ArticlePDF AvailableLiterature Review

Abstract and Figures

Video games are a source of entertainment for a wide population and have varied effects on well-being. The purpose of this article is to comprehensively examine game-play research to identify the factors that contribute to these disparate well-being outcomes and to highlight the potential positive effects. On the basis of existing literature, we argue that the effects of gaming on well-being are moderated by other variables, such as motivations for gaming and video-game characteristics. Specifically, the inclusion of social activity can benefit prosocial behaviors and affect the relationship between violent video games and aggression that some studies have demonstrated. Moreover, the research on the relationship between violent video games and aggression depends greatly on individual and sociocontextual variables outside of game play. The inclusion of physical activity in games can provide an improvement in physical health with high levels of enjoyment, potentially increasing adherence rates. Overall, following our review, we determined that the effects of gaming on well-being are moderated by and depend on the motivation for gaming, outside variables, the presence of violence, social interaction, and physical activity. Thus, we argue that there is potential for an “optimal gaming profile” that can be used in the future for both academic- and industry-related research.
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When and how video games can be good: A review on the positive effects of video games on
Video games are a source of entertainment to a wide population and have varied
effects on well-being. The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively examine gameplay
research to identify the factors that contribute to these disparate well-being outcomes and to
highlight the potential positive effects. Based on existing literature, we argue that effects of
gaming on well-being are moderated by other variables, such as motivations for gaming and
video game characteristics. Specifically, the inclusion of social activity can benefit prosocial
behaviors and impact the relationship between violent video games and aggression that some
studies demonstrate. Moreover, the research on relationship between violent video games and
aggression depends greatly on individual and socio-contextual variables outside of gameplay.
The inclusion of physical activity in games can provide an improvement in physical health
with high levels of enjoyment, potentially increasing adherence rates. Overall, our review has
determined that the effects of gaming on well-being are moderated by and depend on the
motivation for gaming, outside variables, and the presence of violence, social interaction, and
physical activity. Thus, we argue that there is potential for an ‘optimal gaming profile’ that
can be used in the future for both academic and industry related research.
Keywords: Video games, well-being, aggression, health
The video game industry has grown exponentially since the initial development of
Tennis for Two in 1958 (Nyitray, 2011). As evidence of this continual growth, the total
consumer spend has increased from 5.6 billion US dollars in 2000 to 30.4 billion in 2016,
with 95% of homes with children aged under 18 owning some form of video game platform
(Brand, 2012; Entertainment Software Association, 2017). Moreover, the number of types
and platforms of video games have increased dramatically (Entertainment Software
Association, 2017), enabling video games to reach a much wider population than might be
assumed. Along these lines, although there has been much interest in the gaming habits of
adolescent boys (e.g. Bijvank, Konijn, & Bushman, 2012; Konijn, Nije Bijvank, & Bushman,
2007; Mazurek & Engelhardt, 2013) and the notion that this population are the most affected
by gaming is prevalent, the average age of a gamer is actually 35 years, with 41% of the
gaming population being women (Entertainment Software Association, 2017). Given the
diverse population implicated and the continual rise in gameplay numbers, as well as
increasing consumer spend, researchers have become extremely interested in the overall
impact of gaming on people’s behavior and their sense of well-being (e.g. Granic, Lobel, &
Engels, 2014; Greitemeyer & Mügge, 2014; Jones, Scholes, Johnson, Katsikitis, & Carras,
Research has been concerned mostly with negative influences, particularly the impact
of violent video games (in which violent activity is represented) on aggression (see meta-
analysis by Prescott, Sargent, & Hull, 2018). Another question that has been examined is
whether excessive gaming can be thought of as an addiction, with consequential effects on
aspects of well-being, such as depression and anxiety (e.g. Mentzoni et al., 2011; Schou
Andreassen et al., 2016). There is, however, much debate on whether ‘gaming addiction’
should be included as a disorder at all due to lack of empirical support (Aarseth et al., 2017).
Further, there are critiques that video games are being singled out as an addiction rather than
being classified under behavioral addictions that include excessive food, shopping, or
exercise ("An Official Division 46 Statement on the WHO Proposal to Include Gaming
Related Disorders in ICD-11," 2018). In spite of this research around negative effects,
including this much debated presence of a gaming addiction disorder, there is a growing body
of research that demonstrates video games can also have positive impacts. Those who engage
in moderate gameplay have been shown to have lower psychological symptoms than
individuals who play video games excessively or not at all (Durkin & Barber, 2002; Jones et
al., 2014). Additionally, the motivations behind gameplay are an important factor in the
effects of gaming on well-being such as playing for enjoyment purposes rather than playing
for achievement or obsession (Carras et al., 2017; Lafrenière, Vallerand, Donahue, &
Lavigne, 2009). As video games thus far have been mostly perceived as negative, it is
important to shed light on the positive impacts video games can have on well-being,
furthering our knowledge and demonstrating that video games are not solely ‘good’ or ‘bad.’
Although previous reviews have examined particular types of video games on specific
definitions of well-being, their focus has been more narrowly focused than the current review.
For instance, Granic et al. (2014) demonstrated the positive effects of video games on four
particular types of well-being: cognitive, motivational, emotional, and social; Greitemeyer
and Mügge (2014) examined social outcomes only; Jones et al. (2014) looked at flourishing
mental health; and Pallavicini, Ferrari, and Mantovani (2018) analyzed the effects of games
used as training tools, all reviews on specific types of video games or well-being. The
purpose of this paper, therefore, is to present research findings that move away from the
largely negative profile video games have had in the past and instead present evidence of the
positive impacts of video games while including several types of video games and various
definitions of well-being. We thus aim to demonstrate the ‘optimal gameplay profile’ where
games benefit health.
Scopes and definitions
There are many ways to define and measure health and well-being (Dodge, Daly,
Huyton, & Sanders, 2012), and here we have chosen to employ the following definition:
“health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity” (World Health Organization, n.d.). Expanding upon this
definition, we consider high levels of well-being to include few psychological symptoms,
positive social relationships (particularly in relation to prosocial behavior), and good physical
health. In addition, given this broad definition and the focus in previous literature on violence
and aggression, high well-being should also be associated with low levels of aggression
(Hamama & Arazi, 2012). Consistent with this approach, here we will highlight three specific
aspects of gameplay as they have been identified in the psychological literature as potentially
having beneficial effects on well-being. These include: (i) games that include social aspects,
such as Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games (MMORPGs), (ii) video games in
which there are violent scenarios (violent video games or VVGs), and (iii) games that include
physical activities or exercise (exergames). These three facets of video games should
theoretically impact well-being, and we therefore synthesize relevant research to argue that
certain specific aspects of video gaming can be systematically associated with positive
outcomes, rather than findings being uniformly negative. Using a narrative review format, we
present and analyze the various nuanced and positive effects of video games on well-being,
ultimately arguing that there is a potential ‘optimal gaming profile’ for well-being. As the
purpose of this review is to demonstrate when and how video games have positive impacts on
well-being, the selection process of the literature was quite specific and therefore included
only a small amount of literature on the negative impacts. Directions are given in which
future research should be conducted in a more systematic manner that addresses both sides of
the argument equally.
We use the term ‘video game’ here to refer to an electronic or digital game that can be
played across a wide variety of platforms, including personal computers (PCs); handheld
devices such as mobile phones, tablets, or the Nintendo™ 3DS; as well as game consoles like
an XBOX™ that are used with a television (Jones et al., 2014). Video games across these
platforms and genres can include varied aspects of the different game types identified above,
including social, physical, and/or violent components. For example, VVGs are difficult to be
specifically defined as they do not represent a dichotomous category as some research
suggests and can contain other aspects such as social activity in which gamers play in
cooperation or competition with other players. We therefore aim to explore the interactions
between the social, physical, and violent components of games in order to accurately
understand their relation to well-being. As such, this paper will first explore the positive
effects of social activity in video games as this has been previously demonstrated to benefit
well-being, in particular social well-being (Trepte, Reinecke, & Juechems, 2012). Next,
VVGs will be discussed, both in terms of playing alone and playing socially, as VVGs with a
social aspect have shown to have a positive effect (Velez, Mahood, Ewoldsen, & Moyer-
Guse, 2014). This could perhaps allow researchers to move away from the general term of
VVGs and refer to them more specifically including their additional elements, such as social
or cooperative VVGs. Finally, we will consider video games with physical activity, which
have shown to positively affect factors of well-being, particularly aspects of physical health
(Howe, Barr, Winner, Kimble, & White, 2015; Martoncik & Loksa, 2016).
Social activity
Social gaming involves playing a video game with others, and these game types can
be categorized as either cooperative or competitive. In cooperative games, two or more
players engage in a video game on the same team with the same or similar goals, whereas in
competitive games, two or more gamers play against each other in a competitive manner
(Entertainment Software Association, 2017). The social activity can involve interacting with
characters controlled by a real person or a non-player character (NPC), which is a
programmed virtual character in the game. Video games that include these social components
have shown to have positive benefits on psychological aspects of well-being (e.g. Herodotou,
Kambouri, & Winters, 2014; Jin & Li, 2017), though cooperative games more so, as they
encourage a higher level of positive interaction that leads to higher levels of enjoyment and
lower levels of aggression than competitive games (Ewoldsen et al., 2012; Schmierbach, Xu,
Oeldorf-Hirsch, & Dardis, 2012). This is only the case, however, if cooperative games are
played in moderation and when the motivation is socially driven, rather than for obsession,
escapism, or a desire for achievement (Carras et al., 2017; Hagström & Kaldo, 2014;
Lafrenière et al., 2009). For instance, an online survey study indicated that individuals who
play MMORPGs, both for moderate periods of time and for social purposes, had significantly
lower levels of psychological symptoms including depression, stress, and anxiety, than those
who played for excessive periods of time or who played for achievement purposes (Longman,
Connor, & Obst, 2009). These negative psychological symptoms were further reduced if the
player had both strong online and offline social support. This demonstrates that not only is
the inclusion of social activity beneficial to well-being, but these effects greatly depend on
the motivation for gameplay.
While video games with social activity can be beneficial to psychological well-being,
they can also positively affect prosocial behavior, which we have defined here as a proxy for
social well-being. For example, a study involving school children concluded that prosocial
video games were significantly related to the ability to cooperate, share, and maintain
positive relationships with each other outside of the game (Harrington & O’Connell, 2016).
These online social games might thus be a possible alternative social outlet serving a similar
function to in-person contact for players. This is potentially positive, as this video game
social interaction might promote enjoyable social contact for those with remote locations,
psychological difficulties, or other factors that can inhibit in-person interaction (Odrowska &
Massar, 2014). Moreover, this is further supported by a study which indicated that individuals
high in attachment avoidance can gain secure attachment functions from participating in
social online video game interaction as they can use these social video games to seek social
interaction that suits their particular attachment needs (Kowert & Oldmeadow, 2015). The
prosocial aspects in MMORPGs have also been demonstrated to encourage cooperation,
communication, and friendship; all aspects of prosocial behavior (Martoncik & Loksa, 2016).
Other research, on the other hand, concludes that involvement in MMORPGs does not lead to
any effects on perceived social support (Domahidi, Breuer, Kowert, Festl, & Quandt, 2018;
Dupuis & Ramsey, 2011). However, aside from the studies examining cooperative behavior
(Ewoldsen et al., 2012; Harrington & O’Connell, 2016; Schmierbach et al., 2012), the
majority of the research utilizes survey study methods; therefore, further experimental
research is required in order to demonstrate causal effects that support these correlational
findings as well as to understand the inconsistencies in the literature. .
Violent video games
Violent video games are among the most researched, particularly in relation to their
impact on aggression. In this literature, there are many controversies, even between meta-
analyses, whether VVGs impact aggression. Some meta-analyses conclude that VVGs may
negatively impact aggression (Anderson et al., 2010; Greitemeyer & Mugge, 2014; Prescott
et al., 2018) whereas others have not come to such a definitive conclusion (Ferguson, 2015;
Furuya-Kanamori & Doi, 2016; Sherry, 2007). There are also continuing concerns about
publication bias, particularly in experimental studies (Hilgard et al., 2017). Further, the
American Psychological Association has concluded that video games influence aggression,
but not violence (Calvert et al., 2017), although this report has itself come under critical
scrutiny by outside scholars (Elson et al., 2019). Prescott et al., (2018) and Anderson et al.,
(2010) do find correlations between self-reports of aggressive behavior and VVGs over time,
although the magnitude of such correlations are very small. As such, additional research
needs to be conducted, ideally with preregistered hypotheses, in order to fully explicate the
relationship between VVGs and aggression. Conducting such research with preregistered
hypotheses can help to ensure high-quality research and potentially limit the inconsistencies
that have been demonstrated in the literature.
We argue that the full picture of the relationship between VVGs and aggression may
be mixed, as confounding variables may have impacted some of these effects. For instance, a
3-year longitudinal study demonstrated that video game violence did not increase aggression
over time; rather it was other factors including levels of depression, exposure to family
violence, antisocial personality traits, and peer influences that emerged as influencing
aggression levels (Ferguson, Miguel, Garza, & Jerabeck, 2012). Thus, it seems that family
and social variables and the motivation behind the violence are more significantly related to
an increase in aggression than the violence itself (Ferguson et al., 2015; Gao, Weng, Zhou, &
Yu, 2017; Sauer, Drummond, & Nova, 2015). Indeed, even the gamer’s level of skill plays an
important role in how these games affect aggression, such that the higher the levels of gaming
skill, the lower the levels of aggression which are evident (Matthews, 2015). The
interpretation of the violence in the game itself also plays an important role in the relationship
between VVGs and aggression (Shibuya, Sakamoto, Ihori, & Yukawa, 2008). Together, this
research suggests that it may not be the violence present in video games per se that influences
aggression, but rather the other factors of gameplay, as well as individual and socio-
contextual variables that are not related to video games.
VVGs can also be played with a social aspect, and this alters the effect that the game
has on well-being. For example, when playing alone, prosocial behavior is relatively similar
across participants who play ultra-violent, violent, and non-violent video games (Tear &
Nielsen, 2014). Some studies indicate that VVGs themselves have shown to have little to no
relationship to prosocial behavior (Ferguson, 2015; Tear & Nielsen, 2013), while others
demonstrate that VVGs is associated with lower prosocial behavior (Anderson & Bushman,
2001; Coyne, Warburton, Essig, & Stockdale, 2018). However, research has demonstrated
that adding a prosocial aspect to the game, such as protecting another character – either one
controlled by another player or an NPC – can increase prosocial and helping behavior (Gitter,
Ewell, Guadagno, Stillman, & Baumeister, 2013; Velez, Greitemeyer, Whitaker, Ewoldsen, &
Bushman, 2016; Velez et al., 2014). The participants in these studies showed less aggression
towards other participants and more prosocial thoughts than those who played VVGs with no
prosocial aspect. Additionally, players of both violent and non-violent video games had
increased prosocial behaviors with the inclusion of cooperative gameplay when compared to
solo gaming, (Jin & Li, 2017) alluding to potential benefits of adding prosocial aspects to any
genre of video game.
Just as social interaction in video games has positive effects on well-being, physical
interaction can be beneficial as well. There is a growing body of research demonstrating the
impact of video games that require the player to interact physically with the game in order to
control an on-screen character, commonly referred to as exergames. Exergames are most
often played on consoles that have a physical sensor to detect movement, such as the Wii™
or XBOX Kinect™ using games such as Wii Fit™ and Just Dance. Given that exergames
encourage the user to engage in physical activity, it is unsurprising that research in this area
often focuses on their impact on physical health outcomes, such as levels of balance and
cardiovascular health. For example, studies show that engaging in an exergame regime
significantly improves balance, flexibility, braking force, lower limb muscle strength,
maximal oxygen levels, and heart rate, (Maillot, Perrot, Hartley, & Do, 2014; Nitz, Kuys,
Isles, & Fu, 2010; Roopchand-Martin, Nelson, Gordon, & Sing, 2015) although a
combination of exergames and traditional exercise has been shown to have the highest
benefits on physical well-being (Guimarães, Barbosa, & Meneghini, 2018; Toulotte, Toursel,
& Olivier, 2012).
Following on this, additional experimental studies indicate that, when comparing an
exergame to traditional exercise, exergames lead to significantly higher levels of enjoyment
(Monedero, Lyons, & Gorman, 2015; Strand, Francis, Margrett, Franke, & Peterson, 2014).
The novelty of ever-changing video game elements as well as the increased formalized
difficulty with continued play, particularly in mobile exergames, are also potential
motivations, which may lead to high adherence rates (Morford, Witts, Killingsworth, &
Alavosius, 2014). Indeed, patients with multiple sclerosis were more likely to adhere to the
exergame based intervention after 6-months (75%) when compared to the conventional
exercise (20%) (Kramer, Dettmers, & Gruber, 2014). As demonstrated by these studies,
exergames can provide an alternative to traditional exercise methods, particularly due to the
unique motivations of new content and increasing difficulty they provide. (Bieryla & Dold,
2013; Lee, Biggan, Taylor, & Ray, 2014). Given that 40 to 65% of participants drop out of a
physical activity program within the first 3-6 months, (Dishman & Buckworth, 1996)
providing a more enjoyable alternative exercise routine with continuously changing aspects
could potentially decrease this dropout rate and encourage individuals to exercise more.
There is a need for further longitudinal research, however, examining adherence specifically
in order to better determine if exergames indeed have higher maintenance levels than
traditional exercise.
Exergames can also help to lessen psychological symptoms, such as depression,
indicating that the positive health benefits of exergames may be wider reaching than just
physical health (Li, Theng, & Foo, 2016). Additionally, although Keogh, Power, Wooller,
Lucas, and Whatman (2014) determined that playing an exergame did not significantly
improve one particular health measure (i.e. balance), psychological quality of life scores
improved. Conversely, a study by Douris, McDonald, Vespi, Kelley, and Herman (2012)
suggested that using an active video game can actually decrease psychological well-being
when compared to brisk walking on a standard treadmill. The reason for this contrary result is
unclear. However, it could be due to the participants’ significantly higher maximum heart rate
and therefore greater perceived physiological demands of the exergame. This finding is
suggestive of a curvilinear relation between exercise and well-being, with the most positive
effects seen when the physical demands are the same or similar to traditional exercise.
Certainly, further research on the effects of exergames on psychological as well as physical
health is required.
The purpose of this paper was to review and synthesize existing research on the
positive impacts of video gaming on well-being, allowing us to identify the ‘optimal gaming’
profile whereby video games can lead to positive well-being. Here, we show these effects are
nuanced and moderated by personal as well as video game factors. First, in our consideration
of the social aspects to video games, we argue and demonstrate that this social activity
positively influences prosocial behavior and aspects of social well-being in all types of video
games (Gitter et al., 2013; Kowert & Oldmeadow, 2015; Martoncik & Loksa, 2016).Our next
area of interest concerned how individual differences and social contextual factors are more
influential on levels of aggression than the degree of violence present in a video game
(Ferguson et al., 2012). Lastly, we examined exergames and their effects on physical health,
demonstrating that exergames can be as effective as traditional exercise (Maillot et al., 2014;
Roopchand-Martin et al., 2015) and indeed, more enjoyable with additional motivations
unique to exergames (Monedero et al., 2015; Morford et al., 2014; Strand et al., 2014). It is
for these reasons that we argue for the positive effects of video games on well-being,
particularly when they are played in the ways discussed below.
Our overarching argument, supported by the review provided here, is that social
activity generated by video games is healthy, unless it is overshadowed by a more
competitive achievement-focused orientation, or played in excess (Carras et al., 2017;
Longman et al., 2009). In other words, the person’s own motivation will mitigate any positive
outcomes. However, along similar lines, social activity in VVGs can aid in increasing
prosocial and helping behavior while also decreasing aggression (Gitter et al., 2013; Tear &
Nielsen, 2013; Velez et al., 2016). Thus, we argue that video games themselves should not be
considered as either ‘good’ or ‘bad;’ rather, the effect on well-being is dependent on the
aspects present, motivation behind gameplay, and gaming in moderation. There is the
possibility, however, that these positive effects are due to outside factors such as having the
money or time to play games for entertainment purposes, particularly in correlational
research. Clinical researchers interested in designing games for health should therefore
consider developing games that encourage playing in moderation and social, rather than
competitive, motivation in all types of video games. Additionally, the continuous inclusion of
new elements and increasing difficulty in exergames can help boost adherence rates and
benefit both physical and psychological well-being. Encouraging these factors is important in
the development of both serious games designed for health as well as video games designed
for entertainment purposes. Our findings are unique in that we have demonstrated that there
is an optimal game playing profile in which positive effects are possible and that this profile
should be taken into consideration when developing new games.
Although we have demonstrated unique and important findings in the field of video
game research, this is not without limitations. For instance, the required use of a narrative
review means we did not utilize a systematic approach and therefore did not analyze effect
sizes. Thus, whilst we have described the positive effects of video games, we cannot say
whether these effects are clinically significant based on their size. Additionally, as we did not
focus here on the negative effects, it is possible we have missed crucial research in this area
that would also explain how video games affect well-being. Therefore, a further review
should be conducted with a more systematic approach that considers both positive and
negative aspects of video games. Even so, the current paper is able to synthesize this area of
research, highlighting in what ways these various aspects of video games can be linked to
positive well-being outcomes. In doing so, our narrative review has allowed us to determine
in which specific ways each of these aspects of video gameplay influence a broad range of
well-being outcomes, and also point to useful future directions for this research field.
Studies have demonstrated the positive impact of many different aspects of video
games on various aspects of well-being. However, previously there was no overview of this
field that considered, in detail, precisely how the most commonly studied facets of gaming
positively relate to well-being. This is the first narrative review to focus on theoretically
important facets of video games (social aspects, violence, and physical activity), and how
these have been empirically linked to well-being to beneficial effect. Importantly, we have
argued and provided evidence for the proposition that video game effects on well-being
greatly depend on the presence of moderation, the aspects involved, such as social aspects,
violence, or physical activity, and the motivations behind playing the game. By examining
these facets individually, we have been able to demonstrate that not only do video games
have positive effects, but they also each have their own unique effects that cannot be
examined as a singular phenomenon and, as such, should be studied as multi-faceted
Author Disclosure Statement
No competing financial interests exist.
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... Online gaming has evolved dramatically from its origins as a solitary activity into a complex social environment where millions of users build and maintain meaningful relationships (Kowert and Daniel, 2021;Mandryk et al., 2020;Mandryk and Birk, 2017). Although extensive research has examined how gaming social networks influence mental health outcomes (Iacovides and Mekler, 2019;Halbrook et al., 2019), less attention has been paid to the reverse relationshiphow mental health symptoms may shape the formation, maintenance and dissolution of social connections within gaming communities (Perry et al., 2018b;Depping et al., 2018). Understanding these bidirectional relationships is crucial as online gaming becomes an increasingly significant source of social interaction and potential support. ...
... Depressive symptoms might reduce the emotional resources needed to maintain these deep connections (Liu et al., 2024). Meanwhile, bridging social capital, involving diverse weak ties, might be the first to deteriorate when individuals experience symptoms that lead to social withdrawal (Lieberman and Schroeder, 2020;Korkeila, 2023;Halbrook et al., 2019). ...
... The lower social demands and increased control in online interactions might make these networks more resilient to mental health disruption compared to in-person networks. Online gaming environments offer unique features that might buffer against network disruption, such as the ability to maintain connections through shared activities rather than direct social interaction, or the option to modulate social engagement levels without completely withdrawing (Lieberman and Schroeder, 2020;Halbrook et al., 2019;Depping et al., 2018). However, the reduced social obligation in online relationships might also make them more susceptible to abandonment when individuals experience mental health symptoms. ...
Purpose This study aims to examine how mental health symptoms and social support predict changes in online and in-person social networks among gamers over time. Although research has explored how social networks influence mental health, less is known about how mental health shapes the evolution of social connections in gaming contexts where relationships can form and dissolve fluidly. Design/methodology/approach Adult gamers ( n = 236) completed surveys at two time points approximately six months apart measuring mental health symptoms (depressive symptoms, anxiety), perceived social support and characteristics of both their in-person and gaming-based social networks. Partial least squares regression models examined how Time 1 mental health and support measures predicted changes in network characteristics while controlling for baseline network measures. Findings Results revealed distinct patterns of network evolution across contexts. Higher initial depressive symptoms predicted strengthening of in-person relationships but decreases in online relationship quality over time. Anxiety emerged as a particularly influential predictor of online network development, with higher baseline anxiety associated with decreased closeness, confiding behavior and positive interactions in gaming relationships. Strong initial gaming community integration predicted decreased quality of in-person relationships, suggesting potential competition between virtual and physical social spheres. Originality/value This study provides longitudinal examination of how mental health symptoms distinctly influence the evolution of social networks across online and offline contexts among gamers. The findings demonstrate that different symptoms show unique patterns of association with network development over time, challenging assumptions about gaming spaces serving as universally accessible social environments.
... Grounded in basic needs theory, also incorporated in selfdetermination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000), stipulating that psychological well-being is dependent upon the satisfaction of the fundamental human needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness, several studies have found that intrinsic motivation is positively correlated with experiences of satisfaction of these needs in gaming (Halbrook et al., 2019). As shown by Mills et al. (2018), gaming may function as a compensatory way when general needs and life satisfaction are encumbered, in the manner that positive gaming experiences may compensate for psychological distress in "real life." ...
... Prior research indicates that affective factors are of significance in developing and/or maintaining various gaming motivations (Bäcklund et al., 2022;Lafrenière et al., 2012), such as improving one's mood (Bäcklund et al., 2022), escaping an unpleasant reality (von der Heiden et al., 2019), or to experience positive affect through self-competence, socializing, and a sense of mastery (Halbrook et al., 2019). Accordingly, the maximization of joy and the minimization of unpleasant experiences (referred to as "hedonic"; cf. ...
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Escapism is a powerful motivation in many types of activity engagements, but perhaps particularly in gaming. Stenseng et al. (2012, 2023) proposed a two-dimensional model stipulating two opposing escapism mindsets: self-expansion and self-suppression. In the present study, using self-reported data from 284 Polish gamers (Mage = 35.82, 151 women), we examined the distinctiveness of these mindsets in terms of their associations with gaming motivation, hedonic tone, and psychological well-being (positive–negative affect). Network analysis showed a significant divergence of self-suppression and self-expansion regarding their relationships to general affect, hedonic tone, and motivation. Moreover, the results indicate that the two escapism dimensions add unique-explanatory power to the relationship between gaming motivation and psychological well-being. Thus, a dualistic understanding of escapism in gaming may clarify the adaptive and maladaptive role of escapism in gaming engagement and illuminate the currently debated diagnostic assessment of pathological gaming.
... Even though Internet gaming can bring multiple cognitive, emotional, and other benefits to gamers (Granic et al., 2014;Halbrook et al., 2019;Razum & Huić, 2023), research has shown that some gamers may develop symptoms of problematic gaming. DSM-5 (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) included Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) in the Appendix, Section III, as a condition that requires further research (American Psychiatric Association, 2013), and based on reviews of available evidence the World Health Organization introduced Gaming Disorder as a new diagnostic category in their 2019 release of the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11;World Health Organization, 2019). ...
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Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has emerged as a significant public health concern, yet not enough is known about its prevalence among the general population as well as its relationship to well-being, mental health, specifically depression and anxiety, and gaming genres. This study aimed to address these questions. The research was conducted on a representative sample of the Croatian general population including 4,994 participants, aged between 15 and 64 years (M = 40.75, SD = 15.49). The Ten-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Test, Mental Health Inventory-5, Personal Well-being Index, Gaming time and Game Genres Preferences were used. The prevalence of the IGD in the general population of Croatia, aged 15-64 years, was estimated at 0.48%, 95% CI [0.30%, 1%], and among video game players (N = 1,239) at 1.63%, 95% CI [1.11%, 3%]. The highest prevalence was observed among young males. IGD showed the strongest relationship with depression, and weaker relationships with anxiety and well-being. Among the individual criteria, negative consequences for significant relationships, deception and escape had the strongest, while tolerance, loss of control and withdrawal had the weakest relationship to depression, anxiety and well-being, in a relative sense. Sports games and casual games players had lower risk for IGD, while other genres did not differ in their risk for IGD. Online and offline games did not differ in their risk for IGD. This study has shown that IGD has a relatively low prevalence among the general population and video game players, and that not all IGD criteria are equally relevant. Future longitudinal studies and studies on clinical samples are needed.
... nd significant differences in levels of anxiety, self-esteem, and aggression between players of violent and non-violent video games. However, preference for violent games was not the sole determining factor.Wu et al. (2023) explored how online gaming can influence unethical decision-making, highlighting the role of cheating and moral disengagement.Halbrook et al. (2019) argued that the effects of video games on well-being depend on moderating variables such as motivations for gaming, suggesting that there may be an "optimal gaming profile" that maximises benefits. Bos (2023) explored how games such as This War of Mine challenge popular understandings of geopolitics and encourage reflection on the conse ...
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This systematic review analyses the relationships between violence, hate speech, discrimination, and video games. A comprehensive search of the Web of Science and Scopus databases identified 47 relevant studies published between 2018 and 2023. The review examines how video games may provide fertile ground for online violence, hate speech, and discrimination, while also exploring their potential as educational tools. Key findings suggest that exposure to violent video game content can increase aggressive cognitions and behaviours, particularly when combined with competitive gameplay. However, prosocial aspects of gaming may promote positive intergroup attitudes and reduce prejudice. Hate speech and discriminatory behaviours remain prevalent issues in online gaming communities, disproportionately affecting marginalised groups. The article highlights the complex interactions between game content, individual factors, and sociocultural contexts in shaping player experiences and behaviours. While video games pose risks, they also offer opportunities for fostering empathy, cultural understanding, and critical thinking, if they are thoughtfully designed. The findings underscore the need for evidence‐based interventions to mitigate online hate and maximise the educational potential of video games.
While substantial studies focus on risk and negative factors for problematic video gaming, the present study paid attention to protective and positive factors that lead to healthy gaming practice. Based on the self-determination theory (SDT), the present study investigated whether psychological needs satisfaction may facilitate players’ adherence to protective gaming beliefs and behaviors. With a survey among 737 video game players, Study 1 observed a positive association between psychological needs satisfaction and protective gaming beliefs and behaviors. Study 2 used the positive writing technique to promote players’ psychological needs satisfaction, and the players with enhanced autonomy and competence need satisfaction showed a higher adherence to protective gaming beliefs and behaviors. The findings imply that players’ autonomous motivation and self-perceived competence can play a role in healthy gaming practice. SDT-based healthy gaming strategies may help to develop practical and sustainable programs for containing problematic gaming and promoting players’ health and well-being.
Over the past decade, video games have dramatically risen in popularity, and marketers have started recognizing the research opportunities video games provide. However, much of the current research in the gaming space focuses on the video game experiences of individual consumers, whereas other participants in the video game ecosystem are often ignored. In addition, research frequently uses traditional data collection and analysis techniques that do not adequately account for the unique features of the data generated within this ecosystem. In this article, using a framework based on service-dominant logic and the customer journey, we identify six distinct pillars embedded in the video game ecosystem and describe the types of data generated through interactions among them. We then present three challenges with data gathering and analysis that arise from the co-creation of value within the video game ecosystem. Finally, we outline adaptations marketers can make to address these challenges and present future research directions to help access and analyze data generated throughout the video game ecosystem.
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El presente artículo explora los impactos de los videojuegos, los eSports y las plataformas de transmisiones en vivo en línea. Motivado por la creciente relevancia de los juegos digitales en la cultura contemporánea, la investigación utilizó una metodología exploratoria para descubrir qué se considera cultura en el entorno digital. Frente a esto, las respuestas llevaron a las plataformas de streaming en línea, donde se crean comunidades y otros grupos enfocados en la interacción social a través de los videojuegos y otros juegos digitales en línea. El deseo por un espacio que permita a los jugadores actuar (jugar) libremente, tanto por diversión como como carrera, impulsó el desarrollo de este trabajo científico, que apoya la idea de que este movimiento es saludable y beneficioso, siempre que se utilice dentro de los parámetros destacados en el estudio. Esto busca tranquilizar a quienes ven este fenómeno como una estancación existencial o simplemente degenerativo. Utilizando una metodología que combina investigación de opinión y análisis de datos mediante métodos explicativos y exploratorios, el artículo examina el papel de los juegos en la construcción de comunidades en línea, los lazos de amistad establecidos entre jugadores y el impacto de los eSports en la interacción entre jugadores y fanáticos. El resultado es un análisis detallado de las dinámicas sociales y culturales desde la óptica de la comunicación y la psicología, destacando los aspectos positivos y negativos, además de otras oportunidades ofrecidas por el mundo de los videojuegos.
There is a close connection between video games and social life, and researchers are interested in whether and how video games shape aggression and prosocial behaviors. However, there are great inconsistencies across studies on this topic. These mixed results may be due in part to a focus on learning models that were relevant in research on traditional media like television but are less useful in research on video games. Unlike other media, video games are characterized by frequent game-player interactions and immediate feedback, and there is evidence that in-game rewards and punishments can shape aggressive or prosocial behavior inside and outside the game. We argue that reinforcement learning may help us to understand the effects of video games on aggressive and prosocial behaviors, and propose a conceptual model based on this argument.
p style="text-align: justify;">The article presents a theoretical review of modern research dedicated to the problem of the influence of video games on the emotional state of players. Despite the large number of works in this area, their results are quite contradictory, therefore, an analysis of meta-analytical data is necessary, as well as a detailed consideration of various factors influencing the effect. It has been shown that there is evidence for negative effects of video games on various indicators of emotional state, evidence for positive effects and evidence for the absence of effects. The effect depends on various additional factors — individual personality traits of the player, the genre of the game, the amount of time spent playing video games, and many others. It is revealed that in some cases, contradictions in the results of empirical studies are explained by the influence of these factors, in particular, the genre of the game has a significant impact, as well as the presence of video game addiction. We also reviewed meta-analytical works that confirmed the positive effect of educational video games on the development of emotional self-regulation skills, therapy for symptoms of autism and depression. Formulating reliable clear conclusions about the presence and magnitude of the effect of entertainment genres of games is still difficult due to the lack of modern meta-analyses.</p
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Violent video games are theorized to be a significant cause of aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Important evidence for this claim comes from a large meta-analysis by Anderson and colleagues (2010), who found effects of violent games in experimental, cross-sectional, and longitudinal research. In that meta-analysis, the authors argued that there is little publication or analytic bias in the literature, an argument supported by their use of the trim-and-fill procedure. In the present manuscript, we reexamine their meta-analysis using a wider array of techniques for detecting bias and adjusting effect sizes. Our conclusions differ from those of Anderson and colleagues in 3 salient ways. First, we detect substantial publication bias in experimental research on the effects of violent games on aggressive affect and aggressive behavior. Second, after adjustment for bias, the effects of violent games on aggressive behavior in experimental research are estimated as being very small, and estimates of effects on aggressive affect are much reduced. In contrast, the cross-sectional literature finds correlations that appear largely unbiased. Third, experiments meeting the original authors’ criteria for methodological quality do not yield larger adjusted effects than other experiments, but instead yield larger indications of bias, indicating that perhaps they were selected for significance. We outline future directions for stronger experimental research. The results indicate the need for an open, transparent, and preregistered research process to test the existence of the basic phenomenon.
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Background: Although several excellent reviews and meta-analyses have investigated the effect of video game trainings as tools to enhance well-being, most of them specifically focused on the effects of digital games on brain plasticity or cognitive decline in children and seniors. On the contrary, only one meta-analysis results to be focused on the adult population, and it is restricted to examining the effects of training with a particular genre of games (action video games) on cognitive skills of healthy adults. Objectives: This systematic review was aimed to identify research evidences about the impact on cognitive [i.e., processing and reaction times (RTs), memory, task-switching/multitasking, and mental spatial rotation] and emotional skills of video games training in the healthy adult population. Methods: A multi-component analysis of variables related to the study, the video games, and the outcomes of the training was made on the basis of important previous works. Databases used in the search were PsycINFO, Web of Science (Web of Knowledge), PubMed, and Scopus. The search string was: [(“Video Games” OR “Computer Games” OR “Interactive Gaming”)] AND [(“Cognition”) OR (“Cognitive”) OR (“Emotion”) OR (“Emotion Regulation”)] AND [“Training”]. Results: Thirty-five studies met the inclusion criteria and were further classified into the different analysis' variables. The majority of the retrieved studies used commercial video games, and action games in particular, which resulted to be the most commonly used, closely followed by puzzle games. Effect sizes for training with video games on cognitive skills in general ranged from 0.06 to 3.43: from 0.141 to 3.43 for processing and RTs, 0.06 to 1.82 for memory, 0.54 to 1.91 for task switching/multitasking, and 0.3 to 3.2 for mental spatial rotation; regarding video games for the training of emotional skills, effect sizes ranged from 0.201 to 3.01. Conclusion: Overall, findings give evidences of benefits of video games training on cognitive and emotional skills in relation to the healthy adult population, especially on young adults. Efficacy has been demonstrated not only for non-commercial video games or commercial brain-training programs, but for commercial video games as well.
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Decades of research on the effects of media violence have examined associations between viewing aggressive material in the media and aggression and prosocial behavior. However, the existing longitudinal studies have tended to exclusively examine aggression and prosocial behavior as outcomes, with a limited range of potential mediators. The current study examines associations between playing violent video games and externalizing and prosocial behavior over a 5-year period across adolescence. Additionally, the study examines potential mediators of these associations, including empathic concern, benevolence, and self-regulation. Participants included 488 adolescents (Mage of child at Wave 1 = 13.83, SD = 0.98) and their parents, who completed self- and parental measures at three different time points, each 2 years apart. Results revealed that early exposure to video game violence was indirectly associated with lower levels of prosocial behavior as mediated by lower levels of benevolence. Additionally, early video game violence play was associated with higher levels of externalizing behavior at the cross-sectional level, but not 5 years later. Implications of results for adolescents and parents are discussed.
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Background: Perceived control is strongly linked to healthy outcomes, mental healthiness, and psychological well-being. This is particularly important when people have little control over things that are happening to them. Perceived control studies have been performed extensively in laboratory settings and show that perceived control can be increased by experimental manipulations. Although these studies suggest that it may be possible to improve people's mental health by increasing their perceived control, there is very little evidence to date to suggest that perceived control can also be influenced in the real world. Objective: The first aim of this study was to test for evidence of a link between noncontrol situations and psychological well-being in the real world using a mobile phone app. The second and arguably more important aim of the study was to test whether a simple instructional intervention on the nature of alternative causes would enhance people's perceptions of their own control in these noncontrol situations. Methods: We implemented a behavioral action-outcome contingency judgment task using a mobile phone app. An opportunity sample of 106 healthy volunteers scoring low (n=56, no depression) or high (n=50, mild depression) on a depression scale participated. They were given no control over the occurrence of a low- or high-frequency stimulus that was embedded in everyday phone interactions during a typical day lasting 8 hours. The intervention involved instructions that either described a consistent alternative cause against which to assess their own control, or dynamic alternative causes of the outcome. Throughout the day, participants rated their own control over the stimulus using a quantitative judgment scale. Results: Participants with no evidence of depression overestimated their control, whereas those who were most depressed were more accurate in their control ratings. Instructions given to all participants about the nature of alternative causes significantly affected the pattern of perceived control ratings. Instructions describing discrete alternative causes enhanced perceived control for all participants, whereas dynamic alternative causes were linked to less perceived control. Conclusions: Perceptions of external causes are important to perceived control and can be used to enhance people's perceptions. Theoretically motivated interventions can be used to enhance perceived control using mobile phone apps. This is the first study to do so in a real-world setting.
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Objective: To compare the effects of active video game-based (AVG) physical activity program with aerobic exercise on cognitive performance among healthy older adults. Methods: Individuals of both sexes, aged 55 years or older, were randomly assigned to either AVG group and aerobic exercise group (active control group). For AVG program, we used games that simulated sports activities (Xbox 360 Kinect). The aerobic exercise program (moderate intensity) was conducted on treadmills and cycle ergometers. We used the CogState Battery (six tests) for cognitive performance, and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for global cognitive assessment. Results: Participants of the AVG group showed significant differences in executive function and delayed recall. For executive function, the number of errors decreased and increased by the number of movements per second, while the number of movements per second increased in the delayed recall test. After 12 weeks, the participants of the aerobic group showed an increase in the following characteristics: the number of movements per second in the executive function test; execution speed increased in the visual attention and short-term memory test; the number of movements per second increased in a delayed recall test. We also observed an increase in the score of MMSE. There were no significant differences between the groups, except for short-term memory in pre-intervention. Conclusion: Our results and the adherence to the program suggest that sports AVG may be used as exercise alternative for older adults because it produces effects on the cognitive performance similar to the aerobic exercise.
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According to the General Aggression Model, situational factors (such as the game characters) and personal factors both affect a gamer’s acquisition of aggressive behavior. Previous studies have found not only that the surface features of game characters, such as appearance and clothing, but also that their inherent characteristics, such as morality and identity, can influence a gamer’s attitude and behavior. Research has also shown that empathy, as a personal factor, can protect gamers from the impact of media violence. However, past research has focused primarily on single factors affecting the player rather than more comprehensive investigations. This study investigates the influence of the game character’s moral features and levels of empathy on the gamer’s aggression. The participants were 120 Chinese university students (61 females and 59 males) with ages ranging from 17 to 27 years. Participants first completed a series of questionnaires: a user experience questionnaire, a video game questionnaire, the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, and a modified version of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index. All participants then had 5 min of practice playing a violent video game. They were then divided into three groups: a high empathy group, a low empathy group, and a no empathy group. After the practice, participants in the high and low empathy groups read empathy materials relating to the game characters; participants in the no empathy group began formal gameplay. All participants played the game for 20 min. Finally, participants were required to complete the Scale of Hostility Status questionnaire, the Implicit Aggression Test, and the Competitive Reaction Time Test. The results show that empathy and the morality of game characters both influence aggression, but empathy affected aggression differently in the participants playing justified roles (i.e., killing others for a moral reason in the game) compared to those playing unjustified roles (i.e., killing others for immoral reasons in the game). In the high empathy condition, the implicit aggression of justified players was significantly higher than those playing unjustified roles. However, high empathy does not always play a protective role, and its effect is restricted by the features of the game characters.
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Few studies have investigated the role of disenfranchisement and denial of agency in women’s sexual health. To address this, a cross-sectional study of disenfranchisement, control (general and reproductive control) and health was conducted in Ireland, where abortion is severely restricted. Multiple mediation models (N = 513 women) indicated that general but not reproductive control mediates the association between disenfranchisement and psychological well-being. Additionally, serial mediation shows disenfranchisement is associated with lower sense of control, which is linked to poorer well-being and risky sexual behaviour. Disenfranchisement arising from socio-political contexts may have important implications for women’s sexual health.
Professional advocacy associations such as the American Psychological Association (APA) and American Academy of Pediatrics commonly release policy statements regarding science and behavior. Policymakers and the general public may assume that such statements reflect objective conclusions, but their actual fidelity in representing science remains largely untested. For example, in recent decades, policy statements related to media effects have been released with increasing regularity. However, they have often provoked criticisms that they do not adequately reflect the state of the science on media effects. The News Media, Public Education and Public Policy Committee (a standing committee of APA’s Division 46, the Media Psychology and Technology division) reviewed all publicly available policy statements on media effects produced by professional organizations and evaluated them using a standardized rubric. It was found that current policy statements tend to be more definitive than is warranted by the underlying science, and often ignore conflicting research results. These findings have broad implications for policy statements more generally, outside the field of media effects. In general, the committee suggests that professional organizations run the risk of misinforming the public when they release policy statements that do not acknowledge debates and inconsistencies in a field, or limitations of methodology. In formulating policy statements, advocacy organizations may wish to focus less on claiming consensus and more on acknowledging areas of agreement, areas of disagreement, and limitations.
To clarify and quantify the influence of video game violence (VGV) on aggressive behavior, we conducted a metaanalysis of all prospective studies to date that assessed the relation between exposure to VGV and subsequent overt physical aggression. The search strategy identified 24 studies with over 17,000 participants and time lags ranging from 3 months to 4 years. The samples comprised various nationalities and ethnicities with mean ages from 9 to 19 years. For each study we obtained the standardized regression coefficient for the prospective effect of VGV on subsequent aggression, controlling for baseline aggression. VGV was related to aggression using both fixed [β = 0.113, 95% CI = (0.098, 0.128)] and random effects models [β = 0.106 (0.078, 0.134)]. When all available covariates were included, the size of the effect remained significant for both models [β = 0.080 (0.065, 0.094) and β = 0.078 (0.053, 0.102), respectively]. No evidence of publication bias was found. Ethnicity was a statistically significant moderator for the fixed-effects models (P ≤ 0.011) but not for the random-effects models. Stratified analyses indicated the effect was largest among Whites, intermediate among Asians, and nonsignificant among Hispanics. Discussion focuses on the implications of such findings for current debates regarding the effects of violent video games on physical aggression.
This paper explores the effect of video game content, context and experience on cooperative behavior over three research studies. Study 1 is a cross-sectional correlation study exploring the relationship between the video game team-play frequency and pro-social behavior, Study 2 is a 2 (game content: violent video game and neutral video game) Â 2 (game context: single-play and team-play) design with the dependent variable being cooperative behavior and Study 3 is a single factor design experiment which examines the effect of the gaming experience on cooperative behavior under a collaborative context. The main findings were that the team-play frequency had a positive correlation with pro-social behavior, and pro-social video game exposure significantly predicted pro-social behavior. Collaborative play was found to significantly increase cooperation in both violent and neutral video games. However, the level of gaming experience tended to moderate the relationship between collaborative play and the level of cooperation.