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ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
Accepted by D. Rider: 18 Sept. 2019; published: 22 Oct. 2019 151
Zootaxa 4688 (2): 151–198
Copyright © 2019 Magnolia Press Article
The Reduviidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Alabama,
with a morphological key to species
1Auburn University, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, 301 Funchess Hall, Auburn, AL 36849; 2University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Department of Entomology, 320 Morrill Hall, 505 S. Goodwin Ave. Urbana, Illinois 61801
3Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1816 South Oak Street,
Champaign, IL 61820-6960. E-mail:
5Corresponding author
Alabama is one of the most speciose states in the United States, yet many common groups of organisms, including
assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae), have yet to be fully documented. The purpose of this manuscript
is to identify all known assassin bug species occurring in the state using literature records and specimens from natural
history collections, most notably the Auburn University Museum of Natural History Entomology Collection, to provide
new state records, a checklist, and a morphological species key of the Alabama Reduviidae. All total, 61 species within
36 genera and 10 subfamilies are reported from Alabama. Additionally, 40 new state literature records are documented:
34 from Alabama and six from other states.
Key words: Assassin bug, museum record, faunistics, checklist
Cataloguing and reporting the spatial distribution of species, both historical and current, is becoming increasingly
important with expanding human influence on natural environments. This is especially imperative in the southeast-
ern United States, given that the region’s North American coastal plain was recently designated as a global biodi-
versity hotspot (Noss et al. 2015) largely due to the wide variation in habitat types and relatively stable climate.
Alabama occupies part of the North American coastal plain and has been ranked among the most speciose states in
the country (Stein 2002); yet, many common groups of organisms have not been fully documented. The charismatic
and astoundingly diverse insects known as assassin bugs are one such group.
The family Reduviidae is the second most speciose group of true bugs (suborder Heteroptera), containing close
to 1,000 genera and 7,000 species worldwide (Maldonado Capriles 1990), with 54 genera, 195 species, and 24 sub-
species occurring north of Mexico (updated from Froeschner 1988). Members of this family are commonly referred
to as assassin bugs, a name which reflects the predacious behavior exhibited by most species. These insects range
in size from 3–40 mm, with a great variety in body forms and lifestyles. The subfamily Emesinae, for example,
includes the thread-legged bugs, which bear a striking similarity to walking sticks (order Phasmida) and are often
misidentified as such. Arilus cristatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (subfamily Harpactorinae) is a large (40 mm), bulky species
well-known for its distinct cogwheel-like structure on the pronotum (Henry 2009), which has earned it the common
name “wheel bug.” The subfamily Triatominae contains the parasitic kissing bugs, which have major medical im-
portance in Central and South America, where some species vector the deadly Chagas disease (Trypanosoma cruzi
Chagas, 1909) (Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979). Even with all this variation, there is a combination of morphological
characteristics that distinguish all reduviids from other members of Heteroptera: they have raptorial forelegs (often
not obvious), a median longitudinal groove on the prosternum, and an apparently three-segmented rostrum (Slater
& Baranowski 1978).
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Objective 1 of this project was to expand current knowledge on the distribution of the family Reduviidae by
providing the first comprehensive checklist of species found within the state of Alabama. Objective 2 was to de-
velop a morphological key to all species likely to be encountered in the state. Objective 3 was to examine all North
American reduviid specimens in the Auburn University Museum of Natural History Insect Collection as of 2018 and
report new state literature records found within.
Materials and methods
Specimens housed in the Auburn University Museum of Natural History (AUMNH) Insect Collection were the
primary source material for Objective 1 of this project, but those collected in Alabama residing in the Mississippi
State Entomological Museum (MEMU), the University of Tennessee Insect Collection, the Illinois Natural History
Survey (INHS) Insect Collection, and a few records from the Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH) were also
examined. Specimens were identified to subfamily, tribe, and genus using Weirauch et al. (2014) and Slater & Ba-
ranowski (1978), and species or subspecies were identified using the most relevant keys available (Table 1). Previ-
ously identified specimens in the collections were re-examined and, if necessary, their identifications were updated
to the most current binomial combination. Label data indicated that most specimens were collected via hand-netting
and sweep-netting, but a variety of techniques were implemented. State, county, city, date, geographic coordinates
(when available), collector, collection method, museum voucher number, and other relevant information also were
recorded (see Materials Examined). Records were distilled to the county-level (Fig. 1: reference for Alabama) and
depicted on the range maps with symbols representing county records (Figs. 2–14).
TABLE 1. Species identification resources for each genus of Reduviidae collected in Alabama. Genera identified using
Slater & Baranowski (1978) are represented in Alabama by only one species.
Subfamily Genus Literature Reference with Key
Ectrichodiinae Rhiginia Readio 1927, Dougherty 1980 (dissertation)
Emesinae Barce, Emesaya, Empicoris, Ghinallelia, Ploiaria,
Wygodzinsky 1966
Harpactorinae Apiomerus Berniker et al. 2011
Harpactorinae Arilus, Atrachelus, Rocconota Slater & Baranowski 1978
Harpactorinae Fitchia McPherson et al. 1992a
Harpactorinae Pselliopus Blatchley 1926
Harpactorinae Repipta Martin-Park et al. 2012
Harpactorinae Rhynocoris Readio 1927
Harpactorinae Sinea Caudell 1901, Schaefer & Wolf 2003
Harpactorinae Zelus Hart 1986, Zhang et al. 2016
Microtominae Microtomus Giacchi & Coscaron 1986 (no key)
Peiratinae Melanolestes McPherson et al. 1992b
Peiratinae Rasahus Blatchley 1926, Swanson 2018
Peiratinae Sirthenea Slater & Baranowski 1978
Phymatinae Lophoscutus Kormilev 1987
Phymatinae Phymata Kormilev 1962, Swanson 2013
Reduviinae Reduvius Wygodzinsky & Usinger 1964
Saicinae Oncerotrachelus, Pseudosaica, Saica Blinn 1994, 2008
Stenopodainae Arenaeocoris Blinn 2012
Stenopodainae Ctenotrachelus, Gnathobleda, Narvesus, Stenopoda Slater & Baranowski 1978
Stenopodainae Diaditus Giacchi 1982, Blinn 2009
Stenopodainae Oncocephalus Maldonado Capriles 1995
Stenopodainae Pnironotis, Pygolampis Blatchley 1926, Hoffman 2006
Triatominae Triatoma Lent &Wygodzinsky 1979
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 153
FIGURE 1. Map of Alabama with corresponding counties. The state is approximately 135,765 km2 and extends from 34.9920°
N to 30.2299° N, and 088.4699° W to 084.8922° W.
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FIGURES 2–5. FIGURE 2. Alabama county-level distribution of Ectrichodiinae: Rhiginia. FIGURE 3. Alabama county-level
distribution of Emesinae: Emesini, Leistarchini, and Metapterini. FIGURE 4. Alabama county-level distribution of Emesinae:
Ploiariolini: Empicoris. FIGURE 5. Alabama county-level distribution of Harpactorinae: Apiomerini: Apiomerus; Harpac-
torini: Arilus, Atrachelus, Fitchia, and Pselliopus.
For Objective 2, a morphological key to Alabama species was created by DRS and CSC. Species without records
from the state but likely residing in the state based on literature records are included and marked with an asterisk (*)
in the key. Occasionally, brackets occur in the key, and these are used to indicate that the opposing condition for the
bracketed characters do not appear in the opposite lead of that couplet but may be found by following the opposite
lead to the next couplet (see Swanson 2015). Morphological characters were photographed using specimens from
the INHS Insect Collection, as well as the DRS and CSC personal collections.
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 155
For Objective 3, all specimens collected in the United States that reside in the AUMNH Insect Collection as of
2018 were identified to species. Froeschner’s (1988) catalog of the Reduviiidae and Phymatidae of Canada and the
United States and Swanson’s (2011) updated distributional records were then consulted to compile all known state
literature records and determine those which are new. Additional state records found within FMNH and INHS insect
collections were contributed by DRS.
FIGURES 6–9. FIGURE 6. Alabama county-level distribution of Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Repipta, Rocconota, and Sinea.
FIGURE 7. Alabama county-level distribution of Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Zelus. FIGURE 8. Alabama county-level dis-
tribution of Microtominae: Microtomus purcis. FIGURE 9. Alabama county-level distribution of Peiratinae: Melanolestes,
Rasahus, and Sirthenea.
Of the over 2,000 specimens examined for this project, 61 species in 36 genera and 10 subfamilies were recorded as
being collected in Alabama (Table 2). Additionally, 40 new state literature records were documented: 34 from Ala-
bama and one each from California, Georgia, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and South Carolina (Table 3).
156 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
FIGURES 10–14. FIGURE 10. Alabama county-level distribution of Phymatinae: Macrocephalini: Lophoscutus and Phyma-
tini: Phymata. FIGURE 11. Alabama county-level distribution of Saicinae: Oncerotrachelus, Pseudosaica, and Saica. FIG-
URE 12. Alabama county-level distribution of Stenopodainae: Arenaeocoris, Ctenotrachelus, Diaditus, Gnathobleda, Narve-
sus, Oncocephalus.FIGURE 13. Alabama county-level distribution of Stenopodainae: Pnirontis, Pygolampis, and Stenopoda.
FIGURE 14. Alabama county-level distribution of Triatominae: Triatoma sanguisuga.
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 157
FIGURE 15. General dorsal, lateral, and ventral habitus of Reduviidae (Sinea diadema depicted), with morphologies used for
158 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
FIGURES 16–20. FIGURE 16. Lophoscutus prehensilis: A) tongue-shaped scutellum; B) pale scutellar spot, FIGURE 17.
Phymata vicina vicina: linear carina of scutellum, FIGURE 18. Phymata sp.: cruciform carina of scutellum, FIGURE 19.
Phymata pennsylvanica: A) non-dentiform connexiva 1–3 and B) straightened 4th connexivum, FIGURE 20. Phymata fasciata
fasciata: A) dentiform connexiva 1–3 and B) curved 4th connexivum
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 159
FIGURES 21–26. FIGURE 21. Rhiginia cruciata: lateral curved prongs on scutellum apex, FIGURE 22. Barce fraterna: clyp-
eus with angular, spiniform process, FIGURE 23. Ploiaria sp: connate, non-hairy protarsi, FIGURE 24. Stenolemus lanipes:
protibial venter with strongly sclerotized denticles in addition to setae, FIGURE 25. Empicoris sp.: lateral carinae of posterior
lobe of pronotum, FIGURE 26. Empicoris sp.: widened pterostigma
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FIGURES 27–31. FIGURE 27. Pseudosaica florida: subconical process on lower anterior angle of prothorax, FIGURE 28.
Melanolestes picipes: lack of quadrate cell, FIGURE 29. Sinea sp.: quadrate cell in corium, FIGURE 30. Reduvius personatus:
pronotum with transverse constriction near middle, FIGURE 31. Reduvius personatus: arcuate rostrum
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 161
FIGURES 32–35. FIGURE 32. Triatoma lecticularia: Linear, hairy rostrum, FIGURE 33. Rasahus hamatus: spongy fossa on
mesotibia, FIGURE 34. Rasahus biguttatus hemelytral pattern, FIGURE 35. Rasahus hamatus hemelytral pattern
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FIGURES 36–39. FIGURE 36. Pnirontis sp.: A) blunt spine at end of scape; B) ventrally armed scape; C) mandibular plates
slightly surpassing antennifer, FIGURE 37. Ctenotrachelus minor: elongate prosternum, FIGURE 38. Oncocephalus genicu-
latus: incrassate profemur, FIGURE 39. Diaditus tejanus: mandibular plates between antennae
A Morphological Key to the Reduviidae of Alabama
*Asterisks denote species not recorded in the present study but likely to occur in the state of Alabama
1 Antennae clubbed, distiflagellum thicker than preceding segments; forelegs raptorial and enlarged, profemur quadrate, usu-
ally not longer than twice greatest width (Phymatinae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- Antennae filiform, distiflagellum thinner or subequal in thickness to preceding segments (Fig. 15); forelegs not raptorial OR
if forelegs raptorial, then profemur cylindrical or fusiform, much longer than twice greatest width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2 (1) Scutellum tongue-shaped, longer than pronotum and reaching posterior end of abdomen (Fig. 16A); no tarsus on foreleg;
antennae, at rest, bending downwards and lay to each side of rostrum (Macrocephalini) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Scutellum triangular (Fig. 17–18), shorter than length of pronotum; small vestigial tarsus present on foreleg; antennae, at rest,
bending sideways and concealed in lateral excavations of head and propleura (Phymatini: Phymata) .................5
3 (2) Pale spot on scutellum small and linear, restricted to base of median carina, or absent (Fig. 16B); carina long and thin, reach-
ing tip of scutellum; parameres of males in the shape of a hook, without subapical branch (Lophoscutus) ...............
....................................................................... Lophoscutus prehensilis (Fig. 10)
- Pale spot on scutellum large and wide, in the shape of a spearhead or lancet; parameres of male with subapical branch (Mac-
rocephalus) ........................................................................................4
4 (3’) Callus of scutellum reaching only to posterior margin of fifth connexival segment ...........Macrocephalus cimicoides*
- Callus of scutellum reaching at least to posterior margin of sixth connexival segment ........Macrocephalus manicatus*
5 (2’) Veins of hemelytral membrane anastomosing, comprising many small, rounded cells; ultraconnexiva present ...........6
- Veins of hemelytral membrane simple, longitudinal, small rounded cells absent; ultraconnexiva lacking ...............7
6 (5) Fourth connexivum ending in single point, fifth sinuate; lateral notch of pronotum very shallow; pronotal margins thin and
upturned ...........................................................................Phymata albopicta*
- Fourth connexivum bilobed, fifth with accessory lobe, appearing trilobite overall; lateral notch of pronotum strong, distinct;
pronotal margins thick, not upturned ....................................................Phymata nouahlieri*
7 (5’) Size small, length 5–6.5 mm; scutellum with linear or sublinear carina (Fig. 17), lateral branches absent or obsolete ......
.........................................................................Phymata vicina vicina (Fig. 10)
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 163
- Size larger, length larger than 7 mm; scutellum with cruciform carina (Fig. 18), lateral branches well-developed . . . . . . . . 8
8 (7’) Posterolateral angles of first three connexival segments more or less straight, at most with small salient angles; lateral margin
of fourth connexival segment more or less straight (Fig. 19A–B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Phymata pennsylvanica (Fig. 10)
- Posterolateral angles of first three connexival segments noticeably protruding and dentiform; lateral margin of fourth con-
nexival segment distinctly curved to sinuate (Fig. 20A–B) (Phymata fasciata) ...................................9
9 (8’) Lateral margin of abdomen generally forming obtuse or right angle, fourth connexivum not conspicuously projecting laterad
and with greatest width distinctly less than twice greatest (posterior) width of third connexivum; anterior and posterior hu-
meral angles of pronotum not strongly projecting or dentiform, generally obtuse- to right-angled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
............................................................................. Phymata fasciata fasciata
- Lateral margin of abdomen generally forming acute angle, fourth connexivum strongly and conspicuously projecting and
with greatest width approximately twice greatest (posterior) width of third connexivum; anterior and posterior humeral
angles of pronotum strongly projecting and dentiform, generally acute-angled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Phymata fasciata mystica
10 (1’) Pedicel subdivided into 4–36 pseudosegments; eyes located immediately in front of posterior margin of head; ocelli located
between eyes (Microtominae) .....................................................Microtomus purcis (Fig. 8)
- Pedicel not subdivided (Fig. 15); eyes not located immediately in front of posterior margin of head; ocelli usually located
behind eyes .......................................................................................11
11 (10’) Scutellum apex truncate with two or three lateral curved prongs (Fig. 21); antennae 6–8 segmented, basi- and/or distiflagel-
lum subdivided into smaller segments (Ectrichodiinae). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- Scutellum apex elongated as a single process; antennae four-segmented, not subdivided (Fig. 15) ...................13
12 (11) Femora wholly black; venter predominantly black, usually with median spots or markings; size larger, 18–23 mm ........
.......................................................................... Rhiginia cinctiventris (Fig. 2)
- Femora pale in basal half; venter not predominantly black, with abundant red or yellow markings; size smaller, 12–16 mm
..............................................................................Rhiginia cruciata (Fig. 2)
13 (11’) Procoxa extending beyond head, length three or more times greater than width; procoxal cavity open anteriorly, closed pos-
teriorly; [ocelli absent] (Emesinae) ....................................................................14
- Procoxa not extending beyond head, length about twice or less width; procoxal cavity closed anteriorly, open posteriorly . .
14 (13) Profemur with most basal spine of posteroventral surface conspicuously larger than preceding spines; protarsus usually un-
segmented (three unmovable segments in Emesaya); scutellum and metanotum unarmed (Metapterini) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
- Profemur not having basal spine of posteroventral series conspicuously larger than preceding spines; protarsus with movable
segments; scutellum or metanotum often with spines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
15 (14) Protarsus three-segmented, though not freely articulating; size very large, 28–37 mm. . . . . . . .Emesaya brevipennis (Fig. 3)
- Protarsus unsegmented; size smaller, less than 26 mm ..................................................... 16
16 (15’) Claws of meso- and metatarsus with a submedian projection; size large, 22–25 mm ....... Ghinallelia productilis (Fig. 3)
- Claws of meso- and metatarsus simple, lacking a submedian projection; size small, 9–15 mm (Barce) ...............17
17 (16’) Clypeus with angular, spiniform porrect process (Fig. 22) ..................................Barce fraterna (Fig. 3)
- Clypeus unarmed, lacking porrect spiniform process ...................................................... 18
18 (17’) Pale ventral stripe of head narrower than interocular space or dark postocular spots present; pygophore with subrectangular
process inside hind margin, tip recurved; profemoral length 18 times maximum width . . . . . . . . . . . . .Barce husseyi (Fig. 3)
- Pale ventral stripe of head as wide as interocular space, dark postocular spots absent; pygophore with semicircular process
inside hind margin, erect, essentially straight; profemoral length 10–12 times maximum width . . . . . Barce werneri (Fig. 3)
19 (14’) Protarsus strongly sclerotized, segments connate, essentially bare on all sides (Fig. 23); protrochanter with ventral setigerous
process or single large bristle (Leistarchini) ..............................................................20
- Protarsus weakly sclerotized, freely articulating, hairy on all sides; protrochanter lacking any process ...............21
20 (19) Head unarmed ...................................................................Ploiaria carolina (Fig. 3)
- Dorsum of postocular region with median caudally-projecting spine ......................Ploiaria hirticornis (Fig. 3)
21 (19’) Protibia ventrally with strongly sclerotized denticles in addition to setae (Fig. 24); base of discal cell (when wings are fully
developed) not connected to costal margin by a vein; larger, usually more than 10 mm (Emesini) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
............................................................................ Stenolemus lanipes (Fig. 3)
- Protibia ventrally with only well-developed setae, lacking denticles; always macropterous, basal angle of discal cell con-
nected to costal margin by a short oblique vein; small, well under 10 mm (Ploiariolini) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
22 (21’) Lateral carinae of posterior pronotal lobe distinguishable at anterior, and rarely posterior, extremities only; pterostigma gen-
erally reddish ...........................................................Empicoris rubromaculatus (Fig. 4)
- Lateral carinae of hind lobe of pronotum complete (Fig. 25); pterostigma fuscous/pale, not reddish (Fig. 26) ..........23
23 (22’) Posterior margin of posterior pronotal lobe unarmed (Fig. 25) ...............................................24
- Posterior margin of posterior pronotal lobe with large, distinct median tubercle .................................25
24 (23) Pterostigma widened, not linear (Fig. 26); portion of M closing discal cell clearly oblique in relation to longitudinal axis of
hemelytra; crossveins of hind wings forming an angular line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Empicoris orthoneuron (Fig. 4)
- Pterostigma linear; portion of M closing discal cell apically almost perpendicular to longitudinal axis of hemelytra; cross
veins of hind wing forming a straight line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Empicoris winnemana (Fig. 4)
25 (23’) Ventral face of profemur armed with definite spines; hind wings conspicuously spotted with dark apically; abdomen ventrally
with distinct, large, bare spots around base of macrosetae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Empicoris errabundus (Fig. 4)
- Ventral face of profemur consisting chiefly of bristles; hind wings not spotted apically; ventral pubescence of abdomen ap-
parently uniform ...................................................................................26
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26 (25’) Posterior pronotal lobe with two wide whitish stripes that do not extend onto anterior pronotal lobe; pronotal disc covered
with decumbent white hair ....................................................... Empicoris armatus (Fig. 4)
- Posterior pronotal lobe with two conspicuous, curved white stripes that converge on anterior lobe; pronotal disc largely
bare ...........................................................................Empicoris nudus (Fig. 4)
27 (13’) Ocelli absent; second rostral segment swollen at base; rostrum and opposing surface of head with stiff hairs, bristles, or
spines (Saicinae) ...................................................................................28
- Ocelli present; second rostral segment not swollen at base (Fig. 15); bristles or spines of opposing surfaces absent . . . . . 30
28 (27) Posterior pronotal lobe unarmed laterally; scutellar spine horizontal ..............Oncerotrachelus acuminatus (Fig. 11)
- Posterior pronotal lobe spined at humeri; scutellar spine erect ............................................... 29
29 (28’) Process on lower anterior angle of prothorax subconical (Fig. 27); pedicel subequal to one-third the length of scape; male
pygophore with single, erect, simple spine; female posterior margin of seventh abdominal ventrite sloping ventrocephalad .
...........................................................................Pseudosaica florida (Fig. 11)
- Process on lower anterior angle of prothorax acute to subacute; pedicel subequal to one-half the length of scape; male pygo-
phore bifurcate; female posterior margin of seventh abdominal ventrite vertical to subvertical . . . . . . .Saica elkinsi (Fig. 11)
30 (27’) Hemelytra without quadrate to hexagonal cell in corium (Fig. 28) ............................................31
- Hemelytra with quadrate, pentagonal, or hexagonal cell at base of corium (Fig. 29) (in Arenaeocoris and Ctenotrachelus,
vein enclosing the apical edge of cell might be absent, in these cases, pedicel longer than scape) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
31 (30) Pronotum with constriction at or before middle (Fig. 30) ...................................................32
- Pronotum constricted distinctly behind middle (Peiratinae) .................................................34
32 (31) Rostrum distinctly arcuate, in lateral view (Fig. 31); antennifers not projecting from side of head; head transversely con-
stricted behind eyes; nymphal dorsal abdominal scent gland openings present (Reduviinae) . . . . . . . . . Reduvius personatus
- Rostrum essentially straight in lateral view, not distinctly curved (Fig. 32); antennifers projecting slightly from sides of head;
head rarely transversely constricted behind eyes; nymphal dorsal abdominal scent gland openings absent (Triatominae) . . .
33 (32’) Dorsum and rostrum densely hairy (Fig. 32); pronotum with extensive red markings on humeri and disc forming four tri-
angles; neck uniformly light yellow dorsally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Triatoma lecticularia
- Dorsum and rostrum essentially glabrous; pronotum with only lateral margin and humeri reddish; neck dark dorsally, lateral
yellow spots ................................................................Triatoma sanguisuga (Fig. 14)
34 (31’) Mesotibia lacking fossula spongiosa on ventral surface; head long; no lateral tubercles on neck .......................
.........................................................................Sirthenia stria carinata (Fig. 9)
- Mesotibia with fossula spongiosa present (Fig. 33); head shorter; neck with small lateral tubercles ..................35
35 (34’) Distal fourth of protibia angularly dilated in front of fossula spongiosa; hemelytra dark red to black ...................
...........................................................................Melanolestes picipes (Fig. 9)
- Distal fourth of protibia slightly but not angulately dilated; hemelytra partly yellow, membrane with yellow median spot
(Rasahus) ........................................................................................36
36 (35’) Clavus and basal half of corium, including costal margin, in great part, yellow-orange (Fig. 34) ......Rasahus biguttatus*
- Apical half of clavus and inner portion of basal half of corium as far as tip of the clavus yellow-orange, costal margin black
(Fig. 35) .......................................................................Rasahus hamatus (Fig. 9)
37 (30’) Hemelytral membrane with anal area not extending forward beyond costal cell; pedicel longer than scape (Stenopodainae) .
- Hemelytral membrane with anal area extending forward beyond costal cell; pedicel equal to or shorter than scape (Harpac-
torinae) ..........................................................................................50
38 (37) Distal end of scape produced forward as a conspicuous blunt spine (Fig. 36A) (Pnirontis) .........................39
- Distal end of scape not produced into a spine ............................................................42
39 (38) Protibia armed with spines along both inner and outer sides .................................................40
- Protibia armed with spines along inner side only ..........................................................41
40 (39) Scape unarmed ventrally, shorter than width of head across eyes; mandibular plates short and slender, not reaching anten-
nifers ........................................................................Pnirontis brimleyi (Fig. 13)
- Scape armed ventrally (Fig. 36B), greater than or equal to width of head across eyes; mandibular plates slightly surpassing
antennifers (Fig. 36C) ...........................................................Pnirontis modesta (Fig. 13)
41 (39’) Scape armed ventrally (Fig. 36B); connexiva with dark spots; mandibular plates extend well beyond antennifers .........
.............................................................................Pnirontis infirma (Fig. 13)
- Scape unarmed ventrally; connexiva immaculate; mandibular plates slightly surpassing antennifers (Fig. 36C) ..........
............................................................................Pnirontis languida (Fig. 13)
42 (38’) First rostral segment nearly twice as long as second and third combined (Pygolampis) ............................43
- First rostral segment subequal to or shorter than second and third combined .................................... 44
43 (42) Scape nearly twice as long as anteocular region; hemelytra dark brown, unicolorous ......Pygolampis pectoralis (Fig. 13)
- Scape subequal in length to anteocular region; hemelytra distinctly silver anteriorly and darkening posteriorly ...........
...........................................................................Pygolampis sericea (Fig. 13)
44 (42’) Prosternum distinctly elongate behind procoxae, space as long as or longer than procoxa (Fig. 37) ....................
...................................................................... Ctenotrachelus shermani (Fig. 12)
- Prosternum shorter behind procoxae than length of coxa, or procoxae inserted at hind margin of prosternum .......... 45
45 (44’) Size large, length greater than 20 mm; basal discal cell of hemelytra fused to M, often only for a short distance ..........
..........................................................................Stenopoda spinulosa (Fig. 13)
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 165
- Size smaller, length 18 mm or less; basal cell either fused to M for a great distance or not directly contacting M . . . . . . . 46
46 (45’) Body elongate, fusiform, often five times or more as long as maximum width; anteocular and postocular regions subequal in
length; scape longer than anteocular region; pronotum narrow, midlongitudinal pronotal length subequal to humeral width;
male parameres hidden; apex of female abdomen with narrow cylindrical point . . . . . . . . . . Gnathobleda litigiosa (Fig. 12)
- Body broader, always less than five times as long as maximum width; anteocular region longer than postocular; scape short-
er, rarely as long as anteocular region; pronotum wider across humeri than along midline; male parameres exposed; apex of
female abdomen at most acutely angled .................................................................47
47 (46’) Profemur incrassate, at least twice as thick as meso- and metafemur (Fig. 38) ........ Oncocephalus geniculatus (Fig. 12)
- Profemur slender, less than twice as thick as meso- and metafemur ........................................... 48
48 (47’) Mandibular plates produced between antennae well beyond apex of head, subcylindrical, rounded apically (Fig. 39); apex of
antennifers attaining apex of head; second rostral segment half as long as first . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diaditus tejanus (Fig. 12)
- Mandibular plates not produced beyond apex of head; apex of antennifer considerably short, not attaining apex of head;
second rostral segment longer than first or only slightly shorter than first . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
49 (48’) Form broadly oval; connexiva wide, segment length twice or less width; postocular region half or more length of anteocular
region; vein enclosing the apical edge of basal discal cell absent; color mostly piceous with stramineous portions of con-
nexiva and legs ............................................................Arenaeocoris enervatus (Fig. 12)
- Form elongate oval; connexiva narrow, segment length greater than twice width; postocular region less than half length of
anteocular region; vein enclosing the apical edge of basal discal cell present; color stramineous, testaceous, or cinerous with
fuscous marking in cells of hemelytra ...........................................Narvesus carolinensis (Fig. 12)
50 (37’) Scape subequal to or shorter than head; ocelli farther apart than inner margin of eyes; claws simple (Apiomerini) ......51
- Scape distinctly longer than head (Fig. 15); inner margin of eyes farther apart than ocelli; claws dentate or appendiculate
(Harpactorini) .....................................................................................52
51 (50) Pronotum black with posterior margin orange to red (Fig. 40); corium including apical veins generally black with bases
slightly reddish; connexiva with lateral margin red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apiomerus crassipes (Fig. 5)
- Pronotum dull red with posterior margin whitish (Fig. 41); corium red to red-brown, apical corial veins often pale; connexiva
with lateral margin whitish or yellowish ..................................................Apiomerus spissipes
52 (50’) Pronotum with tuberculate hemispherical ridge, like a cogwheel, covering scutellum ............ Arilus cristatus (Fig. 5)
- Dorsal armature of pronotum limited to discrete spines or tubercles, scutellum exposed ........................... 53
53 (52’) Protibia with prominent spines on mesal surface; profemur with dorsoapical spine or tubercle (Sinea) (Fig. 15, 42A) . . . 54
- Protibia unarmed; dorsoapical surface of profemur unarmed, lacking spines or tubercles ..........................55
54 (53) Anterior pronotal lobe armed with distinct spines (Fig. 15, 42B); posterior pronotal lobe distinctly bigibbous; profemur cy-
lindrical, less strongly thickened (Fig. 15, 42C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sinea diadema (Fig. 6)
- Anterior pronotal lobe armed with conical tubercles (Fig. 43A); posterior pronotal lobe transversly convex; profemur fusi-
form, distinctly incrassate (Fig. 43B) ...................................................Sinea spinipes (Fig. 6)
55 (53’) First rostral segment as long as or longer than second rostral segment .........................................56
- First rostral segment distinctly shorter than second rostral segment ........................................... 61
56 (55) Apex of femora porrectly bispinous laterally (Fig. 44); body slender, 6–8 times as long as wide ....Doldina interjungens*
- Apex of femora nodose or unarmed laterally; body more robust, less than 6 times as long as wide ...................57
57 (56’) Posterior pronotal lobe with discal spines absent or reduced to very short tubercles; usually micropterous or apterous, rarely
macropterous (Fitchia) ..............................................................................58
- Posterior pronotal lobe armed with two prominent tapering semivertical discal spines situated near the posterior margin;
always macropterous ...............................................................................59
58 (57) Peritreme of abdominal spiracles brown to black, contrasting pale brown of surrounding integument (Fig. 45); male param-
eres slender, digitate, not visible in posteroventral view; posterior pronotal lobe with armature variable, usually absent but if
present, only two submedially; ninth tergite of female depressed medially, tumescent laterally as prominent ridge . . . . . . . .
................................................................................Fitchia aptera (Fig. 5)
- Peritreme of abdominal spiracles pale brown, concolorous with surrounding integument; male parameres distinctly clavate,
visible in posteroventral view; posterior pronotal lobe with armature variable, present or absent but if present, usually two
submedially and two at the humeri; ninth tergite of female flat to slightly convex medially, not tumescent laterally . . . . . . .
....................................................................................Fitchia spinosula
59 (57’) Integument of posterior pronotal lobe distinctly rugulose, pitted; size large, length 16–20 mm (Rocconota) .............
........................................................................ Rocconota annulicornis (Fig. 6)
- Integument of posterior pronotal lobe smooth; size smaller, length less than 15 mm ..............................60
60 (59’) Head dull, not shiny, covered with pubescence; hemelytra not distinctly extended beyond abdomen, usually subequal in
length; male parameres absent; general color gray cinereous; size smaller, length 6–10 mm (Atrachelus) ...............
.....................................................................Atrachelus cinereus cinereus (Fig. 5)
- Head shiny, polished, covered with sparse erect setae; hemelytra distinctly extended beyond abdomen, usually about one-
third length of membrane; male parameres present; color pattern consisting of contrasting red and black markings; size
larger, length 9–13 mm (Repipta) ......................................................Repipta taurus (Fig. 6)
61 (55’) Profemur distinctly shorter than metafemur; first rostral segment greater than half length of second; legs distinctly annulate;
scutellum with apex broadly recurved to foliaceous (Pselliopus) .............................................62
- Profemur subequal to or longer than metafemur; first rostral segment scarcely or not longer than half of second; legs usually
not annulate (if so, species contrastingly red and black); scutellum not foliaceous (Zelus) .........................64
62 (61) Anterior pronotal lobe armed with 10–12 prominent setose tubercles, posterior pronotal lobe granulate or with scattered
166 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
black tubercles; humeri armed with short stout recurved black tubercles; [median process of pygophore small, triangular] .
.........................................................................Pselliopus latifasciatus (Fig. 5)
- Both lobes of pronotum unarmed; humeral tooth not recurved ...............................................63
63 (62’) Anterior pronotal lobe wholly yellow-orange; humeri with short feeble black rounded tooth; posterior pronotal margin nearly
straight; median process of pygophore a long erect spine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pselliopus barberi (Fig. 5)
- Anterior pronotal lobe with black trifasciate markings or remnants thereof; humeri with stout black angular tooth; posterior
pronotal margin fairly bisinuate; median process of pygophore a stout blunt projection . . . . . . . . Pselliopus cinctus (Fig. 5)
64 (61’) Disc of posterior pronotal lobe with two tubercles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Zelus tetracanthus (Fig. 7)
- Disc of pronotum unarmed ...........................................................................65
65 (64’) Color pattern conspicuously contrasting black and red; male parameres simple, thin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zelus longipes (Fig. 7)
- Color pattern green to red-brown; male parameres expanded at apex ..........................................66
66 (65’) Humeri rounded, unarmed (Fig. 46); length to width ratio usually greater than 5.8; [median process of pygophore thin, es-
sentially parallel-sided, hooked apically] ...............................................Zelus cervicalis (Fig. 7)
- Humeri with distinct spines or angulate; length to width ratio usually not greater than 5.0 .........................67
67 (66’) Humeri usually with distinct spines (Fig. 47); corium usually yellow-green to green-brown, lacking reddish tint; median
process of pygophore broadly triangulate with apex acute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zelus luridus (Fig. 7)
- Humeri angulate (Fig. 48); corium usually tinted reddish-brown, especially apically; median process of pygophore thin, es-
sentially parallel-sided, hooked apically ................................................ Zelus renardii (Fig. 7)
This is the first comprehensive treatment of the Reduviidae collected within the state of Alabama. As such, there
are some curious patterns. We document the southern-most distributional record for Empicoris winnemana McAtee
& Malloch, 1925 and the eastern-most record for Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1856 from the United States (Table 3).
Rhiginia cinctiventris (Stål, 1872) (Fig. 2); Barce husseyi Wygodzinsky, 1966; Barce werneri Wygodzinsky, 1966;
Ghinallelia productilis (Barber, 1914) (all Fig. 3); Empicoris armatus (Champion, 1898); Empicoris nudus McAtee
& Malloch, 1925; Empicoris winnemana McAtee & Malloch, 1925 (all Fig. 4); Pselliopus barberi (Davis, 1912)
(Fig. 5); Pseudosaica florida (Barber, 1953); Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1856 (both Fig. 7); Saica elkinsi Blinn, 1994
(Fig. 11); Arenaeocoris enervatus Blinn, 2012; Gnathobleda litigiosa Stål, 1862 (both Fig. 12); and Pygolampis
sericea Stål, 1859 (Fig. 13) were only represented by one or two specimens and thus might be considered rare
within the state. Saica elkinsi, Gnathobleda litigiosa, and Pygolampis sericea were apparently collected in the late
1950s and have not been recorded since. Narvesus carolinensis Stål, 1859 is represented by 11 specimens from four
counties on nine independent sampling occasions all collected between 1957 and 1970, with no records since then
despite reasonably heavy collecting efforts over the past ten years within the region. It is unclear if these are signs
of decline in these species, particularly the latter, or if they are simply anomalies.
Undoubtedly, there are some species occurring in Alabama that were not recorded in this checklist. Fitchia spi-
nosula Stål, 1872; Apiomerus spissipes (Say, 1825); Reduvius personatus (Linnaeus, 1758); and Triatoma lecticu-
laria (Stål, 1859) were recorded as occurring in Alabama but were not found in our specimen survey. Froeschner’s
(1988) catalog and Swanson (2011) also recorded Doldina interjungens Bergroth, 1913; Rasahus biguttatus Say,
1831; Macrocephalus cimicoides Swederus, 1787; Macrocephalus manicatus (Fabricius, 1803); Phymata albopicta
Handlirsch, 1897; and Phymata noualhieri Handlirsch, 1897 as being in surrounding states but have not yet been
recorded from Alabama. Further collecting in poorly sampled regions in northern, western, and southern Alabama,
and examinations of other insect collections around the country will likely yield some of these species, so we in-
cluded them in the morphological key. It is our hope that by formally documenting the species found within the state
of Alabama, providing a morphological key to species, and expanding current knowledge of the Nearctic distribu-
tion of the Reduviidae, this publication will be useful in conservation, systematics, biogeography, integrated pest
management, and other branches of biology.
TABLE 2. List of species of Reduviidae occurring in Alabama. Superscript indicates species recorded from Alabama but
not examined during the present study, recorded from Alabama by (1) Froeschner (1988), (2) McPherson et al. (1992),
and (3) Berniker et al. (2011).
Reduviidae Latreille, 1807
Ectrichodiinae Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 167
Rhiginia Stål, 1859
Rhiginia cruciata (Say, 1831)
Rhiginia cinctiventris (Stål, 1872)
Emesinae Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
Emesini Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
Stenolemus Signoret, 1858
Stenolemus lanipes Wygodzinsky, 1949
Leistarchini Stål, 1862
Ploiaria Scopoli, 1786
Ploiaria carolina (Herrich-Schäffer, 1850)
Ploiaria hirticornis (Banks, 1909)
Metapterini Stål, 1874
Barce Stål, 1866
Barce fraterna (Say, 1831)
Barce husseyi Wygodzinsky, 1966
Barce werneri Wygodzinsky, 1966
Emesaya McAtee & Malloch, 1925
Emesaya brevipennis (Say, 1828)
Ghinallelia Wygodzinsky, 1966
Ghinallelia productilis (Barber, 1914)
Ploiariolini Van Duzee, 1916
Empicoris Wolff, 1811
Empicoris armatus (Champion, 1898)
Empicoris errabundus (Say, 1831)
Empicoris nudus McAtee & Malloch, 1925
Empicoris orthoneuron McAtee & Malloch, 1925
Empicoris rubromaculatus (Blackburn, 1889)
Empicoris winnemana McAtee & Malloch, 1925
Harpactorinae Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
Apiomerini Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
Apiomerus Hahn, 1831
Apiomerus crassipes (Fabricius, 1803)
Apiomerus spissipes (Say, 1825) 1,3
Harpactorini Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
Arilus Hahn, 1931
Arilus cristatus (Linnaeus, 1763)
Atrachelus Amyot &Audinet-Serville, 1843
Atrachelus cinereus (Fabricius, 1798)
Atrachelus cinereus cinereus (Fabricius, 1798)
Fitchia Stål, 1859
Fitchia aptera Stål, 1859
Fitchia spinosula Stål, 1872 2
Pselliopus Bergroth, 1905
Pselliopus barberi (Davis, 1912)
Pselliopus cinctus (Fabricius, 1776)
Pselliopus latifasciatus Barber, 1924
168 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
Repipta Stål, 1859
Repipta taurus (Fabricius, 1803)
Rocconota Stål, 1859
Rocconota annulicornis (Stål, 1872)
Sinea Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
Sinea diadema (Fabricius, 1776)
Sinea spinipes (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846)
Zelus Fabricius, 1803
Zelus cervicalis Stål, 1872
Zelus longipes (Linnaeus, 1767)
Zelus luridus Stål, 1862
Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1856
Zelus tetracanthus Stål, 1862
Microtominae Schumacher, 1924
Microtomus Illiger, 1807
Microtomus purcis (Drury, 1782)
Peiratinae Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
Melanolestes Stål, 1866
Melanolestes picipes (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846)
Rasahus Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
Rasahus hamatus (Fabricius, 1781)
Sirthenea Spinola, 1837
Sirthenea stria (Fabricius, 1794)
Sirthenea stria carinata (Fabricius, 1798)
Phymatinae Laporte, 1832
Macrocephalini Handlirsch, 1897
Lophoscutus Kormilev, 1951
Lophoscutus prehensilis (Fabricius, 1803)
Phymatini Laporte, 1832
Phymata Latreille, 1802
Phymata fasciata (Gray, 1832)
Phymata fasciata fasciata (Gray, 1832)
Phymata fasciata mystica Evans, 1931
Phymata pennsylvanica Handlirsch, 1897
Phymata vicina Handlirsch, 1897
Phymata vicina vicina Handlirsch, 1897
Reduviinae Latreille, 1807
Reduvius Fabricius, 1775
Reduvius personatus (Linnaeus, 1758) 1
Saicinae Stål, 1859
Oncerotrachelus Stål, 1868
Oncerotrachelus acuminatus (Say, 1831)
Pseudosaica Blinn, 1990
Pseudosaica florida (Barber, 1953)
Saica Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
Saica elkinsi Blinn, 1994
Stenopodainae Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
Arenaeocoris Blinn 2012
Arenaeocoris enervatus Blinn, 2012
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 169
Ctenotrachelus Stål, 1868
Ctenotrachelus shermani Barber, 1929
Diaditus Stål, 1859
Diaditus tejanus Giacchi, 1980
Gnathobleda Stål, 1859
Gnathobleda litigiosa Stål, 1862
Narvesus Stål, 1859
Narvesus carolinensis Stål, 1859
Oncocephalus Klug, 1830
Oncocephalus geniculatus (Stål, 1872)
Pnirontis Stål, 1859
Pnirontis brimleyi Blatchley, 1926
Pnirontis infirma Stål, 1859
Pnirontis languida Stål, 1859
Pnirontis modesta Banks, 1910
Pygolampis Germar, 1817
Pygolampis pectoralis (Say, 1831)
Pygolampis sericea Stål, 1859
Stenopoda Laporte, 1833
Stenopoda spinulosa Giacchi, 1969
Triatominae Jeannel, 1919
Triatomini Jeannel, 1919
Triatoma Laporte, 1832
Triatoma lecticularia (Stål, 1859)1
Triatoma sanguisuga LeConte, 1856
TABLE 3. Current reduviid state literature records according to Froeschner (1988), Swanson (2011), and Swanson (2019)
unless otherwise noted. Bolded states = new state records.
Subfamily Species State Records (bolded = new)
Emesinae Barce fraterna AL, AR, CA, CT, DC, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI,
MO, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, TX, VA, WI; Canada: AB, BC, MB, NB,
Emesinae Barce husseyi AL, LA
Emesinae Barce werneri AL, LA, VA (Hoffman 2006)
Emesinae Emesaya brevipennis AL, AR (Chordas et al. 2005), CA, CT, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, MA, MD, MO,
NC, NJ, NY, OH (Chordas et al. 2008), PA, RI, TX; Canada: ON (Maw et al.
Emesinae Empicoris armatus AL, FL, LA (Sibley 1951)
Emesinae Empicoris errabundus AL, AR (Chordas & Tumlison 2016), CT, FL, GA, IL, KS, MA, MD, ME, MI,
MO, NH, NY, OH, OR, PA, TN (Lambdin et al. 2003, Vlach et al. 2010), TX,
VA, WA, WV; Canada: BC, MB, NS, ON, QC
Emesinae Empicoris nudus AL, FL
Emesinae Empicoris
AL, AZ, CA, FL, MA, MD, MI, MS, NV, OK, OR, TX, VA; Canada: BC.
Emesinae Empicoris
AL, AR (Chordas & Tumlison 2016), CA, FL, GA, IN, MO, MS, NC, OR, TX,
VA; Canada: BC
Emesinae Empicoris winnemana AL, CT, MD, MI (McPherson 1991a, 1992), MO (McPherson 1991b), VA
Emesinae Ploiaria carolina AL, AR (Chordas & Tumlison 2016), FL, GA, NC, NJ (Smith 1910), SC, VA
(Hoffman 2006)
......continued on the next page
170 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
TABLE 3. (Continued)
Subfamily Species State Records (bolded = new)
Emesinae Ploiaria hirticornis AL, AR (Chordas & Tumlison 2016), DC, FL, IL (Hagerty & McPherson 1999),
LA, MO (McPherson 1991b), NC, VA (Hoffman 2006)
Emesinae Stenolemus lanipes AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TX, VA
Harpactorinae Arilus cristatus AL, AR, AZ, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MO, MS, NC,
NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV; Canada: ON.
Harpactorinae Pselliopus barberi AL, AR, IL, IN, KS, LA, MD, MO, NC, NY, OH, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA
Harpactorinae Pselliopus
Harpactorinae Rhynocoris ventralis
Harpactorinae Sinea spinipes AL, AR, CO, CT, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MO, NC, NE, NY, OH, OK,
Harpactorinae Zelus cervicalis AL, AR, AZ, FL, GA, LA, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA
Harpactorinae Zelus longipes AL, CT, FL, GA, LA, MA, ME, MS, NC, NY, SC, TX, VA
Harpactorinae Zelus renardii AL, AR, AZ, CA, KS, LA, NM, TX, UT
Harpactorinae Zelus tetracanthus AL, AR (Skvarla et al. 2016), AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, ID, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA,
ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT (Zhang et al. 2016, suppl.), NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM,
NV, NY, OK, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WI, WY; Canada: AB, BC, ON, QC
Peiratinae Rasahus hamatus AL, AR, FL, IL, KS, LA, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA
Peiratinae Sirthenea stria
(Lambdin et al. 2003), TX, VA
Phymatinae Phymata fasciata
Phymatinae Phymata fasciata
Phymatinae Phymata luxa CA, CO, TX
Phymatinae Phymata
MO, MT, NC, ND, NE, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, SD, VA, WI, WV; Canada: AB,
Phymatinae Phymata vicina vicina AL, AZ, CA, CT, DC, FL, IL, IN, KS, MA, MO, NC, NE, NJ, NY, OK, PA, RI,
SD, TN, TX, UT, VA; Canada: AB, BC, MB, SK
Saicinae Pseudosaica florida AL, FL, KY, MS
Saicinae Saica elkinsi AL, AR, FL, IL (Hagerty & McPherson 1999), LA, MO, MS, NC, VA (Hoff-
man 1953, 2006; Blinn 1994)
Stenopodainae Ctenotrachelus
AL, AR, FL, GA, LA (Sibley 1951), MS, NC, SC, VA (Asquith 1992; Hoffman
2004, 2006)
Stenopodainae Narvesus
AL, AR (Chordas et al. 2011), AZ, CA, DC, FL, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MI,
Stenopodainae Pnirontis brimleyi AL, FL, NC, TX (Asquith 1992), VA (Hoffman 2006)
Stenopodainae Pnirontis languida AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, LA, NC, OK, SC, TX, VA
Stenopodainae Pnirontis modesta AL, AR, DC, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, MI, MO, NC, OH, SC, TN, TX, VA;
Canada: ON (Paiero et al. 2003)
Stenopodainae Pygolampis pectoralis AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI,
MO, MS, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA; Canada: AB, MB,
Stenopodainae Pygolampis sericea AL, FL, IL, IN, LA, MA, MD, MI, NC, NE, NH, NY, PA, SC, TX; Canada: BC,
Triatominae Triatoma incrassata AZ, NM
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 171
FIGURES 40–45. FIGURE 40. Apiomerus crassipes pronotal pattern, FIGURE 41. Apiomerus spissipes pronotal pattern,
FIGURE 42. Sinea diadema: A) dorsoapical spine on profemur; B) spined anterior pronotal lobe; C) cylindrical profemur,
FIGURE 43. Sinea spinipes: A) tuberculate anterior pronotal lobe; B) fusiform, thickened profemur, FIGURE 44. Doldina sp.:
apicolateral spines of profemur, FIGURE 45. Fitchia aptera: darkened peritreme of abdominal spiracles
172 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
FIGURES 46–48. FIGURE 46. Zelus cervicalis: rounded, unarmed humeri, FIGURE 47. Zelus luridus: distinctly spinose
humeri, FIGURE 48. Zelus renardii: angulate humeri.
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 173
Material examined
This section consists of label data from all specimens examined for this manuscript. Voucher number and col-
lection abbreviations are as follows: AUMI = Auburn University Museum of Natural History Insect Collection;
MEMU_ENT = Mississippi Entomological Museum; UTIC = University of Tennessee Insect Collection; INHS =
Illinois Natural History Survey; FMNH = Field Museum of Natural History. Digitized information is also available
via GBIF, SCAN, and iDigBio as well as the AUMNH web portal. A table version of these data is available upon
request of CSC.
Ectrichodiinae: Rhiginia cruciata (Say, 1831)
ALABAMA: Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823° N, 86.4217° W, 1.i.2013-4.v.2015, T.N. King (40 ex,
AUMI00032401-09, 32553-56, 32576, 32586, 33391-93, 33449-54, 33456, 33463, 91368, 91372-73, 91375, 91380-
84, 91421, 97071-75, 97089); same but 24.iv-16.v.2014, window trap (16 ex, AUMI00116251-116266), same but
10.iv.2013, berlese funnel (AUMI00032561); Cherokee County: Little River Canyon N.P., 34.3783°N, 085.6258°W,
10.v.2005, edge of pkng lot near mixed forest, W.H. Cross Exped., J.G. Hill (MEMU_ENT 00117323); Clay
County: 33.1585° N, 85.7505° W, 11.v.2014, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033418); Cleburne County: 24.iv1976, JO
Harper (AUMI00033241); Cheaha Pkwy Roadside, 8.v.2011, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032279); Cheaha State Pk.,
33.4828°N, 085.8144°W, 15.v.1998, in mixed for, W.H. Cross Exped., J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117325);
Dallas County: 6.v.1978, E.J. Stark (AUMI00032246); DeKalb County: DeSoto St. Pk., 34.4894°N, 085.6144°W,
14.v.2005, sweeping, W.H. Cross Exped., J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117324); Elmore County: 32.6749° N,
85.9097° W, 4.v.2014, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033421); 32.6751° N, 85.9098° W, 25.v.2014, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033422);
Lightwood Community, 2.v.1974, K.L. Hays & F. Scott (AUMI00033005); Lee County: Auburn,, un-
known collector (AUMI00033975); Auburn 20.i.1968, W.C. Burnett, Jr. (AUMI00033973); Auburn, 21.iv.1970,
H.B. Cunningham (AUMI00033312); Auburn, Oct 1975, Davy Jones (AUMI00033974); Auburn, 15.iv.1977,
N. Bedwell (AUMI00032245); Auburn, 28.v.1982, L.J. Mason (AUMI00032244); Auburn, 29.iv.1986, C. Buf-
ford (AUMI00032678); Auburn, 22.v.1986, C. Bufford (AUMI00032687); Auburn, 32.58637° N, 85.4963° W,
12.vii.2015, D. Laurencio (AUMI00091422); Auburn, , summer 1987, N. Walters (AUMI00032423); Chewacla St.
Pk.: 13.iv.1987, S. Murphree (AUMI00032688); Gold Hill, 23.i.1974, Seth Johnson (AUMI00032239); Madison
County: Maysville, Berry Mtn Area, 22.iv.2005, P. Lago & J.G. King (MEMU); N.W. Huntsville, 18.iv.1981, K. Ward
(MEMU_ENT 00116850); Tallapoosa County: 32.6769° N, 85.8811° W, 4.v.2014, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033430);
Dadeville, 4.ix.1958, unknown collector (AUMI00033978); FLORIDA: Highlands County: Archbold, 10.x.2010,
C. Stephen (AUMI00032410); Okaloosa County: Destin, 14.iv.1929, M. Lame (AUMI00032242); GEORGIA:
Gilmer County: 34.5664° N, 84.5228° W, 19.iv.2014, sifted debris, T.N. King (AUMI00116282); TENNESSEE:
Rhea County: 22.ii.1991, Don Johnson (AUMI00032530).
Ectrichodiinae: Rhiginia cinctiventris (Stål, 1872)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Fairhope, 17.iv.1957, K.L. Hays (AUMI00033976); same but 28.v.1957
(AUMI00033977); NEW MEXICO: Hidalgo County: Chiricahua Desert Museum, 31.8703° N, 109.0352° W,
2.viii.2016, at light, A. Jeon (AUMI00142571).
Emesinae: Emesini: Stenolemus lanipes Wygodzinsky, 1949
ALABAMA: Jefferson County: Birmingham Sou. Coll., 33.514° N, 086.858° W, 10.vii.2013, light trap, P. Van
Zant (AUMI00073822); Lee County: Auburn, 13.viii.1962, F.E. Guyton (AUMI00033311); Auburn, 10.viii.2010,
at light, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033980); Auburn, 32.5825° N, 085.4570° W, 17.iii.2015, CH Ray (AUMI00045612);
Pike County: Troy, 10.v.1974, on grassy lawn, O. Cansford (AUMI00033981).
Emesinae: Leistarchini: Ploiaria carolina (Herrich-Schäffer, 1850)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2467°N, 087.8292°W,, blacklight in pine-
oak for., T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117785); Weeks Bay NER Res., 30.4175°N, 087.8306°W, 4.viii.2000,
blacklight in mixed for nr estuary, T.L. Schiefer (5 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117781-84, 117790); Blount County: High-
land Lake, 33.8823° N, 086.4217° W, summer 2013, light trap, T.N. King (2 ex, AUMI00127255-56); same but (AUMI00197052); Jefferson County: Ruffner Mt. Nat. Pres., 33.534° N, 086.711° W,, P.
174 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
Van Zandt (AUMI00091413); Turkey Creek Nature Pres., 33.70° N, 086.70° W,, P Van Zant (3 ex,
AUMI00068568, 97091, 97097); Lee County: Auburn, 22.i.1977, Tim Reed (2 ex, AUMI00116512-13); Auburn
University, 33.5901° N, 085.49342° W,, Bond Lab, C.H. Ray, & Summer Sci. Inst. (AUMI00033362);
FLORIDA: Highlands County: Archbold, 25.v.1991, S P Yanoviak (AUMI00045617).
Emesinae: Leistarchini: Ploiaria hirticornis (Banks, 1909)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 2.viii.2000, blacklight in fore-
dunes, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117787); Weeks Bay NER Res., 30.4161°N, 087.8194°W, 2-6.viii.2000, Mal-
aise Trp in mixed bottomland for, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117786); Elmore County: 32.50185°N, 086.1396°W,, sticky trap, K. Jernigan (AUMI00032280); Lee County, 32.5715°N, 085.5931°W,, sticky card,
R. Smith (AUMI00197056); Mobile County: Grand Bay, 17.viii.2010, Pitfall, S. Martin (AUMI00116517).
Emesinae: Metapterini: Barce fraterna (Say, 1831)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, T95,R3E, sec 19, 7.xi.1988, blacklight, W.H. Cross
Expedition, L. Corpus, T. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00116921); Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W,, blacklight on fore dunes, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117808); Bon Secour N.W. Refuge,
30.2525°N, 087.8139°W, 11-16.v.1994, M.V. & blacklight, R.L. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117807); Weeks Bay
NER Res., 30.4175°N, 087.8306°W, 6.viii.2000, blacklight in mixed for nr estuary, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT
00117809); Weeks Bay NER Res., 30.4175°N, 087.8306°W,, M.V. Lamp in mixed forest nr estuary, W.H.
Cross Expedition, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117380); Bibb County: Glades Pres., 33.0578°N, 087.0392°W,
6.viii.2003, blacklight in Dolomite glade, W.H. Cross Expedition, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117381); Chilton
County: Res Ext Ctr, 32.9194° N, 086.6703° W,, sticky trap, Coneva, (2 ex, AUMI00032314, 32327);
Lauderdale County: Florence, 15.xi.1978, light trap, J. Glick (2 ex, AUMI00032654, 32656); Lee County: 3 mi
S of Salem,, R. Mount (AUMI00116511); 29.v.1981, R Jacobs (AUMI00033254); Auburn, 32.5825° N,
085.4570° W,, at light, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032353); Auburn, 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, 24.v.2014, sweep-
ing, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033375); Auburn, 23.v.2012, at light, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032342); same but 14.x.2012
(AUMI00032294); same but (AUMI00032292); Opelika, 25.xi.2011, C.S. Clem (C.S. Clem Personal Col-
lection); Monroe County: Haines Is. Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 26–31.v.1995, M.V. & blacklight, T.L. Schiefer
(2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117378-79); Shelby County: July 1974, Davy Jones (AUMI00032121); Tallapoosa County:
Smith Mtn Tower,, light trap, unknown collector (AUMI00033017); GEORGIA: Charlton County,
16.xi.2003, R. Foster (AUMI00032237); KANSAS: Sedgewick County, 3.ix.1947, Keeler (AUMI00032123).
Emesinae: Metapterini: Barce husseyi Wygodzinsky, 1966
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Plash Is, end hwy 6,, blacklight, R.L. & B.B. Brown (MEMU_ENT
Emesinae: Metapterini: Barce werneri Wygodzinsky, 1966
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2419°N, 087.8303°W,, blacklight, T.L.
Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117831); Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823° N, 086.4217° W,, light
trap, T.N. King (AUMI00197067).
Emesinae: Metapterini: Emesaya brevipennis (Say, 1828)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2467°N, 087.8292°W, 11-12.x.1993, Blcklight in oak
pine forest, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00116842); Weeks Bay NER Res., 30.4147°N, 087.8181°W, 5.viii.2000,
beating trees in mixed forest, J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117454); Chambers County: 7.viii.1976, G. Adams
(AUMI00032124); 32.8958° N, 085.4612° W, 19.ix.2015, Sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00097061); Geneva County:
37 mi west of Sampson, 13.xii.1971, H.B. Cunningham (AUMI00116521); Jefferson County: Birmingham, Mtn.
Brook, 20.x.1971, Unknown collector (2 ex, FMNH); same but 28.ix.1975 (2 ex, FMNH); Lauderdale County: Nat-
chez Trace, mi 330, 34.8586°N, 087.9053°W, 17.ix.2009, edge of mixed forest, J.G. Hill (MEMU_ENT 00117455);
Lee County: Auburn, , Sept 2003, C.A. Boring (AUMI00032386); Auburn, 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, Fall 2012,
C.H. Ray (AUMI00032313); Auburn, 32.5731° N, 085.4666° W, 3.x.2015, sweeping, CH Ray (AUMI00097060);
Chewacla Park, 28.ix.2008, Jacob Thompson (AUMI00033259); Towne Creek Park, 32.5842° N, 085.4766° W,
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 175
21.ix.2014, Z. Chen (AUMI00032598); Macon County: Tuskegee, 26.xi.1996, D. Bagley (AUMI00032399);
Shelby County: Montevallo, 10.vii.1976, Unknown collector (FMNH); FLORIDA: Santa Rosa County: Milton,
30.ix.2006, C.R. Holt (AUMI00032324).
Emesinae: Metapterini: Ghinallelia productilis (Barber, 1914)
ALABAMA: Macon County: EV Smith Res. Farm, 28.viii.2002, K.A. Fadroski (AUMI00032385); FLORIDA:
Highlands County: Lake Placid, Archbold, 17.v.1996, Paige Carithers (AUMI00116520); Brevard County: Meritt
Island, Dec 1974, Davy Jones (AUMI00032125).
Emesinae: Ploiariolini: Empicoris armatus (Champion, 1898)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Weeks Bay NER Res., 31.4161°N, 087.8194°W, 2-6.viii.2000, Malaise Trap in
mixed bottomland for, T.L. Schiefer & J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117798); Monroe County: Haines Island
Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 4-5.iv.1995, Beating trees and shrubs, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117797).
Emesinae: Ploiariolini: Empicoris errabundus (Say, 1831)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2467°N, 087.8292°W, 15.iii.1994, Blcklight
in oak-pine forest, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117793); Barbour County,, light trap, C.N. Yates
(AUMI00032372); Bibb County: Glades Pres., 33.0578°N, 087.0392°W, 6.viii.2003, Blcklight in dolamite glades,
T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117366); Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823° N, 086.4217° W, summer 2013,
light trap, T.N. King (AUMI00127254); same but, window trp (3 ex, AUMI00197057-59); Coving-
ton County: Red Level, 31.4044° N, 086.6090° W, 29.v.2016, light trap, C.S. Clem (AUMI00127306); DeKalb
County: DeSoto St. Pk., 34.3836°N, 085.6297°W, 25-29.ix.1992, Sun lmp & blcklight, T.L. Schiefer & J.A. Mac-
Gown (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00116922, 117795); Jefferson County: Turkey Creek Nature Pres., 33.70° N, 086.70°
W,, light trap, P. Van Zant (AUMI00068566); Lee County, 6.v.1969, A.R. Thornhill (AUMI00032122);
Auburn, 32.5825° N, 085.4570° W, 25.ix.2008, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127697); Auburn,, at light, C.H.
Ray, (AUMI00032346); same but 6.ix.2012 (AUMI00032266); Auburn, 32.5825° N, 085.4570° W, 5.iv.2013, light
trap, C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00032300, 33364); same but 2.vii.2013 (AUMI00033367); same but Aug 2013 (2 ex,
AUMI00033371, 32512); same but Sept 2013 (3 ex, AUMI00032511, AUMI00033372-73); Montgomery County:
32.3333° N, 086.1428° W, 29.vii.2013, A. Jeon (AUMI00033426); Morgan County: Wheeler WR, 29.ix.1978, light
trap, J. Glick (AUMI00116519); TENNESSEE: Coffee County: AEDC, 32.5825° N, 085.4570° W, 16.ix.1998, Oak
Fog (2 ex, UTIC).
Emesinae: Ploiariolini: Empicoris nudus McAtee & Malloch, 1925
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, T9S,R2E, Sec. 24, 13-14.x.1991, Malaise Trap, T.L.
Schiefer & G. Eickwort (MEMU).
Emesinae: Ploiariolini: Empicoris orthoneuron McAtee & Malloch, 1925
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2628°N, 087.7575°W, 12.v.1994, blacklight, MV,
sunlamp in pine-oak for., T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117791); Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823°
N, 086.4217° W, summer 2013, light trap, T.N. King (3 ex, AUMI00127251-53); same but 20.v.2017, win-
dow trap (AUMI00197133); Lee County: Auburn, 16.ix.2012, at light, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032253); Auburn,
32.5825° N, 085.4570° W, 27.vii.2013, light trap, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033370); Auburn, 18.xi.1986, N.K. Walters
Emesinae: Ploiariolini: Empicoris rubromaculatus (Blackburn, 1889)
ALABAMA: Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823°N, 086.4217°W,, window trp, T.N. King
(AUMI00197062); same but 20.v.2017 (2 ex, AUMI00197130-31); Chilton County: Res Ext Ctr, 32.9194° N,
086.6703° W,, sticky trap, Coneva (13 ex, AUMI00032326, 32328-32, 33381-87); Cullman Coun-
ty: AAES Res. Ctr,, J.D. Bowerman (AUMI00032268); Dallas County: Blackbelt Substation, 23.vii.1984,
light trap, Vet-Med Ent (AUMI00032614); Wiregrass REC,, Vet-Med Ent (AUMI00127257); DeKalb
County: DeSoto St. Pk., 34.4919°N, 085.6156°W, 24-29.ix.1992, blacklight & MV Trap, T.L. Schiefer & J.A. Mac-
Gown (MEMU_ENT 00117788); Lee County: Auburn, 24.iv.2011, at light, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032289); same but
176 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
6.v.2012 (AUMI00032339); same but and 20.v.2012 (AUMI00032341); same but, (AUMI00127698);
Auburn, 32.5825° N, 085.4570° W, 11.v.2013, light trap, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032352); same but 23.iv.2013
(AUMI00033365); same but June 2013 (2 ex, AUMI00032354-55); same but 6.xii.2013 (AUMI00032425); same but
18.xi.2013 (AUMI00032421); same but 14.v.2014 (AUMI00033366); same but (AUMI00068558); Au-
burn, 32.6339°N, 085.6268°W, 13.iv.2017, sticky card, Ray and Chowdhury (AUMI00197060); Auburn, 8.xi.1986,
N.K. Walters (AUMI00032588); Auburn University, 32.6017°N, 085.5045°W,, blue pan trap, Ray and
Chowdhury (AUMI00197061); Monroe County: 1 mi S Claiborne Dam, 31.5917°N, 087.5367°W, 30.v.1995, black-
light & MV Trap, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117361); Haines Is. Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 26-31.v.1995,
beating trees and shrubs, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117789); St. Clair County: Pell City,, light trap,
K. Stober (AUMI00032251); Tallapoosa County: Piedmont substation., 11.ix.1978, light trap, AU Med Vet Entomol
(AUMI00032285); same but 17.x.1978 (AUMI00032308).
Emesinae: Ploiariolini: Empicoris winnemana McAtee & Malloch, 1925
ALABAMA: Lee County: Auburn, 32.5825° N, 085.4570° W, 5.vii.2014, light trap, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033368).
Harpactorinae: Apiomerini: Apiomerus crassipes (Fabricius, 1803)
ALABAMA: Autauga County: 25.v.1980, J. Conley (AUMI00032439); Baldwin County: 14 mi E of Foley,,
ex: Cyrilla racemiflora flowers, R.L. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117225); 2 mi S of Foley, 30.3261°N, 087.6525°W,, disturbed sandy area, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117847); Bon Secour N.W. Refuge,
30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 16-17.iv.1993, ex: Conradina canescens, D.M. Pollock (MEMU_ENT 00116833); Bon
Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2419°N, 087.8303°W,, ex: Pluchea foetida, D.M. Pollock, J.A. MacGown, &
C.H. Collison (6 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117841-46); Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2525°N, 087.8139°W, 11-16.v.1994,
R.E. Seymor (MEMU_ENT 00117849); Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 7.viii.1994, in fore-
dunes, D.M. Pollock (MEMU_ENT 00117850); Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 4.viii.2000, ex:
Uniola paniculate, Paronychia erecta flowers, and Heterotheca subaxillaris flowers on foredunes, J.A. MacGown,
B.A. Smith, & T.L. Schiefer (4 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117851-54); Oyster Bay, T95,R3E, sec 5, 4-8.ix.1988, sweep-
ing, L. Corpus, T. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00116832); Barbour County: Wildlife Management Area, 21.vii.1965,
EE Simons (AUMI00033280); Bibb County: 2 mi SSE Piper, 33.0617° N, 087.0325° W,, ex: Hydrangea
quercifolia and Rudbeckia hirta flowers, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117223-24); Chambers County: Lafeyette,
30.v.2011, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032444); Cherokee: DeSoto St. Pk., 1100-1200’ T7S,R10E,Sec 30S, 21-24.v.1990,
G. Baker & J. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00116831); Chilton County: Res. Ext Cntr, 32.9195°N, 086.6715°W,, in stinkbug trp, R. Balusu (AUMI00146355); Clay County: 33.18476°N, 085.72653°W, 28.v.2012, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00032449); Cheaha Mtn, 30.vii.1959, M.E. Dakin (AUMI00032041); Cheaha st. prk. Lake Chena-
bee, 18.vii.1973, H.B. Cunningham (AUMI00033296); Coosa County, 32.9832° N, 086.0626° W, 29-30.v.2016,
C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00127386-87); same but 3.vii.2016 (AUMI00142556); Rockford, 13.vii.1965, E.E. Simons
(AUMI00033286); Covington County: Solon Dixon Center, 27.vii.2002, K.A. Fadroski (AUMI00032229); Dal-
las County: 21.v.1974, M. Rohlfs (AUMI00032441); DeKalb County: Crossville,, unknown collec-
tor (AUMI00032042); DeSoto St. Pk., 34.5008°N, 085.6344°W, 14.v.2005, on dung, J.G. Hill (MEMU_ENT
00117227); Elmore County: AL Nature Ctr., 32.47801° N, 086.3838° W, 27.v.2017, Ex: Erigeron sp., Ray and
Chowdhury (AUMI00197068); Lightwood Community, 21.vii.1973, K.L. Hays & F. Scott (AUMI00032029); same
but 13.vii.1973 (AUMI00032027); Fayette County: Winfield, 29.v.2013, Flanders et al. (AUMI00032440); Hous-
ton County: Ashford, 11.v.1980, S.L. MacDonald (MEMU_ENT 00116834); Cowart’s Creek, 29.vii.1965, E.U.
Balsbaugh, Jr. (AUMI00033034); UEA Site - 2 mi. S. of Columbia, 26.vii.1975, K.L. Hays (AUMI00032026); Lee
County, 8.viii.1996, Mark Korvak (AUMI00033331); Auburn, 17.iv.1980, R. Jacobs (AUMI00032442); Auburn,
May 2007, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032446); Auburn, 22.v.1986, C. Bufford (AUMI00032686); Auburn, 13.v.1986,
G. Snyder (AUMI00032685); Auburn,, M.L. Williams (AUMI00032243); Auburn, April 1975, D
Jones (AUMI00033249); Auburn, 13.vii.1963, E.U. Balsbaugh, Jr. (AUMI00032035); Auburn, 3.vii.1959, M.E.
Dakin (AUMI00032034); Auburn,, F.E. Guyton, (AUMI00032033); Auburn, , 23.iv.1958, H.G. Good
(AUMI00032032); Auburn, April 1919, L.W. Shook (AUMI00032031); Macon County,, Fraxinus, un-
known collector (AUMI00032447); EV Smith Res. Farm, 32.4393°N, 085.8918°W,, yellow pan trap,
C.S. Clem (AUMI00116276); Tusk Nat For., 32.4788° N, 085.5639° W, 28.v.2016, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127381);
Tuskegee,, John Ball (AUMI00032036); Tuskegee NF, 32.4788° N, 085.5639° W, 30.iv.2017, Ex:
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 177
yellow aster, Ray and Chowdhury (AUMI00197069); Mobile County: WBB 490601-05,, Richard
Wingard (2 ex, MSEM); Pickens County: Cochrane Rec. Area, T24N, R3W, Sec 11 NE,, D.M. Pol-
lock (MEMU_ENT 00117848); Pike County: Pocosin Natr Pres, none, 16.v.2016, pitfall: xeric area, C. Smith
(AUMI00142555); Sumpter County, 32.6417°N, 088.3039°W, 14.v.2016, sweeping, Ray, Clem, Chowdhury
(AUMI00127690); Tallapoosa County, 25.iv.1986, N.K. Walters (AUMI00032585); 32.6239°N, 085.8003°W,
4.v.2014, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033429); 32.8020°N, 085.7712°W,, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127688); same but
32.7694°N, 085.7862°W (AUMI00127689); Horseshoe Bend Ntl pk, 29.vii.1964, R.L. Watson (AUMI00033287);
Washington County, 11.iv.2006, W.H. Harrison (AUMI00032445); 18.vii.2006, W.H. Harrison (AUMI00032043); 3
mi S Chatom, 31.4233°N, 088.2600°W, 3-24.v.2005, Lindgren funnel trp, W.H. Harrison (MEMU_ENT 00117226);
Chatom, Hwy 56 Swamp Loggers LCC,, W.H. Harrison, (7 ex, MSEM); WBB 670604,,
Richard Wingard (5 ex, MSEM); Wilcox County: Canton Bend,, K.L. Hays (10 ex, AUMI00032038-
40, 32892, 33248, 33279, 33317-19); same but 23.vii.1973 (AUMI00032894); Wilcox County: Lower Coastal
Plain, 3.vii.1973, KL Hays (5 ex, AUMI00032893, 33283, 33275, 33294-95); Winston County: Bankhead Nat.
For., 34.2860° N, 087.4696° W,, C.S. Clem (AUMI00127382); Natural Bridge Rec Area,,
E.U. Balsbaugh, Jr. (AUMI00032037); FLORIDA: Bay County: Panama City Beach, 28.viii.2008, J.L. Schnur-
renberger & C.H. Ray (AUMI00032448); MISSISSIPPI: Greene County: Leakesville, 11.iv.2011, B. Brunson
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Arilus cristatus (Linnaeus, 1763)
ALABAMA: Autauga County, 24.x.2015, T. McKibber (AUMI00097087); Baldwin County: Bay Minet, 2.viii.1952,
G.W. Folkerts (AUMI00033285); Barbour County: Eufala, 14.ix.1985, C. Bufford (AUMI00032695); Bibb Coun-
ty: Brent, 8.x.2008, Jacob Thompson (AUMI00033258); Bullock County, 32.11663° N, 85.72605° W,,
C.H. Ray (AUMI00032058); Chilton County, 8.vii.1957, M.E. Dakin (AUMI00032048); 14.ix.2017, R. Balusu
(AUMI00197055); Crenshaw County, 31.7125°N, 086.2639°W, 3.xi.2016, ex: Solidago flowers, Ray and Harry
(AUMI00146353); Dallas County: Selma, 2.vii.2012, F.W. Eiland, III (AUMI00032494); DeKalb County: DeSoto
St. Pk., 34.3958°N, 085.6306°W, 25.ix.1992, D.M. Pollock, T.L. Schiefer & J.A. MacGown (2 ex, MEMU_ENT
00117670-71); Elmore County: Tallassee, 9.xii.2015, ACES Client (AUMI00116285); Geneva County: Hart-
ford, 15.ix.2011, B. Brunson (AUMI00032059); Enterprise, 13.vii.1987, D. Fain (AUMI00032492); Jackson
County, 20.vii.1982, R.J. Ledbetter (AUMI00033333); Jefferson County, 1979, Brian Davies (AUMI00032488);
Lawrence County: Moulton, 20.viii.1980, Ben Beard (AUMI00033014); Lee County: Auburn, 18.vii.1926, un-
known collector (AUMI00033282); Auburn, 13.vii.1959, F.E. Guyton (AUMI00032046); Auburn, , 16.x.1959,
J.C. Smith (AUMI00032052); Auburn, 30.vii.1962, F.E. Guyton (AUMI00032053); Auburn, 3.v.1963, L.G. San-
ford (AUMI00032045); Auburn, May 1968, M.J. Gaylor (AUMI00032946); Auburn,, A.R. Thornhill
(AUMI00032044); Auburn, 13.v.1969, Georgette Davis (AUMI00032945); Auburn, 22.viii.1971, J.D. Harper
(2 ex, AUMI00032047, 33292); Auburn, 26.x.1971, H.B. Cunningham (AUMI00032051); Auburn, 4.xii.1980,
C.H. Ray, Jr. (AUMI00032055); Auburn, 2.iv.1981, D. Lockhart (AUMI00032489); Auburn, March 1987,
N. Walters (AUMI00032054); Auburn, 10.vii.1994, Paige Carithers (AUMI00068569); Auburn, Nov 2007,
C.H. Ray (AUMI00032056); Auburn,, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032057); Auburn, 29.xi.2015, S. Brock
(AUMI00116286); Auburn, Summer 1981, L.J. Mason (AUMI00032490); Limestone County: Athens, 34.7519°N,
086.9479°W, 13.ii.2016, on window sill, C.S. Clem (AUMI00116288); Limestone: Belle Mina, 2.ix.1959, W.G.
Eden (AUMI00032996); Marion County, Dec 2015, ACES Client (AUMI00116287); Montgomery County: Mont-
gomery, 32.3333°N, 086.1428°W, 10.ix.2016, A. Jeon (AUMI00146354); Perry County, 32.8138° N, 87.2618° W,
3.vii.2015, C.H Ray (AUMI00091428); Russell County, 16.xi.1974, P. Jordan (AUMI00032989); Winston County:
Bankhead NF, Sept 1963, E.U. Balsbaugh (2 ex, AUMI00032049-50); FLORIDA: Alachua County:, G.R.
Mullen (AUMI00033334); LOUISANA: Orleans Parish: New Orleans, 7.ix.2012, Yuan Zeng (AUMI00032234);
MISSISSIPPI: Greene County: 25.iv.2011, B. Brunson (AUMI00032491); TEXAS: Terrell County:,,
L.H. Moore (AUMI00032493).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Atrachelus cinereus cinereus (Fabricius, 1798)
ALABAMA: Autauga County: 32.43562° N, 086.58531° W, 29.vii.2012, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032264);
Prattville Exp Farm, 32.4261° N, 086.4472° W, 21.ix.2016, sweeping, A. Jeon (2 ex, AUMI00142674, 142676);
Baldwin County: Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 13-15.v.1994, in foredunes, J.A. MacGown
178 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
(MEMU_ENT 00117631); Fairhope,, K.L. Hays (AUMI00034098); Blount County: Highland Lake,
33.8823° N, 086.4217° W,, window trap, T.N. King (AUMI00197136); Butler County: 31.8917° N,
086.67132° W, 9.ix.2012, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032257); Greenville, 31.8546° N, 086.6432° W, 3.xi.2017, aerial net,
Ray and Jeon (AUMI00197127); Dallas County: Marion Junction,, unknown collector (AUMI00033242);
Elmore County: Plant Breeding Unit, 7.x.1980, A. Herbert (AUMI00032060); Plant Breeding Unit,,
M. Delaney et al. (AUMI00032276); Lee County, 23.ix.2012, sweeping, Ray, Stober, Watson (AUMI00032298);
Auburn, 17.x.1952, J.L. Smith (AUMI00033012); Auburn, 26.v.1977, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127321); Auburn,
22.ix.2010, M. Delaney & K. Burch (AUMI00032356); 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, 16.v.2015, sweeping, C.H.
Ray, (AUMI00068551); Auburn University, 32.5901° N, 085.49342° W,, Bond Lab, Ray, & Summer
Sci. Inst. (AUMI00033363); Lee: Auburn University, 32.5943° N, 085.4841° W,, blue pan trap, Ray
and Chowdhury (AUMI00197128); Macon County: Tuskegee, 23.xi.2012, Ray, Stober, Watson (AUMI00032262);
Marion County: 11 mi N Detroit, 15.vii.1982, sweeping, R.L. Brown (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00116998-99); Mont-
gomery County: Mitylene US 80, 17.vii.1965, E.E. Simons (AUMI00033051); Wilcox County: Camden, 31.v.1957,
K.L. Hays (AUMI00033043).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Fitchia aptera Stål, 1859
ALABAMA: Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823°N, 086.4217°W,, Light Trap, T.N.
King (AUMI00116516); Covington County: Solon Dixon Center,, Pitfall Trap, Colt Sanspree
(AUMI00127454); Lee County: Auburn, 16.ii.1967, T.D. Eichlin (AUMI00116514); Auburn, 2.v.1979, Dean
Casper (AUMI00033256).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Pselliopus barberi (Davis, 1912)
ALABAMA: Lee County: Auburn, 24.x.2012, J. Piorkowski (AUMI00032288); TENNESSEE: Knox County:
Knoxville Univ TN Ag Campus, 7.iii.2000, trunks of Pinus, Adriean J. Mayor (4 ex, UTIC).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Pselliopus cinctus (Fabricius, 1776)
ALABAMA: Autauga County: Prattville Exp Frm, 32.4261° N, 086.4472° W, 21.ix.2016, sweeping, A. Jeon
(AUMI00142675); Baldwin County: 30.2731°N, 087.5852°W, 13.x.2017, on Heterotheca subaxillaris flow-
er, Ray and Chowdhury (2 ex, AUMI00197117-18); Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2361°N, 087.8303°W,
12-14.v.1994, in hind dunes, T.L. Schiefer (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117778-79); Bon Secour N.W. Refuge,
T9S,R2E, Sec. 25, 14.x.1990, sweeping, R.L. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00116829); Orange Beach, Cotton Bayou,
30.2731°N, 087.5852°W, 3.xi.2017, aerial net, Ray, Jeon, Shotts (AUMI00197116); Bibb County: Talladega
Nat. For., 16.x.2015, A.B. Cole (AUMI00116268); Talladega Nat. For., 30.x.2015, A.B. Cole (AUMI00116267);
Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823° N, 086.4217° W, 20.v.2016, window trp, T.N. King (AUMI00142535);
same but 4.v.2016 (AUMI00142536); Bullock County, 32.2158° N, 085.4803° W, 20.iv.2014, , C.H. Ray
(AUMI00033412); Chambers County, Sept 1977, W. Hudson (AUMI00032232); 32.7766° N, 085.4732° W,
1.ix.2014, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032570); Chilton County, 8.viii.2015, C.H Ray (2 ex, AUMI00091369-70); Cle-
burne County, 6.ix.1959, M.E. Dakin (AUMI00032160); Cheaha, 22.v.2011, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032303); Tallade-
ga NF, 33.5537°N, 085.7163°W,, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127699); Coffee County: 31.4883° N, 086.0533°
W, 15.xi.2015, , CH Ray (AUMI00097096); Dekalb County: DeSoto, 19.v.1979, Entom. Club (AUMI00033042);
Elmore County: 32.50185° N, 086.13955° W, 17.viii.2011, K. Jernigan (AUMI00032374); Escambia County:
2 mi NW Flomaton, 31.0169°N, 087.2931°W, 22.ii-17.iii.2005, Lidgren funnel, R.A. Wingard (MEMU_ENT
00117016); Lawrence County: Bankhead, 17.ix.1963, E.U. Balsbaugh, Jr. (AUMI00032161); Prairie Grove Glade,
34.5178°N, 087.5039°W, 26.v.2004, ex: Cornus drummondii flowers, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117019); Lee
County: Auburn, 1919, Unknown collector (AUMI00032159); Auburn, 3.iv.1977, D. Rogers (AUMI00032231);
Auburn, 29.iv.1981, Drew Lockhart (AUMI00032240); Auburn, 2.xi.1986, N.K. Walters (AUMI00032593); Au-
burn, Sept 1987, N. Walters (2 ex, AUMI00032167-68); Auburn, 29.viii.2007, Rao Balusu (AUMI00032534); Au-
burn, 28.viii.2009, Addison Barden (AUMI00032164); Auburn, 24.ix.2010, Charles Stephen (AUMI00032287);
Auburn, 9.x.2011, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032295); Auburn, 23.ix.2012, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032296); Auburn,
32.6327° N, 085.14° W, 17.viii.2014, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033376); Auburn, 32.5893° N, 085.4868° W, Sept
2014, M. Delaney (AUMI00032591); Auburn, 32.66° N, 085.485° W, 1.x.2014, AJP (AUMI00032595); Auburn,
32.66° N, 085.485° W, 1.x.2014, M. Garcia (AUMI00032596); Auburn, 32.66° N, 085.485° W, 7.x.2014, AJP
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 179
(AUMI00032597); Auburn, 32.5885° N, 085.496° W, 9.viii.2015, C.H Ray (AUMI00091393); Auburn, 32.5701°
N, 085.4603° W, 26.ix.2015, C.H Ray (AUMI00091394); Auburn, 32.6005°N, 085.5102°W, 15.x.2016, C.H. Ray
(AUMI00142681); Loachapoka, 31.viii.1972, C. Ward (AUMI00032176); same but 17.vii.1973 (AUMI00032169);
same but 9.viii.1973 (AUMI00032170); same but 13-14.viii.1973, C. Ward (2 ex, AUMI00032166, 32175); same
but 26.viii.1973 (AUMI00032174); same but 14.ix.1973, C. Ward (AUMI00032165); Opelika, 18.viii.1974, Assoc
w/ aphids on rose, S.M. Barber (AUMI00116272); Macon County: 32.4464° N, 085.7948° W, 17.vii.2016, sweep-
ing, C.H. Ray (AUMI00142670); Tuskegee, 32.4418° N, 085.6329° W, 18.x.2013, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032415);
Tuskegee, 32.4724° N, 085.6228° W, 27.ix.2015, C.H Ray (2 ex, AUMI00091362-63); Tuskegee, 14.x.2007, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00032171); Tuskegee, 32.440° N, 085.635° W, 11.v.2015, , R. West (2 ex, AUMI00116270-71); Mar-
shall County, 14.v.2009, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032172); same but 19.viii.2009 (AUMI00032173); Pike County:
Pocosin Nat. Pres., 16.x.2015, sweeping xeric pine, C. Smith (AUMI00116273); Talladega County, 24.viii.2015,
S. Duke (AUMI00116269); Tallapoosa County, 11.ix.2011, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032307); FLORIDA: Highlands
County, Archibald, 14.xi.2003, X.Y. Hu (AUMI00032535); Levi County, 13.ix.1969, Folkerts & Jordan (2 ex,
AUMI00032162-63); MISSOURI: Franklin County: 30.vii.1977, Folkerts & field class (AUMI00033678); MIS-
SISSIPPI: Greene County: Leaksville, 5.xi.2011, B. Brunson (AUMI00032311).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Pselliopus latifasciatus Barber, 1924
ALABAMA: Lee County: Auburn, 18.viii.2007, C. Akosten-Mensah (AUMI00032533); Auburn, 25.iv.2012, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00032364); Pike County: Pocosin Nat. Pres., 16.x.2015, sweeping xeric pine, C. Smith (AUMI00116274);
Pocosin Nat. Pres., 30.i.2016, sweep net, C. Smith (AUMI00127285).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Repipta taurus (Fabricius, 1803)
ALABAMA: Autauga County: Prattville, 12.v.1987, J. Conley (AUMI00033943); Baldwin County: Bon Secour
N.W. Refuge, 30.2525°N, 087.8139°W, 11-15.v.1994, Ron Hodges (MEMU_ENT 00117758); same but MV and
blacklight, T.L. Schiefer & R.L. Brown (2ex, MEMU_ENT 00117759-60); same but 8.viii.1994, blacklight, D.M.
Pollpck (MEMU_ENT 00117761); same but 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 8-9.viii.1994, blacklight in foredunes, R.L.
Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117762); same but 30.2628°N, 087.7575°W, 12.v.1994, MV and blacklight, Sunlmp in
pine-oak for., D.M. Pollpck (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117763-64); same but 30.2361°N, 087.8303°W, 14.v.1994, MV
and blacklight, C. Collison (MEMU_ENT 00117765); Fairhope, 10.v.1957, K.L. Hays (AUMI00033945); Fairhope,
14.v.1959, light trap, GCS (AUMI00032998); Butler County: 31.7916° N, 086.4968° W, 3.viii.2014, sweeping, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00033405); same but 31.8236° N, 086.6592° W (3 ex, AUMI00033406, 33410-11); Crenshaw County:
31.7285° N, 086.2813° W, 3.viii.2014, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033416); Dallas County: Sardis, 6.v.1978,
J. Conley (AUMI00033944); Houston County: 2 mi S of Columbia, 26.iv.1975, K.L. Hays (AUMI00033035);
same but 10.v.1975, K.L. Hays (AUMI00033036); Lee County,, ex: Sambuccus, Forest Entomology
Staff (AUMI00045621); Auburn,, F.E. Guyton (AUMI00033946); Auburn, 8.viii.1962, G.D. McCrary
(AUMI00033031); Auburn, 17.viii.1966, T.J. Eichlin (AUMI00032895); Auburn, 19.viii.1975, light trap, HB Cun-
ningham (AUMI00033252); same but August 1976 (3 ex, AUMI00033298, AUMI00033253, AUMI00033247);
Wilcox County: 31.9535° N, 086.9876° W, 10.viii.2014, sweeping, C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00033431-32); FLORI-
DA: Alachua County: Gainesville, 15.v.1996, C. Bufford (AUMI00032862); Walton County: Topsail Hill Preserve
St. Pk., 13.viii.2015, FW Eiland II (AUMI00097090); GEORGIA: Cook County: I-75 Interchange, 15.v.1986, C.
Bufford (AUMI00032860).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Rhynocoris ventralis annulipes Van Duzee, 1914
MONTANA: Broadwater County: Helena National Forest Road 587, 4 mi E Hwy 284, 40 mi E Helena, elev. 4500
ft.,, female, V. R. Block (INHS Insect Collection 780,121).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Rhynocoris ventralis ventralis (Say, 1831)
SOUTH DAKOTA: Custer County: Custer St Pk, 43.643857° N, 0103.457679° W,, Pitfall Trap,
L. Dombro (2 ex, AUMI00032581, 45619); Custer St Pk, 43.640946° N, 0103.45138° W, 5.vii.2014, Pitfall Trap,
L. Dombro (AUMI00142685); Wind Cave Nat Pk, 43.604058° N, 0103.414615° W, 28.vii-5.viii.2013, Pitfall Trap,
L. Dombro (AUMI00127791); same but, Pitfall Trap, L. Dombro (AUMI00127692).
180 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Rocconota annulicornis (Stål, 1872)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2361°N, 087.8303°W, 14-15.v.1994, MV and black-
light, J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117623); Barbour County, 31.9763° N, 085.1157° W, 30.v.2015, sweeping,
C.H Ray (AUMI00068541); Bibb County: Talladega Nat. For., 16.x.2015, A.B. Cole (AUMI00127336); Blount
County: Highland Lake, 33.8823° N, 086.4217° W,, window trap, T.N King (AUMI00068565); same but (AUMI00033464); same but 20.vii.2014 (AUMI00033468); same but 12.vii.2015 (5 ex, AUMI00127289-
93); Dallas County: 12-13.v.1979, K Collins (2 ex, AUMI00033245, 33257); Jefferson County: Hoover, 33.4249
98°N, 086.829085°W, 28.vii.2014, K.A. Bakkegard (AUMI00197138); Lawrence County: Joe Wheeler St. Pk.,
34.7858°N, 087.3878°W, 27.v.2004, on trail in mixed for, R.L. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117662); Lee County:, light trap, P.M. Estes (AUMI00032514); Auburn, Mar-Sep 1987, N. Walters (AUMI00032337); Auburn,
14.ix.1987, unknown collector (AUMI00197135); Auburn, 21.vii.2010, light trap, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032348); Au-
burn, 32.5825°N, 085.457°W, Aug 2017, light trap, C.H. Ray (AUMI00197137); Macon County: US 81 @ Uphap-
ee Crk., 20.vii.1965, EU Balsbaugh (AUMI00033246); Shelby County: Aug 1975, Davy Jones (AUMI00032991);
FLORIDA: Liberty County: Torreya St. Pk., 17.xii.2015, A. Jeon (AUMI00127335).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Sinea diadema (Fabricius, 1776)
ALABAMA: Autauga County: 32.4547° N, 086.7638° W, 7.v.2016, Sweeping, Clem, Ray, Carroll, Chowdhury
(AUMI00128287); McQueen, 17.vii.1965, E.E. Simons (AUMI00033002); Prattville, 6.xi.2015, Meng Chin
(AUMI00128329); Prattville, 32.4261° N, 086.4472° W, 21.ix.2016, A. Jeon (7 ex, AUMI00142666, 142669,
142671-73, 142677-78); Baldwin County: 2 mi S Foley, 30.3261°N, 087.6525°W,, disturbed sandy area,
T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117666); Bon Secour N.W. Refuge, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 4.viii.2000, sweeping
foredunes, B.A. Smith (MEMU_ENT 00117665); Barbour County: 31.9881° N, 085.4494° W,, sweep-
ing, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033408); Bibb County: Ala 5, 9 mi S. Brent, 25.ix.1965, E.E. Simons (AUMI00034101);
Bullock County: 31.9888° N, 085.7895° W, 15.xi.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00097094); Butler Coun-
ty: 31.8256° N, 086.7363° W, 10.viii.2014, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033407); 31.7916° N, 086.4968° W,
3.viii.2014, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033404); 31.6521° N, 086.7782° W, 16.v.2016, sweeping, Clem, Ray,
Chowdhury (AUMI00128326); Greenville, 31.8546° N, 086.6432° W, 3.xi.2017, aerial net, Ray and Jeon (4 ex,
AUMI00197142-45); Conecuh County: 31.3285° N, 087.1252° W, 16.v.2016, sweeping, Clem, Ray, Chowd-
hury (AUMI00128328); Covington County: 31.3077° N, 086.6090° W, 29.v.2016, sweeping, C.S. Clem (2 ex,
AUMI00127304-05); 31.2550° N, 086.2887° W, 5.xi.2016, ex: Erigeron, C.H. Ray (4 ex, AUMI00146364, 146369,
146373-74); Crenshaw County: 31.7286° N, 086.3303° W, 13.xi.2016, Ray & Harry (AUMI00146371); 31.9313°
N, 086.2861° W, 3.viii.2014, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033417); CR57 x US331, 31.7431° N, 086.2877° W,
9.ix.2017, on Nepeta flower, C.H. Ray (AUMI00197146); Dallas County: 32.4096° N, 086.8842° W, 24.ix.2015,
sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00097085); Elmore County: 32.6843° N, 085.9426° W, 5.ix.2016, on Heliconium amarum
flowers, C.H. Ray (AUMI00142576); Lightwood Comm, Utility Rt o wy, 21.ix.1973, K.L. Hays & F. Scott (2 ex,
AUMI00032907-08); same but 10-17.v.1974 (3 ex, AUMI00032910-12); Escambia County: 31.2013° N, 087.3094°
W, 10.viii.2014, sweeping, C.S. Clem (AUMI00033423); 31.0865° N, 087.5378° W, 27.ix.2016, C.H. Ray (2 ex,
AUMI00197140-41); Geneva County, 13.ix.2015, sweeping Glycine max, S. Duke (AUMI00128330); Henry Coun-
ty: 31.7718° N, 085.1529° W, 31.v.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (3 ex, AUMI00068559-61); 31.7606°N, 085.1551°W,, ex: Erigeron, Ray & Chowdhury (8 ex, AUMI_unknown); Houston County: 31.2916° N, 085.1286°
W, 31.v.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00068549); 2 mi S Columbia, 3.v.1975, hardwood forest, K.L. Hays
(2 ex, AUMI00032933-34); Dothan Bot. Grdn., 31.2961° N, 085.371° W, 11.x.2016, J. Egolf (AUMI00197139);
Jackson County: AL rt. 71 2 mi NE of Section, 18.ix.1965, E.E. Simons (2 ex, AUMI00033048-49); Lee County:
28.v.1982, L.J. Mason (AUMI00033992-93); Auburn, 2.x.1909, J.H. Phillips (AUMI00033983); Auburn, 3.x.1928,
H.C. Sexton (AUMI00033982); Auburn, 18.x.1952, C.C. Johnston (AUMI00033988); Auburn, 30.ix.1957, J.
French (AUMI00032357); Auburn,, F.E. Guyton (AUMI00033984); Auburn, 12.x.1959, J.C. Smith
(AUMI00033986); Auburn, 6.x.1960, J. Haldaway (3 ex, AUMI00033274, 33278, 33990); Lee: Auburn, 26.iv.1974,
M.L. Williams (AUMI00032241); Auburn, 6.v.1985, G. Snyder (AUMI00032684); Auburn, 20.v.2012, sweeping,
C.H. Ray (AUMI00032299); Auburn, 23.vii.2012, ex: Megacopta, C.H. Ray & K.D. Stober (AUMI00032258); Au-
burn, 23.ix.2012, sweeping, Ray, Stober, Watson (AUMI00032297); Auburn, 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, 8.ix.2013,
L. Dombro (5 ex, AUMI00032516-19, 32521); Auburn, 32.5179° N, 086.5312° W, 27.x.2013, sweeping, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00032420); Auburn, 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, 16.v.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00068552); Au-
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 181
burn, 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, 12.xii.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127327); Auburn University, 32.58864°
N, 085.495671° W, 28.viii.2013, L. Dombro, (AUMI00032515); Auburn University, 32.5893° N, 085.4868° W,
30.viii.2013, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032424); Auburn University, 32.5893° N, 085.4868° W, 13.viii.2014,
M. Delaney (2 ex, AUMI00000791, 27097); Auburn University, 32.5885° N, 085.4959° W, 3.iv.2016, sweeping,
C.H. Ray (AUMI00128331); Auburn University, 32.5889°N, 085.4942°W, 2.vii.2016, C.H. Ray (AUMI_un-
known); Loachapoka, 32.6006° N, 085.6097° W, 5.ix.2016, on Heliconium amarum flowers, C.H. Ray (2 ex,
AUMI00142574-75); same but 3.ix.2017 (AUMI00197147); Meadows Mill,, E.U. Balsbaugh, Jr.
(AUMI00033009); Macon County: 32.4462° N, 085.7940° W, 31.viii.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00097063);
32.4722° N, 085.5884° W, 27.ix.2015, C.H. Ray (AUMI00091360); Macon, 32.4462° N, 085.7941° W, 7.v.2016,
sweeping, Clem, Ray, Carroll, Chowdhury (AUMI00128288); Macon: 2 mi E of US80,, E.U. Balsbaugh,
Jr. (2 ex, AUMI00034005, 34102); EV Smith Res. Frm., 14.viii.2013, sweeping Glycine max, R. Burch (2 ex,
AUMI00032507-08); EV Smith Res. Frm., 12.ix.2013, R. Burch (AUMI00032503); Little Texas, 22.v.1986, C. Buf-
ford (AUMI00032693); Tusk Nat For, 20.vii.1965, E.U. Balsbaugh, Jr. (AUMI00033044); Tusk Nat For, 32.4724°
N, 085.6228° W, 27.ix.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00091361); Tusk Nat For., 32.4788° N, 085.5639° W,
28.v.2016, C.H. Ray (AUMI00128280); same but 10.vii.2016, ex: Polyprentum (AUMI00142570); Marengo Coun-
ty 32.46012° N, 087.57323° W, 29.vii.2012, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032259); Marion County: 11 mi N
Detroit, 15.vii.1982, sweeping, R.L. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117490); Monroe County: Clairborne, 5.viii.1964,
unknown collector (AUMI00033985); Montgomery County: 32.3071° N, 086.3966° W, 11.ix.2016, on Helico-
nium amarum flowers, Ray & Chowdhury (AUMI00142684); Montgomery, US331 2mi N Legrand, 24.vii.1965,
E.E. Simons (AUMI00034006); Montgomery, 32.3135° N, 086.1714° W, 25.ix.2016, ex: Ambrosia, A. Jeon (2 ex,
AUMI00146370, 146372); Morgan County: KOA Camp I85 S of Austin,, J.L. Dobie (AUMI00034008);
Somerville, 34.3712° N, 086.638° W, Summer 2015, sweeping, C.S. Clem (AUMI00091415); Pike County,, sweeping kudzu, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032275); 31.8446° N, 085.9945° W, 13.vii.2014, sweeping,
C.H. Ray (AUMI00033427); 31.7035° N, 085.9590° W, 15.xi.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00097062); Ran-
dolph County: US431, 5mi N Roanoke, 13.vii.1965, E.E. Simons (AUMI00033033); Russell County: 32.1479°
N, 085.0638° W, 30.x.2016, ex: Erigeron, C.H. Ray (3 ex, AUMI00146365-67); Shelby County: Co rt 47 5 mi S
Columbiana, 3.viii.1965, E.E. Simons (AUMI00033989); Tallapoosa County: E. Tallassee, 32.5436° N, 085.8736°
W, 5.ix.2016, C.H. Ray (AUMI00146368); Wilcox County: 31.99577° N, 087.06870° W, 2.ix.2012, sweeping, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00032270); Camden, 2.viii.1960, F.H. Crane (AUMI00033987); FLORIDA: Bay County: Panama
City Beach, 28.viii.2008, Ray & Schnurrenberger (AUMI00032378); Brevard County: Meritt Island, 26.iii.1976, on
Aster, D. Jones (AUMI00032986); Glades County: Palmdale, 23.v.1987, J. Porch (AUMI00032861); GEORGIA:
Harris County: Calloway Grdns, 13.v.1982, L.J. Mason (AUMI00033994); Tift County: Tyty, 6.x.2011, M. Williams
(AUMI00032254); ILLINOIS: Champaign County: Urbana, 5.vii.1925, unknown collector (AUMI00033310);
KANSAS: Kiowa County,, Keeler (AUMI00033053); TENNESSEE: Coffee County: AEDC, 32.5825°
N, 085.4570° W, 23.ix.1998, unknown collector (UTIC); same but 1.x.1997; TEXAS: Taylor County: Abalene,
32.4778° N, 099.7851° W,, sweeping, C.S. Clem (Scott Clem Personal Collection).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Sinea spinipes (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: weeks Bay NER Reserve, 30.4161°N, 087.8194°W,, ex: Cyrilla ra-
cemiflora flowers nr pitcher plant bog, J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117773); weeks Bay NER Reserve,
30.4147°N, 087.8181°W, 5.viii.2000, beating trees and shrubs, J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117774); Blount
County: Highland Lake, 33.8823° N, 086.4217° W, Jun-Aug 2013, light trap, T.N. King (2 ex, AUMI00032404-05);
same but 27.iii.2014, window trap (AUMI_unknown); same but 5.iv.2015 (AUMI00097076); same but July 2015
(2 ex, AUMI00097066, 127298); same but 13.x.2017, window trap (AUMI00197132); Butler County: 31.7916°
N, 086.4968° W, 3.viii.2014, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033403); Calhoun County: 24.viii.2015, S. Duke
(AUMI00127324); Chambers County: 33.1667°N, 085.4342°W, 9.ix.2012, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032255); Chilton
County: 32.7558° N, 086.5132° W,, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00091403); Clay County: Talladega
Nat. For., 33.4542°N, 085.8417°W, 17.v.1998, sweeping in mixed for, J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117427);
Coffee County: 31.4883° N, 086.0533° W, 15.xi.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00097093); Crenshaw County:
31.7513° N, 086.2326° W, 3.viii.2014, sweeping kudzu, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033415); DeKalb County: DeSoto St.
Pk., 34.4919°N, 085.6106°W, 24-28.ix.1992, beating trees and shrubs, T.L. Schiefer, J.A. MacGown (2 ex, MEMU_
ENT 00117770-71); Elmore County: Plant Bred. Uni., 4.viii.1980, A. Herbert (AUMI00034007); Houston County:
182 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
29.x.2011, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032305); Gordon, 10.viii.1963, L.G. Sanford (AUMI00032995); Jackson
County: Ala rt. 71 2 mi NE Section, 18.ix.1965, E.E. Simons (AUMI00033047); Lawrence County: Joe Wheeler St. Pk.,
34.7858°N, 087.3878°W, 27.v.2004, beating trees and shrubs, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117433); Prairie Grove
Glade, 34.5178°N, 087.5039°W, 25.v.2004, beating trees and shrubs, T.L. Schiefer, (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117434-
35); Lee County: Auburn, 10.iv.1909, W.C. Abbott (AUMI00034003); Auburn, 1920s?, unknown collector (3 ex,
AUMI00033991, 33996, 34002); Auburn, 30.iv.1958 (AUMI00033999); Auburn, 29.vii.1958 (AUMI00034000);
Auburn, 3.vii.1959, F.E. Guyton (AUMI00033234); Auburn,, J.C. Ball (AUMI00034001);,
E.U. Balsbaugh, Jr. (AUMI00033997); Auburn, 8.ix.1973, L. Wood (AUMI00034004); Auburn, 7.viii.1978, E.J.
Stark (AUMI00033235); Auburn, 9.x.1984, M.K. Green (AUMI00045622); Auburn, 5.x.1986, N.K. Walters
(AUMI00032587); Auburn, Mar-Sept 1987, N. Walters (2 ex, AUMI00032334-35); Auburn, 6.viii.2008, ex: Nelum-
bo, D. Tian (AUMI00032286); Auburn, 25.ix.2010, ex: flowers, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032360); Auburn, 30.ix.2010,
Ex: Solidago, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032359); Auburn, 16.x.2011, A. Owens (AUMI00127325); Auburn, 6.x.2012,
sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032263); Auburn, 32.5825° N, 085.4570° W, 23.iv.2013, light trap, C.H. Ray
(AUMI00032301); Auburn, 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, 8.ix.2013, L. Dombro (AUMI00032522); Auburn, 15.x.2013,
J. Golec (AUMI00032416); Auburn, 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, 4.iv.2014, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00045631);
Auburn, 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, 2.v.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00068556); Auburn, 32.5701° N,
085.4603° W, 23.v.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00068557); Auburn, 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, 20.ix.2015,
sweeping kudzu, C.H. Ray (AUMI00097095); Auburn, 32.5731° N, 085.4666° W, 3.x.2015, sweeping kudzu, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00091395); Auburn University, 32.5893° N, 085.4868° W, 13.viii.2014, M. Delaney (AUMI00032579);
Auburn University, 32.5893° N, 085.4868° W, 12.vii.2016, stinkbug trap, R. Balusu (AUMI00142559); Auburn
University, 32.5893° N, 085.4868° W, 24.viii.2016, stinkbug trap, R. Balusu (AUMI00142680); Limestone County:
34.6788° N, 086.9902° W, 26.vii.2015, sweeping, C.S. Clem (AUMI00091420); Macon County: Tuskegee Nat.
For., 18.iii.2012, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032373); Madison County: Mt. Sano Pk., 27.vii.1963, E.U. Balsbaugh, Jr.
(AUMI00033995); Marshall County: 14.x.2011, sweeping kudzu, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032283); 14.x.2011, sweeping
kudzu, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032282); Monroe County: Haines Island Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 24-25.vii.1995,
beating trees and shrubs, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117432); Montgomery County: 32.3726° N, 086.0048° W,
6.vii.2014, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033425); Perry County: 32.7556° N, 087.2844° W,, sweep-
ing, C.H. Ray (AUMI00091405); Tallapoosa County: Alex City, July 1962, Neal August (AUMI00033250); Wil-
cox County: Camden, May 1963, Leon Dykes (AUMI00033998); FLORIDA: Columbis County: White Rapids,
17.x.2013, Zi Ye (AUMI00032412); TENNESSEE: Anderson County: 21.v.2001, C. Werle (UTIC); Coffee County:
AEDC, 32.5825° N, 085.4570° W, 2.x.1997 (UTIC); Franklin County: AEDC, 32.5825° N, 085.4570° W, 16.x.1997
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Zelus cervicalis Stål, 1872
ALABAMA: Autauga County: 32.43562° N, 086.5853° W, 29.vii.2012, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032260);, sweeping kudzu, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032274); Prattville, 32.4261° N, 086.4472° W, 21.ix.2016, A. Jeon
(6 ex, AUMI00142663-68); rt 41, 1 mi E Prattville, 17.vii.1965, E.E. Simons (2 ex, AUMI00033003-04); Baldwin
County: 14 mi E Foley,, R.L. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117105); 2 mi S of Foley, 0.3261°N, 087.6525°W,, disturbed sandy area, T.L. Schiefer (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117657-58); 6 mi NW Gulf Shores, 26.vii.198?
, R.L. and B.B. Brown (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00116907-08); AL Co. rt. 85 1 mi N US 90, 20.iii.1964, E.U. Bals-
baugh, Jr. (AUMI00032994); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 13-15.v.1994, ex: Ilex cassine flowers
on foredunes, J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117647); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 4.viii.2000,
on foredunes, J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117648); Bon Secour NWR, T95,R2E, sec 24, 5-6.ix.1988, black-
light, USGS quadrangular syst, L. Corpous, T. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00116903); Fairhope, 4.vii.1960, light trap,
(AUMI00034067); Gulf St. Pk., 5.ix.1988, Sand Dunes, L. Corpous, T. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00116904); US
90 @ Styx River, 11.iv.1987, J. Porch (AUMI00032696); Barbour County: 32.0026° N, 085.1069° W, 26.iv.2015,
sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00091418); Blount County: 32.9116° N, 086.8644° W, 31.viii.2014, sweeping, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00032584); Oneonta, 33.9385°N, 086.4588°W, 13.v.2016, Clem, Ray, Chowdhury (AUMI00127675);
Bullock County: N of Union Springs, 13.vii.2014, sweeping kudzu, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033413); Butler Coun-
ty:, J.T. Davis (AUMI00034062); 31.8917° N, 086.67132° W, 9.ix.2012, sweeping, C.H. Ray
(AUMI00032256); Butler/Conecuh County: Mckinzie, 11.x.1927 (AUMI00034070); Butler: Greenville, 31.8546°
N, 086.6432° W, 3.xi.2017, aerial net, Ray and Jeon (AUMI00197072); Chambers County: 32.8038° N, 085.3127°
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 183
W, 17.v.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00068546); Cherokee County: 34.4251° N, 085.5476° W, 17.iv.2017, Ray
and Chowdhury (AUMI00197071); Chilton County: 32.7628° N, 086.5202° W,, sweeping, C.H. Ray
(AUMI00091404); same but 32.7558° N, 086.5132° W (AUMI00091402); Chilton REC, 32.9195° N, 086.6715° W,
3.viii.2016, R. Balusu (AUMI00142688); Clay County, 28.v.2012, sweeping kudzu, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032304);
33.1906° N, 086.0488° W, 29.v.2016, sweep net, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127284); Coosa County: 32.8759° N, 086.0243°
W, 18.v.2014, sweeping kudzu, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033395); 33.0428°N, 086.1336°W, 29.v.2016, C.H. Ray
(AUMI00127671); 32.8512°N, 086.3136°W, 3.vii.2016, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127672); Ala US 231 5 mi S Rockford,
13.vii.1965, E.E. Simons (AUMI00033040); Dallas County: 32.26.424° N, 087.08.194° W, 16.iii.2012, sweeping,
C.H. Ray (AUMI00032375); 32.5092° N, 086.9451° W, 15.vii.2014, sweeping kudzu, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033419);
32.3301° N, 087.1312° W, 31.i.2016, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127315); DeKalb County: 17.vii.2014, M. Del-
aney (AUMI00033420); Crossville,, light trap (AUMI00034066); Elmore County: 12.viii.1981, A. Hal-
bert (AUMI00033006); Lightwood Comm Farmland, Corn and Utility Rgt-o-wy, July 1973, Hays and Scott (3 ex,
AUMI00032917, 32919-20); Lightwood Comm Pine-Hardwood Forest, Improved Pasture, and Utility Rgt-o-wy,
21-22.ix.1973, Hays and Scott (9 ex, AUMI00032909, 32913-14, 32918, 32922-25, 32929-30); Lightwood Comm
Farmland, Corn, 25.i.1974, Hays and Scott (4 ex, AUMI00032915, 32921, 32931-32); same but Pine-Hardwood
Forest, 1.ii.1974 (AUMI00032916); Plant Breeding Unit,, M. Delaney et al. (AUMI00032277); Es-
cambia County: 32.00.469° N, 087.34.299° W, 13.iii.2012, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032376); Henry County:
31.7718° N, 085.1529° W, 31.v.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00068562-63); 31.7606°N, 085.1551°W,, Ray & Chowdhury (2 ex, AUMI00127667-68); Houston County: 2 mi S Columbia, 19-26.vii.1975,
ex: old field, scrub oak, K.L. Hays (5 ex, AUMI00032935-39); 2 mi S Columbia, 2.viii.1975, K.L. Hays (3 ex,
AUMI00032940-42); 2 mi S Columbia, 11.x.1975, ex: old field, weeds, K.L. Hays (2 ex, AUMI00032943-44);
Cowart’s Creek Ala 53, 29.vii.1965, E.U. Balsbaugh, Jr. (AUMI00033001); Lee County: 19.v.1982, L.J. Mason (3
ex, AUMI00034076-78); 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, 9.viii.2013, Lenora Dombro (6 ex, AUMI00032520, 32523-
32527); Auburn, 1.viii.1927, AUMI00034068; Auburn, , 23.x.1951, G.A. Stephens (AUMI00033013); Auburn,
9.vii.1958, H.G. Good (2 ex, AUMI00034072-73); Auburn, 19.vii.1958, unknown collector (AUMI00034071);
Auburn, 1.v.1959, light trap (AUMI00034065); Auburn,, F.E. Guyton (AUMI00034064); Auburn,
10.viii.1962, J.C. Ball (AUMI00034069); Auburn, April 1975, Davy Jones (AUMI00032987); Auburn, 21.xi.2009,
C. Stephen (AUMI00032358); Auburn, 1.x.2010, ex: Solidago, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032361); Auburn, 25.ix.2011,
C.S. Clem (C.S. Clem personal collection); Auburn, 20.v.2012, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032363); Auburn, 32.5180° N,
085.5312° W, 28.ix.2014, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032578); Auburn, 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, 16.v.2015,
sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00068553); Auburn University, 32.5893° N, 085.4868° W, Sept 2014, M. Del-
aney (AUMI00032583); same but 9.viii.2016, R. Balusu (AUMI00142679); Auburn, Louise Krehor For. Pres.,
32.6456° N, 085.9485° W, 19.v.2017, ex: Vicia sp., C.H. Ray (AUMI00197070); Beauregard, 6.xi.1982, N.K.
Walters (AUMI00032592); Opelika,, J.A. Durant (AUMI00033809); S Auburn, 5.viii.1964, H.G. Bar-
wood (AUMI00033010); Lowndes County: 15.iii.2012, K. Stober (AUMI00032249); 31.9855° N, 086.5366° W,
5.x.2013, sweeping, C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00032417-18); 32.1773° N, 086.8859° W, 31.i.2016, sweeping, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00127311); 32.2033°N, 086.5574°W, 1.v.2016, blackbelt prairie, C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00127669-70);
Macon County: 32.4559° N, 085.8009° W, 24.iv.2014, Ray and Yates (AUMI00033424); E.V. Smith Res Farm,
14.viii.2013, R. Burch (AUMI00032506); Tusk NF, 32.4728°N, 085.6224°W, 1.v.2016, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127673);
Tusk NF Plesant Hill Trail, 32.4479° N, 085.6408° W, 1.ii.2016, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127312); Marion
County: 11 mi N Detroit, 15.vii.1982, sweeping, R.L. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117106); Mobile County: 31.02168°
N, 087.67688° W, 6.iv.2017, Ray and Chowdhury (AUMI00197134); Dauphin Island,, R. Brown & G.
Baker (MEMU_ENT 00116889); Montgomery County: 32.3049° N, 086.4431° W, 26.x.2014, sweeping, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00032550); Montgomery, 32.3136° N, 086.1710° W, 25.ix.2016, A. Jeon (2 ex, AUMI00142661-62);
US 331 2 mi N Legrand, 24.vii.1965, E.E. Simons (AUMI00033015); Perry County: 32.9376° N, 087.3935° W,
3.vii.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00091416); Pike County: Pocosin Nat. Pres., 16.xi.2015, sweeping xeric
area, C. Smith (4 ex, AUMI00127300-03); Randolph County: 33.1164° N, 085.5435° W, 22.v.2016, sweep net, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00127279); same but (AUMI00127674); Wadley, 28.v.2012, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032367);
Russell County: 32.3812° N, 085.1791° W, 6.iii.2016, sweeping, C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00127313-14); Shelby
County: 33.3538° N, 086.5250° W, 27.vii.2014, sweeping kudzu, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033428); Talladega Coun-
ty: 5 mi N Tall. Nat. For. Anniston Hwy 21, 8.vii.1965, H.F. Mcqueen (AUMI00033016); Tallapoosa County:
32.7991° N, 085.6900° W, 1.xi.2014, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032569); Wilcox County: 10.viii.1981, A. Her-
184 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
bert (AUMI00032993); 31.98769° N, 087.16824° W, 2.ix.2012, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032269); Camden, 2.viii.1960,
F.H. Crane (AUMI00034063); FLORIDA: Bay County: Panama City Beach, 28.viii.2008, Ray and Schnurren-
berger (AUMI00032377); Miami-Dade County: Homestead: UF Sub-Tropical Exp Station, 19.i.1973, D.J. Woods
(AUMI00033239); GEORGIA: Harris County: Callaway Gardens, 13.v.1982, L.J. Mason (AUMI00034079);
Tift County: Tyty, 10.x.2010, Ting Yang (AUMI00032381); TENNESSEE: Coffee County: AEDC, 32.5825° N,
085.4570° W, 12.viii.1998, Unknown collector (UTIC); same but July 1998 (2 ex, UTIC).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Zelus longipes (Linnaeus, 1767)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: 3 mi SW Seminole, 18.iv.1964, E.U. Balsbaugh, Jr. (AUMI00033038); Bon Sec-
our NWR, T9S, R2E, sec. 25, 11.iii.1990, sweeping, R.L. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00116722); Bon Secour NWR,
T9S, R2E, Sec. 23E,24W, 12-16.x.1991, ex: Baccharis flowers, T.L. Schiefer (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117624-
25); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2375°N, 087.8189°W, 12.x.1993, T.L. Shiefer (MEMU_ENT 00116720); Bon Secour
NWR, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W,, foredunes, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117626); Gulf Coast St. Pk.,
24.iv.1965, R.L. Watson (AUMI00033037); HWY 182 at Perdido Bay Bridge, 23.x.1999, R.L. Brown & H. Grisham
(MEMU_ENT 00117200); Weeks Bay NER Res., 30.4161°N, 087.8194°W, 3.viii.2000, under Magnolia virginiana
leaf in pitcher plant bog, J.A. MacGown and R.L. Brown (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117195-96); Weeks Bay NER
Res., 30.4175°N, 087.8306°W, 2-6.viii.2000, in mixed for. nr estuary, T.L. Schiefer (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117627-
28); Dallas County: Selma, 1.v.2013, F.W. Eiland II (AUMI00032414); Houston County: Chattahoochee St. Pk.,
9.viii.1963, E.U. Balsbaugh, Jr. (AUMI00034058); Mobile County: 15.ii.1974, L.W. Lockhart (AUMI00034060);
Dauphin Island, 13.v.1978, ex: pine, FS Arant Ent Club (AUMI00033050); WBB 490601-05, 1.viii.2006, Richard
Wingard (MEMU_unassigned); Montgomery County: Montgomery, Aug 2013, ACES Client (2 ex, AUMI00032413,
32426); Montgomery, 32.3117°N, 086.1709°W, 25.viii.2016, A. Jeon (AUMI00142580); Wilcox County: Camden,
2.viii.1960, E.H. Crane (AUMI00034055); Camden, 9.viii.1961, L.L. Hyche (2 ex, AUMI00032369-70); FLORIDA:
Bay County: Panama City Beach, 28.viii.2008, Ray & Schnurrenberger (AUMI00032379); Brevard County: Merritt
Island, summer 1975, Davy Jones (AUMI00034061); Collier County: 1 mi S of Marco on 951, 20.i.1973, immature,
R.B. Little (AUMI00127318); Marco Island, 20.i.1973, ex: legume vine, H.B. Cunningham (2 ex, AUMI00033313,
34059); Highlands County: Archbold, 7.x.2011, K.A. Ridley (AUMI00032312); Archbold, 19.x.2013, L. Dombro
(AUMI00032529); Archbold, 3.x.2002, K.A. Fadroski (AUMI00032230); Okaloosa County: Shalimar, 8.ii.2015,
F.W. Eiland II (AUMI00091406); same but 10.x.2014 (AUMI00068548); same but 31.v.2015 (AUMI00091407);
same but 12.xi.2015, F.W. Eiland II (AUMI00142554); same but 5.vii.2016, ex: Sabal palmetto (AUMI00142552);
SOUTH CAROLINA: Charleston County: Charleston, 28.vii.1975, Dan Brown (AUMI00033231).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Zelus luridus Stål, 1862
ALABAMA: Bibb County: Glades Pres., 33.0578°N, 087.0392°W, 9.ix.2005, in dolamite glades, J.G. Hill
(MEMU_ENT 00117650); Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823° N, 086.4217° W, 12.vii.2015, light trap, T.N.
King (2 ex, AUMI00127396-97); Chambers County: 32.8041° N, 085.3127° W, 13.iv.2014, sweeping, C.H. Ray
(AUMI00033414); DeKalb County: DeSoto st. Pk., T6S,R10E, Sec 20SW-29NW, 19-23.v.1990, 1360-1460’, T.L.
Schiefer (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00116800, 116804); Elmore County: Lightwood Community, 28.vii.1973, light trp
in woods, Hays & Scott (AUMI00032928); Jackson County: Bingham Mtn Davis Cove, 1300’, 14.v.2004, P. Lago
(MEMU_unassigned); Jefferson County: Birmingham Southern Coll., 33.514° N, 086.858° W, 26.vii.2013, P. Van
Zandt (AUMI00091389); Ruffner Mtn. Nat. Pres., 33.543° N, 086.711° W, 26.vii.2013, light trap, P. Van Zan-
dt (AUMI00127317); Lauderdale County: Ala 99 2 mi E Ala 207, 18.viii.1962, M.E. Dakin (AUMI00032074);
Lawrence County: Joe Wheeler St. Pk., 34.7956°N, 087.3756°W, 25.v.2004, blacklight in mixed for., T.L.
Schiefer (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117166-67); Lee County:, N.S. Bujang (AUMI00032238); Auburn,
12.x.1928, U.M. Henderson (AUMI00034085); Auburn, 25.xi.1928, W.B. Story (AUMI00034086); Auburn,
1.v.1959, light trap, (AUMI00034089); Auburn, 7.vii.1961, F.E. Guyton (AUMI00034080); Auburn, 20.iv.1965,
G. Blake (AUMI00034084); Auburn, 3.ix.1974, Mrs. Pitts (AUMI00034081); Auburn, 16.iv.1977, J. Lawrence
(AUMI00034090); Auburn, 24.viii.1998, bit human, unknown collector (AUMI00033329); Auburn, 7.v.2009, at
light, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032340); Auburn, 2.v.2010, at light (AUMI00032338); Auburn,, light trap, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00032252); Monroe County: Haines Is. St. Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 24-25.vii.1995, blacklight,
T.L. Schiefer (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117651-52); Tallapoosa County, 32.7991° N, 085.6900° W, 1.ix.2014, sweep-
ing, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032582); 11.ix.2011, sweeping kudzu, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032273); Alex City, 19.v.1958,
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 185
light trap (3 ex, AUMI00034083, 34087-88); Smith Mtn Tower, 26.vii.1959, light trap (AUMI00034082); CAN:
Ontario: Ottawa, 12.vii.1979, Clark & Howdens (AUMI00033679).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1856
ALABAMA: Lee County: AU Medicinal Plants Garden, 32.589840°N, 085.487066°W, 6.vii.2018, A. Jeon (AUMI_
unassigned); NEW MEXICO: Eddy County: Washington Ranch, 32.42299°N, 0104.22224°W, 3.vii.2015, C.S.
Clem (C.S. Clem personal collection); Lea County: Maljamar, Southpaw Habitat Eval Area, 32.43962°N, 0103.47
836°W, 2.vii.2015, sweeping, Field Bio Class (AUMI00127676).
Harpactorinae: Harpactorini: Zelus tetracanthus Stål, 1862
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: 1 mi E Oyster Bay, T95,R4E, sec. 6, 4.ix.1988, blacklight in sand dunes, L. Corpus,
T. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00116749); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 16-17.iv.1993, in foredunes,
D.M. Pollock (MEMU_ENT 00116793); same but (MEMU_ENT 00117641); same but 7.viii.1994
(MEMU_ENT 00117637); same but 2.viii.2000, under plants in foredunes at night, R.L. Brown and T.L. Schiefer
(2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117645-46); same but 4.viii.2000, sweeping foredunes, R.L. Brown, D.M. Pollock, T.L.
Schiefer, B.A. Smith (5 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117092-93, 117638-40); same but, T.L. Schiefer (3 ex,
MEMU_ENT 00117642-44); Weeks Bay NER Res., 30.4147°N, 087.8181°W, 14.iv.2001, blacklight in mixed for,
B.A. Smith (MEMU_ENT 00117633); Houston County: 8.vii.2011, K. Jemigan (AUMI00032306); Lee County:
Auburn, 20.iv.1909, H.J. Chatterton (AUMI00034100); Auburn, 19.vii.1960, F.E. Guyton (AUMI00034095); Au-
burn, summer 2009, at light, C.H. Ray, (AUMI00032351); Auburn, 27.v.2012, at light, C.H. Ray, (AUMI00032291);
Opelika, 2.vii.1963, J.A. Durant (AUMI00033808); Macon County, 11.vii.1963, J.A. Durant (AUMI00032368);
Montgomery County: Montgomery, 32.3333°N, 086.1428°W, 24.ix.2016, A. Jeon (AUMI00142683); same but 23- (AUMI00197063, 197065-66); Tallapoosa County: Dadeville, 7.viii.1958, light trap, unknown collector
(AUMI00034096); Smith Mtn. Tower., 8.ix.1959, light trap, unknown collector (AUMI00034099); CALIFORNIA:
Bernardino County: 4.8 mi W Lenwood on Mohave River Rd., 3.vii.1977, Folkerts and class (AUMI00032948);
KANSAS: Riley County: Manhattan, 7.viii.1947, Keeler (AUMI00033021); Sedgewick County, 13.iii.1948, Keeler
(AUMI00033054); MONTANA: Broadwater County: Helena National Forest Road 587, 4 mi E Hwy 284, 40 mi E
Helena, elev. 4500 ft.,, male, V.R. Block, (2 ex, INHS Insect Collection 780,122-23); NEW MEXICO:
Eddy County: Washington Ranch, 32.42299°N, 0104.22224°W, 3.vii.2015, C.S. Clem (C.S. Clem personal col-
lection); Lea County: Maljamar, Southpaw Habitat Eval Area, 32.43962°N, 0103.47836°W, 2.vii.2015, sweeping,
Field Bio Class, (C.S. Clem personal collection); Southpaw Hab. Eval. Ar., 2.vii.2015, sweeping, Field Bio Class (2
ex, AUMI00091411-12); SOUTH CAROLINA: Charleston County: Bear’s Bluff Nat. Fish Hatch, 32.38.758° N,
080.15.222° W, 19.vii.2014, light trap, L. Moore (AUMI00032642); Magnolia Plantation, 32.52.797° N, 080.05.014°
W, 21.vii.2014, light trap, L. Moore (AUMI00032700); TEXAS: El Paso County, 31.9081°N, 0106.5257°W,
15.iii.2017, Ray and Chowdhury (AUMI00197064).
Microtominae: Microtomus purcis (Drury, 1782)
ALABAMA: Cullman County: Cullman, 8.viii.2004, C.M. Jennings (AUMI00032236); Cullman, 4.viii.2016,
ACES Client (AUMI00142551); Dallas County: Selma,, F.W. Eiland, III (AUMI00032501); Selma,
10.vii.2012, F.W. Eiland, III (AUMI00032502); DeKalb County: 21.x.1992, T. Shackelford (AUMI00032497);
Lauderdale County: Florence, 12.vii.1978, Ben Beard (AUMI00032495); Lee County: Auburn, 13.ix.1927, H.J.
Garter (AUMI00032081); Auburn, 11.xi.1928, Pennington (AUMI00032082); Auburn, 2.viii.1963, L.G. Sanford
(AUMI00032061); Auburn,, P. Williams (AUMI00032080); Auburn, 32.57727° N, 085.54429° W,
4.xii.2012, C. Thurlow (AUMI00032499); Limestone County: Courtland, 21.viii.1980, Ben Beard (AUMI00032496);
Macon County: EV Smith Res. Farm, 13.xii.2012, C.H. Ray, J. Bond (AUMI00032500); Montgomery County:
32.302607° N, 086.151787° W, 23.xi.2016, under pine bark, A. Jeon (AUMI00197119); St. Clair County, 8.ix.1972,
Joe E. Yates (AUMI00032083); Winston County: Double Springs, 19.i.1974, J.R. McVay (AUMI00032999);
FLORIDA: Highlands County: Archbold, 17.v.1986, C. Bufford (AUMI00032855); Archbold, 7.x.2011, T. Mora-
wo (AUMI00032498); Archbold, 3.x.2015, X. Zhang (AUMI00116279).
Peiratinae: Melanolestes picipes (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour NWR, 30.2467°N, 087.8292°W, 3.iv.1994, blacklight in oak-pine for.,
186 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
D.M. Pollock (MEMU_ENT 00117676); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2361°N, 087.8303°W, 11.v.1994, blacklight, sun-
lamp, & MV lmp in hind dunes, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117675); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2628°N, 087.7575°W,
12.5.1994, blacklight & MV lmp in pine-oak for., R.E. Seymour (MEMU_ENT 00117674); Bon Secour NWR,
30.2525°N, 087.8139°W, 11-15.v.1994, blacklight & MV lmp, Ron Hodges (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117677-78);
Fairhope, 17.iv.1957, K.L. Hays (AUMI00032216); Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823°N, 086.4217°W, Jan-
Oct 2013, T.N. King (10 ex, AUMI00032466-75); same but Apr-May 2014 (14 ex, AUMI00032564-68, 32613,
33388-90, 33459, 33461, 68564, 116283-84); same but 5.iv-15.v.2015 (11 ex, AUMI00091371, 91374, 91376-79,
91386, 97070, 97081, 97083, 97088); same but May 2016, window trap (13 ex, AUMI00142534, 142537-48); Bullock
County: 12 mi SSW Union Springs, Conecuh River, 16.v.1989, S.C. Harris (MEMU_unassigned); Chambers Coun-
ty: Cusseta, 14.iii.2012, N. Sauer (AUMI00032477); Cherokee County: 26.iv.1980, J. Higgins (AUMI00032484);
Clarke/Marengo County: 24.iv.2014, A. Frank (AUMI00032612); Clay County: 2 mi S. Lineville: Crooked Creek,
20.v.1989, Harris & Shepard (MEMU_unassigned); Ashland, 24.ix.1924, C.E. McFachera (AUMI00032224); Cle-
burne County: Tall. Nat. For. Shoal CK Camp Gd, 25.v.1984, P. Lago (MEMU_unassigned); Covington Coun-
ty: Solon Dixon Center,, Pitfall Trap, Colt Sanspree (AUMI00127455); DeKalb County: Crossville,
22.iii.1958, unknown collector (AUMI00032106); same but 28.iv-1.v.1958 (7 ex, AUMI00032099-32105); Elmore
County: Lightwood, 21.iii.1974, unknown collector (AUMI00032115); Henry County: 10.v.1975, W.R. Lambert
(AUMI00032131); Houston County: Columbia, 19.iii.1962, M.E. Dakin, (AUMI00032223); Columbia, 26.iv.1975,
K.L. Hays (AUMI00032222); Lauderdale County: Florence, Tenn. Riv., 20.iv.1985, S.C. Harris (MEMU_unas-
signed); Lawrence County: Joe Wheeler St. Pk., 34.7956°N, 087.3756°W, 25.v.2004, blacklight & MV lmp in mixed
for. by river (MEMU_ENT 00117690); Moulton, 20.vii.1958, unknown collector (AUMI00032225); Prairie Grove
Glade, 34.5178°N, 087.5039°W, 25.v.2004, blacklight/boxtrap in cedar glade, J. MacGown, S.M. Lee (MEMU_ENT
00117679); Lee County: Auburn, 1.v.1909, J.J. Gulver (AUMI00032221); Auburn, 12.vii.1926, unknown collector
(AUMI00032215); Auburn, 12.x.1952, C.C. Johnston (AUMI00032219); Auburn, 6-13.iv.1957, G.H. Blake (2 ex,
AUMI00032097-98); Auburn, 10.iv.1959, unknown collector (6 ex, AUMI00032213, 32217, 32088-91); Auburn,
17.iv.1959, unknown collector (AUMI00033041); Auburn, May 1959, unknown collector (4 ex, AUMI00032092-
95); Auburn, 9.x.1959, J.C. Smith (AUMI00032096); Auburn,, G.H. Blake (AUMI00032218); Au-
burn, 14.iv.1963, W.E. Clark (AUMI00032139); Auburn, 4.iv.1967, B.A. Wheeler (AUMI00032132); Auburn,
8.v.1968, B. Cameron (AUMI00033330); Auburn, 4.x.1968, Holdaway (AUMI00033289); Auburn, April 1969,
Ron Smith (AUMI00032133); Auburn, 15.iv.1974, Dace H. Joiner (AUMI00032947); Auburn, 18.iv.1975, B.J.
Muse (AUMI00032130); Auburn, 6.iv.1976, H.B. Cunningham (AUMI00032988); Auburn, 5.iv.1978, Tom Gal-
limore (AUMI00032464); Auburn, 8.iv.1981, W.H. Odum, Jr. (2 ex, AUMI00032486-87); Auburn, 28.iv.1981,
T.M. Austin (AUMI00032465); Auburn, 4.v.1982, L.J. Mason (AUMI00032463); Auburn, 2.v.1983, W.E. Coe
(2 ex, AUMI00032682-83); Auburn, 1.v.1986, C. Bufford (3 ex, AUMI00032679-81); Auburn, 12.iv.2006, A.
Baker (AUMI00032485), Auburn, March 2007, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032483); Auburn, 30.viii.2010, C.J. Eaves
(AUMI00032478); Auburn, 32.5825°N, 085.457°W, April 2013, C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00032481-82); Auburn,
32.5701°N, 085.4603°W, 8.iii.2014, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033378); Auburn, 32.5701°N, 085.4603°W, April 2014,
with snake eggs, C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00033379-80); Auburn, Louise Krehor For. Pres., 32.6603°N, 085.4863°W,
1.iv.2017, C.H. Ray (5 ex, AUMI00197122-26); Limestone County: Athens, 23.xi.2010, C.S. Clem (C.S. Clem
Personal Collection); Macon County: Little Texas, 8.iv.1986, C. Bufford (AUMI00032690); Tuskegee, 7.iv.2015,
C.S Clem (AUMI00045630); Tuskegee, 21.iv.1996, Paige Carithers (AUMI00068550); Madison County: Hunts-
ville, 5.iv.2012, N. Sauer (AUMI00032476); Marengo County: 1 mi N Linden, 32.3253°N, 087.7978°W, 23.iii.-
15.iv.2005, Lindgren Funnel, G.M. Watson (MEMU_ENT 00117301); Mobile County: Grand Bay, 26.iv.2011,
Pitfall Trap, S. Martin (AUMI00116281); Monroe County: 7.iv.2014, D Hutcherson (AUMI00045610); Haines
Is. Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 4-5.iv.1995, blacklight, T.L. Schiefer (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117687-88); Ran-
dolph County: 8.7 mi NNW Wedowee, 20.v.1984, S.C. Harris (MEMU_unassigned); Russell County: 2 mi SE
Oswichee, 32.2519°N, 084.9803°W, 15.iii-14.iv.2005, Lindgren Funnel, D.M. Hutto (MEMU_ENT 00117302);
Tallapoosa County: 24.iv.2012, K. Conner (2 ex, AUMI00032479-80); Alex City, 22.iii.1958, unknown collector
(3 ex, AUMI00032107-09); same but 1.v.1958 (2 ex, AUMI00032110-11); same but 22.xi.1958 (AUMI00032212);
Camp Hill, 10.v.1958, unknown collector (AUMI00032112); same but 26.iv.1959 (2 ex, AUMI00032113-14); Smith
Mtn Tower, Apr-May 1959, unknown collector (7 ex, AUMI00032116-20, 32120, 32214); Washington County:
Chatom Wood Yard Hwy 17, 19.iv.2006, W.H. Harrison (MEMU_unassigned); KANSAS: Riley County: Manhat-
tan, 22.iv.1947, Keeler (AUMI00033020); MISSISSIPPI: Jasper County: Bay Springs, 10.iv.1963, K. Armstrong
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 187
(AUMI00032950); TENNESSEE: Bedford County, 1.v.1976, T. Ayers (UTIC); Hamilton County, 2.5.1977, Steve
Mauery (UTIC); Knox County, 20.v.1977, Fraton (UTIC).
Peiratinae: Rasahus hamatus (Fabricius, 1781)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Fairhope, 15.v.-19.vii.1957, K.L. Hays (10 ex, AUMI00032184, 32187-93, 32196-
97); Fairhope,, unknown collector (AUMI00032186); same but (AUMI00032178); Plash Is.
End Hwy 6,, R.L. & B.B. Brown (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00116202-03); Seminole, July 1966, R.L. Wat-
son (AUMI00032201); Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823°N, 086.4217°W, Jan-Oct 2013, T.N. King (3 ex,
AUMI00032460-62); same but 4.vii.2014 (AUMI00033394); same but (2 ex, AUMI00033466-67); same
but 12.vii.2015, light trap (AUMI00127294); Calhoun County: 13.vii.2009, , H. Lecroy, AUMI00032458; Chilton
County: Chilton Res. Ext. Ctr., 32.9185°N, 086.6711°W,, stinkbug trp, R. Balusu (AUMI00142553);
Clay County: Ashland, 25.viii.1924, C.E. McFachera (AUMI00032179); Covington County: Solon Dixon Center,
27.vii.2002, K.A. Fadroski (AUMI00032228); Solon Dixon Center, June-July 2014, Pitfall Trap, Colt Sanspree
(13 ex, AUMI00127426-28, 127430-34, 127436-40); Dallas County: Marion Junction,, K.L. Hays
(AUMI00032195); Sardas, 6.v.1978, J. Conley (AUMI00032450); Elmore County: Lightwood, July 1973, K.L.
Hays & F. Scott (7 ex, AUMI00033930-36); Escambia County: Solon Dixon Center,, Pitfall Trap,
Colt Sanspree (AUMI00127429, 127435); same but 5.viii.2014; Houston County: Columbia, July 1975, K.L.
Hays (4 ex, AUMI00032207-10); Webb, 31.246° N, 085.264° W, 27.vii.2015, R. West, AUMI00116275; Jefferson
County: Southern Coll, 33.514°N, 086.858°W,, P.Van Zant (AUMI00068545); TCNP, 33.7°N, 086.7°W,, P Van Zant (AUMI00097084); Lawrence County: Prairie Grove Glade, 34.5178°N, 087.5039°W,
24-26.v.2004, Blcklight in cedar glade, J. MacGown, S.M. Lee, & T.L. Schiefer (3 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117524-
25, 117716); Lee County: Auburn, 12.vii.1950, F.E. Guyton (AUMI00032182); Auburn, 15.viii.1957, J. French
(AUMI00032455); Auburn, 17.vii.1958, unknown collector (AUMI00032198); Auburn, June 1959, unknown collec-
tor (2 ex, AUMI00032181, 32202); Auburn, spring 1966, H.B. Cunningham (AUMI00032452); Auburn, 3.viii.1975,
A. Reynolds (AUMI00032454); Auburn, 12.vii.1977, K.L. Manuel (AUMI00032451); Auburn, 2008, Addison
Barden (AUMI00032456); Auburn, 16.ix.2013, W.A. Adekunle (AUMI00032459); Auburn, 32.5825°N, 085.457°W,
5.vii.2014, C.H. Ray (AUMI00033369); Limestone County: Athens, summer 2014, C.S. Clem (AUMI00032646);
Lowndes County: Hayneville, 3.vii.2007, A. Phillips (AUMI00032233); Macon County: Tuskegee, 26.v.1974, D.
Kellum (AUMI00032453); Tuskegee, 18.viii.2011, A. Gorzlancyk (AUMI00032457); Tuskegee Nat For., 32.4966°
N, 085.5985° W,, blacklight, C.S. Clem (C.S. Clem Personal Collection); Marion County,,
nymph, bushhogged field, ACES Client (AUMI00127338); Montgomery County: Montgomery,, Kent
Barry (AUMI00032211); Tallapoosa County: Alex City, May-July 1958, unknown collector (6 ex, AUMI00032180,
32194, 32199-200, 32204-05); Smith Mtn Tower,, unknown collector (AUMI00032183); Wilcox
County: Canton Bend,, K.L. Hays (5 ex, AUMI00032185, 33314, 33938-33940); Lower Coastal
Plain, 24.vii.1973, K.L. Hays (AUMI00033937); FLORIDA: Highlands County: Archbold, 16.v.1986, F. Graham
(AUMI00032857); SOUTH CAROLINA: Charleston County, CawCaw Inter. Center, 32.79412°N, 080.19245°W,, L. Moore (2 ex, AUMI00032659, 91427); same but 32.79115°N, 080.19242°W, 4.vii.2014, L. Moore
(AUMI00091365); same but 32.795°N, 080.1951°W, 5.vii.2014, L Moore (AUMI00045625); TEXAS: Brazos
County, 13.viii.1954, B.L. Owen (AUMI00032177).
Peiratinae: Sirthenea stria carinata (Fabricius, 1798)
ALABAMA: Bibb County: Glades Pres, 33.0572°N, 087.0339°W, 1.v.2003, blcklight in dolamite glade, J. Mac-
Gown & T. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117542); Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823° N, 086.4217° W, Jan-
Oct 2013, T.N. King (AUMI00032433-32437); same but June-Aug 2013 (AUMI00032438); same but April-June
2014 (5 ex, AUMI00033455, 33457-58, 33460, 33465); same but April-July 2015 (3 ex, AUMI00091385-86,
127295); DeKalb County: Crossville, 9.ix.1958, unknown collector (AUMI00034010); same but 24.iv.1958
(AUMI00034012); Little River Canyon, 34.3831°N, 085.6306°W, 13.v.2005, blcklight/boxtrap in rock out-
crop, R.L. Brown & S.M. Lee (MEMU_ENT 00117543); Elmore County: Lightwood Community, 22.ix.1973,
unknown collector (AUMI00034022); same but 3.v.1974, unknown collector (2 ex, AUMI00034020-21); Light-
wood Community Utility right of way, 3.v.1974, immature, Hays and Scott (2 ex, AUMI00032926-27); Hous-
ton County: Columbia, 3.v.1975, K.L. Hays (AUMI00034024); Lawrence County: Prairie grove Glade,
34.5178°N, 087.5039°W, 24.v.2004, blcklight in cedar glade, B.A. Smith (MEMU_ENT 00117704); Lee Coun-
188 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
ty: Auburn, 1909, L.W. Shook (AUMI00034013); Auburn, 11.v.1956, H.G. Good (AUMI00034009); Auburn,
4.iv.1957, G.H. Blake (AUMI00034017); Auburn, 19.iv.1960, W.D. Ivey (AUMI00034018); Auburn, 19.iv.1963,
E.U. Balsbaugh, Jr. (AUMI00034015); Auburn,, T.D. Eichlin (AUMI00034023); Auburn, 25.iv.1971,
immature, W.D. Ivey (AUMI00032890); Auburn, 4.iv.1979, Ben Beard (AUMI00032427); Auburn, 3.v.1979, W.
Haynes (AUMI00032428); Auburn, April 1986, F. Graham (AUMI00032676); Auburn, 17.vii.2009, C.H. Ray
(AUMI00032431); Auburn, 7.ix.2011, C.S. Clem (C.S. Clem Personal Collection); Auburn, 25.ix.2011, T. Morawo
(AUMI00032429); Chewacla, 7-14.v.1978, J. Glick (AUMI00032430); Storrsland, 2.v.1928, unknown collector
(AUMI00034019); Macon County: Little Texas, Fall 1985, C. Bufford (AUMI00032694); Notasulga,,
Jason Stroman (AUMI00032432); Tusk Nat For, 15.ix.2015, on mud bank, C.S. Clem (C.S. Clem Personal Col-
lection); Marshall County: Guntersville St. Prk., 27.viii.1982, G.R. Mullen (AUMI00033332); Mobile County:
Mobile, Dec 1910, female, H. P. Loding (3 ex, FMNH); same but 25.i.1911, female, H. P. Loding (2 ex, FMNH);
Tallapoosa County: Dadeville, Sept. 1958, unknown collector (AUMI00034011, 34016); Smith Mtn,,
unknown collector (AUMI00034014); SOUTH CAROLINA: Charleston County, Magnolia Plantation, 32.8806°
N, 080.09175° W, 3.vii.2014, L Moore (AUMI00045623); CawCaw Inter. Center, 32.79115° N, 080.19242° W, 4-
5.vii.2014, L. Moore (2 ex, AUMI00045626, 91364); same but 33.8823° N, 086.4217° W, 25.ix.2014, T.N. King
(3 ex, AUMI00033462-64); TENNESSEE: Morgan County: Burrville, May-July 1956, male B. Benesh (4 ex,
FMNH); same but (FMNH); same but 6.vii.1959, female (FMNH).
Phymatinae: Macrocephalini: Lophoscutus prehensilis (Fabricius, 1803)
ALABAMA: Clay County: 33.4400° N, 085.7711° W,, sweeping, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127693);
Cheaha St. Pk., 7.vii.1965, E.E. Simons (2 ex, AUMI00033345-46); Randolph County: 33.1164° N, 085.5435° W,
22.v.2016, sweeping, C.H. Ray (3 ex, AUMI00127276-78); 33.1165° N, 085.5435° W,, sweeping, Ray,
Clem, Chowdhury (AUMI00127694).
Phymatinae: Phymatini: Phymata fasciata fasciata (Gray, 1832)
ALABAMA: DeKalb County: 0.4 mi W Alpine, 34.5061°N, 085.6175°W, 28.ix.1992, ex: Aster flowers, J. Mac-
Gown, D. Pollock, T. Schiefer (4 ex, MEMU_unassigned); Fayette County: 26.viii.2015, S. Duke (AUMI00127332);, unknown collector (MEMU_unassigned); Henry County: 31.6031° N, 085.0786° W,, ex:
Ligustrum flowers, Clem, Ray, Chowdhury (AUMI00127333); Jackson County: 1 mi NE Ider, 15.vii.1967, Cun-
ningham & Folkerts (AUMI00033352); Ala 77, 2 mi NE Section, 18.ix.1965, E.E. Simons (AUMI00033351);
Lawrence County: Bankhead Nat. For. North West Rd., 17.ix.1963, E.U. Balsbaugh, Jr. (2 ex, AUMI00033342,
33350); Lee County: Auburn, 28.ix.2010, ex: Solidago, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032390); Auburn, 3.ix.2011, Z.C. DeVr-
ies (AUMI00032389); Monroe County: Haines Island Park, 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 17.iii.1994, ex: Cornus flor-
ida flowers, T. Schiefer (MEMU_unassigned); Tallapoosa County: 32.8020°N, 085.7712°W,, C.H. Ray
(AUMI00127680); MISSOURI: Stone County: Hwy 86, 7.3 mi W of Hwy 13, 20.vii.1973, Folkerts & McCullers
(AUMI00033436); PENNSYLVANIA: Union County: Lewisburg, June 1965, T.D. Eichlin (AUMI00033338).
Phymatinae: Phymatini: Phymata fasciata mystica Evans, 1931
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour NWR, T9S, R2E, sec 24, 15.x.1990, sweeping, R.L. Brown (MEMU_
unassigned); Oyster Bay, T9S, R3E, sec 5, 4-8.ix.1988, sweeping, L. Corpus, T. Schiefer (3 ex, MEMU_unas-
signed); Clarke County: Grove Hill, 12.vii.1968, W.O. Calhoun (2 ex, AUMI00033336-37); Clay County: Cheaha
St. Pk., 7.vii.1965, E.E. Simons (AUMI00033344); Cleburne County: Cheaha St. Pk., 11.vii.1963, M.E. Dakin
(AUMI00033347); Talladega NF, 33.5609°N, 085.7050°W,, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127681); DeKalb
County: DeSoto st. Pk., 34.4919°N, 085.6156°W, 24-29.ix.1992, T. Schiefer, J. MacGown (MEMU_unassigned);
Elmore County: Lightwood Community, 6.vii.1973, Pine Plantation, K.L. Hays & F. Scott (2 ex, AUMI00033348-
49); Houston County: ca. 0.75 mi N of Fla by RR near hwy 231,, ex: Eryngium yuccifolium, J.R. Mac-
Donald (MEMU_unassigned); Randolph County: 33.1447°N, 085.6248°W,, Clem, Ray, Chowdhury
(AUMI00127679); Tallapoosa County: 32.8020°N, 085.7712°W,, C.H. Ray (AUMI00127682); Winston
County: Bankhead Nat For,, Ex: Rhus flowers, Clem and Chowdhury (AUMI00127283); FLORIDA:
Brevard County: Merritt Island, 16.xii.1975, ex: Bidens, Davy Jones (AUMI00033353).
Phymatinae: Phymatini: Phymata luxa Evans, 1931
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 189
CALIFORNIA: Lake Tahoe, 6465 ft, 24.v.1879, male, Andreas Bolter Collection (INHS Insect Collection
Phymatinae: Phymatini: Phymata pennsylvanica Handlirsch, 1897
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour NWR, T9S, R2E, Sec 24, 15.x.1990, sweeping, R.L. Brown (MEMU_
unassigned); Bon Secour NWR, T9S, R2E, Sec 25 N, 11-16.x.1991, ex: Polygonella flowers in sand dunes at night,
T. Schiefer, G. Eickwort, J. MacGown, (4 ex, MEMU_unassigned); Conecuh County: 8.xii.1967, H.B. Cunning-
ham (AUMI00033343); Lee County: Auburn, Mar-Sept 1987, N. Walters (2 ex, AUMI00032387-88); Limestone
County: Athens, 22.viii.2015, sweeping, C.S. Clem (C.S. Clem Personal Collection); Macon County: Notasulga,
22.ix.2007, M. Williams (AUMI00032532); Tusk Nat For, 14.x.2007, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032391).
Phymatinae: Phymatini: Phymata vicina vicina Handlirsch, 1897
ALABAMA: Macon County: Tusk Nat For, 32.4418° N, 085.6329° W, 18.vii.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray
(AUMI00091417); OKLAHOMA: Osage County: Walnut Crk. St. Pk., Lot 730506-A, 6.v.1973, male, S.O. Swad-
ener (INHS Insect Collection 715,632); SOUTH DAKOTA: Custer County: Custer St. Pk., 43.6429° N, 0103.4648°
W, May-July 2013, Pitfall Trap, L. Dombro (18 ex, AUMI00032548, 32551, 32557-58, 32572-73, 32601, 33439-42,
45618, 91396, 91408-10, 91423, 97077); same but June-July 2014 (4 ex, AUMI00127334, 127678, 146377-78);
Wind Cave Nat. Pk., 43.572479° N, 0103.39909° W, May-July 2014, Pitfall Trap, L. Dombro, (AUMI00127677,
146379, 142687).
Saicinae: Oncerotrachelus acuminatus (Say, 1831)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Weeks Bay NER Reserve, 30.4175°N, 087.4972°W, 4.viii.2000, MV & Blcklight
in burned for., J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117748); Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823° N, 086.4217°
W,, window trap, T.N. King (AUMI00033462); same but May 2015, flight interception trap (2 ex,
AUMI00091367, 127323); Cleburne County: Talladega Nat. For., 33.5583°N, 085.7097°W, 19.v.1998, MV & Blck-
light in burned for., T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117340); Coosa County: 32.8605° N, 086.3388° W, 18.v.2014,
sweeping, C.H. Ray (7 ex, AUMI00033396-402); Dallas County: Black Belt Substation, 22.viii.1984, light trap,
AU Vet Med (2 ex, AUMI00032615-16); DeKalb County: DeSoto St. Pk., 34.3836°N, 085.6297°W, 25-29.ix.1992,
Sunlmp & blacklight, T. Schiefer & J. MacGown (5 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117820-22, 117749-50); DeSoto St. Pk.,
34.4925°N, 085.6150°W, 10.v.2005, Blcklight in mixed for, J.G. Hill (MEMU_ENT 00117341); Elmore County:
32.30.111° N, 086.08.373° W, 27.vii.2011, sticky trap, K. Jernifan (AUMI00032310); Jefferson County: Ruffner
Mtn. Nat. Pres., 33.543° N, 086.711° W,, light trap, P. Van Zant (AUMI00091414); Lauderdale County:
Florence, 12-29.ix.1978, light trap, J. Glick (26 ex, AUMI00032392-98, 32400, 32419, 32617-25, 32648-53, 32655,
35257); Lawrence County: Joe Wheeler St. Pk., 34.7956°N, 087.3756°W, 25.v.2004, blacklight, T.L. Schiefer
(MEMU_ENT 00117338); Prairie Grove Glade, 34.5178°N, 087.5039°W, 24-27.v.2004, Blcklight in cedar glade,
T.L. Schiefer, B.A. Smith, R. Brown, & J. MacGown (9 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117333-37, 117342, 117745-47); Lee
County: Auburn, 25.ix.2010, on flowers, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032362); Auburn, 21.vii.2012, sweeping, C.H. Ray
(AUMI00032271); Auburn, 32.5701° N, 085.4603° W, 18.iv.2015, sweeping, C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00068554-
55); Auburn University, 32.5893° N, 085.4868° W, 20.vii.2015, M. Delaney (AUMI00091419); Chewacla St.
Pk., 7.v.1978, light trap, J. Glick (AUMI00032302); Monroe County: Haines Is. Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W,
24-31.v.1995, MV & Blcklight, T.L. Schiefer (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117339, 117744); Montgomery County: Mont-
gomery, 32.3333°N, 086.1428°W, 15.vii.2016, A. Jeon (4 ex, AUMI00142564-67); Morgan County: Wheeler Wild.
Ref., 13.x.1978, J. Glick (AUMI00127322).
Saicinae: Pseudosaica florida (Barber, 1953)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Gulf St. Pk., 26.vii.1985, Blcklight, R.L. & B.B. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00116783);
FLORIDA: Highlands County: Archbold, 7.xi.2014, M. Garcia (AUMI00032600).
Saicinae: Saica elkinsi Blinn, 1994
ALABAMA: Tallapoosa County: Smith Mtn Tower,, light trap, unknown collector (AUMI00033248).
Stenopodainae: Arenaeocoris enervatus Blinn, 2012
190 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour NWR, 30.2361°N, 087.8303°W, 11.v.1994, blacklight, MV, Sunlmp in
hinddunes, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_paratype).
Stenopodainae: Ctenotrachelus shermani Barber, 1929
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour NWR, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 8-9.viii.1994, blacklight in foredunes,
R.L. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117572); same but May-June 1994, MV, Sunlmp, blacklight in foredunes, D.M. Pollock
(4 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117571, 117573-75); Weeks Bay NER Res., 30.4175°N, 087.8306°W, 5.viii.2000, blacklight
near estuary, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117577); Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823°N, 086.4217°W,
2013, TN King (AUMI00097080); same but, window trap (AUMI00197075); Covington County: So-
lon Dixon Center, 18.vii.2015, pitfall trap, Colt Sanspree (AUMI00127453); Jefferson County: 33.7°N, 086.7°W,, P. Van Zant (AUMI00068567); Birmingham Southern, 33.514°N, 086.858°W,, P.Van
Zant, AUMI00068547; Lawrence County: Joe Wheeler St. Pk., 34.7956°N, 087.3756°W, 25.v.2004, blacklight,
MV in mixed for. by river, T.L. Schiefer and J.G. Hill (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117061, 117576); Lee County: Au-
burn, ,, unknown collector (AUMI00032077); Auburn,, C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00032344-
45); same but (AUMI00032347); Auburn, 25.v.2012, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032267); Auburn Uni-
versity, 32.6020°N, 085.44828°W,, A. Jeon (AUMI00197074); Monroe County: Haines Is. St. Pk.,
31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 24-25.vii.1995, blacklight, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117062); Haines Is. St. Pk.,
31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 26-29.v.1995, MV, Sunlmp, blacklight, D.M. Pollock (MEMU_ENT 00117063); Mont-
gomery County: Montgomery, 32.3333°N, 086.1428°W, 2-4.vii.2016, A. Jeon (AUMI00142569, 142558); same
but, A. Jeon (AUMI00197073).
Stenopodainae: Diaditus tejanus Giacchi, 1980
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: 6 mi NW Gulf Shores, 26.vii.1985, blacklight, R.L. & B.B. Brown (4 ex, MEMU_
ENT 00116766-69); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 12-16.v.1994, blacklight on foredunes, T.L.
Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117570); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2419°N, 087.8303°W, 7.vii.1994, blacklight, R.L. Brown
(MEMU_ENT 00117569); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 8-9.vii.1994, blacklight on foredunes, R.L.
Brown (5 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117899-903); Gulf St. Pk., 26.vii.1985, blacklight, R.L. & B.B. Brown (MEMU_ENT
00116765); Plash Is., end hwy 6,, blacklight, R.L. & B.B. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117127); Weeks
Bay NER Res., 30.4175°N, 087.8306°W, 1-6.viii.2000, blacklight near estuary, T.L. Schiefer (24 ex, MEMU_ENT
00117074-77; 117876-96); same but 30.4161°N, 087.8194°W, 3.viii.2000, blacklight in pitcher plnt bog, J.R. Mac-
Donald (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117897-98); Bibb County: Bibb Co. Glades Pres., 33.0578°N, 087.0392°W,,
blacklight in dolomite glade, T.L. Schiefer (5 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117132-35, 117904); Covington County: Solon
Dixon Center, 12-27.vii.2015, Pitfall Trap, Colt Sanspree (2 ex, AUMI00127448-49); Houston County: 0.5-2 mi
N of FL on hwy 231, 2.viii.1991, at light, T.L. Schiefer (6 ex, MEMU_ENT 00116759-64); Dothan, 2.viii.1991,
at light, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00116770); Lee County: Auburn, 9.viii.2009, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032349);
Auburn, 6.ix.2009, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032350); Auburn,, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032343); Auburn,
24.viii.2011, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032278); Auburn, 7.ix.2011, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032293); Auburn, 25.v.2012,
C.H. Ray (AUMI00032250); Auburn, 31.viii.2012, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032248); Auburn, 6.ix.2012, C.H. Ray
(AUMI00032265); Auburn, 32.5825°N, 085.457°W, 1-2.ix.2013, C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00032504-05);
Macon Coun-
ty: Tuskegee, 5.viii.2011, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032281); Haines Is. St. Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 24-25.vii.1995,
blacklight, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117905); Montgomery County: Montgomery, 32.3333°N, 086.1428°W,
25.vii.2016, A. Jeon (4 ex, AUMI00142560-63); Montgomery, 32.2599°N, 086.2086°W, 4.viii.2016, yellow pan
trp, T. Goodson (AUMI00142568); SOUTH CAROLINA: Charleston County: Bear’s Bluff Nat Fish Hatch,
32.64597°N, 080.2537°W, Aug 2014, L. Moore (30 ex, AUMI00032536-42, 32590, 32602-07, 32626-33, 32635-
41, 32658); CawCaw Inter. Center, 32.795°N, 080.19512°W, 31.viii.2014, L. Moore (AUMI00032698); Magnolia
Plantation, 32.53026°N, 080.05281°W, 4.ix.2014, L. Moore (AUMI00032854).
Stenopodainae: Gnathobleda litigiosa Stål, 1862
ALABAMA: Lee County: Auburn, 17.vii.1958, unknown collector (AUMI00034039).
Stenopodainae: Narvesus carolinensis Stål, 1859
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Fairhope, 7.vii.1957, K.L. Hays (AUMI00033032); DeKalb County: Collins-
ville, 11.v.1970, H.B. Cunningham (3 ex, AUMI00033045-46, 33229); Crossville,, unknown col-
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 191
lector (AUMI00032144); same but; Lee County: Auburn, 2.vii.1957, G.H. Blake (AUMI00032140);
Auburn,, F.E. Guyton (AUMI00032142); Auburn, 3.vii.1959, unknown collector (AUMI00032141);
Auburn,, unknown collector (AUMI00032143); Tallapoosa County:, unknown collector
Stenopodainae: Oncocephalus geniculatus (Stål, 1872)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Fairhope, 18.vii.1957, K.L. Hays (AUMI00032149); Plash Is. End hwy 6,,
blacklight, R.L. & B.B. Brown (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117048-49); Weeks Bay NER Res., 30.4161°N, 087.8194°W,, blacklight in pitcher plnt bog, J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117874); Blount County: Highland
Lake, 33.8823°N, 086.4217°W, 2013, TN King (AUMI00097079); same but 18.vii.2014 (AUMI00032549); Coo-
sa County: 32.8504°N, 086.03063°W, 6.vii.2011, K. Jernigan (AUMI00032309); Covington County: Red Level,
3.iv.1958, G.A. Horton (AUMI00032147); Solon Dixon Center, July-Aug 2015, Pitfall Trap, Colt Sanspree (6 ex,
AUMI00127442-47); DeKalb County: Crossville,, unknown collector (AUMI00032150); Crossville,
7.viii.1958, unknown collector (AUMI00032155); Crossville,, unknown collector (AUMI00032151);
Jefferson County: Ruffner Mtn, 33.543°N, 086.711°W,, P Van Zant (AUMI00045632); Lee County: Au-
burn, 6.vii.1946, E.D.D. (AUMI00032157); Auburn, 2.vii.1957, G.H. Blake (AUMI00032156); Auburn,,
F.E. Guyton (AUMI00032154); Auburn,, H.G. Good (AUMI00032152); Auburn, 7.vii.1958, H.G.
Good (AUMI00032153); Auburn, 14.vii.1959, FE Guyton (AUMI00033240); Auburn, 12.vii.1979, S. McMillan
(AUMI00032422); Auburn, 19.viii.2004, W.A. Qualls (AUMI00032235); Auburn, 32.585°N, 085.451°W, 1.vii.2013,
C.H. Ray (2 ex, AUMI00032509-10); Auburn, 32.585°N, 085.451°W, July 30-Aug 29, 2013, Pitfall Trap, C.H.
Ray (AUMI00032528); Chewacla, 2.vii.1978, AU Staff (2 ex, AUMI00032365-66); Opelika,, J. Porch
(AUMI00032689); Macon County: EV Smith Ext Ctr, 21.iv.82, nymph, E. Snoddy (AUMI00197120); EV Smith
Res. Farm, 32.4393°N, 085.8918°W, 3.vii.2014, yellow pan trap, C.S. Clem (AUMI00116277); Monroe County:
Haines Is. St. Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 24-25.vii.1995, blacklight, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117050);
Montgomery County: Montgomery, 32.3333°N, 086.1428°W,, at light, A. Jeon (AUMI00197121);
same but 4.vii.2016 (AUMI00142557); Tallapoosa County:, AUMI00032148; Wilcox County: Canton
Bend,, K.L. Hays (2 ex, AUMI00033315-16); FLORIDA: Highlands County, 10.x.2009, C. Stephen
(AUMI00032380); Archbold, 3.x.2015, X. Zhang (AUMI00116278); SOUTH CAROLINA: Charlston County:
32.79115°N, 080.19242°W, July-Aug 2014, L. Moore (4 ex, AUMI00032660-61, 32851, 91366); CawCaw Inter.
Center, 32.9672°N, 080.4097°W, June-July 2014, Light Trap, L. Moore (3 ex, AUMI00045624, 45627, 68542).
Stenopodainae: Pnirontis brimleyi Blatchley, 1926
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour NWR, 30.2361°N, 087.8303°W, 11.v.1994, Blcklight, MV, Sunlmp in
hind dunes, T.L. Schiefer, R.E. Seymour (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117589-90); Plash Is. End hwy 6,, blck-
light, B.L. & B.B. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00116744); Limestone County: Marbut’s Bend, 34.9102°N, 087.1047°W,
3.v.2019, blacklight, TVA/DliA BioBlitz at Marbut Bend Trail, J. Carpenter (C.S. Clem Personal Collection).
Stenopodainae: Pnirontis infirma Stål, 1859
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Fairhope, 15.v.1957, K.L. Hays (AUMI00032997); Plash Is. End hwy 6, 16-, blcklight, B.L. & B.B. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117591); DeKalb County: Crossville, 19.vii.1958,
unknown collector (AUMI00033238); Houston County: Columbus, 26.iv.1975, K.L. Hays (AUMI00033000);
Webb, 27.vii.2015, light trap, R. West (AUMI00127399); Lee County: Auburn, 30.vii.1976, H.B. Cunningham
(AUMI00032076); same but 14.viii.1976 (AUMI00033228); FLORIDA: Highlands County: Archbold, 23.v.1987,
J. Porch (AUMI00032858); Lake Placid, 10.x.2009, Addison Barden (C.S. Clem personal collection); SOUTH
CAROLINA: Charleston Co., 32.8806°N, 080.09175°W, June-Oct 2014, L. Moore (21 ex, AUMI00032574, 32643,
32666-75, 45613-16, 45620, 91398-1401).
Stenopodainae: Pnirontis languida Stål, 1859
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Weeks Bay NER Reserve, 30.4175°N, 087.8306°W, 3.viii.2000, blacklight, MV
near estuary, R.L. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117594); DeKalb County: DeSoto St. Pk., 34.3836°N, 085.6297°W, 25-
29.ix.1992, blacklight, Sunlmp, T. Schiefer & J. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117596); Lawrence County: Prairie
Grove Glade, 34.5178°N, 087.5039°W, 26.v.2004, blacklight, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117275); Lee County:
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Auburn, 19.v.1959, AM Pearson (AUMI00033236); Auburn, 26.viii.1968, T.D. Eichlin (AUMI00033011); Auburn,
9.viii.1976, H.B. Cunningham (AUMI00033297); Auburn, 4.v.1979, J. Stephenson (AUMI00032226); Auburn,
17.v.1981, WH Odum, Jr. (AUMI00033244); Auburn, 28.iv.1986, F. Graham (AUMI00032677); Macon County:
Little Texas, 1.v.1986, C. Bufford (AUMI00032691); Tuskegee, 14.vii.1964, Tommy Thornton (AUMI00033230);
SOUTH CAROLINA: Charleston County: CawCaw Inter. Center, 32.795°N, 080.1951°W, 5.vii.2014, L Moore
Stenopodainae: Pnirontis modesta Banks, 1910
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour NWR, 30.2419°N, 087.8303°W,, blacklight, T.L. Schiefer
(MEMU_ENT 00117598); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 8-9.viii.1994, blacklight in foredunes, R.L.
Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117599); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W,, blacklight in fore-
dunes, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117600); Weeks Bay NER Res., 30.4175°N, 087.8306°W,,
blacklight near estuary, T.L. Schiefer (5 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117601-05); Barbour County:, C.N. Yates
(AUMI00033409); Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823°N, 086.4217°W, 15.v.2015, TN King (AUMI00097082);
same but, window trap (AUMI00197053); DeKalb County: Collinsville,, Cunningham
& Eichlin (2 ex, AUMI00032078-79); Lauderdale County: Florence, 19.ix.1978, J. Glick (AUMI00033448);
same but 15.ix.1978 (AUMI00032657); Lawrence County: Joe Wheeler St. Pk., 34.7956°N, 087.3756°W, 24-
25.v.2004, blacklight by river, T.L. Schiefer, J. Seltzer (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117255, 117608); Prairie Grove
Glade, 34.5178°N, 087.5039°W, 24-27.v.2004, blacklight/boxtrap, T.L. Schiefer, J.A. MacGown, R. Brown (3
ex, MEMU_ENT 00117254, 117606-07); Lee County: Auburn, 24.iv.1970, L Bozeman (AUMI00033237); Au-
burn, 11.v.1982, L.J. Mason (AUMI00032227); Auburn, 32.5825°N, 085.4570°W, 22.viii.2016, at light, C.H. Ray
(AUMI00142573); Macon County: Little Texas, 1.v.1986, C. Bufford (AUMI00032692); Monroe County: Haines
Is. St. Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 24-31.v.1995, blacklight, MV, Sunlmp, T.L. Schiefer (4 ex, MEMU_ENT
00117248-51); SOUTH CAROLINA: Charleston County: CawCaw Inter. Center, 32.79437°N, 080.19692°W, July-
Aug 2014, light trap, L. Moore (3 ex, AUMI00032697, 68543-44); Magnolia Plantation, 32.87995°N, 080.08343°W,
July-Aug 2014, light trap, L. Moore (AUMI00032665, 32852-53).
Stenopodainae: Pygolampis pectoralis (Say, 1831)
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour NWR, 30.2361°N, 087.8303°W, 11.v.1994, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_
ENT 00117581); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2286°N, 087.8308°W,, blacklight in foredunes, T.L. Schiefer
(MEMU_ENT 00117582); Weeks Bay NER Res., 30.4161°N, 087.8194°W, 3.viii.2000, blacklight in pitcher plnt bog,
J.R. MacDonald (MEMU_ENT 00117298); Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823°N, 086.4217°W, 20.v.2016,
window trp, T.N. King (AUMI00142549); Houston County: 0.5-2 mi N of FL on hwy 231, 2.viii.1991, at light, J.R.
MacDonald (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00116757-58); Lawrence County: Joe Wheeler St. Pk., 34.7956°N, 087.3756°W,
25.v.2004, blacklight, MV near river, J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117580); Prairie Grove Glade,
34.5178°N, 087.5039°W, 24-26.v.2004, blacklight/boxtrp in cedar glade, T.L. Schiefer, J.A. MacGown, S.M. Lee (3
ex, MEMU_ENT 00117291-92, 117583); Lee County: Auburn, 30.iv.1958, unknown collector (AUMI00033007);
Auburn, 7.vii.1958, H.G. Good (AUMI00034041); Auburn, 13.iv.1959, A.M. Pearson (AUMI00034033); Au-
burn,, unknown collector (AUMI00034040); Auburn, May 1965, G. Folkerts (AUMI00033008); Au-
burn, 18.v.1982, N McMillan (AUMI00033233); Auburn, 25.iv.2011, C.H. Ray (AUMI00032290); Limestone
County: Marbut’s Bend, 34.9102°N, 087.1047°W, 3.v.2019, blacklight, TVA/DliA BioBlitz at Marbut Bend Trail,
J. Carpenter (C.S. Clem Personal Collection); Monroe County: Haines Is. St. Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 24-
25.vii.1995, blacklight in cedar glade, T.L. Schiefer (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117293-94); same but 26-29.v.1995,
blacklight, MV, Sunlmp, D.M. Pollock (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117295, 117584); Montgomery County: Montgom-
ery, 32.3333°N, 086.1428°W, 2.vii.2016, A. Jeon (AUMI00142550); same but Sept. 2016 (2 ex, AUMI00146381-
82); same but (AUMI00197094); Shelby County, Aug 1975, Davy Jones (AUMI00032990); Tallapoosa
County: Alex City, 19.v.1958, unknown collector (AUMI00034036); Smith Mtn, 24.v.1959, unknown collector
(AUMI00033018); LOUISIANA: Lafayette, 17.v.1961, unknown collector (AUMI00033019).
Stenopodainae: Pygolampis sericea Stål, 1859
ALABAMA: Tallapoosa County: Alex City,, unknown collector (AUMI00033273).
REDUVIIDAE OF ALABAMA Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 193
Stenopodainae: Stenopoda spinulosa Giacchi, 1969
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour NWR, 30.2525°N, 087.8139°W, 11-15.v.1994, blacklight, Sunlmp,
D.M. Pollock, Ron Hodges (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117737-38); Gulf Shores St. Pk.,, R.L. & B.B. Brown
(MEMU_ENT 00116726); Weeks Bay NER Res., 30.4175°N, 087.8306°W, 5.viii.2000, blacklight, MV near estuary,
J.A. MacGown (MEMU_ENT 00117159); Blount County: Highland Lake, 33.8823°N, 086.4217°W, 2012, T.N. King
(AUMI00097069); same but jan-oct 2013 (2 ex, AUMI00032321-22); same but 18.vii.2014 (2 ex, AUMI00033469-
70); same but 15.v.2015 (AUMI00097092); same but 12.vii.2015, light trap (AUMI00127299); Covington County:
Red Level, 31.4044° N, 086.6090° W, 30.v.2016, light trap, C.S. Clem (2 ex, AUMI00127307-08); Solon Dixon
Center, July-Aug 2015, Pitfall Trap; Brachypterous, Colt Sanspree (3 ex, AUMI00127450-52); DeKalb County:
Crossvillae,, unknown collector (AUMI00032320); Elmore County: Tallassee, 14.ix.2014, brachypter-
ous, F. Dillman (AUMI00032647); Jefferson County: Birmingham Southern, 33.514°N, 086.858°W, 10.vii.2013, P
Van Zant (AUMI00045633); Lawrence County: Joe Wheeler St. Pk., 34.7858°N, 087.3878°W, 27.v.2004, blacklight
in cedar glade, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117161); Prairie Grove Glade, 34.5178°N, 087.5039°W, 24.v.2004,
blacklight in cedar glade, B.A. Smith, T.L. Schiefer (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117739, 117160); Lee County: Auburn,
12.vii.1950, F.E. Guyton (2 ex, AUMI00034035, 34026); Auburn, 2-7.vii.1958, S.L. Spencer (3 ex, AUMI00034025,
34031-32); Auburn, 19.vii.1960, F.E. Guyton (AUMI00034029); same but (AUMI00034030); Auburn,, J.C. Ball (AUMI00034028); Auburn, 17.viii.1966, T.D. Eichlin (AUMI00034037); Auburn,,
A.R. Thornhill (AUMI00032317); Auburn, 11.v.1973, Audrey Goins (AUMI00032318); Auburn, Aug 1974, Davy
Jones (AUMI00034038); Auburn, 15.ix.1976, J. Lawrence (AUMI00032319); Auburn, Mar-Sep 1987, N. Walters
(AUMI00032316); Auburn, 30.ix.2007, brachypterous, C. Akotsen-Mensah (AUMI00032315); Madison County:
Huntsville city limits S. end green mtn,, Paul Lago (MEMU_unassigned); Monroe County: Haines
Is. Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 26-29.v.1995, MV, blacklight, D.M. Pollock, C.H. Collison (2 ex, MEMU_ENT
00117735-36); Tallapoosa County: Smith Mountain,, unknown collector (3 ex, AUMI00034027,
34034, 33052); Wilcox County: Canton Bend,, unknown collector (AUMI00032880); FLORIDA:
Highlands County: Archibold, 23.v.1987, J. Porch (AUMI00032859); Archibold, , 19.x.2013, W.A. Adekunle
Triatominae: Triatoma incrassata Usinger, 1939
NEW MEXICO: Eddy County: Washington Ranch, 32.42299°N, 0104.22224°W, 3.vii.2015, C.S. Clem (C.S.
Clem personal collection).
Triatominae: Triatoma sanguisuga LeConte, 1856
ALABAMA: Baldwin County: Bon Secour NWR, T9S, R2E, sec. 24, 5-6.ix.1988, blacklight, L. Corpus, T.
Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00116705); Bon Secour NWR, 30.2361°N, 087.8303°W, 11-12.v.1994, MV, blacklight,
Sunlmp in hind dunes, R.E. Seymour, M.J. MacGown (2 ex, MEMU_ENT 00117855-56); Bon Secour NWR,
30.2286°N, 087.8308°W, 8-9.viii.1994, blacklight in foredunes, R.L. Brown (MEMU_ENT 00117857); same
but, MV on foredunes (MEMU_ENT 00117858); Gulf St. Pk., 26.vii.1985, blacklight, R.L. & B.B.
Brown (MEMU_ENT 00116706); Barbour County: Wildlife Mngmt area, 28.ix.1961, unknown collector (2 ex,
AUMI00034049-50); Dale County:, ACES Client (AUMI00034042); Jefferson County: Turkey Co. Nat
Pres, 33.7°N, 086.7°W,, P Van Zant (AUMI00045611); Lee County: Auburn, 19?, unknown collector
(AUMI00034052); Auburn, 27.x.1927, B.F. Hopkins (AUMI00034053); Auburn: Fuchess Hall, 24.v.1969, unknown
collector (AUMI00034054); Auburn, 21.vii.2006, C.R. Holt (AUMI00034047); Auburn: Fuchess Hall,,
C.H. Ray (AUMI00034043); Macon County: 32.5147°N, 085.6117°W, 20.viii.2017, chicken coop, R. Birkhead (6
ex, AUMI00194876-81); Monroe County: Haines Is. Pk., 31.7231°N, 087.4694°W, 24-25.vii.1995, blacklight, M.J.
MacGown, T.L. Schiefer (MEMU_ENT 00117471-72); Montgomery County: Montgomery, 30.xi.2015, A. Jeon
(AUMI00116280); Tallapoosa County: 17.ix.2011, J. Siggers (AUMI00034044); Washington County: 25.vii.1921,
H.A. Best (AUMI00034051); 5.5 mi S. McIntosh, 4.viii.1982, S.C. Harris (MEMU_unassigned); FLORIDA:
Highlands County: 32.4418°N, 085.6548°W, 20.v.1989, S Lockhart (AUMI00045629); Archbold, 16.v.1986, C.
Bufford (AUMI00032856); Archbold, 29.v.1992, M.L. Williams (AUMI00032599); Highlands Hammock SP,
9.x.2010, Ting Yang (AUMI00034045); Levy County: Willingston, 20.v.1982, B.R. Hughes (AUMI00034048);
GEORGIA: Tift County: 3.x.2002, F. Zhu (AUMI00034046); LOUISIANA: New Orleans, 7.ix.2012, Yuan Zeng
(AUMI00033438); VIRGINIA: Richmond, 24.vii.1927, W. Barber (AUMI00034091).
194 · Zootaxa 4688 (2) © 2019 Magnolia Press
This paper is contribution No.872 of the Auburn University Museum of Natural History. We thank Terence Schiefer
at the Mississippi Entomological Museum and Paris Lambdin at the University of Tennessee Insect Collection for
allowing us to examine their specimens. DRS thanks Crystal A. Maier of the Field Museum in Chicago for the op-
portunity to study the specimens under her care as well. Thanks also to Alan Jeon for testing the accuracy of the
morphological key and providing additional specimens for our analysis. We thank Thomas McElrath at the Illinois
Natural History Survey Insect Collection for allowing us access to specimens and photographic equipment. Finally,
we thank David Rider for serving as manuscript editor, and Robert L. Blinn and Stephen W. Chordas III for their
insightful and constructive comments and willingness to review the manuscript.
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