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University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland;, ORCID: 0000-0003-1874-1272
Abstract: The article concerns the role of internal communication for efficient management
of an organization. The author divided the article into two parts. The first one theoretical
was based on critical analysis of literature in examined topic. It relates to meaning of
organizational communication, myths and misconceptions occurring in this area, key factors
of communication, functions of internal communication and exemplary strategies for
communication improvement. The second part of the article – empirical concerns the research
realized in selected organization, representing international financial group. The research was
realized with use questionnaire survey and implemented following goal: analysis and
assessment of internal communication, especially factors creating communication and
effectiveness of tools of its realization. The main topics of the research concerned: general
analysis of internal communication in analyzed organization, factors creating process of
internal communication, assessment of effectiveness of communicative tools, factors
determining effectiveness of communication and final analysis of internal communication.
The article was finished by the summary emphasizing most important results of the research.
Keywords: communication, management, organization.
1. Introduction
Contemporary communication in organization coordinates the activities and
interpretations of multiple people into an organized, recognizable form and sustains or alters
this form for subsequent collective action. To study organizational communication, therefore,
is to study the fundamental social processes that create and sustain the dominant structures of
our society.
The effective internal communication process contributes to proper functioning of
management system in any organization, on one hand. On the other hand, many problems
happening in the management system may result from poor communication. Efficient flow of
information within the organizational structure, organizational work culture and work-related
documentation management builds internal communication. It is necessary to make a
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selection of appropriate communication channels and to develop specific flow of information
in management system. Effective information systems should be stimulating to development
of areas, where units of the organization operate. Internal communication to be efficient needs
to be realized between employees involved in the process of understanding and achieving
organizational goals and strategy. Employees should be treated equally to external customers
in terms of their importance. It may result in establishing customer loyalty, which leads to
stronger identification and association with the organization. Many insufficiently informed
employees do not identify themselves with the organization, which in practice means they are
not involved in achieving organizational goals and strategy. Lack of information or delayed
work-related messages mean worse quality of work and performance. Lack of information on
important organization events demotivates employees, because they like being a part of
organization life. The role of internal communication is therefore not only to pass
information, but also to build a system of values, creating ideology of changes which motivate
and educate employees. Effective internal communication may become the key to increase of
employees’ motivation and involvement, increase of work efficiency, success of changes and
to build a positive internal and external image of the organization (Purol, and Wosik, 2007;
Armstrong, 2003).
The following article consists of two parts – theoretical and practical. In the first part of
the article, the author using the method of critical literature analysis, described main elements
analyzing examined topic of internal communication. They were: meaning of organizational
communication, myths and misconceptions occurring in this area, key factors of
communication, functions of internal communication and exemplary strategies for
communication improvement.
The second part of the article relates to empirical analysis of internal communication in
selected organization, representing international financial group. The main method used
during examination was questionnaire survey. Two goals theoretical and empirical,
concerning the research, were formulated. Theoretical goal concerned description of meaning
and role of communication and internal communication in organization as well as tools of its
realization. The practical goal was analysis and assessment of internal communication,
especially features creating communication and effectiveness of tools of its realization.
Results of the research were prepared and grouped into five divisions:
1. General analysis of internal communication in analyzed organization.
2. Factors creating process of internal communication.
3. Assessment of effectiveness of communicative tools.
4. Factors determining effectiveness of communication.
5. Final analysis of internal communication.
The article was finished by the summary emphasizing most important results of the
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2. The role of internal communication in an organization
Regardless of a type of an organization, communication is the element that maintains and
sustains relationships in it. What one person says to another person not only can have an
impact on those two people but, since organizations are systems, it also can have a meaningful
impact on the total system. Communication between managers and employees and employees
themselves in the organization is a major determinant of how satisfied people are.
Organizational communication is central to organization success (Richmond et al., 2005;
FitzPatrick, and Valskov, 2015).
Communication in organization (internal communication) is difficult to define. For
example, Pace and Faules suggest it is” “the display and interpretation of messages among
communication units who are part of a particular organization. An organization is comprised
of communication units in hierarchical relations to each other and functioning in an
environment”. (Pace, and Faules, 1994, p. 20). Other description proposes Miller: “most
scholars would agree that an organization involves a social collectivity (or a group of people)
in which activities are coordinated in order to achieve both individual and collective goals. By
coordinating activities, some degree of organizational structure is created to assist individuals
in dealing with each other and with others in the larger organizational environment. With
regard to communication, most scholars would agree that communication is a process that is
transactional (i.e., it involves two or more people interacting within an environment) and
symbolic (i.e., communication transactions stand for other things, at various levels of
abstraction). To study organizational communication, then, involves understanding how the
context of the organization influences communication processes and how the symbolic nature
of communication differentiates it from other forms of organizational behavior” (Miller, 2015,
p. 1).
Only a small amount of people in most organizations have ever engaged in serious study
of how the process of communication works. Communication is one of those things people
deal with every day, so most of them assume they know a lot about it. Although that
assumption often is correct, most of people also know some things about communication
because they are just "common sense." Unfortunately, some things that are "common sense"
are just plain wrong. The following points show most often myths and misconceptions about
communication in organization (Richmond et al., 2005):
1. Meanings are in words. What a particular word means to us may not be what it means to
someone else. The word stimulates a meaning in our minds that is different from the
meaning it stimulates in the mind of our colleague.
2. Communication is a verbal process. Nonverbal communication is important too. In fact,
when we talk to someone, our verbal communication is always accompanied by
nonverbal messages.
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3. Telling is communicating. People who believe that telling people something is equal to
communicating with them fail to acknowledge the active role of receivers. To be effective
communicators, we have to be sensitive to the other person's views and communication
4. Communication will solve all our problems. Communication can either create or help
overcome problems. There are a lot of ineffective communicators out there, and often
they create more problems than they solve by not knowing how to use communication.
5. Communication is a good thing. In reality, communication is neither a good nor a bad
thing. Communication is a tool, and like any tool, communication can be used for good or
bad purposes.
6. The more communication, the better. The quality of communication is important, not the
pure quantity of it.
7. Communication can break down. Human communication does not break down, human
communication can end.
8. Communication is a natural ability. Communication is a learned ability. Communication
competence can be learned, and practice can help us improve.
Effectiveness of communication process is determined by its key elements. They could be
divided as follows (Hargie, 2016; Welch, 2012; White at al., 2010; Tourish, 2013; Thomas et
al., 2009):
1. Communicators (attributes of the people involved). Communicators could be divided into
two main categories: leaders and followers.
2. Goals (what communicators are trying to achieve). Goals come from general description
of an organization, in which the behavior of individuals is shaped and directed to achieve
common goals.
3. Messages (verbal and nonverbal communication). In organization messages are sent and
received in 5 directions. We communicate with ourselves through self-talk and
evaluation, communicate upwards to those above us in the hierarchy, downwards to those
for whom we have line management responsibilities, outwards to suppliers, customers,
etc., and across to colleagues in other departments. The key determinants of effective
messages are that they should be timely, clear, understandable, accurate, consistent, have
an appropriate load, relevant to the recipients and credible (Zaremba, 2010), figure 1.
4. Channel (written, face-to-face, mediated). The terms “channel” and “medium” are often
used interchangeably. It is often said about communication that the medium is the
message, since the channel through which we communicate conveys information about
our attitude to the interlocutor. Most popular medium are: face-to-face, video-
conferencing, telephone, instant messaging, e-mails, texts, tweets and typed memos.
5. Feedback (how communications are transacted). Feedback is the means through which
the sender is able to ascertain the extent to which messages have been successfully
received and the impact that they have had on recipients. Convergence towards mutual
understanding and shared meaning in organizations is directly related to the degree to
which feedback is put to effective use.
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6. Context (physical environment and culture). All communication is embedded within a
context and so messages can only be fully understood by taking cognizance of the
situation in which they occur. There are a range of contextual factors that impinge on
organizations. A key one is the globalization effect, in that companies now look beyond
their local markets.
7. Effects (the outcomes from the communication).
Figure 1. Directions of management communication. Note: Hargie, 2016.
Internal communication serves many functions in organizations. There are six functions
that seem to dominate communication in the organizational context. The functions are:
inform, regulate, integrate, manage, persuade, and socialize. The informative function of
communication is fairly self-explanatory. It is the function of providing needed information to
personnel so they can do their jobs in an effective and efficient manner. People need to be
informed about any changes of procedure or policy that are related to their work. The
regulative function of communication is involved with the communication that is directed
toward regulatory policies within the organization or messages about maintenance of the
organization. The integrative function of communication is focused on coordination of tasks,
work assignments, group coordination or the fusing of work units toward a common goal. The
management function of communication is directed toward the three goals mentioned earlier.
It is communication focused on getting personnel to do what is needed, learning information
about personnel to know them better, and establishing relationships with personnel. The
persuasive function of communication is an outgrowth of the management function. Here the
supervisor is attempting to influence the employee to do something in particular. Last function
(senior managers, CEO)
(time, skills)
(teams, colleagues)
(customers, suppliers)
(employees, unions)
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of communication socialization is the one that can determine whether an individual
survives well, or not at all, in an organization. Socialization does not mean being “buddies”
with everyone. It means being integrated into the communication networks in the organization
(Richmond et al., 2005; Clampitt, 2013).
Internal communication in organization could be improved on many ways. Following
examples are 12 strategies for improving communication across organization.
1. Optimize huddles. Huddles are brief touchpoints among all members of a work group
or team that occur according to a predetermined schedule, often daily.
2. Prepare middle managers as messengers. Those who work most closely with teams
will naturally be the most trusted sources of information. It is essential, therefore, to
equip managers with the knowledge they need and the tools and structures to
communicate effectively with their team.
3. Think beyond the written word. In all your communications, the use of simple
graphics, charts, photos and even videos can help to draw employees’ attention and
make the information easier to digest.
4. Meet employees where they are at. If you want your messages to reach employees,
you must serve them up where employees spend their time, with use proper channels
and tools of communication.
5. Re-think your newsletters. Other than email, there is perhaps no more widely used
internal communication tool in workplaces than newsletters. Most newsletters are
published on a pre-determined schedule according to an established template.
6. Know your audiences. Fewer messages that reach the right audiences are far more
effective than lots of messages being sent to all.
7. Establish a consistent cadence in messages. Another way to break through information
clutter is to establish a consistent way that information is presented. Setting patterns
for information-sharing can help to keep messages clear and direct.
8. Create a central communication hub. Do not confuse an intranet as a centralized hub
of information with the intranet as the centerpiece of your internal communication
9. Think vertically and horizontally. A key component of any organizational
communication strategy must be avenues for communicating and collaborating across
sectors. This is essential for coordination, efficiency and avoiding redundancy.
10. Create calls to action. A call to action is the difference between providing information
to increase knowledge and providing information to spur productive activity.
11. Tell employees first. Oftentimes, the most tricky communication challenges occur
when there is little time to plan a crisis, breaking news (good or bad) or time-
sensitive updates. In particular, when the information to be relayed will reach both
internal and external audiences, one fundamental rule to follow is to tell employees
before anyone else.
12. Connect the What, When, Who and How to the Why. As we strive to meet employees
where they are at and keep messages to the point, it is essential to understand that the
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“WHY” behind the changes being explained or the events that have occurred is not
extraneous information. Connecting the dots between the what, when, who and how to
the WHY is a key strategy for making information relevant and personal.
Improving communication processes depending on the management model, information
flow, communication channels, technical solutions, both in and outside the organization is
necessary activity for creating efficient internal communication.
3. Method and research methodology
Examined organization represents international financial group, acting on markets of
Middle-Eastern Europe. The organization offers consumer and business credits in following
countries: Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Russia. The structure of the
organization is based on regions, controlled by the central office. The main purpose of the
organization concentrates around fulfillment of financial customers’ needs and creating an
offer ensuring the organization stabilization and development.
Dynamic development of the organization is possible by high quality of work,
engagement of employees and advanced internal communication. Efficient and effective
communication is realized with use many communicative tools, being useful during daily
activities. Employees have access to Help Desk application and can inform about different
malfunctions. Recommendations are realized by an e-mail, what improves quickness and
precision of information flow. Managers organize for employees trainings and meetings, what
causes that important information are delegated quickly. The organization is also socially
responsible and realize commitments of Rules of Good Practices, sponsoring many socially
useful events.
Polish subsidiary of analyzed organization is represented by 300 employees, working in
different departments. The research population was 90 employees (30% of total). The main
method used during examination was questionnaire survey. Table 1 shows assumptions of the
research. Two goals theoretical and empirical were formulated, expanded by research
Table 1.
Assumptions of the research
Item Description
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Research goals
Theoretical: description of meaning and role of communication and internal
communication in organization as well as tools of its realization
Practical: analysis and assessment of internal communication, especially factors
creating communication and effectiveness of tools of its realization
Research questions
1. Can internal communication influence on quality of work?
2. Which barriers can make realization of communication difficult?
3. Which communication factors are the most important?
4. Are communication tools effective?
Research method Questionnaire survey. Open ended and close ended questions were used in the
questionnaire. In a few questions Likert scale was implemented.
The interviewees Employees of analyzed organization, representing different departments
Date of realization October-December 2018
Note. Personal elaboration.
Table 2 presents structure of the interviewees.
Table 2.
Structure of the interviewees
Criterion Description
Sex 1. Female – 72%
2. Male - 28%
1. 18-25 – 18%
2. 26-35 – 54%
3. 36-45 – 22%
4. 46-55 – 6%
1. Average – 24%
2. Higher (Bachelor level) – 16%
3. Master Degree – 60%
1. Less than 1 year – 11%
2. 1-2 years – 25%
3. 3-5 years – 33%
4. 6-7 years – 12%
5. More than 7 years – 19%
1. Audit – 7%
2. Call Center – 2%
3. Current service – 41%
4. Vindication – 16%
5. Financial – 8%
6. Trade – 10%
7. HR – 4%
8. IT – 10%
9. Administration – 2%
Note. Own research.
The interviewees represent different departments. This fact lets analyze internal
communication by many, different factors and circumstances.
4. Results of conducted research
Results of the research were grouped into five divisions:
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1. General analysis of internal communication in analyzed organization.
2. Factors creating process of internal communication.
3. Assessment of effectiveness of communicative tools.
4. Factors determining effectiveness of communication.
5. Final analysis of internal communication.
At the beginning of the research, the questioned were asked for general assessment of
communication process in analyzed organization. Results were presented on the figure 2.
Overall assessment of communication is good and average, together more than 80%.
4.00% 1.00%
Very good
Very bad
Figure 2. General assessment of communication process. Own research.
According to the research, internal communication, created by various conditions and
tools has very strong influence on a quality of work, figure 3. Possessing of proper
information is relevant to make accurate decisions. Information creates knowledge of
employees and organization, very important resource for management.
1.00% 1.00% 2.00% Yes
Rather yes
Difficult to say
Rather no
Figure 3. Influence of internal communication on a quality of work. Own research.
The role of internal communication is described as:
a way of commands’ delegating,
a main source of information,
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support to understand delegated tasks,
a way of relations’ building with fellow-workers,
a way of control of delegated tasks.
Next questions in the first division concentrated around barriers of communication in
analyzed organization and their possible solutions. The questioned identified following
barriers of internal communication in their organization:
lack of trust to a manager and fellow-workers,
lack of information in communication process,
too big amount of information in many areas/decisions,
lack of direct contacts between all employees,
lack of communicative tools dedicated to analyzed organization,
too long information flows from the top to the bottom,
contradiction in announced information,
blocking of information’s flows by managers and employees.
Overcoming of presented barriers is possible by use solutions concerning “soft elements”
of management, especially concentrated on human resources, like bigger cooperation between
managers and employees and employees themselves. Implementation of negotiation and
compliance in operational management, making information about managers’ decisions
available for all interested, etc.
Factors creating process of internal communication were the object of analysis in the
second division. Factors are described in the table 3. Employees of analyzed organization
defined following factors: communicative skills of a manager, quality of statements delegated
by managers, communicative skills of fellow-workers, organizational structure, organizational
culture and climate and relations between employees. Analyzing the answer option “very
good”, dominant value concerns communicative skills of a manager (32%). In case of the
answer option “good”, the bigger result concerns organizational culture and climate (65%).
Table 3.
Factors creating process of internal communication
Factors Assessment
Communicative skills of a manager
Very good – 32%
Good – 48%
Average – 16%
Bad – 4%
Very bad – 0%
Quality of statements delegated by managers
Very good – 12%
Good – 55%
Average – 21%
Bad – 11%
Very bad – 1%
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Communicative skills of fellow-workers
Very good – 24%
Good – 59%
Average – 12%
Bad – 5%
Very bad – 0%
Organizational structure
Very good – 11%
Good – 64%
Average – 25%
Bad – 0%
Very bad – 0%
Organizational culture and climate
Very good – 17%
Good – 65%
Average – 13%
Bad – 5%
Very bad – 0%
Relations between employees
Very good – 22%
Good – 57%
Average – 20%
Bad – 1%
Very bad – 0%
Maximum assessment – factor Communicative skills of a manager (32%).
Note. Own research.
The third division, described by the table 4, relates to assessment of effectiveness of
selected tools used in communication process. During the research defined following,
characteristic in analyzed organization communicative tools: direct conversation, meetings
with managers, teleconference, knowledge resource in Help Desk, announcements, integration
parties, gossips and informal meetings of employees. In this division, assessment was realized
with use six degree scale, with additional option “not use”. This part of the research’s results
let point out, that in the case of the answer option “very good”, dominant value concerns the
tool direct conversations (48%). In the case of the answer option “good”, the tool
meetings with managers dominates (42%). The cohesion between answers in following
division and the previous one could be noticed. For the interviewees communicative skills of
managers create internal communication very strongly. Often, those skills are formulated and
developed by direct conversations with the staff and meetings. Further results of the discussed
sub-topic are presented in the mentioned table 4.
Table 4.
Effectiveness of communicative tools
Tools Assessment
Direct conversations
Very good – 48%
Good – 38%
Average – 12%
Bad – 1%
Very bad – 0%
Not use – 1%
Meetings with managers Very good – 28%
12 F. Surname
Good – 42%
Average – 19%
Bad – 4%
Very bad – 0%
Not use – 7%
Very good – 15%
Good – 37%
Average – 16%
Bad – 5%
Very bad – 2%
Not use – 25%
Knowledge resources in Help Desk
Very good – 20%
Good – 31%
Average – 21%
Bad – 10%
Very bad – 5%
Not use – 13%
Very good – 12%
Good – 13%
Average – 17%
Bad – 11%
Very bad – 8%
Not use – 39%
Integration parties
Very good – 36%
Good – 29%
Average – 19%
Bad – 5%
Very bad – 2%
Not use – 9%
Very good – 11%
Good – 8%
Average – 23%
Bad – 13%
Very bad – 18%
Not use – 27%
Informal meetings of employees
Very good – 27%
Good – 34%
Average – 20%
Bad – 7%
Very bad – 2%
Not use – 10%
Maximum assessment – tool Direct conversations (48%).
Note. Own research.
During the examination, factors determining effectiveness of communication were
identified, table 5. The selected ones were as follows: personality of a manager, practice of a
manager and employees, style of management, relations between employees representing
different departments, relations between employees in working teams, conflicts and
organizational changes. “Very important” option of the answer dominates in the case of factor
– style of management (55%). “Important” option is defined by the biggest value in the case
of factor relations between employees representing different departments (60%). The
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questioned noticed the importance of conflicts, as a factor determining effectiveness of
communication too. This factor was “very important and “important” for 75% of the
Table 5.
Factors determining effectiveness of communication
Factors Influence
Personality of a manager
Very important – 36%
Important – 55%
Average – 9%
Rather important – 0%
Not important – 0%
Practice of a manager and employees
Very important – 28%
Important – 53%
Average – 12%
Rather important – 7%
Not important – 0%
Style of management
Very important – 55%
Important – 34%
Average – 10%
Rather important – 1%
Not important – 0%
Relations between employees representing different
Very important – 32%
Important – 60%
Average – 7%
Rather important – 1%
Not important – 0%
Relations between employees in working teams
Very important – 35%
Important – 51%
Average – 13%
Rather important – 0%
Not important – 1%
Very important – 34%
Important – 41%
Average – 21%
Rather important – 2%
Not important – 2%
Organizational changes
Very important – 15%
Important – 42%
Average – 40%
Rather important – 2%
Not important – 1%
Maximum influence – factor Style of management (55%).
Note. Own research.
The last discussed division was a kind of summary of analyzed internal communication. It
had open character and the interviewees were asked for completing of following sentence:
“Internal communication in analyzed organization …”. The most representative answers
1. Allow to hand over employees information relevant for their proper acting.
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2. Motivates employees to act in favor of the organization.
3. Creates positive climate in the workplace.
4. Prepares employees to changes and support them during their realization.
Above results and comments presented in the following article have limited and selected
character coming from the limitation of the publishing process of the scientific papers. More
information could be created by deeper analysis of the showed results and direct contact with
the author.
5. Summary
Basing on the following article, relevant conclusion could be made internal
communication influences quality of processes realized in the organization. Conclusion is
described by analysis of the theoretical and empirical parts of the article. Communication
process is complicated. Like many other processes is affected by internal and external factors.
Its proper realization requires highly-skilled managers and employees and efficient
communicative tools.
The article touches many elements of internal communication. The most important from
the theoretical point of view were described in the section “the role of internal communication
in an organization”. The author decided to take into consideration following topics: meaning
of organizational communication, myths and misconceptions occurring in this area, key
factors of communication, functions of internal communication and exemplary strategies for
communication improvement.
The empirical part of the article was based on the questionnaire survey, realized in
selected organization, representing financial sector. The research had complex character and
concerned many elements of internal communication. The interviewees in the research
emphasized positive influence of internal communication on a quality of work. The role of
internal communication was described as a way of commands’ delegating, a main source of
information, support to understand delegated tasks, a way of relations’ building with fellow-
workers and others. During the examination key barriers of internal communication
realization were formulated: lack of trust to a manager and fellow-workers, lack of
information in communication process, too big amount of information in many
areas/decisions, lack of direct contacts between all employees, lack of communicative tools
dedicated to analyzed organization, too long information flows from the top to the bottom,
gossips, contradiction in announced information and others. Many of them could be solved by
use of soft skills of management, like conversations, negotiations, direct contacts, etc.
According to the research the most relevant factors creating process of internal
communication are: communicative skills of a manager, quality of statements delegated by
Paper title (max. ¾ of the line length, 3-5 initial words + …) 15
managers, communicative skills of fellow-workers, organizational structure, organizational
culture and climate and relations between employees. The interviewees were assessing the
effectiveness of selected tools of communication. Two tools were dominating direct
conversations and meetings with managers. Basing on the examination, significant factors
determining the effectiveness of communication process were: personality of a manager,
practice of a manager and employees, style of management, relations between employees
representing different departments, relations between employees in working teams, conflicts
and organizational changes.
Directions of internal communication examination are open. Those presented in the
following article are exemplary studies showing the importance of internal communication.
The author planes to continue further theoretical and empirical studies in analyzed topic.
1. 12 Strategies for Improving Communication Across Your Organization (2018). Derby, CT:
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2. Armstrong, M. (2003). Students as Clients: A Professional Services Model for Business
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3. Clampitt, P. (2013). Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness: Problems, Strategies,
Solutions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
4. FitzPatrick, L., Valskov, K. (2015). Internal communications: a manual for practitioners.
Seattle, WA: Amazon Digital Services.
5. Hargie, O. (2016). The importance of communication for organizational effectiveness. In
F. Lobo (Ed.), Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações (pp. 15-32). Braga: Axioma.
6. Miller, K. (2015). Organizational communication: approaches and processes. Belmont,
CA: Cengage/Wadsworth 7th edn.
7. Pace, R., Faules, D. (1994). Organizational communication. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
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8. Purol, M., Wosik, D. (2007). Internal communication as a factor of quality improvement
in higher education – case study. In K. Leja (Ed.), Management issues in knowledge based
university (pp. 111-119). Gdańsk: Gdańsk University of Technology.
9. Richmond, V., McCroskey, J., McCroskey, L. (2005). Organizational Communication for
Survival: Making Work, Work. Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon.
10. Thomas, G., Zolin, R., Hartman, J. (2009). The central role of communication in
developing trust and its effects on employee involvement. International Journal of
Communication, 46, pp. 287-310.
16 F. Surname
11. Tourish, D. (2013). The Dark Side of Transformational Leadership. London: Routledge.
12. Welch, M. (2012). Appropriateness and acceptability: Employee perspectives of internal
communication. Public Relations Review, 38, pp. 246–254.
13. White, C., Vanc, A., Stafford, G. (2010). Internal communication, information satisfaction,
and sense of community: The effect of personal influence, Journal of Public
Relations Research, 22, pp. 65-84
14. Zaremba, A. (2010). Organizational Communication: Foundations for Business and
Collaboration. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
... Of these tools, respondents considered chats (up 22.16 percentage points), shared calendars, video calls, cloud storage, and intranets to be more effective during the pandemic, while they considered in-person communications (down 59.46 percentage points), meetings, directives, phone use, emails, company periodicals, training, and bulletin boards to be less effective. Similarly, a study conducted by an international financial group operating in the Central European market confirms that one of the most effective communication tools before the pandemic was face-to-face communication and ranked video calls as one of the least effective (Jakubiec, 2019). ...
... Conversely, women found written and email communication to be more effective compared to men. A study conducted in an international financial group operating in the Central European market concluded that men perceived working from home to be more negative than women, citing lack of personal interaction as the reason (Jakubiec, 2019). We came to a similar conclusion in our research, as men preferred the more personally interactive mode of communication, the telephone. ...
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Background and purpose The Covid-19 pandemic brought about a shift in the way businesses operate, accelerating the adoption of digital communication tools. The study examines the effectiveness of communication tools in Slovak enterprises, comparing the dynamics before and during the pandemic. The study highlights the need for businesses to address communication-related issues. Methodology An electronic questionnaire was used to collect the data. The representative survey sample consisted of 555 respondents. The results of the research were processed using the statistical tools McNemar Test, Pearsons Chi square test and Cramer’s V. Results Before the pandemic, Slovak enterprises relied on traditional means of communication, with face-to-face meetings, phone calls and emails being the primary means of interaction. However, when the pandemic forced people to work from home, dependence on digital communication tools such as video conferencing and collaboration platforms increased significantly. Conclusion The research findings indicate that during the pandemic, businesses recognized the importance of digital communication tools for sustaining business operations and employee collaboration. In conclusion, the Covid-19 pandemic was a catalyst for the transformation of communication practices in Slovak enterprises. The findings emphasise the continued importance of digital communication tools in the post-pandemic era and the need for businesses to strike a balance between traditional and digital communication methods in order to optimise overall effectiveness.
... The sense of belonging was assessed using four items from the "workrelated basic need satisfaction scale" ( Van den Broeck et al., 2010). The organizational culture items covered the following aspects: Developing the organizational culture and knowing the organizational values (Burke and Wise, 2003), understanding values and vision (Men, 2021), and creating a positive work climate (Jakubiec, 2019). ...
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Purpose This study examines the functions of informal communication in organizations. Informal communication can be characterized as any interaction within an organization in which two or more individuals assume personal roles rather than their professional roles and in which employees do not intend to solve work-related problems. Despite its central role in organizations, a comprehensive understanding of the specific functions of informal communication within workplace dynamics is lacking. Design/methodology/approach We reviewed existing literature to identify the functions of informal communication and then surveyed employees (N = 1,380). We asked them to indicate their agreement with statements measuring the functions of informal communication that we derived from the literature. Findings Using exploratory factor analysis, we identified four core functions: stress management and recreation, nurturing private relationships, fostering a sense of belonging and connectedness and facilitating information exchange and coordination. We then examined how these core functions related to job-related and sociodemographic characteristics. Our findings underscore the importance of informal communication in organizations, particularly in facilitating the development and maintenance of social relationships as well as information exchange and coordination, both of which play critical roles in organizational success. Originality/value This study is among the first to systematize the functions of informal communication in organizations and to empirically extract core functions that can be used for further research. It is also highly relevant to practitioners of organizational management and organizational communication.
... A nivel internacional, específicamente en países del continente europeo, la comunicación interna mantiene un nivel eficiente gracias a los instrumentales comunicativos y al compromiso de los empleados, además, es un constituyente que incide demostrativamente en la calidad de procesos y en el desarrollo conjunto de las organizaciones, sin embargo, es un concepto que puede verse afectado por diversos factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos (Jakubiec, 2019). En lo sucesivo, en Zanzíbar, la implementación de comunicación interna en las empresas ha evidenciado sus efectos en el acrecentamiento colaborativo entre trabajadores, además de ello, permite que una organización desenvuelva sus actividades con éxito, por lo tanto, su aplicación favorece la productividad de los la empresa conjunta (Salim, 2022). ...
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El propósito de la siguiente investigación fue analizar la influencia de la comunicación interna en las empresas en los últimos 5 años. Respecto a ello, la indagación conservó una metodología no experimental, descriptiva y análisis sistemático, por lo que, se utilizó el método PRISMA, el cual posibilitó la organización y análisis de los artículos recopilados en fuentes como Scopus, Web Of Science y Scielo, debido a ello, se obtuvieron un total de 2524 artículos identificados como derivación de la búsqueda de datos y, acorde con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se seleccionaron 9 artículos para el actual estudio. Los resultados evidenciaron que, la comunicación interna es una herramienta fundamental para el desenvolvimiento organizacional, puesto que, suscita un elevado nivel de motivación en los colaboradores, accionar que genera un alto nivel de productividad. Finalmente, se concluyó que, la comunicación interna conservó influencia positiva y directa sobre las empresas los últimos 5 años.
... Jakubiec (2019) identifies six key elements that influence the development of internal communication ethics and practices in an organisation: the chosen organisational governance structure, the organisational culture, the organisational climate, the communication skills of managers and employees, and the interpersonal relationships within the team. According toJakubiec (2019), it is important to emphasise that these elements provide the basis for individual assumptions of internal communication effectiveness, organisation to make the right choice of information transmission channels and communication tone. ...
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Recently, hybrid communication is gaining more and more importance in our society (Bielinis, 2020) - due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions, people were forced to use remote means of communication, thanks to which it was possible not only to avoid, but also to effectively manage the COVID-19 pandemic. However, hybrid communication is relevant not only in this context - thanks to it, members of various organizations can carry out continuous communication and connect 24/7 from anywhere in the world. A study by Berger et al. (2021) found that before the global COVID-19 pandemic, only 35% of organizations used/aspired to use a hybrid work model, but now even 77% use this work model. (Berger, Weber & Buser, 2021). Organizations that previously conducted their activities in a contact manner and could not imagine an effective flexible combination of remote and contact work methods, now face new challenges of internal processes, employee performance and change management. However, properly chosen methods of information transfer help to ensure targeted achievement of organizational goals, change management and smooth internal operational processes. Therefore, in the context of the hybrid work model, active and purposeful communication becomes particularly significant. The aim of the article is to determine the features of hybrid communication when applied to business development in Lithuania. The research showed that hybrid communication encouraged the introduction of new information dissemination channels in the organization, more efficient time management and increased employee productivity. However, the study also diluted the challenges of hybrid communication: i.e. the adaptation of new employees, the problem of receiving feedback, the abundance of e-mails and the growing social exclusion of employees, the consequences of which could be examined in other studies.
... This can generate the creation of internal customer loyalty, which leads to a stronger identification and connection with the organization. Many poorly informed employees do not identify with the organization, which translates into them not being involved into achieving organizational goals and strategies (Jakubiec, 2019). ...
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Nowadays, many companies are aware of the fact that if they can meet the employees' requests, provide them with sufficient information and quality working conditions, their work performance will be at a high level. As a result, employees can ultimately meet customer requests and the company can move forward. The issue of quality internal communication in companies is not just an issue of recent years. Many international companies are aware of this. However, the issue of internal communication still persists in smaller companies, which do not pay that much attention to it because they do not have enough funds or believe that they are not affected by this issue. This internal communication within the company must take place in both directions, which many companies forget. The observations and opinions of employees and their feedback on the actions of the company, individual managers etc. are also important. Companies should spend enough time just getting this connection from employees, which allows them to streamline individual processes and information gathering, but also the work skills of individual managers, who can increase their soft skills and help organizations work better. At present, which is marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for quality internal communication is even more pronounced. The aim of this study is to analyse the company's internal marketing communication tools. The paper also targets to analyse corporate strategies, management styles, shared values of the company etc., through the analysis of McKinsey 7S selected global company, which operates not only in the Slovak Republic. The methods used for this study are McKinsey 7S analysis, deduction, synthesis, and comparison. Thanks to the McKinsey 7S analysis, the results showed that the company has a friendly climate with open communication and a socially oriented culture based on several shared values and management principles.
This paper presents a pivotal contribution to corporate communication studies by applying a best practice evaluation technique to the internal communication system of American Express (AMEX) Bahrain and its branches in the Middle East and North Africa. The goal is to enhance this system with actionable recommendations. To achieve this, the research adopts a mixed-method approach, blending empirical and theoretical methodologies to explore AMEX’s internal public relations activities. Central to this approach is the collection of primary data, encompassing both qualitative and quantitative aspects. This data collection comprises two primary methods. First, a survey was conducted among AMEX employees to gauge their perspectives on the current internal communication system. This survey was administered via a Qualtrics link, facilitated by the HR manager. Second, the study includes in-depth interviews with members of the HR department, designed to provide deeper insights into their internal communication strategies. The findings from the survey and interviews are meticulously synthesized, forming the basis for an extensive analysis in the subsequent chapter. This analysis rigorously evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of AMEX’s internal communications, offering a balanced and constructive critique. The culmination of this research is a set of robust recommendations meticulously crafted to enhance the effectiveness of AMEX's internal communication practices. These recommendations not only propose practical solutions for AMEX but also contribute significantly to the wider field of corporate communication, offering insights and methodologies that can be applied in similar organizational contexts.
Internal marketing is a key issue for the organizational development of any company, ultimately helping to optimize the human resources of organizations. The aim of this research is to study a number of aspects that affect employee relations and how internal marketing can influence organizational success and, in turn, help an organization to flourish in the current competitive environment that the job market is experiencing. The methodology adopted is entirely qualitative, based on document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and a focus group with questions about internal marketing. The vision of those responsible for human resources management and employees on this subject was analyzed, as well as the main internal marketing actions implemented in the companies. The results seem to show that internal marketing plays an essential role in the management of human capital, namely in achieving good results for both individuals and organizations, where a mutual relationship is inferred.
Purpose This research seeks to understand whether employer branding (EB) and internal marketing (IM) are fundamental to the challenge of attracting and retaining talent and how these strategies can help companies to overcome the difficulties related to the talent shortage, from the perspective of a SME Portuguese metallurgical industry. Design/methodology/approach The research resorts to a case study of a qualitative nature, through a semi-structured interview with the head of the human resources (HR) training and development area of the Navarra Group, and quantitative, through surveys to its employees. Based on the literature, a conceptual model was constructed, whose application allowed us to perceive the relationships between the practices of EB and IM; satisfaction, motivation and commitment; attraction and retention. Findings The exploratory interview concluded that organizations consider EB and IM essential for an effective talent management strategy. The quantitative results demonstrate that IM and EB practices implemented in the organization contribute to the satisfaction, motivation and involvement of employees, which results in a decrease in the intention to leave. It is also noted that these practices promote an increase in the perception of organizational attractiveness, which represents a positive impact on its ability to attract. Research limitations/implications From a theoretical perspective, the research contributes to the development of knowledge about IM, EB and talent management, providing relevant data that can help define the best strategies for attraction and retention, from the point of view of IM and EB. Originality/value The research presents preliminary insights that can be an auxiliary tool for HR managers and professionals in the context of industrial SMEs.
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Effective management is the key point of each organization’s wellfunctioning, political parties likewise. This article is an attempt to present the importance of the management in politics with particular emphasis on managing the political parties. Essential data for reaching the goal has been taken from literature analysis as well as market observation performed by the author with special attention of international research and Polish marketplace background. Research problem is complemented by comparative analysis of presented concept and polish practice which offers the local conditions identification and good practice recognition it the process of gaining the competitive advantage. An additional value of the text is the pointing out of the fundamental differences and similarities in the area of management between the political and commercial organization.
This study analyzes how healthcare organizations (HCOs)’s General Directors (GD) shaped the communication strategies toward internal and external stakeholders to keep fulfilling the organization mission during the COVID-19 crisis. Italy has been chosen as the study setting being one of the first Western countries to be heavily affected by the pandemic. Thus, a qualitative study has been designed to get an in-depth understanding of how the HCOs’ GDs, the crisis managers, defined and adopted the communication strategies both toward the internal and the external stakeholders. The findings allow to define the type of communication strategies that the crisis managers adopted towards stakeholders, more precisely a personalized communication was often used with workforce as key internal stakeholder, while a collective communication strategy was mainly adopted with external stakeholders.
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This study examined how employees of a multi-campus university view information flow from top administrators in positions of personal influence, employees' communication preferences (amount, channels, types of information), their sense of community within the organization, and the relationship between those perceptions and their willingness to advocate for the university. Open-ended interviews with 147 employees found the personal influence of the chancellor and top administrators has an effect on information satisfaction. Employees who have a relationship with the chancellor are more satisfied with the information they receive and feel a greater responsibility to advocate for the organization. Even the perception of a relationship with top administrators leads to satisfaction. The direction dimension of internal communication, as well as the channel dimension is important. Although e-mail is efficient for information exchange, the preference for communication among all groups of employees is face-to-face, interpersonal, dialogic interactions. Meetings, despite being acknowledged as time-consuming, were valued as a channel for feedback and providing face time with top managers. Electronic channels, if used thoughtfully, can flatten the traditional, hierarchical structure of internal communication and give employees at all levels of the organization the sense of hearing things first-hand, from the top.
Most research into leadership has presented leaders as heroic, charismatic and transformational ‘visionaries’. The leader, whether in business, politics or any other field, is the most important factor in determining whether organizations succeed or fail. Indeed, despite the fundamental mistakes which have, arguably, directly led to global economic recession, it is often still taken for granted that transformational leadership is a good thing, and that leaders should have much more power than followers to decide what needs to be done.
My purpose in this article is to describe a professional services student-as-client model that I believe offers a more realistic guide for core business school operations than either the customer model or the partner model. I begin in the next section by noting the situations where the partner model is well suited, and show why I don't believe it is realistic for most programs. I then define the client analogy, illustrate how it offers a better fit, and describe some of the insights that it suggests.
Internal communication underpins organisational effectiveness since it contributes to positive internal relationships by enabling communication between senior managers and employees. Paradoxically, internal communication can also pose a threat to organisational relationships, as poor communication can be counter-productive. The potential benefits of internal communication rely on appropriate messages reaching employees in formats useful and acceptable to them. Consequently, insight into employee preferences for mediated internal communication is required. The paper investigates employee views on the format of internal publications, contrasting acceptable attributes with elements which attract criticism. The single-case study contributes consideration of fresh data on an under-researched topic. It adopts a stakeholder approach with an employee-centric emphasis on employee preferences, in contrast to much previous research which focuses on manager perceptions of internal communication. Contributions include consideration of practical implications of the findings together with suggestions for avenues of further research.
Communication plays an important role in the development of trust within an organization. While a number of researchers have studied the relationship of trust and communication, little is known about the specific linkages among quality of information, quantity of information, openness, trust, and outcomes such as employee involvement. This study tests these relationships using communication audit data from 218 employees in the oil industry. Using mediation analysis and structural equation modeling, we found that quality of information predicted trust of one's coworkers and supervisors while adequacy of information predicted one's trust of top management. Trust of coworkers, supervisors, and top management influenced perceptions of organizational openness, which in turn influenced employees' ratings of their own level of involvement in the organization's goals. This study suggests that the relationship between communication and trust is complex, and that simple strategies focusing on either quality or quantity of information may be ineffective for dealing with all members in an organization.
Organizational communication
  • R Pace
  • D Faules
Pace, R., Faules, D. (1994). Organizational communication. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.