Conference PaperPDF Available

Problems and Solutions of Transport Logistics

  • National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic», Poltava, Ukraine
Problems and Solutions of Transport Logistics
Liudmyla Boldyrieva
Department of Management and
Poltava National Technical Yuri
Poltava, Ukraine
Halyna Zelinska
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical
University of Oil And Gas
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Anna Komelina
Department of Compliance
PJSC "Poltava-Bank"
Poltava, Ukraine
Valentyna Krapkina
National University
of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
Ukraine, Kyiv
Abstract—Different approaches to the definition “transport
logistics” have been generalized. It has been justified that
transport is one of the main costs in the logistics system. The
categorical apparatus of transport logistics has been presented,
namely, the essence of such categories has been revealed:
general function, purpose, task (creation of transport systems;
joint planning of transport processes on different types of
transport; ensuring technological unity of transport-warehouse
process; coordination of transport and production processes;
choice of vehicle type; choice of vehicle type; ensuring
technological unity of the transport process; determining a
rational delivery route; eliminating the purpose conflict,
reducing transportation costs; and goals of increasing
warehouse costs). The functions of transport logistics have
beensuggested, in particular: system-forming, integrating,
regulating, resultant, reproducing. The factors that led to the
allocation of transportation into a separate functional area of
logistics have been characterized. These factors include a large
proportion of transportation costs in total logistics costs;
impossibility of organization and existence of material flow
without transportation. Transport-logistic systems have been
classified by types: delivery, service, transport. It has been
determined that transport logistics has been linked with other
logistics systems by such elements as warehouses and
inventory. Nine groups of global problems of transport logistics
in Ukraine have been identified, including: financial, technical,
technological, information, economic, international, customs,
environmental, labor. The main directions of overcoming
financial, technical, technological, information, economic,
international, customs, environmental and labor problems
have been formulated. It has been proposed to determine the
capacity of the transport services market of a certain region as
the sum of volumes transport services provided in a certain
region by local transport enterprises; provided by transport
companies in other regions; provided by own vehicles of non-
transport enterprises, population, etc.; transport services, that
are not provided by carriers due to lack of transport capacity.
Keywordstransport, transport logistics, management,
material flows, cargo.
Transport is one of the main objects of cost in the
logistics system of the enterprise. Consequences of
violations of the functioning of the transport system are
damage to enterprises and even their bankruptcy.
The issue of transport logistics development has been
widely researched by scientists. For example, A. Dubois, K.
Hulthén, V. Sundquist [1] consider the problems of the
transport logistics organization in construction impact on the
efficiency of the economic system.
It has been acknowledged that logistics is a driving force that
shapes the integration of the transport chain. This paper argues
that while the liner shipping industry exhibits increased
horizontal integration, its vertical integration remains limited. A
clear distinction is drawn between freight logistics, container
logistics and vessel logistics. Freight logistics is defined as part of
the supply chain process, the focus of which is the goods being
transported. The purpose of container logistics is to optimize the
movements of the containers themselves, an operation that is
directly related to vessel logistics which is concerned with
maximizing vessel utilization. The paper demonstrates that
shipping lines have to find the correct balance between these
three types of logistics [2]. Their interest in vertical integration is
primarily because the management of container logistics
provides direct support to vessel logistics. Their involvement in
freight logistics remains unclear and uncertain.
Logistics is a major component of modern production and
distribution systems and a key contributor to macroeconomic
development. Comprehensive logistics costs represent
approximately 10% of GNP in developed countries, and even
more in less-advanced ones. Beyond its costs, logistics
efficiency or inefficiency affects the whole production and
exchange process. In fact, three main families of definitions of
logistics coexist. The first consists of a range of physical
operations, a changing location of goods in space and time, and
comprises transport, handling, packaging, sorting, and
warehousing. Logistics is also the name of a branch of
management sciences, considering the firm and the
relationships between firms as a system of flows (flows of
products and flows of information), allowing a comprehensive
monitoring and steering of “supply chains”. Finally, logistics is
an emerging industry, gathering several traditional professions
into a single integrated one (i.e. logistics service provision),
including its real estate and integrating post offices henceforth
competing on an open courier and freight market. Freight
transport roughly represents the half of total logistics costs.
Biggest logistics third-party providers (3PL) originate from the
transport industry. Still, a substantial share of logistics activities
continues to be carried out inside agricultural, industrial or
commercial firms (in-house, or own-account, logistics). All
7th International Conference on Modeling, Development and Strategic Management of Economic System (MDSMES 2019)
Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 99
these three definitions of logistics make sense and one does not
have to choose between them, but to combine them [3].
M. Hesse and J-P. Rodrigue consider the issues of
movement and distribution of goods in geography terms.
according to scientists, the flow of goods is influenced by
information flows, structural changes in production,
financial factors [4]. Z. Bokor consider a ways to improve
the methods of costing in transport logistics [5].
V. Lukinsky and V. Dobromirov also review methods of
evaluating transportation and logistics operations in supply
chains. Also, scientists pay attention to the classical model
of Harris-Wilson [6].
Supply chains, logistics and freight have been facing
increasingly complex challenges posed by transitions in
economic structures, urbanization, city design and transport
systems, as well as by the externalities associated with
logistics activities in urban areas. This has driven a great
deal of research recently. Yet, there are no sufficient
contributions clarifying the current state of thought in this
field. First, to provide a framework with geographical and
functional elements of urban logistics. Second, to identify
the scope of the literature, vested into a typology. And third,
to define the terms that may embrace the various analytical
interests of the urban logistics field, namely city logistics,
urban goods distribution and last mile logistics [7].
Analysis of the issue of «transport logistics» suggests
the existence of different points of view among scholars on
the essence of the concept itself. The term «transport
logistics» shall be construed as:
the whole science, which is related to the search for
opportunities to increase the efficiency of the movement of
material flows, the purpose of which is to ensure the
transport of high-quality;
functional area of logistics that optimizes logistics
operations on the way of material flow from supplier to final
consumer, carried out with the use of vehicles;
a system for organizing the delivery of goods by road,
from one point to another along the optimal route, which
allows maximum reduction of terms and financial costs of
the field of activity in the management of cargo
transportation, that is, the change in the location of material
assets using vehicles;
a comprehensive approach to the development of all
logistic elements, including transport, on the basis of which
the formation of innovative transport systems for the
collection and distribution of material products.
Transport is not just one of the elements of logistics, but
the main means by which logistics, regardless of its scale, is
expressed in life.
The general function of transport logistics is the
management of material flows throughout the length of the
logistics channels, from the source of generation to the
The purpose of transport logistics is to promote material
flows to the consumer strictly according to the schedule at a set
time, with minimal costs for all participants in the movement of
goods. And the very implementation of the concept of transport
logistics helps to find rational solutions to complex socio-
economic problems in real time and in the future.
The purpose of transport logistics is determined by the
goal of the logistics company: the required cargo must be
delivered at the right time to the right place in the right
amount in the right quality and with minimal cost.
The functions of transport logistics applied in practice
the system-forming function is manifested when the
resource management process is ensured; the formation of a
commodity management system (the formation of economic
ties); organization of product movement through
warehouses; formation and regulation of product stocks;
development and organization of logistics centers;
integrating while ensuring synchronization of sales
processes; storage and delivery of products with their
orientation on the market of means of production and
provision of intermediary services to consumers; ensuring
coordination of interests of logistic intermediaries in the
logistics system; ensuring the functioning of material flows
at all stages of reproduction of the final product; a
combination of the processes of «supply production
processing marketing» in one logistics chain;
regulatory the management of material flows is aimed
at saving all types of resources; Reducing the cost of living
and pre-owned parks at the junction of different
organizational and economic levels and industries;
the resulting function is directed at the supply of certain
products in the required quantity, the given quality, at the
specified time and place, with minimal expenses;
reproducing a constant exchange of goods in the form of
continuous material flows, which are provided by transport.
Tasks of transport logistics:
creation of transport systems, in particular the creation
of transport corridors and transport chains;
joint planning of transport processes in different types of
ensuring the technological unity of the transport and
warehouse process;
coordination of transport and production processes;
choice of vehicle type;
ensuring the technological unity of the transport process;
definition of rational delivery route;
eliminating conflict methods, reducing transportation
costs and improving warehouse costs.
The separation of transportation into a separate
functional area of logistics is conditioned by the following
1) a large share of transport costs in the total logistics
2) impossibility of organization and existence of
material flow without transportation.
We propose to determine capacity of transport services
market in a certain region (CMts) by the formula (1):
CMts=Vts1+ Vts2+ Vts3+ Vts4, (1)
CMts capacity of transport services market in a certain
Vts1 volume of transport services that provided in a
particular region by local transport companies;
Vts2 volumes of transport services that provided in a
certain region by transport enterprises in other regions;
Vts3 volumes of transport services that provided by
own vehicles of non-transport enterprises, population, etc.;
Vts4 volumes of transport services that were not
provided by carriers due to lack of transport capacity.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 99
There are the following signs of classification of the
transport component of logistics systems:
according to the type of delivery: direct; with processing
at transport terminals; with processing and storage in
distribution centers;
by type of service: from the supplier or distribution
center to a consumer warehouse or distribution center; from
the supplier or distribution center of the immediate
consumer; from the supplier's production to consumer
production without warehouse storage and processing;
by types of transport: direct; mixed up.
Transport logistics is characterized by key elements:
transport links with suppliers and consumers, freight
shipped. The process of transportation begins from the
warehouse of finished products, ends with the receipt of
goods into warehouses of consumers or intermediaries.
For transport logistics, such elements as warehouses,
stocks of products that connect it with other logistic systems
are characteristic. As an integral part of the transport
logistics, the goods become goods that are transported to
transport for carriage from the moment they are received to
the carriage and until the transfer to the recipient.
The volume of transportation, directions and
nomenclature of transportations is considered by transport
logistics. Defines the subjects of the commodity market,
which belong to the subsystems of transportation logistics,
which are managed and managed. Variants of
transportation, which depend on the types of used vehicles
(rail, road, water, air, pipeline), mixed transport, several
types of transport, are important for transportation logistics.
Thus, the development of logistics has had a significant
impact on transport policy and structural changes in the
nature of the enterprises of this industry, which in the late
70ies of the XX century turned into a kind of narrow place
in the economy of industrialized countries.
Transport plays the role of a connecting link in the
logistic chain production in the conditions of inter-industry,
and inter-sectoral integration. At the same time, transport
provides transportation services on the market, for which
they also make a profit. Actuality of problems of
management and optimization of transport work is
confirmed by the fact that the share of transport costs is 40-
50% of the total amount of logistics costs.
In modern logistics of transport there are many problems.
The study of these problems was dealt with and addressed by
various authors of books, articles on logistics and transport
logistics, and conferences on their study and decision.
Generalization of the problems of transport logistics in
Ukraine is of great importance. There are 9 groups of global
problems of transport logistics in Ukraine under the
conditions of European integration and formulate the main
directions of overcoming these problems [8] (Figure 1,
Table I-II).
Fig. 1. Groups of global problems of transport logistics in Ukraine in
conditions of European integration
Group name
List of problems
1) lack of investments and lack of own funds for
reconstruction of roads, renewal of rolling stock,
signaling system, communication, improvement of
service quality;
1) non-loading of rolling stock, in particular
insufficient use of load-carrying capacity or useful
internal volume of a vehicle's body;
2) the quality of transport services;
3) the complexity of transportation by several types
of transport;
4) outdated material and technical base, low level of
mechanization of transshipment, considerable
physical and moral depreciation;
5) operational incompatibility of transport networks,
in particular their exhaustive bandwidth;
6) lagging speed (on European railways 200-250 km
/ h, Ukrainian - 160 km / h);
1) the use of vehicles, which have already several
times worked out their technical resources and carry
out significantly higher emissions of harmful
2) low quality of internal roads, which increase fuel
consumption due to poor quality roads;
3) out-of-date technologies that do not meet current
4) the backwardness of the transport infrastructure;
low technical and technological level and level of
organization of transportation management;
1) complexity in the construction of optimal routes of
traffic (transportation);
2) insufficient information support of carriers;
3) lack of information about programs that allow
automation of the transportation process;
1) a constant increase in the cost of all types of
transportation, including oil prices, fuel, lubricants,
light and dark petroleum products, energy resources;
2) different conditions for payment for the use of
infrastructure by carriers, including Ukrzaliznytsya;
1) not predictable risks associated with changing
climatic conditions;
2) the lack of a single register of vehicles (in
practice, it leads to the fact that the same car can be
simultaneously booked on different routes by
different dispatchers);
3) failures of submission of motor vehicles in agreed
dates for loading;
1) pollution of the environment;
2) absence of additional charges for environmental
pollution and noise;
1) insufficient number of skilled logistics personnel,
including logistic operators;
2) insufficiently developed cooperation between
commodity producers, which complicates the
processes of integration and cooperation;
3) decrease of competitiveness of Ukrainian carriers.
Transport activities in market relations should develop in
the following directions: in-depth study of demand using
transport balances of regions; improving the quality and
reliability of customer service; improvement of the whole
complex of loading and unloading and storage works;
provision of information and forwarding services; increase
of contractual relations; development of service services; the
creation of enterprises that would be part of different
associations, joint-stock companies partnerships, leasing
companies, etc.; creation of intermediary firms for the
Global problems of transport logistics in Ukraine
in conditions of European integration
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 99
supply of rolling stock, logistics, marketing, advertising;
distribution of container usage.
Group name
Directions to overcoming problems
1) development of programs for the purchase of fixed
assets and rolling stock in leasing;
2) development of targeted financing and investment
programs, modernization, reconstruction and
updating of rolling stock;
1) an effective renovation of the car park, capable of
providing sufficient transport services of adequate
quality and satisfaction;
2) optimization of the transportation process itself by
collecting consolidated cargo from several senders,
compiling optimal routes of routing, connecting a
more efficient mode of transport on a certain route;
3) the introduction of technical policy at motor
transport companies with the coordination of
maintenance procedures for types of rolling stock and
the introduction of a modern system of spare parts
supply, based on the control and analysis of the
causes of failure of parts, units and nodes;
1) search for new products and technologies;
2) integration into the pan-European transport system;
3) increasing the level of transport security;
4) implementation of SAP software;
5) change of approaches to management of all
economic processes;
6) to create a network of automated traffic
management, with the reduction of reloading
1) the application of the latest computer technologies
in transport and logistics for the processing of large
amounts of information, the exchange of data in real
time with minimal cost;
1) the return to the methodology for calculating the
cost of transportation and taking into account not the
market price per 1 km, but the individual profitability
of each transportation;
2) comprehensive accounting of logistics costs;
3) refusal of cross-financing of passenger
1) Adaptation of the national legal framework to
international conventions, agreements, European
acguis communautaire;
2) attraction of additional volumes of transit traffic
through the territory of Ukraine and branching of the
MTK network due to new directions of movement;
3) cooperation with the EU countries in the
development of Trans-European Networks (TEN-T),
transnational axes;
4) creation of a common aviation space between
Ukraine and the EU;
l problems
1) reduction of atmospheric air and soil pollution,
protection of surface and groundwater from pollution;
2) reduction of transport noise and vibration;
3) protection of flora and fauna from the harmful
effects of transport;
1) improvement of transport legislation;
2) «erosion» of the borders with EU countries, which
will ensure the attractiveness of the transportation
3) increase of transport operators, increase internal
competition and promote tariff crash;
4) increase of wages of drivers.
Thus, the general strategic direction is to improve the
transport complex of Ukraine in the conditions of European
integration, according to which the state of transport
communications of Ukraine should meet the needs of
European integration. That is why it is necessary:
complexly at the state level to put problems associated
with the development of the transport network, identify
tasks and ways to solve them, find appropriate support:
financial, logistical, resource, organizational, legal;
to develop and implement the State Program for the
development of the transport complex in Ukraine (the
complexity of managing such a program is complicated by
an increase in privatization processes in the transport
to develop a number of motives, levers, methods and
methods for the development of the transport system in the
country (the development of the transport network is a level
of technological progress and civilization of the country);
a steady tendency towards Ukraine's recognition of the
international community as a European state, with which it
is desirable to have stable and broad-based business
relations and which in the long run will have a serious
impact on key issues of European politics;
the existence of an approved concept for the creation and
functioning in Ukraine of a national network of international
transport corridors.
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Published November 2, 2017 Research Article https:
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[9] H. Zelinska, L. Boldyrieva and I. Amelina (2018) Logistic quality
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[10] E. Barry Yui-yip Lau (2016) Market potential for transport airships in
service to Hong Kong. Volume 3, Issue 1;
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 99
A popular area of logistics nowadays is partial cargo transportation. During the assembly of cargo, you need accurate information about the load, and to be able to assess the dimensions, weight and space. This determines the quality of the service provided for road transport partial loads, and a high level of customer confidence. The demand for freight is high, and so is the need to improve freight transport technology and the way information is transmitted, and to find the most appropriate and fastest solutions for transporting freight. Partial loads can be used to transport small loads, resulting in faster freight movement, time savings for the customer, and better quality results in terms of work. The objective of the quantitative approach was to identify gaps in information transfer in part load companies. Improved transfer of information would lead to better targeting and faster loading. Technological improvements in logistics relating to information transfer will facilitate the work of managers and improve the quality of the part load service. A specific request form, where the customer can specify the weight, size and width of the part loads, would avoid additional questions for managers.
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Logistics processes are becoming more widespread in the Russian economy. Transport logistics is an integral part of logistics. Its functions are to select the optimal routes for the movement of economic goods in the interests of all participants in these processes. The purpose of this work is to substantiate the methods of solving the main problems of transport logistics in Russian conditions. The study uses a systematic approach. Based on it, algorithms for solving transport logistics problems in the Russian economy are refined, the choice of transport mode, carrier and other logistics partners is ensured, rational delivery routes are determined, the technological unity of transport and warehouse processes is established, and the optimization of transport process parameters is achieved. The emerging flow processes must be interconnected through the integration of transport, production, supply, sales, consumption, service, financing and information. In the associated flow processes, the economic interests of all participants in the transport market (the sender, who forms the material flows, the recipient and the carrier) will be rationally coordinated with the economic interests of other participants in the logistics process. This will help overcome technical, technological, informational, economic, financial, international, environmental, and labor problems. In this case, transaction costs are reduced by all participants in logistics chains, the risks of doing business are reduced, and a synergistic effect is achieved.
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The article presents the key problems of the logistics management of the quality of the transport process in the construction industry. Characterized by the influence transport services quality on the efficiency of production and commercial activate enterprise. The main indicators of quality of transportation are summarized: qualitative indicators; indicators assessing the effect of transportation of construction materials in due time; indicators characterizing loss of product during transportation. The technological scheme of goods transportation by the means of transport (with quality control of the transport process) is presented. The directions of quality assurance of transport provision are offered: formation of material and technical basis of transport; creation of preconditions for efficient use of transport; improvement of organizational and economic mechanism of transport-logistic systems functioning. The allowed limits of different types use transport on the criterion of productivity or cost of transportation are offered. It was established that the essential reserve for improving the efficiency of transport and technological processes in construction (along with increasing the throughput and improving the quality of machines operation) is to: improve transport equipment of transport complexes; application of the newest technologies of transport processes; the use of effective ways to manage transport robots. The basic reserve of reduction of specific energy consumption on motor transport is determined. The main ways of reducing specific fuel consumption during transportation are given. The main directions of rolling stock fuel economy are increase formulated. The measures of loading and unloading works of labor-intensity execution reduction are substantiated.
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Supply chains, logistics and freight have been facing increasingly complex challenges posed by transitions in economic structures, urbanization, city design and transport systems, as well as by the externalities associated with logistics activities in urban areas. This has driven a great deal of research recently. Yet, there are no sufficient contributions clarifying the current state of thought in this field. This article critically reviews the literature highlighting current approaches in the field. The objective of the article is threefold. First, to provide a framework with geographical and functional elements of urban logistics. Second, to identify the scope of the literature, vested into a typology. And third, to define the terms that may embrace the various analytical interests of the urban logistics field, namely city logistics, urban goods distribution and last mile logistics. The aim is to contribute to organize the current and future thought in the field of urban logistics.
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The paper considers some issues related to different approaches to estimation of transport and logistic(s) operations in supply networks; analysis is made of the methods and models of analytical description of those operations; it is shown that the works under consideration have no single approach to their accounting, which makes it impossible to form a model of a simple logistic network including such basic operations as transportation and storage; based on the classical model of Harris-Wilson, six versions have been obtained for a simple supply network showing, in particular, value added to the product price stemming from the previously performed logistic operations as well as restrictions associated with the load capacity (cargo capacity) of the vehicle. The choice of an optimum version of the supply network is made based on the criterion of minimum total costs; there are supplied the examples of calculations for different versions of the developed models enabling estimation of the influence of transport and logistic operations on the efficiency of the supply network.
Conference Paper
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The airplane carriage of international trade is based on complex supply chains and keen competition between hub-and-spoke transport operations. Air transport has developed steadily over the past 70 years into a mature industry. It could now be subject to disruption as technological advances that are leading to the development of transport airships. The emergence of transport airships has the potential to create a significant expansion of the trans-oceanic air freight markets, increase geographical coverage and alter world trade patterns. This paper explores the current state of the Hong Kong airfreight industry and examines how transport airships could influence the future of Hong Kong aviation services. A new conceptual model, the value-density cargo pyramid, is developed to conduct comparative analysis among dedicated cargo airplanes, sea-air logistics, sea containers and transport airships, notably in the busy trade corridors between Hong Kong and Europe, as well as, Hong Kong and North America. Based on reasonable assumptions, transport airships could capture up to a half of the existing "dedicated cargo aircraft" capacity. The race is on to create this new transportation mode and the first-movers will have an advantage. This paper provides valuable insights on an immense opportunity that awaits Asian shippers and could take Hong Kong and all of Asia to a new higher level of development and economic prosperity.
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Goods movement and freight distribution are widely underrepresented in regional science and geographical research. This is surprising since a large body of traditional spatial theory has been developed with respect to transportation costs or to trade areas: those aspects that were originally closely connected with the exchange of goods. Growing attention is being paid in geography to related subjects, such as the emergence of global production networks, to structural changes in retail or to the commodification of modern consumption. To a certain extent, these processes depend upon the efficient transfer of information, finance and physical goods. Yet, with a few exceptions, the freight sector appears to be neglected in contemporary research. This paper provides an overview of the emerging transport geography of logistics and freight distribution. It challenges the traditional perspective where transportation is considered as a derived demand with the idea that logistical requirements underline transportation as a component of an integrated demand. The paper provides an analysis of the evolution of logistics as it pertains to the core dimensions of transport geography (flows, nodes/locations and networks). The concept of logistical friction is also introduced to illustrate the inclusion of the multidimensional notion of impedance in integrated freight transport demand.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyse how different ways of organising transport and logistics activities in construction impact on efficiency. The paper scrutinises three particular transport and logistics configurations: the de-centralised coordinated configuration, the on-site coordinated configuration and the supply network coordinated configuration. Design/methodology/approach Three configurations are derived from the literature and from case studies. The efficiency of the three configurations is analysed on three levels of analysis: the construction site, the supply chain, and across supply chains and construction sites. Findings The paper concludes that there are possibilities to enhance efficiency on all three levels of analysis by widening the scope of coordination beyond the individual construction site. Practical implications The analysis points to efficiency potentials in applying the supply network coordinated configuration, although this configuration puts high demands on collaboration amongst the actors involved. Originality/value The paper provides illustration, and explanation, of the efficiency potentials involved in the three configurations.
Improving costing methods is a current issue and at the same time a real challenge in transport and logistics business. Due to financial problems more and more companies in these sectors decide to adopt developed costing techniques like activity-based costing (ABC). This calculation methodology, however, needs to identify applicable performance measures as cost drivers. Cost drivers are key factors in ABC as they are the basis of cost allocations. This paper aims to establish a sound theoretical framework of cost driver analysis in the field of transport and logistics. After defining the scope of cost drivers in general the relevance of such measures in transport/logistics costing is examined. Methods for driver selection are described and validated by empirical results. The main conclusion of the study is that cost driver analysis plays an important role in transport and logistics management and shall be supported by using mathematical methods as far as possible. Correlation/regression counting and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) have been identified as possible methods for making cost driver selections more reliable.
It has been acknowledged that logistics is a driving force that shapes the integration of the transport chain. This paper argues that while the liner shipping industry exhibits increased horizontal integration, its vertical integration remains limited. A clear distinction is drawn between freight logistics, container logistics and vessel logistics. Freight logistics is defined as part of the supply chain process, the focus of which is the goods being transported. The purpose of container logistics is to optimize the movements of the containers themselves, an operation that is directly related to vessel logistics which is concerned with maximizing vessel utilization. The paper demonstrates that shipping lines have to find the correct balance between these three types of logistics. Their interest in vertical integration is primarily because the management of container logistics provides direct support to vessel logistics. Their involvement in freight logistics remains unclear and uncertain.
Management of Transport Logistics under the Conditions of European integration processes
  • V Grihcko
  • L Boldyrieva
V. Grihcko and L. Boldyrieva (2016) «Management of Transport Logistics under the Conditions of European integration processes». ЕСОNОМIСS AND RЕGIОN, Vol. 1(56). pp. 31-37.