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Hanekamp et al. (2017) A volatile discourse – reviewing aspects of ammonia emissions, models and atmospheric concentrations in The Netherlands



In the Netherlands, there is a vigorous debate on ammonia emissions, atmospheric concentrations and deposition between stakeholders and research institutions. In this article, we scrutinise some aspects of the ammonia discourse. In particular, we want to improve the understanding of the methodology for handling experimentally determined ammonia emissions. We show that uncertainty in published results is substantial. This uncertainty is under- or even unreported, and as a result, data in national emission inventories are overconfident by a wide margin. Next, we demonstrate that the statistical handling of data on atmospheric ammonia concentrations to produce national yearly atmospheric averages is oversimplified and consequently atmospheric concentrations are substantially overestimated. Finally, we show that the much-discussed ‘ammonia gap’ – either the discrepancy between calculated and measured atmospheric ammonia concentrations or the difference observed between estimated NH3 emission levels and those indicated by atmospheric measurements – is an expression of the widespread overconfidence placed in atmospheric modelling.
Avolatilediscoursereviewing aspects of ammonia
emissions, models and atmospheric concentrations in
The Netherlands
University College Roosevelt, Middelburg, the Netherlands, and
Environmental Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, MA, USA
In the Netherlands, there is a vigorous debate on ammonia emissions, atmospheric concentrations and
deposition between stakeholders and research institutions. In this article, we scrutinise some aspects of
the ammonia discourse. In particular, we want to improve the understanding of the methodology for
handling experimentally determined ammonia emissions. We show that uncertainty in published
results is substantial. This uncertainty is under- or even unreported, and as a result, data in national
emission inventories are overconfident by a wide margin. Next, we demonstrate that the statistical
handling of data on atmospheric ammonia concentrations to produce national yearly atmospheric
averages is oversimplified and consequently atmospheric concentrations are substantially
overestimated. Finally, we show that the much-discussed ‘ammonia gap’ either the discrepancy
between calculated and measured atmospheric ammonia concentrations or the difference observed
between estimated NH
emission levels and those indicated by atmospheric measurements is an
expression of the widespread overconfidence placed in atmospheric modelling.
Keywords: Ammonia emission, manure application, ammonia emission modelling, Dutch Air Quality
Monitoring Network, atmospheric ammonia concentrations, statistics
Atmospheric ammonia (NH
) concentrations in the
Netherlands are reported to be amongst the highest in the
world and are regarded as a hazard to biodiversity in natural
ecosystems. Livestock are the largest contributor to ammonia
emissions (PBL, 2016), and since 1993, major efforts have
been made to reduce emissions. As a practical approach, the
reduction of ammonia volatilization after manure application
to farmland, regarded as the largest single emission source,
has received much attention (Van Bruggen et al., 2011). In the
1990s, broadcast surface spreading made way for methods
such as shallow and narrow band injection on grassland and
deep placement on arable land (fallow). However, an
evaluation of the scientific underpinning of the calculation of
ammonia emission and deposition in the Netherlands stated
that ammonia concentrations in the air ‘have not decreased as
much as expected since the introduction of mitigation
measures. This has led stakeholders to question the
effectiveness of the Dutch ammonia policy.’ (Sutton et al.,
2015) This is significant, as the Dutch agricultural community
has invested much in these strategies, and is regarded
internationally as environmentally innovative.
In this article, we analyse some parts of the scientific
discourse on Dutch ammonia emissions. We take as our
primary cue the article published by Huijsmans et al. (2016).
Therein the focus is put on ammonia emissions from the
application of cattle slurries to grassland. One of our goals
was the reproduction of the presented results using the
underlying data. We were motivated by both scientific
curiosity and the desire to try to resolve a continuous
dispute over the published results, which has implications for
agricultural policies in the Netherlands.
We broaden our scope with a discussion on the much-used
Ryden and McNeill model for fitting measured ammonia
concentrations to emissions after manure application
experiments (Ryden & McNeill, 1984). We also analyse the
Dutch national data set of atmospheric ammonia concen-
trations as produced by the LML network (Landelijk Meetnet
Luchtkwaliteit Dutch Air Quality Monitoring Network).
Correspondence: J.C. Hanekamp. E-mails:;
Received September 2016; accepted after revision May 2017
276 ©2017 British Society of Soil Science
Soil Use and Management, June 2017, 33, 276–287 doi: 10.1111/sum.12354
and Management
Reproducing ammonia emissions from manure
In 2009, an overview of experimentally assessed emissions of
ammonia (so-called emission factors) related to manure
application was published (Huijsmans & Schils, 2009). The
authors state that the emission factors, defined as the
average total emission for each method as a percentage of
total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN) applied with the manure,
are based on all available data, including the ranges in total
emissions for each method. This amounts to a total number
of observations of 199 on grassland and 58 on arable land,
relating to various application techniques.
Unfortunately, the data sets used in Huijsmans & Schils
(2009) are no longer available. Consequently, the results,
republished by Huijsmans et al. (2016), cannot be
reproduced. However, some experimental data sets gathered
since 2010 have been made available, although these data do
not contribute to those shown in Table 1. The results from
one of these data sets are reproduced and discussed below
(all other data sets received are mathematically treated in the
same way). The results reproduced here can act as a
template for other results derived from the unavailable data
sets, as the same experimental techniques and mathematical
model were used throughout the years (see e.g. Huijsmans,
2003). Consequently, we are partially able to explain the
derivation of the emission factors and the uncertainties
surrounding them, which are not or only obliquely reported.
Estimating ammonia emissions from manure application
In much of the Dutch policy-relevant work on the
volatilization of NH
following manure application, the
micrometeorological mass balance method was used
(Denmead, 1983; Ryden & McNeill, 1984; Huijsmans, 2003).
Although other methods are available, these will not be
reviewed here because of our focus on Dutch emissions.
Ryden & McNeill (1984) offered a quasi-physical model to
represent NH
flux over a manured plot. The following
equation is proposed:
uc dz ð1Þ
where xis the fetch of the plot; z
and z
are two heights
where measurements take place; uis the instantaneous wind
speed; cthe instantaneous value of NH
; and uc the time-
averaged flux at height z.
This simple model states that, at a certain height, as either
wind speed or NH
concentration increases, flux increases.
This is a gross approximation at the boundary layer, where
volatilization involves many more factors other than
just wind speed including temperature, soil chemistry (pH),
soil moisture content, precipitation and TAN (e.g. Behera
et al., 2013). The solution to Equation (1) requires knowing
the functional relationship between uc and z. Instead of a
physical argument, Ryden and McNeill first assumed uand c
to be (causally and probabilistically) independent. They next
created two empirical functional relationships between !
cand height z. These relationships are themselves not
derived from chemical or physical principles but were
claimed to be observationally valid. The two equations are
uðzÞ¼Dln zþEð2aÞ
cðzÞ¼%Aln zþBð2bÞ
Equations (2a) and (2b) are substituted into Equation (1) for
uc, and the integral is then solved. The coefficients A,B,D, and
Eare unknown but estimated by ordinary linear regression
between the natural log of height (z) and the observed wind
speed and observed NH
, the end result of which is
xh%AD ðzðln zÞ2%2zln zþ2zÞþðBD %AEÞðzðln z%1ÞÞ
þEBz %!c1Dðzðlnz%1ÞÞ % !c1Exi!
where !
c1is the ambient concentration of NH
on the
windward side of the site, and z
and z
are the height
Table 1 Emission factors (% total ammoniacal nitrogen [TAN] applied); mean and range for each slurry application method (Huijsmans & Schils, 2009)
Method Experiments (number)
Total emissions (average based
on all available data), % Minimum, % Maximum, %
Surface spreading 81 74 28 100
Narrow band 29 26 9 52
Shallow injection 89 16 1 63
Arable land
Surface spreading 26 69 30 100
Surface incorporation 25 22 3 45
Deep placement 7 2 1 3
©2017 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management,33, 276–287
The Dutch ammonia-discourse critiqued 277
differences. Equation (3) shows the explicit dependence on
the regression coefficients A,B,D, and E. The point
estimates of these coefficients are input into the equation to
produce F. However, as the coefficients are not known with
certainty, Fcannot be known with certainty either.
Just as there are sources of uncertainty in the relationships
of windspeed and NH
concentration with height, there are
methods to account for uncertainty in F. A crucial one is the
physical model itself and in the posited empirical regression
relationships, which we will not attempt to fathom here.
Other physicalchemical models that describe NH
concentrations after manure application are in use, as are
other statistical relationships and experimental set-ups. We
have not compared those with the model of Ryden & McNeill
(1984). What we can do is to incorporate parameter
uncertainty in Equation (3). To do this, the confidence
intervals and the central estimates for the parameters A,B,D
and Eare input into Equation (3) to produce a 95%
confidence interval and central estimate of F. Below we will
focus on this parameter uncertainty as a means of determining
the quality of the fit of the assumed statistical relationships
shown in Equation 2a and 2b. With the original authors, we
assume statistical independence of the four parameters and of
uand c, which of course is a first approximation.
Incorporating uncertainty in NH
flux estimates
With this knowledge in hand, we reproduced the published
ammonia emissions by Huijsmans & Hol (2012). The data
sets we obtained did not include an estimate of measurement
uncertainty, and hence, the results of our analyses are
Table 2 reproduces Table 4 in Huijsmans & Hol (2012),
which includes data from four different fields from two
separate weeks, which we were able to reproduce without
issue. However, estimates of uncertainty are now included.
For example, the central estimate of Fas found in line 4 is
18.7 kg NH
-N/ha. After incorporating parameter
uncertainty, the 95% confidence interval is 14.842.0 kg NH
N/ha. It is clear from examining Table 2 that the uncertainty
in the regression coefficients produces sizeable uncertainties in
F. We could not discover uncertainty measures used by
authors employing the model of Ryden & McNeill (1984).
The uncertainties we present assume the validity of that
model, which itself is only a rough approximation of the
actual physics and chemistry. We only provide the
uncertainty inherent in the output of the model of Ryden &
McNeill (1984), which thus is still an underestimation of the
total uncertainty. The uncertainty in Fobviously is bounded
at the lower end by 0, and the empirical functional
relationship is logarithmic, which explains the asymmetry in
the confidence intervals. The flux Fitself is also limited to the
total amount of TAN applied and that from the ambient air.
In every case, the upper bounds of the confidence intervals
are about two-times the central estimate, while the lower
bounds are about 1020% of the central value.
Week 16 data of Table 2 for line 4 are shown in Figure 1.
For early periods (after manuring), Equation 2b does a poor
job at modelling the data. The data are below the model for
most of the range. In later periods, the approximation is
better, but as most of the NH
contribution comes from
earlier periods; overall the model of Ryden & McNeill (1984)
will overestimate values. Our analysis reveals this to be typical
for all the data we examined. Similar plots were made (not
shown) for windspeed and height, showing better fits between
Equation 2a and measured data, but also showing the need
for uncertainty intervals. An interesting problem with the
model regression is seen in Periods 1 and 2, which are the
most important. At certain values of the log height, there are
predictions of negative NH
values, which of course are
physically impossible (Figure 1; red arrows). The assumption
of independence of the parameters for calculating the intervals
in Table 2 is open to question. As we are interested in the
predictive uncertainty of Fand given the shortcomings of the
regression models shown as Equation 2a and 2b detailed in
Figure 1, this is not unreasonable. Of course, the only way to
Table 2 Reproduction of Table 4 of Huijsmans & Hol (2012) including confidence intervals around central estimates of F
Week NApplication
Ammonia emission kg NH
-N/ha Ammonia emission % NH
-N of total N applied
Mean [95% CI] Mean [95% CI]
16 1 On potato ridges +incorporation 1 28.7 [22.2, 50.9] 13.9 [10.8, 24.8]
2 On potato ridges +incorporation 2 23.9 [18.9, 47.1] 14.9 [11.7, 29.3]
3 In slits 1 29.7 [23.2, 69.1] 18.7 [14.5, 43.4]
4 In slits 2 18.7 [14.8, 42.0] 11.8 [9.32, 26.5]
17 5 On potato ridges +incorporation 1 15.6 [13.1, 23.1] 10.0 [8.44, 14.9]
6 On potato ridges +incorporation 2 25.5 [19.3, 151.0] 16.2 [12.3, 96.1]
7 In slits 1 37.1 [28.6, 88.2] 24.2 [18.7, 57.5]
8 In slits 2 25.6 [19.6, 60.9] 17.3 [13.2, 41.2]
The experiment consisted of two series of measurements executed with two different manuring techniques. The experiment was carried out twice
in weeks 16 and 17.
©2017 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management,33, 276–287
278 J. C. Hanekamp et al.
confirm these or any assumptions is to verify (probabilistic)
predictions of Fwith actual measurement. The above has
implications for the emission calculations that are made on a
national scale and the connection with actual atmospheric
concentrations as measured by the LML network.
Ammonia in the Dutch atmosphere
Measurement of atmospheric concentrations of ammonia
helps to link the emission of ammonia with its deposition.
We agree with Erisman et al. (1998) that in ‘the causal
relation emission-concentration deposition effects, the
concentration and deposition observations might serve as a
test of the effectiveness of measures and the temporal
development of emissions.’ Sutton et al. (2003) noted that
‘[c]orrect interpretation of adequate atmospheric
measurements is essential, since monitoring data provide the
only means to evaluate trends in regional NH
The latter quote underscores the fundamental and (more
or less) exclusive empirical quality of atmospheric
concentrations above and beyond computed estimates of
ammonia emissions and deposition.
Atmospheric ammonia concentrations have been measured
since 1993 with the LML network. Ammonia is measured at
stations Vredepeel (S131), Huijbergen (S235), De Zilk
(S444), Wieringerwerf (S538), Leiduin (S540), Zegveld
(S633), Eibergen (S722), Lunteren (S734), Wekerom (S738),
Witteveen (S928) and Valthermond (S929); however, not all
stations have complete data sets either from 1993 or through
to 2014, the final year for which we received data.
The individual data sets are aggregated to national
atmospheric averages to produce a mean of all the data from
all stations. The importance of these atmospheric
concentrations lies in the fact that ammonia deposition
calculations are calibrated with the data gathered through
the LML stations (see e.g. PBL, 2010). So, these empirical
data connect emission estimates and deposition calculations
and are thus highly important. The national averages seem
to indicate a decline between 1994 and 2004 from 10 to 8 lg/
, and thereafter, concentrations remain at roughly the
–1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Perio d 1
Log height (m)
N (µg/m
Period 2
Log height (m)
Perio d 3
Log height (m)
Perio d 4
Log height (m)
Period 5
Log height (m)
Perio d 6
Log height (m)
Perio d 7
Log height (m)
–1.0 –0.5
–1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
–1.0 –0.5
–1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0–1.0 –0.5
–1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
–1.0 –0.5
–1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0–1.0 –0.5
–1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
–1.0 –0.5
–1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
–1.0 –0.5
0 200 400 600 800
0 200 400 600 800
02004006008000 200 400 600 800
N (µg/m
N (µg/m
N (µg/m
N (µg/m
N (µg/m
N (µg/m
Figure 1 Log-linear empirical relationship between height and mean NH
concentration. (The small black circles indicate the actual data; data
were measured at seven periods (there were data missing in period 5 at height 3.16 m). Note the log scale for height. The dashed red line
represents Equation 2b, and the dotted black lines are the 95% uncertainty bounds to 2b.)
©2017 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management,33, 276–287
The Dutch ammonia-discourse critiqued 279
same level (Figure 2). To better understand the apparent
trend, we conducted a number of analyses. First, it is noted
in Figure 3 that the hourly LML data are highly variable,
both within and across stations. This persistent variability
makes summarizing the data, such as with a yearly national
average, problematical. Indeed, all one-number summaries of
data as complex as this necessarily omit crucial details and
this cautions against drawing overconfident countrywide
As is evident from Figure 3, levels of NH
are high at
some stations (S131, S633 and S738), moderate at others
(S538, S722 and S734) and low at the rest (S235, S444, S540,
S928 and S929). Records are incomplete at four stations
(S540, S734, S928 and to some extent S929).
Figure 4 illustrates the difficulties of ascertaining
(national) trends. A popular method to define a trend is to
fit a routine linear regression on the value of interest (here
) at the starting point of a time series to the endpoint,
Figure 2 Annual national average ammonia concentrations from
1994 to 2012 (RIVM, 2013). [Colour figure can be viewed at]
NH3 (µg/m
NH3 (µg/m
NH3 (µg/m
NH3 (µg/m
NH3 (µg/m
NH3 (µg/m
NH3 (µg/m
NH3 (µg/m
NH3 (µg/m
NH3 (µg/m
NH3 (µg/m
Figure 3 Times series plots of atmospheric ammonia concentration for each LML station.[Colour figure can be viewed at]
©2017 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management,33, 276–287
280 J. C. Hanekamp et al.
using the date as the regressor. We performed a full trend
analysis of all the data of all stations.
Each point is the result of a different regression with a
different start date, but the same end date (the last date of
data for each station). The start date is stepped along the
series, starting with the first date available, then the second
(excluding the first), then the third (excluding the first two
dates) and so on. This approach harbours a bias that is
frequently overlooked. The start and end dates of the data
series are arbitrary, and merely by choosing different dates,
trends oscillate between positive and negative, and become
significant or non-significant by the simple change of a date.
Some of this is due to the spiked nature of the series and
some due to the inherent variability of ammonia
concentrations. It is clear that no countrywide trend signal is
evinced, and neither is there any clear indication of a
consistent trend at any station (in contrast to findings by
Van Zanten et al., 2017).
Furthermore, every station records highly transient spikes
in NH
concentrations (Figure 5). Each subplot shows a
histogram of NH
concentrations at each individual LML
station. The data are grouped into ‘bins’ of NH
concentrations, and the frequency of observation for each
‘bin’ (count) is reported. Those points that occur with a
frequency <1 in a 1000 (0.1%) are shown with ‘+’ signs, to
highlight the large transient values. Clearly, none of the plots
have a normal distribution, and as a result, summary
measures like the mean and standard deviation can be
misleading (Galton, 1907).
With data that is symmetrical or even roughly ‘bell-
shaped’, a mean can be a useful one-number summary as an
expression of the average behaviour of the system. In cases
of high skew, which is evinced here, the median is preferred,
because it gives a more accurate summary of data tendency
and system behaviour. When data are symmetric, as when
using normal distributions to characterize uncertainty (which
is not defensible here), the mean and median coincide or are
very close. Thus, there is often little reason to prefer the
mean, unless there is some physical or causal reason. That
causal reason does not exist here. For instance, some
statistical models that represent ammonia concentrations
using normal distributions inappropriately characterize
measurements as a ‘global’ mean plus departures from that
mean as if some physical process ‘wants’ to ‘return’
ammonia levels to that mean. This makes no physical sense,
as the many causes for actual NH
concentrations are not
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
NH3 (µg/m3) yr
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
NH3 (µg/m3) yr
NH3 (µg/m3) yr
NH3 (µg/m3) yr
NH3 (µg/m3) yr NH3 (µg/m3) yr NH3 (µg/m3) yr NH3 (µg/m3) yr
NH3 (µg/m3) yr
NH3 (µg/m3) yr
NH3 (µg/m3) yr
Figure 4 Trend analyses for all LML stations. (Points which are ‘statistically significant’ at 95% are black; those which are not ‘significant’ are
red.)[Colour figure can be viewed at]
©2017 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management,33, 276–287
The Dutch ammonia-discourse critiqued 281
‘restorative’ in this way. Instead, factors such as soil
chemistry, fertilizer application timing, wind entrainment,
precipitation, atmospheric chemistry and other mechanisms
cause levels to continuously change, and often to swing
wildly and to spike, as the plots in fact show. All these
aspects are good reasons to choose the median as the most
accurate representation of the system’s behaviour.
The mean is highly sensitive to spikes in data. Table 3
summarizes mean and median for each LML station. The
mean/median ratio shows that the mean in this skewed data
is always higher than the median, with the smallest ‘boost’ in
the average being 27% (at S722). When the data series is
short, as it is at S540, the disparity is even larger, with the
mean being 310% larger than the median. Use of the mean
is therefore very misleading (Figure 6).
The wide heterogeneity of the LML data, both in
measurement and topography (station location and local
land use and so on), firmly argues against the use of an
annual nationwide mean across the LML stations (see
RIVM, 2013). This erroneously gives equal weight to each
station in the mean. Because of this, for instance, a station
that is on average ‘up wind’ will have more influence over
national totals than another that is downwind or near the
border of the country and which therefore cannot contribute
much to national agricultural emissions (Sutton et al., 2015).
To drive the point home with respect to the difficulty of
national yearly averages, a representative scatterplot of
NH3 (µg/m3)
010 000 30 000
++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ +++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ + +
05000 15 000 25 000
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++ + ++++++++++++
0 10 000 30 000
++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++ ++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ + ++
0 50 100 150 200
020 00040 000
++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++++++++ ++++
0500 1000 1500
0 100 200 300
0 20 000 40 000 60 000
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++ ++++++++++ +++++ + +++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
0 10 000 20 000
+++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
0 50 100 150 200 250
0200 400 600 800
0 10 000 30 000
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++++ +++++ +++
0 2000 6000
+++++++++ + +++++++++++++++ + +++++++ +++++++++++++ +
05000 15 000
+++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + ++++++++++++++ ++++++ ++++++++
NH3 (µg/m3)NH3 (µg/m3)NH3 (µg/m3)
NH3 (µg/m3)NH3 (µg/m3)NH3 (µg/m3)NH3 (µg/m3)
NH3 (µg/m3)NH3 (µg/m3)NH3 (µg/m3)
Figure 5 Histogram of atmospheric NH
concentrations at each LML station.
Table 3 Mean and median of all hourly measurement values per
LML station and ratios of mean to median
Mean/median ratio
S131 18.37 13.13 1.40
S235 2.84 1.76 1.61
S444 1.83 0.82 2.23
S538 4.73 2.84 1.67
S540 2.67 0.86 3.10
S633 9.01 6.10 1.48
S722 9.48 7.45 1.27
S734 21.65 15.99 1.35
S738 16.86 11.56 1.46
S928 2.46 1.63 1.51
S929 4.35 3.19 1.36
©2017 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management,33, 276–287
282 J. C. Hanekamp et al.
hourly NH
values for two stations, S444 and S538, is given
in Figure 7. This and the other plots we have produced (not
shown) reveal that hourly NH
concentrations at one station
are not well correlated with NH
concentrations at other
stations. This implies that the causes of NH
in the
atmosphere are localized and not countrywide. There is some
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
10 15 20
NH3 (µg/m3)
1.0 2.0 3.0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
4 6 8 10 12 14
6 8 10 12
12 14 16 18 20 22
5 10 15 20
1.5 2.0 2.5
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
NH3 (µg/m3)
NH3 (µg/m3)
NH3 (µg/m3)
NH3 (µg/m3)
NH3 (µg/m3)
NH3 (µg/m3)
NH3 (µg/m3)
NH3 (µg/m3)
NH3 (µg/m3)
NH3 (µg/m3)
Figure 6 Monthly mean (solid) and monthly median (dotted) atmospheric ammonia concentrations for all LML stations.
020 40 60
Correlation between two LML stations
Figure 7 A representative scatterplot of NH
concentrations for two stations, S444 and
©2017 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management,33, 276–287
The Dutch ammonia-discourse critiqued 283
unsurprising evidence of a seasonal cycle embedded in the
variability at each station. This localization argues against a
countrywide single-number annual summary. Obviously,
correlation necessarily increases between stations when data
are aggregated to, say, monthly averages. This is purely the
result of smoothing the data and does not in any way
indicate increases in causal relationships or ‘links’ between
sets of data (Briggs, 2016).
Unravelling emission and concentration estimates
In the years after the LML network became operational, it
was noticed that atmospheric ammonia concentrations did
not greatly change. That is unexpected because several
emission reduction measures had been put in place and
emissions in this period were estimated to have decreased by
35%. Later, this discrepancy between calculated emissions
and the LML concentration measurements was dubbed the
‘ammonia gap’. Erisman et al. (2001) defined this gap as ‘the
difference observed between the estimated NH
levels in the Netherlands and those indicated by atmospheric
measurements’. Sutton et al. (2003) take Erisman et al.’s
definition to its logical next step. They state that the ‘gap’ is
‘the lack of a detectable reduction in NH
following the implementation of abatement measures in
1993.’ Here, a downward signal is expected in the
atmospheric ammonia concentrations as a result of
abatement measures, which nevertheless does not show. That
missing signal is referred to as the ‘gap’. Conversely, in 1995,
the RIVM issued a report in which an evaluation was
presented of calculations of atmospheric ammonia
concentrations in the Netherlands related to measurements
(RIVM, 1995). With the aid of annual averaged values,
modelled ammonia concentrations that are based on national
emission estimates were 27% lower than the measured
concentrations. This discrepancy persisted despite adding
16% to estimated national emissions. Although the report
does not mention the ‘ammonia gap’ as such, the first
outlines thereof seem to emerge with the discrepancy defined
as the difference between averages of measured and modelled
atmospheric ammonia concentrations. In line with this, De
Ruiter et al. (2006) defined the ‘ammonia gap’ as the
difference between the modelled atmospheric ammonia
concentrations (with the operational priority substances
(OPS) model) and the measured concentrations, the former
being substantially lower (by some 25 to 30%) than the latter
(see Velders et al., 2010). So, the first definition of the
‘ammonia gap’ focuses on the ostensible difference between
estimated ammonia emissions (which ostensibly change) and
the measured atmospheric ammonia concentrations (which
do not change), whereas the second definition revolves
around the discrepancy between modelled and empirically
measured atmospheric ammonia concentrations. It seems
that considering the first definition, the ‘gap’ is now bigger
than ever.
There is a rich scientific literature on the Dutch ammonia
emissions. This gives the opportunity to see how the
emission calculations changed but also how views evolved.
In the 1980s, estimates of the total ammonia emissions in the
Netherlands were in the order of 200 kt/year (Erisman,
1989). Between 1990 and 2016 ammonia emissions estimates
roughly doubled with most of the increase occurring around
1990. The biggest change in historical emissions was due to
increases in emission factors for manure application (see Van
Bruggen et al., 2011). In the nineties, an emission factor of
50% of applied TAN for surface spreading was assumed
(Van Bruggen et al., 2011, p. 107). Following the work of
NH3 (kt)
Emission of ammonia from agricultural sources
2015, RIVM
2011, Van Bruggen et al.
2006, De Ruiter et al.
2000, Van Jaarsveld et al.
1989, Erisman
Figure 8 Different estimates (with references)
of ammonia emission trends.[Colour figure
can be viewed at]
©2017 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management,33, 276–287
284 J. C. Hanekamp et al.
Huijsmans (2003), the emission factor for 1990 was changed
to 74%, as surface spreading of manure was the
predominant method at the time. As low-emission techniques
for manure application were introduced from 1991 onwards
(see Table 1 for examples), the estimated emissions have
decreased considerably according to the updated calculations
(Figure 8).
Given the substantial uncertainties relating to (nationwide)
emissions, expressed in our discussion of the use of the
model of Ryden & McNeill (1984), and all the complex
processes that take place in the atmosphere, it is not
surprising that trends in emissions and atmospheric
concentrations differ or that model calculations are at odds
with measured concentrations. Nevertheless, in terms of
emission factors, overconfidence is inbuilt in the national
emission inventories. The National Emission Model for
Agriculture (NEMA) model is used to calculate agricultural
emissions to the atmosphere in the Netherlands, with
ammonia emission factors are simply specified as one
decimal numerals (Table 4).
Coining the term ‘ammonia gap’ suggests that discrepancies
between either the calculated atmospheric ammonia
concentrations and actual measurements or changing emissions
and measured (roughly) unchanging atmospheric concen-
trations are somehow physically real: this evidently is a false
notion. More precisely, the gap has been ‘reified into reality’.
Reification is a widespread and classical fallacy dubbed by
Alfred North Whitehead (1925) as the ‘fallacy of misplaced
concreteness’. Reification is making something which is
hypothetical or abstract physically real. Abstractions in science
are quite common and necessary; however, trouble arises when
we start to think of abstractions as if they were concrete
realities themselves thereby ‘reifying’ them. This
predicament is intensified when we think of the abstractions as
somehow more real than the concrete realities from which they
have been abstracted (see Briggs, 2016). Using the mean
averages for the LML data and even aggregating the data to a
national scale exacerbates this reification. Reducing the
temporally and spatially highly variable atmospheric
concentrations to one annual number produces over-certainty,
or at least masks the substantial uncertainty present. The
median as the correct and thereby more accurate expression of
the complex data lowers local atmospheric ammonia
concentrations substantially (see Table 3 and Figure 6).
Concluding discussion
We are aware that we have put large question marks over
seemingly settled aspects of the ammonia discourse in the
Table 4 Manure application techniques and emission factors as
specified in the NEMA model
Manure application, techniques and
emission factors
Factor (EF), %
Grassland slurry
Shallow injection 61 19.0
Slit coulter 13 22.5
Narrow band 25 26.0
Surface spreading 1 74.0
Cropland (uncropped) slurry
Deep placement 71 2.0
Shallow injection 9 24.0
Slit coulter 9 30.0
Narrow band 7 36.0
Direct incorporation 4 22.0
2-pass incorporation 0 46.0
Surface spreading 0 69.0
Manuring before crops were planted.
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
0 10 20 30 40
LML NH3 (µg/m3)
150 200 250 300 350
NH3 Emissions (Gg)
Figure 9 Estimated ammonia emissions (Gg)
since 1990 (RIVM, 2015) and ammonia
concentrations at two LML stations, one
high and one low measurement; median
values between 1993 and 2014.[Colour figure
can be viewed at]
©2017 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management,33, 276–287
The Dutch ammonia-discourse critiqued 285
Netherlands. Firstly, the non-availability of the experimental
data that underpin current agricultural policies and form a
key part of the paper of Huijsmans et al. (2016) is worrying.
Reproducibility is a crucial epistemic value that nowadays is
at the forefront of scientific discussion (e.g. Ioannidis, 2005;
Horton, 2015; Peng, 2015; Browman, 2016; Munaf"
oet al.,
Secondly, we have shown that the uncertainty in fitting
experimental emission data is substantial, and yet, model-
generated confidence intervals for the central emission
estimates are not reported (Table 2). Emission factors
derived from experiment and modelling (Ryden & McNeill,
1984) are published and used with an amount of
overconfidence and accuracy that is not appropriate for the
actual data gathering and subsequent statistical work (see
e.g. Vonk et al., 2016).
Changing manure application from broadcast spreading to
shallow injection, for instance, is likely to have resulted in
emission reduction in the Netherlands, but by how much
remains unknown. Our analysis of one data set gives enough
insight into the model uncertainty to seriously question the
NEMA model in which emission factors from experimental
research are applied to national emission inventories with a
precision of one decimal place. Even our own analysis is
likely to be fraught with overconfidence, as for instance,
measurement uncertainty is unknown. As a result, emission
factors in the NEMA model carry sizeable uncertainties that
are not made explicit and should carry over to the emission
totals produced by the model. Indeed, Sutton et al. (2015)
remark that no overall synthesis in the uncertainty in the
trend of all contributions to Dutch ammonia emissions has
been conducted.
We would assert that the uncertainty in the output of the
equation given in Ryden & McNeill (1984) at least would result
in emission uncertainties that would perhaps result in overlap
between the different manure application techniques (see
Table 1). Thus, the widely reported dividing lines between
emissions from different manure application techniques are
likely blurred. In some ways, this is expressed in Figure 9 where
the ammonia emission estimates since 1990 are overlaid with
LML-median value series for two stations, one with high and
the other with low atmospheric ammonia concentrations. The
1990 value for estimated ammonia emissions is 373 kt (RIVM,
2015) or 372 kt (RIVM, 2016). Clearly, there is no correlation
between estimated emissions and atmospheric median
concentrations. The picture is similar for all LML stations:
Thirdly, current official output from the LML database
leaves much to be desired. Two things are quite clear from
our analyses: (i) median values should be the default when
summarizing the highly skewed LML data set as it best
describes the average system behaviour; (ii) no countrywide
trend signal is evinced from the hourly LML data, and
neither is there any consistent trend at any station. Use of
the mean gives a misleading picture and suggests ‘average’
atmospheric ammonia values that are simply too high
(Galton, 1907). Ammonia concentrations in the Dutch
atmosphere are substantially lower than reported in the
official outputs, resulting, we venture, in lower subsequent
deposition. Actual ammonia emissions could be lower as
well, although this was explicitly not researched here. With
the reduction of data to a one-number annual summary,
much useful information is being discarded.
Finally, the extensive research efforts over the past thirty
years in the Netherlands have provided much valuable data on
the agricultural impact on the local and national environment
and beyond. However, lack of data transparency,
oversimplified statistical procedures, and the resulting
spurious accuracy of published and applied emission results
dilutes the usefulness of these research efforts. This has
created an environment in which results used for regulatory
purposes seemingly can be employed without the usual and
compulsory scientific provisos. This needs to change and we
have provided some tools to make that change happen.
We thank Addo van Pul of the RIVM for graciously making
available all LML data sets and further open discussions.
Equally, we want to thank Gerard Velthof of Wageningen
University and Research for sending us the NEMA model.
Wageningen University is also thanked for making available
some data sets of ammonia emission manure experiments. The
two anonymous referees are graciously acknowledged for their
constructive and insightful critique.
This research is made possible through a crowd-funding
effort resulting from the authors’ interest in this subject.
Geesje Rotgers of V-Focus is graciously acknowledged for
her tireless coordination efforts (
ammoniak2015/in Dutch). As a result, we do not have any
competing interests.
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©2017 British Society of Soil Science, Soil Use and Management,33, 276–287
The Dutch ammonia-discourse critiqued 287
... Goedhart & Huijsmans (2017), in their paper 'Accounting for uncertainties in ammonia emission from manure applied to grassland', which critiques Hanekamp et al. (2017), have performed a valuable service in emphasizing the need to estimate uncertainty in ammonia (NH 3 ) emissions calculated from the Ryden & McNeill (R&M) model (1984). Studies published prior to Hanekamp et al. (2017) have presented results from the R&M model as if they were certain and precise. ...
... Goedhart & Huijsmans (2017), in their paper 'Accounting for uncertainties in ammonia emission from manure applied to grassland', which critiques Hanekamp et al. (2017), have performed a valuable service in emphasizing the need to estimate uncertainty in ammonia (NH 3 ) emissions calculated from the Ryden & McNeill (R&M) model (1984). Studies published prior to Hanekamp et al. (2017) have presented results from the R&M model as if they were certain and precise. Both Goedhart & Huijsmans and Hanekamp et al. have shown that there is much greater uncertainty than was heretofore appreciated and communicated. ...
... The R&M model predicts 0 or negative values of NH 3 and thereby fails as can be seen in Figure 1 of Hanekamp et al. (2017;depicted above). This is because of the linear nature of the regression. ...
... Huijsmans et al., 2016), which culminated in an official hearing by the Dutch parliamentary commission for Economic Affairs on 22 February 2017. Hanekamp et al. (2017a) claimed that large uncertainties in estimated emission percentages measured in individual experiments 'at least would result in emission uncertainties that would perhaps overlap between the different manure application techniques. Thus, the widely reported dividing lines between emissions from different manure application techniques are likely blurred'. ...
... These are serious comments that are addressed in this study by revisiting ammonia emission data obtained in 199 experiments conducted in the Netherlands, as reported by Huijsmans & Schils (2009). This paper evaluates the method of Hanekamp et al. (2017a) for calculating measurement uncertainties of the percentage of applied ammonia emitted. It is shown here that their method is fundamentally flawed. ...
... This flaw is addressed, and a method is presented to obtain correct values for the uncertainties. Following the reasoning of Hanekamp et al. (2017a), that large uncertainties blur differences between application techniques, observed emission percentages in pairwise experiments were given a large artificial uncertainty and subsequently re-analysed, using a meta-analysis, to identify whether their criticism could be valid. Furthermore, all the conducted experiments are re-analysed to obtain confidence intervals for mean emission percentages of the manure application methods. ...
Full-text available
A recent study has raised doubts about the ammonia emission reduction achieved in the Netherlands when applying manure to grassland by means of low-emission techniques such as narrow band and shallow injection. The critics claim that percentages of ammonia released to the atmosphere associated with low-emission techniques might even overlap with that from surface broadcast spreading given the large alleged experimental uncertainties in measurements. Consequently, the rationale behind the regulations to which farmers are exposed is questioned. In this study, it is shown that the alleged large uncertainties were obtained by means of an erroneous statistical method and that the real uncertainties are much smaller. It is also shown that, even when there is a large uncertainty in individual measurements, previous conclusions about differences in emission between different manure application techniques are still valid. It is further argued in this study that uncertainty in the percentage of applied ammonia emitted is implicitly taken into account in any comparative statistical analysis conducted in the past.
... Vorig jaar juni kwamen we met een publicatie over ammoniak in het internationale wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Soil Use and Management (SUM). 7 Het RIVM heeft daarop een reactie geschreven waarin een veelbetekende opmerking wordt geplaatst over hoe om te gaan met de meetgegevens van de LMLmeetstations. 8 De noodzaak om alle meetgegevens gewoon rekenkundig te middelen achten de RIVM auteurs noodzakelijk om de uiteindelijke ammoniakdepositie op ecosystemen niet te "onderschatten". ...
Technical Report
Full-text available
De metingen van het belangrijkste agrarische ammoniak meetstation (RIVM-meetstation Vredepeel op het terrein van Wageningen UR Plant Research) in het Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit (LML) worden vervuild door een directe lokale bron, een pluimveehouderij, die te dicht op het meetstation staat.
... Indubitably, it would be best not to use point measures at all for complex phenomena and use distributions. If the interest were in total deposition, then it would be better to form a real measure of total deposition and not use a proxy that gives undue weight to temporarily high values, which does not represent average system behaviour (Galton, 1907). ...
Full-text available
Improving the reliability and efficiency of scientific research will increase the credibility of the published scientific literature and accelerate discovery. Here we argue for the adoption of measures to optimize key elements of the scientific process: methods, reporting and dissemination, reproducibility, evaluation and incentives. There is some evidence from both simulations and empirical studies supporting the likely effectiveness of these measures, but their broad adoption by researchers, institutions, funders and journals will require iterative evaluation and improvement. We discuss the goals of these measures, and how they can be implemented, in the hope that this will facilitate action toward improving the transparency, reproducibility and efficiency of scientific research.
Full-text available
“Ocean acidification” (OA), a change in seawater chemistry driven by increased uptake of atmospheric CO2 by the oceans, has probably been the most-studied single topic in marine science in recent times. The majority of the literature on OA report negative effects of CO2 on organisms and conclude that OA will be detrimental to marine ecosystems. As is true across all of science, studies that report no effect of OA are typically more difficult to publish. Further, the mechanisms underlying the biological and ecological effects of OA have received little attention in most organismal groups, and some of the key mechanisms (e.g. calcification) are still incompletely understood. For these reasons, the ICES Journal of Marine Science solicited contributions to this special issue. In this introduction, I present a brief overview of the history of research on OA, call for a heightened level of organized (academic) scepticism to be applied to the body of work on OA, and briefly present the 44 contributions that appear in this theme issue. OA research has clearly matured, and is continuing to do so. We hope that our readership will find that, when taken together, the articles that appear herein do indeed move us “Towards a broader perspective on ocean acidification research”.
Full-text available
We present measurements of atmospheric concentrations of ammonia and ammonium in the Netherlands over the period 1993–2014 and measurements of wet deposition of ammonium for 1985–2014. The various time series have been obtained at 16 monitoring stations from the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network. The monitoring stations are geographically homogenously spread over the Netherlands and are equally distributed over regions with relatively low, moderate and high ammonia emission.
Full-text available
While it has been recognised for many years that gaseous transfer is an important pathway in the terrestrial N cycle, it is only in recent times that direct field measurements have been made of the exchanges of nitrogenous gases between soils, plants and the atmosphere. Methods of three general kinds have been employed: those using diffusion theory to calculate gas transport in the soil profile; enclosure methods in which the flux density of the gas at the soil or water surface is calculated from changes in gas concentration in an enclosure placed over the surface; and micrometeorological techniques in which the vertical flux density of the gas is measured in the free air above the surface.
Full-text available
Gaseous ammonia (NH3) is the most abundant alkaline gas in the atmosphere. In addition, it is a major component of total reactive nitrogen. The largest source of NH3 emissions is agriculture, including animal husbandry and NH3-based fertilizer applications. Other sources of NH3 include industrial processes, vehicular emissions and volatilization from soils and oceans. Recent studies have indicated that NH3 emissions have been increasing over the last few decades on a global scale. This is a concern because NH3 plays a significant role in the formation of atmospheric particulate matter, visibility degradation and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen to sensitive ecosystems. Thus, the increase in NH3 emissions negatively influences environmental and public health as well as climate change. For these reasons, it is important to have a clear understanding of the sources, deposition and atmospheric behaviour of NH3. Over the last two decades, a number of research papers have addressed pertinent issues related to NH3 emissions into the atmosphere at global, regional and local scales. This review article integrates the knowledge available on atmospheric NH3 from the literature in a systematic manner, describes the environmental implications of unabated NH3 emissions and provides a scientific basis for developing effective control strategies for NH3.
Ammonia is easily lost after land spreading of livestock slurries. Low-emission techniques entailing injection and trailing shoes have therefore become compulsory in the Netherlands on grassland. There is an argument that the emission of ammonia after surface application is overestimated and that the emission of various other nitrogen (N) compounds, following the prescribed low-emission techniques, is underestimated. Opponents also claim that injection in particular decreases grassland yields due to its negative effect on soil quality and biodiversity. They state that a similar reduction in ammonia emissions could be realized via low-protein dairy cow diets and slurry spreading under favourable weather conditions. This study evaluates these claims and concludes that low-emission techniques reduce the loss of ammonia effectively and increase the availability of N to grassland. There are no indications that low-emission techniques per se have negative effects on soil quality, the productivity of crops and biodiversity. It has also been demonstrated that the efficacy of proposed alternatives is limited.
More people have more access to data than ever before. But a comparative lack of analytical skills has resulted in scientific findings that are neither replicable nor reproducible. It is time to invest in statistics education, says Roger Peng
De landbouw is de belangrijkste bon van ammoniak (NH3) in Nederland. In 2009 heeft de CDM-werkgroep ‘Nationaal Emissiemodel voor Ammoniak’ (NEMA) een nieuwe methodiek ontwikkeld om de ammoniakemissie uit de landbouw te berekenen. De nieuwe rekenmethodiek gaat bij de berekening van emissie uit stallen en mestopslagen tijdens beweiding en bij mesttoediening uit van de hoeveelheid totaal ammoniakaal stikstof (TAN) in de mest. In 2010 heeft de Emissieregistratie (ER) besloten om deze methodiek te gaan gebruiken voor de jaarlijkse berekening van ammoniakemissie uit de landbouw. De tijdreeks is vanaf 1990 met de nieuwe methodiek herberekend. Bij de herberekening zijn ook waar mogelijk nieuwe inzichten verwerkt in de uitgangspunten. De resultaten van de nieuwe methodiek wijken vooral voor begin jaren negentig af van de oorspronkelijke resultaten in de ER-database. De NH3-emissie uit dierlijke mest in 1990 is met de nieuwe methodiek berekend op 319 miljoen kg. In de oorspronkelijke uitkomsten bedroeg de NH3-emissie uit dierlijke mest 224 miljoen kg. De belangrijkste oorzaken voor dit verschil zijn nieuwe emissiefactoren voor bovengronds toegediende mest op grasland en bouwland en het verschil in minerale stikstoffractie in de mest. De NH3-emissie uit dierlijke mest in 2008 is met de nieuwe methodiek vastgesteld op 99 miljoen kg tegen 108 miljoen volgens de oorspronkelijke reeks. Hoewel de verschillen tussen de resultaten van de nieuwe methodiek en de oorspronkelijke resultaten in recente jaren klein zijn, kunnen er wel duidelijke verschillen voorkomen tussen de afzonderlijke emissiebronnen.