Content uploaded by Stephen Cox
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2017 Data Compression, Data Mining, Data Privacy
Math and Science Reading List 2017 by Stephen Cox
Volume 1 Including History of High Performance Computing
2017 Data Compression, Data Mining, Data Privacy
2017 Data Compression
A fast algorithm for sparse reconstruction based on shrinkage, subspace optimization, and continuation, Z
Wen, W Yin, D Goldfarb, Y Zhang - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2010 - SIAM
A Survey of Image Compression using Neural Network and Wavelet Transformation, R Yadav, RK Gupta, AP
Singh - International Journal of …, 2015 -
A Versatile Compression Method for Floating-Point Data Stream, S Liu, X Huang, Y Ni, H Fu… - 2013 Fourth
International …, 2013 -
Applying In-Situ Compression to Hierarchical Scientific Voxel Data, H Lehmann, B Jung - Proceedings in
ARSA-Advanced Research in …, 2012 -
Compressive sensing based scalable video coding for space applications, SN Karishma, BKN Srinivasarao… -
… (NCC), 2016 Twenty …, 2016 -
Data Compression for Climate Data, M Kuhn, J Kunkel, T Ludwig - Supercomputing frontiers and
innovations, 2016 -
Data Compression Using Wavelet and Local Cosine Transforms, AZ Averbuch, P Neittaanmäki, VA Zheludev
- Spline and Spline Wavelet …, 2016 - Springer
Graphics processing unit implementation of JPEG2000 for hyperspectral image compression, M Ciznicki, K
Kurowski, A Plaza - Journal of Applied Remote …, 2012 -
Novel image compression–encryption hybrid algorithm based on key-controlled measurement matrix in
compressive sensing, N Zhou, A Zhang, F Zheng, L Gong - Optics & Laser Technology, 2014 - Elsevier
Optimizing LZSS compression on GPGPUs, A Ozsoy, M Swany, A Chauhan - Future Generation Computer
Systems, 2014 - Elsevier
Pipelined parallel LZSS for streaming data compression on GPGPUs, A Ozsoy, M Swany, A Chauhan -
Parallel and Distributed …, 2012 -
Space Performance Tradeoffs in Compressing MPI Group Data Structures, S Kumar, P Heidelberger, C
Stunkel - … of the 23rd European MPI Users' …, 2016 -
The colour image processing handbook, SJ Sangwine, REN Horne – 2012
2017 Data Compression, Data Mining, Data Privacy
2017 Data Mining
A bottom-up projection based algorithm for mining high utility itemsets, A Erwin, RP Gopalan, NR
Achuthan - … intelligence and data mining- …, 2007 -
A Combined Approach for Effective Text Mining using Node Clustering, YS Rajput, P Saxena - information
visualization, 2016 -
A Combined Approach for Mining Fuzzy Frequent Itemset, R Prabamanieswari - … Journal of Computer
Applications (0975–8887), 2013 - Citeseer
A Comparative Analysis of Algorithms for Mining Frequent Itemsets, V Busarov, N Grafeeva, E Mikhailova -
International Baltic Conference on …, 2016 - Springer
A Comprehensive Survey of Selected Data Mining Algorithms used for Intrusion Detection, VK Srivastava -
2015 -
A comprehensive survey on support vector machine in data mining tasks: applications & challenges, J
Nayak, B Naik, H Behera - International Journal of Database Theory and …, 2015 -
A conditional tree based novel algorithm for high utility itemset mining, C Ramaraju, N Savarimuthu -
Recent Trends in Information …, 2011 -
A critical survey of data grid replication strategies based on data mining techniques, T Hamrouni, S Slimani,
FB Charrada - Procedia Computer Science, 2015 - Elsevier
A descriptive framework for the field of data mining and knowledge discovery, Y Peng, G Kou, Y Shi, Z Chen
- International Journal of Information …, 2008 - World Scientific
A fast algorithm for mining high utility itemsets, S Shankar, N Babu, T Purusothaman… - … , 2009. IACC
2009. …, 2009 -
A fast algorithm for mining high utility itemsets, SJ Yen, CC Chen, YS Lee - Behavior Computing, 2012 -
A fast algorithm for mining utility-frequent itemsets, V Podpecan, N Lavrac, I Kononenko - CONSTRAINT-
BASED MINING …, 2007 - Citeseer
A fast high utility itemsets mining algorithm, Y Liu, W Liao, A Choudhary - … workshop on Utility-based
data mining, 2005 -
A fast maintenance algorithm of the discovered high-utility itemsets with transaction deletion, JCW Lin, W
Gan, TP Hong - Intelligent Data Analysis, 2016 -
A fast perturbation algorithm using tree structure for privacy preserving utility mining, U Yun, J Kim -
Expert Systems with Applications, 2015 - Elsevier
A fast updated algorithm to maintain the discovered high-utility itemsets for transaction modification, JCW
Lin, W Gan, TP Hong - Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2015 - Elsevier
A Foundational Approach to Mining Itemset Utilities from Databases, H Yao, HJ Hamilton, CJ Butz - SDM,
2004 - SIAM
A Framework for Categorizing and Applying Privacy-Preservation Techniques in Big Data Mining, L Xu, C
Jiang, Y Chen, J Wang, Y Ren - Computer, 2016 -
A framework for mining high utility web access sequences, CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer, BS Jeong - IETE
technical review, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
2017 Data Compression, Data Mining, Data Privacy
A framework for mining interesting high utility patterns with a strong frequency affinity, CF Ahmed, SK
Tanbeer, BS Jeong, HJ Choi - Information Sciences, 2011 - Elsevier
A Framework for Selecting the Optimal Technique Suitable for Application in a Data Mining Task, H
Chiroma, S Abdul-Kareem, A Abubakar - Future Information Technology, 2014 - Springer
A framework for the analysis of process mining algorithms, P Weber, B Bordbar, P Tino - IEEE Transactions
on Systems, …, 2013 -
A Framework-Based Approach to Utility Big Data Analytics, J Zhu, E Zhuang, J Fu, J Baranowski… - IEEE
Transactions on …, 2016 -
A Fuzzy Algorithm for Mining High Utility Rare Itemsets-FHURI, J Pillai, OP Vyas, MK Muyeba -
International Journal on …, 2014 -
A fuzzy approach for mining high utility quantitative itemsets, CM Wang, SH Chen, YF Huang - Fuzzy
Systems, 2009. FUZZ- …, 2009 -
A hybrid method for high-utility itemsets mining in large high-dimensional data, G Yu, S Shao, B Luo, X Zeng
- … Data Warehousing and Mining, 2009 -
A marketing solution for cross-selling by high utility itemset mining with dynamic transactional databases,
PR Padhye, RJ Deshmukh - 2016 International Conference on …, 2016 -
A microeconomic view of data mining, J Kleinberg, C Papadimitriou, P Raghavan - Data mining and
knowledge …, 1998 - Springer
A Mining Utility Item Set Over Large Database: A Recent Overview, DR Madhukar, MTIVS CSE, VK Verma -
International Journal, 2016 -
A new method for mining high average utility itemsets, T Lu, B Vo, HT Nguyen, TP Hong - IFIP International
Conference on …, 2014 - Springer
A Novel Algorithm for Utility-Frequent Itemset Mining in Market Basket Analysis, MA Jabbar, BL
Deekshatulu, P Chandra - Innovations in Bio-Inspired …, 2016 - Springer
A Novel Approach for High Utility Closed Itemset Mining with Transaction Splitting, JW Joe, SPS Ibrahim -
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on …, 2016 - Springer
A novel approach for mining high-utility sequential patterns in sequence databases, CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer,
BS Jeong - ETRI journal, 2010 -
A Novel Computational Approach for Reducing False Positives in Text Data Mining, N Yasarturk, S
Bhattacharya, D Cox - 2016 -
A Novel Mining Algorithm for High Utility Itemsets from Transactional Databases, S Murali, K Morarjee -
Global Journal of Computer Science …, 2013 -
A Proficient Approach For Mining Utility Based Pattern For Dynamic Data Set, DR Madhukar, VK Verma -
A Review of Feature Selection Algorithms for Data Mining Techniques, K Sutha, JJ Tamilselvi - International
Journal on Computer …, 2015 -
A review of process mining algorithms, D Yue, X Wu, H Wang, J Bai - Business Management and …, 2011 -
A Review on Classification Algorithms in Data Mining, LI Ling-Li - Journal of Chongqing Normal University
(Natural …, 2011 -
2017 Data Compression, Data Mining, Data Privacy
A Review on Concise and Lossless Representation of High Utility Item sets with CHUD Algorithm, AP Ingale,
K Patidar, APM Jain -
A Review on Data Mining Algorithms for Internet of Things, M Bhuvaneswari, KM Jeba… - World Scientific
News, 2016 -
A Review on Data Mining Algorithms in Cloud Environment, M Butwall, S Kumar - 2014 -
A Review on data mining algorithms, M Singh - International Journal of Computer Science and …, 2014 -
A Review on Efficient Algorithms for Mining High Utility Item sets, N Sarode, D Gadekar - 2014 -
A survey and taxonomy of approaches for mining software repositories in the context of software
evolution, H Kagdi, ML Collard, JI Maletic - Journal of software …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
A Survey and Taxonomy of Distributed Data Mining Research Studies: A Systematic, FA Rafrastara, Q Deyu -
2016 -
A Survey of approaches for mining large data sets, S Mishra, V Badhe - 2016 -
A survey of approaches on mining the structure from unstructured data, F Hogenboom, F Frasincar… -
Dutch-Belgian Database …, 2009 -
A survey of Clustering Algorithms, Lior Rokach chapter in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Handbook, July 2010
A Survey of Data Mining Clustering Algorithms, M Shah, S Nair - International Journal of Computer …, 2015
A Survey of Data Mining in Cloud Computing, AV Almale, SV Phulari, S Shanwad… - International Journal of
…, 2016 -
A survey of data mining of graphs using spectral graph theory, R Sawilla - 2008 -
A survey of data mining techniques applied to agriculture, A. Mucherino, Petraq Papajorgji, P. M. Pardalos
in Operational Research, August 2009, Volume 9, Issue 2
A Survey of Data Mining Techniques for Dimensionality Reduction of High-Dimensional Data, R Patidar, S
Sharma - 2015 -
A survey of data mining techniques in software cost estimation, ZA Khalifehlou, FS Gharehchopogh - Global
Journal on Technology, 2012 -
A Survey Of Data Mining, C Nikhila - 2014 - Citeseer
A survey of distributed classification based ensemble data mining methods, D Mokeddem, H Belbachir -
Applied Sci, 2009 -
A survey of dynamic replication and replica selection strategies based on data mining techniques in data
grids, T Hamrouni, S Slimani, FB Charrada - Engineering Applications of Artificial …, 2016 - Elsevier
A Survey of Graph Mining for Web Applications, Debora Donato , Aristides Gionis, chapter in Managing and
Mining Graph Data, 2010
2017 Data Compression, Data Mining, Data Privacy
A survey of inference control methods for privacy-preserving data mining, J Domingo-Ferrer - Privacy-
preserving data mining, 2008 - Springer
A Survey on Efficient Algorithms for Mining HUI and Closed Item sets, MMM Kapadnis, MPB Koli - 2016 -
A survey on efficient incremental algorithm for mining high utility itemsets in distributed and dynamic
database, P Asha, DT Jebarajan, G Saranya - International Journal of Emerging …, 2014 - Citeseer
A Survey on High Utility Rare Itemset Mining, K Middha, JK Jain - 2015 -
A two-phase algorithm for fast discovery of high utility itemsets, Y Liu, W Liao, A Choudhary - … on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2005 - Springer
A unified framework for utility-based measures for mining itemsets, H Yao, HJ Hamilton, L Geng - … 2nd
Workshop on Utility-Based Data Mining, 2006 - Citeseer
A utility-based web content sensitivity mining approach, C Wang, Y Liu, L Jian, P Zhang - Proceedings of the
2008 IEEE/WIC/ …, 2008 -
A Weight-Order-Based Lattice Algorithm for Mining Maximal Weighted Frequent Patterns over a Data
Stream Sliding Window, T Chiou - 2015 -
A weighted frequent itemsets incremental updating algorithm base on hash table, Z Huai, M Huang - …
Software and Networks (ICCSN), 2011 IEEE …, 2011 -
A Weighted Frequent Itemsets Mining Algorithm Based on Perpendicular Data Format, J Dong, H Lu - 2015
Fifth International Conference on …, 2015 -
Advanced Algorithms for Knowledge Discovery from Imbalanced and Adversarial Data, W Liu - 2011 -
An effective tree structure for mining high utility itemsets, CW Lin, TP Hong, WH Lu - Expert Systems with
Applications, 2011 - Elsevier
An efficient algorithm for mining high utility itemsets with negative item values in large databases, CJ Chu,
VS Tseng, T Liang - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009 - Elsevier
An efficient algorithm for mining temporal high utility itemsets from data streams, CJ Chu, VS Tseng, T
Liang - Journal of Systems and Software, 2008 - Elsevier
An efficient algorithm for mining the top-k high utility itemsets, using novel threshold raising and pruning
strategies, QH Duong, B Liao, P Fournier-Viger, TL Dam - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2016 - Elsevier
An efficient algorithm for mining top-rank-k frequent patterns, TL Dam, K Li, P Fournier-Viger, QH Duong -
Applied Intelligence, 2016 - Springer
An efficient algorithm to mine high average-utility itemsets, JCW Lin, T Li, P Fournier-Viger, TP Hong… -
Advanced Engineering …, 2016 - Elsevier
An efficient approach for mining association rules from high utility itemsets, J Sahoo, AK Das, A Goswami -
Expert Systems with Applications, 2015 - Elsevier
An Efficient Method for Protecting High Utility Itemsets in Utility Mining, A Chaturvedi, DN Goswami, R
Soni - International Journal of Database …, 2016 -
An efficient projection-based indexing approach for mining high utility itemsets, GC Lan, TP Hong, VS Tseng
- Knowledge and information systems, 2014 - Springer
2017 Data Compression, Data Mining, Data Privacy
An expected utility approach to active feature-value acquisition, P Melville, M Saar-Tsechansky… - … on
Data Mining ..., 2005 -
An improved approach for sequential utility pattern mining, GC Lan, TP Hong, VS Tseng… - Granular
Computing (GrC …, 2012 -
An Improved UP-Growth High Utility Itemset Mining, BA Reddy, OS Rao, MHM Prasad - arXiv preprint
arXiv:1212.0317, 2012 -
An incremental high-utility mining algorithm with transaction insertion, JCW Lin, W Gan, TP Hong, B Zhang
- The Scientific World Journal, 2015 -
An incremental mining algorithm for high utility itemsets, CW Lin, GC Lan, TP Hong - Expert Systems with
Applications, 2012 - Elsevier
Analysis of Different Utility Mining Methodologies in Transactional Databases, D SrinivasaRao, V Sucharita
- 2016 -
Analysis of link algorithms for web mining, T Munibalaji, C Balamurugan - International Journal of
engineering and …, 2012 -
Analyzing Efficient Algorithms of Frequent Pattern Mining, U Yun, G Lee, SJ Kim - IT Convergence and
Security 2012, 2013 - Springer
Anytime classification using the nearest neighbor algorithm with applications to stream mining, K Ueno, X
Xi, E Keogh, DJ Lee - … Conference on Data Mining ( …, 2006 -
Application of Function Points and Data Mining Techniques for Software Estimation-A Combined
Approach, P Pospieszny, B Czarnacka-Chrobot… - … Workshop on Software …, 2015 - Springer
Applying the maximum utility measure in high utility sequential pattern mining, GC Lan, TP Hong, VS
Tseng, SL Wang - Expert Systems with Applications, 2014 - Elsevier
Approximate maximal frequent pattern mining with weight conditions and error tolerance, G Lee, U Yun, H
Ryang, D Kim - International Journal of Pattern …, 2016 - World Scientific
Approximate Parallel High Utility Itemset Mining, Y Chen, A An - Big Data Research, 2016 - Elsevier
Asset deterioration analysis using multi-utility data and multi-objective data mining, DA Savic, O Giustolisi,
D Laucelli - Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2009 -
Benchmarking attribute selection techniques for discrete class data mining, MA Hall, G Holmes - IEEE
transactions on knowledge and data …, 2003 -
Binary partition for itemsets expansion in mining high utility itemsets, W Song, C Wang, J Li - Intelligent
Data Analysis, 2016 -
Constrained pattern mining in the new era, A Silva, C Antunes - Knowledge and Information Systems, 2016
- Springer
CTU-Mine: an efficient high utility itemset mining algorithm using the pattern growth approach, A Erwin,
RP Gopalan… - Computer and Information …, 2007 -
Data mining cluster analysis: Basic concepts and algorithms, PN Tan, M Steinbach, V Kumar - 2013 -
Data mining for actionable knowledge: A survey, Z He, X Xu, S Deng - arXiv preprint cs/0501079, 2005 -
Data mining in cloud computing, RS Petre - Database Systems Journal, 2012 -
2017 Data Compression, Data Mining, Data Privacy
Data Mining Technique A Critical Survey (Knowledge Discovery from Data), BP Deshmukh, AD Chavan -
International Journal of …, 2015 -
Data mining techniques: A source for consumer behavior analysis, A Raorane, RV Kulkarni - arXiv preprint
arXiv:1109.1202, 2011 -
Data Mining-based Search Template Generation, R Cooper - 2016 -
Data mining: concepts and techniques, J Han, J Pei, M Kamber - 2011
Data Mining: Practical machine learning tools and techniques, IH Witten, E Frank - 2005
Direct discovery of high utility itemsets without candidate generation, J Liu, K Wang, BCM Fung - …
Conference on Data Mining, 2012 -
Discovering highly expected utility itemsets for revenue prediction, CH Weng - Knowledge-Based Systems,
2016 - Elsevier
Distributed and Parallel High Utility Sequential Pattern Mining, M Zihayat, ZZ Hu, A An, Y Hu - 2016 -
Distributed data mining: a survey, L Zeng, L Li, L Duan, K Lu, Z Shi, M Wang… - Information Technology …,
2012 - Springer
Effective utility mining with the measure of average utility, TP Hong, CH Lee, SL Wang - Expert Systems
with Applications, 2011 - Elsevier
Efficient algorithms for mining high utility itemsets from transactional databases, VS Tseng, BE Shie, CW
Wu… - IEEE transactions on …, 2013 -
Efficient algorithms for mining high-utility itemsets in uncertain databases, JCW Lin, W Gan, P Fournier-
Viger, TP Hong… - Knowledge-Based …, 2016 - Elsevier
Efficient algorithms for mining the concise and lossless representation of high utility itemsets, VS Tseng,
CW Wu, P Fournier-Viger… - IEEE transactions on …, 2015 -
Efficient algorithms for mining top-k high utility itemsets, VS Tseng, CW Wu, P Fournier-Viger… - IEEE
Transactions on …, 2016 -
Efficient algorithms for mining up-to-date high-utility patterns, JCW Lin, W Gan, TP Hong, VS Tseng -
Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2015 - Elsevier
Efficient and flexible algorithms for monitoring distance-based outliers over data streams, M Kontaki, A
Gounaris, AN Papadopoulos, K Tsichlas… - Information Systems, 2016 - Elsevier
Efficient closed high-utility itemset mining, P Fournier-Viger, S Zida, JCW Lin, CW Wu… - Proceedings of the
31st …, 2016 -
Efficient Mining of Association Rules Using Closed High Utility Item Set Lattice, R Radhika, K Sudhakar -
2016 -
Efficient Mining of High Average-Utility Itemsets with Multiple Minimum Thresholds, JCW Lin, T Li, P
Fournier-Viger, TP Hong… - … on Data Mining, 2016 - Springer
Efficient mining of high utility itemsets from large datasets, A Erwin, RP Gopalan, NR Achuthan - …
Discovery and Data Mining, 2008 - Springer
Efficient mining of high utility pattern with considering of rarity and length, D Kim, U Yun - Applied
Intelligence, 2016 - Springer
2017 Data Compression, Data Mining, Data Privacy
Efficient mining of high-utility sequential rules, S Zida, P Fournier-Viger, CW Wu, JCW Lin… - … and Data
Mining in …, 2015 - Springer
Efficient Mining of Multiple Fuzzy Frequent Itemsets, JCW Lin, T Li, P Fournier-Viger, TP Hong… -
International Journal of …, 2016 - Springer
Efficient Mining of Profit Rules from Closed Inter-Transaction Itemsets, YL Hsieh, DL Yang, J Wu… - Journal
of Information …, 2016 -
Efficient mining of temporal high utility itemsets from data streams, VS Tseng, CJ Chu, T Liang - …
Workshop on Utility-Based Data Mining, 2006 - Citeseer
Efficient Mining of Top k-Closed Itemset in Real Time, RA Shah, MJ Meena, SPS Ibrahim - … of the 3rd
International Symposium on …, 2016 - Springer
Efficient Mining of Uncertain Data for High-Utility Itemsets, TP Hong, VS Tseng - … , WAIM 2016, Nanchang,
China, June 3-5, …, 2016
Efficient mining of utility-based web path traversal patterns, CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer, BS Jeong… - … , 2009.
ICACT 2009. …, 2009 -
Efficient tree structures for high utility pattern mining in incremental databases, CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer, BS
Jeong… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2009 -
Efficiently mining high average-utility itemsets with an improved upper-bound strategy, GC Lan, TP Hong,
VS Tseng - International Journal of Information …, 2012 - World Scientific
Efficiently mining top-k high utility sequential patterns, J Yin, Z Zheng, L Cao, Y Song… - … on Data Mining,
2013 -
Efficiently mining uncertain high-utility itemsets, JCW Lin, W Gan, P Fournier-Viger, TP Hong, VS Tseng -
Soft Computing, 2016 - Springer
EFIM-Closed: Fast and Memory Efficient Discovery of Closed High-Utility Itemsets, P Fournier-Viger, S Zida,
JCW Lin, CW Wu… - … and Data Mining in …, 2016 - Springer
EFIM: a fast and memory efficient algorithm for high-utility itemset mining, S Zida, P Fournier-Viger, JCW
Lin, CW Wu… - … and Information Systems, 2016 - Springer
EFIM: a highly efficient algorithm for high-utility itemset mining, S Zida, P Fournier-Viger, JCW Lin, CW
Wu… - … Conference on Artificial …, 2015 - Springer
Erasable itemset mining over incremental databases with weight conditions, G Lee, U Yun, H Ryang, D Kim -
Engineering Applications of Artificial …, 2016 - Elsevier
Fast algorithm for high utility pattern mining with the sum of item quantities, H Ryang, U Yun, KH Ryu -
Intelligent Data Analysis, 2016 -
Fast algorithms for mining high-utility itemsets with various discount strategies, JCW Lin, W Gan, P
Fournier-Viger, TP Hong… - Advanced Engineering …, 2016 - Elsevier
Fast and memory efficient mining of high-utility itemsets from data streams: with and without negative
item profits, HF Li, HY Huang, SY Lee - Knowledge and information systems, 2011 - Springer
Fast Approach for High Temporal Utility Item Mining, P Yi, L Huafu, Z Bo - 2016 -
Feature Selection: An Ever Evolving Frontier in Data Mining, H Liu, H Motoda, R Setiono, Z Zhao - FSDM,
2010 -
2017 Data Compression, Data Mining, Data Privacy
FHM: Faster high-utility itemset mining using estimated utility co-occurrence pruning, P Fournier-Viger,
CW Wu, S Zida, VS Tseng - International Symposium on …, 2014 - Springer
FHM+: faster high-utility itemset mining using length upper-bound reduction, P Fournier-Viger, JCW Lin,
QH Duong… - … Conference on Industrial, …, 2016 - Springer
FHN: efficient mining of high-utility itemsets with negative unit profits, P Fournier-Viger - International
Conference on Advanced Data Mining …, 2014 - Springer
Finding high utility old itemsets in web-click streams, JH Chang - Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial
cooperation …, 2016 -
FOSHU: faster on-shelf high utility itemset mining--with or without negative unit profit, P Fournier-Viger, S
Zida - Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM …, 2015 -
Frequent Pattern Mining Algorithms for Finding Associated Frequent Patterns for Data Streams: A Survey,
S Nasreen, MA Azam, K Shehzad, U Naeem… - Procedia Computer …, 2014 - Elsevier
Fuzzy utility mining with upper-bound measure, GC Lan, TP Hong, YH Lin, SL Wang - Applied Soft
Computing, 2015 - Elsevier
Graph based anomaly detection and description: a survey, L Akoglu, H Tong, D Koutra - Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery, 2015 - Springer
Graph data management and mining: A survey of algorithms and applications, CC Aggarwal, H Wang -
Managing and mining graph data, 2010 - Springer
Heuristic Rule Based Mining of High Utility Itemsets from Transactional Database, G Kavitha - 2015 -
High utility episode mining made practical and fast, G Guo, L Zhang, Q Liu, E Chen, F Zhu… - … on Advanced
Data Mining …, 2014 - Springer
High utility item set mining with influential cross selling items from transactional database, B Kavitha, BG
Geetha - Int J AdvEngg Tech/Vol. VII/ …, 2016 -
High utility itemset mining with techniques for reducing overestimated utilities and pruning candidates, U
Yun, H Ryang, KH Ryu - Expert Systems with Applications, 2014 - Elsevier
High utility itemsets mining, Y Liu, J Li, WK Liao, A Choudhary… - International Journal of …, 2010 - World
High utility pattern mining over data streams with sliding window technique, H Ryang, U Yun - Expert
Systems with Applications, 2016 - Elsevier
High utility pattern mining using the maximal itemset property and lexicographic tree structures, MY Lin,
TF Tu, SC Hsueh - Information Sciences, 2012 - Elsevier
High utility-itemset mining and privacy-preserving utility mining, JCW Lin, W Gan, P Fournier-Viger, L
Yang, Q Liu… - Perspectives in …, 2016 - Elsevier
Huri–a novel algorithm for mining high utility rare itemsets, J Pillai, OP Vyas, M Muyeba - Advances in
Computing and Information …, 2013 - Springer
Improving data mining utility with projective sampling, M Last - … conference on Knowledge discovery and
data mining, 2009 -
Incremental high utility pattern mining with static and dynamic databases, U Yun, H Ryang - Applied
Intelligence, 2015 - Springer
2017 Data Compression, Data Mining, Data Privacy
Incremental mining of weighted maximal frequent itemsets from dynamic databases, U Yun, G Lee - Expert
Systems with Applications, 2016 - Elsevier
Incrementally mining high utility patterns based on pre-large concept, CW Lin, TP Hong, GC Lan, JW Wong,
WY Lin - Applied Intelligence, 2014 - Springer
Incrementally updating high-utility itemsets with transaction insertion, JCW Lin, W Gan, TP Hong, JS Pan -
… on Advanced Data Mining and …, 2014 - Springer
Interactive mining of high utility patterns over data streams, CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer, BS Jeong, HJ Choi -
Expert Systems with …, 2012 - Elsevier
Interestingness measures for data mining: A survey, L Geng, HJ Hamilton - ACM Computing Surveys
(CSUR), 2006 -
Isolated items discarding strategy for discovering high utility itemsets, YC Li, JS Yeh, CC Chang - Data &
Knowledge Engineering, 2008 - Elsevier
Krylov subspace algorithms for computing GeneRank for the analysis of microarray data mining, G Wu, Y
Zhang, Y Wei - Journal of Computational Biology, 2010 -
Maintaining the discovered high-utility itemsets with transaction modification, JCW Lin, W Gan, TP Hong -
Applied Intelligence, 2016 - Springer
Mapping of Relational Databases to Ontology A Survey, C Ramathilagam, ML Valarmathi - Data Mining and
Knowledge …, 2012 -
Maximizing classifier utility when there are data acquisition and modeling costs, GM Weiss, Y Tian - Data
Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2008 - Springer
Maximum Utility Item Sets for Transactional Databases Using GUIDE, DS Rao, V Sucharita - Procedia
Computer Science, 2016 - Elsevier
Mining actionable patterns by role models, K Wang, Y Jiang, A Tuzhilin - 22nd International Conference on
…, 2006 -
Mining Correlated High-Utility Itemsets using the Bond Measure, P Fournier-Viger, JCW Lin, T Dinh, HB Le -
International Conference on …, 2016 - Springer
Mining discriminative high utility patterns, JCW Lin, W Gan, P Fournier-Viger, TP Hong - Asian Conference
on …, 2016 - Springer
Mining frequent itemsets with normalized weight in continuous data streams, YH Kim, WY Kim, UM Kim -
Journal of information processing …, 2010 -
Mining high average-utility itemsets, TP Hong, CH Lee, SL Wang - Systems, Man and Cybernetics, …, 2009 -
Mining High Utility Itemsets Based on the Pre-large Concept, CW Lin, TP Hong, GC Lan, JW Wong… -
Advances in Intelligent …, 2013 - Springer
Mining high utility itemsets by dynamically pruning the tree structure, W Song, Y Liu, J Li - Applied
intelligence, 2014 - Springer
Mining high utility itemsets for transaction deletion in a dynamic database, CW Lin, GC Lan, TP Hong -
Intelligent Data Analysis, 2015 -
Mining high utility itemsets in large high dimensional data, G Yu, K Li, S Shao - Proceedings of the 1st
international conference on …, 2008 -
2017 Data Compression, Data Mining, Data Privacy
Mining High Utility Itemsets with Negative Utility Values in Transactional Databases, D Priyanka, A Patil -
International Journal of Computer …, 2016 -
Mining high utility itemsets without candidate generation, M Liu, J Qu - Proceedings of the 21st ACM
international conference …, 2012 -
Mining high utility mobile sequential patterns in mobile commerce environments, BE Shie, HF Hsiao, VS
Tseng, SY Philip - International Conference on …, 2011 - Springer
Mining High Utility Patterns in One Phase without Generating Candidates, J Liu, K Wang, BCM Fung - IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge …, 2016 -
Mining high utility quantitative association rules, SJ Yen, YS Lee - International Conference on Data
Warehousing and …, 2007 - Springer
Mining high utility web access sequences in dynamic web log data, CF Ahmed, SK Tanbeer… - …
Networking and Parallel/ …, 2010 -
Mining high-speed data streams, P Domingos, G Hulten - … on Knowledge discovery and data mining, 2000
Mining high-utility itemsets based on particle swarm optimization, JCW Lin, L Yang, P Fournier-Viger, JMT
Wu… - … Applications of Artificial …, 2016 - Elsevier
Mining interesting patterns from uncertain databases, AU Ahmed, CF Ahmed, M Samiullah, N Adnan… -
Information …, 2016 - Elsevier
Mining interesting user behavior patterns in mobile commerce environments, BE Shie, SY Philip, VS Tseng -
Applied Intelligence, 2013 - Springer
Mining itemset utilities from transaction databases, H Yao, HJ Hamilton - Data & Knowledge Engineering,
2006 - Elsevier
Mining long high utility itemsets in transaction databases, G Yu, S Shao, X Zeng - WSEAS Transactions on
Information Science & …, 2008 -
Mining Maximal Efficient Closed Itemsets Without Any Redundancy, L Greeshma, G Pradeepini -
Information Systems Design and Intelligent …, 2016 - Springer
Mining Minimal High-Utility Itemsets, P Fournier-Viger, JCW Lin, CW Wu, VS Tseng… - … on Database and
Expert …, 2016 - Springer
Mining Patterns That Respond to Actions, Y Jiang, K Wang, A Tuzhilin, AWC Fu - ICDM, 2005 -
Mining Popular Patterns from Multidimensional Database, GV Kumar, TK Chaitanya, M Pratap - Indian
Journal of Science and …, 2016 -
Mining recent high average utility patterns based on sliding window from stream data, U Yun, D Kim, H
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