, the
individuals are required to bring about improvements in knowledge and skills. The
developments and changes that are taking place within the lives of the individuals are major
aspects that inspires them to bring about improvements in their knowledge and skills.
Experiences and opportunities are regarded as crucial aspects that individuals seek in order to
bring about improvements in knowledge and skills. The other important aspects that they
need to get engaged in to augment knowledge and skills are, reading various books, articles
and other reading materials, surfing the internet, participating in various tasks and activities,
interacting with others and so forth.
Assessment Methods – The major objective of assessment methods is to identify the
limitations and implement measures to bring about improvements in the performance of the
individuals. In formal education, the main assessment methods that have been put into
practice by the educators are, class assignments, homework assignments, tests, exams,
competitions, presentations and so forth. Whereas, when the individuals are learning other
competencies, then their practical implementation would make provision of efficient
information and generate awareness among them, regarding where they are lacking. For
instance, when the individuals are learning how to prepare an artwork or a handicraft, they
need to practically perform the task to augment their knowledge. Therefore, in case of
informal education, practical implementation of tasks are regarded as important assessment
Accessibility to Learning Opportunities – Learning is an integral part of the lives of
the individuals. There are numerous aspects that individuals learn, these include, academic
concepts, management of household responsibilities, communication skills, decision making
skills, critical thinking skills, conflict resolution skills, morality and ethics, creative activities,
such as, artworks, handicrafts, dance, music, sports, physical activities and so forth. Hence, in
order to enhance their skills and abilities, it is essential for the individuals to have access to
learning opportunities. For instance, if they aspire to enhance their computer literacy skills,
they would seek enrolment in computer training centres, which are located nearby their place
of residence. In the present existence, there are large number of individuals, belonging to
rural and tribal communities, who are migrating to urban areas to get enrolled in educational
institutions to augment their skills and seek employment opportunities to upgrade their living
Development of Individualized Learning Plans – Development of individualized
learning plans are the ones that make provision of information among individuals regarding
what they aspire to learn and how they would learn. When the individuals aspire to learn
something, they make use of internet to generate information. Through internet, one can
obtain information in terms of educational institutions and training centres that are making
provision of programs. Adults are usually given the opportunities to make decisions on their
own, but they seek guidance from family members and friends. When they make selection of
an appropriate educational institution and feel that they can meet all the costs and learning
requirements, they would get enrolled in them. Hence, it is essential to plan the financial
resources and costs, especially when the individuals need to join an educational institution.
Proficiencies of Teachers in the Lifelong Learning Sector
In the lifelong learning sector to carry out their job responsibilities in a well-organized
manner, it is essential to bring about improvements in the proficiencies of the teachers.
Knowledge, skills and behaviour are the major aspects that highlight the proficiencies of
teachers. These have been stated as follows: (Bhatia, 2015).
Knowledge is regarded as an aspect that is of utmost significance. It is vital for
teachers to enhance their knowledge, particularly in terms of the subjects and academic
concepts, they are imparting to the students. Furthermore, they need to impart knowledge to
the students in terms of morality, ethics, standards, and principles, so they are able to develop
into good human beings and productive citizens of the country. Teachers must possess the
ability to apply content, pedagogical competencies and critical thinking within the
educational settings. In addition, they also need to possess knowledge in terms of teaching
and learning materials. The teaching and learning materials used are dependent upon number
of factors. These include, grade levels of students, academic subjects and academic goals. It
is essential for the teachers to be well-prepared to provide answers to questions put forward
by the students.
Communication skills are regarded as the core aspects of effective teaching. When the
teachers are imparting knowledge to the students in terms of academic concepts, they make
use of various teaching and learning materials. These include, verbal explanations,
presentations, exercises and activities and so forth. In the implementation of various kinds of
teaching-learning methods, it is vital for the teachers to possess effective communication
skills. The communication between teachers and students within the classroom settings takes
place face to face. But they also communicate with each other through emails and messages.
Therefore, communication takes place in a verbal and written form. The teachers must be
able to model and teach the process of critical thinking to the students. The development of
critical thinking and problem solving skills are regarded to be of utmost significance to make
students responsible and render an effective contribution towards promoting well-being of the
society. In addition, they are taught how to implement peaceful resolutions in case of
occurrence of disputes and conflicting situations.
It is indispensable for the individuals to augment their skills, especially when they are
engaged in employment settings. It is vital for teachers as well to augment their skills,
particularly when they have to bring about improvements in the system of education, achieve
academic goals and objectives and incur job satisfaction. The major skills that need to be
focused upon are, interpersonal skills, integration of discipline, technology integration and
classroom and organization management. Interpersonal skills are the skills that the teachers
need to implement to interact in an effective manner with other individuals within the
educational institutions. In the implementation of interpersonal skills, they need to possess a
pleasant attitude, approachable nature, effective listening skills and make use of decent words
and language while speaking. In the integration of discipline, the teachers are required to be
obedient and maintain control, particularly on the feelings of anger and frustration. They need
to ensure that students are disciplined within the classrooms as well as within school.
The usage of technology in the implementation of tasks and activities in not only
educational institutions but in other areas as well are regarded to be of utmost significance.
Through the use of technology, the individuals are able to carry out their tasks and activities
appropriately. Within all levels of education, from pre-schools to the university level,
technology is made use of to a major extent. Integration of technology into the classroom
instruction means more than teaching of basic computer skills and software programs in a
computer class. The use of technology has rendered a significant contribution in motivating
teachers and students towards their work. Classroom and organization management involves
adoption of strategies and approaches that may enable the teachers to make use of their
educational qualifications and skills towards implementation of managerial functions. This
function facilitates in the designing of interventions and strategies that are necessary to
promote overall growth and development of the system of education. The teachers need to
work in collaboration with others to augment these skills, throughout their jobs.
It is essential for not only teachers but all the members of the educational institutions
to depict appropriate behavioural traits within the course of their job duties. The behaviour of
the teachers need to be pleasant and amiable, not only when they are working with their
superiors or colleagues, but with students as well. Teaching is a challenging and hard job.
Teachers are required to encounter many problems within their jobs. In some cases, they feel
angry and frustrated, particularly, when students do not pay attention in class or do not
perform academic assignments in accordance to the expectations of teachers. Hence, these
factors enable them to experience anger and frustration. But it is vital for them to keep
control on the feelings of anger and frustration and cope with problems in a calm and
composed manner. Appropriate behaviour of the teachers would enable them to carry out
their job duties in a well-organized manner and incur job satisfaction.
Teachers must have the ability to be collaborative and conduct and use action research
within his or her own academic disciplines. They should be engaged in the process of
continuous learning on their own. The members of the educational institutions, heads,
principals, students, teachers, and other staff members are different from each other in terms
of various factors. These include, caste, creed, race, religion, gender, age, ethnicity and socio-
economic background. It is vital for individuals to adjust effectively, make provision of equal
rights and opportunities and not discriminate on the basis of any of these factors. In
educational institutions, the individuals need to accept the individuals, belonging to different
cultures. One should possess the feelings of appreciation for all the factors on the basis of
which differences occur among individuals. Feelings of appreciation and respect regarding
these factors would help the teachers, students and other members of the educational
institutions to perform their job duties satisfactorily and incur job satisfaction.
Benefits of Lifelong Learning
The benefits of lifelong learning have been stated as follows:
Development of Self-Efficacy – The development of self-efficacy is defined as the
beliefs of the individuals regarding their capabilities, which would determine, how the
individuals feel, think, motivate themselves and behave. When the individuals are generating
information and augmenting their understanding in terms of various aspects, they are required
to make use of that knowledge and competencies to enrich their lives. Furthermore, they need
to ensure they develop positive thinking and implement appropriate behavioural traits.
Positive thinking enables the individuals to develop interest and motivation, so they are able
to carry out their tasks and activities satisfactorily. In addition, they are able to efficiently deal
with unexpected events.
Tolerance – One of the major benefits of lifelong learning is, it helps in the
enhancement of tolerance capacity of the individuals. In ones lives, individuals encounter
number of situations which are not pleasant and amiable. When they experience these
situations, they feel disappointed and stressed. But it is vital for them to form a calm and
pleasant attitude. In other words, tolerance is the major strategy, which individuals need to
put into operation in case of unpleasant circumstances. Tolerance capacity would enable the
individuals to form good terms and relationships with others and achieve personal and
professional goals in a well-organized manner.
Formation of Good Terms and Relationships with Others – It is essential for the
individuals to form good terms and relationships with others within as well as outside the
home. In order to enrich one’s life and achieve personal and professional goals, the
individuals need to socialize and communicate with others. One cannot carry out tasks and
activities in seclusion. Hence, to generate the desired outcomes, it is indispensable to form
good terms and relationships with others. In order to maintain good terms and relationships, it
is essential for the individuals to communicate in an effective manner with others, possess a
pleasant and an approachable attitude and perform tasks that would be beneficial to others.
Creating a Social Network – Social network is the social structure, based on
individuals and groups (Manninen, & Merilainen, n.d.). It is a network of friends, colleagues
and other personal contacts, including social interactions with other individuals in learning
situations. Creating a social network by interacting with other individuals, creating new
friends and creating new networks are the core benefits, which are found in earlier studies.
Creating a social network would be beneficial to the individuals to a major extent,
particularly when they are engaged in their own business. In some cases, when individuals
are unable to find employment opportunities outside of their home, they may get engaged in
various businesses, such as, production of food items, handicrafts, artworks, or services and
so forth. Hence, creation of a social network would be beneficial to them.
Management of Household Responsibilities – Management of household
responsibilities is regarded as an integral part of lives of the individuals. Apart from focusing
on their careers, they need to manage the household responsibilities. The main aspects, which
need to be taken into account in the management of household responsibilities are, cleaning,
washing, preparation of meals, repair work, electric work, painting, plumbing, gardening and
so forth. When individuals are unable to carry out these tasks and activities or do not have
time, they hire the services of other individuals. Hence, through lifelong learning, the
individuals generate information in terms of management of household responsibilities.
Inculcation of Morality and Ethics – Inculcation of morality and ethics are regarded to
be of utmost significance in achieving personal and professional goals and bringing about
improvements in the overall quality of lives. Through morality and ethics, the individuals
generate information in terms of the aspects that they need to implement the traits of honesty,
righteousness, decency and truthfulness, when dealing with other individuals as well as in the
implementation of various tasks and activities. The information is provided to the individuals
in terms of these traits within ones family as well as in educational institutions. At the initial
stage, when individuals get engaged in an act that may violate morality and ethics, their
parents and teachers may provide them explanations in a polite manner. But when the
individuals get engaged in such acts at a later stage, disciplinary action may be taken and
penalties can be imposed. Hence, it is essential for the individuals to inculcate the traits of
morality and ethics.
Promoting Mental Well-being – The individuals need to put into operation, tasks and
activities that are necessary to promote mental well-being. The tasks and activities that
promote mental well-being of the individuals include their participation in social, economic,
cultural, political and religious activities. The tasks and activities, which give pleasure to the
individuals and stimulate their mind-sets are the ones that render an effective contribution in
promoting mental well-being. The participation in tasks and activities of the individuals vary
on the basis of number of factors. These include, age, educational qualifications,
competencies, health and background. Mental well-being of the individuals can lead to make
an effective contribution to the community.
Health Care Requirements – It is crucial for individuals, belonging to all age groups
and backgrounds to maintain their health. When the individuals will maintain good health,
they will be able to put in their best efforts in the implementation of various tasks and
activities. In order to take care of their health, the individuals need to take into account
various factors. These include, diet and nutrition, getting engaged in physical activities,
establishing amiable and pleasant terms and relationships with others, establishing positive
thinking and consulting physicians in case of any health problems or illnesses. It is vital for
elderly individuals, primarily the ones, who are above 60 years of age to obtain medical
check-ups on a regular basis.
Work-Related Benefits – Acquisition of good and well-paid employment opportunities
are regarded as one of the major aims of individuals, belonging to all categories and
backgrounds. When the individuals get engaged in employment opportunities, it is vital for
them to augment their knowledge, competencies and aptitude to acquire work-related
benefits. Work-related benefits are referred to the benefits and outcomes, which may help the
individuals to attain promotional opportunities, incentives, increase in pay and so forth. To
acquire work-related benefits, it is essential for the individuals to ensure that they perform
their job duties in an appropriate and suitable manner. These benefits help the individuals to
develop enthusiasm and motivation towards the implementation of their job duties.
Education and Training – Education and training are acquired by the individuals
throughout their lives. From the stage of early childhood, the individuals may acquire
education till they are 35 to 40 years of age. In the present existence, there have been
establishment of educational institutions and training centres in rural communities, which are
making provision of knowledge to the individuals to enrich their overall quality of lives. In
rural areas, agriculture is the main occupation of the individuals. The farmers and agricultural
labourers are getting enrolled in training centres to augment their knowledge in terms of
modern, scientific and innovative methods that are needed to enhance agricultural
productivity. On the other hand, individuals get enrolled in adult education centres to
augment the basic literacy skills, computer literacy skills and information in terms of other
aspects that are necessary to bring about improvements in their livelihoods opportunities.
The concept of lifelong learning puts emphasis on the fact that learning takes place
throughout the lives of the individuals. Throughout their lives, they need to augment their
understanding and generate awareness in terms of various aspects. The stages of lifelong
learning are, age group 0 to 5 years, age group 6 to 24, age group 25 to 60 and age group 60
and above. The characteristics of lifelong learning are, informal learning, self-motivated
learning, willingness and motivation to learn, self-funded learning, universal participation,
action learning, improvement in knowledge and skills, assessment methods, accessibility to
learning opportunities and development of individualized learning plans. Throughout the
lives of the individuals, they are required to implement these characteristics to enrich their
knowledge, skills and abilities.
In the lifelong learning sector, knowledge, skills and behaviour are the aspects that
highlight the proficiencies of the teachers. The benefits of lifelong learning are, development
of self-efficacy, tolerance, formation of good terms and relationships with others, creating a
social network, management of household responsibilities, inculcation of morality and ethics,
promoting mental well-being, health care requirements, work-related benefits and education
and training. Finally, it can be stated that when the individuals are able to carry out various
tasks and functions in a well-organized manner, inculcate the traits of morality and ethics and
enhance their knowledge, competencies and aptitude in terms of various aspects, they are
able to achieve personal and professional goals and enrich their lives.
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