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The Analysis of Hot-Air Balloon Accidents by Human Factor Analysis and Classification System


Abstract and Figures

Although hot-air balloon accidents are infrequent with respect to the total number of flights, the rate of hot-air balloon accidents has shown a significant increase over the past two decades. The aim of this study is to classify the previously identified causal factors of hot-air balloon accidents. 103 NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) accident reports were analyzed, and the causal factors of hot-air balloon accidents were classified by using HFACS (Human Factors Analyzing and Classification System) as a framework. The relative importance of factors contributing to hot-air balloon accidents was established. We found that environmental factors were the most significant contributing factors, followed by skill-based errors as the second-highest contributing factors. Our results will contribute to countermeasures for preventing future reoccurrences of hot air balloon accidents and incidents, and may provide an insight into high-risk factors which are associated with the severity of balloon crashes.
Content may be subject to copyright.
(ISSN: 1304-0448)
January 2020 Volume 13 Number 1
Research Article
The Analysis of Hot-Air Balloon Accidents by Human Factor Analysis and
Classification System
Bilal KILIÇ1
1 Ozyegin University, Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences, 34794 Istanbul, Turkey,,
Article Info
Received: July 30, 2019
Accepted: October 30, 2019
Online: January 23, 2020
Keywords: HFACS, Accident
Investigation, General Aviation,
Hot-Air Balloon Accidents, Human
Although hot-air balloon accidents are infrequent with respect to the total
number of flights, the rate of hot-air balloon accidents has shown a significant
increase over the past two decades. The aim of this study is to classify the
previously identified causal factors of hot-air balloon accidents. 103 NTSB
(National Transportation Safety Board) accident reports were analyzed, and
the causal factors of hot-air balloon accidents were classified by using
HFACS (Human Factors Analyzing and Classification System) as a
framework. The relative importance of factors contributing to hot-air balloon
accidents was established. We found that environmental factors were the
most significant contributing factors, followed by skill-based errors as the
second-highest contributing factors. Our results will contribute to
countermeasures for preventing future reoccurrences of hot air balloon
accidents and incidents, and may provide an insight into high-risk factors
which are associated with the severity of balloon crashes.
To Cite This Article: B. Kilic The Analysis of Hot-air Balloon Accidents by Human Factor Analysis and Classification
System Journal of Aeronautics and Space Technologies, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 17- 24, Jan. 2020
Sıcak Hava Balonu Kazalarının İnsan Faktörleri Analizi ve Sınıflandırma
Yöntemi ile Analizi
Makale Bilgisi
Geliş: 30 Temmuz 2019
Kabul: 30 Ekim 2019
Yayın: 23 Ocak 2020
Anahtar Kelimeler: HFACS,
Kaza Araştırmaları, Genel
Havacılık, Sıcak Hava Balonu
Kazaları, İnsan Faktörleri
Sıcak hava balon kazalarının sayısı gerçeklesen toplam uçuş sayısına nazaran
seyrek olmasına rağmen, kaza oranları son yirmi yılda büyük ölçüde artış
göstermiştir. Bu çalışmada, sıcak hava balonu kazalarına sebep veren
faktörlerin sınıflandırılması amaçlanmıştır. İnsan faktörleri analizi ve
sınıflandırma yöntemi kullanılarak Ulusal Ulaşım Güvenlik Kurumu
tarafından hazırlanmış 103 adet sıcak hava balonu kazası raporu analizi
yapılmıştır ve bu kazalara sebep veren faktörler sınıflandırılmıştır. Bu
kazalara sebep veren faktörlerin önem dereceleri elde edilmiştir. Kazalara
sebep veren faktörler içerisinde en yüksek oranda çevresel faktörler ve ikinci
olarak yetenek hataları bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmada elde ettiğimiz sonuçlar,
sıcak hava balonu kaza ve kırımlarının gelecekte tekrar meydana gelmesini
engelleyecek önlemlere katkıda bulunacaktır ve kazaların ağır sonuçlarıyla
bağlantılı önemli etkenlerin iç yüzünün anlaşılmasını sağlayabilir.
Hot-air balloon operations are attracting considerable
interest due to their enjoyable birds-eye-view of famous
tourist spots from high above [1]. The last two decades
have witnessed an enormous increase in hot-air-balloon
rides [2]. Previous research has shown that 98 accidents
occurred between 1976 and 2004 in the United Kingdom
[3]. In another study, it was demonstrated that 86 hot-air
balloon crashes occurred between 2000 and 2004 [4].
More recently, Aslaner reported that 12 hot-air balloon
tour accidents occurred between August 2013 and July
2017 [5]. Previous studies have been limited in
addressing the damage and injuries that have occurred
due to balloon crashes [4]. Likewise, very few studies
have examined the causality in hot-air balloon accidents
[6]. Moreover, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no
report has been found so far using an HFACS framework
to examine the contributing factors of hot-air balloon
accidents. The main aim of this paper is to examine and
classify the factors that contribute to hot-air balloon
The Analysis of Hot-air Balloon Accident by Human Factor Analysis and Classification System
HFACS is one of the most widely used analytical
frameworks to analyze accidents and incidents in various
industries such as aviation [7], railway [8], gas pipeline
[9], mining [10] and medicine [11]. It is fundamentally
based on James Reason’s Swiss cheese model and
provides an efficient analysis of an accident [12]. By
examining an occurrence within 4 levels and 19
subcategories, it aids researchers in examining an
accident in every detail and finding out both active and
latent errors. In other words, HFACS operationalizes the
Swiss cheese model of accident causation and describes
contributing factors [13], [14].
In this study, the causal factors (active and latent failures)
of hot-air balloon accidents that occurred between 2008
and 2018 in the USA are classified by using an HFACS
framework. Section 2 presents a literature review on hot-
air balloon operations and accidents. In the third section,
implementation of the method, HFACS analysis, is
demonstrated. In section 4, the results are discussed.
Conclusions are given at the end of the paper. The
contribution of this study is clear as the findings may be
capitalized as guidelines to prevent future occurrence of
accidents such as those mentioned above.
2.1. Hot-air Balloon
The French brothers, Joseph (1740-1810) and Etienne
Montgolfier (1745-1799) invented the first hot-air-
balloon in 1783 [15]. The first flight with a 17.37-m-high
fire balloon invented by the two French brothers was
carried out from the courtyard of the Versailles Palace
[16]. During the first public presentation of the hot-air
balloon, there were no human passengers onboard, but
living creatures such as a rooster, duck and sheep were
carried. The flight time was 8 minutes, and the hot-air
balloon reached an altitude of 2000 meters. Nearly two
months after this successful demonstration flight, the first
manned flight was performed, and it sailed over Paris for
25 minutes [17].
2.2. Hot-air Balloon Accidents
Since the first invention of the hot-air balloon and its
operation for fun and adventure, some tours have ended
with catastrophic results [18]. The first fatal hot-air
balloon accident occurred nearly two years after the
invention of the hot-air balloon. The flight was operated
by pilots Jean Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Pierre Ange
Romain. They died after the balloon caught fire and
crashed [2]. Since the first accident mentioned above,
there have been hundreds of hot-air-balloon accidents [2],
[3], [6], [18]. For instance, the Ljubljana Marshes hot-air
balloon crash was one of the deadliest hot-air ballooning
accidents in history. A hot-air balloon carrying 32 people
flew through stormy weather. A sudden weather change
and the wind shear gave rise to an immediate landing.
During the emergency landing, the balloon hit trees and
caught fire. This crash killed 6 passengers onboard. The
accident’s investigation was carried out by the Slovenian
aircraft accident investigation commission. It was found
that the main contributing factors of the accident were
“improper technique used in operating the balloon” and
inadequate meteorological conditions and planning”
[19]. Another deadly hot-air balloon crash occurred near
the ancient city of Luxor, Egypt on February 26, 2013. It
was known as the most disastrous hot-air balloon accident
that ever occurred in history. A hot-air balloon suffering
from a fuel leakage caught fire. While attempting an
emergency landing, the pilot failed to land the balloon
and rose higher. 7 of the 19 passengers met their death
when they tried to jump out of the balloon. The remaining
12 lives were lost during the mid-air explosion of the
Despite the restrictive regulations and lower number of
flights compared to general aviation and airline
operations, safe operation of hot-air balloons is a big
concern for the aviation industry [20]. In addition to some
major accidents mentioned above, a number of hot-air
balloon rides turned into disasters [21] (Table-1).
There has been little research on hot-air balloon accidents
and their contributing factors [2-4], [6], [15]. To the best
of our knowledge, there is no study that examined the
contributing factors of hot-air balloon accidents by using
an HFACS framework.
Table 1. The deadliest hot-air balloon accidents in
history [21].
2.3. HFACS
One of the most widely used conceptual frameworks to
examine accidents and incidents in various industries is
HFACS, which was originally developed in the U.S.
Military [14]. This conceptual approach has been proven
The Analysis of Hot-air Balloon Accident by Human Factor Analysis and Classification System
to be an excellent tool to examine accidents and incidents
in civil aviation [22].
Figure 1. The HFACS Framework.
While examining an accident in aviation, the first step is
identification of the unsafe acts involved. As shown in
Figure 1, on the first level of the analysis (HFACS-Level-
1), errors and violations made by pilots are examined and
classified. The error category is divided into 3
subcategories as follows: decision errors, skill-based
errors and perceptual errors. Within the violation
category, the following two sub-categories are defined:
routine violation (e.g., violation of standard operating
practices/regulations) and exceptional violation (e.g.,
carrying out an unauthorized operation) [23].
On the second level of the analysis, the preconditions for
unsafe acts are examined. Namely, the factors
contributing (HFACS-Level 2) to unsafe acts (HFACS-
Level 1) are analyzed. The second level of the HFACS
framework includes the following categories:
substandard conditions of operators, environmental
factors and substandard practices of operators. The
category of substandard condition of operators comprises
adverse mental state (e.g., stress, complacency and
overconfidence), adverse physiological state (e.g.,
hypoxia, visual illusions and medical illness) and
physical/mental limitations (e.g., hearing limitation, not
current/qualified and incompatible physical capability).
The category “environmental factors” includes two sub-
categories: physical environment (e.g., weather, noise
and heat) and technological environment (e.g.,
automation reliability, manuals/checklist design and
interfaces). Another group of the second level of the
HFACS framework is substandard practices of operators.
It includes two sub-categories: crew resource (e.g., lack
of leadership and poor communication) and personal
readiness (e.g., lack of knowledge and inadequate
training) [23].
The third step of the HFACS framework (HFACS-Level-
3), “unsafe supervision”, represents latent failures
producing the failure categories on the second and first
levels of the HFACS framework. Within the category of
unsafe supervision, there are four sub-categories:
inadequate supervision (e.g., lack of professional
guidance), failed to correct a known problem (e.g., failure
to correct a safety hazard which occurs repeatedly),
planned inappropriate operations (e.g., excessive
workload for crews and failed to provide adequate time
and place for crew rest) and supervisory violations (e.g.,
planned an unqualified crew for an operation and failed
to obey the rules and regulations) [23].
The top and fourth level of the HFACS framework
(HFACS-Level-4), organizational effects, describes
failures experienced by personnel who are actively
working on the management levels of an organization that
contribute to failures on the lower levels of the HFACS
framework. The organizational effects category
Management Organizational
Climate Organizational
Failed to
correct a
known problem
Precondition for
unsafe acts
Conditions of
Adverse Mental
Practices of
Crew Resource
Unsafe Acts
Errors Skill-based
Errors Perceptual
Violations Exceptional
The Analysis of Hot-air Balloon Accident by Human Factor Analysis and Classification System
comprises three subcategories: resource management
(e.g., cost-cutting and failed to supply enough equipment
and facilities), organizational climate (e.g., policies and
culture and hierarchical structure) and organizational
process (e.g., risk management and oversight) [23].
A considerable number of studies has been published on
HFACS analysis [7-11],[13]. These studies described the
frequency of failures within categories and sub-categories
[23], [24]. Furthermore, a recent study on this topic
demonstrated that the HFACS framework could be used
to analyze and classify the contributing factors of aviation
accidents during an undergraduate course in order to
increase the performance of student pilots [25].
Hot-air balloon accident data from the year 2008 to the
year 2018 were obtained from the NTSB accident and
incident database [26]. 103 accident reports were
analyzed in total. The following criteria were used to
select the accidents:
Type of occurrence: Accident
Operation: All General Aviation
Aircraft Category: Balloon
Purpose of Flight: All
Report Status: Probable Cause
Injury Severity: Fatal & Non-fatal
Coding was performed by using two codes: 0 for the
absence and 1 for the presence of the sub-categories.
During the coding process, only the contributing factors
that were identified and reported by NTSB were
evaluated. In other words, there have been no new
contributing factors identified. An excel spreadsheet is
implemented for data analysis after the coding process
was completed.
The discussion of the results begins with the statistical
analysis of the causal factors. In this study, 260 causal
factors were coded as underlying 103 hot-air balloon
accidents. The results of the category assignments are
demonstrated with plots and tables. Table 2 illustrates the
detailed statistical results of the HFACS analysis.
Consistent with the findings by Kilic [23], our findings
revealed that the most common causal factor contributing
to hot-air balloon accidents is physical environment
(weather conditions, terrain and object collision). The
second common causal factor is skill-based errors. The
third common contributing factor is decision-making
errors made by pilots. Our study provides further
evidence for hot air-balloon accidents [27].
Table 2. The percentages of causal factors by HFACS.
% of all
Mental State
Crew Resource
Failed to
correct a
The Analysis of Hot-air Balloon Accident by Human Factor Analysis and Classification System
Upon closer examination of the results, it was found that
flying into adverse weather and collusion account for the
played role in the majority of accidents (N=80). Based on
the findings of this study, it is evident that training of the
pilots of hot-air balloons is of great importance. 16
percent of the accidents were associated with perceptual
errors such as improper instrument monitoring, target
fixation on the landing site which is not suitable for
landing, and poor monitoring of the environment.
It is found that adverse mental state accounted for 14
percent of the accidents, whereas Ballard [28] reported
that distraction (adverse mental state) resulted in only 2.3
percent of hot-air balloon crashes. Differently from the
literature, we found that equipment failure and system
malfunction (technological environment) contributed to 7
accidents [28]. In contrast to earlier findings [23], we
found that hot-air balloon accident reports involved
information about latent failures (Level 3 and Level 4 of
the HFACS framework).
As seen in Figure 2, the most prevalent HFACS category
is unsafe acts of the operator (Level-1), followed by
Level-2, preconditions for unsafe acts. The most
remarkable result that emerged from the data is that 5
accidents were associated with the Level-3 of the HFACS
framework (Unsafe Supervision), and 6 accidents were
associated with the Level-4 of the HFACS framework
(Organizational Effects). Among the organizational
effects, oversight of the pilot by the civil aviation
authority was the most prevalent. For instance, one of the
deadliest hot-air balloon accidents, which occurred in
Lockhart, Texas, USA, was associated with a latent
failure (organizational effects) [24]. The policy of the
FAA (Federal Aviation Association) does not require a
medical certificate for hot-air balloon pilots.
Figure 2. The distribution of the causal factors into 4
levels of the HFACS framework.
It is also worth noting that inadequate supervision such as
oversight of meteorological services was seen in four
accidents, and one supervisory violation was found to be
a causal factor that resulted in an accident. This was in
good agreement with previous findings [24]. The results
of this study also illustrated that 83 accidents resulted in
one or more injuries, and 5 percent of the accidents gave
rise to fatal outcomes, which were very much in-line with
previous findings [28]. We found much higher values for
balloon damage with respect to those reported by Ballard
[28]. 43.7 percent of the accidents (N = 45) resulted in
substantial damage to the balloon. In 12 hot-air balloon
crashes, fires erupted, which caused 5 injuries and 2
As Figure 3 demonstrates, the most common phase of the
flight in which hot-air balloon accidents occurred was the
landing. This was well in-line with previous studies
[5],[28]. The majority of the crashes during landing were
hard landings. There were only 3 crashes which occurred
during the cruise phase of flight.
Figure 3. The flight phases in which accidents occurred.
These results have widened our knowledge of HFACS
analysis and the causal factors of hot-air balloon
We need to develop preventive measures to mitigate the
risk of the aforementioned factors (active and latent
errors) contributing to hot-air balloon accidents.
This study set out to analyze the causal factors of hot-air
balloon accidents that occurred during the period between
2008 and 2018 in the USA. To the authors’ best
knowledge, no research has been carried out on the
analysis of factors contributing to hot-air balloon
accidents by using an HFACS framework. We have
51,15% 44,61%
Level-1 Level-2 Level-3 Level-4
Frequency %
Takeoff Landing Cruise Ground
Frequency %
The Analysis of Hot-air Balloon Accident by Human Factor Analysis and Classification System
shown that the majority of hot-air balloon accidents
occurred due to an unsafe act of the operators (i.e., pilots)
and a precondition for unsafe acts (i.e., physical
environment). The clearest finding to emerge from this
study was that almost 5 percent of accidents that we
examined in this study were associated with latent errors
(Level-3 and Level-4 of the HFACS framework).
Our findings may aid pilots or balloon companies that
strive to increase the safety of hot-air balloon tourism and
decrease the number of hot-air balloon accidents.
Furthermore, these findings add to a growing body of
literature on HFACS analysis in aviation and hot-air
balloon accidents.
It is plausible that a number of limitations might have
influenced the results that we obtained. The first is that
hot-air balloon accidents are underreported. Any injuries
after an accident have to be reported within 10 days, and
a fatality must be reported within 30 days according to the
FAA’s regulations. However, passenger injuries and
fatalities might not have been sufficiently reported since
tourists who have hot-air balloon rides return to their
homes. Therefore, organizations should encourage pilots
to report any occurrences (e.g., accident, incident, serious
errors, mishaps and near misses) to inform other parties
in the aviation industry.
The second limitation is the lack of information about
hot-air balloon pilots’ drug and alcohol abuse since there
are no regulations that require checking the medical status
of these pilots and their medical certificates. This
limitation may have given rise to the relatively low
frequency of physiological state and physical/mental
limitations among the contributing factors of hot-air
balloon accidents that were examined in this study.
To further our research, we are planning to investigate the
relationship between hot-air balloon operations and
organizations in terms of hot-air balloon rides. Further
research should be undertaken regarding the role of
organizations (e.g., flight training organizations, hot-air
balloon operators and civil aviation authorities in hot-air
balloon accidents).
In conclusion, each accident investigation is an
opportunity to identify causal factors that can be averted
in the future to improve the overall safety of aviation.
However, these opportunities may come at a terrible
price, as in the case of the Tenerife Disaster. Therefore,
we need to make every effort to benefit from accident
investigation and learn from failures.
We would like to thank the National Transportation
Safety Board for providing accident reports upon which
the HFACS analysis was performed.
No financial disclosure was declared by the author.
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The Analysis of Hot-air Balloon Accident by Human Factor Analysis and Classification System
Bilal KILIÇ earned an M.S. in Organic Chemistry from
Bilkent University and got his Ph.D. in Material Science
and Nanotechnology at the same university. While at
Bilkent University, he was accepted into a flight training
program which took place at the Turkish Airlines Flight
Academy, and he was employed as a first officer at the
Boeing 737 Fleet. Currently, he is flying as a senior first
officer at the Boeing 777 Fleet. Dr. Kilic is a part-time
faculty member of the Aeronautical Science and Aviation
Faculty of Ozyegin University. His research interests
include aircraft accident and incident investigation,
human factors and ab-initio pilot training.
... "SHBT turizminin güvenliğini arttırmaya çalışmak ve sıcak hava balonu kazalarının sayısını azaltmanın" uluslararası literatürde önem taşıdığı anlaşılmaktadır. "Kazalara sebep veren faktörler içerisinde en yüksek oranda çevresel faktörler ve ikinci olarak yetenek hataları" gelmektedir (Kılıç, 2020). Kılıç'ın araştırması sıcak hava balon kazalarında ve havacılıkta HFACS analizi üzerine literatüre katkı sunan bir çalışma olup, ancak bu çalışmalarda yazarın da belirttiği gibi bir takım veri eksikliklerinin de olabileceği akla yatkın bulmaktadır. ...
... "Ancak yolcu yaralanmaları ve ölümlerin, SHBT yapan turistler tatil yerlerinden evlerine döndükleri için yeterince rapor edilmemiş olabildiği" de ayrıca belirtilmektedir. Dolayısıyla kuruluşların önemli olayları "(kaza, olay, ciddi hatalar, aksilikler ve ramak kalalar, vb.) bildirmesi için pilotları teşvik etmenin" önemsenmesi gerektiği de yazar (Kılıç, 2020) tarafından özellikle önerilmektedir. ...
... Çalışmada sınırlı kalan SHBT verileri içinde önemsenebilecek diğer ikinci sonuç ise "SHBT pilotlarının uyuşturucu ve alkol bağımlılığı ile ilişkili tıbbi durumun kontrol edilmesini gerektiren hiçbir düzenleme olmadığı için pilotlar hakkında bu tür güncel bir bilgi eksikliği" (Kılıç, 2020) (Mantı, 2014). 25 (Mantı, 2014 (Mantı, 2014). ...
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ABSTRACT In addition to the opportunities provided by balloon tours in Göreme, which has the largest balloon fleet in our country, the risks arising from unplanned approaches have also gained visibility in parallel with the increase in the number of tours and constitute an important problem area that needed to be worked on. In terms of evaluating the applications in recent years, it is important to analyze the knowledge and experience in the field, if there are, to reveal the problems and to develop solutions. In the study, the socio-economic characteristics of balloon tours, the risks of accidents, and the ways of structuring the competition in this field in a healthy way have been investigated. A field-assisted SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis was performed in the study. The findings of the study are that the risks caused by the increasing competition in balloon tours, which is a rapidly growing type of adventure tourism, can be improved with area management and inspection approaches. Compared to other alternative tourism types that have developed in the world and in our country in recent years, balloon tours have reached an important point with the effect of attracting tourists and the added value it creates. However, it had been lived a past period that there are deficiencies in the theoretical and practical infrastructure for balloon tour planning in Turkey. The contribution of the study is to identify these deficiencies and open them up for discussion and to prevent them through site management and control. The conclusion of the study, keeping the accident risks under control with the approach of site management and inspection, is brought to the fore. ....///... Balon Turunda Planlama ile Alan Yönetimi ve Denetiminde Kaza Risklerini Azaltma ve Önleme Yaklaşımları ....///... ÖZET Ülkemizin en büyük balon filosuna sahip olan Göreme’de gerçekleştirilen balon turlarının sağladığı ekonomik olanakların yanı sıra plansız yaklaşımlardan kaynaklanan riskler de tur sayısının artışına paralel olarak görünürlük kazanmış ve üzerinde çalışılması gereken önemli bir sorun alanı oluşturmuştu. Son yıllardaki uygulamaların değerlendirilmesi açısından sahadaki bilgi ve deneyimin analizi, eğer varsa sorunların ortaya çıkarılması ve çözüm önerilerinin geliştirilmesi önem arz etmektedir. Çalışmada balon turlarının sosyo-ekonomik özellikleri, kaza riskleri ve bu alandaki rekabetin sağlıklı bir şekilde yapılandırılmasının yolları araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada saha destekli bir GZFT (Güçlü-Zayıf Yönler, Fırsat ve Tehditler, SWOT) analizi yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları, hızla büyüyen bir macera turizmi türü olan balon turlarında artan rekabetin neden olduğu risklerin, alan yönetimi ve denetimi yaklaşımlarıyla iyileştirilebileceği yönündedir. Balon turları dünyada ve ülkemizde son yıllarda gelişen diğer alternatif turizm türleriyle karşılaştırıldığında turist çekim etkisi ve yarattığı katma değer ile önemli bir noktaya ulaşmıştır. Ancak Türkiye’de balon turu planlamasına yönelik teorik ve pratik alt yapıda eksikliklerin olduğu bir dönem yaşanmıştır. Çalışmanın katkısı bu eksiklikleri saptayıp, tartışmaya açarak alan yönetimi ve denetimi sayesinde önlemektir. Çalışmada sonuç olarak alan yönetimi ve denetimi yaklaşımıyla kaza risklerinin kontrol altında tutulması ön plana taşınmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Macera turizmi, balon turizmi, sıcak hava balon turu (SHBT), alan yönetimi ve denetimi, turizm planlaması Cite this article as: Kocalar, A. C. (2022). Approaches to reduce and prevent accidental risks in site management and inspection by planning in the balloon tour. PLANARCH, 6(1), 13-26.
... "SHBT turizminin güvenliğini arttırmaya çalışmak ve sıcak hava balonu kazalarının sayısını azaltmanın" uluslararası literatürde önem taşıdığı anlaşılmaktadır. "Kazalara sebep veren faktörler içerisinde en yüksek oranda çevresel faktörler ve ikinci olarak yetenek hataları" gelmektedir (Kılıç, 2020). Kılıç'ın araştırması sıcak hava balon kazalarında ve havacılıkta HFACS analizi üzerine literatüre katkı sunan bir çalışma olup, ancak bu çalışmalarda yazarın da belirttiği gibi bir takım veri eksikliklerinin de olabileceği akla yatkın bulmaktadır. ...
... "Ancak yolcu yaralanmaları ve ölümlerin, SHBT yapan turistler tatil yerlerinden evlerine döndükleri için yeterince rapor edilmemiş olabildiği" de ayrıca belirtilmektedir. Dolayısıyla kuruluşların önemli olayları "(kaza, olay, ciddi hatalar, aksilikler ve ramak kalalar, vb.) bildirmesi için pilotları teşvik etmenin" önemsenmesi gerektiği de yazar (Kılıç, 2020) tarafından özellikle önerilmektedir. ...
... Çalışmada sınırlı kalan SHBT verileri içinde önemsenebilecek diğer ikinci sonuç ise "SHBT pilotlarının uyuşturucu ve alkol bağımlılığı ile ilişkili tıbbi durumun kontrol edilmesini gerektiren hiçbir düzenleme olmadığı için pilotlar hakkında bu tür güncel bir bilgi eksikliği" (Kılıç, 2020) (Mantı, 2014). 25 (Mantı, 2014 (Mantı, 2014). ...
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BALON TURUNDA PLANLAMA İLE ALAN YÖNETİMİ ve DENETİMİNDE KAZA RİSKLERİNİ AZALTMA VE ÖNLEME YAKLAŞIMLARI ...///... Approaches to Reduce and Prevent Accidental Risks in Site Management and Inspection by Planning in the Balloon Tour ...///... PLANARCH - Design and Planning Research ... e-ISSN: 2822-4507 ...///... ATA Planlama ve Tasarım Dergisi ( ...///... ...///... TR-Dizin ...///... PLANARCH - Design and Planning Research 2022; 6: 13-26 --- DOI: 10.5152/planarch.2022.1027756 --- Keywords: Article, Paper, Adventure tourism, balloon tourism, hot-air balloon tour, site management and inspection, tourism planning ...///... Anahtar kelimeler: Macera turizmi, balon turizmi, sıcak hava balon turu (SHBT), alan yönetimi ve denetimi, turizm planlaması ...///... Keys of ACADEMIA: Sustainable Tourism Development Rural Tourism Tourism Planning & Development Strategic Management Strategic Sustainable Tourism Policy making Urban Planning Sustainable Urban Planning Planning Rural Planning and Development Environmental Planning and Design Regional Planning/Development Adventure Tourism Adventure Based Tourism Adventure Sports and Tourism Makale, 2022, TR-Dizin, Balon Turizmi, Kapadokya, Macera Turizmi, Planlama, Makale-2022: BALON TURUNDA PLANLAMA İLE ALAN YÖNETİMİ ve DENETİMİNDE KAZA RİSKLERİNİ AZALTMA VE ÖNLEME YAKLAŞIMLARI, Ata Planlama ve Tasarim ...///... ATA Planlama ve Tasarım Dergisi ...///... ...///... Etiketler TR-Dizin,Kapadokya,Article,Planlama,Balon Turizmi,Macera Turizmi,2022,Erken Görünüm,Kabul,Makale,Adventure tourism,balloon tourism,hot-air balloon tour,site management and inspection,tourism planning Yayınlanma tarihi 8.06.2022 18:59
... HFACS is an analytical framework to investigate accidents and incidents not only in aviation [29][30] [31], but also in maritime [32], healthcare [33], and railway industries [34]. ...
... Our findings revealed that the majority (63,33%) of the accidents and incidents are associated with physical environment (e.g., severe turbulence, clear air turbulence, and wake turbulence) which is the most significant causal factor contributing to nighttime commercial air carrier accidents. This is very much in line with previous results [29]. It was also shown that the second significant (33,33%) contributing factor is skill-based errors. ...
... It was also shown that the second significant (33,33%) contributing factor is skill-based errors. This is in complete agreement with previous findings [29] [30]. ...
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Commercial aviation accidents and incidents are more prevalent at the certain times of the day. Operational problems (e.g., night vision, flash blindness, black hole illusion, and reflection) faced by pilots while performing nighttime flights pose threats to flight safety. The present paper aims to examine the contributing factors to commercial aviation accidents occurred at night. In this paper, accident reports of 30 commercial airplane crashes occurred over the past five years were analyzed. The contributing factors of those accidents were examined by using HFACS (Human Factors Analysis and Classification System). The relative importance of the causal factors was determined. Literature reviews have indicated that no study has examined the causality of nighttime commercial aircraft accidents by using HFACS as a framework. It was found that physical environment was the most significant causal factor. Skill-based errors were second-highest contributing factors. Perceptual errors and decision errors were ranked as third-highest causal factors. We believe that our results may be useful for reducing the chances of human error and raising safety standards of commercial airline operations.
... Pilots are prone to making errors when they are ill (Johansson & Melin, 2018a) (Kilic, 2020a). There is an association between errors and adverse psychological and mental states of aircrew (e.g., sickness, stress, fatigue, loss of situational awareness and lack of vigilance) (Kilic & Gumus, 2020) (Kilic & Soran, 2019) (Kilic, 2022) Adverse physiological and mental states of the aircrew were attributed to 29% of training flight accidents (Kilic, 2019), 7% of air cargo accidents (Kilic & Gündogdu, 2020) and 16% of hot-air balloon accidents (Kilic, 2020b). ...
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In this study, we set out to estimate the prevalence of presenteeism and to define its possible association with organizational factors, committing errors and stress among ab-initio pilots. Presenteeism is a major safety-related issue and has been extensively studied in a variety of occupation groups. As a cross-sectional study, a self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data from ab-initio pilots. The participants assessed themselves on the Stanford Presenteeism Scale (SPS-6). Correlation analysis was performed to explore the association between organizational factors and presenteeism. Based on the findings, the prevalence of presenteeism was 29.1 percent among the ab-initio pilots (N=175). Furthermore, there was a strong association between training-related stress (p< 0.01) and presenteeism. The student pilots with presenteeism were found to make mistakes during flight. Better and effective supervision for ab-initio pilots was associated with lower levels of presenteeism, highlighting the need for a supportive and comfortable atmosphere in the flight deck in which ab-initio pilots may feel comfortable. The findings presented here may facilitate improvements in the field of aviation safety.
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The novel coronavirus disease- 2019 (COVID-19) is a major health crisis that has affected several nations and the life of millions to date. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of COVID-19 on student pilots. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no study has been performed on the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental status of ab-initio pilots. As a cross-sectional study, a self-administered 48-item survey was conducted among ab-initio pilots. A total of 108 ab-initio pilots completed the survey. The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale - 21 (DASS-21) was used to assess the mental health of the ab-initio pilots. Independent-samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were performed to explore contributing factors associated with the presence of depression, stress and anxiety. Based on the findings, 24% of the ab-initio pilots had anxiety on varying levels. 44.2% of the participants were depressed. Varying levels of stress were detected in 45% of the ab-initio pilots. Vulnerability, working conditions, isolation, social and mass media and the lack of job opportunities were factors associated with stress, anxiety and depression among the ab-initio pilots. This study showed that depression, anxiety and stress were prevalent among the ab-initio pilots who were included in the study, and the participants were adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The mental health of ab-initio pilots needs the urgent attention of aviation authorities and experts. This study contributes to the current literature on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and may make noteworthy contributions to aviation safety.
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Aviation accidents are caused by a chain of errors in many steps. Detection and classification of human factors in accidents are critical for taking effective precautions. This study aims to investigate the factors affecting civil aviation accidents in Turkey and increase aviation safety by raising awareness against the contributing factors in the accidents. Final accident reports of Turkish Civil Aviation Accidents, including fatalities or injuries between 2003 and 2017, were analysed retrospectively using the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS). 59 aviation accidents were included in this study. Crew Resource Management (CRM) (41.4%), Loss of Situational Awareness (LSA) (39.0%), and meteorology (29.2%) were found to be the most contributing factors in 41 Plane, Helicopter, Glider (PHG) accidents, while meteorology (77.7%) and CRM (61.1%) were found to be the most contributing factors in 18 Balloon accidents. The rate of HFACS levels in the PHG/Balloon accidents were found to be 90.2%/66.6% in Level-1 (Unsafe Acts), 95.1%/100% in Level-2 (Preconditions for Unsafe Acts), 78.0%/94.4% in Level-3 (Unsafe Supervision), and 58.5/83.3% in Level-4 (Organizational Influences). These findings show that human factors are still major contributing factors in aviation accidents. Academic training like CRM, Aviation Meteorology and LSA should be given more frequently to the aviators to prevent accidents. Including Spatial Disorientation, hypoxia, and night vision practical training into the civilian pilot training and integrating HFACS into the "Aviation Safety Management System" might help to reduce aviation accident rates.
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Mental state of airline pilots is of paramount importance with regard to flight safety. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic exposes individuals to psychological stressors, depression, and anxiety which are detrimental to the performance of airline pilots. While some research has been carried out on the psychological effect of COVID-19 pandemic among various groups including students, healthcare workers, and general public, no research has been found that explored the psychological impact of the COVID-19 outbreak among airline pilots to the best of authors’ knowledge. With these consideration in mind, the aim of this study is set out to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on airline pilots’ mental state. A cross-sectional study was designed. A 50-items questionnaire was administrated online. The questionnaire included demographic items, 18 items regarding psychological states of participants, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 Scale (DASS-21). The response rate was 40%. It was found that 63.2% (N=127) of the participants had various levels of depression, 57.2% (N=115) had anxiety, and 76.6% (N=154) were stressed. Results showed that 44.3% of the participants had contact with COVID-19 suspected/ diagnosed patients. The findings of this study may help airlines and aviation authorities to take preventive and protective psychological measures against COVID-19 outbreak and can improve aviation safety.
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Bu çalışmada sıcak hava balonu pilot seçiminde kullanılan karar kriterleri ve bu kriterlere en uygun personel alternatifi Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri ile belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla ÇKKV yöntemlerinden CRITIC ve MAIRCA tercih edilmiştir. Literatür taraması uzman akademisyen önerileri ve ilgili mevzuat hükümleri doğrultusunda elde edilen karar kriterleri, Kapadokya’da görüşmeyi kabul eden sıcak hava balonu işletme kriterlerine göre uygulanmıştır. Öncelikle CRITIC yöntemiyle karar kriterlerinin ağırlıkları hesaplanmıştır. Buna göre en önemli kriterin yabancı dil bilgisi, bunu referans yeterliliği ve iletişim kriterleri takip etmiştir. Devamında ise MAIRCA yöntemi ile on iki personel alternatifi arasından en iyi uygulama sonuçlarına sahip A1 kodlu adayın olduğu belirlenmiştir. Objektif yöntemler sonucu elde edilen bulgular personel seçiminde kullanılmak üzere farklı işletmelere önerilmiştir.
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Gender-related issues among pilots are increasingly recognized as a serious, worldwide safety concern. A considerable amount of literature has been published on gender discrimination in commercial aviation and general aviation. However, to the best of authors’ knowledge, no research has been found that examined the gender-related issues among ab-initio pilots in Turkey. The aim of this research project has therefore been to investigate the gender discrimination among ab-initio pilots. With consideration in mind, a survey was developed by using previously published two questionnaires in the field of gender-related issues in aviation and conducted to collect data. By the end of the survey period, data had been collected from 104 ab-initio pilots. The independent sample t-test was employed to analyze the results of the survey. It has been concluded that female ab-initio pilots face gender discrimination. Furthermore, it has been found that there was no significant difference in difficulties faced during the training due to gender-related issues between male and female ab-initio pilots. The results of this study provided an understanding on gender-related issues among ab-initio pilots. The findings of this study may provide important implications in the field of crew resource management training for ab-initio pilots and increase overall safety in aviation
INTRODUCTION: Pilots are more aware of drugs and self-medication in the internet age. However, they are unaware of the effects of self-medication, which may impede their cognitive and decision-making performance. The aim of this study was to determine the awareness levels of ab initio (student) pilots on self-medication and factors contributing to the prevalence of self-medication among them. To the best of the authors knowledge, this is the first study examining ab initio pilots knowledge on medication use and the causality of self-medication among them. METHODS: A 17-item questionnaire was developed and administered online to 500 students across 5 flight training organizations (FTO) in Turkey. The response rate was 97/500. For the descriptive analysis of the data, SPSS (the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was used. RESULTS: Based on the results, fear of medical disqualification and job loss is the most significant factor resulting in the prevalence of self-medication among ab initio pilots. Most of the ab initio pilots (88.7%, N 86) were aware of self-medication and its threat to flight safety. Furthermore, three factors influencing the level of awareness and knowledge of ab initio pilots on this subject were evaluated. DISCUSSION: All flight training organizations should educate ab initio pilots on the consequences of self-medication. Furthermore, ab initio pilots should be encouraged to consult an aeromedical examiner with any ailment before a flight.
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Training of pilots in civil aviation is the primary concern when dealing with accidents and incidents. There has been too little research into accidents during flight instruction. To advance the literature, the present study aims to analyze accidents during the instructional general aviation flights. This study examined investigation reports of 70 accidents involving instructional general aviation flights in the United States between 01.01.2018 and 12.12.2018. The accident data obtained from the National transportation safety board (NTSB) accident data system. The causal factors of those accidents were statistically analyzed and classified by using the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS). To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first ever report analyzing contributing factors of training flight accidents by the analytical framework HFACS. According to the analysis results, it was revealed that across all accidents mentioned above, skill-based errors were ranked as the primary contributing factors, followed by environmental factors, and decision errors. Results showed that the most common skill-based errors are student pilots’ improper landing flare and failure to maintain directional control during landing and takeoff. The findings of this study provide intriguing insight that may be beneficial to people researching contributing factors of aviation accidents in academia and practice. Furthermore, the outcome of the current study may assist student pilots in completing safe flights.
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Safety is the primary concern of the civil aviation industry. This study aimed to explore the importance of learning from failures and improving the future performance of students by teaching this notion during an undergraduate course in the curriculum of the pilot training program. A questionnaire study was conducted with students of the pilot training program of the Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Science after the completion of a newly introduced elective undergraduate course, Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation. Furthermore, for the first time, the contributing factors in accidents and incidents were analyzed and classified in an undergraduate pilot training program by using the Human Factors Classification and Analysis System (HFACS) as an analytical framework. The objective of the study was to find out if the “aspects of the accident investigation course at universities” were effective on “Technical Pilot Skills,” “Non- Technical Pilot Skills” and “Program-Specific Outcomes.” Correlation and Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted for this purpose. In the regression analysis, the variables were entered into the model and controlled. The results showed that the aspects of the accident investigation course improved technical and non-technical skills of the students, as well as their program-specific outcomes, and they were actively encouraged to extend their knowledge and skills beyond that required for the Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL). It was revealed that this new undergraduate course does not only help learn the importance of non-technical skills (Crew Resource Management, Situational Awareness, etc.) but also develops and improves the technical abilities of ab-initio pilots.
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BACKGROUND: The incidence of hot-air balloon tour accidents in Turkey is not clear, as published data are scarce. This study aimed to determine the rate of such accidents, including passenger fatalities and injuries, across all flight hours and to also compare these types of accidents to those of other commercial air tour crashes.METHODS: Hot-air balloon tour accident reports in the Cappadocia region were analyzed for 1,415,943 passengers during 81,112 flight hours undertaken between August 2013 and July 2017. The flight and accident data were obtained from the Accident Investigation Board and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation.RESULTS: There were 12 accidents which occurred during the flight hours examined (a rate of 14.8 accidents per 100,000 h). There were 33 individuals seriously injured, 3 fatally in all passengers (3.7 fatalities per 100,000 h in these flights). The majority of accidents that produced serious and fatal injuries occurred during the last year of the study. The most common cause of accidents was a hard landing (58.3%). All accidents occurred during the landing phase of the flight. Seven patients experienced multiple traumas and lower extremity injuries constituted the majority of cases (N = 21).DISCUSSION: The fatality rate of commercial balloon rides was lower than that for lighter-than-air craft, which include balloons and blimps (sports aviation flights), and the crash rate of hot-air balloons was higher than those of aircraft (airplanes and helicopters) tour flights. However, there is still insufficient information in the literature to properly compare this activity with commercial motorized aircraft tours and other hot-air balloon flights.Aslaner MA. Hot-air balloon tour accidents in the Cappadocia region. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2019; 90(2):123-127.
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Filtness AJ, Goode N, Cook RW. Causal factors of hot air ballooning incidents: identification, frequency, and potential impact. Aviat Space Environ Med 2014; 85:1190-8. Hot air ballooning incidents are relatively rare; however, when they do occur they are likely to result in a fatality or serious injury. Human error is commonly attributed as the cause of hot air ballooning incidents; however, error in itself is not an explanation for safety failures. This research aims to identify and establish the relative importance of factors contributing toward hot air ballooning incidents. Twenty-two Australian Ballooning Federation (ABF) incident reports were thematically coded using a bottom-up approach to identify causal factors. Subsequently, 69 balloonists (mean 19.51 yr experience) participated in a survey to identify additional causal factors and rate (out of 7) the perceived frequency and potential impact to ballooning operations of each of the previously identified causal factors. Perceived associated risk was calculated by multiplying mean perceived frequency and impact ratings. Incident report coding identified 54 causal factors within 9 higher level areas: Attributes, Crew Resource Management, Equipment, Errors, Instructors, Organizational, Physical Environment, Regulatory Body, and Violations. Overall, 'weather', 'inexperience,' and 'poor/inappropriate decisions' were rated as having greatest perceived associated risk. Although errors were nominated as a prominent cause of hot air ballooning incidents, physical environment and personal attributes are also particularly important for safe hot air ballooning operations. In identifying a range of causal factors, the areas of weakness surrounding ballooning operations have been defined; it is hoped that targeted safety and training strategies can now be put into place to remove these contributing factors and reduce the chance of pilot error.
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Hot-air balloon tours are FAR Part 91-governed balloon rides conducted for compensation or hire. Part 91, General Aviation, in general involves the least strict federal regulations and accounts for the majority of aviation crashes and fatalities. National Transportation Safety Board reports of hot-air balloon tour crashes in the United States from 2000 through 2011 were read and analyzed. During the 12-yr period, 78 hot-air balloon tours crashed, involving 518 occupants. There were 91 serious injuries and 5 fatalities; 83% of crashes resulted in one or more serious or fatal outcomes. Of the serious injuries characterized, 56% were lower extremity fractures. Most crashes (81%) occurred during landing; 65% involved hard landings. Fixed object collisions contributed to 50% of serious injuries and all 5 fatalities. During landing sequences, gondola dragging, tipping, bouncing, and occupant ejection were associated with poor outcomes. Of the crashes resulting in serious or fatal outcomes, 20% of balloons were significantly damaged or destroyed. The incidence of morbidity and mortality is high among hot-air balloon tour crashes, and the proportion of balloon crashes attributed to paid rides appears to have increased over time. In addition to examining the role of restraint systems, personal protective equipment, and power line emergency procedures in ballooning, injury prevention efforts should target factors such hard landings, object strikes, gondola instability, and occupant ejections, which are associated with balloon injuries and deaths. Crash outcomes may also improve with vehicle engineering that enables balloons themselves to absorb impact forces.
Despite the considerable efforts to alleviate problems of North Atlantic (NAT) air traffic and implementation of novel surveillance systems, oceanic errors still remain stubbornly high. The purpose of this study is to identify and examine the factors that contribute to navigation errors in the NAT Region by integrating a Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) into the Human Factors Analysis and Classifying System (HFACS) framework for the first time to the best of our knowledge. According to the priority weights, the most important factors contributing to oceanic errors are lack of training provided by airlines, use of inappropriate routes for oceanic crossing by dispatchers, and failure to take preventive measures against oceanic errors. To mitigate the possibility of the aforementioned errors, pilots as individuals must increase their knowledge on cockpit procedures and airlines as organizations have to pay particular attention to training programs to implement appropriate preventive actions.
Accidents continue to be the major concern in the railway industry, and human factors have been proved to be the prime causes to railway accidents. In this paper, the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System-Railway Accidents (HFACS-RAs) framework is proposed to identify and classify human and organizational factors involved in railway accidents. To establish an applicable HFACS-RAs framework, large amount of incident and accident data are collected and the existing safety flaws are identified by safety experts, manufactures and railway managers who have attended the HFACS workshop. To find out the leading accident casual factors, the Analytical Network Process (ANP) method combined with Fuzzy Decision Making Trail and Evaluation (DEMATEL) method is adopted to analyze the influence relationships of human and organization factors classified by HFACS-RAs framework after its reliability is demonstrated. The expert judgement is required in most phases in this study for the uncertainty and complexity of the human and organizational factors and the proposed method to identify the main casual factors is elaborated in the case study. The relevant preventative measures can be raised to avoid the recurrence of similar accidents after the investigation. Finally some considerations on further work are discussed.