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2017 Computing and supercomputing by Stephen Cox



Computing and supercomputing, Math and Science Reading List 2017 by Stephen Cox Volume 1 Including History of High Performance Computing. Reviews and surveys. Explore topics in computing and supercomputing, and active areas of research. 3d models, Automatic parallelization, Binary adders, Buffer allocation, Cache design, Cloud computing, Cloud migration, Computation-intensive algorithms, Computer graphics, Critical infrastructures, Data race and nested data race detection in parallel computing, Data transfer, Data throughput, Delegation, Denial of service attacks, Desktop grid, Distributed systems, Efficient thread labeling for nested parallelism, Energy-aware scheduling, Fault tolerant hardware, File replication in grid system, FPGA, Geospatial socially networked mobile devices, GPU [graphics processing unit], Graphics hardware, Green and sustainable data centers, Grid computing, High performance computing clusters, Hybrid computing systems, Input/Output storage systems, Intranet, IoT Internet of things, Job status prediction, Lithography, Load balancing, Manycore algorithms for matrix solvers, Massive multithreading, Minimizing synchronizations, Mobile cloud and energy saving, Monte Carlo, Multi-agent system, Multicast and broadcast in many-cores, Network-on-chip, Numerical linear algebra at scale, Online service provision, Optimization, OSPF protocol [open shortest path first], Performance of memory, Predicting energy consumption, Predicting runtimes, Prediction of queue waiting times on batch systems, Predictive data grouping, Prefetching for processor cache, Printed circuit board, Quality-of-service, Quantum computing, Resilience, Resource discovery and load balancing, Routing algorithms, Scalable platforms, Scientific applications, Separatrix, Server-level cooling, Service grids, Smart environments, Software watermarking, Supercomputing, Task computing on workflow grid, Taxonomies of high performance computing technologies, Topology and multiple processors, Tracing, Traffic, Trust management in WSN [wide scale network], Virtual machine in cloud computing, Virtual reality, VLSI, Voxelization, Workflow management in data intensive scientific computing, XML streaming evaluation.
2017 computing and supercomputing
Math and Science Reading List 2017 by Stephen Cox
Volume 1 Including History of High Performance Computing
2017 Computing and supercomputing
A brief survey on anti-interference technology of application systems for single-chip microprocessors, LI
Zhen-sheng - Industrial Instrumentation & Automation, 2004 -
A brief survey on cooperation in multi-agent system, P Wang - 2010 International Conference On Computer
Design …, 2010 -
A brief survey on GWAS and ML algorithms, S Mutalib, A Mohamed - Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), 2011
…, 2011 -
A brief survey on hybrid cloud storage and its applications, V Venkatesakumar, R Yasotha… - World
Scientific …, 2016 -
A brief survey on resource allocation in service oriented grids, DM Batista, NLS da Fonseca - Proc. of
Globecom Workshops, 2007 -
A brief survey on rootkit techniques in malicious codes, S Kim, J Park, K Lee, I You, K Yim - Journal of
Internet Services and …, 2012 -
A cache design for probabilistically analysable real-time systems, L Kosmidis, J Abella, E Quiñones… -
Proceedings of the …, 2013 -
A Class of Traceability Codes with an Efficient Tracing Algorithm, Y Ma, C Choe, MH Lee - Software
Engineering Advances, …, 2006 -
A Combined Approach for Implementation of Broadcast Operation in Grid Computing, G Belalem, MIK
Mostefa - International Journal of Grid and High …, 2013 -
A combined approach for information flow analysis in fault tolerant hardware, T McComb, L Wildman -
12th IEEE International Conference on …, 2007 -
A comparative analysis of hardware techniques for implementation of IIR [Infinite Impulse Response]
digital filter on FPGA, D Costa, CS Páez - 2015 XVI Workshop on Information …, 2015 -
A comparative study of energy-aware scheduling algorithms for computational grids, S Teodoro, AB do
Carmo, DC Adornes… - Journal of Systems and …, 2016 - Elsevier
A comparative study on performance and reliability of 32-bit binary adders, M Bahadori, M Kamal, A Afzali-
Kusha… - Integration, the VLSI …, 2016 - Elsevier
A comparison of identity merge algorithms for software repositories, Mathieu Goeminne, Tom Mens in
Science of Computer Programming 2013
A Comparison Study between Informed and Predictive Prefetching Mechanisms for I/O Storage Systems,
MM Al Assaf, A Rodan, M Qatawneh… - International Journal of …, 2015 -
2017 computing and supercomputing
A Complete Bibliography of Publications in The Journal of Supercomputing, NHF Beebe - 2016 -
A Comprehensive Performance Tuning Scheduling Framework for Computational Desktop Grid, KHK
Reddy, DS Roy, MR Patra - International Journal of Grid and …, 2014 -
A Comprehensive Survey of Page Replacement Algorithms, MZ Farooqui, M Shoaib, MZ Khan - IJARCET,
January, 2014 -
A Critical Analysis of Energy Efficient Virtual Machine Placement Techniques and its Optimization in a
Cloud Computing Environment, A Choudhary, S Rana, KJ Matahai - Procedia Computer Science, 2016 -
A data throughput prediction and optimization service for widely distributed many-task computing, D Yin,
E Yildirim, S Kulasekaran… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2011 -
A Family of Bit-Representation-Optimized Formats for Fast Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on the
GPU, WT Tang, WJ Tan, RSM Goh, SJ Turner- IEEE Transactions on …, 2015 -
A fast algorithm for buffer allocation problem, L Li, YL Qian, YM Yang, K Du - International Journal of
Production …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
A fast CU size decision algorithm for HEVC, J Lee, S Kim, K Lim, S Lee - … on Circuits and Systems for Video
…, 2015 -
A fast modular method for true variation-aware separatrix tracing in nanoscaled SRAMs, A Teman, R
Visotsky - IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale …, 2015 -
A Fault Tolerant Scheduler with Dynamic Replication in Desktop Grid Environment, J Bansal, S Rani, P
Singh -
A Fault Tolerant Scheduling System Based on Check pointing for Computational Grids, M Amoon -
International Journal of Advanced Science and …, 2012 - Citeseer
A flexible 3d slicer for voxelization using graphics hardware, HH Hsieh, YY Lai, WK Tai, SY Chang -
Proceedings of the 3rd …, 2005 -
A framework for and empirical study of algorithms for traffic assignment, Olga Perederieieva, Matthias
Ehrgott, Andrea Raith, Judith Y.T. Wang in Computers+Operations Research 2015
A framework for evaluating mobile app repackaging detection algorithms, H Huang, S Zhu, P Liu, D Wu -
International Conference on Trust and …, 2013 - Springer
A general communication cost optimization framework for big data stream processing in geo-distributed
data centers, L Gu, D Zeng, S Guo, Y Xiang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 -
A GPU-Based Algorithm for a Faster Hypervolume Contribution Computation, EM Lopez, LM Antonio, CAC
Coello - … Multi-Criterion Optimization, 2015 - Springer
A GPU-based discrete element modeling code and its application in die filling, X Yue, H Zhang, C Ke, C Luo, S
Shu, Y Tan, C Feng - Computers & Fluids, 2015 - Elsevier
2017 computing and supercomputing
A grid workflow Quality-of-Service estimation based on resource availability prediction, S Kianpisheh, NM
Charkari - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2014 - Springer
A hybrid addition chain method for faster scalar multiplication, MA Mohamed, M Said… - WSEAS
Transactions on …, 2015 -
A job checkpointing system for computational grids, M Amoon - Open Computer Science, 2013 -
A Layered Solution for Supercomputing Storage, G Grider - 2016 -
A lightweight active service migration framework for computational offloading in mobile cloud computing,
M Shiraz, A Gani - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2014 - Springer
A lightweight supercomputing Web portal for inferring phylogenetic trees, D Johnson, A Meade… - 2009
5th IEEE …, 2009 -
A locality-aware memory hierarchy for energy-efficient GPU architectures, M Rhu, M Sullivan, J Leng, M
Erez - … of the 46th Annual IEEE/ACM …, 2013 -
A model for communication between resource discovery and load balancing units in computing
environments, MN Arab, M Sharifi - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2014 - Springer
A new parallel algorithm for vertex priorities of data flow acyclic digraphs, Z Mo, A Zhang, Z Yang - The
Journal of Supercomputing, 2014 - Springer
A novel approach toward parallel implementation of BFS algorithm using graphic processor unit, F Al
Farid, MS Uddin, S Barman… - Electrical …, 2015 -
A novel dynamic network data replication scheme based on historical access record and proactive deletion,
Z Wang, T Li, N Xiong, Y Pan - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2012 - Springer
A novel energy efficient algorithm for cloud resource management, J SiYuan - International journal of
knowledge and language …, 2013 -
A novel layout decomposition algorithm for triple patterning lithography, SY Fang, YW Chang, WY Chen -
IEEE Transactions on …, 2014 -
A research survey on virtual machines for efficient computing in operating systems, YS Reddy, VV Ramana,
G Reddy… - International Journal in IT …, 2014 -
A Review of Congestion Management Algorithms on Cisco Routers, S Szilágyi, B Almási - Journal of
Computer Science and …, 2012 -
A review of dynamic holographic 3D display: algorithms, devices, and systems, Y Pan, J Liu, X Li, Y Wang -
2015 -
A review of FPGA-based design methodology and optimization techniques for efficient hardware
realization of computation intensive algorithms, SM Qasim, SA Abbasi, B Almashary - Multimedia, Signal
Processing …, 2009 -
2017 computing and supercomputing
A Review of Load Balancing Algorithms for Cloud Computing, DGNK Sureshbabu, DSK Srivatsa -
International Journal Of Engineering …, 2014 -
A review of message passing algorithms in estimation of distribution algorithms, R Santana, A Mendiburu,
JA Lozano - Natural Computing, 2016 - Springer
A review of multiprocessor directed acyclic graph (DAG) scheduling algorithms, S Sachdeva, P Panwar - Int.
J. Comput. Sci. Commun, 2015 -
A review of Network-on-Chip routing algorithms, F WANG, H DU - Journal of Xi'an University of Posts and
…, 2011 -
A review of optimal computing budget allocation algorithms for simulation optimization problem, LH Lee,
CH Chen, EP Chew, J Li… - International Journal of …, 2010 -
A review of SMD-PCB [surface mounted device printed circuit board] defects and detection algorithms,
AFM Hani, AS Malik, R Kamil… - Fourth …, 2011 -
A Review On Energy Efficient Cloud Computing Algorithms, A Prasher, R Bhatia - International Journal of
Application or Innovation in …, 2014 -
A review on low-complexity structures and algorithms for the correction of mismatch errors in time-
interleaved ADCs, C Vogel, M Hotz, S Saleem… - New Circuits and …, 2012 -
- 2015 -
A Review on Turbo Codes using Different Algorithms, M Tech, R Scholar, MB Malik, MG Kochar - 2015 -
A Review on VLSI Floorplanning Optimization using Metaheuristic Algorithms, RB Singh, AS Baghel, A
Agarwal -
A Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Line and Polygon Clipping in 2-D Computer Graphics, S Chandra -
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015 -
A Survey and Taxonomy of Cloud Migration, Z Wan, P Wang - 2014 International Conference on Service …,
2014 -
A Survey and Taxonomy of Leader Election Algorithms in Distributed Systems, FS Gharehchopogh, H
Arjang - Indian Journal of Science and …, 2014 -
A survey and taxonomy of on-chip monitoring of multicore systems-on-chip, G Kornaros, D Pnevmatikatos
- ACM Transactions on Design Automation …, 2013 -
A survey and taxonomy on energy efficient resource allocation techniques for cloud computing systems,
Abdul Hameed, Alireza Khoshkbarforoushha, Rajiv Ranjan, Prem Prakash Jayaraman, Joanna Kolodziej,
Pavan Balaji, Sherali Zeadally, Qutaibah Marwan Malluhi, Nikos Tziritas and 3 more in Computing, online
June 2014
A Survey of Computational Semantics: Representation, Inference and Knowledge in Wide-Coverage Text
Understanding, J Bos - Language and Linguistics Compass, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
2017 computing and supercomputing
A Survey of Data-Intensive Scientific Workflow Management, Ji Liu, Esther Pacitti, Patrick Valduriez, Marta
Mattoso in Journal of Grid Computing, online March 2015
A survey of distributed capability file systems and their application to cloud environments, EW Jatho III -
2014 -
A Survey of Dynamic Construction Technologies for Service Cooperation Above the Clouds, L Shaohua, M
Tiejun, J Xingjian - Telecommunications Science, 2010 -
A survey of dynamic program analysis techniques and tools, A Gosain, G Sharma - Proceedings of the 3rd
International Conference on …, 2015 - Springer
A Survey of Dynamic Real-Time Memory Management Systems, H Payer - 2007 - Citeseer
A Survey of Dynamic Replication Strategies in Distributed Systems, N Dogra, S Singh - International Journal
of Computer …, 2015 -
A survey of dynamic software metrics, JK Chhabra, V Gupta - Journal of computer science and technology,
2010 - Springer
A survey of dynamic software updating, H Seifzadeh, H Abolhassani… - Journal of Software: …, 2013 - Wiley
Online Library
A Survey of Emerging Interconnects for On-Chip Efficient Multicast and Broadcast in Many-Cores, A Karkar,
T Mak, KF Tong… - IEEE Circuits and Systems …, 2016 -
A Survey of Emerging M2M Systems: Context, Task, and Objective, Y Cao, T Jiang, Z Han - 2012 -
A Survey of Energy Efficiency in Computer Servers, [CITATION] A Survey of Energy Efficiency in Computer
Servers [J] J WANG, L FENG, W XUE - Computer Engineering & Software, 2011 -
A Survey of Energy Efficient Data Centres in a Cloud Computing Environment, A Dhingra, S Paul -
International Journal of Advance Research in …, 2013 -
A Survey of Energy Efficient Technique for Virtual Machine in Cloud Computing, H Pandya - Networking
and Communication Engineering, 2015 -
A Survey of Energy Saving Strategies in Mobile Cloud, M Rahman, J Gao, WT Tsai -
A Survey of File Replication Techniques In Grid Systems, F Pournaghdali, M Ahmadi -
A survey of grammatical inference in software engineering, A Stevenson, JR Cordy - Science of Computer
Programming, 2014 - Elsevier
A Survey Of Graph Based Software Watermarking, J Hamilton, S Danicic - 2010 -
A survey of large scale data management approaches in cloud environments, S Sakr, A Liu, DM Batista… -
Surveys & Tutorials, 2011 -
A Survey of Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing, HS Brar, V Thapar, K Kishor - … Journal of
Computer Science Trends and …, 2014 - Citeseer
2017 computing and supercomputing
A Survey of Load Balancing Algorithms using VM, B KalaiSelvi, LMI Sheela - 2014 -
A survey of load balancing in cloud computing: Challenges and algorithms, K Al Nuaimi, N Mohamed, M Al
Nuaimi… - … Cloud Computing and …, 2012 -
A Survey of Load Balancing In High-Performance Distributed Computing Systems, SF El-Zoghdy, S
Ghoniemy - 2014 -
A Survey of Load Balancing Techniques for Data Intensive Computing, Zhiquan Sui, Shrideep Pallickara,
chapter in Handbook of Data Intensive Computing, November 2011
A Survey of Load Balancing Techniques in Cloud Computing, N Swarnkar, APAK Singh, R Shankar -
International Journal of Engineering …, 2013 -
A Survey of Load Balancing Techniques in Cloud Environment, G Kumughato, J Priya - International Journal
of Advanced …, 2014 -
A Survey of Meta-Heuristic Solution Methods for Mapping Problem in Network-on-Chips, M Janidarmian,
AR Fekr - Advanced Materials Research, 2012 - Trans Tech Publ
A survey of methods and approaches for reliable dynamic service compositions, A Immonen, D Pakkala -
Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 2014 - Springer
A survey of methods for analyzing and improving GPU energy efficiency, S Mittal, JS Vetter - ACM
Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2015 -
A Survey of Methods to Improve Convergence Speed and Scalability of OSPF [open shortest path first]
Protocol, R Gaikwad - 2016 -
A survey of multi-agent programming languages and frameworks, M Dastani - Agent-Oriented Software
Engineering, 2014 - Springer
A Survey of Recent Advancement in Prospective Memory Support Systems, M Migliardi, A Servetti -
Complex, Intelligent, and Software …, 2013 -
A Survey of Recent Prefetching Techniques for Processor Caches, S Mittal - ACM Comput. Surv, 2016 -
A survey of recent view-based 3d model retrieval methods, Q Liu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.3670, 2012 -
A survey of scheduling optimization algorithms studies on automated storage and retrieval systems
(AS/RSs), Q Zheng, F Li - 2010 3rd International Conference on …, 2010 -
A survey of surface retrieval techniques for 3d models, M Mandot, K Venugopalan - 2008 First International
…, 2008 -
A Survey of Task Computing, CC Vo, T Torabi, SW Loke -
A survey of task mapping on production grids, X Grehant, I Demeure, S Jarp - ACM Computing Surveys
(CSUR), 2013 -
2017 computing and supercomputing
A Survey of Task Representations and Their Applicability to Smart Environments, CC Vo, T Torabi, SW Loke
A Survey of Task Scheduling Research Progress on Multiprocessor System-on-Chip, L Renfa, L Yan, X Cheng
- Journal of Computer Research and …, 2008 -
A Survey of Task-Based Parallel Programming Models, X Li - … and Computer Science, 3rd (ITCS 2011),
2011 - ebooks.asmedigitalcollection.asme. …
A survey of trust and reputation systems for online service provision, A Jøsang, R Ismail, C Boyd - Decision
support systems, 2007 - Elsevier
A survey of trust and trust management in cloud computing, V Kumar, B Chejerla, S Madria… - Managing
Trust in …, 2013
A survey of trust management in WSNs, internet of things and future internet, KD Chang, JL Chen - KSII
Transactions on Internet and Information …, 2012 -
A survey on methodologies for runtime prediction on grid environments, S Seneviratne, S Witharana - 7th
International Conference on …, 2014 -
A survey on techniques to achive energy efficiency in cloud computing, S Singh, A Swaroop, A Kumar -
and Automation (ICCCA), …, 2016 -
A survey on virtual machine migration and server consolidation frameworks for cloud data centers, RW
Ahmad, A Gani, SHA Hamid, M Shiraz… - Journal of Network and …, 2015 - Elsevier
A survey on XML streaming evaluation techniques, Xiaoying Wu, Dimitri Theodoratos in The VLDB Journal,
April 2013, Volume 22, Issue 2
A taxonomy and survey of energy-efficient data centers and cloud computing systems, A Beloglazov, R
Buyya, YC Lee… - Advances in …, 2011
A taxonomy and survey of self-protecting software systems, E Yuan, S Malek - Proceedings of the 7th
International Symposium on …, 2012 -
A taxonomy for denial of service attacks in content-based publish/subscribe systems, A Wun, A Cheung, HA
Jacobsen - Proceedings of the 2007 inaugural …, 2007 -
A taxonomy for measuring the success of open source software projects, AH Ghapanchi, A Aurum, G Low -
First Monday, 2011 -
A Taxonomy of Agent Technologies for Ubiquitous Computing Environments, D Zhang, J Wan, Q Liu, X
Guan, X Liang - TIIS, 2012 -
A taxonomy of autonomic application management in grids, M Rahman, R Ranjan, R Buyya - Parallel and
Distributed …, 2010 -
A taxonomy of botnet behavior, detection, and defense, S Khattak, NR Ramay, KR Khan… - … Surveys &
Tutorials, 2014 -
2017 computing and supercomputing
A taxonomy of botnet detection techniques, HR Zeidanloo, MJZ Shooshtari… - … (ICCSIT), 2010 3rd …, 2010
A taxonomy of botnet structures, D Dagon, G Gu, CP Lee - Botnet detection, 2008 - Springer
A taxonomy of buffer overflow characteristics, M Bishop, S Engle, D Howard… - IEEE Transactions on …,
2012 -
A taxonomy of buffer overflows for evaluating static and dynamic software testing tools, K Kratkiewicz, R
Lippmann - Proceedings of Workshop on Software …, 2006 -
A Taxonomy of Cloud Computing, A Jain, R Kumar - International Journal of Scientific and …, 2014 -
A taxonomy of collaborative context-aware systems, A Salkham, R Cunningham, A Senart, V Cahill -
UMICS'06, 2006 - Citeseer
A taxonomy of daemons in self-stabilization, S Dubois, S Tixeuil - arXiv preprint arXiv:1110.0334, 2011 -
A taxonomy of data prefetching mechanisms, S Byna, Y Chen, XH Sun - 2008 International Symposium on …,
2008 -
A taxonomy of desktop grids and its mapping to state of the art systems, S Choi, R Buyya, H Kim, E Byun, J
Gil - Grid Computing and Distributed …, 2008 - Citeseer
A taxonomy of domain-specific aspect languages, J Fabry, T Dinkelaker, J Noyé, É Tanter - ACM Computing
Surveys …, 2015 -
A taxonomy of effect size measures for the differential functioning of items and scales, AW Meade - Journal
of Applied Psychology, 2010 -
A taxonomy of grid monitoring systems, S Zanikolas, R Sakellariou - Future Generation Computer Systems,
2005 - Elsevier
A taxonomy of grid resource brokers, A Kertész, P Kacsuk - Distributed and Parallel Systems, 2007 -
A Taxonomy of Grid Resource Selection Mechanisms, A Yousif, AH Abdullah, MSA Latiff… - International
Journal of …, 2011 -
A taxonomy of grid workflow verification and validation, J Chen, Y Yang - Concurrency and Computation:
Practice and …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
A taxonomy of intranet implementation strategies: To make or to buy?, J Karlsbjerg, J Damsgaard… -
Advanced Topics in …, 2005
A taxonomy of live updates, C Giuffrida, AS Tanenbaum - Proc. of the 16th ASCI Conf, 2010 -
A taxonomy of microtasks on the web, U Gadiraju, R Kawase, S Dietze - … of the 25th ACM conference on …,
2014 -
2017 computing and supercomputing
A taxonomy of peer-to-peer desktop grid paradigms, H Zhao, X Liu, X Li - Cluster Computing, 2011 -
A taxonomy of physical contextual sensors, P Truillet - International Conference on Human-Computer …,
2007 - Springer
A taxonomy of qos-aware, adaptive event-dissemination middleware, SP Mahambre, U Bellur - IEEE
Internet Computing, 2007 -
A taxonomy of semi-FIFO policies, K Kogan, A López-Ortiz, SI Nikolenko… - 2012 IEEE 31st …, 2012 -
A taxonomy of software architecture-based reliability efforts, A Mohamed, M Zulkernine - Proceedings of
the 2010 ICSE Workshop on …, 2010 -
A taxonomy of software composition mechanisms, KK Lau, T Rana - 2010 36th EUROMICRO Conference on
…, 2010 -
A taxonomy of software product line reengineering, W Fenske, T Thüm, G Saake - … of the Eighth
International Workshop on …, 2014 -
A taxonomy of task types in computing, M Bower - ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 2008 -
A taxonomy of variability realization techniques, M Svahnberg, J Van Gurp… - Software: Practice and …,
2005 - Wiley Online Library
A taxonomy of workflow management systems for grid computing, J Yu, R Buyya - Journal of Grid
Computing, 2005 - Springer
A topological approach to voxelization, S Laine - Computer Graphics Forum, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
A Trust Based Job Scheduling Algorithm in Grid Network, K Rayapu - International Journal of Advanced
Research in …, 2013 -
A Two-Way Loop Algorithm for Exploiting Instruction-Level Parallelism in Memory System, S Misra, AA
Alfa, SO Adewale, MA Akogbe… - … Science and Its …, 2014 - Springer
A utility based power-aware autonomic approach for running scientific applications, R Mehrotra, I
Banicescu… - Parallel and Distributed …, 2012 -
A vision for GPU-accelerated parallel computation on geo-spatial datasets, SK Prasad, M McDermott, S Puri,
D Shah… - SIGSPATIAL …, 2015 -
A waterfall model to achieve energy efficient tasks mapping for large scale GPU clusters, W Liu, Z Du, Y
Xiao, DA Bader… - Parallel and Distributed …, 2011 -
A weighted metric based adaptive algorithm for web server load balancing, DC Shadrach, KS Balagani… -
Application, 2009. IITA …, 2009 -
A weighted ranking algorithm for facet-based component retrieval system, Y Yang, W Zhang, X Zhang, J Shi
- Feedback, 2006 -
2017 computing and supercomputing
A weighted scaling-ratio algorithm for reducing the integrated GPS side length projection deformation, L
Zufeng, Z Yanhua, J Tianling - Geotechnical Investigation & …, 2010 -
A workflow task scheduling algorithm based on the resources' fuzzy clustering in cloud computing
environment, F Guo, L Yu, S Tian, J Yu - International Journal of …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Achieving energy efficiency during collective communications, V Sundriyal, M Sosonkina… - … and
Computation: Practice …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Adaptable particle-in-cell algorithms for graphical processing units, VK Decyk, TV Singh - Computer
Physics Communications, 2011 - Elsevier
Adaptive live migration to improve load balancing in virtual machine environment, P Lu, A Barbalace, R
Palmieri, B Ravindran - European Conference on …, 2013 - Springer
Adaptive processor architecture-invited paper, M Huebner, D Goehringer, C Tradowsky… - Embedded …,
2012 -
Adaptive workload driven dynamic power management for high performance computing clusters, A Liang,
L Xiao, L Ruan - Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2013 - Elsevier
Adjoint Lattice Boltzmann for topology optimization on multi-GPU architecture, J Rokicki - Computers &
Mathematics with Applications, 2016 - Elsevier
Advanced algorithms for cloud and modern information systems, F Xhafa, XA Wang - … of Algorithms &
Computational Technology, 2016 -
Advanced Energy Optimization Algorithms for 2D and 3D Video-Based Graphics Applications, MJ Lang -
2014 -
Advanced FPGA Architectures for Efficient Implementation of Computation Intensive Algorithms: A State-
of-the-Art Review, SM Qasim, SA Abbasi, AA Bandar - MASAUM Journal of …, 2009 -
Advanced Joystick Algorithms for Computer Access Tasks, BE Dicianno, H Mahajan, RA Cooper - PM&R,
2015 - Elsevier
Advanced Multilevel Node Separator Algorithms, P Sanders, C Schulz - … Symposium on Experimental
Algorithms, 2016 - Springer
Advanced Multimedia: Algorithms, Systems and Applications, J You, D Zhang - 2010 -
Advanced scalable algorithms for advanced architectures, V Alexandrov - Proceedings of the International
Conference on …, 2009 -
Advanced UE and BTS Algorithms, A Toskala, H Onozawa - HSPA+ Evolution to Release 12: …, 2014 - Wiley
Online Library
Advances in GPU Research and Practice, HS Azad - 2016
Algebraic program semantics for supercomputing, Y Chen - Theories of Programming and Formal Methods,
2013 - Springer
2017 computing and supercomputing
Algorithms for Quantum Computers, Jamie Smith, Michele Mosca in Handbook of Natural Computing, 2012
Algorithms for temperature-aware task scheduling in microprocessor systems, Marek Chrobak, Christoph
Dürr, Mathilde Hurand, Julien Robert in Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems - Theoretical
aspects of Sustainable Computing, September 2011, Vol.1(3), doi:10.1016/j.suscom.2011.05.009
Alternative measures for the analysis of online algorithms, R Dorrigiv - 2010 -
Alya: computational solid mechanics for supercomputers, E Casoni, A Jérusalem, C Samaniego… -
Methods in Engineering, 2015 - Springer
An Adaptive Framework for Prediction of Queue Waiting Times in Supercomputer Systems, P Murali, S
Vadhiyar - … Report: TR-MARS-SERC-IISC-3-2014, 2014 -
An allocation and provisioning model of science cloud for high throughput computing applications, S Kim,
JS Kim, S Hwang, Y Kim - Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Cloud …, 2013 -
An analysis of heterogeneous cooperative algorithms, O Olorunda, AP Engelbrecht - 2009 IEEE Congress on
…, 2009 -
An effective dynamic scheduling runtime and tuning system for heterogeneous multi and many-core
desktop platforms, APD Binotto, CE Pereira, A Kuijper… - … (HPCC), 2011 IEEE …, 2011 -
An effective reliable approach for resource allocation in open bid based grid environment, P Dahiya, M
Bhatia, D Goel - Journal of, 2012 -
An Efficient File Assignment Strategy for Hybrid Parallel Storage System with Energy & Reliability
Constraints, X Wang, W Jiang, H Lei, X Zhang - Transactions on Computer Science …, 2014 -
An efficient use of virtualization in grid/cloud environments, A Choudhury, E Heymann Pignolo, MÀ Senar
Rosell - 2011 -
An Energy-Efficient Branch Prediction with Grouped Global History, M Huang, D He, X Liu, M Tan… -
Processing (ICPP), 2015 …, 2015 -
An energy-efficient multi-GPU supercomputer, D Rohr, S Kalcher, M Bach, AA Alaqeeliy… - … , 2014 IEEE
6th Intl …, 2014 -
An energy-efficient history-based routing scheme for opportunistic networks, SK Dhurandher, DK
Sharma… - International Journal …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
An in-depth study of next generation interface for emerging non-volatile memories, W Choi, J Zhang, S Gao,
J Lee, M Jung- … Non-Volatile Memory …, 2016 -
An Optimized and Efficient Multi Parametric Scheduling Approach for Multi-Core Systems, S Mittal, P
Sharma - International Journal of Computer Theory …, 2013 -
Analysis of Accelerated Life Testing, J ZHANG, Y LI, G LIU, S GAO - Instrumentation Technology, 2010 -
2017 computing and supercomputing
Analysis of classic algorithms on GPUs, L Ma, RD Chamberlain… - … Performance Computing & …, 2014 -
Analysis of CPU Usage Data Properties and their possible impact on Performance Monitoring, K Stefanov, A
Gradskov - Supercomputing frontiers and innovations, 2016 -
Analyzing Isoefficiency of Partition Local Algorithms, A Lamers, M Van Eekelen, FB Nijmegen - 2012 -
Analyzing real cluster data for formulating allocation algorithms in cloud platforms, O Beaumont, L Eyraud-
Dubois… - Parallel Computing, 2016 - Elsevier
Analyzing the Effects of Load Distribution Algorithms on Energy Consumption of Servers in Cloud Data
Centers, M Splieth, S Bosse, C Schulz, K Turowski - Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2015 -
Analyzing the energy consumption of the storage data path, P Llopis, MF Dolz, JG Blas, F Isaila, MR Heidari…
- … of Supercomputing, 2016 - Springer
Application fault tolerance for shrinking resources via the sparse grid combination technique, PE Strazdins,
MM Ali… - Parallel and Distributed …, 2016 -
Application of Cloud Computing In Smart Grid: A Review, PK Verma, H Sharma - 2015 -
Approximation algorithms for variable voltage processors: Min energy, max throughput and online
heuristics, Minming Li in Theoretical Computer Science - Algorithms and Computation, July 2011,
Vol.412(32), doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2010.10.011
Architectural support for task scheduling: hardware scheduling for dataflow on NUMA systems, B Khan, D
Goodman, S Khan, W Toms… - … of Supercomputing, 2015 - Springer
Architecture Aware Assembly Like Parallel Constructs: Towards Power and Performance Efficient
Heterogeneous Cores, P Thinakaran - 2013 - Citeseer
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Supercomputers with ever increasing computing power are being built for scientific applications. As the system size scales up, so does the size of interconnect network. As a result, communication in supercomputers becomes increasingly expensive due to the long distance between nodes and network contention. Topology mapping, which maps parallel application processes onto compute nodes by considering network topology and application communication pattern, is an essential technique for communication optimization. In this paper, we study the topology mapping problem for torus-connected supercomputers, and present an analytical topology mapping algorithm for parallel applications with irregular communication patterns. We consider our problem as a discrete optimization problem in the geometric domain of a torus topology, and design an analytical mapping algorithm, which uses numerical solvers to compute the mapping. Experimental results show that our algorithm provides high-quality mappings on 3-dimensional torus, which significantly reduce the communication time by up to 72%.
Conference Paper
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Power consumption is a critical aspect for next generation High Performance Computing systems: Supercomputers are expected to reach Exascale in 2023 but this will require a significant improvement in terms of energy efficiency. In this domain, power-capping can significant increase the final energy-efficiency by cutting cooling effort and worst-case design margins. A key aspect for an optimal implementation of power capping is the ability to estimate the power consumption of HPC applications before they run on the real system. In this paper we propose a Machine-Learning approach, based on the user and application resource request, to accurately predict the power consumption of typical supercomputer workloads. We demonstrate our method on real production workloads executed on the Eurora supercomputer hosted at CINECA computing center in Bologna and we provide useful insights to apply our technique in other installations.
In this volume authors of academia and practice provide practitioners, scientists and graduate students with a good overview of basic methods and paradigms, as well as important issues and trends across the broad spectrum of parallel and distributed processing. In particular, the book covers fundamental topics such as efficient parallel algorithms, languages for parallel processing, parallel operating systems, architecture of parallel and distributed systems, management of resources, tools for parallel computing, parallel database systems and multimedia object servers, and networking aspects of distributed and parallel computing. Three chapters are dedicated to applications: parallel and distributed scientific computing, high-performance computing in molecular sciences, and multimedia applications for parallel and distributed systems. Summing up, the Handbook is indispensable for academics and professionals who are interested in learning the leading expert`s view of the topic.
Conference Paper
Many of the available researches have been concentrating on the profits maximization of cloud providers, while the actual necessities of cloud users have been ignored. Here, a Clustering based User preference (CUP) resource scheduling technique is proposed that can be used by a cloud provider for meeting the resource needs of a user in a better way. The novel CUP scheduling mechanism consists of four stages: resource matching, resource selection, clustering and resource scheduling. The user must be given a consideration if the same user puts forward multiple requirements. Updating of user demands and preferences are done at the resource scheduling stage. This method chooses the “best” VM which improves resourcefulness of CC and thereby minimizes the average response time of tasks. The results show that the CUP algorithm proposed efficiently satisfies the diverse requirements of the users and assists in the better resource utilization.
Conference Paper
The polar decomposition of a dense matrix is an important operation in linear algebra. It can be directly calculated through the singular value decomposition (SVD) or iteratively using the QR dynamically-weighted Halley algorithm (QDWH). The former is difficult to parallelize due to the preponderant number of memory-bound operations during the bidiagonal reduction. We investigate the latter scenario, which performs more floating-point operations but exposes at the same time more parallelism, and therefore, runs closer to the theoretical peak performance of the system, thanks to more compute-bound matrix operations. Profiling results show the performance scalability of QDWH for calculating the polar decomposition using around 9200 MPI processes on well and ill-conditioned matrices of 100K × 100K problem size. We study then the performance impact of the QDWH-based polar decomposition as a pre-processing step toward calculating the SVD itself. The new distributed-memory implementation of the QDWH-SVD solver achieves up to five-fold speedup against current state-of-the-art vendor SVD implementations.
The pressing market demand for competitive performance/cost ratios compels Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems industry to employ feature-rich hardware. The ensuing rise in hardware complexity however makes worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis of software programs - which is often required, especially for programs at the highest levels of integrity - an even harder challenge. State-of-the-art WCET analysis techniques are hampered by the soaring cost and complexity of obtaining accurate knowledge of the internal operation of advanced processors and the difficulty of relating data obtained from measurement observations with reliable worst-case behaviour. This frustrating conundrum calls for novel solutions, with low intrusiveness on development practice. Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA) techniques offer the opportunity to simultaneously reduce the cost of acquiring the knowledge needed for computing reliable WCET bounds and gain increased confidence in the representativeness of measurement observations. This paper describes the changes required in the design of several high-performance features - massively used in modern processors - to meet MBPTA requirements.
Engineering, scientific, and financial applications often require the simultaneous solution of a large number of independent tridiagonal systems of equations with varying coefficients. Since the number of systems is large enough to offer considerable parallelism on manycore systems, the choice between different tridiagonal solution algorithms, such as Thomas, Cyclic Reduction (CR) or Parallel Cyclic Reduction (PCR) needs to be reexamined. This work investigates the optimal choice of tridiagonal algorithm for CPU, Intel MIC, and NVIDIA GPU with a focus on minimizing the amount of data transfer to and from the main memory using novel algorithms and the register-blocking mechanism, and maximizing the achieved bandwidth. It also considers block tridiagonal solutions, which are sometimes required in Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) applications. A novel work-sharing and register blocking-based Thomas solver is also presented.
HPC is representative tools for performing large-scale scientific calculation both academia and industry. Tachyon is a high-performance parallel computing system which constructed based on SUN Blade X6275. It composed of 3,200 computing nodes and infra-facilities. Also, this machine works with various software stacks such as file system, archive manager, compiler, debugger, parallel tools, etc. In this paper, we handle the requirements and requisites to build and manage an HPC cluster environment. In addition, we analyzed the history of batch job which include information performed by scheduler. By doing so, we are able to gauge the needs and performance of the next system to be introduced.
Cloud computing is powered by an engine known as Internet data center (IDC). As cloud computing flourishes, the energy consumption and cost for IDCs are soaring. The energy cost minimization problem for IDCs in deregulated electricity markets has generated growing interest. In this paper we study how to leverage both the geographic and temporal variation of energy price to minimize energy cost for distributed IDCs. We propose a novel architecture and two algorithms for unified spatial and temporal load balancing. Rigorous analysis shows that our algorithms have a low computational complexity, require a relaxed accuracy in electricity price estimation, and guarantee a service completion time for user requests. Using real-life electricity price and workload traces, extensive evaluations demonstrate that compared to the schemes using either spatial load balancing or temporal load balancing alone, the proposed spatiooral load balancing method significantly reduces energy cost for distributed IDCs.