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Abstract and Figures

Within the last decade, neural network based predictors have demonstrated impressive - and at times super-human - capabilities. This performance is often paid for with an intransparent prediction process and thus has sparked numerous contributions in the novel field of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). In this paper, we focus on a popular and widely used method of XAI, the Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP). Since its initial proposition LRP has evolved as a method, and a best practice for applying the method has tacitly emerged, based on humanly observed evidence. We investigate - and for the first time quantify - the effect of this current best practice on feedforward neural networks in a visual object detection setting. The results verify that the current, layer-dependent approach to LRP applied in recent literature better represents the model's reasoning, and at the same time increases the object localization and class discriminativity of LRP.
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arXiv:1910.09840v1 [cs.LG] 22 Oct 2019
Maximilian Kohlbrenner1, Alexander Bauer2, Shinichi Nakajima2
Alexander Binder3, Wojciech Samek1, Sebastian Lapuschkin1
1Department of Video Coding & Analytics, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin, Germany
2Department of Computer Science, Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Berlin, Germany
3ISTD Pillar, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, Singapore
Within the last decade, neural network based predictors have demon-
strated impressive – and at times super-human – capabilities. This
performance is often paid for with an intransparent prediction pro-
cess and thus has sparked numerous contributions in the novel field
of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). In this paper, we focus on
a popular and widely used method of XAI, the Layer-wise Relevance
Propagation (LRP). Since its initial proposition LRP has evolved as
a method, and a best practice for applying the method has tacitly
emerged, based on humanly observed evidence. We investigate –
and for the first time quantify – the effect of this current best practice
on feedforward neural networks in a visual object detection setting.
The results verify that the current, layer-dependent approach to LRP
applied in recent literature better represents the model’s reasoning,
and at the same time increases the object localization and class dis-
criminativity of LRP.
Index Termslayer-wise relevance propagation, explainable
artificial intelligence, neural networks, visual object recognition,
quantitative evaluation
In recent years, deep neural networks (DNN) have become the state
of the art method in many different fields but are mainly applied as
black-box predictors. Since understanding the decisions of artificial
intelligence systems is crucial in numerous scenarios and partially
demanded by law1, neural network interpretability has been estab-
lished as an important and active research area. Consequently, many
approaches to explaining neural network decisions have been pro-
posed in recent years, e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4]. The Layer-wise Relevance
Propagation (LRP) [5] framework has proven successful at provid-
ing a meaningful intuition and measurable quantities describing a
network’s feature processing and decision making [6, 7, 8]. LRP
attributes relevance scores Rito the model inputs or intermediate
neurons iby decomposing a model output of interest. The method
follows the principles of relevance conservation and proportional
decomposition. Therefore, attributions computed with LRP maintain
a strong connection to the predictor output. While early applications
of LRP use a single decomposition rule uniformly to all layers of a
This work was supported by the German Ministry for Education and
Research as Berlin Big Data Centre (01IS14013A), Berlin Center for Ma-
chine Learning (01IS18037I) and TraMeExCo (01IS18056A). This publica-
tion only reflects the authors views. Funding agencies are not liable for any
use that may be made of the information contained herein.
1e.g. via the “right to explanation” proclaimed in the General Data Pro-
tection Regulation of the European Union
model [5, 9, 10] more recent work describes a trend towards assign-
ing specific decomposition rules purposedly to layers wrt. function
and position within the network [11, 8, 12, 13, 14]. This trend has
tacitly emerged and formulates a best practice for applying LRP.
Under qualitative evaluation, the attribution maps resulting from this
current approach seem to be more robust against the effects of shat-
tered gradients [10, 15, 11] and demonstrate an increased discrim-
inativity between target classes [11, 12] compared to the uniform
application of a single rule.
However, recent literature applying LRP-rules in a layer-
dependent manner do not justify the beneficial effects of this novel
variant quantitatively, but only based on human observation. In this
paper, we design and conduct a series of experiments in order to ver-
ify whether a layer-specific application of different decomposition
rules actually constitutes an improvement above earlier descriptions
and applications of LRP [9, 16]. Our experiments are conducted
on popular computer vision data sets with ground truth object lo-
calizations, the ImageNet [17] and PascalVOC [18] datasets, using
different neural network models.
Feedforward neural networks constitute a popular architecture type,
ranging from simple multi-layer perceptrons and shallower convolu-
tional architectures to deeper and more complex Inception [19] and
VGG-like architectures [20]. These types of neural network com-
monly use ReLU non-linearities and first pass information through a
stack of convolution an pooling layers, followed by several fully con-
nected layers. The good performance of feedforward architectures in
numerous problem domains, and the availability as pre-trained mod-
els makes them a valuable standard architecture in neural network
2.1. Layer-wise Relevance Propagation
Consequently, feedforward networks have been subject to investiga-
tions in countless contributions towards neural network interpretabil-
ity, including applications of LRP [5, 9, 16], which finds its mathe-
matical foundation in Deep Taylor Decomposition (DTD) [21]. The
most basic attribution rule of LRP (we here refer to as LRPz) is de-
fined as
and performs a proportional decomposition of an upper layer (l+ 1)
relevance value R(l+1)
jto obtain lower layer (l) relevance scores R(l)
wrt. to the forward mappings zij (directed from layer inputs ito
Fig. 1. Different attributions for the output classes “Tiger Cat” and “Bernese Mountain Dog” using the VGG-16 model. Network output
strength (logit) is given in parenthesis. Uniformly applied rules (a) -(d) are not, or hardly class discriminative. LRPzshows the effect of
gradient shattering. Composite strategies (e) -(g) are sensitive to class-specific information and highlight features on different levels of scale.
outputs jduring inference) and their respective aggregations zjat
the layer output. Note that Eq. (1) is conservative between layers
and in general maintains an equality PiR(l)
i=f(x)at any layer of
the model.
Further purposed LRP-rules beyond Eq. (1) are introduced in
[5] which can be understood as advancements thereof. So does the
LRPεdecomposition rule add a signed and small constant εto the
denominator in order to prevent divisions by zero and to diminish
the effect of recessive mappings zij to the relevance decomposition.
The LRPαβ rule performs and then merges separate decompositions
for the activatory (zij >0) and inhibitory (zij <0) parts of the
forward pass. Here, the αparameter permits a weighting of rel-
evance distribution towards activations and inhibitions (βis given
implicitely s.t. α+β= 1 to uphold conservativity). The commonly
used parameter α= 1 (short: α1) can be derived from DTD and has
been rediscovered in ExcitationBackprop [22]. Later work [23, 12]
introduces LRP, a decomposition which spreads the relevance of a
neuron uniformly across all its inputs. This rule (or alternatively the
DTDzBrule [21]) has seen application in networks’ input layers, and
provides invariance to the decomposition process wrt. to translations
in the input domain.
Earlier applications of LRP (e.g. [5, 9]) did use one single de-
composition rule uniformly over the whole network, which often
resulted in suboptimal “explanations” of model behavior [11]. So
are LRPzand LRPεrespectively identical and highly similar to
Gradient×Input (G×I) in ReLU-activated DNNs [10] and – while
working well for shallower models – demonstrate the effect of gradi-
ent shattering in overly complex attributions for deeper models [11].
The LRPαβ demonstrates robustness against gradient shattering and
produces visually pleasing attribution maps, however is lacking in
class- or object discriminativity [24, 11] by consistently attributing
relevance to features unrelated to the object. Further, LRPαβ intro-
duces the constraint of positive layer activations [21], which is in
general not guaranteed, especially at the (logit) output of a model.
2.2. A Current Best Practice for LRP
A recent trend among XAI researchers and practitioners employing
LRP is the use of a composite strategy (CMP) for decomposing the
prediction of a neural network [12, 11, 8, 13, 14]. That is, differ-
ent parts of the DNN are decomposed using different rules, which
in combination are robust against gradient shattering while sustain-
ing object discriminativity. Common among these works is the uti-
lization of LRPεwith ε1(or just LRPz) to decompose fully
connected layers close to the model output, followed by an applica-
tion of LRPαβ to the underlying convolutional layers (usually with
α∈ {1,2}). Here, the separate decomposition of the positive and
negative forward mappings complements the localized feature acti-
vation of convolutional filters activated by, and feeding into ReLUs.
A final decomposition step within the convolution layers near the in-
put uses the LRP-rule2. Most commonly this rule (or alternatively
the DTDzB-rule) is applied to the input layer only. In summary, we
here describe this pattern of rule application as LRPCMP . Fig. 1
provides a qualitative overview of the effect of LRPCM P in contrast
to other parameterizations and methods, which we will further dis-
cuss in Sec. 4. Note that the option to apply the LRPdecomposition
to the first nlayers near the input (instead of only the first) provides
control over the local and semantic scale [23] of the computed at-
tributions (see Fig. 1(e)-(g)). Previous works profit from this option
for comparing DNNs of varying depth, and differently configured
convolutional stacks [12], or by increasing readability of attributions
maps aligned to the requirements of human investigators [13].
The declared purpose of LRP is to precisely and quantitatively in-
form about the features which contribute towards or against the de-
cision of a model wrt. to a specific predictor output [5]. While the
recent LRPCM P exhibits improved properties above previous vari-
ants of LRP by eyeballing, an objective verification requires quan-
tification. The visual object detection setting, as it is described by
the Pascal VOC (PVOC) [18] or ImageNet [25] datasets – both of
which include object bounding box annotations – delivers an opti-
mal experimental setting for this purpose.
An assumed ideal model would, in such a setting, exhibit true
object understanding by only predicting based on the object itself.
A good and representative attribution method should therefore re-
flect that object understanding of the model closely i.e. by marking
(parts of) the shown object as relevant and disregarding visual fea-
tures not representing the object itself. Similar to [9], we therefore
rely on a measure based on localization of attribution scores. In
the following, we will evaluate LRPCMP against other methods and
variants of LRP on ImageNet using a pre-trained VGG-16 network,
and on PVOC 2007 using a pre-trained (on PVOC 2012) CaffeNet
model [9]. Both models perform well on their respective task and
have been obtained from .
2read: =“flat”, as in the musical .
Fig. 2. Mean prediction changes measured in the logit outputs as
a function of the occluded area, when occluding the pixels within
(object) and without (context) the class-specific bounding boxes on
PVOC 2007 (left) and ImageNet (right).
3.1. Verifying Object-centricity During Prediction
In practice, both datasets can not be assumed to be free from con-
textual biases (c.f. [8]), and in both settings models are trained to
categorize images rather than localize objects. Still, we (neccessar-
ily) assume that the models we use dominantly base their decision on
the target object, as opposed to the image context. We verify our hy-
pothesis in Fig. 2, showing for both models and datasets the f(x)
of the true class, when occluding the area within the object bound-
ing box in contrast to occluding the remaining image area, relative
to the unperturbed f(x). We occlude by replacing the selected pixel
coordinates with the respective mean values from the training set.
Occluding the object area consistently leads to a sharper decrease in
the output for the specific class. The trend is especially evident for
smaller objects. This supports our claim that the networks base their
decision mainly on the object as opposed to the image context.
3.2. Attribution Localization as a Quantitative Measure
This gives us a performance criterion for attribution methods in ob-
ject detection and classification: In order to track the fraction of the
total amount of relevance that is attributed to the object, we use the
inside-total relevance ratio µwithout, and a weighted variant µw
within consideration of the object size:
While conceptually similar to the inside-outside ratio used in [9],
µand µwavoid numerical issues in edge cases wrt. bounding box
size. Here, Rin is the sum of positive relevance in the bounding box,
Rtot the total sum of positive relevance in the image and Sin and Stot
are the size of the bounding box and the image respectively, in pix-
els. The subscript wsignals the addition of the normalization factor
in µwconsidering the image and object size. Since correctly locat-
ing small objects is more difficult than locating image-sized objects,
µwputs an emphasis on measuring the outcome for small bound-
ing box sizes. In both cases, higher values indicate larger fractions
of relevance attributed to the object area (and not background), and
therefore are the desirable outcome.
The inside-total relevance ratio highly depends on the size of
the bounding box, we thus report the average µwas an aggregate of
results over differently sized objects and images in Tab. 1 and plot µ
as a function of bounding box size in Fig. 3.
3.3. Experimental Setup
We perform our experiments on both the ImageNet and the PVOC
2007 datasets, since both collections provide large numbers of
ground truth object bounding boxes.
For PVOC, we compute attribution maps for all samples (ap-
prox. 10.000) from PVOC 2007, using a model which has been pre-
trained on the multi label setting of PVOC 2012 [18, 9]. The re-
spective model performs with a mean AP of 72.12 on PVOC 2007.
Since PVOC describes a multi label setting, multiple classes can be
present in the same image. We therefore evaluate for µand µwonce
for each unique existing pair of {class ×sample }, yielding ap-
proximately 15.000 measurements. Images with a higher number
of (smaller) bounding boxes thus effectively have a stronger impact
on the results than images with larger, image-filling objects, while
at the same time describing a more difficult setting. Many of the
objects shown in PVOC images are not centered. In order to use
all available object information in our evaluation, we rescale the in-
put images to the network’s desired input shape to avoid (partially)
cropping objects.
On ImageNet [17] (2012 version), bounding box information
does only exist for the 50.000 validation samples (one class per im-
age) and can be downloaded from the official website3. We evaluate
a pre-trained VGG-16 model from the keras model zoo, obtained via
the iNNvestigate [26] toolbox. The model performs with a 90.1%
top-5 accuracy on the ImageNet test set. For all images the shortest
side is rescaled to fit the model input and the longest side is center-
cropped to obtain a quadratic input shape. Bounding box informa-
tion is adjusted correspondingly.
For computing attribution maps, we make use of existing XAI
software packages, depending on the models’ formats. That is, for
the VGG-16 model we use the iNNvestigate [26] toolbox. For the
PVOC data and the CaffeNet architecture, we compute attributions
using the LRP Toolbox [27].
Both XAI packages support the same functionality regarding
LRP, yet differ in the provided selection of other attribution meth-
ods. Our study, however, shall be focussed on the beneficial or detri-
mental effects between the variants of LRP used in literature. We
compute attributions maps and compute values for µand µwfor four
variants of LRPCM P (α1, α2, each once with and without LRPat
the input), LRPαβ (both α1and α2), and LRPz, for both models. We
complement the results with Guided Backprop [1] and for ImageNet
with Pattern Attribution [2] only available in iNNvestigate, as well
as LRPCAM for demonstration purposes. LRPCAM is equivalent
to LRPz(and CAM [28], absent the SoftMax) in the fully connected
part of the model, but replaces the upsampling over the convolutional
stack of CAM with applications of LRPand distributes negative rel-
evance. On both datasets, we evaluate attributions for the real class
label, independent of network prediction.
4.1. Qualitative Observations
Fig. 1 exemplarily shows attribution maps computed with different
methods based on the VGG-16 model, for two object classes present
in the ImageNet labels and the input image; “Bernese Mountain
Dog” and “Tiger Cat”. Attributions (a)-(d) result from uniform rule
Fig. 3. Average in-total ratio µas a function of bounding box size.
Vertical lines mark thresholds of 25% and 50% covered image area.
The baseline can be reached by uniformly attributing to all pixels of
the image. Higher values are better.
application to the whole network. Next to applications of LRPzand
LRPαβ , this includes Guided Backprop [1] and Pattern Attribu-
tion [2]. Neither of these maps demonstrate class-discriminativeness
and prominently attribute scores to the same areas, regardless of the
target class chosen for attribution. LRPzadditionally shows the ef-
fects of gradient shattering in a highly complex attribution structure
due to its equivalence to G×I. Such attributions would be difficult
to use and juxtapose in further algorithmic or manual analyses.
To the right, attribution maps (e)-(g) correspond to variants of
LRPCM P , which apply different decomposition rules depending on
layer type and position. In Fig. 1 (e), the LRP-rule is only applied
to the input layer, while in (g) it is used for the first three convolu-
tional layers and the whole convolutional stack in (f). Both (e) and (f)
use α1. Here altogether, the visualized attribution maps correspond
more to an “intuitive expectation”. Fig. 1 (e)-(g) demonstrates the
change in scale and semantic, from attributions to local features to
a very coarse localization map, with changing placements of LRP.
Further, it becomes clear that with an application of LRPαβ in upper
layers, object localization is lost (see (b) vs (g)), while an application
in lower layers avoids issues related to gradient shattering, as shown
in (e)-(f) compared to (a).
Note that the VGG-16 network used here never has been trained
in a multi-label setting. Despite only receiving one object category
per input sample, it has learned to distinguish between different ob-
ject types, e.g. that a dog is not a cat. This in turn reflects well in the
attribution maps computed after the LRPC MP pattern.
4.2. Quantitative Results
Figs. 3 (a) and (b) show the average in-total ratio µas a function of
bounding box size, discretized over 100 equally spaced intervals, per
size interval, for PVOC 2007 and ImageNet. Averages for µand µw
over the whole (and partial) datasets can be found in Tab. 1. Large
values indicate more precise attribution to the relevant object. The
assumed Baseline is the uniform attribution of relevance over the
whole image, which is outperformed by all methods.
LRPzperforms noticably worse on ImageNet than on PVOC,
which we trace back to the significant difference in model depth (13
vs 21 layers) affecting gradient shattering. We omit LRPεdue to
identity in results to LRPz.LRPαβ has the tendency to attribute to
all shown objects and suffers from the multiple classes per image in
PVOC, where ImageNet shows only one class. Also, the similar-
Table 1. Average context attribution metrics for different analyzers
and datasets. Row order is determined by µw. Higher µare better.
Data Analyzer µwµ0.25 µ0.5µ
LRPCM P :α2+2.716 0.307 0.421 0.532
LRPCM P :α12.664 0.306 0.426 0.539
LRPCM P :α1+2.598 0.301 0.421 0.535
LRPCM P :α22.475 0.276 0.388 0.504
LRPz2.128 0.236 0.353 0.480
GB 1.943 0.212 0.335 0.470
LRPα21.843 0.205 0.320 0.452
LRPα11.486 0.163 0.273 0.403
Baseline 1.000 0.100 0.186 0.322
LRPCM P :α2+1.902 0.397 0.534 0.714
LRPCM P :α21.797 0.368 0.505 0.693
LRPCM P :α11.7044 0.3467 0.4887 0.6898
LRPCM P :α1+1.7043 0.3466 0.4886 0.6898
LRPα21.702 0.332 0.496 0.706
GB 1.640 0.312 0.485 0.710
LRPα11.609 0.306 0.475 0.699
PA 1.591 0.303 0.471 0.698
LRPz1.347 0.236 0.389 0.632
Baseline 1.000 0.128 0.260 0.547
ity of attributions between PA and LRPα1observed in Fig. 1 seem
consistent on ImageNet and result in close measurements in Tab. 1.
Tab. 1 shows that LRPCMP clearly outperforms other methods
consistently on large datasets. That is, the increased precision in at-
tribution to relevant objects is especially evident in the presence of
smaller bounding boxes in µw. This can also be seen in µ0.25 and
µ0.5in Tab. 1 and the left parts of Figs. 3 (a) and (b), where a
majority of the image shows contextual information or other classes.
Once bounding boxes become (significantly) larger and cover over
50% of the image, all methods converge towards perfect perfor-
mance. In both settings, LRPCM P :α2+(α2and using ) yields the
best results, while overall the composite strategy is more effectful
than a fine tuning of decomposition parameters.
4.3. Conclusion
In this study, we discuss a recent development in the application
of Layer-wise Relevance Propagation. We summarize this emerg-
ing strategy of a composite application of multiple decomposition
rules as LRPCM P and juxtapose its effects to previous approaches
which uniformly apply a single decomposition rule to all layers of
the model. Our results show that LRPCM P does not only yield
more representative attribution maps, but also provides a solution
against gradient shattering affecting previous approaches and im-
proves properties related to object localization and class discrimi-
mation. The discussed beneficial effects are demonstrated qualita-
tively and verified quantitatively at hand of two large and popular
computer vision datasets. While alternative approaches with the aim
to achieve a similar effect to LRPCM P may rely on multiple back-
ward passes through the model or are unable to attribute negative
relevance to class-contradicting features, LRPCM P needs only one
backward pass using established tools from the LRP framework.
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... To identify the most suitable backpropagation method for the three CNN models, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation of various LRP (layerwise relevance propagation) techniques. These included deep Taylor (Montavon et al., 2017), deep Taylor bounded (Kohlbrenner et al., 2019), deconvnet (deconvolution) (Zeiler and Fergus, 2014), guided backprop (guided backpropagation) (Springenberg et al., 2015), and LRP sequential preset a flat (LRP-SPF) (Kohlbrenner et al., 2019), all of which were implemented using the iNNvestigate GitHub repository. For each of the LRP methods, we assessed the CNN classification accuracy by performing a sequence of perturbation steps as described in Section 3.5 as described in Model Selection. ...
... To identify the most suitable backpropagation method for the three CNN models, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation of various LRP (layerwise relevance propagation) techniques. These included deep Taylor (Montavon et al., 2017), deep Taylor bounded (Kohlbrenner et al., 2019), deconvnet (deconvolution) (Zeiler and Fergus, 2014), guided backprop (guided backpropagation) (Springenberg et al., 2015), and LRP sequential preset a flat (LRP-SPF) (Kohlbrenner et al., 2019), all of which were implemented using the iNNvestigate GitHub repository. For each of the LRP methods, we assessed the CNN classification accuracy by performing a sequence of perturbation steps as described in Section 3.5 as described in Model Selection. ...
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Introduction Gait analysis, an expanding research area, employs non-invasive sensors and machine learning techniques for a range of applications. In this study, we investigate the impact of cognitive decline conditions on gait performance, drawing connections between gait deterioration in Parkinson's Disease (PD) and healthy individuals dual tasking. Methods We employ Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) specifically Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation (LRP), in conjunction with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to interpret the intricate patterns in gait dynamics influenced by cognitive loads. Results We achieved classification accuracies of 98% F1 scores for PD dataset and 95.5% F1 scores for the combined PD dataset. Furthermore, we explore the significance of cognitive load in healthy gait analysis, resulting in robust classification accuracies of 90% ± 10% F1 scores for subject cognitive load verification. Our findings reveal significant alterations in gait parameters under cognitive decline conditions, highlighting the distinctive patterns associated with PD-related gait impairment and those induced by multitasking in healthy subjects. Through advanced XAI techniques (LRP), we decipher the underlying features contributing to gait changes, providing insights into specific aspects affected by cognitive decline. Discussion Our study establishes a novel perspective on gait analysis, demonstrating the applicability of XAI in elucidating the shared characteristics of gait disturbances in PD and dual-task scenarios in healthy individuals. The interpretability offered by XAI enhances our ability to discern subtle variations in gait patterns, contributing to a more nuanced comprehension of the factors influencing gait dynamics in PD and dual-task conditions, emphasizing the role of XAI in unraveling the intricacies of gait control.
... LRP thus exhibits the additive feature attribution property, which means that the sum of all instances of R i (x) equals f (x). Several redistribution or attribution rules exist, with the most basic one being the LRP z rule, which performs a proportional decomposition and is used in this study (e.g., Kohlbrenner et al., 2020). We implement LRP using the "iNNvestigate" toolbox from Alber et al. (2019). ...
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Seasons are known to have a major influence on groundwater recharge and therefore groundwater levels; however, underlying relationships are complex and partly unknown. The goal of this study is to investigate the influence of the seasons on groundwater levels (GWLs), especially during low-water periods. For this purpose, we train artificial neural networks on data from 24 locations spread throughout Germany. We exclusively focus on precipitation and temperature as input data and apply layer-wise relevance propagation to understand the relationships learned by the models to simulate GWLs. We find that the learned relationships are plausible and thus consistent with our understanding of the major physical processes. Our results show that for the investigated locations, the models learn that summer is the key season for periods of low GWLs in fall, with a connection to the preceding winter usually only being subordinate. Specifically, dry summers exhibit a strong influence on low-water periods and generate a water deficit that (preceding) wet winters cannot compensate for. Temperature is thus an important proxy for evapotranspiration in summer and is generally identified as more important than precipitation, albeit only on average. Single precipitation events show by far the largest influences on GWLs, and summer precipitation seems to mainly control the severeness of low-GWL periods in fall, while higher summer temperatures do not systematically cause more severe low-water periods.
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Deep learning has recently gained popularity in digital pathology due to its high prediction quality. However, the medical domain requires explanation and insight for a better understanding beyond standard quantitative performance evaluation. Recently, many explanation methods have emerged. This work shows how heatmaps generated by these explanation methods allow to resolve common challenges encountered in deep learning-based digital histopathology analyses. We elaborate on biases which are typically inherent in histopathological image data. In the binary classification task of tumour tissue discrimination in publicly available haematoxylin-eosin-stained images of various tumour entities, we investigate three types of biases: (1) biases which affect the entire dataset, (2) biases which are by chance correlated with class labels and (3) sampling biases. While standard analyses focus on patch-level evaluation, we advocate pixel-wise heatmaps, which offer a more precise and versatile diagnostic instrument. This insight is shown to not only be helpful to detect but also to remove the effects of common hidden biases, which improves generalisation within and across datasets. For example, we could see a trend of improved area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve by 5% when reducing a labelling bias. Explanation techniques are thus demonstrated to be a helpful and highly relevant tool for the development and the deployment phases within the life cycle of real-world applications in digital pathology.
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The application of deep learning (DL) models to neuroimaging data poses several challenges, due to the high dimensionality, low sample size, and complex temporo-spatial dependency structure of these data. Even further, DL models often act as black boxes, impeding insight into the association of cognitive state and brain activity. To approach these challenges, we introduce the DeepLight framework, which utilizes long short-term memory (LSTM) based DL models to analyze whole-brain functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data. To decode a cognitive state (e.g., seeing the image of a house), DeepLight separates an fMRI volume into a sequence of axial brain slices, which is then sequentially processed by an LSTM. To maintain interpretability, DeepLight adapts the layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP) technique. Thereby, decomposing its decoding decision into the contributions of the single input voxels to this decision. Importantly, the decomposition is performed on the level of single fMRI volumes, enabling DeepLight to study the associations between cognitive state and brain activity on several levels of data granularity, from the level of the group down to the level of single time points. To demonstrate the versatility of DeepLight, we apply it to a large fMRI dataset of the Human Connectome Project. We show that DeepLight outperforms conventional approaches of uni- and multivariate fMRI analysis in decoding the cognitive states and in identifying the physiologically appropriate brain regions associated with these states. We further demonstrate DeepLight's ability to study the fine-grained temporo-spatial variability of brain activity over sequences of single fMRI samples.
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For a machine learning model to generalize well, one needs to ensure that its decisions are supported by meaningful patterns in the input data. A prerequisite is however for the model to be able to explain itself, e.g. by highlighting which input features it uses to support its prediction. Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) is a technique that brings such explainability and scales to potentially highly complex deep neural networks. It operates by propagating the prediction backward in the neural network, using a set of purposely designed propagation rules. In this chapter, we give a concise introduction to LRP with a discussion of (1) how to implement propagation rules easily and efficiently, (2) how the propagation procedure can be theoretically justified as a ‘deep Taylor decomposition’, (3) how to choose the propagation rules at each layer to deliver high explanation quality, and (4) how LRP can be extended to handle a variety of machine learning scenarios beyond deep neural networks.
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Current learning machines have successfully solved hard application problems, reaching high accuracy and displaying seemingly "intelligent" behavior. Here we apply recent techniques for explaining decisions of state-of-the-art learning machines and analyze various tasks from computer vision and arcade games. This showcases a spectrum of problem-solving behaviors ranging from naive and short-sighted, to well-informed and strategic. We observe that standard performance evaluation metrics can be oblivious to distinguishing these diverse problem solving behaviors. Furthermore, we propose our semi-automated Spectral Relevance Analysis that provides a practically effective way of characterizing and validating the behavior of nonlinear learning machines. This helps to assess whether a learned model indeed delivers reliably for the problem that it was conceived for. Furthermore, our work intends to add a voice of caution to the ongoing excitement about machine intelligence and pledges to evaluate and judge some of these recent successes in a more nuanced manner.
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Recently, deep neural networks have demonstrated excellent performances in recognizing the age and gender on human face images. However, these models were applied in a black-box manner with no information provided about which facial features are actually used for prediction and how these features depend on image preprocessing, model initialization and architecture choice. We present a study investigating these different effects. In detail, our work compares four popular neural network architectures, studies the effect of pretraining, evaluates the robustness of the considered alignment preprocessings via cross-method test set swapping and intuitively visualizes the model's prediction strategies in given preprocessing conditions using the recent Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) algorithm. Our evaluations on the challenging Adience benchmark show that suitable parameter initialization leads to a holistic perception of the input, compensating artefactual data representations. With a combination of simple preprocessing steps, we reach state of the art performance in gender recognition.
The problem of explaining complex machine learning models, including Deep Neural Networks, has gained increasing attention over the last few years. While several methods have been proposed to explain network predictions, the definition itself of explanation is still debated. Moreover, only a few attempts to compare explanation methods from a theoretical perspective has been done. In this chapter, we discuss the theoretical properties of several attribution methods and show how they share the same idea of using the gradient information as a descriptive factor for the functioning of a model. Finally, we discuss the strengths and limitations of these methods and compare them with available alternatives.
Conference Paper
We trained a large, deep convolutional neural network to classify the 1.2 million high-resolution images in the ImageNet LSVRC-2010 contest into the 1000 dif- ferent classes. On the test data, we achieved top-1 and top-5 error rates of 37.5% and 17.0% which is considerably better than the previous state-of-the-art. The neural network, which has 60 million parameters and 650,000 neurons, consists of five convolutional layers, some of which are followed by max-pooling layers, and three fully-connected layers with a final 1000-way softmax. To make training faster, we used non-saturating neurons and a very efficient GPU implemen- tation of the convolution operation. To reduce overfitting in the fully-connected layers we employed a recently-developed regularization method called dropout that proved to be very effective. We also entered a variant of this model in the ILSVRC-2012 competition and achieved a winning top-5 test error rate of 15.3%, compared to 26.2% achieved by the second-best entry
Conference Paper
In this work, we revisit the global average pooling layer proposed in [13], and shed light on how it explicitly enables the convolutional neural network to have remarkable localization ability despite being trained on image-level labels. While this technique was previously proposed as a means for regularizing training, we find that it actually builds a generic localizable deep representation that can be applied to a variety of tasks. Despite the apparent simplicity of global average pooling, we are able to achieve 37.1% top-5 error for object localization on ILSVRC 2014, which is remarkably close to the 34.2% top-5 error achieved by a fully supervised CNN approach. We demonstrate that our network is able to localize the discriminative image regions on a variety of tasks despite not being trained for them
Explaining the output of a deep network remains a challenge. In the case of an image classifier, one type of explanation is to identify pixels that strongly influence the final decision. A starting point for this strategy is the gradient of the class score function with respect to the input image. This gradient can be interpreted as a sensitivity map, and there are several techniques that elaborate on this basic idea. This paper makes two contributions: it introduces SmoothGrad, a simple method that can help visually sharpen gradient-based sensitivity maps, and it discusses lessons in the visualization of these maps. We publish the code for our experiments and a website with our results.