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The new vision of Smart Cities drives policies regarding sustainability of urban environment in terms of reducing consumption, environmental impacts and improving energy efficiency and safety of building sector. The mutual interaction between buildings and the surrounding built environment can affect all these fields. In particular, the paper investigates this interaction in order to analyse the energy behaviour of buildings at urban scale and the effect on the outdoor comfort. To reach this goal a multi-level and multi-purpose model was developed based on a synergic and integrated bottom-up approach for both energy efficiency and outdoor comfort analysis. The energy analysis is based on the identification of reference buildings with known energy performances, defined sing information available at Public Authorities, statistical studies and data from field surveys. A multi-level parametric approach used for the outdoor comfort analysis allows to identify the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) and the related stress level of the district starting from the environmental data available at rural station. The model allows the estimation of the current energy and environmental behavior of the built environment and identifies possible renovation scenarios.
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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Energy and environmental analysis of urban environment: methodology
and application of an integrated approach
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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (2019) 072018
IOP Publishing
Energy and environmental analysis of urban environment:
methodology and application of an integrated approach
F Salamone1, L Belussi1, L Danza1, Antonello Di Nunzio2, M Ghellere1, I Meroni1,
1 Construction Technologies Institute - National Research Council of Italy (ITC-CNR), Via Lombardia
49, 20098, San Giuliano Milanese, Milan, Italy
2 ENVI-MET GmbH, Kaninenberghöhe 2, 45136 Essen, Germany
Abstract. The new vision of Smart Cities drives policies regarding sustainability of urban environment in terms
of reducing consumption, environmental impacts and improving energy efficiency and safety of building sector.
The mutual interaction between buildings and the surrounding built environment can affect all these fields. In
particular, the paper investigates this interaction in order to analyse the energy behaviour of buildings at urban
scale and the effect on the outdoor comfort. To reach this goal a multi-level and multi-purpose model was
developed based on a synergic and integrated bottom-up approach for both energy efficiency and outdoor
comfort analysis. The energy analysis is based on the identification of reference buildings with known energy
performances, defined sing information available at Public Authorities, statistical studies and data from field
surveys. A multi-level parametric approach used for the outdoor comfort analysis allows to identify the
Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) and the related stress level of the district starting from the
environmental data available at rural station. The model allows the estimation of the current energy and
environmental behavior of the built environment and identifies possible renovation scenarios.
1. Introduction
Cities play a key role in sustainability policies aimed at reducing fuel consumption and environmental
impacts and increasing energy efficiency in the building sector and improving human well-being
within the built environment. The interactions between buildings and the built environment are studies
since decades under different perspectives, from architectural [1] to engineering [2], from energy [3]
to climatic [4] point of view. Due to these complexities, urban policies have to consider several
characteristics related to buildings and the built environment as to provide the most suitable solutions
following a holistic approach: in this paper the attention is paid on energy and outdoor thermal quality
issues. In the last years a discipline aimed at assessing the performance of buildings at urban scale has
been consolidated [5]. Urban Building Energy Models (UBEM) are frequently used for estimating
the energysaving potential in the building stock [6]. These models analyse the building stock from an
energy point of view, considering the thermo-physical and energetic characteristics of the buildings
and usually neglecting important variables that can affect the energy demand, such as the building
behaviour [7]. UBEMs investigate the energy issue related to the building stock following two main
approaches: the top-down approach in which the input are aggregated and the bottom-up approach in
which the input are in disaggregated form. The bottom-up models are the most suitable decision
support systems for local authorities thanks to the single building assessment of the energy
consumption, up to district level or at the global urban scale as a function of the energy end-use.
Meanwhile, the attention on the local microclimate and the outdoor comfort within the urban
environment is growing due to the changing climate and increase of heat stress in cities [8]. Outdoor
thermal comfort is often linked with the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon, although it depends on
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (2019) 072018
IOP Publishing
the combined effect of other environmental variables, i.e., wind speed, humidity and radiation, besides
air temperature [9]. The UHI effect on buildings consumption has been widely analysed [10]. Some
researches integrate the effect of other environmental parameters highlighting the necessity of further
improvements aimed at including the effect on outdoor thermal comfort [11], [12].
Scientific literature reports researches aimed at analysing the mutual interaction between buildings
performance and built environment [13]. A wide investigated issue is the effect of urban environment
on building energy behaviour [14] and its modelling [15]. To face this problem a common approach
provide the coupling of building energy and microclimate simulation tools, where typically the outputs
of the latter are used as boundary inputs of the former [16], [17].
The paper presents an integrated bottom-up approach based on energy and environmental analyses of
the built environment and allows a diffuse energy diagnosis of the building stock and it can support
the public administration to develop targeted energy policies. The paper describes the methodological
approach and the preliminary results of the research activity, aimed at characterizing the energy and
environmental performance of the urban fabric. The reliability of the system is tested on a real urban
district located in Bologna.
2. Methods
The methodology is designed according to a bottom-up approach aimed at analysing the urban area
from an energy and environmental point of view. The twofold analysis is carried out by considering
the available information provided by open-source database, mainly made available by the regional
territorial information system, needed to characterize both building stock and surrounding from a
geometrical, morphological and functional point of view. Table 1 summarizes the open-source
database consulted for the research and the data obtained. The use of these sources requires an initial
validation of the data in order to avoid abnormal values, which could affect subsequent analyses.
Table 1. Open-source database and data obtained for the research
Data derived
Municipal base map
Geometrical features (building height,
volume, plan area), trees distribution
Town development plan
Prevailing intended use
Urban census
Year of construction
Weather station
Rural weather data
The energy performance of buildings are defined according to the bottom-up framework proposed in
[18], based on the definition of a reference buildings’ matrix. The environmental quality of the built
surrounding is evaluated through the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI), a thermal index
defined within the cost action 730 and based on the multi-node ‘Fiala’ thermoregulation model [19].
2.1 Energy model
The aim of the energy model is the analysis of the energy behaviour of buildings at urban scale, in
order to detect energy-intensive areas and provide possible refurbishment scenarios. The model
provides the definition of a set of virtual buildings, grouped in a reference buildings matrix, obtained
by clustering the characteristics of the building stock. The thermo-physical and energy characteristics
of each reference building are derived from the TABULA building typology database for residential
buildings and the register of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for non-residential ones. The
energy performance of each virtual building is calculated in steady-state conditions.
Once the buildings’ matrix is defined, the data have to be assigned to each real building of the urban
area. For this purpose, a two-step approach is followed. The first phase consists of the definition of the
features of buildings at urban scale in compliance with the characteristics of the buildings matrix,
derived from the open-source database available at each Italian public administration. In this way each
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (2019) 072018
IOP Publishing
building can be characterized from the geometrical, functional point of view and year of construction,
as summarized in Table 1. The second phase consists of the detection of the characteristics of the
buildings through remote or in-field surveys in order to improve the quality of the information related
to each building. For example it is possible to identify a multi-intended use within the same building
fabric, possible refurbishment interventions and so on. At the end of this process, each building is
uniquely characterized and may be associated with the respective category of the buildings’ matrix.
2.2 Environmental model
The aim of the environmental model is the analysis of the distribution of UTCI considering a multi-
level approach. In particular, the environmental model consists of on a three-levels approach as a
function of the required degree of detail of the analysis. The first level considers only the effect of
direct sun/shade on people. The model does not account for spatial differences in both surface
temperature across the urban area and wind speed. It considers the effect of the solar radiation, which
is the largest driver of outdoor comfort during the daytime, and its effects on comfort and other rural
environmental parameters as provided by the nearest weather rural station. The use of specific
shapefiles related to trees distribution allows to analyse their shading effect and their influence on the
outdoor thermal comfort. The core function of the model representing the second level is the Urban
Weather Generator (UWG) [20], a python application that allows to morph rural weather data in order
to reflect the canopy conditions, by considering a range of simplified urban properties: building
geometry and intended use, urban materials, anthropogenic heat from traffic, vegetation coverage,
atmospheric heat transfer from urban boundary and canopy layers. Finally, the third level is based on a
series of components to connect Grasshopper3d, a parametric language, to ENVI-met, a software used
for urban microclimatic analysis. The resulting calculation model allows the following aspects to be
solar radiation over the entire spectrum, from infrared to ultraviolet, respecting the shading,
reflection and emission of radiation from the system of buildings and vegetation;
transpiration, evaporation and latent heat flows from vegetation into the air;
Complete simulation of the physical factors of plants, such as the photosynthesis reaction and
its effects;
surface temperature of the simulation area (buildings and ground);
calculation of parameters such as the average radiant temperature and thermos-hygrometric
indicators of the users of the area under analysis;
airflow and turbulence, wind data.
3. Case study
The energy model is tested on a district of Bologna, Italy. The district consists of 580 units in total,
where about 480 are buildings, with different intended use. About two-thirds of this set are single-use
buildings. In particular residential is the prevalent intended use (70%). followed by the services (12%),
commercial and educational (primary and secondary schools) buildings (respectively 7% and 5%).
Finally, cultural and recreational and healthcare buildings are present with less than 10 units and no
manufacturing buildings. Almost all multi-use buildings provides the coupling of residential and
commercial use. Buildings were mainly built in the period 1920÷1975 which implies a construction
type in “masonry” and “reinforced concrete”. Less of 5% of buildings were built in recent years.
4. Results
The application of the Energy model allows to quantify the energy behaviour of buildings within the
considered district. In particular Figure 1 shows these results in terms of global primary energy (EPgl),
expressed in kWh/m2y, defined by the sum of heating and DHW needs. The analysis of the numerical
results shows an high percentage of buildings (about two thirds) with a primary energy between 250
and 300 kWh/m2y. Less than 5% of buildings shows an EPgl value lower than 100 kWh/m2y. The
result is in compliance with the characteristics of the district, built towards the end of the 19th century.
Buildings are characterized with no or low-insulated envelopes and traditional heating systems
(centralized gas boilers).
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (2019) 072018
IOP Publishing
Figure 1. EPgl of the considered district.
The Environmental model is tested on a square of the considered district with dimension of about
170x110 m where the prevalent intended use of buildings is the residential one. The first level of the
environmental analysis allows to define the spatial distribution of UTCI considering the 3D district
context, the solar path and rural environmental parameters (Figure 2). The UTCI considers the rural
data about air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed. A specific component, described in [21],
allows to adjust the values of mean radiant temperature for the mesh of points (grid size 1 m, distance
from base surface 1 m) into which the surface of the urban context under analysis has been divided.
For the considered area and a specific period (a typical average values over one hour, 12 a.m. of
august 6th) a maximum and minimum UTCI values equal to 40.19 °C and 30.40 °C, respectively, are
calculated. The average UTCI is 34.95 °C and related standard deviation is equal to 3.58 °C.
The second level is based on the UWG component that allows to consider a range of simplified urban
properties as input parameters (Table 2), thus allowing to define the canopy environmental conditions,
starting from rural data on the basis of a Resistance/Capacitance model.
Table 2. UWG input parameters
Vegetation Parameters Pavement
City Building Typology
Max Heat: 10
Albedo: 0.35
Albedo: 0.2
height: 19 m
Midrise apartment
pre 1980s
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (2019) 072018
IOP Publishing
Weekday average
heat: 5.5 W/m2
heat latent fraction of
0.7 %
Thickness: 0.5m
Site coverage
ratio: 0.26
Floor area: 31,515
Saturday average
heat: 4.3 W/m2
heat latent fraction of
0.5 %
1 W/mK
ratio: 1.16
Footprint area:
5,233 m2
Sunday average
heat: 3.3 W/m
Heat capacity:
1600000 J/m
Tree coverage
ratio: 0.14
Facade area:
23,419 m
Grass coverage
ratio: 0.23
Glazing ratio: 45%
Considering the same square and the specific period, the spatial distribution of UTCI is similar if
compared with the previous case, however with lower maximum and minimum values equal to 38.87
°C and 28.96 °C, respectively. The average UTCI is 33.49°C and the related standard deviation is
equal to 3.67 °C.
Level 3 is based on the environmental data provided by the UWG, managed by the ENVI-met model.
Here below are presented the spatial distribution of UTCI for the considered area. The minimum value
is of 31.22 °C and the maximum 43.89 °C, whit an average of 39.72 °C and a standard deviation equal
to 3.72 °C (figure 3a). Figure 3b reports the difference in terms of spatial distribution of the UTCI
taking into account the rural environmental data, within the ENVI-met model.
Figure 3. Level 3: spatial UTCI considering ENVI-met: a) with UWG
environmental morphed data; b) difference considering rural environmental
5. Conclusions
The article describes a multi-objective methodology aimed at assessing the energy and environmental
performance of the built environment by analysing the energy behaviour of buildings and the thermal
condition of the surrounding. The methodology allows a deep characterization of the urban fabric with
several information about the state of the buildings and their energy performance. These data are
partially used as inputs by the environmental model to quantify the external thermal conditions
through different tools and related approaches. Future developments will provide an in-depth
investigation of the buildings characteristics based on on-site monitoring and surveys in order to guide
the decision-making process towards efficient and effective interventions. Furthermore, an
optimization procedure will be defined in order to optimize the outdoor thermal comfort analysis
considering all the available data at the district level and to facilitate the user in choosing the best
technical solutions for the building refurbishment.
The work described in the current paper is a partial result of the project RIGERS - Rigenerazione della
città: edifici e reti intelligenti (project number SCN00040), supported by the National Operational
Programme of Italy Smart Cities and Communities.
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (2019) 072018
IOP Publishing
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... The dependence on meteorological conditions was verified but also a higher than expected impact of building downwash effects for the dense urban structures. Another model was developed [15], using UWG and Envi-met software, to study the environmental impact through the universal thermal climate index (UTCI) of building energy efficiency. The model was tested on a district of Bologna, Italy, aspiring to connect UTCI and the effects of weather (solar and wind), vegetation, urban, and building materials and user behavior on building energy performance. ...
... As discussed in many previous studies (see, e.g., in [6][7][8][9]), air pollution is highly dependent on local topography and weather but it is reasonable to expect that the reliability of any scenario simulation will depend on the accuracy and details of the respective inputs (see also [14][15][16]). In the present study, the complex topography (mountainous and coastal surroundings) was directly taken into account through digital elevation maps and detailed hourly weather input, provided by a numerical weather simulation model. ...
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The high concentration of pollutant sources, complex topography, and regional meteorology are all factors that may contribute to air episodes in dense urban areas. Energy use in buildings is a significant source of pollution in the Greater Athens Area (GAA), Greece, where over 90% of the existing building stock has been classified below energy class B. The present study focuses on the potential effects that a realistic level of building energy efficiency upgrades will have on the air quality over the GAA. Results are expected to be relevant to similar urban areas. Furthermore, the study of primary pollutants’ dispersion is applied at a 1.2 × 1.2 km spatial resolution, providing significant local (neighborhood) level information. Numerical simulations were performed using EPA’s CALPUFF modeling system with wind field input from an independent numerical weather prediction using NCAR’s Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. In order to calculate emission rates from major roads, highways, shipping ports, residential heating installations, and major industrial facilities, data were taken from National and European statistics, demographics, and local topography. After validation, the modeling system was used to examine three building energy efficiency upgrade scenarios, implemented on 20% of the buildings. Ground level concentrations of SO2, NOx, CO, and PM10 were calculated and reductions of up to 9% were found for GAA maximum values but up to 18% for local values that were also close to or above the European safety thresholds.
... Such studies are typically based on aggregated data for the representation of urban performance. This article combines an Urban Energy and Environmental Model (UEEM) developed in a previous research [9,10] with an MCA, developing an integrated Decision Support System (DSS) for representing the performance of a local urban area. The proposed DSS quantifies the impact of new interventions in expansion areas too. ...
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Public Authorities (PAs) need to define cross-cutting strategies for urban planning including policies for sustainable and energy-efficient buildings and innovative urban solutions. The article presents a decision support tool that combines an Urban Energy Environmental Model (UEEM) and a Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) to support the development of sustainable local policies. The UEEM, developed with a bottom-up approach incorporating energy and environmental items, provides a~representation of the performance of local urban areas and quantifies the impact of new interventions in expansion areas. The UEEM is based on the definition of virtual archetypes built on the characteristics of the area under consideration. 92 building archetypes and 40 urban archetypes are developed. The energy performance of each building archetype is calculated with a dynamic simulation tool. The environmental performance of urban areas (overheating risk and outdoor thermal comfort) is analysed through a Grasshopper-based parametric model. In addition, soil permeability is calculated. The UEEM results are aggregated into a single index using the MCA, providing a Municipal Rating Index (MRI). The weights of the MCA are estimated through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on a survey submitted to local stakeholders (municipalities, environmental associations, experts). The model is applied to the province of Monza and Brianza in northern Italy.
... Sola et al. (2020) reviewed the stateof-the-art of multi-domain tools for the analysis of the dynamic behavior in districts and cities. Examples of the integration of energy and urban simulation can be seen in: Salamone et al. (2019), where the authors present a multilevel and multi-domain model based on a bottom-up approach for both building energy efficiency and outdoor comfort analysis; Tsoka et al. (2019) coupled ENVI-met model and EnergyPlus to consider the site-specific microclimatic characteristics of urban areas; Huang et al. (2020) developed a model that couples building and micro-climate simulation at neighborhood level. According to Ang et al. (2020), UBEMs find application in four main fields: planning and design of new neighborhoods, building stock analysis, individual building recommendation and grid integration. ...
... A trade-off of its comprehensiveness is the ensuing compute times-in fact, a whole-day simulation can easily take 24 hours or more to complete even on a high-performance computer. Two Grasshopper plugins, lb_envimet and df_envimet, enhance the feasibility of ENVI-met as a complement to the architectural design process [14,15], but their diffusion is still limited. ...
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In the context of global climate change, it is increasingly important for architects to understand the effects of their interventions on indoor and outdoor thermal comfort. New microclimate analysis tools which are gaining appreciation among architects enable the assessment of different design options in terms of biometeorological parameters, such as the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) and the Outdoor Thermal Comfort Autonomy. This paper reflects on some recent experiences of an architectural design office attempting to incorporate local climatic considerations as a design driver in projects. The investigation shows that most of the available tools for advanced climatic modelling have been developed for research purposes and are not optimized for architectural and urban design; consequently, they require adaptations and modifications to extend their functionality or to achieve interoperability with software commonly used by architects. For this scope, project-specific Python scripts used to extract design-consequential information from simulation results, as well as to construct meteorological boundary conditions for microclimate simulations, are presented. This study describes the obstacles encountered while implementing microclimate analysis in an architectural office and the measures taken to overcome them. Finally, the benefits of this form of analysis are discussed.
... A trade-off of its comprehensiveness is the ensuing compute times-in fact, a whole-day simulation can easily take 24 hours or more to complete even on a high-performance computer. Two Grasshopper plugins, lb_envimet and df_envimet, enhance the feasibility of ENVI-met as a complement to the architectural design process [14,15], but their diffusion is still limited. ...
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In the context of global climate change, it is increasingly important for architects to understand the effects of their interventions on indoor and outdoor thermal comfort. New microclimate analysis tools which are gaining appreciation among architects enable the assessment of different design options in terms of biometeorological parameters, such as the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) and the Outdoor Thermal Comfort Autonomy. This paper reflects on some recent experiences of an architectural design office attempting to incorporate local climatic considerations as a design driver in projects. The investigation shows that most of the available tools for advanced climatic modelling have been developed for research purposes and are not optimized for architectural and urban design; consequently, they require adaptations and modifications to extend their functionality or to achieve interoperability with software commonly used by architects. For this scope, project-specific Python scripts used to extract design-consequential information from simulation results, as well as to construct meteorological boundary conditions for microclimate simulations, are presented. This study describes the obstacles encountered while implementing microclimate analysis in an architectural office and the measures taken to overcome them. Finally, the benefits of this form of analysis are discussed.
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The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the opinions of the rural and urban settlements’ population of the Stavropol Territory on the qualitative characteristics of the living environment. The quality of life in the village, which to a small extent depends on the state of the environment (transport accessibility of infrastructure and social facilities, road and pavement, lighting, etc.), plays a significant role in the choice of permanent residence. Currently, the rural population has high demands on the living environment. Rural settlements have territorial-landscape, climatic features, the historically established traditional spatial organization of rural settlements and the social lifestyle of the villager. Therefore, the urban model of improvement in rural areas cannot be used. It is important to study the opinions of local residents to understand the directions of transformation and improve the quality of the environment of rural settlements. Directions for the development of the environment of a settlement significantly depend on the characteristics of traditional socio-cultural practices of the population. This study allows us to more accurately formulate the desired contours of the model of the environment of settlements. On the example of a comparative analysis of the problems of transport accessibility of social infrastructure by residents in different types of settlements, we have shown the actual discrepancy in their significance. To plan directions for the development of rural transport infrastructure, it is necessary to solve the issues of hard cover for light-duty vehicles that are designed to carry small cargoes necessary for personal subsidiary plots.
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Meteorological measurements are conducted in Antwerp, Belgium in July 2013, followed by CFD urban microclimate simulations considering the same city and time period. The simulations are found to be able to reproduce measured air temperatures inside central Antwerp with an average absolute difference of 0.88 °C. The simulation results supplemented with measurements are used to generate location-specific Microclimatic Conditions (MCs) in three locations: (1) a rural location outside Antwerp; (2) an urban location inside Antwerp, away from an urban park; and (3) another urban location, close to the same park. Building Energy Simulations (BES) are performed for 36 cases based on three different MCs, two building use types and six sets of construction characteristics, ranging from pre-1946 buildings to new, low-energy buildings. Monthly Cooling Demands (CDs) are extracted for each case and compared with each other. The results demonstrate that compared to the air temperatures in the rural area, on average, air temperatures at the urban sites away and close to the park are 3.3 °C and 2.4 °C higher, respectively. This leads to an additional monthly CD of up to 90%. CDs of buildings with better thermal insulation and lower infiltration rates can increase by 48% once moved from the rural location to an urban location, which may lead to the reconsideration of design guidelines of low-energy buildings exposed to an urban MC. Although the proximity of an urban park cannot fully compensate the increased CD by an urban MC, residential buildings close to the park are found to have on average 13.9% less CD during July 2013, compared with buildings away from the same park. The influence of the urban park on the CDs of buildings in its vicinity is strongly linked to the meteorological wind direction. Professionals focusing on energy-efficient buildings in cities are advised to conduct energy predictions with location-specific MC data, instead of only using city-averaged meteorological data.
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Urban building energy models aspire to become key planning tools for the holistic optimization of buildings, urban design, and energy systems in neighborhoods and districts. The energy demand of buildings is largely influenced by the behavior of the occupants. The insufficient consideration of occupant behavior is one of the causes to the “performance gap” in buildings - the difference between the simulated and the actually observed energy consumption. On the urban-scale impacts of different occupant behavior modeling approaches onto the various purposes of urban building energy models are still largely unknown. Research shows that the inappropriate choice of occupant behavior model could result in oversized district energy systems, leading to over-investment and low operational efficiency. This work therefore reviews urban building energy models in terms of their occupant behavior modeling approaches. Three categories of approaches are established and discussed: (1) deterministic space-based approaches, (2) stochastic space-based approaches, and (3) stochastic person-based approaches. They are further assessed in terms of their strategy to consider diversity in occupant behavior. Stochastic models, especially stochastic person-based models, seem to be superior to deterministic models. However, there are no stochastic models available yet that can be used for case studies of mixed-districts, comprising buildings of various occupancy types. In the reviewed urban-scale approaches, only single-use type districts (residential or office) are modeled with stochastic techniques. However, people interact with various buildings on a daily basis. Their activities relate to their presence in different spaces at the urban-scale and to their use of appliances in those spaces. Their individual levels of comfort and behavioral patterns govern the control actions towards building systems. Therefore, a novel activity-based multi-agent approach for urban occupant behavior modeling is proposed as alternative to current approaches.
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Rapid growth of cities, concerns on global warming and depletion of fossil fuel resources call for sustainable energy solutions for cities. Distributed energy systems such as energy hubs offer promising solutions in this context. Evaluating the energy demand at urban scale is vital to support the design of energy hubs. However, most of the recent studies are based on bottom-up models and do not consider the energy demand in detail. More specifically, the influence of the urban climate on urban energy demand has not been considered so far in the energy system design process. In order to address this research gap, a novel computational platform is developed in the first part of this study, combining an urban climate model with a building simulation tool and an energy system optimization model. The second part of the manuscript is devoted to quantifying the impact of urban climate on energy system design and assessing the consequences of neglecting this specific aspect on energy system performance. Three case studies are conducted considering three building densities for the city of Nablus (building density at the periphery, center and future center of the city) in Palestine. Three scenarios representing (1) standalone buildings (present practice) (2) shadowing and longwave reflection (radiation heat transfer from the walls and the roofs of the buildings to the urban climate and to the sky) of neighboring buildings and (3) urban climate are considered for each case study when computing the energy demand. Subsequently, the energy system is optimized considering Net Present Value (NPV) and system autonomy level as the objective functions (Pareto optimization). The results of the study reveal that the urban climate has a notable impact on the energy demand and energy system design. More importantly, it is shown that the influence of urban climate results in higher fluctuations in the energy demand, which in turn results in a notable increase in the NPV (by up to 40%). This further magnifies the increase in annual or peak demand. The study reveals that neglecting the influence of urban climate in the energy system design process can result in a performance gap in NPV, grid integration level, https://doi. T and greenhouse gas emissions and can impose reliability issues. The design tool introduced in this study can be used for urban planning to mitigate the aforementioned adverse effects.
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A building influences its surrounding external environment, and its indoor environment is usually sensitive to its surroundings. In order to obtain a more accurate prediction of the indoor thermal behaviour of a building or a building stock, it is necessary to consider the interactions between the indoor and outdoor thermal environments. The modelling approach presented in this paper is based on a building energy model and the urban modelling tool SOLENE-Microclimat. A sensitivity analysis is undertaken to highlight the parameters which influence the performance of the building model. Then, the thermal indoor behaviour of a building is compared to in situ experimental measurements and the outdoor thermal environment is evaluated in terms of external surface temperatures. The model's accuracy and behaviour is evaluated and a crossover approach with the sensitivity analysis results is proposed. The model obtains a good level of performance for almost all variables, unless some external surface temperatures intervals.
To better predict the effective energy performance of buildings in cities, this study addresses the modelling of local external radiative, thermal and aeraulic conditions. After reviewing existing modelling approaches that are suitable for estimating the building boundary conditions in energy simulation, this paper analyses external conditions derived from a building energy model (BuildSysPro) or a microclimatic model (SOLENE microclimat). Comparisons are made for the different faces of a generic building standing alone or located in an urban environment, with or without a thermally efficient envelope. When the modelling approach is adjusted, the results highlight significant deviations on the estimated radiative temperatures and wind-based quantities around the isolated building. When accounting for surrounding buildings, the results show a substantial reduction in short-wave radiative fluxes, which is explained by an imbalance between solar masks and multireflections, and a reduction in the wind-driven ventilation potential.
Urban heat island (UHI) could have significant impacts on building energy consumption by increasing space cooling demand and decreasing space heating demand. However, the impacts of UHI on building energy consumption were understudied due to challenges associated with quantifying UHI-induced temperature change and evaluating building energy consumption. We reviewed existing literature for improving the understanding of UHI impacts on building energy consumption. It was found that UHI could result in a median increase of 19.0% in cooling energy consumption and a median decrease of 18.7% in heating energy consumption. The reported UHI impacts showed strong intercity variations with an increase of cooling energy consumption from 10% to 120% and a decrease of heating energy consumption from 3% to 45%. The UHI impacts also showed clear intra-city variation with stronger impact in urban center than that in urban periphery. There were significant differences in the method and the data used to evaluate the UHI impacts in previous studies. Four future research focuses were recommended to better understand the UHI impacts on building energy consumption.
Energy demand and production of neighbourhoods are central issues in the development of integrated spatial-energy strategies in the framework of recent European Policies. This study provides a comprehensive tool that combines spatial and energy issues with optimization methods to support urban planners in the decision-making process for urban energy strategies. By adopting an integrated approach, optimized urban energy scenarios aimed at reducing CO2 emissions are developed and results are shown in spatial-energy maps. Through the application of the proposed method, current urban energy demand is determined and potential local production of electrical energy due to the introduction of renewable energy systems is assessed. The insertion of renewable energy systems allows configuring a network of energy exchanges where buildings are considered able to share energy through physical connections. The optimization of energy exchanges among buildings is carried out by using a model based on complex networks and is represented in maps, developed in GIS, allowing the integration between energy evaluations and spatial planning. As case study, the method has been applied to a neighbourhood of the municipality of Catania in Southern Italy.
Cities play a key role in sustainability policies aimed at reducing environmental impacts and increasing energy efficiency in the building sector. At urban level, the analysis models are split in bottom-up and top-down types as a function of the methodological approach of input data processing, aggregated in the first case and disaggregated in the second one. The present paper describes the methodological approach adopted for the implementation of a bottom-up model able to estimate the energy performance of buildings and to define an energy diagnosis process at urban scale. Starting from the information provided by tools available at the Public Authorities and at the most relevant statistical studies on the national energy market, the model provides an estimation of the energy consumption and performance of buildings. The model is applied to a real district of Bologna and the derived spatial database allows the energy performances of buildings to be mapped.
Building stock models, sometimes referred to as urban building energy models (UBEM), are frequently used for estimating the energy–saving potential in the building stock. It is essential that these models provide reliable results in a transparent way, since these models are often used for guiding political decision-makers. The aim of this paper is to identify key elements in building stock modelling by reviewing state-of-the-art literature. Furthermore, focus is on pointing out pivotal aspects that are not considered in the present building stock models. Most of the models reviewed here make use of representative buildings. However, none of the studies addresses the question of what makes a building representative. Likewise, only few of the studies address the validity of the proposed model. Moreover, two critical aspects were found left unaccounted for in the present models: Firstly, the supply-side of the system is not considered in most of the models. Secondly, the energy-saving potential is calculated solely based on building characteristics, ignoring systematic discrepancies between the calculated energy demand and the actual energy consumption in subsets of the building stock. Both aspects turn out to affect the estimated energy-saving potential substantially, when included in the models. Aim: Identify characteristics of building stock models that are essential for determining the energy-saving potential in national building stocks accurately, in a transparent way. Scope: Models dealing with energy consumption on a building stock level Conclusion: 1) The representativeness of the proposed representative buildings should be addressed; so should the validity of the proposed model, 2) energy demands in buildings must be considered in a system perspective and finally 3) systematic user-behaviour trends must be accounted for to ensure valid results