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Leptospira spp. And Toxoplasma gondii in stranded representatives of wild cetaceans in the Philippines


Abstract and Figures

Background: The stranding events of cetaceans in the Philippines provide opportunities for gathering biological information and specimens, especially from the pelagic forms. As part of an effort to monitor the health of wild cetaceans, this study detected Leptospira spp. and Toxoplasma gondii, causative agents of the emerging zoonotic diseases leptospirosis and toxoplasmosis respectively, in their stranded representatives. From October 2016-August 2018, 40 cetaceans (representing 14 species) that stranded nationwide were sampled for brain, cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, kidney, and blood tissues, urine, and sera. These were subjected to molecular, serological, culture, and histopathological analyses to detect the target pathogens. Results: T. gondii was detected in 20 (71%) of the 28 cetaceans with biological samples subjected to either molecular detection through RE gene amplification or IgG antibodies detection through agglutination-based serological assay. On the other hand, Leptospira was detected in 18 (64%) of 28 cetaceans with biological samples subjected to bacterial culture, molecular detection through 16S rDNA amplification, or IgM antibodies detection through ELISA-based serological assay. Conclusions: There is the plausibility of toxoplasmosis and leptospirosis in cetacean populations found in the Philippines, however, acute or chronic phases of infections in sampled stranded individuals cannot be confirmed in the absence of supporting pathological observations and corroborating detection tests. Further studies should look for more evidences of pathogenicity, and explore the specific mechanisms by which pelagic cetacean species become infected by Leptospira spp. and T. gondii. As there is growing evidence on the role of cetaceans as sentinels of land-sea movement of emerging pathogens and the diseases they cause, any opportunity, such as their stranding events, should be maximized to investigate the health of their populations. Moreover, the role of leptospirosis or toxoplasmosis in these stranding events must be considered.
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R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E Open Access
Leptospira spp. and Toxoplasma gondii in
stranded representatives of wild cetaceans
in the Philippines
Marie Christine M. Obusan
, Ren Mark D. Villanueva
, Maria Auxilia T. Siringan
, Windell L. Rivera
Lemnuel V. Aragones
Background: The stranding events of cetaceans in the Philippines provide opportunities for gathering biological
information and specimens, especially from the pelagic forms. As part of an effort to monitor the health of wild
cetaceans, this study detected Leptospira spp. and Toxoplasma gondii, causative agents of the emerging zoonotic
diseases leptospirosis and toxoplasmosis respectively, in their stranded representatives. From October 2016August
2018, 40 cetaceans (representing 14 species) that stranded nationwide were sampled for brain, cardiac muscle,
skeletal muscle, kidney, and blood tissues, urine, and sera. These were subjected to molecular, serological, culture,
and histopathological analyses to detect the target pathogens.
Results: T. gondii was detected in 20 (71%) of the 28 cetaceans with biological samples subjected to either molecular
detection through RE gene amplification or IgG antibodies detection through agglutination-based serological assay. On
the other hand, Leptospira was detected in 18 (64%) of 28 cetaceans with biological samples subjected to bacterial
culture, molecular detection through 16S rDNA amplification, or IgM antibodies detection through ELISA-based
serological assay.
Conclusions: There is the plausibility of toxoplasmosis and leptospirosis in cetacean populations found in the
Philippines, however, acute or chronic phases of infections in sampled stranded individuals cannot be confirmed in the
absence of supporting pathological observations and corroborating detection tests. Further studies should look for more
evidences of pathogenicity, and explore the specific mechanisms by which pelagic cetacean species become infected
by Leptospira spp. and T. gondii. As there is growing evidence on the role of cetaceans as sentinels of land-sea
movement of emerging pathogens and the diseases they cause, any opportunity, such as their stranding events, should
be maximized to investigate the health of their populations. Moreover, the role of leptospirosis or toxoplasmosis in these
stranding events must be considered.
Keywords: Leptospira spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Cetaceans, Stranding events, Philippines
The waters of the Philippine archipelago harbor a
diverse array of marine mammals. To date, 30 marine
mammal species, including 28 cetaceans, the dugong
(Dugong dugon) and the Asian clawless otter (Aonyx
cinereus), have been confirmed in the Philippines [1].
Based on limited surveys, opportunistic sightings, and
stranding events, most of these species range from very
rare to common in the Philippines [2]; and regarded as
data deficient, endangered, threatened, and vulnerable to
extinction, globally. In general, marine mammals live
long, grow slowly, and have low fecundity. These fea-
tures make them not only prone to over-exploitation
and exposed to anthropogenic impacts but also good
sentinel species [3,4]i.e. indicators of oceans and hu-
man health. The utility of these species as sentinels for
ocean and human health stems from their physiological
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* Correspondence:
Institute of Biology, College of Science, University of the Philippines,
Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines
Natural Sciences Research Institute, College of Science, University of the
Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Obusan et al. BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:372
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similarity with humans and their ability to sampleor
concentrate toxins and pathogens from their habitats
[5]. Thus, based on the types of diseases and pathogens
found in their wild populations, they can indicate human
health risks posed by common water resource use [69].
Knowledge of their diseases and pathogens is valuable to
understand the impacts of subclinical or overt diseases
in their populations, routes of infection in marine
ecosystems, and risks to other marine and terrestrial
vertebrates [10]. This information is needed to prevent
the transmission of zoonotic diseases especially at the
human-wildlife interface.
One of these zoonotic diseases is leptospirosis, endemic
in most tropical and subtropical regions. Southeast Asia is
reported as one of its most significant foci regions, and
Philippines (with 4.8 annual incidence per million) is 26th
among the 28 countries with highest incidence of the dis-
ease in humans [11]. The disease is caused by pathogenic
spirochetes of the genus Leptospira and is propagated in
nature through chronic renal infection of carrier animals
[12]. Rodents, pigs, dogs, and cattle serve as Leptospira
reservoirs but different wild and domestic mammals act as
accidental hosts for various serotypes of this pathogen
[1315]. Antibodies against Leptospira serovars were also
detected in reptiles such as snakes, lizards, and turtles
[16]. Although it is well documented and characterized in
terrestrial species including humans, less information is
available regarding its distribution and impact in marine
mammals [17]. Previous studies reported the prevalence
of leptospirosis or seropositivity to Leptospira spp. in the
sirenian Peruvian Amazon manatees (Trichechus inunguis)
[18] as well as in pinnipeds including harbor seals (Phoca
vitulina)[19,20], Northern elephant seals (Mirounga
angustirostris)[21], California sea lions (Zalophus califor-
nianus)[2226,17], and Chilean South American sea
lions (Otaria byronia)[27]. Most recently, two serovars
Pomona and Calicola of Leptospira interrogans were de-
tected in serum samples of endangered Caspian seals
(Pusa caspica) in the Caspian Sea off Northern Iran [28].
Information on the prevalence of Leptospira in cetaceans
is scarce, with the first isolation of the proposed L. brihue-
gai sp. nov from Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena aus-
tralis) that stranded in Argentina reported by Loffler et al.
(2015) [29]. Bik et al., (2016) also reported detecting
several bacteria with Leptospira sequence types in appar-
ently healthy bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)in
California, although none of these sequence types were
close to that of pathogenic L. interrogans [30].
Another zoonotic disease, toxoplasmosis, is caused by
Toxoplasma gondii, a coccidian parasite of mammals
with cats as definitive host [31]. Previous knowledge
considers T. gondii as a land-based parasite, until the im-
portance of its transmission by water [32] was implicated
by waterborne outbreaks [33] and reports of infections
or prevalence in marine mammals including cetaceans
[3443], fissipeds [44,45], pinnipeds [4649,21,36],
and sirenian [50]. In the Philippines, Obusan et al.
(2015) reported the occurrence of T. gondii in cetacean
species [51]. This body of evidence suggests waterborne
aspects of toxoplasmosis as a zoonotic disease as well as
the utility of marine mammals to serve as surrogates for
studying its emergence in the marine environment [36].
The stranding events of cetaceans in the Philippines
provide opportunities for gathering biological informa-
tion and specimens, especially from the pelagic forms.
Based on Aragones et al., (2017), the trend in the
frequency of local marine mammal stranding events in
the Philippines has been increasing through the years,
with a total of 713 strandings from 2005-August 2016
and an annual average of 65 events. These strandings
are most likely to be responded in the so-called regional
hotspots, administrative regions with highest stranding
frequencies. As an archipelago, the Philippines is divided
into 17 regions for administrative purposes, and Regions
I, II, III, V, and VII, are the marine mammal stranding
hotspots [52]. Cetacean stranding events have been asso-
ciated with infection by pathogenic agents occurring
during or after periods of immune suppression [53,54].
However, proving this, as well as identifying the specific
cause of a stranding event is a difficult task, as there is
usually a synergy of factors that may cause an animal
to strand. While the presence of pathogens (and the
diseases associated with them) does not necessarily
explain the causation of a stranding event, it indicates
the health status of wild cetacean populations as well
as the conditions of their habitats. As part of an ef-
fort to monitor the health of cetaceans found in the
Philippines, this study detected Leptospira spp. and T.
gondii in different biological samples obtained from
individuals that stranded in the country from October
2016August 2018.
Stranded cetaceans
Forty (40) cetaceans that stranded in Philippine waters
from October 2016 to August 2018, were sampled for
biological materials (Table 1). Thirty-seven (37) of these
were involved in single stranding events. Three (3) ceta-
ceans were from mass stranding events; two of which
were sampled from one event while one came from a
separate event. Stranded individuals represented 14 cet-
acean species (Fig. 1). The majority of these individuals
were alive when they stranded (n= 26); 21 of them died
while being responded or rehabilitated while three were
released back into the wild.
Stranding events were recorded in Luzon (n= 25) and
Mindanao (n= 15) Islands (Fig. 1). More than half (n=
21) of these strandings occurred in administrative
Obusan et al. BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:372 Page 2 of 14
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regions included in the top five stranding hotspots: Re-
gion I (n= 9), Region II (n= 3), Region III (n= 1), and
Region V (n= 8). The rest occurred in Region IV-A (n=
4), Region X (n= 3), Region IX (n= 6), Region XI (n= 2),
Region XII (n= 2), and Region XIII (n= 2). Most of the
strandings (n= 16) occurred during the lull period before
southwest (SW) monsoon, while only one was recorded
during the lull before northeast (NE) monsoon. The rest
occurred during SW monsoon (n= 13) and NE monsoon
(n= 10).
The following biological samples were obtained (with
n= number of cetacean individuals): brain tissues (n=
10), cardiac muscle tissues (n= 14), and skeletal muscle
tissues (15) were used for molecular detection of T. gon-
dii while kidney tissues (n= 12) were used for molecular
detection, histopathological examination, and isolation
of Leptospira spp. Bacterial isolation was also done using
urine (n= 2) and blood samples (n= 22). Moreover, all
blood samples were subjected to molecular detection of
both target pathogens. Serum samples (n= 7) were used
to detect T. gondii IgG antibodies and Leptospira IgM
antibodies. The number of detection methods to which
each cetacean was subjected depended on the type of
biological sample/s collected considering the physical
preservation and condition of the animal.
T. gondii detection
For the detection of T. gondii, 15 individuals (S1, S2, S3,
S4, S5, S10, S11, S12, S13, S16, S18, S21, S22, S24, and
S25)hadtissue/spositiveforthetargetRE gene and six
(S15, S24, S36, S37, S39, and S40) were seropositive for
IgG antibodies against the protozoan parasite. One in-
dividual (S24) was both sero- and RE gene- positive.
Another individual (S25) was RE-gene positive but
sero-negative. Among 28 cetaceans with biological
samples subjected to either gene-specific PCR assay or
agglutination-based serological assay, T. gondii was de-
tected in 20 (71%) individuals (Table 2).
Leptospira spp. detection
Leptospira was detected in the blood samples of nine in-
dividuals (S2, S3, S4, S10, S15, S16, S19, S20, and S22)
through 16S rDNA amplification. This detection repre-
sents both pathogenic and non-pathogenic species of
the genus as targeted by the primers used. Seven indi-
viduals (S15, S24, S25, S36, S37, S39, and S40) were
sero-positive for Leptospira IgM antibodies. Two (2)
were successfully sequenced from 15 putative lepto-
spires that were isolated: isolate 4KT1.2 (from the
kidney of S4) and isolate 6KT1.2 (from the kidney of S6)
has 98 and 99% sequence similarity respectively to L. inter-
rogans serovar Copenhageni strain FDAARGOS_203
(NCBI Accession No. CP020414). S6 exhibited
leptospirosis-associated tubulointerstitial nephritis (Fig. 2),
characterized by mild thickening of basement membrane
capillaries and necrosis of convoluted tubular epithelium
[22]. As this lesion was observed concurrent to bacterial
isolation, it is likely that this cetacean individual had recent
Leptospira infection. In addition, hemosiderosis was ob-
served (Fig. 3). Both the isolates were found to tolerate dif-
ferent seawater concentrations (1, 3, 5, 7 and 10%) up to 2
days of incubation when grown in EMJH Media and
Korthof Media, indicating their ability to survive in the
marine environment. Out of 28 cetaceans with biological
samples subjected to any of the detection methods (culture,
gene-specific PCR assay, or ELISA-based serological assay),
18 (64%) individuals were positive for Leptospira spp.
(Table 2).
The detection of potentially pathogenic Leptospira spp.
in cetaceans underscores the need to understand how
this bacterial group moves through hosts and environ-
ments that are not usually identified in its cycle of
transmission. Prager et al. (2013) reported the asymp-
tomatic carriage of Leptospira in both wild and captive
sea lions, giving clues on the long-term circulation of
leptospirosis in their habitats [26]. Leptospirosis was
also significantly associated with close proximity to
dog parks as well as high dog-park density in Califor-
nia sea lions [62]. However, such case represents a
coastal environment that directly receives land-based
effluents. How species of Leptospira become transmitted
to pelagic cetacean species (e.g., in this study, Frasers
dolphin (L. hosei), melon-headed whale (P. electra), and
others) that stay in the open sea remains to be understood
in relation to the ability of these bacterial group to remain
viable in saltwater conditions. Elsewhere, reports on lepto-
spirosis and seroprevalence to Leptospira were mostly
on pinniped species and involved cases prompted by
epizootics [24]. Among cetaceans, Leptospira spp. were
only reported in Southern Right Whale (E. australis)in
Argentina [29] and in bottlenose dolphins (T. trunca-
tus) in California [30].
While leptospirosis in marine mammals is not yet
substantially characterized, interpretations of detection
methods may use as reference, the descriptions in
humans and other mammals. Leptospirosis in humans
has two phases: (1) acute phase, which is usually the
first 7 days of illness (may end 37days), when lepto-
spires can be cultured and detected from the blood;
and (2) immune phase, which can last for 430 days,
when antibodies can be detected in the blood and lep-
tospires can be cultured from the urine [63]. The limi-
tations of serology include (1) lack of antibodies at the
acute phase; (2) anamnestic responseor the rise in
antibody titer that is directed against a previous
infecting serovar; (3) high degree of cross-reactions
Obusan et al. BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:372 Page 3 of 14
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Table 1 Stranded cetaceans that were sampled from October 2016August 2018
Common name Sex Age Class Physical
Type of
Date of
Season of
Region of
S1 Grampus griseus (Rissos dolphin) Female Adult 2 Single 19 October
Lull before
Region IV-A
S2 Lagenodelphis hosei (Frasers
Male Adult 2 Single 27 February
NE Region V
S3 Stenella longirostris (spinner dolphin) Female Adult 2 Single 04 March
NE Region V
S4 Lagenodelphis hosei (Frasers
Female Adult 2 Single 09 March
NE Region XI
S5 Grampus griseus (Rissos dolphin) Unknown Subadult 2 Single 29 March
NE Region IV-A
S6 Peponecaphala electra (melon-
headed whale)
Female Unknown 2 Single 30 April 2017 Lull before
Region I
S7 Feresa attenuata (pygmy killer
Unknown Adult 2 Mass 02 May 2017 Lull before
Region V
S8 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical
spotted dolphin)
Female Adult 2 Single 07 May 2017,
Lull before
Region XIII
S9 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical
spotted dolphin)
Male Adult 2 Single 07 May 2017,
Lull before
Region XIII
S10 Grampus griseus (Rissos dolphin) Unknown Adult 2 Single 09 May 2017 Lull before
Region V
S11 Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm
Male Adult 2 Single 16 May 2017 Lull before
Region XI
S12 Grampus griseus (Rissos dolphin) Female Neonate 1 Single 15 June 2017 SW Region I
S13 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical
spotted dolphin)
Female Subadult 2 Single 21 June 2017 SW Region I
S14 Grampus griseus (Rissos dolphin) Unknown Adult 2 Single 23 June 2017 SW Region III
S15 Lagenodelphis hosei (Frasers
Unknown Unknown 1 Single 02 July 2017 SW Region I
S16 Peponocephala electra (melon-
headed whale)
Male Adult 2 Single 03 July 2017 SW Region XII
S17 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical
spotted dolphin)
Female Subadult 1 Single 28 July 2017 SW Region IV-A
S18 Stenella longirostris (spinner dolphin) Female Subadult 2 Single 31 August
SW Region XI
S19 Stenella longirostris (spinner dolphin) Female Subadult 2 Single 30
SW Region I
S20 Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm
Female Adult 2 Single 09 November
NE Region V
S21 Lagenodelphis hosei (Frasers
Female Adult 2 Single 01 December
NE Region II
S22 Globicephala macrorhynchus (short-
finned pilot whale)
Female Adult 2 Single 05 December
NE Region I
S23 Tursiops aduncus (Indo-Pacific
bottlenose dolphin)
Female Adult 1 Single 15 January
NE Region IX
S24 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical
spotted dolphin)
Male Adult 2 Single 16 January
NE Region IX
S25 Stenella coeruleoalba (striped
Female Adult 1 Single 15 February
NE Region V
S26 Lagenodelphis hosei (Frasers
Female Adult 2 Single 17 April 2018 Lull before
Region IX
S27 Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm Male Subadult 2 Single 26 April 2018 Lull before Region IX
Obusan et al. BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:372 Page 4 of 14
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between serogroups especially during the acute phase;
and (4) differences in the sensitivity of tests, for ex-
ample, earlier detection by ELISA from day 68(which
may cover the acute phase) compared with MAT [64].
In the case of the nine stranders (S2, S3, S4, S10, S15,
S16, S19, S20, and S22) that were positive in blood
PCR detection, the presence of acute infection cannot
be confirmed since 16S rDNA targeted both patho-
genic and non-pathogenic Leptospira spp. Included in
these stranders are S15 and S4, which had IgM in the
blood and bacterium isolated from the kidney respect-
ively. It is possible that a non-pathogenic Leptospira
species was detected by PCR in the blood of these indi-
viduals. If this is the case, then the detected IgM in
S15 was against a pathogenic serovar, or if indeed such
serovar was amplified in the blood, then the IgM might
have been detected early in the acute phase given the
reported early detection by ELISA. As the kidney
isolates from S4 and S6 were most phylogenetically
related to L. interrogans, these cetaceans may have
chronic renal carriage of leptospires (immune phase of
infection) or active infection if presented with clinical
symptoms such as in the case of dogs [65]. The seven
stranders (S15, S24, S25, S36, S37, S39 and S40) that
were sero-positive for IgM might be in the immune
phase of leptospirosis. The presence of the anti-
leptospiral IgM may be attributed to the persistence of
the antibody after infection, frequent reinfection with
leptospires in endemic areas, or cross-reaction with
other infectious agents [66]. Overall, there is evidence
for the exposure of sampled cetaceans to pathogenic
Leptospira spp., but it is rather difficult to confirm the
phase of infection given the limitations in the detection
tests and biological samples.
It must be noted that there is 100% sero-positivity in
all sera qualified for the detection of IgM antibodies
against Leptospira. However, this result is limited by the
fact that SERION Leptospira IgM-ELISA was only evalu-
ated to detect the complexes formed by human IgM and
Leptospira antigens representing known serovars bound
to goat antihuman IgM. The test was used as an ac-
cepted surrogate to the gold standard but laborious and
time-consuming Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT)
which requires the maintenance of live serovars [63].
The tests protocol claims the likelihood of cross-reactivity
of goat antihuman IgM with IgM from other species [63].
While specific information on cross-reactivity of cetacean
and human antibodies to Leptospira antigens are yet to be
Table 1 Stranded cetaceans that were sampled from October 2016August 2018 (Continued)
Common name Sex Age Class Physical
Type of
Date of
Season of
Region of
whale) SW
S28 Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm
Female Adult 2 Single 27 April 2018 Lull before
Region IX
S29 Balaenoptera omurai (Omuras
Female Neonate 2 Single 30 April 2018 Lull before
Region X
S30 Balaenoptera sp. (unidentified
Unknown Adult 2 Single 03 May 2018 Lull before
Region V
S31 Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm
Male Adult 2 Single 06 May 2018 Lull before
Region IV-A
S32 Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm
Female Adult 2 Single 10 May 2018 Lull before
Region X
S33 Peponocephala electra (melon-
headed whale)
Female Adult 2 Single 17 May 2018 Lull before
Region X
S34 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical
spotted dolphin)
Unknown Subadult 2 Single 25 May 2018 Lull before
Region I
S35 Tursiops aduncus (Indo-Pacific
bottlenose dolphin)
Male Adult 2 Single 28 May 2018 Lull before
Region IX
S36 Steno bredanensis (rough-toothed
Female Adult 1 Single 02 July 2018 SW Region I
S37 Balaenoptera edeni (Brydes whale) Unknown Neonate 1 Single 03 July 2018 SW Region V
S38 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical
spotted dolphin)
Male Adult 1 Single 08 August
SW Region I
S39 Feresa attenuata (pygmy killer
Male Adult 1 Mass 17 August
SW Region II
S40 Feresa attenuata (pygmy killer
Female Adult 1 Mass 17 August
SW Region II
Obusan et al. BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:372 Page 5 of 14
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Fig. 1 Cetacean stranding sites. Forty individuals confirmed to belong to 13 cetacean species that stranded in Philippine waters from October
2016 to August 2018, were sampled for biological materials
Obusan et al. BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:372 Page 6 of 14
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Table 2 Summary of results for detection of target pathogens
Cetacean Species (and common name) T. gondii detection by PCR T. gondii
by LAT
detection by
Blood Kidney
Blood Cardiac Skeletal Brain
S1 Grampus griseus (Rissos dolphin) *+** **
S2 Lagenodelphis hosei (Frasers dolphin) *++* ++
S3 Stenella longirostris (spinner dolphin) +++* ++
S4 Lagenodelphis hosei (Frasers dolphin) + + + + * + +
S5 Grampus griseus (Rissos dolphin) +** –– **
S6 Peponecaphala electra (melon-headed whale) * * * * * * * +
S7 Feresa attenuata (pygmy killer whale) * * * * * * * * *
S8 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical spotted dolphin) * * * * * * * * *
S9 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical spotted dolphin) * * * * * * * * *
S10 Grampus griseus (Rissos dolphin) + + + + * + –– *
S11 Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) * + + + * * * * *
S12 Grampus griseus (Rissos dolphin) + * * * * **
S13 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical spotted dolphin) * + + * * * * +
S14 Grampus griseus (Rissos dolphin) * *** **+
S15 Lagenodelphis hosei (Frasers dolphin) ***+ +*+
S16 Peponocephala electra (melon-headed whale) + + * + * + +
S17 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical spotted dolphin) * * * * * * * * *
S18 Stenella longirostris (spinner dolphin) + ++* –– – *
S19 Stenella longirostris (spinner dolphin) **** +**
S20 Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) –– **+–– *
S21 Lagenodelphis hosei (Frasers dolphin) ++** –– +
S22 Globicephala macrorhynchus (short-finned pilot
++ +* + * * *
S23 Tursiops aduncus (Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin) * * * * * * * * *
S24 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical spotted dolphin) + + + * + *+
S25 Stenella coeruleoalba (Striped dolphin) + * * * ––*+
S26 Lagenodelphis hosei (Frasers dolphin) * * * * * * * * *
S27 Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) –– – ** –– – *
S28 Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) * * * * * * * * *
S29 Balaenoptera omurai (Omuras whale) * * * * * * * * *
S30 Balaenoptera sp. (unidentified baleen) * * * * * * * * *
S31 Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) *––*–– – *
S32 Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) * * * * * * * * *
S33 Peponocephala electra (melon-headed whale) **** **
S34 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical spotted dolphin) *** –– – *
S35 Tursiops aduncus (Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin) **** **
S36 Steno bredanensis (rough-toothed dolphin) * * * * + * * * +
S37 Balaenoptera edeni (Brydes whale) ***+ *+
S38 Stenella attenuata (Pantropical Spotted dolphin) * * * * * * * * *
S39 Feresa attenuata (pygmy killer whale) * * * * + * * * +
S40 Feresa attenuata (pygmy killer whale) * * * * + * * * +
Obusan et al. BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:372 Page 7 of 14
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
available, it is said that humans follow the classical IgM
response to Leptospira antigens similar to animals [63].
The suitability of cetaceans as sentinels for marine zoo-
noses such as leptospirosis may be supported by evidences
of cross-reactivity of (1) antibodies to human antigens and
tissues of the bottlenose dolphin (T. truncatus)[67]sug-
gesting that the applied serological assay has a reasonable
sensitivity at least for many cetacean species; (2) human
and bovine antibodies in paraffin-wax embedded tissues
of striped dolphin (S. coeruleoalba)[63]; and (3) commer-
cially available terrestrial-specific antibodies (from pig, rat,
mice, and humans) to dolphins, allowing the
characterization of the immune cell subsets of under hu-
man care and free-ranging dolphins [63].
In the Philippines, the detection of pathogenic Leptos-
pira spp. in coastal soil after the storm surge brought
about by typhoon Haiyan that devastated the Eastern
Visayas part of the Philippines was reported by Saito
et al. (2014) [63]. Their report confirmed the survival of
pathogenic Leptospira sp. in seawater for 4 d, showing
the ability of soil-inhabiting leptospires to persist even
after a storm surge, and thus, the likelihood of a lepto-
spirosis outbreak during seawater inundation episodes
brought about by natural disasters. Khairani-Bejo (2004)
reported the short survival of an isolate identified as L.
interrogans serovar Hardjo in a medium with 3.78 and
3.85% salt content and pH of 6.5 to 6.8 [63]. The novel
Leptospira spp. strain Manara isolated from Southern
Right Whale tolerated at least 5% seawater in medium
for 48 h [29]. Likewise, the present study supports the
survival of Leptospira spp. survival in seawater as the
two isolates from stranded cetaceans were found to
tolerate up to 10% seawater in media for 2 d.
Seawater-tolerant leptospires may gain entry in
Table 2 Summary of results for detection of target pathogens (Continued)
Cetacean Species (and common name) T. gondii detection by PCR T. gondii
by LAT
detection by
Blood Kidney
Blood Cardiac Skeletal Brain
Total positive results out of screened cetaceans 8/22 10/14 10/15 8/10 6/7 9/22 0/12 15/23 7/7
+ positive for T. gondii or Leptospira spp.
- negative for T. gondii or Leptospira spp.
one putative leptospire isolate
two putative leptospire isolates
three putative leptospire isolates
four putative leptospire isolates
*biological sample for testing not available/enough
Fig. 2 Interstitial nephritis in the kidney of a melon-headed whale (S6). The kidney tissue exhibited leptospirosis-associated tubulointerstitial
nephritis, characterized by mild-thickening of basement membrane capillaries and necrosis of convoluted tubular epithelium
Obusan et al. BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:372 Page 8 of 14
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
cetaceans through direct contact with infected urine of
infected or reservoir animals, or exposure to soil,
water, and food that have been contaminated with in-
fected urine. Among different hosts, transmissions
through bites, tissue ingestion, sexual contact, breast
milk, and placenta were also reported [63].
The known symptom of leptospirosis in marine mam-
mals is interstitial nephritis, which is presented with
clinical signs of impaired renal function including dehy-
dration, polydipsia or excessive thirst, muscular tremors,
abdominal pain, vomiting, and depression [24,22]. The
renal lesions in the melon-headed whale (P. electra) were
consistent with those associated with leptospirosis in
California sea lions (Z. californianus) and Northern ele-
phant seals (M. angustirostris) that stranded along the
coast of California [2123]. The hemosiderosis observed
in this particular cetacean, characterized by the presence
of hemosiderin pigments from hemoglobin degradation,
may result from infection, dietary deficiencies, excessive
dietary iron (which increases susceptibility to bacterial
infections and organ dysfunction), corticosteroids, and
other toxins [63]. As bacterial infection can cause hemo-
siderosis, there is reason to suspect that this, together
with tubulointerstitial nephritis, resulted from the infec-
tion of Leptospira sp. isolated from the kidney of the
T. gondii in cetaceans found in the Philippines was
first reported by Obusan et al. (2015) [51]. Since then,
the protozoan parasite has been included as one of the
target pathogens for the screening of cetaceans that
strand in the country. As it is in the first study, the cet-
acean species where T. gondii was detected in this study
were also pelagic such as the Rissos dolphin (G. griseus),
Frasers dolphin (L. hosei), spinner dolphin (S. longiros-
tris), and others. This pose an interesting question as to
how these cetaceans become exposed or infected with
the parasite. The prevalence of toxoplasmosis in their
populations is possible, given that T. gondii was detected
in tissues of stranders through PCR and serological as-
says. However, the present interpretations are limited by
the fact that only T. gondii specific IgG was detected,
and that the presence of this type of antibody alone can-
not unequivocally indicate a chronic infection. Recent
reports suggest T. gondii specific IgM and/or IgG fail/s
to differentiate between acute (36 months) and chronic
(beyond 6 months) phases of toxoplasmosis as they are
detected in both phases (80). In the case of humans, it is
suggested that diagnosis for toxoplasmosis must be
interpreted based on a combination of serological and
molecular detection methods. For example, an acute
infection can be indicated by concurrent IgM and low
IgG avidity or a chronic infection can be indicated by
concurrent IgM and high IgG avidity or IgG and high
IgG avidity [63]. In addition, the use of molecular detec-
tion such as gene-specific PCR is helpful for confirming
disseminated infection due to the systemic nature of
toxoplasmosis as well as propagation of infection
through body fluids [84; 81]. There is one cetacean (S24)
that was positive for both IgG in the serum and RE gene
in the blood and cardiac and skeletal muscles, indicating
a disseminated infection. Another individual (S25) was
RE-gene positive but sero-negative; in this case, there is
the likelihood that IgM antibodies were present but were
not detected given the limitations of testing kits [63].
The other 15 cetaceans that were positive in PCR might
either have disseminated infection (i.e., positive detection
in blood of cetacean stranders (S4, S10, S12, S16, S18,
S22, S24, and S25), and in both blood and muscles of
cetacean stranders (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S10, S11, S12, S13,
S16, S18, S21, S22, S24, and S25) or latent infection (i.e.,
positive detection of tissue cysts only in muscles of cet-
acean stranders S1, S2, S3, S5, S11, S13, and S21). The
other five sero-positive cetaceans (S15, S36, S37, S39,
and S40) that are negative in PCR detection can be safely
said to have been exposed to the parasite.
Infection by T. gondii can occur transplacentally, or
through the ingestion of food or water contaminated by
oocysts as well as consumption of tissue with the brady-
zoite stage of the parasite [44]. It is interesting to note
that dolphins drink very small amount of water [44] and
cetaceans in general are known to consume cephalo-
pods, shrimps, and fishes [63] poikilothermic preys that
are not hosts to T. gondii. However, Massie et al. (2010)
proved that northern anchovies (Engraulis mordax) and
Fig. 3 Hemosiderosis: brown granular pigments (black arrows).
Hemosiderosis was observed in the kidney tissue of a melon-headed
whale (S6), characterized by the presence of hemosiderin pigments
from hemoglobin degradation
Obusan et al. BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:372 Page 9 of 14
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Pacific sardines (Sardinops sagax) serve as biotic vectors
for T. gondii transmission in marine environment [63].
With the elimination of carnivory feeding as the possible
source of T. gondii in cetaceans, it is likely that oocyst
contamination of marine water and prey item is a risk
factor for infection, thus supporting pollution of their
habitat by land to sea movement of the parasite. Such
contamination is said to be coming from effluents as
well as ship runoff waters containing oocysts [8,37],
which can survive in the environment for years (Black
and Boothroyd, 2000). Di Guardo and Mazzariol (2013)
asserted that direct oocyst contamination of seawater
from land-based effluents may explain the infection of
coastal species such as bottlenose dolphins, however, in
the case of T. gondii detection in pelagic species, the
possibility of an open sea T. gondii life cyclethat is dif-
ferent from the known land and benthic protozoan cy-
cles must be considered [63]. It is also possible that
transmission of the parasite or infection happened dur-
ing migration. For example, toxoplasmosis is known to
affect striped dolphins (S. coeruleoalba) in the Mediter-
ranean region [37]. A stranded striped dolphin was also
one of the samples in this study, and T. gondii was amp-
lified from its blood. Striped dolphins are widely-
distributed worldwide; they are found in warm temper-
ate and tropical waters of Atlantic, Indian and Pacific
Ocean [63]. Cetaceans are known to migrate, but infor-
mation is lacking regarding the migration patterns and
abundance ranges of many cetacean species in the
Screening stranded cetaceans for the presence of target
pathogens may help explain the possible cause/s of their
stranding events and guide decisions in cases of medical
intervention or rehabilitation. For example, the melon
headed whale or P. electra (S6) may have stranded due
to leptospirosis evidenced by tubulointerstitial nephritis
with concurrent isolation of Leptospira sp. However,
predation may have also contributed to the debility of
the animal as shark bite was seen in its body. The dol-
phin was rehabilitated but died on 22 May 2017 (more
information on this strander can be accessed through
to-health-in-la-union)[63]. Another strander, the rough-
toothed dolphin or S. bredanensis (S36) was found to be
seropositive for T. gondii and Leptospira spp., confirm-
ing exposure to the pathogens. For its rehabilitation, the
dolphin was first brought to a fish tank in BFAR-
RMaTDeC (Regional Mariculture Technodermo Center)
in Lucap Wharf, Alaminos, and then to the sea pen in
Cariaz Island of Hundred Islands National Park, Pangasi-
nan, Philippines. During the early days of rehabilitation,
the animal showed symptoms of health problems which
include diarrhea and expulsion of placental-like tissues
indicative of either recent calf delivery or abortion prior
to the stranding event. The dolphin was also observed to
have abnormally short respiratory intervals, followed by
straining and flexing, which could be an effort to expel
placenta. Thus, antibiotics, pain relievers, oxytocin,
dinoprost, and calcium were given to ease the symp-
toms and facilitate expulsion of any remaining placen-
tal tissues (L.J. Suarez, pers. comm., July 2018). While
toxoplasmosis and leptospirosis are reported to cause
abortion in animals [63], the limited serology cannot
conclusively support such in the absence of corrobor-
ating findings due to limitations in the collected bio-
logical samples (e.g., available for PCR assay and
histopathological analyses). The dolphin had IgG anti-
bodies against T. gondi, which cannot differentiate be-
tween acute or chronic toxoplasmosis, and had IgM
antibodies against Leptospira, which more likely indi-
cate immune rather than acute phase of leptospirosis.
As time progressed, continuous improvement in the
dolphins health and physical condition was observed
until it was successfully released back into the wild on
21 August 2018 at Lingayen Gulf (news story on this
strander can be accessed through
ph/articles/1045798)[63]. Considering the foregoing
cases, active infections cannot be confirmed in the
absence of supporting pathological observations and
detection tests.
Leptospira spp. and T. gondii were detected in ceta-
ceans that stranded in the Philippines from October
2016August 2018. This confirmed the plausibility of
leptospirosis and toxoplasmosis in their populations,
and the possible role of these infections in their local
stranding events. Further studies should explore the
specific mechanisms by which pelagic cetacean species
become infected by Leptospira spp. and T. gondii,as
well as the routes of transmission of these microorgan-
isms in the marine environment. As there is growing
evidence on the role of cetaceans as sentinels of land-
sea movement of emerging pathogens and the diseases
they cause, any opportunity, such as their stranding
events, should be maximized to investigate the health
of their populations through their stranded representa-
tives. Moreover, experiences in sampling and rehabili-
tating stranded cetaceans should guide future practices
to prevent zoonotic transmissions at the human-
animal interface.
Stranded cetaceans
Cetacean stranding events that occurred in the
Philippines from October 2016August 2018 were moni-
tored and responded through collaboration with Philip-
pine Marine Mammal Stranding Network (PMMSN) as
Obusan et al. BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:372 Page 10 of 14
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
well as Department of AgriculturesBureauofFisheries
and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR). PMMSN has 12 re-
gional and 32 provincial chapters that have marine mam-
mal stranding response teams mandated by BFAR
regional offices. The members and volunteers of the teams
report any stranding event and the communication is
coursed through channels until the information is relayed
to the research team. Whenever logistically possible,
stranding sites were reached by the researchers through
land, air, or water travel. In cases wherein the stranding
site was very remote and could not be reached immedi-
ately, biological material collection proceeded in coordin-
ation with PMMSN members who trained on medical
aspects of marine mammal stranding response. All provin-
cial chapters of DA-BFAR in different administrative re-
gions have at least one veterinarian who completed such
an intensive training course.
Stranded cetacean individuals were characterized in
terms of: (1) species; (2) sex (based on genital and/or
mammary slits); (3) age class (inferred from length rela-
tive to the species); (4) disposition (dead or alive); (5)
stranding type (single or mass); (6) stranding site; and
(7) stranding season (based on the scheme provided by
Wang, 2006) [55]. Biological material collection was
done based on the Code system established by the
Smithsonian Institutions Marine Mammal Events Pro-
gram [56]: Code 1- live animal; Code 2 fresh (carcass
in good condition); Code 3- fair (decomposed, but or-
gans basically intact); Code 4- poor (advanced decom-
position); and Code 5 mummified or skeletal remains.
Biological materials
Blood was extracted either from the fluke vasculature
(Code 1 specimen) or vena cava (Code 2 specimen). For
serum recovery, whole blood was placed in serum separ-
ator tubes or kept warm until clotted for 30 min and
centrifuged at 280 x g for 7 min. Sera were stored at 4 °C
- 8 °C and processed within 48 h or stored in a 80 °C
freezer for further analysis. Tissue samples (< 1 cm
each) from kidney (Codes 24 specimens), brain (Code
2 specimen only), heart, and skeletal muscles (Codes 2
3 specimens) were obtained by performing necropsy.
Urine samples (< 3 mL) were collected from Codes 13
specimens. Following necropsy procedure, urine was as-
pirated from the exposed bladder with a syringe or
squeezed through the penis of male individuals [57]. All
biological samples were placed in sterile plastic bags,
stored at 4 °C while on field work, and transferred im-
mediately (preferably < 12 h) to a 80 °C freezer for ana-
lyses within 6 months.
Serological assays
Antibodies against Leptospira spp. were detected using
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (SERION ELISA
classic Leptospira IgM (Institut Virion\Serion GmbH,
Warburg, Germany) following manufacturersinstruc-
tions. IgM-ELISA used antigens from L. biflexa serovar
Patoc strain Patoc I that contains genus specific epi-
topes for all Leptospira serovars. The test was devel-
oped to detect the complexes formed by human IgM
and Leptospira antigens bound with goat antihuman
IgM. The use of this test for non-human hosts relies
on cross-reactivity of the goat antihuman IgM with
IgM from other mammals. On the other hand, detec-
tion of IgG antibodies against T. gondii was done using
Toxocell Latex Agglutination Test (LAT: BIOKIT
Manufacturing Company, Barcelona, Spain), again, fol-
lowing manufacturers instructions. The test used a
suspension of polystyrene latex particles of uniform
size coated with soluble T. gondii antigen.
Leptospira culture
Leptospira spp. were isolated from blood, urine, and kid-
ney samples using Ellinghausen-McCullough-Johnson-
Harris medium (EMJH) following the procedure of Loffler
et al. (2015) [29]. Cultures were incubated at 2830 °C for
a maximum of 3 months with dark-field microscopy exam-
ination every 15 d to check for turbidity and dinger ring
formation as well as characteristic motility of Leptospira.
Subcultures were prepared in case of positive Leptospira
spp. growth with simultaneous testing of bacterial survival
in halophilic condition through the addition of different
seawater concentrations (1, 3, 5, 7 and 10%, v/v) [29].
Histopathological examination
Kidney tissues were placed in 10% neutral-buffered for-
malin (with a tissue to fixative ratio of 1:10), embedded
in paraffin, and sectioned at 5 μm using a microtome.
The tissue sections were then mounted on a slide, and
subjected to hematoxylin and eosin staining [58]. Tissue
lesions associated with leptospirosis were observed
through microscopy.
Molecular analyses
Extraction of DNA from urine, kidney, blood, brain, and
muscle samples proceeded using a commercially avail-
able kit (Promega, A1120: Wizard Genomic DNA Purifi-
cation Kit). Extracted DNA samples were quantified
using a spectrophotometer and then polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) analyses were performed.
Pathogenic and non-pathogenic Leptospira spp. were
targeted through nested PCR that amplified 525-bp (first
round) and 289-bp (second round) fragments of the 16S
rRNA gene [50]. For first amplification, the primers used
amplification, the primers were 5CAAGTCA AGCGG
Obusan et al. BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:372 Page 11 of 14
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
TA-3[59]. For both amplifications, the thermocycler
conditions used were: 94 °C for 5 min, 30 cycles of 60 °C
for 2 min, 72 °C for 1.5 min, and 94 °C for 1 min,
followed by 60 °C for 2 min and 72 °C for 15 min [59].
The 164 bp region within the 529 bp of the T. gondii RE
gene was targeted by nested amplifications using primer
pairs (1) 5-TGACTCGGGCCCAGCTGCGT-3and 5-
CGGAAACATC-3[60]. The thermocycler conditions
used were: (1) for first amplification, 94 °C for 5 min, 30
cycles of 94 °C for 20 s, 55 °C for 20 s, 72 °C for 20 s and
72 °C at 5 min final extension; and (2) for second amplifica-
tion, 94 °C for 5 min, 35 cycles of 94 °C for 20 s, 55 °C for
20 s, 72 °C for 20 s, and 72 °C at 5 min final extension [61].
Reactions were performed in 25 μl volume with the
following concentrations of components: 1X PCR Master
Mix (Vivantis: contains Taq DNA Polymerase, dNTPs,
MgCl2), 1.0 μM assigned primers, 1.53.0 μLDNAtem-
plate, and nuclease-free water adjusted accordingly. Nega-
tive controls excluded DNA template. Positive controls
included either DNA from T. gondii (Su, The University of
Tennessee, Knoxville) or reference clinical strain of L.
interrogans (Rivera, University of the Philippines, Diliman).
Electrophoresis of PCR products in TAE (Tris-acetate-
EDTA) buffer was performed on agarose gels (2% for 16S
rRNA and 1.5% for flaB gene) at 8 V/cm with DNA ladder
(Vivantis, 100 bp Plus DNA ladder). Following electro-
phoresis, the gels were stained using GelRed and
viewed through UV light exposure. PCR-positive sam-
ples were processed for purification, DNA quantifica-
tion, and sequencing.
BFAR-RMaTDeC: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources - Regional
Mariculture Technodermo Center); bp: base pair; DA-BFAR: Department of
Agricultures Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources;
dNTPs: deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate; ELISA: enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay; EMJH: Ellinghausen, McCullough, Johnson and Harris;
flaB: flagellin B; IgG: immunoglobulin G; IgM: immunoglobulin M; LAT: Latex
Agglutination Test; MAT: Microscopic Agglutination Test; MgCl
: magnesium
chloride; NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information; NE: northeast;
PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction; PMMSN: Philippine Marine Mammal
Stranding Network; rDNA: ribosomal DNA; rRNA: ribosomal RNA;
SW: southwest; TAE: Tris-acetate-EDTA; Taq:Thermus aquaticus; UV: Ultraviolet
The authors thank Dr. Joseph S. Masangkay (College of Veterinary Medicine,
University of the Philippines Los Ba os) for the shared expertise in
histopathology, Dr. Leo Jonathan Suarez (Ocean Adventure, Subic) and Dr.
Sandy Ling Choo (College of Veterinary Medicine, University of the
Philippines Los Ba os) for the veterinary expertise; Dr. Chunlei Su
(Department of Microbiology, University of Tennessee Knoxville) for T. gondii
DNA samples; Darahlyn B. Romualdo (Institute of Environmental Science and
Meteorology (IESM), UP Diliman), Jamaica Ann A. Caras (IESM, UP Diliman),
Erika Joyce S. Calderon (Institute of Biology, UP Diliman), and Honey Leen M.
Lagui (IESM, UP Diliman) for the technical assistance; and PMMSN members
as well as DA-BFAR officers and veterinarians for the nationwide stranding
MCMO, MATS, WLR, and LVA conceived and designed the methodology. LVA
led the cetacean stranding response and rehabilitation. MCMO, RMDV, MATS,
and WLR performed the microbiological protocols. MCMO, RMDV and LVA
performed sampling protocols. MCMO, RMDV, MATS, WLR, and LVA prepared
the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the final version of the
This study was funded by the Natural Sciences Research Institute (Project No.
BIO-17-1-02) and Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development
(Project No. 171714 PhDIA), University of the Philippines Diliman. The funding
agencies facilitated the release of funds and supervised the procurement of
research materials and equipment, but were not involved in the study design,
sample collection, data gathering and analysis, and manuscript writing.
Availability of data and materials
All data generated or analyzed are included in the article. Other relevant
data may be requested through the corresponding author.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The collection of biological specimens and information during cetacean
stranding events was done in collaboration with a non-governmental
organization, the Philippine Marine Mammal Stranding Network (PMMSN),
and a government agency, the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries
and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR), which has the jurisdiction over cetacean
species in the Philippines by virtue of Republic Act (RA) 8550 (amended as
RA 10654). An active Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that exists between
these two organizations covers the response and sample collection protocols
during marine mammal stranding events nationwide. The proposal for study
was evaluated by the Research Committee of the Institute of Biology prior to
submission to funding agencies. The study is exempted for clearance from the
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the University of the
Philippines Diliman since cetaceans were not handled or maintained inside the
of the university.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
Institute of Biology, College of Science, University of the Philippines,
Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines.
Natural Sciences Research Institute,
College of Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101,
Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology, College of
Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines.
Received: 27 September 2018 Accepted: 24 September 2019
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... Globally, only eight cetacean species have been shown definitively to be infected with Leptospira. Two isolates with 98 and 99% similarity, respectively, to L.interrogans serovar Copenhageni were cultured from kidneys of a Fraser's dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) and a melonheaded whale (Peponocephala electra) from the Philippines in 2017 [40]. An isolate that is suspected to be L. interrogans based on sequence results was cultured from the kidney of a newborn southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) that stranded dead in Argentina in 2010 [41]. ...
... Serologic evidence of Leptospira infection (current or historic) and/or detection using a PCR primer that targets both pathogenic and non-pathogenic Leptospira spp. has been reported in an additional nine cetaceans [40]. ...
... However, Leptospira are generally understood to survive poorly in salt water [21,23,24]. Some researchers have reported halophilic or halotolerant pathogenic Leptospira species; yet in all of these cases isolates were cultured in nutrient rich media of varying salinity which was often less than that of sea water [40,41,92]. In addition, work by Trueba et al. [24] suggests that the inhibitory impacts of salinity are most important under starvation conditions (i.e., what would be experienced in the ocean), hence in the absence of nutrient rich media the reported halotolerant and halophilic species are unlikely to survive long. ...
Full-text available
Background Pathogenic Leptospira species are globally important zoonotic pathogens capable of infecting a wide range of host species. In marine mammals, reports of Leptospira have predominantly been in pinnipeds, with isolated reports of infections in cetaceans. Case presentation On 28 June 2021, a 150.5 cm long female, short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis delphis) stranded alive on the coast of southern California and subsequently died. Gross necropsy revealed multifocal cortical pallor within the reniculi of the kidney, and lymphoplasmacytic tubulointerstitial nephritis was observed histologically. Immunohistochemistry confirmed Leptospira infection, and PCR followed by lfb1 gene amplicon sequencing suggested that the infecting organism was L.kirschneri. Leptospira DNA capture and enrichment allowed for whole-genome sequencing to be conducted. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the causative agent was a previously undescribed, divergent lineage of L.kirschneri. Conclusions We report the first detection of pathogenic Leptospira in a short-beaked common dolphin, and the first detection in any cetacean in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Renal lesions were consistent with leptospirosis in other host species, including marine mammals, and were the most significant lesions detected overall, suggesting leptospirosis as the likely cause of death. We identified the cause of the infection as L.kirschneri, a species detected only once before in a marine mammal – a northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) of the northeastern Pacific. These findings raise questions about the mechanism of transmission, given the obligate marine lifestyle of cetaceans (in contrast to pinnipeds, which spend time on land) and the commonly accepted view that Leptospira are quickly killed by salt water. They also raise important questions regarding the source of infection, and whether it arose from transmission among marine mammals or from terrestrial-to-marine spillover. Moving forward, surveillance and sampling must be expanded to better understand the extent to which Leptospira infections occur in the marine ecosystem and possible epidemiological linkages between and among marine and terrestrial host species. Generating Leptospira genomes from different host species will yield crucial information about possible transmission links, and our study highlights the power of new techniques such as DNA enrichment to illuminate the complex ecology of this important zoonotic pathogen.
... Based on the type of stressors influence, like diseases and pathogens found in these free-ranging animals, it is possible to indicate risks to human health, mainly due to the common use of the marine habitat [3,4]. This information becomes necessary to prevent human threats, especially at the interface between humans and free-living animals [5], fundamental to a One Health context. ...
... These results reinforce the need to expand studies of leptospirosis in cetaceans in other regions of the world. Different cetacean stranding events were monitored along the coast of the Philippines, and cetaceans of 14 species presented a high positivity rate (64%, 18/28) [5]. ...
... The variety of sampled species and the remarkable results were just possible since we were able to test frozen tissues. Molecular tools are better to detect infected animals when compared to serology, culture, or immunohistochemistry [5,35]. Besides, PCR helps in research in which individuals normally strand dead, and often in moderate/advanced decomposition code. ...
Full-text available
Leptospirosis is a zoonosis with ubiquitous distribution caused by spirochetes belonging to the genus Leptospira sp., endemic mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of the world and capable of infecting domestic animals, free-living animals, and humans. Although well documented in terrestrial animals and humans, little information is available on its distribution and impact on marine animals. There are few studies assessing cetaceans’ health status, and even scarcer are those focused on leptospirosis research. In this context, considering the One Health approach, the present study aimed to investigate the occurrence of pathogenic Leptospira sp. in cetaceans on the Brazilian coast. Kidneys of 142 cetaceans belonging to 19 species were collected. DNA was extracted, and the diagnosis was performed by LipL32-polymerase chain reaction. Genetic characterization was conducted based on secY gene sequencing. Pathogenic Leptospira sp. DNA was detected in 14.8% (21/142) of the tested cetaceans, with coastal species presenting a significantly higher frequency (p-value = 0.03) of infected individuals (25%, 17/68) than oceanic species (7.5%, 4/53). It was possible to amplify and sequence three strains (one for Sotalia guianensis, one for Stenella clymene, and one for Pontoporia blainvillei), all of them identified as Leptospira interrogans, with high similarity with sequences from Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup. Phylogenetic analysis revealed sequences from the present study grouped in species-specific unique clusters but very close to pinnipeds in the same area, evidencing the presence of two distinct haplotypes circulating on marine mammals in the region. We could demonstrate that cetaceans can act as carriers of pathogenic leptospires. Moreover, the proximity with anthropogenic areas could play an important role in leptospirosis’ dynamics of transmission in a One Health context.
... Globally, only eight cetacean species have been shown de nitively to be infected with Leptospira. Two isolates with 98 and 99% similarity, respectively, to L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni were cultured from kidneys of a Fraser's dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) and a melon-headed whale (Peponocephala electra) from the Philippines in 2017 40 . An isolate that is suspected to be L. interrogans based on sequence results was cultured from the kidney of a newborn southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) that stranded dead in Argentina in 2010 41 . ...
... Serologic evidence of Leptospira infection (current or historic) and/or detection using a PCR primer that targets both pathogenic and non-pathogenic Leptospira spp. has been reported in an additional nine cetaceans 40 . ...
Full-text available
BACKGROUND Pathogenic Leptospira species are globally important zoonotic pathogens capable of infecting a wide range of host species. In marine mammals, reports of Leptospira have predominantly been in pinnipeds, with isolated reports of infections in cetaceans. CASE PRESENTATION On 28 June 2021, a 150.5 cm long female, short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis delphis) stranded alive on the coast of southern California and subsequently died. Gross necropsy revealed multifocal cortical pallor within the reniculi of the kidney, and lymphoplasmacytic tubulointerstitial nephritis was observed histologically. Immunohistochemistry confirmed Leptospira infection, and PCR followed by lfb1 gene amplicon sequencing suggested that the infecting organism was L. kirschneri. Leptospira DNA capture and enrichment allowed for whole-genome sequencing to be conducted. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the causative agent was a previously undescribed, divergent lineage of L. kirschneri. CONCLUSIONS We report the first detection of pathogenic Leptospira in a short-beaked common dolphin, and the first detection in any cetacean in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Renal lesions were consistent with clinically significant leptospirosis in other host species, including marine mammals, and were the most significant lesions detected overall, suggesting leptospirosis as the likely cause of death. We identified the cause of the infection as L. kirschneri, a species detected only once before in a marine mammal – a northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) of the northeastern Pacific. These findings raise questions about the mechanism of transmission, given the obligate marine lifestyle of cetaceans (in contrast to pinnipeds, which spend time on land) and the commonly accepted view that Leptospira are quickly killed by salt water. They also raise important questions regarding the source of infection, and whether it arose from transmission among marine mammals or from terrestrial-to-marine spillover. Moving forward, surveillance and sampling must be expanded to better understand the extent to which Leptospira infections occur in the marine ecosystem and possible epidemiological linkages between and among marine and terrestrial host species. Generating Leptospira genomes from different host species will yield crucial information about possible transmission links, and our study highlights the power of new techniques such as DNA enrichment to illuminate the complex ecology of this important zoonotic pathogen.
... Nos cetáceos, o potencial clínico-patológico da infecção por Leptospira spp. Ainda necessita ser determinado, devido ao pequeno número de infecções relatadas nestes animais até o momento (Obusan et al., 2019). ...
... Considerando que a infecção por Leptospira spp. Tem sido detectada em cetáceos de várias espécies e habitat diversos, a avaliação de animais encalhados ou em reabilitação quanto à presença da infecção é fundamental para buscar entender e guiar futuras ações preventivas, minimizando o potencial zoonótico na interface entre humanos e animais (Obusan et al., 2019, Sánchez-Sarmiento et al., 2018 (Eiseman et al., 1965;Geraci et al., 1966;Kinsel et al., 1997;Melero et al., 2011;Venn-Watson et al., 2012;Díaz-Delgado et al., 2015;Fiorito et al., 2016;Ceccolini et al., 2021). A transmissão da infecção para os cetáceos pode ocorrer pela ingestão de peixes infectados (Higgins, 2000) e há a possibilidade de transmissão por contaminação de lesões cutâneas (Fiorito et al., 2016). ...
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Os planos de ação nacional de espécies ameaçadas de extinção no Brasil vêm sendo uma importante ferramenta de gestão para a conservação. O planejamento de ações voltadas para os cetáceos iniciou-se em 1997, porém, apesar das questões relacionadas à saúde dos cetáceos já sinalizarem uma preocupação desde o início, somente no atual ciclo (2019-2024) ações específicas para a identificação de patógenos foram incluídas. Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento dos patógenos com potencial de impacto aos cetáceos marinhos no Brasil, incluindo aqueles já relatados no país e os que podem vir a ser identificados. O levantamento de trabalhos foi realizado em múltiplas plataformas e sem restrição de período, no entanto não foi uma busca com base em abordagem sistemática. Foram identificados vírus, bactérias, fungos e parasitas com potencial de impacto, podendo afetar a longevidade, reprodução ou causar a mortalidade das espécies, além de alguns possuírem potencial zoonótico. O levantamento elucida a diversidade de patógenos que podem acometer os cetáceos, assim como serve de base para monitoramentos de parâmetros de saúde da fauna marinha frente à preocupação dos cenários futuros relacionados às doenças emergentes. Com isso, conclui-se que para a conservação dos cetáceos no Brasil é importante a realização do estudo de revisão, como uma baseline para a identificação de patógenos que possam afetar as populações de cetáceos no país. Além disso, incentivar à implementação de diagnósticos de doenças nos espécimes acessados pelas instituições de pesquisa, sempre reportando a informação para orientar o manejo e a conservação desses mamíferos.
... While there is a lack of local studies regarding the presence of T. gondii in environmental matrices, the presence of T. gondii oocysts in soil (Egorov et al. 2018;Jones et al. 2009) (Obusan et al. 2015(Obusan et al. , 2019de Guzman et al. 2020), with limited studies on humans (Kawashima et al. 2000;Ybañez et al. 2019;Cross et al. 1977;Salibay et al. 2008). Also, there has not been any attention given to the potential presence of oocysts in the food chain, knowledge on which is valuable in understanding reservoirs, infection routes, and risks of T. gondii transmission in the country. ...
... They also provide habitat for other species and are a valuable source of food for humans (Marquis et al. 2019;Rick et al. 2016;Dumbauld et al. 2009). Their cosmopolitan distribution, sessile lifestyle, and high efficiency of filtration make them capable of bioaccumulation, which allows them to be efficient sentinels for monitoring the health of estuarine ecosystems (Silva et al. 2020;Staggs et al. 2015; Palos To the best knowledge of the authors, there are no local studies yet on T. gondii prevalence in freshwater bodies, but as an emerging marine pathogen, T. gondii has been detected in cetaceans stranded in Philippine waters as part of a nationwide marine mammal health surveillance program (Obusan et al. 2015(Obusan et al. , 2019de Guzman et al. 2020). Our findings suggest the contamination of the marine environment by T. gondii oocysts where these oysters are being cultivated and provide evidence for another negative effect of human activities such as the transfer of biological pollutants from land to water through land-based effluents and surface runoffs. ...
Toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection caused by T. gondii, may be considered as a neglected disease in the Philippines. Consumption of raw or undercooked cyst-containing meat and accidental ingestion of oocysts excreted in the environment are two of the main routes in acquiring the infection. In the Philippines, there is no comprehensive or updated information on the prevalence of T. gondii among human populations and as a food-borne pathogen. We detected T. gondii DNA in ready-to-eat (RTE) vegetables and oysters sold in markets in Central Luzon, Philippines using molecular method. Six (10%) out of the 60 collected vegetable samples tested positive through nested PCR amplification of B1 gene. As for the oyster samples, four (9.09%) out of the 44 collected pooled samples were positive for T. gondii. Phylogenetic analyses revealed all the DNA sequences retrieved from positive samples clustered with T. gondii with a virulent Type 1 genotype (accession no: KX270388). Further studies should be done to identify the exact genotypic profiles of the T. gondii detected in the vegetable and oyster samples to infer pathogenicity and possible sources of contamination. Our findings suggest possible transmission patterns of T. gondii oocysts as a potential health threat to consumers.
... However, there remains a lack of information regarding this infection in certain regions, including Southeastern Asia, South Asia, South America, and Africa (6). However, a study indicated that there is a plausible chance of toxoplasmosis in cetacean populations in the Philippines by detecting 71% of the sampled cetaceans that were infected with T. gondii (7). Recently, a parasite copepod Pennella balaenoptera, has only been found as a parasite on marine mammals discovered from a Bryde's whale (Balaenoptera edeni; Anderson, 1879) and a pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps; Blainville, 1838) on the eastern and southern coast of China in 2022 (8). ...
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This study investigates the identification, genetic composition, and placement in the evolutionary tree of a particular nematode species found in a short-finned pilot whale in the Gulf of Thailand. To accomplish this, we utilized various methods, including microscopic observations, molecular techniques, and comparative analyses to better understand the characteristics of this parasite. Initially, we concentrated on studying the 18s rDNA sequence through nested PCR, resulting in a 774-bp product. After conducting a BLASTn analysis, we discovered that there were only a few sequences in the GeneBank that shared similarities with our nematode, particularly with Cyathostomum catinatum, although the percent identity was relatively low. To confirm the uniqueness of our sequence, we constructed a phylogenetic tree that demonstrated a distinct branch for our nematode, suggesting significant genetic differentiation from C. catinatum. Additionally, we sequenced a 399-bp section of the ITS2 gene using PCR, and the resulting data showed a close association with the Strongylidae family, specifically with Cylicocyclus insigne. This was further confirmed by BLASTn and CD-HIT-est results, which indicated a 99 and ~94% sequence homology with C. insigne, respectively. The ITS2 phylogenetic tree also supported the position of our isolated sequence within the Strongylidae family, clustering closely with C.insigne. Our findings shed light on the genetic connections, taxonomy, and evolutionary trends within the Strongylidae family, with a particular focus on the widespread nature of the Cylicocyclus genus. This study emphasizes the importance of utilizing molecular techniques and interdisciplinary approaches to gain insight into nematode diversity, evolution, and ecological dynamics in marine environments.
... Expanding our understanding of baleen whale health is critical because unusual mortality events have become more common in the last decade (Kemper et al. 2016;Weiss et al. 2020;Mustika et al. 2022;Palmer et al. 2022). Although ship strikes (Leaper 2019;Peltier et al. 2019) and entanglements (Sharp et al. 2019) are the leading causes of cetacean mortality, emerging diseases that have been detected in stranded individuals can induce significant mortality events (Domiciano et al. 2016;Obusan et al. 2019;Bai et al. 2022;Morick et al. 2022;Palmer et al. 2022). To date, several tools have been implemented to assess cetacean health, including body condition determination and measures of blubber thickness (Pettis et al. 2004;Konishi et al. 2008;Bradford et al. 2012;Durban et al. 2016;Phipps et al. 2023), evaluation of skin integrity (Van Bressem et al. 2015;Gaydos et al. 2023), and quantification of specific gene transcripts (Moreno-Santillán et al. 2016). ...
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Given the increasing challenges that Arctic cetaceans face, it is critical to investigate novel methods for assessing their health. Skin microbiomes have emerged as a promising method of detecting health issues, which can help guide conservation efforts for free-ranging cetaceans. This study characterized the skin microbiome of 17 bowhead (BW) and two killer whales (KW). Fifty-six amplicon sequence variants were identified exclusively from cetacean samples, 20 belonged to BW, 13 to KW, and 23 to BW and KW. We identified bacteria from the genera Tenacibaculum and Psychrobacter, which have been previously described as bacteria that play a role in the health of cetaceans. In addition, in the healthy bowhead whales (H-BW) samples we identified Clostridium sensu stricto 1 and 7, Carnobacterium spp., and Yersinia spp. which are of concern because these bacteria are opportunistic pathogens. Stranded BW had a less diverse microbiome than H-BW and had pathogens, including Aeromonas species and Streptococcus agalactia. Opportunistic pathogens of the genera Moritella (previously Vibrio spp.), Shewanella, Psychrilyobacter, and Legionella were discovered in KW. Due to their predator-prey relationships, the findings of this pilot study support the importance of keeping a close eye on the bowhead and killer whale populations in the Arctic.
Illegal utilization of cetaceans was continuously reported worldwide, posing potential threat to the sustainability of cetacean species. In addition, public health is at risk with the consumption of cetacean-based food products due to high contamination level and zoonotic pathogens. However, the scale of cetacean exploitation remains unclear. This study presented a portable, rapid, and sensitive recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay coupled with dual-zone lateral flow strip, that can achieve identification of cetaceans within 30 min. In addition, this assay could differentiate baleen whales and toothed whales. Unlike conventional immunochromatographic lateral flow test, this assay is compatible with cooked and digested sample types. With this assay, inspecting suspicious cetacean products could become more efficient. Moreover, it can improve the understanding of the pathway of illegal trade and consumption of cetacean products. A more comprehensive insight of the cetacean utilization is essential for establishing feasible management policy, especially toward certain vulnerable and endangered species.
Technical Report
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Marine mammal strandings are complex and understanding this phenomenon requires continuous surveillance, monitoring, data collection and research. The Philippine Marine Mammal Stranding Network (PMMSN) has collected 1409 records of stranding events nationwide from 2005 to 2022. This Technical Report is a follow-up to the third Report (i.e., Aragones et al. 2022). As stated in the second Technical Report, the initial biennial analysis, the consequent series of Reports will cover two -year periods. Thus, this fourth Report covers the stranding dataset from 2021 to 2022. However, as in the previous Technical Reports, updates on the general trends for the larger data set (2005 to 2022) are also provided. This Report highlights analyses of the stranding records from 2021 to 2022 (n=223) for trends in stranding frequency by province, region, year, season, month, species, sex, age class, disposition, category, and release and rehabilitation success. The spatial coverage presented in this report was specific to regions and provinces primarily for administrative purposes. Identification of more specific or smaller spatial areas (i.e., by municipality/city) for potential stranding hotspots was assessed using fishnet grids of 15 x 15 km size. In the previous report, total stranding frequency was used to determine stranding hotspots. In this technical report, mean annual stranding rates were used to identify critical stranding areas. The stranding data was also presented in the classic seasonal context of DJF, MAM, JJA, SON. As data analytics advances, future reports will be improved consequently. Strandings in the Philippines have generally increased through time. In a moving average of the annual stranding frequencies from 2005 to 2022, the first six years (2005-2010) was 37, followed by the next six (2011-2016) was 84, and the last six years (2017-2022) was 114. The annual frequencies have apparently plateaued since 2014 but the plateau was starting to decline in 2021. Although a decline in the plateau was observed, the stranding events are still high, and oscillations are expected. The sustained high number of stranding events may be an artifact of various factors. The growing network of PMMSN, accessibility of electronic communication, and to roads, of the masses contribute to this sustained reporting. Aragones et al. (2023, manuscript submitted) identified that the strandings may be caused by various natural and anthropogenic factors including seasonal and oceanographic factors, fisheries interactions, chemical and noise pollution, and diseases. The PMMSN through the Marine Mammal Research and Conservation Laboratory of the UP IESM is continuously investigating the causes and effects of these factors on marine mammal strandings nationwide. The previous Technical Report (TR) showed that there were distinct regional hotspots in each island group of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao from 2005 to 2020 dataset. In that TR (Aragones et al. 2022), the top five regions were Region 1 (n=26), Region 5 (n=26), Region 6 (n=25), Region 4B (n=22) and Region 7 (n=23). In the current TR, the top five regions were Region 1 (n=52), Region 12 (n=25), Region 5 (n=24), Region 6 (n=24), and Region 4B (n=18). Region 1 had doubled its stranding events in the current TR (n=52) from the previous TR (n=26). Region 1, Region 4B, Region 5, and Region 6 remained as regional hotspots based on the previous TR and Region 12 emerged as a new regional hotspot in the current TR. These five regional hotspots accounted for 64% of the total stranding events from 2021 to 2022. Grids of 15 x 15 km were employed via fishnet grids to visualize the specific areas where stranding events frequently occurred. About 35% of the total grids (495 of 1422) along the Philippine coastline had stranding events from 2005 to 2022 (see Figure 1). The grids with strandings were further categorized into very high, high, medium and low based on mean annual stranding rates. A total of 33 municipality/city stranding hotspots were identified (see Table 2). Among the 33 stranding hotspots, seven municipalities/cities have very high mean annual stranding rate grid category. These were Santa Ana (with a mean annual stranding rate of 1.2778), Badoc-Southern Currimao (1.2222), Dagupan City-Eastern Lingayen (1.1111), Western Lingayen-Labrador-Sual (0.9444), Pagudpud (0.8889), Cabugao-Sinait-San Juan (0.8889), and Sanchez Mira-Claveria (0.8333). Ilocos Region remains the primary region of concern since it hosts 14 stranding hotspot municipalities/cities. Moreover, Regions 2, 5, 11, and 12 were considered as areas of concern. The identified municipal/city level areas of concern should be the primary or focal areas of interest for the concerned Provincial Fisheries Officers and BFAR Regional Directors in terms of strategic management or planning for training requests and the like (e.g., implementation of their stranding response). The top five provinces for 2021-2022 data were Sarangani (n=22), Ilocos Sur (n=20), Pangasinan (n=14), Ilocos Norte (n=11), and Cagayan (n=10). This is the first time that the top province (Sarangani) was outside of Luzon. In terms of seasonality, 32% of the total strandings occurred during MAM season (n=72), 30% during JJA season (n=62), 21% during SON season (n=46), and 19% during DJF season (n=43). The majority of the strandings in 2021 to 2022 involved single stranding events (n=201). There were only six records of mass strandings, two out of habitat, and 14 UMEs. Note that most if not all of the UMEs were probably caused by dynamite blasts, and that ~86% (12 of 14) of the UMEs occurred in Region 1. Again, caution must be taken in interpreting these results as the dataset analyzed involved only two years. The top six most frequently stranded species in this period were spinner dolphins (n=34), short-finned pilot whale (n=26), dugong (n=20), Risso’s dolphin (n=17), Fraser’s dolphin (n=16), and pantropical spotted dolphin (n=16). The sustained high stranding records of dugong has been alarming. Based on the previous TR, dugongs had a total of 84 stranding records for 16 years (from 2005 to 2020) nationwide. Meanwhile, from 2005 to 2022, the dugong strandings had increased to 104, with a 20-stranding difference after two years only. This resulted to an increase in the annual average of stranded dugongs from 5 (2005 – 2020) to 6 (2005 to 2022). The top three provinces with the most dugong stranding incidences in the 2-yr period were Sarangani (n=6), Palawan (n=4), and Guimaras (n=3). Overall, about 55% (n=122) of the recorded events in 2021 and 2022 involved live marine mammals. The rest were found dead upon sighting (45%). Out of all stranded marine mammals found initially alive, 54% were released (n=66), 23% died (n=34), 8% rehabilitated (n=10), and 10% have undetermined status (n=12). Out of the 10 marine mammals rehabilitated, eight died, one released, and one transported to Ocean Adventure for long-term and professional care. Again, these trends and patterns of strandings, and releases and rehabilitations would not have been possible if not for the efforts of the PMMSN.
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Background The Pacific Islands have environmental conditions highly favourable for transmission of leptospirosis, a neglected zoonosis with highest incidence in the tropics, and Oceania in particular. Recent reports confirm the emergence and outbreaks of leptospirosis in the Pacific Islands, but the epidemiology and drivers of transmission of human and animal leptospirosis are poorly documented, especially in the more isolated and less developed islands. Methodology/Principal findings We conducted a systematic review of human and animal leptospirosis within 25 Pacific Islands (PIs) in Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, as well as Easter Island and Hawaii. We performed a literature search using four international databases for articles published between January 1947 and June 2017. We further included grey literature available on the internet. We identified 148 studies describing leptospirosis epidemiology, but the number of studies varied significantly between PIs. No data were available from four PIs. Human leptospirosis has been reported from 13 PIs, with 63% of all studies conducted in Hawaii, French Polynesia and New Caledonia. Animal leptospirosis has been investigated in 19 PIs and from 14 host species, mainly pigs (18% of studies), cattle (16%) and dogs (11%). Only 13 studies provided information on both human and animal leptospirosis from the same location. Serology results were highly diverse in the region, both in humans and animals. Conclusions/Significance Our study suggests that, as in other tropical regions, leptospirosis is widespread in the PIs while showing some epidemiological heterogeneity. Data are scarce or absent from many PIs. Rodents, cattle, pigs and dogs are all likely to be important carriers, but the relative importance of each animal species in human infection needs to be clarified. Epidemiological surveys with appropriate sampling design, pathogen typing and data analysis are needed to improve our understanding of transmission patterns and to develop effective intervention strategies.
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Canine distemper virus (CDV), Leptospira interrogans, and Toxoplasma gondii are potentially lethal pathogens associated with decline in marine mammal populations. The Caspian Sea is home for the endangered Caspian seal (Pusa caspica). In the late 1990s and early 2000s, CDV caused a series of mortality events involving at least several thousand Caspian seals. To assess current infection status in Caspian seals, we surveyed for antibodies to three pathogens with potential to cause mortality in marine mammals. During 2015–2017, we tested serum samples from 36, apparently healthy, Caspian seals, accidentally caught in fishing nets in the Caspian Sea off Northern Iran, for antibodies to CDV, L. interrogans, and T. gondii, by virus neutralization, microscopic agglutination, and modified agglutination, respectively. Twelve (33%), 6 (17%), and 30 (83%) samples were positive for CDV, L. interrogans and T. gondii antibodies, respectively. The highest titers of CDV, L. interrogans, and T. gondii antibodies were 16, 400, and 50, respectively. Frequencies of antibody to these pathogens were higher in seals >1 year old compared to seals <1 year old. Two serovars of L. interrogans (Pomona and Canicola) were detected. Our results suggest a need for additional studies to clarify the impact of these pathogens on Caspian seal population decline and the improvement of management programs, including systematic screening to detect and protect the remaining population from disease outbreaks.
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Background: Leptospirosis in dogs is a disease of global importance. Early detection and appropriate therapeutic intervention are necessary to resolve infection and prevent zoonotic transmission. However, its diagnosis is hindered by nonspecific clinical signs and lack of rapid diagnostic tests of early infection. Recently, 2 rapid point-of-care tests (WITNESS Lepto [WITNESS Lepto, Zoetis LLC, Kalamazoo, MI, USA] and SNAP Lepto [SNAP Lepto, IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook, ME, USA]) for detection of Leptospira-specific antibodies in canine sera were developed. Hypothesis: Immunoglobulin M-based WITNESS Lepto containing multiple detection antigens can detect Leptospira-specific antibodies to common leptospiral serovars earlier in the course of infection as compared to microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and SNAP Lepto. Animals: Four groups of 8 6- to 8-month-old male Beagle dogs were used. Methods: Thirty-two healthy seronegative dogs were inoculated experimentally with serovars Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Icterohaemorrhagiae, and Pomona (8 dogs/serovar). Acute-phase sera were collected at regular intervals and monitored for Leptospira-specific antibodies by WITNESS Lepto, MAT, and SNAP Lepto. Results: Seroconversion was detected in all dogs by day 10 by WITNESS Lepto and in 30 of 32 dogs by day 14 by MAT. The SNAP Lepto test detected seroconversion in 3 dogs during the 2 weeks postchallenge. Conclusions: Immunoglobulin M-based WITNESS Lepto detected immune responses specific to multiple leptospiral serovars early in the course of infection and identified seroconversion in all animals earlier than did the gold standard MAT. The SNAP Lepto test displayed considerably lower and inconsistent performance during the study period. At the point-of-care, WITNESS Lepto should be the test of choice for rapid and reliable screening of acutely ill dogs suspected to have leptospirosis.
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Leptospirosis, caused by Leptospira interrogans, is a highly infectious emerging water borne zoonosis of global significance. It is an enigmatic life threatening disease, which results into high morbidity and mortality, particularly in poor resource nations. Disease is endemic in many countries of the world including India. Currently, over one million people are affected with leptospirosis worldwide annually. Leptospirosis presents an occupational hazard of the persons who have direct or indirect contact with the urine of infected animals. The common mode of transmission of the disease is exposure to and ingestion of urine contaminated water. Clinical signs in humans may vary from asymptomatic to severe stage with a range of non-specific symptoms. Rodents are the chief reservoir of Leptospira, and organisms are excreted in urine, thus contaminating the environment including water. Disease is endemic in tropical regions of the world with maximum cases in young male adults during the rainy season. Pollution of city water supply may result in outbreak of disease. Severe epidemics of leptospirosis are related to water recreational activities. The diagnosis of disease is confirmed by detection of serum antibodies against Leptospira and also by isolation of the pathogen from clinical specimens such as blood, cerebrospinal fluid and urine. Early treatment with antibacterial antibiotics may shorten the duration of fever and reduce the severity of the disease. As leptospirosis is attributed to physical contact with contaminated water supplies, environmental detection is important in the development of adequate control measures. There is a need to develop an effective surveillance system to monitor the trends of disease. Sincere attempts should be made to estimate the annual burden of cases and deaths due to leptospirosis. Additional studies on the epidemiology, diagnosis, chemotherapy and vaccines are required to control this life threatening zoonosis.
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Background Studies suggest that free-ranging bottlenose dolphins exhibit a suppressed immune system because of exposure to contaminants or microorganisms. However, due to a lack of commercially available antibodies specific to marine mammal immune cell surface markers, the research has been indecisive. The purpose of this study was to identify cross-reactive terrestrial-specific antibodies in order to assess the changes in the immune cell populations of dolphins under human care and free-ranging dolphins. The blood and PBMC fraction of blood samples from human care and free-ranging dolphins were characterized by H&E staining of cytospin slides and flow cytometry using a panel of terrestrial-specific antibodies. ResultsIn this study, we show that out of 65 terrestrial-specific antibodies tested, 11 were cross-reactive and identified dolphin immune cell populations within their peripheral blood. Using these antibodies, we found significant differences in the absolute number of cells expressing specific markers within their lymphocyte and monocyte fractions. Interestingly, the peripheral blood mononuclear cell profile of free-ranging dolphins retained an additional population of cells that divided them into two groups showing a low (<27%) or high (>56%) percentage of smaller cells resembling granulocytes. Conclusions We found that the cross-reactive antibodies not only identified specific changes in the immune cells of free-ranging dolphins, but also opened the possibility to investigate the causal relationship between immunosuppression and mortality seen in free-ranging dolphins.
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Background Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonotic bacterial disease caused by infection with leptospires. Leptospirosis in humans and livestock is an endemic and epidemic disease in Thailand. Livestock may act as reservoirs for leptospires and source for human infection. Methodology/Principal findings Data on leptospirosis infection in humans and livestock (Buffaloes, Cattle, and Pigs) species during 2010 to 2015 were analyzed. Serum samples were examined using Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) to identify antibodies against Leptospira serovars using a cut-off titer ≥ 1:100. The seroprevalence was 23.7% in humans, 24.8% in buffaloes, 28.1% in cattle, and 11.3% in pigs. Region specific prevalence among humans and livestock was found in a wide range. The most predominant serovars were Shermani, followed by Bratislava, Panama, and Sejroe in human, Shermani, Ranarum, and Tarassovi in buffaloes, and Shermani and Ranarum in cattle and pigs. Equally highest MAT titers against multiple serovars per one sample were found mainly in buffaloes and cattle showing equally titers against Ranarum and Shermani. The correlations of distribution of serovars across Thailand’s regions were found to be similar in pattern for cattle but not for buffaloes. In humans, the serovar distribution in the south differed from other regions. By logistic regression, the results indicated that livestock is more susceptible to infection by serovar Shermani when compared to humans. Conclusions/Significance This study gives a detailed picture of the predominance of Leptospira serovars in relation to region, humans and typical livestock. The broad spatial distribution of seroprevalence was analyzed across and within species as well as regions in Thailand. Our finding may guide public health policy makers to implement appropriate control measures and help to reduce the impact of leptospirosis in Thailand.
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Marine mammals play crucial ecological roles in the oceans, but little is known about their microbiotas. Here we study the bacterial communities in 337 samples from 5 body sites in 48 healthy dolphins and 18 healthy sea lions, as well as those of adjacent seawater and other hosts. The bacterial taxonomic compositions are distinct from those of other mammals, dietary fish and seawater, are highly diverse and vary according to body site and host species. Dolphins harbour 30 bacterial phyla, with 25 of them in the mouth, several abundant but poorly characterized Tenericutes species in gastric fluid and a surprisingly paucity of Bacteroidetes in distal gut. About 70% of near-full length bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA sequences from dolphins are unique. Host habitat, diet and phylogeny all contribute to variation in marine mammal distal gut microbiota composition. Our findings help elucidate the factors structuring marine mammal microbiotas and may enhance monitoring of marine mammal health.
Toxoplasma gondii has been described in several marine mammals around the world including numerous species of cetaceans, yet infection and transmission mechanisms in the marine environment are not clearly defined. The Israel Marine Mammal Research and Assistance Center has been collating a database of all marine mammal stranding events along the country's national coastlines since 1993. In this study, we describe the molecular detection and characterisation of T. gondii in three common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) including one case of coinfection with herpesvirus. The animals were found stranded on the Mediterranean coast of Israel in May and November 2013. In one of the three cases, the dolphin was found alive and admitted to intensive care. To our knowledge, this is the first report of T. gondii infection of marine mammals in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. As this parasite acts as an indicator for marine pollution and marine mammal health, we believe these findings add important information regarding the state of the environment in this region.
Satellite observations and computing technology have advanced our understanding of the monsoon climate enormously in the last two decades. The author provides an update of the knowledge gained over this period, presenting the modern morphology and the physical principles of monsoon climate variation on all time scales ranging from intraseasonal to tectonic time scales. He brings new ideas that can be expected to markedly improve the prediction of monsoon climate, and includes contributions by experts who expand our understanding of the monsoon environment by their study of paleoclimate records, who present evidence of human influences on monsoon climate, and who describe the links of the monsoon to the economy and to human health. This is a comprehensive interdisciplinary text book summarizing new knowledge of Asian monsoon climate variability, dynamics, modeling, and prediction from intraseasonal to geological time scales, and human influence and its links to environmetal/economic issues.
Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases is a practical, up-to-date resource covering the most important and cutting-edge advances in the field. Presented by a seasoned educator in a concise, highly visual format, this innovative guide keeps you current with the latest advances in this ever-changing field. 80 case studies illustrate the clinical relevance of the major infectious disease chapters.