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Image compression refers to convert data of more memory storage to the lesser one. Image data compression becomes foremost method for reducing the data redundancy to save more hardware area and transposal capacity. Image compression techniques are mainly used in space and telehealth applications. Image decompression is to give back the original image; it is an application to get much better image in terms of quality or size and also original image are obtained from their compressed form. Various algorithms for image compression/decompression techniques in previous works for space and telehealth applications are: watermarking algorithm, clusteringbased compression method, improved watershed transform method, Set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPHIT) algorithm, Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with Bit plane encoding (BPE), Content based adaptive scanning method, Adaptive lifting DWT and modified SPIHT algorithm. Keywords: image compression, image decompression, DWT with BPE, SPIHT, watermarking, clustering.
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... In the first step, based on the lifting method, biorthogonal integer transform filter is used to realize data denoising and compression. The second step is to further lossless compress the wavelet compressed data by using Huffman coding [14], so as to further improve the compression multiple, realize the real-time progressive compression of massive data under high compression efficiency, and ensure that the data information will not be damaged. ...
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In order to realize the real-time progressive compression of massive data and ensure the quality of compressed data, a real-time progressive compression method of massive data based on improved clustering algorithm is proposed in this paper. Through the micro clustering stage of birch method based on K-Medoids clustering, Clustering Feature Tree hierarchy is constructed and numerical clustering features are extracted; Taking this feature as the input of macro clustering order, the Clustering Feature Tree leaf nodes are clustered based on the improved K-Medoids clustering method, and the clustering data cluster set is output; The set is used as the original data of real-time progressive compression, and the data is denoised and compressed by lifting format wavelet transform. On this basis, Huffman coding is used to compress the data losslessly. The test results show that this method has good clustering effect under the optimal number of clustering centers, can complete the real-time progressive compression of a large number of data, and the availability of compressed data is more than 92%.
... Usage of chip is indicated. A.cortes et al [12] [9] [11] explains about image processing algorithms are constructed in Zynq SOC using VIVADO HLS and are matched with mandated architectures. In VIVADO HLS, an engineer has a scope to add library files to open CV, an open CV is extensively used by the software designers. ...
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this paper aims to provide efficient medical image compression/decompression using vivado HLS (High level synthesis). Data contrast compression method has been proposed to perform image compression using vivado HLS, HLX design blocks for implementation using Arty z7 kit. Data contrast compression method provides efficient image compression by performing 'C/C++' code in vivado HLS environment and effective design blocks are designed using VHDL code in vivado HLX environment. Performances of above two environments are implemented in Arty z7 20 kit. Results for Software simulation, Hardware simulation, design blocks, synthesis, implementation, bit generation, elaborated design or schematic view are generated accordingly. Hardware implementation result can be viewed in Arty z7 kit. Performance parameters like compression ratio, latency are concentrated and tabulated accordingly. Medical Image compression applications are widely used in the field of telehealth for storage and communication purpose.
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This paper aims to provide increased productivity for designing, integrating and implementing systems using xilinx vivado design suite. It can accelerate design implementation with place and route tools that analytically optimize for multiple and concurrent design metrics such as timing, congestion, total wire length, utilization and power; it also provides design analysis capabilities at each design stage. An overview of vivado design suite is illustrated with configuration, implementation, detailed implementation, summary, settings along with component name. Here the component DDS compiler has been chosen and the waveform repository, design settings are added to it. Improved productivity results are indicated through simulation, synthesis, implementation, bitstream generation.
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A simple spectrophotometric method for the determination of mesalazine in aqueous solution is acheived.The method is based on the reaction of measalazine, with exess nitrite, in acidic meduim, to produce an intense orange colored water-soluble and stable azo dye which exhibtis maximum absorpition at 471nm
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The aim of the research was to evaluate the accumulation level of copper, zinc and nickel in forest mushrooms – Bay Bolete (Xerocomus badius), Saffron Milk Cap (Lactarius deliciosus), Rough-Stemmed Bolete (Leccinum scabrum), Slippery Jack (Suillus luteus) and Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera). The analysed mushrooms were obtained from growth forests located in the Masovian Voivodeship in the following counties: Siedlce, Sokołów, Łosice and Łuków. Total content of metals was determined using the method of atomic emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma, after the earlier mineralisation of materials ‘by dry combustion’ in a muffle furnace at the temperature of 450°C, and after melting of ash in a 10% solution of HCl. In the soil samples taken from the places where the tested mushrooms occur, pH in 1 mol KCl·dm-3 and total content of copper, zinc and nickel were determined by the ICP-AES method after earlier mineralization in mixture of concentration HCl and HNO3 (3:1) in a microwave system. Test results were statistically analysed with the use of software STATISTICA 12 PL (STATSOFT, TULSA, USA). The analysed mushrooms had diverse content of the determined metals. The highest total average content of copper and zinc was present in Bay Bolete: 34.83 mg ∙ kg-1d.m. for Cu and 155.50 mg ∙ kg-1d.m. for Zn, and the highest average content of nickel was contained in Rough-Stemmed Bolete – 2.98 mg ∙ kg-1d.m.. The lowest average content of copper and zinc was determined in Rough-Stemmed Bolete: 11.98 mg ∙ kg-1d.m. for Cu and 91.90 mg ∙ kg-1d.m. for Zn, and lowest total average content of nickel was present in Bay Bolete – 1.05 mg ∙ kg-1d.m. No excessive accumulation of examined heavy metals was stated in the analysed mushrooms species.
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences in amino acid composition between the cap and stem of Morchella esculenta - a wild edible mushroom from the Batak Mountain, Bulgaria. The amino acid composition was determined by Q Exactive mass analyser equipped with TurboFlow LC system and IonMax II electrospray ionisation module (ThermoScientific Co, USA). Data acquisition and processing were carried out with XCalibur 4.2 software package. Twenty free amino acids, histidine, arginine, aspargine, glutamine, serine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, threonine, glycine, proline, tyrosine, valine, methionine, leucine/isoleucine, phenylalanine, orndihydrochloride, tryptophane, lysine, 4-hydroxyproline and γ-amino butyric acid were determined in mushroom cap and stem. The total free amino acid (TAA) content of the cap was 26.17 mg kg⁻¹ and that of the stem - 42.75 mg kg⁻¹. The essential to total amino acids ratios of the cap and the stem were 0.15 and 0.25, respectively. The most substantial difference between Morchella esculenta cap and stem was established in ornithine - 263%, followed by serine - 18.93% and aspargine - 20.28%. The smallest differences in the amino acid composition between cap and stem were demonstrated in proline - 102.77%, followed by glutamine - 104.33% and glutamic acid - 93.12%. Of all 20 amino acids, only 6 were found in larger amounts in the cap than in the stem. The results showed the free amino acid content of the analysed wild edible mushroom was considerable, and that they may be important compounds contributing to the typical mushroom taste, nutritional value, and potent antioxidant properties.
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The paper is focused on monitoring of the content of selected elements (Al, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se and Zn) in three species of edible mushrooms: Cantharellus cibarius Fr., Suillus luteus (L.) Roussel and Imleria badia (Fr.) Vizzini from three areas in Slovakia (Prašice, Bobrov and Dobroč). Qualitative and quantitative determination of the observed elements was performed by ICP-OES and/or CV-AAS. All results were statistically evaluated at both descriptive and differential analysis level. Due to the fact that picking and subsequent consumption of edible wild mushrooms is popular in Slovakia, the data obtained were evaluated and compared to tolerable weekly intakes defined by WHO. Based on the content of the monitored elements, PTWI values were not exceeded in any of the species from the studied sites. In some cases, however, specific content values, especially Al, but also Cd and Hg were exceeded compared to the average concentrations of elements in mushrooms from uncontaminated areas. In general, it can be stated that regular and long-term consumption of the mushrooms does not pose any health risk to the consumers.
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Agricultural wastes are valuable organic materials in terms of their nutrient content. These materials are often used in non-agricultural areas. Composting in the conversion of agricultural wastes to soil is the most optimum evaluation method. In this study, composts obtained from agricultural wastes were used and these composts were consisted of different agricultural wastes such as pruning wastes-PW, spent mushroom composts-SMC and at different ratios. Five different compost mixtures were added to the pot soil (1 ton ha-1) and composts effects on growth and nutrient contents of lettuce were determined. The study was carried out during two successive seasons (autumn and spring). The results showed that plant growth and yield were found higher in the compost applications than in control. Generally the highest values were obtained from M1 (80%SMC+20%PW) and M2 (70%SMC+30PW) treatments for many parameters.
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A simple, sensitive and accurate spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of mesalamine in pure and commercial dosage forms. The method is based on the reaction of mesalamine with sodium nitroprusside in the presence of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in alkaline medium to give a highly green colored species which absorb maximally at 703 nm. Beer's law is obeyed in the concentration range of 0.0-30 µg mL-1 with molar absorptivity = 2.036710 4 L mol-1 cm-1. The average recovery is 103.0 % and relative standard deviation is less than 1.5 % (n = 6). The proposed method has been applied successfully for determination of mesalamine in commercial pharmaceutical products such as tablet and suppositories. There is no interference from the excipients. Corresponding Author
New-generation instruments on spacecraft are collecting a large amount of information at an increasing rate, which makes the onboard data compression a challenging task. Moreover, existing compression methods usually scan an image in a fixed way without considering the content of the image, which makes the performance improvements of these methods often marginal at best. In this paper, we present a novel, content-based, adaptive scanning (CAS) scheme for onboard compression. For a remote sensing image, first, the wavelet transform is performed. Second, an adaptive scanning method is proposed, which can provide different scanning orders among and within subbands, respectively. The former aims at organizing the codestream according to the importance of subbands, and the latter focuses on preserving the texture information as much as possible. Finally, the binary tree codec is utilized to code the 1-D coefficient array after scanning. Experimental results demonstrate that compared with other scan-based compression methods, including CCSDS, JPEG2000, and even the state-of-the-art adaptive binary tree coding (BTCA), the proposed compression method can effectively improve the coding performance. In addition, the method does not use entropy coding or any complicated components, which makes it extremely suitable for onboard compression.
The aim of this study was to determine elements: potassium (K), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) contents and their bioaccumulation factors (BCF) in nine species wild edible mushrooms (Amanita caesarea, Boletus pinophilus, Cantharellus aurora, Cantharellus tubaeformis, Cantharellus cibarius, Craterellus cornucopioides, Lactarius deliciosus, Mor-chella esculenta and Tricholoma equestre) and Cambisol soil samples collected from forest sites in the Batak area, Rhodope mountains, Bulgaria. The minimum and maximum bioaccumulation factors were calculated for: K (11.12– 26.70), P (3.05–9.49), Mg (0.17–0.21), Na (0.45–3.71) and Ca (0.04–0.10). The highest bioaccumulation factor was calculated for Amanita caesarea (26.70 for K). The lowest bioaccumulation factor was calculated for Boletus pinophilus and Lactarius deliciosus (0.04 for Ca). The relation between the mushrooms species in relation to their total macro element contents was determined by cluster analysis.
Metal complexes have been subject of study worldwide. These compounds are useful for a multitude of applications in industry and medicine, or in the chemical and electrochemical analysis. For the first time, the electrochemical behaviors of alizarin (Alz) and a Cr(VI)–Alz complex adsorbed on an edge-plane pyrolytic graphite electrode (EPPGE) surface were studied. The complex was investigated at pH 5.10–6.52; the best voltammetric response was obtained at pH 6.52. Alz and the metallic complex both exhibited adsorptive behavior and high electrochemical stability and were strongly influenced by the electrolyte pH. EPPGE modification with Alz, together with square-wave-adsorptive stripping voltammetry, enabled quantification of Cr(VI) ions in an aqueous medium (Britton–Robinson buffer); the detection limit was 0.107 nmol L−1. A linear response was achieved in the concentration range between 0.10 and 2.30 nmol L−1. Therefore, this system is expected to be a useful electrochemical sensor for Cr(VI) at ultra-trace levels.