
A Characterization For 2-Self-Centered Graphs

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A Graph is called 2-self-centered if its diameter and radius both equal to 2. In this paper, we begin characterizing these graphs by characterizing edge-maximal 2-self-centered graphs via their complements. Then we split characterizing edge-minimal 2-self-centered graphs into two cases. First, we characterize edge-minimal 2-self-centered graphs without triangles by introducing \emph{specialized bi-independent covering (SBIC)} and a structure named \emph{generalized complete bipartite graph (GCBG)}. Then, we complete characterization by characterizing edge-minimal 2-self-centered graphs with some triangles. Hence, the main characterization is done since a graph is 2-self-centered if and only if it is a spanning subgraph of some edge-maximal 2-self-centered graphs and, at the same time, it is a spanning supergraph of some edge-minimal 2-self-centered graphs.

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Almost self-centered graphs were recently introduced as the graphs with exactly two non-central vertices. In this paper we characterize almost self-centered graphs among median graphs and among chordal graphs. In the first case P 4 and the graphs obtained from hypercubes by attaching to them a single leaf are the only such graphs. Among chordal graph the variety of almost self-centered graph is much richer, despite the fact that their diameter is at most 3. We also discuss almost self-centered graphs among partial cubes and among k-chordal graphs, classes of graphs that generalize median and chordal graphs, respectively. Characterizations of almost self-centered graphs among these two classes seem elusive.
The eccentricity e (v) of a vertex v of a connected graph G is the number maxu∈V(G) d (u, v), where d (u, v) is the distance in G between u and v. A graph is r-equi-eccentric if e (v) = r for every vertex v of G. An r-equi-eccentric graph G of order p is r-minimum if it has the least number of edges of any r-equi-eccentric graph of order p. The following results are given in this paper. (1) A few fundamental properties of equi-eccentric graphs. (2) Several operations for producing equi-eccentric graphs. (3) A characterization of 2-minimum graphs and a proof that the number of edges in a 2-minimum graph of order p is 2p - 5.
The center of a graph is the set of vertices with minimum eccentricity. Graphs in which all vertices are central are called self-centered graphs. In this paper almost self-centered (ASC) graphs are introduced as the graphs with exactly two non-central vertices. The block structure of these graphs is described and constructions for generating such graphs are proposed. Embeddings of arbitrary graphs into ASC graphs are studied. In particular it is shown that any graph can be embedded into an ASC graph of prescribed radius. Embeddings into ASC graphs of radius two are studied in more detail. ASC index of a graph G is introduced as the smallest number of vertices needed to add to G such that G is an induced subgraph of an ASC graph.
We examine the problem of embedding a graph H as the center of a supergraph G, and we consider what properties one can restrict G to have. Letting A(H) denote the smallest difference ∣V(G)∣ - ∣V(H)∣ over graphs G having center isomorphic to H it is demonstrated that A(H) ≤ 4 for all H, and for 0 ≤ i ≤ 4 we characterize the class of trees T with A(T) = i. for n ≥ 2 and any graph H, we demonstrate a graph G with point and edge connectivity equal to n, with chromatic number X(G) = n + X(H), and whose center is isomorphic to H. Finally, if ∣V(H)∣ ≥ 9 and k ≥ ∣V(H)∣ + 1, then for n sufficiently large (with n even when k is odd) we can construct a k-regular graph on n vertices whose center is isomorphic to H.
A cycle C in G is said to be locally geodesic at a vertex ν if for each vertex u on C, the distance between ν and u in C coincides with that in G. It will be shown that a self-centered graph of radius 2 contains a cycle of length 4 or 5 which is locally geodesic at each vertex and conversely that if the longest one among such cycles for each vertex of a block has length 4 then the block is self-centered and has radius 2.