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Case Report Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia of the Gingiva: An Early Lesion Refractory to Surgical Excision

Case Reports in Dentistry

Abstract and Figures

This report describes a case of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) of the gingiva with no discernible aetiology, which presented in a 36-year-old female. The initial nonscrapable gingival lesion was treated with CO 2 laser ablation, and the histopathological evaluation was carried out. The presence of koilocytic cells in the superficial epithelium led to immunohistochemical investigations with p16 antibody, which showed strong nuclear positivity and slight cytoplasmic positivity in >50% of the cells with >25% confluency. However, it was not possible to confirm the presence of HPV infection with further investigations due to logistic reasons. The lesion recurred twice within a short time despite the surgical resection following the first recurrence. Thus, this paper presents a case of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia, which demonstrated a significant resistance to routine treatment protocols recommended in the management of such lesions.
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Case Report
Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia of the Gingiva: An Early
Lesion Refractory to Surgical Excision
Dhanushka Leuke Bandara ,
Primali Rukmal Jayasooriya ,
and Ruwan Duminda Jayasinghe
Department of Oral Medicine & Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya 20400, Sri Lanka
Department of Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya 20400, Sri Lanka
Correspondence should be addressed to Dhanushka Leuke Bandara;
Received 12 May 2019; Revised 5 July 2019; Accepted 20 August 2019; Published 22 October 2019
Academic Editor: Rui Amaral Mendes
Copyright © 2019 Dhanushka Leuke Bandara et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work
is properly cited.
This report describes a case of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) of the gingiva with no discernible aetiology, which presented
in a 36-year-old female. The initial nonscrapable gingival lesion was treated with CO
laser ablation, and the histopathological
evaluation was carried out. The presence of koilocytic cells in the supercial epithelium led to immunohistochemical
investigations with p16 antibody, which showed strong nuclear positivity and slight cytoplasmic positivity in >50% of the cells
with >25% conuency. However, it was not possible to conrm the presence of HPV infection with further investigations due to
logistic reasons. The lesion recurred twice within a short time despite the surgical resection following the rst recurrence. Thus,
this paper presents a case of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia, which demonstrated a signicant resistance to routine treatment
protocols recommended in the management of such lesions.
1. Introduction
White lesions in the oral cavity could represent a variety of
aetiological factors including increased or abnormal keratin
production in the oral epithelium, which is denoted by the
term keratosis[1].
In addition to keratotic lesions that occur due to tobacco
use, they may also occur due to frictional, chemical, or
thermal irritations as well as due to inammation. Frictional
keratosis is usually seen in areas of recurring mild mechanical
trauma or irritation while chemical keratosis may occur as the
result of the compounds in smokeless tobacco, certain tooth-
pastes, inappropriately used acidic medications, and alkaline
liquids [2, 3]. Usually, keratotic lesions cannot be scrapped
oand may dier in texture depending on the cause [3].
Oral leukoplakia (OL) is dened as a white plaque of
questionable risk having excluded (other) known diseases
or disorders that carry no increased risk for cancer[4].
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) is a rare form of
oral leukoplakia with a malignant transformation rate of
70% [5]. It develops initially as a white plaque of hyperkerato-
sis that eventually becomes a multifocal disease with conu-
ent, exophytic, and proliferative features showing dierent
degrees of dysplasia. PVL is more commonly a disease of the
elderly females which can develop in both tobacco users and
nontobacco users [5, 6].
Recently, Woo et al. have reported a subset of lesions,
with the majority clinically presenting as OL, harbouring
high-risk HPV subtypes and positive for p16 [7]. In addition,
clinicopathological spectrums of these lesions are similar
to tobacco-induced leukoplakia that occurs more often in
adult males on the tongue and oor of the mouth [7].
According to Barasch et al., when interpreting p16 positivity,
the presence of p16 positivity in >50% of cells with >25%
conuence or >70% positivity could be considered as the
threshold to determine a positive reaction [8].
Case Reports in Dentistry
Volume 2019, Article ID 5785060, 4 pages
This case report describes a rare case of early stage of PVL
with no apparent aetiology that developed in a relatively
young patient.
2. Case Presentation
A 36-year-old female presented with an asymptomatic
whitish lesion, on the gingiva in relation to 13, 14, and 15.
The lesion had existed for more than one year in duration
which had initiated during her second pregnancy. She was
otherwise healthy except for having mild hypochromic
microcytic anaemia due to being a carrier for thalassemia
trait. However, her serum ferritin levels were within the nor-
mal range. Her plaque control measures revealed brushing
twice daily with a uoridated toothpaste although supple-
mentary tools were not used. Furthermore, the patient did
not practice any risk habits such as betel chewing, smoking,
or alcohol consumption.
Intraoral examination revealed a linear, plaque-like whit-
ish lesion on the palatal and buccal free gingiva of 13, 14,
and 15 (Figure 1). No verrucous/papillary appearance was
evident, and the lesion was nonscrapable.
She had no other signicant extraoral or intraoral
ndings, and the radiological examination in relation to the
site was normal (Figure 2). As baseline investigations, an
incisional biopsy was performed together with the necessary
haematological investigations.
2.1. The Histological Findings. The histopathological analysis
revealed a hyperorthokeratinized stratied squamous epithe-
lium which showed cytological atypia in the lower part
amounting to mild epithelial dysplasia with numerous koilo-
cytes in the stratum spinosum (Figures 3 and 4).
Furthermore, due to the presence of koilocytosis, immu-
nohistochemical evaluation was carried out with p16 anti-
body which clearly revealed positivity in >50% of the cells
with >25% conuency (Figure 5). It is also worthwhile to
mention that in the present lesion, nuclear staining was
stronger compared to cytoplasmic staining.
Figure 1: Linear, plaque-like whitish lesion on the palatal and
buccal gingiva of 13, 14, and 15.
Figure 2: IOPA radiograph of 1315 region.
Figure 3: Keratosis with mild epithelial dysplasia under H&E
Figure 4: Koilocytic cells under ×40 magnication.
Figure 5: Immunohistochemical assay with p16 showing positive
staining in >50% of the cells with >25% cell conuency.
2 Case Reports in Dentistry
However, as p16 is only a surrogate marker, it was not
possible to conrm the high-risk HPV infection as the
etiological factor for the present lesion due to the absence of
adequate amount of fresh tissue. Therefore, considering the
histological ndings together with the clinical features, early
stage of PVL was derived as the possible diagnosis.
2.2. Management. Thus, following informing the patient
regarding the ndings, she was referred for HIV and gyneco-
logical screening. The HIV test was negative, and she had no
abnormalities detected with the gynecology screening.
However, despite the thorough probing into the possible
causative factors including behavioural risk factors and
habits, no aetiological factor for this oral lesion was revealed,
except for p16 positivity, which could not be conrmed as
due to a high-risk HPV infection with further investigations.
For the management of the lesion, resection of the lesion
with adequate margins using CO
laser was carried out
following improving the oral hygiene. Nevertheless, the
lesion reappeared within few weeks at the same sites which
led to perform a surgical resection with an adequate margin
in the second attempt.
However, the lesion recurred similar to the initial presen-
tation showing its resistance to excision. Thus, within a
period of nearly six months, it recurred thrice despite electro-
surgical interventions. Considering the diagnosis of PVL,
currently, the patient is being followed up with short recall
intervals and the lesion remains same with no signicant
change in size compared to the initial presentation.
3. Discussion
As the lesion described in the present report is a rare
occurrence, diculties were encountered when naming the
lesion, especially with references to the terms keratosis
and leukoplakia.According to literature, similar lesions
have been named as linear gingival keratosis [3] as well as
linear gingival leukoplakia [9]. When linear gingival keratosi-
s/leukoplakia reported in literature [10] was compared with
the present lesion, it did not show bone erosion. In contrast
to lesions reported in literature [9, 10], the present lesion
showed dysplasia and p16 positivity. However, in this case,
the lesion was diagnosed as an early stage of PVL rather
than linear gingival keratosis, due to the fact that it occurred
in a female in the gingiva and also as it was refractory to
surgical management.
In frictional keratosis histology of the spinous layer often
demonstrate intraepithelial edema and occasional vacuolated
cells with pyknotic nuclei resembling koilocytes [3]. The
diagnosis of frictional keratosis typically consists of a detailed
clinical examination, considering the possible oral habits and
the agents that may involve in the chronic trauma of the oral
mucosa [10]. However, in the present case, no aetiological
factor was found indicating frictional irritation. Furthermore,
the patient did not reveal any possibility of chemical irrita-
tion. A minority of keratotic lesions show dysplastic changes
[1]. In this case, although the dysplastic changes were mainly
observed in the lower part of the epithelium, dyskeratosis and
koilocytosis were mainly observed in the upper layers of the
epithelium. Though, it was not possible to conrm the pres-
ence of high-risk HPV infection in the present lesion, it
would be worthwhile to explore the contribution of HPV in
future studies.
When considering the management, PVL is commonly
treated with conventional surgery, electrocautery, laser
ablation, and cryosurgery [11]. Except in conventional sur-
gery where resection of the lesion is targeted, in other
methods, the tissue destruction is obtained via intercellular
and extracellular freezing, denaturing lipidprotein com-
plexes, and cell dehydration. There are several advantages
of using CO
lasers for oral lesions, particularly less intraop-
erative bleeding, minimal damage to adjacent tissue, delayed
acute inammatory reaction, and reduced myobroblast
activity, leading to reduced wound contraction and scarring
[11]. In addition, though generally lesions that are diagnosed
as mild epithelial dysplasia are followed up [1, 4, 12], surgical
excision was planned due to aesthetic concerns of the patient.
PVL is a progressive disease and may not respond to tra-
ditional treatment [5] similar to the present case which
showed a high recurrence rate despite the early interventions
carried out in the management.
When there is no obvious aetiology for oral PVL, the
lesions may be considered as leukoplakia and managed
accordingly [12]. Furthermore, in the present case, histolog-
ical diagnosis of koilocytic dysplasia was not excluded
completely, though the lesion displayed histologic features
of HPV infection such as koilocytosis and multinucleated
4. Conclusion
The key feature in the case presented was the high recurrence
rate showed despite the various treatment methods. There-
fore, the patient should be followed up with close monitoring
to detect any further increase in dysplastic changes which
could follow with the presence of koilocytic cells and with
PVL lesions. In addition, occurrence of early PVL lesions as
gingival keratosis should be further explored.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that there is no conict of interest
regarding the publication of this paper.
We acknowledge the immense support given by the patient
and the clinical staof the respective clinics during the
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4 Case Reports in Dentistry
Early identification of oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) is utmost important to minimise oral cancer incidence as most oral cancers develop from OPMDs. Leucoplakia and oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) are the most common OPMDs encountered. Erythroplakia is rare but is more serious as it has a very high malignant transformation rate. Clinical presentation of OPMDs can vary according to the type of the disorder as well as with the aetiological agents. OSMF is much prevalent in South and South Asian countries whereas leucoplakia is prevalent all over the world but with differences in clinical presentation. Identification of OPMD with clinical features at its early change is challenging and may require histopathology through a biopsy for confirmation. This review provides clinical descriptions of the wide range of OPMDs encountered in the oral cavity with emphasis on changes in clinical presentation in different populations.
Objective Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) is an oral potentially malignant disorder. Forms that affect only one tissue are poorly studied, especially the exclusively gingival PVL (gPVL), which may have a more increased malignant transformation potential. The aim of the present study was to characterise the gPVL and its risk of malignant transformation to better raise awareness of this specific disorder. Materials and Methods The systematic review was performed on PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Only articles reporting primary studies, case reports and case series were included. The meta‐analysis was performed for the cancer prevalence, proportion of smokers, age and sex ratio, recurrences of gPVL and mortality. Results A total of 1298 studies were assessed for eligibility by reading titles and abstracts. Fourteen original articles were included with a total of 58 patients. The malignant transformation rate of gPVL was 47.75%. The mortality was 5.84%. The mean follow‐up duration before malignant transformation was 3 years. Conclusion gPVL seems to have a faster malignant transformation rate than the other forms of PVL. Finding anatomo‐pathological or genetic markers could be a line of research to predict gPVL malignant transformation and improve its diagnosis and treatment.
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Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia is one of the rare premalignant white lesions with highest conversion rate to malignancy. It grows gradually and irreversibly with multifocal presentation, exophytic and verrucous appearance. This lesion has been reported resistant to all therapeutic approaches including both non-surgical and surgical. Predisposing factors include female gender in the 6th decade of life. Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia has the highest tendency to neoplastic transformation and progression to oral squamous cell carcinoma and oral verrucous carcinoma in majority of the cases. The case of proliferative verrucous lesion clinically appearing benign presented here but on histopathology proven dysplasia in a patient with the history of smoking which he stopped six years back
Oral potentially malignant disorder (OPMD) is defined as an altered epithelium with an increased likelihood for progression to squamous cell carcinoma by the World Health Organization. In most patients with oral cancer, malignancy is preceded by an existing OPMD. Leukoplakia, erythroplakia and oral submucous fibrosis are considered to be the most common types of OPMDs, while special emphasis has been placed on the premalignant nature of oral lichen planus. Prevalence of OPMD has been reported as 6.7% among estate workers in Sri Lanka and population prevalence for leukoplakia was 46.1 per 1000 and 16.4 per 1000 for oral submucous fibrosis. In this chapter diverse clinical presentations and histopathology of OPMD are discussed with more than 60 illustrations.
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Background: In view of the many white or predominantly white lesions of the oral mucosa it is a challenge for dentists to clinically identify a leukoplakia, being a potentially (pre)malignant lesion. Material and methods: Based on the available literature and experience of the authors the parameters of a clinical diagnosis of oral leukoplakia have been studied. Results: A guide has been presented that should help dentists to establish a clinical diagnosis of leukoplakia as accurate as possible. Conclusions: Probably in most parts of the world dentists will need the help of a specialist for confirmation or exclusion of the clinical diagnosis of oral leukoplakia and for further management of the patient, including patient information.
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Background Clinicopathological studies have revealed some distinct anatomical variations in the clinical presentation of oral leukoplakia (OL). Screening studies have shown that gingival leukoplakia (GL) to be more common among the Japanese. Objective A hospital-based case-control study was undertaken among patients diagnosed with OL to compare clinico-pathological data between GL and OL affecting other sites (n-GL). Methods One hundred fifty-one subjects attending four city hospitals in Japan diagnosed with OL were recruited to this study. OL was diagnosed by World Health Organization criteria. They were interviewed for risk factors, clinical presentations were charted and investigated by patch testing for allergy to dental materials and by biopsy for dysplasia. Results Eighty-eight with GL and 63 with n-GL were included in the study. GL lesions were predominantly white (93%) though n-GL leukoplakia had red (speckled) foci in 26%. Eighty percent of GL were seen in association with prosthesis or restorations. There were no significant differences by age or in tobacco and alcohol use in the two groups. Metal allergy test was positive in 58% of the GL but was not significantly higher compared to the n-GL (41%). Histopathological features showed that inflammatory cell infiltrate was predominant in n-GL group ( p = 0.021). Higher dysplasia grades were also found in n-GL ( p = 0.018). During follow-up, nine oral cancers (14%) were detected in n-GL group and among GL cases four developed oral carcinomas (5%) ( p = 0.043). Cox hazard regression analysis revealed that after adjusting for age and sex, GL group was found to have a lower malignant risk, with a hazard ratio of 0.89 (95% CI: 0.51–1.04) when compared to n-GL. Conclusions GL was more benign compared to n-GL in Japanese subjects, though risk factors appear similar. Further study is warranted to ascertain whether trauma may play an important role for hyperkeratinization of gingival tissues and possible evolution of GL to proliferative verrucous leukoplakia in later years.
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Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) is a rare form of oral leukoplakia, which was first described in 1985 by Hansen et al. Since then, various published case series have presented PVL as a disease with aggressive biological behavior due to its high probability of recurrence and a high rate of malignant transformation, usually higher than 70%. PVL is a long-term progressive condition, which is observed more frequently in elderly women, over 60 years at the time of diagnosis. The buccal mucosa and tongue are the most frequently involved sites. It develops initially as a white plaque of hyperkeratosis that eventually becomes a multifocal disease with confluent, exophytic and proliferative features with a progressive deterioration of the lesions, making it more and more difficult to control. Tobacco use does not seem to have a significant influence on the appearance or progression of PVL and may occur both in smokers and nonsmokers. Prognosis is poor for this seemingly harmless-appearing white lesion of the oral mucosa. At present, the etiology of PVL remains unclear as well as its management and diagnosis, which is still retrospective, late and poorly defined, lacking consensus criteria. This short review discusses the clinical and histopathological features, diagnosis, traditional treatment and the current management of the disease.
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Human papillomavirus-related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) has favorable prognosis relative to other head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Criteria for predicting human papillomavirus status based upon p16 staining, including difficult cases with partial staining patterns, have been developed; however, clinical validation of these criteria and the clinical significance of partial p16 staining have not been reported. Eighty-one archival OPSCC cases were initially stained for p16 by immunohistochemistry with clone G175-405. The percentage of p16+ cells and percentage of confluence of p16+ cells were categorized as 25%, 26% to 75%, or >75%. Of all cases, 16 (20%) had partial p16 expression, with 26% to 75% p16+ cells. Applying previously developed criteria of >75% p16+ cells or >50% positive cells with >25% confluence, 48 (59%) patients were categorized p16+ and demonstrated expected clinical characteristics and superior disease-free survival and overall survival (P<0.001) compared with p16- patients. By themselves, the partial staining patients had intermediate outcomes; however, separating the partial staining cases by degree of confluence showed that those with >75% confluence had superior disease-free survival (P=0.042). When the 16 original partial staining cases were re-stained with the alternative anti-p16 E6H4 clone, p16 status remained concordant for all cases, but only 3 of the 16 were interpreted as demonstrating partial staining. This report shows that the prevalence of partial p16 staining varies with the antibody utilized and clinically validates the application of a graded evaluation of both the number as well as confluence of positive cells for risk stratification of patients with OPSCC. Copyright
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White lesions of the oral cavity are not uncommon though majority of them are benign. This case report documents a rare case of idiopathic linear leukoplakia of gingiva with no apparent etiology. Initial examination revealed a non-scrapable linear white lesion on the marginal and papillary gingiva of upper right teeth region. Incisional biopsy was taken for pathologic evaluation. Patient was treated with routine oral hygiene procedures and excision of the lesions. The histopathological results demonstrated hyperparakeratinized/orthokeratinized hyperplastic oral epithelium with orthokeratin-filled clefts and with no dysplasia. Clinical results demonstrated no recurrence after electrosurgical intervention. This paper reports a rare case of idiopathic linear leukoplakia of gingiva which was non-dysplastic in nature. Electrosurgical treatment proved to be successful compared to surgical technique as there was no recurrence even after two years of follow-up.
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Leukoplakia is the most common premalignant or potentially malignant lesion of the oral mucosa. It seems preferable to use the term leukoplakia as a clinical term only. When a biopsy is taken, the term leukoplakia should be replaced by the diagnosis obtained histologically. The annual percentage of malignant transformation varies in different parts of the world, probably as a result of differences in tobacco and dietary habits. Although epithelial dysplasia is an important predictive factor of malignant transformation, it should be realized that not all dysplastic lesions will become malignant. On the other hand non-dysplastic lesions may become malignant as well. In some parts of the world the tongue and the floor of the mouth can be considered to be high-risk sites with regard to malignant transformation of leukoplakia, while this does not have to be the case in other parts of the world. The cessation of tobacco habits, being the most common known aetiological factor of oral leukoplakia, has been shown to be an effective measure with regard to the incidence of leukoplakia and, thereby, the incidence of oral cancer as well. Screening for oral precancer may be indicated in individuals at risk.
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Cryotherapy is the deliberate destruction of tissue by application of extreme cold. It is well received by patients due to a relative lack of discomfort, the absence of bleeding and minimal to no scarring after healing. It has many applications in oral medicine and clinical oral pathology, and is extremely usefu in patients for whom surgery is contra-indicated due to either age or medical history. In this paper we outline the principles, mechanisms of action, and current applications of cryotherapy in the treatment of oral lesions, and present some clinical cases.
This study evaluated an unusual subset of oral epithelial dysplasia for the presence of transcriptionally active high-risk HPV subtypes and to further characterize the histological criteria for this condition. There were 20 cases diagnosed as epithelial dysplasia with marked apoptosis of the anterior oral cavity. Clinical and follow-up data were collected and histopathological features were documented. Immunoperoxidase studies were performed for p16 and in situ hybridization studies were performed for low- and high-risk HPV sub-types. Gender- and site-matched controls of conventional moderate-to-severe oral epithelial dysplasia were similarly evaluated using immunoperoxidase studies for p16 and in situ hybridization; the number of apoptotic cells for study and control cases was counted at two different tissue sites. There were 17 men and 3 women with a median age of 56 years. Seventeen lesions were described as white and five were described as rough or papillary. Thirteen were located on the lateral or ventral tongue, some extending onto the floor of the mouth. Epithelial hyperplasia with marked karyorrhexis and apoptosis were present in all the cases, along with features of conventional oral epithelial dysplasia. A statistically significant number of apoptotic cells were identified in the study cases when compared with controls (P>0.0001). Twenty cases were positive for high-risk HPV by in situ hybridization and all 19 nineteen cases evaluated for p16 demonstrated overexpression. Two patients were diagnosed with squamous cell carcinomas and one patient developed recurrent disease. We report a subset of oral epithelial dysplasia that occurs mostly in adult men on the ventral or lateral tongue and is positive for high-risk HPV and for p16. We propose use of the term 'HPV-associated Oral Intraepithelial Neoplasia' to characterize these lesions of the oral cavity for consistency in nomenclature with HPV-associated lesions of the lower anogenital tract. One case recurred and one developed invasive cancer.Modern Pathology advance online publication, 19 April 2013; doi:10.1038/modpathol.2013.70.
To investigate the clinical and histologic features of frictional keratoses located exclusively on the facial attached gingiva and establish whether these belong to the category of leukoplakia. Over a period of 15 years, 159 patients presenting with oral keratotic plaques, located exclusively on the facial attached gingival mucosa, excluding the edentulous alveolar ridge and retromolar pad area, were retrospectively selected. Clinical and histologic features and the symptoms and progression of these lesions were carefully assessed. The presence of oral frictional keratosis located exclusively on the facial attached gingival mucosa was clinically and immunohistologically diagnosed in 14 of 159 patients (8.8%). Eleven patients (78.5%) showed unilateral involvement, whereas 3 patients (21.5%) had bilateral involvement. The disappearance of the lesions was accomplished in only 9 of 14 patients, resulting from discontinuation of bad habits. Clinically, these lesions appeared as distinct, sharply demarcated, isolated, asymptomatic, homogeneous whitish-plaques that were neither removable nor painful. The plaques did not create discomfort, change shape, or develop into malignancy. Histologically, these plaques showed features superimposable to those present in benign alveolar ridge keratoses. The results highlighted that frictional keratoses on the facial attached gingival mucosa 1) are rare findings, 2) clinically appear as "true leukoplakia" but histologically have the same features as benign alveolar ridge keratoses, 3) have no propensity for malignant transformation, 4) have a good prognosis, and 5) have a specific cause, and resolution is accomplished if the frictional element is eliminated. Thus, these must be removed from the category of leukoplakia.
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) is a rare oral mucosa disorder, frequently involving periodontal sites, with a high rate of progression to oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and verrucous carcinoma (VC). This article describes the clinical features and follow-up of a group of patients with PVL, with attention to the involvement of the mucosa covering the alveolar crest and its malignant transformation. Patients were retrospectively evaluated for demographic data, risk habits (smoking and drinking), locations of PVL lesions, incidence, and locations of malignant transformation. Patients with malignant transformation were compared to a control group (patients affected by oral carcinoma without PVL). Forty-seven patients were enrolled; PVL lesions were most frequently observed on the alveolar crest (41/47 [87.2%]), with gingival involvement in 22 of 47 (46.8%) cases. Nineteen patients (40.4%) developed 41 malignant lesions; the alveolar crest was the most affected site (12/41 [29.3%]). Compared to controls, patients with PVL were more likely to develop VC (odds ratio [OR] = 6.61; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.23 to 65.52) than SCC (OR = 0.15; 95% CI: 0.02 to 0.82), and they showed a higher incidence of cancer on masticatory mucosa (OR = 6.49; 95% CI: 1.78 to 29.12), particularly gingiva (P = 0.007) and the hard palate (P = 0.017). The importance of PVL awareness for periodontists is underscored by the frequency of gingival involvement and the high prevalence of malignant transformation on masticatory mucosa, which usually can be suspected because of the onset of warning signs, such as rapid growth of verrucosity, area of erosion or ulceration, acquisition of red areas, induration, and positive response to toluidine blue staining.