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Value-Driven Robotic Process Automation - Enabling Effective Digital Transformation


Abstract and Figures

Digitalization has transformed the way organizations operate. New digital tools are available with increasing regularity-and many of them have the potential for a major impact. They enable the transformation of business processes to become more efficient, agile, meet compliance requirements, enhance customer experience or improve the general quality of deliverables. They may help achieve a level of process performance not previously envisaged. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is one of those digital enablers which has been applied, or at least discussed in many organizations as practice reports and conference presentations show. This process technology is becoming a mainstream trend, relevant for many businesses. However, many organizations struggle to realize the full potential of RPA. According to newer statistics even 30-50% of RPA initiatives fail completely. This is partly attributable to the fact that vendors and journalists are constantly hyping its capabilities to the point where it becomes like the proverbial hammer, to which every problem looks like a nail. The paper discusses opportunities and challenges of applying RPA as process improvement approach. The approach of Value-driven Robotic Process Automation addresses the challenges and realized the identified opportunities. It proposes an approach that helps to focus on the right sub-processes to automate, improve those business processes considering the end-to-end process context and sustain the results through appropriate governance and hybrid workforce management. Agile principles are combined with the required focus and direction. Value-driven RPA is a part of a discipline of process-led digital transformation management, leveraging the capabilities of Business Process Management (BPM) to realize the full value of digital initiatives, fast and at minimal risk.
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In the Modern era, we have witnessed a lot of progress in the world of technology and almost every day we come across a piece of news related to the darker side of technology. There are a number of technical experts who falls into unethical ways of using the internet to do so some fraudulent activities. Hacking is ethical if it is done for the welfare of humanity otherwise it is labelled as a crime. Unethical hackers always try to find out different ways to cheat innocent people who are not that efficient in technology. There are a number of ways that a hacker can use to steal the hard-earned money of innocent people. Azi Bello is the central character of the novel The Gomorrah Gambit by Tom Chatfield. The story reveals how Azi Bello indulged in the dark side of the hacking and ultimately find himself on the list of most wanted criminals. The most pathetic situation becomes when such people enter the category of terrorists and try to cheat their own national security for the sake of money. The purpose of this paper is to highlight such darker aspects of technology through close textual analysis of the novel and by relating the incidents mentioned by the writer with reality. Keywords: Hacking, Human Security, Information Technology (ICT), Azi Bello
We are in a particular moment, especially after the last pandemic year, now we have opportunity to understand well what really is the full potential of Robotic Process Automation. The debate on AI is now in a new step: how we can have a value added from the automation? It is necessary to overcome technological and ethical considerations, and to analyze the impacts that RPA can bring to society, especially in correlation with UN Sustainable Goals . It is important to identify what challenges we have to manage now and in the future and what scenario will be open cause our decision, what benefits and adverse effects. It is necessary to analyze the factors that influence the adoption of new automation process in government and how to driven change. We have different interpretations and views on expected outcomes of automation on government tasks, anyway in this analysis I would like to link the RPA with principles like Green Deal . The methodical approach is literature analysis and some global case studies.
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Agility and compliance have become key values an organization needs to achieve to be successful and maintain short and long-term survival. This article shows how enterprise architecture provides the basis for a value-driven process governance delivering agility and compliance.
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Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has become an important trend in process management and automation. The article examines briefly the value it delivers and associated risks. On this basis it recommends a company specific approach to maximize RPA value and minimize risk.
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This management book presents value-driven business process management as a successful method to turn strategy into people- and technology-based execution, quickly and at minimal risk. It shows how to achieve high performance successfully in a digital business environment. Static business models do not keep pace with the dynamic changes in our digital world. Organizations need a management approach that fits this environment and capitalizes on its opportunities while minimizing the related risks. They need to execute their business strategy fast and reliably. In effect, they have to know how and when to modify or enhance their business processes, which processes are the best candidates for intervention, and how to move rapidly from strategy to execution. This means organizations need to establish business process management as a real management discipline. The importance of process innovation, digital technology and people aspects, process governance, internationalization, emerging processes and the unique situation in mid-market organizations are some of the key topics discussed in this book. It ends with a comprehensive case study and a discussion about what process engineers can learn from jazz musicians.
Conference Paper
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Today business strategies and operations are driven by scores of ever-shifting factors: from demographic changes, capital availability and legal regulations to technological innovations and an all present digitalization. Static business models are no longer able to keep pace with such dynamic change. Companies need a management approach that fits to this environment. Organizations need to master the " new normal " and deal proactively with our " digital world ". In effect, they must know how and when to modify or enhance their business processes, which processes are optimal candidates for intervention, and how to move rapidly from strategy to execution. That's where the Business Process Management-Discipline (BPM-Discipline) helps. It enables organizations to deal with change successfully and create immediate as well as lasting competitive advantage. It delivers significant business value by converting strategy into people and IT based execution at pace with certainty. The BPM-Discipline creates a " strategy execution network ". The BPM-Discipline is implemented through the " process of process management ". Organizations look for a way to systematically establish their process of process management efficiently and effectively. This can be achieved using a holistic framework and reference model for the process of process management. The paper introduces the BPM-Discipline and how it is implemented through the process of process management, leveraging a powerful reference architecture in form of comprehensive information models as well as related tools and templates.
Digitale Unternehmen erobern ganze Märkte und fordern bestehende Unternehmen zur Änderung ihrer Geschäftsmodelle heraus. Konzepte wie Industrie 4.0 verändern ganze Industriezweige. Nur wer die Erfolgstreiber digitaler Geschäftsmodelle kennt, kann seinen eigenen Weg zur Digitalisierung entwickeln. Wie können digitale Erfolgstreiber wie Personalisierung von Produkten, Selbststeuerung von Systemen, Plattformarchitekturen oder Künstliche Intelligenz systematisch eingesetzt werden? Digitale Geschäftsmodelle erfordern neue Geschäftsprozesse. Wie helfen neue Softwarekonzepte sowie Techniken der Künstlichen Intelligenz, Data Mining, Robotic Process Automation, Virtual Reality, Real-time-Prozesssteuerung oder Blockchain, die erforderlichen Unternehmensprozesse zu gestalten und zu automatisieren? Wie findet man einen Kompass im Dschungel neuer Begriffe und Hypes zum gesicherten Vorgehen? Mit diesem Buch erhalten Leser die entscheidenden Antworten. Sie bieten Inspiration und das Fundament zum Auf- und Umbau der eigenen digitalen Unternehmung 4.0. Der Inhalt • Entwicklung digitaler Geschäftsmodelle • Automatisierung der Geschäftsprozesse Die Zielgruppen • Manager, CIO, CDO, Geschäftsführer und Digital Leader • Innovationsmanagement und Change Management • Forschende und Dozenten im Fachgebiet Digitalisierung Der Autor Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. August-Wilhelm Scheer ist einer der prägendsten Wissenschaftler und Unternehmer der deutschen Informationstechnik. Seine Bücher zur Wirtschaftsinformatik sind Standardwerke, seine Forschungsleistungen vielfach ausgezeichnet. Die von ihm entwickelte Methode ARIS zum Management von Geschäftsprozessen wird in nahezu allen DAX-Unternehmen und vielen mittelständischen Unternehmungen eingesetzt. Er ist Gründer international erfolgreicher Software- und Beratungsunternehmen und begleitet aktiv mehrere Start-up-Unternehmungen.
Conference Paper
Digitalization has transformed the way organizations operate. New digital tools are available with increasing regularity – and many of them have the potential for a major impact. They enable the transformation of business processes to become more efficient, agile, meet compliance requirements, enhance customer experience or improve the general quality of deliverables. They may help achieve a level of process performance not previously envisaged. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is one of those digital enablers which has been applied, or at least discussed in many organizations as practice reports and conference presentations show. This process technology is becoming a mainstream trend, relevant for many businesses. However, many organizations struggle to realize the full potential of RPA. According to newer statistics even 30-50% of RPA initiatives fail completely. The paper discusses opportunities and challenges of applying RPA as process improvement approach. The approach of Value-driven Robotic Process Automation addresses the challenges and realized the identified opportunities. It proposes an approach that helps to focus on the right sub-processes to automate, improve those business processes considering the end-to-end process context and sustain the results through appropriate governance and hybrid workforce management. Agile principles are combined with the required focus and direction. Value-driven RPA is a part of a discipline of process-led digital transformation management, leveraging the capabilities of business process management (BPM) to realize the full value of digital initiatives, fast and at minimal risk.
The emergence of robotic process automation software
  • Accenture
Accenture, 2017. The emergence of robotic process automation software. Available at: