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CodyColor: Design of a Massively Multiplayer Online Game to Develop Computational Thinking Skills


Abstract and Figures

Computational thinking and coding-based problem solving are increasingly seen as crucial cross-disciplinary skills and an important part of a well-rounded education. Coding games and problem solving exercises have been growing in popularity. Many large-scale initiatives have been launched in order to bring these initiatives into classrooms, from preschool to secondary education. CodyColor is a simplified coding game, which takes basic programming instructions representing movements ("turn left" and "turn right") and represents them with color blocks. In contrast to most other coding games, color-coded programming relies on no symbolic interpretation on part of the player in order to be approachable by very young players as well. We present a massively multiplayer online version of CodyColor, discuss design and implementation specifics, and enumerate some of the possible game modes.
Content may be subject to copyright.
CodyColor: Design of a Massively
Multiplayer Online Game to Develop
Computational Thinking Skills
Lorenz Cuno Klopfenstein
University of Urbino & DIGIT srl
Urbino, Italy
Riccardo Maldini
Urbino, Italy
Saverio Delpriori
University of Urbino & DIGIT srl
Urbino, Italy
Alessandro Bogliolo
University of Urbino & DIGIT srl
Urbino, Italy
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for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
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For all other uses, contact the Owner/Author.
CHI PLAY EA ’19, October 22—25, 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
© 2019 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6871-1/19/10.
Computational thinking and coding-based problem solving
are increasingly seen as crucial cross-disciplinary skills
and an important part of a well-rounded education. Coding
games and problem solving exercises have been grow-
ing in popularity. Many large-scale initiatives have been
launched in order to bring these initiatives into classrooms,
from preschool to secondary education. CodyColor is a
simplified coding game, which takes basic programming
instructions representing movements (“turn left” and “turn
right”) and represents them with color blocks. In contrast
to most other coding games, color-coded programming re-
lies on no symbolic interpretation on part of the player in
order to be approachable by very young players as well.
We present a massively multiplayer online version of Cody-
Color, discuss design and implementation specifics, and
enumerate some of the possible game modes.
CCS Concepts
Social and professional topics Computational think-
ing; Information systems
Massively multiplayer online
Author Keywords
Coding; Computational Thinking; Game; Massively Multi-
player; Online; Web application.
CHI PLAY'19, October 22–25, 2019, Barcelona, Spain
Over the course of the last years, Computational Think-
ing (CT) and coding have been widely recognized as a cor-
nerstone skill for 21st-century students, since they enable
“solving problems, designing systems, and understanding
human behavior, by drawing on the concepts fundamental
to computer science” [13]. CT focuses on the process of
abstraction, integrating basic engineering principles (such
as efficiency, correctness, etc.). While these skills have
been largely seen as drivers to solve the lack of computing
and digital skills that threaten economic development and
innovation in the near future [12], CT foremost is a thought
process that enables problem deconstruction and problem
solving through an algorithmic approach.
The importance of teaching CT to children of any age group
has been underlined by the spread of educational tools,
often adopting game-like interfaces to teach fundamen-
tal coding concepts [6]. Online tools and initiatives such
as “Hour of Code” or have reached millions of
users [7]. Teaching efforts are often supported by grass-
roots initiatives by teachers or large-scale coding literacy
campaigns such as “Europe Code Week”, which has been
running with increasing participation since 2013 [5].
Bringing CT into the classroom at early ages is often blocked
by the lack of experience by the teaching force: care and
training must be provided to teachers in order to carefully
incorporate coding tools and concepts into traditional edu-
cational curricula. One of the fundamental misconceptions
that hinder this integration, as argued by Yadav et al., is that
CT is necessarily about computers and coding is conflated
with programming [14].
The introduction of “unplugged” coding tools, such as
language-neutral card games or physical movement games,
maintain the immediacy and effectiveness of online instru-
Figure 1: CodyColor logo.
ments in teaching fundamental concepts (such as action
and behavior representation, algorithm design, interpreta-
tion, and execution), but significantly improve accessibility.
Unplugged tools provide a high level of flexibility and adapt-
ability, making them ideal to be integrated in extra-curricular,
outreach, or after-school events [11]. Card games such as
“CodyRoby” are usable by children of any age group, any
level of experience, and can be used in regions affected by
digital divide retaining the same effectiveness [1].
Related work
“CodyRoby” cards rely on the same movement action primi-
tives of “Hour of Code” games [1]. The card game is based
on one player (i.e., Cody) acting as a programmer and
building a sequence of instructions, and another one (i.e.,
Roby) acting as an interpreter and executor, reading the se-
quence of instructions and performing actions as indicated,
in order to solve a task. Roles can be interpreted by two or
more players, or they can both be conflated into the same
individual for single-player games.
These game principles have been previously adapted in
a variety of formats and games, both offline and online.
Program design and execution sessions, using the same
CHI PLAY'19, October 22–25, 2019, Barcelona, Spain
action-based building blocks, have been adapted to large-
scale events with participation of live audiences [2], aug-
mented reality supported games [10], physical maze-games
that must be solved using algorithmic instructions [9], and
mixed-reality multiplayer games based on a “treasure hunt”
metaphor [8].
Figure 2: Main game screen in
CodyColor, allowing the player to
drag Roby on a starting cell on the
chessboard’s border.
CodyColor is an “unplugged” coding method, originally de-
signed in 2018 [4]. The game is based on a reduced set
of coding instructions, limited to two color-coded blocks: a
red block is used to indicate a right turn while a yellow block
indicates a left turn. The absence of color (i.e., a neutral
gray block) is interpreted as a “
no-operation com-
mand. Players of the game (impersonating the Roby robot,
thus acting as simple code interpreters and executors) start
at a given starting position and perform indicated actions
as they reach a new block. Forward movement (i.e., the
“advance” action) is implicit and is always performed after
reaching a block and executing the block’s action.
The game’s three kinds of instructions are usually repre-
sented as large colored tiles that can be placed on the floor.
Actions can be put in a sequence, allowing programmers
to represent a movement path both graphically (through
the physical arrangement of blocks) and algorithmically
(through the concatenation of movement actions).
At the start of the CodyColor game, a set of random blocks
is arranged into a chessboard. Players choose the block
from which they start and their initial orientation: from their
starting block, players start executing the actions of the
blocks they stand on and moving across the grid. Players
continue interpreting action blocks until they move outside
of the chessboard.
Mentally interpreting the color blocks and projecting the
path determined by the starting point can be a tricky ex-
ercise even for adult players. Several game schemes for
single or multiple players have been designed based on this
mechanic, such as finding longest paths, determining the
exit point based on the starting point, finding infinite loops
(if any), and so on [4].
Since its initial release, CodyColor has been successfully
used in preschool and in primary school education. The
reduced abstraction between instructions and their repre-
sentation, if compared to other “unplugged” methods such
as cards or code blocks, has been appraised as particularly
Design of the online game
The CodyColor concept has been adapted into an online
multiplayer game, implemented as a progressive Web ap-
plication. By being playable through a simple Web Browser,
the game is accessible to very wide audience and can be
played by users with limited technological means and exper-
tise: no installation and no user registration is required to
access and play the game.
When users connect to the game, they pick a temporar-
ily unique username and are added to the game “lobby”,
where automatic match-making is performed. Once a
match between two or more players is set up, the game
starts showing a randomly generated CodyColor grid with
color-coded blocks, as shown in Figure 2.
Users play by analyzing the chessboard and dragging their
Roby robot to one of the “entrance” cells (i.e., a cell on
the chessboard’s border). As soon as both users have
positioned their executor, the robots start executing the
actions and moving through a path on the chessboard:
players that picked the longest path win the game. In case
of a tie, players win based on the time they needed to pick
CHI PLAY'19, October 22–25, 2019, Barcelona, Spain
their starting cell (i.e., the quickest player with the longest
path wins the game).
The game adopts a fixed chessboard of 5
5 cells: each
cell can assume one of 3 colors, therefore allowing a total
set of 3
different arrangements, each of which can be re-
peatedly and deterministically generated. Each possible
chessboard presents different potential paths to the player
and a unique set of “best” paths. Leaderboards and top
scores are stored separately for each chessboard permu-
tation, allowing players to try to guess the unique best path
for each scenario.
From a technical standpoint, the CodyColor online game is
implemented using a message-based broker (“RabbitMQ”,
using the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol over Web
Sockets). Client and server use a pub/sub communication
pattern, which allows straightforward interest management
(based on independent game lobbies and game sessions)
and easy replica management, ensuring the system’s scal-
ability to massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) lev-
els [3].
Figure 3: Battle royale mode, with
three players competing on the
same chessboard.
Game modes
The basic game mode randomly matches two available
players in a private “game room”, where they compete on a
randomly picked chessboard. Once a winner is determined,
the couple of players can stay in the same game room and
keep competing, as long as no player closes the game.
Other game modes that have been designed and imple-
mented include:
a virtual single-player room is provided,
that allows the player to experiment on random chess-
boards without time limits and competing players.
Invited game:
a “game room” is generated by one
player, who is provided with a unique link that can
be shared via social media or messaging. Players
following the link are added to the room and can start
competing on a shared chessboard.
Battle royale:
a “game room” for multiple players is
generated (they can join by picking available game
lobbies or following invitation links, as above). A se-
quence of matches is played: at the end of each
match, players are ranked on a leaderboard and gain
points according to their performance. Point are ac-
cumulated until one of the players decides to drop
out of the game, terminating the game session and
determining the final winner.
Conclusion and future work
The CodyColor online game has been published online
on 28th April 2019 as a beta version, reaching more than
25000 played games over the course of little more than
2 months (available at
Source code of the game’s back-end and front-end is
available online and released under the MIT license (see and https://github.
The game reflects the original design choices of the un-
plugged CodyColor game, providing two color-coded ac-
tions: red representing a right turn and yellow encoding a
left turn. This color choice is not ideal for color-blind users,
therefore a revised version of the game might more aptly
rely on a yellow-blue color coding.
Future work will focus on the design of additional game
modes, possibly focusing on different educational scenar-
ios, introducing other competitive game modes (based on
CHI PLAY'19, October 22–25, 2019, Barcelona, Spain
computer science concepts such as infinite loops, shortest
paths, etc.) or cooperative game mechanics.
While currently implemented game modes focus on having
individual players connected with their own device, in class-
room scenarios multiple players often share one device (an
interactive blackboard or tablet): single-device multiplayer
game modes will be introduced either using split-views (on
high-resolution devices) or hot seat mechanics.
In August 2019, CodyColor was presented at the “Code
Week Summer School for Teachers” in Brussels as a teach-
ing tool for European educators. During the upcoming Eu-
rope Code Week event [5], from 5th to 20th October 2019,
open large-scale gaming events will be organized during
school hours, which are expected to be played by a signifi-
cant number of children of different ages. For the occasion,
the game will be translated in a variety of languages.
Furthermore, future work will also focus on evaluating the
game’s efficacy as a teaching tool: validation protocols will
be devised in order to evaluate the effect of the game (and
similar coding literacy tools) and correlating their usage
with improvements in other cross-disciplinary subjects or in
psychometric tests.
The authors wish to thank members of the
association, who supported the creation and enthusiasti-
cally tested preliminary versions of the CodyColor game.
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CHI PLAY'19, October 22–25, 2019, Barcelona, Spain
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10. Lorenz Cuno Klopfenstein, Andriy Fedosyeyev, and
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CHI PLAY'19, October 22–25, 2019, Barcelona, Spain
... In the previous lesson, symbols were used, as they are also used for example on devices and remote controls: square for stop and trinagle for play are already known at age 3. It is not only symbols that are used for coding of course, and one of the most frequently used ways is certainly the use of colors, which can easily be explained to them by showing them a drawing of a traffic light. Color coding will also be used in later exercises, through the new codycolor tiles, explained in [22]: these have only one color but no interlocks. Tiles are large so they can walk on them. ...
Conference Paper
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Computational thinking is one of the skills that gained attention in the 21st century. Several countries have included computational thinking in the curriculum at almost every level, from pre-school to university. There are two types of activities found when practicing computational skills in the classroom: unplugged and plugged. The most common activity found when unplugged and plugged is using a game learning environment or game-based learning. Despite many articles on the adoption of game-based learning in computational thinking skills, there may still be a deficiency of explanations for implementation at the middle school level. Therefore, the study used a literature review method that analyzed journal articles and books from trusted databases using keywords related to recent periods. This study obtained three main topics: learner as player vs. designers, teachers’ skills in a learning environment of the game, and assessment of learning. The study's findings revealed that the game activities and learning assessments used determine the computational thinking ability. Future teacher competency training, particularly computational thinking in a game-based learning environment, must be well planned.
Nowadays, technology has become dominant in the daily lives of most people around the world. Technology is present from children to older people, helping in the most diverse daily tasks and allowing accessibility. However, many times these people are just end-users, without any incentive to develop computational thinking (CT). With advances in technologies, the abstraction of coding, programming languages, and the hardware resources involved will become a reality. However, while we have not progressed to this stage, it is necessary to encourage the development of CT teaching from an early age. This work will present the state of the art concerning teaching initiatives and tools on programming, robotics, and other playful tools for the development of CT in the early ages, explicitly filling the gap of CT at the kindergarten level. We present a systematic literature review evaluating more than 60 papers from 2010 to December 2020. The paper’s amount was classified in taxonomy to show CT’s principal tools and initiates applied to children early. To conclude this paper, an extensive discussion about the future trends in this field is present.
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Nowadays, technology has become dominant in the daily lives of most people around the world. From children to older people, technology is present, helping in the most diverse daily tasks and allowing accessibility. However, many times these people are just end-users, without any incentive to the development of computational thinking (CT). With advances in technologies, the abstraction of coding, programming languages, and the hardware resources involved will become a reality. However, while we have not progressed to this stage, it is necessary to encourage the development of CT teaching from an early age. This work will present state of the art concerning teaching initiatives and tools on programming (e.g., ScratchJr), robotics (e.g., KIBO), and other playful tools (e.g., Happy Maps) for the development of CT in the early ages, specifically filling the gap of CT at the kindergarten level. This survey presents a systematic review of the literature, emphasizing computational and robotic tools used in preschool classes to develop the CT. The systematic review evaluated more than 60 papers from 2010 to December 2020, electing 31 papers and adding three papers from the qualitative stage. The paper's amount was classified in taxonomy to show CT's principal tools and initiates applied to children early. To conclude this survey, an extensive discussion about the terms and authors related to this research area is present.
Conference Paper
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Recent initiatives promoting code literacy have often focused on engaging children, of various ages, with several kinds of games or game-like tools based on programming concepts. Many of these coding games have adopted grid movement mechanics that can be traced back to the Logo programming language and its memorable turtle. The same grid movement paradigm has successfully been applied to many modern code literacy instruments, as seen in popular online programming initiatives or so-called "unplugged" games that do not require the use of electronic devices or Internet access. In this paper we present a mixed-reality grid-based coding challenge, which combines an easily replicable physical chessboard and an online component in the form of a Telegram bot. The bot challenges players with coding exercises in the form of dynamically generated grid movement instructions. By scanning codes that identify single cells of the physical chessboard, the bot is able to determine the player's movements and to verify the correct execution of the proposed exercises. We discuss the implementation, previous deployments of the game, past experiences, user feedback, and we propose CodyMaze as an easily-deployable and reusable form of the "Hour of Code" exercise.
Full-text available
In this paper, we describe an online multi-player game that challenges players with abstract coding puzzles that are tied to a geo-graphical location. The proposed system transposes the classical scheme of “treasure hunt” games into a mixed-reality game, where players must physically move in order to advance in the game, while at the same time interacting with a chatbot through an online messaging system. The implementation of the online game is described in detail and an overview of different deployments of the system is given, including a large-scale deployment during the European CodeWeek 2017. We discuss details of the proposed system, including lessons learned during the development and operation of the game. We also argue that mobile games like the one proposed can be successfully adopted for many different purposes, from entertainment to education.
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Computational thinking (CT) has been offered as a cross-disciplinary set of mental skills that are drawn from the discipline of computer science. Existing literature supports the inclusion of CT within the K-12 curriculum, within multiple subjects, and from primary grades upward. The use of computers as a context for CT skills is often possible, yet care must be taken to ensure that CT is not conflated with programming or instructional technology, in general. Research had suggested that instructing preservice teachers in the use of CT can help them develop a more accurate and nuanced understandings of how it can be applied to the classroom. This chapter reports results from a study about preservice teachers’ conceptions of CT and how it can be implemented within their classrooms. Results suggested that preservice teachers with no previous exposure to CT have a surface level understanding of computational thinking. Participants largely defined CT in terms of problem-solving, logical thinking, and other types of thinking and often requiring the use of computers. The chapter offers implications for teacher educators to embed computational thinking in preservice education courses through educational technology as well as content specific methods courses.
Conference Paper
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The recent spread of coding literacy initiatives, such as Hour of Code, Europe Code Week, or Africa Code Week, have underlined the growing importance and interest for computational thinking, often channeled through the use of innovative teaching tools, which foster creativity, collaboration, and interactivity. Learning coding notions is generally tied to the use of computers or other electronic devices, and most recent educational tools are based on online visual programming platforms, which may lead to discrimination because of the digital divide, the lack of sufficient infrastructure, or cultural and linguistic barriers. However, many code learning activities can be performed in an “unplugged” scenario, often with as little as a pencil and some paper. In fact, CodyRoby is an example of a do-it-yourself unplugged programming kit, published in the end of 2014. Through the use of color-coded cards, inspired by the building blocks of visual programming tools, and the use of intuitive symbols instead of words, the kit enables various fully inclusive coding experiences. In this work we present a smartphone-based augmented reality system that empowers this simple tool and transforms a CodyRoby session into an immersive experience. A printable additional kit of markers allow a smartphone app to detect game components, such as the chessboard on which to play, and to present additional gaming elements on screen or to draw customizable decorative elements to stimulate engagement and creativity, especially in younger players. Several different game modes are presented and discussed. The suitability of the system to intimate, small-scale, or even large-scale coding events is also discussed.
Conference Paper
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The importance of coding as an instrument to develop computational thinking has motivated the proliferation of worldwide coding literacy campaigns, including Hour of Code, Europe Code Week, and Africa Code Week, endorsed by tech companies, governative organizations, and influential personalities. The success of these campaigns has been bolstered by the use of playful teaching tools, such as Scratch and, that encourage interactivity in teaching, foster creativity, and give participants a sense of agency. While the initiatives are generally promoted through schools, the teaching process is often brought outside of the traditional classroom, in fact encouraging situations where teachers and students collaborate together, in an informal setting, in order to improve their coding skills. Exercises proposed through these tools are often presented in terms of a game or a puzzle to stimulate engagement. However, this approach to teaching is still bound to a one-to-one model, where students learn alone or in small groups. Our proposed vision is to transform the teaching of coding into a mass phenomenon. By leveraging the collaborative nature of the learning process, we envision large scale events that capitalize on the success of these initiatives and push the boundaries even further. In this paper we describe an interactive, in-presence event format that has been put in practice in early 2016. This format introduces computational thinking and algorithmic problem solving to larger audiences by presenting coding puzzles in an enticing way. The setup adopted is inspired by the de-facto standard coding puzzles introduced by Scratch and, in which users are challenged to create small programs by combining a set of provided visual instructions, the effect of which is directly shown on a side panel. In particular it follows the original Hour of Code scheme, where a main character (the "actor") navigates a chessboard with obstacles and traps, in order to reach a goal through the execution of a program. The format requires the presence of a facilitator on stage, directing the game. A physical chessboard is also required, for instance as a grid drawn on the stage floor, on which stands an actor picked from the audience. Through video projection, the chessboard is displayed on the main screen, where a virtual chessboard composed of obstacles, traps, and goals is overlaid, creating an augmented-reality-like configuration. Movements and interactions of the actor appear to the audience as if they were performed on the screen. Each turn starts with the facilitator designing a maze. The crowd proceeds to implement an algorithm to solve it, effectively acting as a programmer. The algorithm is built and displayed using a visual programming tool shown on screen, while the crowd give hints to the facilitator using an instant polling mechanism. Then the crowd acts as a program interpreter, by calling out each step of the algorithm to let the actor execute it on the physical chessboard, which confirms or disproves the validity of the solution. Both the video setup, the game's implementation, and technical details are presented and discussed in the paper. Finally, the first of the events based on this format, held in Urbino on March 2nd 2016, is described, in terms of participation and involvement.
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Various aspects of computational thinking, which builds on the power and limits of computing processes, whether they are executed by a human or by a machine, are discussed. Computational methods and models are helping to solve problems, design systems, and understand human behavior, by drawing on concepts fundamental to computer science (CS). Computational thinking (CT) is using abstraction and decomposition when attacking a large complex task or designing a large complex systems. CT is the way of thinking in terms of prevention, protection, and recovery from worst-case scenarios through redundancy, damage containment, and error correction. CT is using heuristic reasoning to discover a solution and using massive amount of data to speed up computation. CT is a futuristic vision to guide computer science educators, researchers, and practitioners to change society's image of the computer science field.
Conference Paper
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Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), which are typically supported by large distributed systems, require a scalable, low latency messaging middleware that supports the location-based semantics and the loosely coupled interaction of multiplayer games components. In this paper, we present three different pub/sub-driven designs for a MMOG networking engine that account for the highly interactive and massive nature of these games. Each design uses not only different pub/sub approaches (from topic-based to content-based) but also serves varying degrees of responsibilities. In particular, some of them integrate game functionality, such as interest management, into the network engine. We implement, evaluate, and compare our proposed designs in the MMOG prototype Mammoth. Our real-world results show the viability of pub/sub while at the same time highlighting clear trade-offs between the different designs used, especially in the number and frequency of the various message types, such as subscriptions.
Conference Paper
Computer Science Unplugged activities have been shown to be successful in increasing student interest in computer science when used in outreach and after school events. There is less research available on adapting these extra-curricular activities for use in a classroom setting, where there are more students and the activities must support educational goals, not just changes in attitude. We describe our work in updating several existing CS Unplugged activities as well as introducing some new activities for use in an American middle school classroom. One challenge when using CS Unplugged activities is to determine what, if anything, students are learning. In this paper we detail one approach that links the updated activities to computational thinking skills, then incorporates worksheets where students illustrate their understanding.
Unplugged language-neutral card games as an inclusive instrument to develop computational thinking skills
  • Alessandro Bogliolo
  • Bogliolo Alessandro
Alessandro Bogliolo. 2015. Unplugged language-neutral card games as an inclusive instrument to develop computational thinking skills. In Proceedings of the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference). IATED, Madrid, Spain, 7609-7615.