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To Trust, or Not to Trust? A Study of Human Bias in Automated Video Interview
Chee Wee (Ben) Leong1†, Katrina Roohr2†, Vikram Ramanarayanan1∗, Michelle P. Martin-Raugh2†,
Harrison Kell2†, Rutuja Ubale1∗, Yao Qian1∗, Zydrune Mladineo1†, Laura McCulla2†
NLP, Speech, Dialogic & Multimodal Research1, Academic To Career Research2
Princeton†, San Francisco∗, Educational Testing Service, USA
Supervised systems require human labels for training.
But, are humans themselves always impartial during the
annotation process? We examine this question in the con-
text of automated assessment of human behavioral tasks.
Specifically, we investigate whether human ratings them-
selves can be trusted at their face value when scoring video-
based structured interviews, and whether such ratings can
impact machine learning models that use them as training
data. We present preliminary empirical evidence that in-
dicates there might be biases in such annotations, most of
which are visual in nature.
1. Introduction and Related Work
Structured interviews standardize the questions and/or
evaluation methods used during the interview process (i.e.,
each interview has the same questions in the same order
[12]). As demonstrated by extensive meta-analytic evi-
dence [9,23], structured interviews consistently outperform
unstructured interviews (i.e., an interview where questions
and evaluations are non-standardized). They are particu-
larly effective hiring tools that account for significant in-
cremental validity in predicting job performance over and
above other popular hiring methods such as personality and
intelligence tests [4]. Despite their pervasiveness and ef-
fectiveness, interviews are susceptible to human biases, a
source of measurement error. Biases occur when interview-
ers collect or evaluate non-job-related information about ap-
plicants [12], such as sex, age, race, or attractiveness. Re-
search shows that human interviewers tend to be less likely
to hire individuals that are older [14], of a different race
than themselves [13], perceived as unattractive [8], or of
a sex not stereotypically associated with a particular job
(e.g., male nurse; [5]), among many other biasing factors.
In this work, we differentiate human bias from human sub-
jectivity, where interviewers make different hiring recom-
mendations for the same interviewee due to their different
weightings of job-related strengths and weakness of the ap-
plicant. In spite of mounting evidence of human bias in
industrial and organizational (I-O) psychology research, su-
pervised machine learning approaches to automated scor-
ing of video-based performance tasks (e.g. interview, pre-
sentations, public speaking, etc.) have largely focused on
mitigating human subjectivity by creating comprehensive
rubrics [24] to guide precise scoring of performance con-
structs [1], enforcing the calibration of human raters prior to
scoring [1,16], encouraging inter-rater discussions and re-
views [15], enlisting multiple raters [17,21], including both
behavioral experts and layman as raters [15], and averaging
ratings [15,21,2]. The work in [18] attempted to collect
demographic information such as age, gender and ethnicity
as part of the data collection survey but did not explore their
impact on automated scoring of the interviews. While the
authors in [15] claimed additional Mechanical Turk raters
were used as raters to remove bias from the actual inter-
viewers due to their interaction with the interviewees, no
effort was expended to further remove nor qualify the type
of biases being investigated. In this paper, we present a
study that motivates future efforts toward modeling fairness
in automated video interview assessments. We first provide
an overview of the video interview dataset used in our ex-
periments. Next, we explain the annotation scheme used
for generating the bias metadata vector, which is used to
(1) construct a standalone model, and, (2) augment a multi-
modal model for structured interview performance predic-
tion. Finally, we discuss some thoughts for future direc-
2. Dataset
Our video interview dataset is a corpus of monologic,
structured video interviews collected online through Ama-
zon Mechanical Turk from the authors in Chen et al. [2].
To our knowledge, this is the largest collection of struc-
tured interview responses simulating an actual hiring sce-
nario (i.e. hiring for an entry-level office position). It com-
prises 260 human interviewees with a total recording time
of 3784 minutes. Due to the dataset being collected “in
the wild”, there are videos where faces in dim lighting can-
not be detected, or unexpected clips in audios. These rep-
resent around 10% of the dataset and unfortunately have
to be discarded since we failed to extract reliable multi-
modal features from them. Eventually, we have 1887 (in-
terviewee, video response) datapoints after pre-processing.
All responses were collected from participants across the
United States, and differed in gender, race, age, experience,
etc. Recording conditions also varied in terms of devices,
lighting, backgrounds, etc. All videos from interviewees
are collected indoors. Chen et al. [2] developed a 7-point
Likert rating scale (1 = Strongly Disagree, 7 = Strongly
Agree) to score interview performance using overall hiring
recommendation guidelines proposed in [10]. During an-
notation, 5 human raters were asked to score each response
using the Likert scale, and their averaged ratings are used
as the ground-truth for the video. The same raters were
used for scoring all the video interviewees. Subsequently,
the authors used the median score of all ground-truths as a
threshold to separate all video responses into HIGH (above-
average) vs. LOW (below-average), and frame their ex-
periments as a binary classification task using multimodal
features to predict the outcome of each interviewee’s per-
formance. On the quality of human annotations, the au-
thors reported an Intraclass correlation (ICC) of 0.79 (using
the two-way random average measure of consistency), and
Rmean of 0.74, where R is the correlation coefficient of in-
dividual raters’ scores to the averaged scores. Note that,
for each interviewee, 8 different prompts (questions) were
attempted. The response length is limited to 2 min/prompt.
3. Coding Bias Metadata
Research in I-O psychology has identified several cat-
egories of human biases relevant for our work, which we
have listed here with the possible labels in parenthesis:
SETTING (full room visible, partial room visible, only
wall), WALL (blank, almost blank, with many items), GEN-
DER (male, female), APPEARANCE (very unattractive,
unattractive, average, attractive, very attractive), RACE
(White, African American, Asian, Hispanic, Other), AGE
(18-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56-65, 65+), WEIGHT (very
thin, thin, average, overweight, obese), FACIAL STIGMA
(no, yes), ACCENT (American Typical, International, Do-
mestic (e.g. Southern, Bostonian, etc.)). Two human raters
trained in education and assessment research annotated each
video interviewee independently on each of the categories
using the appropriate label after going through an initial
calibration. The two raters differed in race, accent, age
when self-rated. Note that this bias metadata annotation
effort is independent from the hiring recommendation an-
notation in [2]. Additionally, we hypothesize that physical
backgrounds of interviewees may induce rater bias. Hence,
we introduce two categories coding for the visible environ-
ment (SETTING) and the physical state of the wall (WALL)
behind the interviewee. Cohen’s Kappa (κ) between the
2 raters are reported for each category: SETTING (.62),
WALL (.76), GENDER (.99), APPEARANCE (.49), RACE
(.72), AGE (.69), WEIGHT (.70), FACIAL STIGMA (.13),
ACCENT (.32). Where disagreement between the two
raters occurs, we adopted a consistent rule for rounding off
to the integer coding for the nearest label for all ordinal cat-
egories (e.g. for APPEARANCE, if two labels coded are
average (3) and attractive (4), then the average is 3.5, but the
rounded label is attractive (4)). For non-ordinal categories
(i.e. GENDER, RACE and ACCENT), we always arbitrate
to rater 1’s label where there is a disagreement for the sake
of consistency. However, such disagreement cases account
for only ∼2% of the total non-ordinal label pairings. Af-
ter the bias metadata vector for an interviewee is coded, the
same vector is used for all 8 interview prompts answered by
the same interviewee for experiments. We apply all labels in
the bias metadata as a single feature set to construct models
for predicting interviewee performance in a binary classi-
fication task (i.e. below-average or above-average). Since
each of the 8 prompts are different, and responses across
the 8 prompts are scored independently, each tuple (inter-
viewee, video response) can be treated as single datapoint
for experimentation. Of the 254 unique interviewees in the
dataset, 152 (∼60%) have attained different classification
scores across the 8 prompts, suggesting a potentially signif-
icant variance in the ability to handle different prompts even
within an individual. We use stratified sampling in a 10-fold
cross-validation applied at the (interviewee,prompt)-level to
maintain distribution of the classes while sampling, and em-
ploy learners with proven effectiveness on relatively small-
to-medium sized datasets using the scikit-learn toolkit [20].
4. Modeling structured interview through the
exclusive use of bias metadata
0.00 0.12 0.15
Figure 1. Feature category importance weighting using Random-
ForestClassifier (n=500), 10-fold cross-validated
Prior to model building, each categorical label is converted
into one-hot encodings fitted on the entire dataset of 1887
(interviewee, prompt) tuples, where only one label in each
category per datapoint is activated, across all categories.
Consequently, each label is transformed into a numerical
value to facilitate experiments across a range of standard-
Figure 2. Model interpretation using LIME applied to a prediction
instance by RandomForestClassifier (n=500)
ized learners. A stratified 10-fold cross-validation predictor
that respects the class distribution of the train fold (i.e. a
chance predictor), as well as a majority vote baseline, are
used as the baselines. For the former, we used the Strati-
fiedKFold function in [20], where the proportion of classes
in each train/test partition resembles that of the population,
and all datapoints are randomized and grouped into either
the train or test partition with no repeats per fold. The re-
sults of the 10-fold cross-validation is shown in Table 1.
Additionally, Figure 1shows the weight of each category
(averaged over the 10-folds) used in the Random Forest
model which scores the best performance (F1=.765) in our
combination experiments. The category weighting scheme
is based on permutation importance [19] instead of impor-
tance based on reduction in node impurity that is imple-
mented in scikit-learn, which has reliability concerns [25].
Note that category random is a control with randomly gen-
erated values for ensuring validity in the feature importance
computation: if a category has negative importance, remov-
ing it actually improves performance. Importance of the
FACIAL STIGMA category (0) is currently inconclusive,
due to overly skewed distributions (i.e. rater 1 and 2 an-
notated yes on only 3.1% and 1.9% of the datapoints re-
spectively). Otherwise, the most important label for mod-
eling in each category are as follows: SETTING (par-
tial room visible), WALL (almost blank), GENDER (fe-
male), APPEARANCE (unattractive), RACE (White), AGE
(26-35), WEIGHT (overweight), ACCENT (Typical).
Though encoded into numerical values for experimen-
tation, the original labels (e.g. male, obese, unattrac-
tive, etc.) associated with each category are human-
interpretable, hence lending themselves to an explanation
on whether any automated scoring model is behaving rea-
sonably as measured against established I-O psychology
findings. We take advantage of this phenomenon to fur-
ther validate our hypothesis through application of the Lo-
cal Interpretable Model-Agnostic (LIME) [22] toolkit to our
dataset, by examining datapoints where our model predic-
tions are confident. For a targeted datapoint and its pre-
diction, LIME perturbs inputs to other neighboring data-
points around it to learn an interpretable and high-fidelity,
local model to help explain the prediction made by the in-
put model. For instance, Figure 2shows our Random For-
est prediction p(class = ”below −average”) = 1 for a
specific (interviewee, prompt) datapoint, with the contribu-
tion of each categorical label accounting for each candidate
class prediction. Here, we note the interviewee being la-
beled with appearance=unattractive adds a probability of
14% to an unfavorable class prediction outcome without
regard for multimodal features extracted. Simultaneously,
the accent=typical accent (typical American accent) adds a
probability of 17% to a favorable class prediction. This dat-
apoint, and others we have examined, corroborate research
findings in I-O psychology to a degree supported by the bias
annotation agreement that biases might influence interview
outcomes. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the
first that provides empirical linkage between I-O psychol-
ogy and ML/AI modeling for structured video interviews.
5. Multimodal Model Augmentation
We also experimented with multimodal model augmen-
tation (i.e. an approach of augmenting a multimodal model
with our bias metadata) to observe if we can further achieve
model performance gains. For a fair comparison, we ob-
tained the original feature set used in [2], evaluate on the
same training/testing partitions, but opted to use a deep neu-
ral network (DNN) for modeling the task due to its proven
effectiveness for modeling other similar constructs (e.g. en-
gagement [6,29] and emotions [7,27]) of human behavior.
P R F1
Logistic Regression .581 .567 .572
Nearest Neighbor .720 .707 .713
SVM (gamma=2, C=10) .742 .756 .748
Decision Tree .692 .732 .711
Random Forest (RF) (n=500) .737 .750 .742
Multilayer Perceptron (alpha=1) .617 .636 .623
Multimodal DNN .606 .915 .727
Multimodal DNN & RF (AND) .785∗.701∗.739∗
Multimodal DNN & RF (Stacking) .746∗.787∗.765∗
Multimodal DNN & SVM (AND) .790∗.704∗.742∗
Multimodal DNN & SVM (Stacking) .755∗.773∗.763∗
Baseline (Stratified) .512 .552 .531
Baseline (Majority vote) .510 1.00 .675
Table 1. Mean 10-fold cross-validation of precision, recall and
F1(true positive = above-average) of individual learners, selected
combinations and baselines. All experiments are executed with the
same random seed and random state for replicability. Bold and un-
derline indicates first and second ranked results per column, while
∗indicates statistical significance at p < .001 over the Multimodal
DNN system, using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
”Well, I think
there are certain
qualities to being
a good team
Multimodal feature extraction
427-D VIDEO vector
34-D SPEECH vector
Scikit-learn TFIDF
vectorizer (“BOW”
10000-D TEXT vector
Deep Neural Network
Batch Norm
Batch Norm
Model Ensemble + Prediction
3x stacked
Attenti on
Batch Norm
Figure 3. Multimodal DNN model for achieving the state-of-the-art in [2].
Given that we have only 1887 datapoints (1521/training,
366/testing), we train a deeper network but with dropouts
to minimize overfitting. In our DNN model, a 2D convolu-
tion layer is applied to the time-series data i.e. video and
audio to extract spatio-temporal features of interest within
video/audio segments. Given the different sampling rates
for video and audio feature extraction in [2], and their
different feature dimensions, we use different kernel sizes
and filters (i.e. audio: 30 filters, each with kernel and
strides (10,2); video: 20 filters, each with kernel and strides
(15,16)) in order to generate a somewhat balanced repre-
sentation of the two time-series modalities at the input level
before sending them deeper into the network for abstrac-
tion. GRUs are used as our recurrent units which are fa-
vored over LSTMs for faster convergence in our experi-
ment, with a final attention layer mechanism applied sim-
ilar to the one in [26]. Our DNN model, shown in Figure
3, is constructed and evaluated using Keras [3] with a Ten-
sorFlow backend, and its hyperparameters are tuned using
talos [11]. After 30 epochs in the same training partition,
we achieved a best-performing model of F1=0.70 on the
same test partition using the same multimodal feature set,
which is competitive to the model performance of F1=0.66
achieved in [2] using SVM. With confirmation on the ef-
fectiveness of our DNN model, we retrained it with the
same F1loss function and metric on each of the 10 train
folds used in experiment 1. Next, we perform augmenta-
tion of the DNN model with the bias metadata using two
approaches: (1) a simple, intuitive element-wise AND con-
dition between predictions made by the DNN model and
the other learners, and (2) a stacked generalization method
[28] that uses the DNN prediction probabilities and com-
bines it with the raw bias metadata vector before applying
another learning algorithm to generate the final prediction.
A justification for the latter approach is that the shorter but
dense metadata bias vector may be masked by the much
larger set of sparse, time-series modal features, hence com-
bining them in the late fusion stage is more appropriate.
Our results for the multimodal augmentation experiments
are shown in Table 1. While using the logical AND aug-
mentation generates a high-precision classifier, the stacked
generalization approach is better at achieving overall model
performance measured by F1.Inter-feature correlation:
As further investigation, we compute Cohen’s Kappa (κ)
between each of the bias metadata features and the multi-
modal DNN prediction output. The results indicate only
very slight agreement between the biases and the prediction
output, with most of the κcentering at zero (GENDER has
the highest κat .04). Feature importance: We again com-
pute feature importances (Random Forest, n=500), this time
using all available features. Consequently, the multimodal
DNN prediction exclusively accounts for the largest impor-
tance weighting (.09), which is more than the weighting as-
sumed by APPEARANCE (.06) that ranks second. These
findings indicative that the multimodal DNN model by itself
still accounts for a substantial variance in performance of a
joint model. Bias metadata features have a non-negligible,
combined importance weighting (.27), which is concerning
if they are indeed construct-irrelevant. However, it could
also be the case that some of these metadata features proxy
for a construct-relevant latent trait that is not captured in
the DNN features. We also note that these results reflect
a closed-pool-of-subjects setting where the system will not
see new subjects at test time, but only new interviews from
existing subjects. Whether the findings generalize to a case
with new interviewees, unseen at training time, is a question
left for future work.
6. Conclusion
Despite having little correlation with construct-relevant
multimodal features, the fact that demographic character-
istics and other biasing variables have a non-negligible im-
pact on modeling human behavioral tasks is worrisome, and
poses implications for tasks such as the automated assess-
ment of structured video interviews used in high-stakes em-
ployment settings where the decisions made using scoring
models need to be both fair and valid. Future work will
further explore whether there is a causal relationship be-
tween these biases and human scores. If so, we will focus
on debiasing techniques, possibly using avatars during hu-
man scoring that mirror an interviewees facial expressions
without carrying over the visual biases, or modeling an in-
dividual human raters biases so that they can be statistically
controlled for.
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