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Organizational achievement is determined by a number of factors, particularly human resources. Human resources with high levels of happiness will affect productivity and the smoothness of tasks performed. Since employees spend most of their day working in an organization, it is obvious that the organizational environment will affect the employees' emotional well-being. This article discusses the meaning of happiness at the workplace and the leadership factors that influence employees' happiness. Other than adopting effective leadership concepts, leaders who have the skills to listen and think about the career path of the employees are found to highly influence their employees' happiness in the organization.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-3, September 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: C5299098319/2019©BEIESP
Abstract: Organizational achievement is determined by a
number of factors, particularly human resources. Human
resources with high levels of happiness will affect productivity and
the smoothness of tasks performed. Since employees spend most
of their day working in an organization, it is obvious that the
organizational environment will affect the employees’ emotional
well-being. This article discusses the meaning of happiness at
workplace and the leadership factors that influence employees’
happiness. Other than adopting effective leadership concepts,
leaders who have the skills to listen and think about the career
path of the employees are found to highly influence their
employees' happiness in the organization.
Keywords: employees’ happiness, skills to listen, effective
leadership, organizational achievement
Happiness can be referred to as a general term that describes
life in peace and happiness (Fisher, 2010). Individuals who
achieve their goals in life will experience the joys of
happiness and thus achieve the desired satisfaction in life.
Happiness is something that is subjective and needed by
humans. However, the interpretation of each individual's
happiness is different because it has different physical and
mental effects on human life. Employees are important assets
in ensuring that the organization continues to achieve its
goals. Employees who show great potential will have a huge
impact on the success of the organization. However,
organizations also need highly committed employees so that
they can contribute positive impacts to the overall
organizational performance. In this context, it is important for
organizations to ensure that the employees are able to remain
loyal and continue working in the organizations.
According to Gavin da Mason (2004), in order to achieve
happiness in life, individuals need to work in an organization
that can influence their level of happiness. Organizational
supports such as the facilities provided, the role of
management and the influence of co-workers are crucial in
promoting happy employees (Cannon, 2017; Bader et al.,
2013 and Siska and Ami, 2014). The interaction that exists
between an employer and an employee either formally or
informally is strongly associated with the employee's level of
Revised Manuscript Received on September 23, 2019
Khairunesa Isa*, Public and Curriculum Study Centre, Universiti Tun
Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor. Email:
Siti Solehah Tenah, Research Management Centre, Universiti Tun
Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor. Email :
Asliaty Atim, Centre of Language Studies, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
Malaysia, Johor. Email:
Nor Aishah Mat Jam, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor.
happiness. However, in most organizations today there are
leaders who do not treat their employees in a proper manner
(Arnetz, 1999). Some leaders are rude to their employees
especially when they are unable to provide a more innovative
perspective in their work (Abdul Raziq and Raheela, 2015).
From a psychological point of view, these workers will be
embarrassed and turn the event into a negative experience that
may contribute to low work motivation which ultimately
causes the employees to feel unhappy in the organization
(Ma’arof, 2001). According to Sulaiman (2014) employees
are unhappy at work when there is a communication gap
between the superiors and the staff members, employers are
not concerned with the development of the workforce,
employees’ ideas are ignored, lack of welfare benefits to the
workers and the employers do not appreciate what their
employees have done.
As a leader in an organization, there are some principles
that a leader should practise when dealing with the employees
such as being realistic, fair, considerate and empathic.
According to Chiumento (2006), organizational leadership
factors such as cooperation in management, structure and
work system, decision-making power, leadership credibility
and employer recognition can also contribute to a stressful
employee. Therefore, it is important for leaders to ensure that
every action taken in any situation in the organization, such as
in making decisions and giving directions, is carried out in a
rational and prudent manner. For that reason, this study was
conducted to determine the leadership qualities that enable
employees to feel happy while working in the organization.
Happiness can be defined as a positive or negative response
that affects the level of satisfaction in human life (Diener et
al., 1995). According to Jain (2012), happiness results from
one's emotions and pleasant feelings as well as positive
attitude towards something. Happy individuals are more
likely to offer help to others besides being creative in doing
things, being pro-social in society, being charitable and
healthier both physically and mentally (Diener & Dean,
Happiness in the workplace is a positive feeling that
employees have every time they are at work. This feeling
arises when employees are able to manage, carry out their
tasks and produce outputs that give them satisfaction (Pryce
and Jones, 2010). Happiness in the workplace not only refers
to individual intrinsic factors but also to individual extrinsic
factors such as organizational environment (Zafir, 2010),
relationship with others (Carr, 2004; Wesarat, Majid and
Sharif, 2015; Wulandri and Widyastuti, 2014); and other
factors that are directly related to the tasks performed such as
job satisfaction (Cannon, 2017)
autonomy (Diamond and
Lukman Judge, 2014),
Leading Happiness: Leadership and Happiness
at a Workplace
Khairunesa Isa, Siti Solehah Tenah, Asliaty Atim, Nor Aishah Mat Jam
Leading Happiness: Leadership and Happiness at A Workplace
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: C5299098319/2019©BEIESP
leadership, salary, reward and so on. There are many
perspectives of effective leadership in terms of its definition,
role and function. These roles and functions can sometimes
vary depending on the type of field and the organization's
The status of a leader is seen to be so influential in the
success of an organization that a charismatic leader is said to
be able to reflect the credibility and prestigious reputation of
the organization. According to Bohn’s (2003), leadership or
how a leader behaves is directly related to the organizational
performance. This means that the aspects of leadership have a
direct impact on the organizational performance through the
role of the employees in the organization. Thus, not only the
physical characteristics of the leader but the talent, attitude,
knowledge and skills possessed by the leader are also seen to
have a significant impact on the workforce that ultimately
affects the performance of the organization.
Effective leaders are those who are able to see the future
especially in planning what they want to achieve and the
activities that are in line with their efforts to achieve that goal.
Based on previous leadership theories, Bass (1990) found that
there are three ways of explaining how to be a good and
effective leader (i) according to Trait Theory, some
personality traits will indirectly encourage leaders to act
among other members of their organization, (ii) The Great
Event states that individuals will react based on an event or
crisis that occurs; and (iii) Transformational Leadership
Theory states that anyone can choose to be a leader because
everyone can learn leadership skills and knowledge.
Democratic style of leadership is found to be more influential
in the performance of the employees than the autocratic style
of leadership. According to Iqbal et al., (2015), autocratic
leadership has only a short-term effect compared to
democratic leadership. This is because the autocratic
leadership makes the employees feel compelled to do their
work while democratic leadership encourages employees to
work openly and voluntarily. On the other hand, as an
individual responsible for determining the direction and goals
of an organization, a leader needs to be aware of his or her
position as a leader (Arnold et al., 2001). In this context,
leaders need to be ready at all times to act in any sudden
situation or problem and precede any task before asking
others to take on the task.
This survey was conducted on 500 randomly selected
public service organization employees. An open-ended
questionnaire was given to each respondent. Questions were
specifically about the leadership qualities that are expected to
contribute to the employees’ happiness at work.
The analysis of the open-ended question found that the
leadership element had the highest score of 86 in the
recommendations that need to be taken to promote the
employees’ happiness. On average, respondents expected a
leader to have a good character as well as use a more mature
and transformative leadership style in the organization. The
respondents expected their leaders to be considerate and
unselfish, and think about the welfare of the workers. A leader
who shows off, seeks for fame and yells at the employees, is
found to affect the employees’ happiness. Further analysis
showed that employees would be happier if the leader could
be a good listener. The highest-rated item with the score of 12
stated that a leader who listens would make the employees
happy because the leader would be ready at any time to hear
any thoughts, ideas or problems from the employees. In
addition, the respondents also thought that happiness in the
workplace would be easier to achieve if the leaders adopt
effective leadership approach that is more supportive to the
employees. This is evident when the findings showed that
items such as consideration, respect, understanding of
employees, courtesy and tolerance are needed for employees
to be happier when working under a leader.
According to Meriam and Chaiprasit (2017) and
Santidhirakul (2011), the aspects of leadership are strongly
related to influencing the employees’ level of happiness.
Autocratic leaders will cause employers to feel pressured and
apprehensive. This situation eventually causes the employees
to feel less valued and more likely to call it quits or leave their
current positions. Therefore, the respondents suggested that in
order to achieve a level of happiness the employer should not
be egotistic and bossy, but is more sensitive to the needs and
welfare of their staff members. According to Bass (1985)
transformational leadership characteristics such as
intellectual stimulation, charismatic and individual-centred
thinking can stimulate commitment among employees while
employees who are willing to be committed are those who are
happy and satisfied with their working environment (Isa et al
., 2018).
Employment is one of the factors for individuals to achieve
happiness in life. Working is a platform that develops
individuals’ potentials and thus gaining recognition in life.
Therefore, it can be said that besides organizations,
employees also have their own career goals that need to be
achieved in order to accomplish their goals in life. Individuals
who achieve their goals in life will be happy and indirectly,
this will improve their self-esteem. In any organization, a
leader plays an important role in determining the employees’
happiness. Besides ensuring that the organizational
environment can influence the level of employees’ happiness,
a leader also needs to establish leadership qualities that
contribute to the employees’ happiness at work. Having
respect and concern for the welfare of the employees should
be emphasized so that the employees will feel as part of the
organization. Therefore, the employees are more at ease and
happier at work. As a result, not only employees manage to
improve their career performance, but the organization will
also be more productive.
The authors would like to thanks Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
Malaysia (UTHM) for supporting this research under the
UTHM Research Funds Scheme. In addition, the authors also
thanks the respondents for their fully supported in this
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-3, September 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: C5299098319/2019©BEIESP
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Dr. Khairunesa Isa, phD, is a lecturer at Science
Social Department, Center for General Studies and
Co-Curricular, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM). She
is also leader of Focus Group and Social Impact Focus
Group at the same department. She actively doing
research in Sociology.
Siti Solehah Tenah, is a research manager at Strategy &
Research Data Management Unit, Research Management
Centre (RMC), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Asliaty Atim, is a lecturer at English and Linguistic
Department, Centre of Language Studies, Universiti Tun
Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).
Nor Aishah Mat Jam, is a research assistant under
supervision Dr. Khairunesa Isa. She was graduated in
Master of Technical Vocational Education and will
pursuing her phD level at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
Malaysia (UTHM).
... Happiness is also can be a form of joy, appears in every typology of 'basic' human emotions (Fisher 2010). Hence, happiness can be referred to as a general term that describes life in peace and happiness (Fisher 2010;Isa et al. 2019). Moreover, happiness is something that is subjective and needed by humans. ...
... Moreover, happiness is something that is subjective and needed by humans. However, the interpretation of each individual's happiness is vary due to the differentiation in physical and mental effects on human life (Isa et al. 2019). So, the spreading of happiness among employees is an important for organizations in order to achieve their goals in future. ...
... The empirical evidence showed that when employees are become happy enjoying their tasks, they will be more productive and less stressed at workplace (Akgunduz, Bardakoglu, and Kizilcalioglu 2023;Fisher 2010;Opatha and Uresha 2020;Semedo, Coelho, and Ribeiro 2019). In this context, it is important for organizations to ensure that the employees are able to remain loyal and continue working in the organizations through their leaders (Isa et al. 2019). Accordingly, there are many studies addressed the significant role of leadership styles on employee happiness. ...
... Happiness is also can be a form of joy, appears in every typology of 'basic' human emotions (Fisher 2010). Hence, happiness can be referred to as a general term that describes life in peace and happiness (Fisher 2010;Isa et al. 2019). Moreover, happiness is something that is subjective and needed by humans. ...
... Moreover, happiness is something that is subjective and needed by humans. However, the interpretation of each individual's happiness is vary due to the differentiation in physical and mental effects on human life (Isa et al. 2019). So, the spreading of happiness among employees is an important for organizations in order to achieve their goals in future. ...
... The empirical evidence showed that when employees are become happy enjoying their tasks, they will be more productive and less stressed at workplace (Akgunduz, Bardakoglu, and Kizilcalioglu 2023;Fisher 2010;Opatha and Uresha 2020;Semedo, Coelho, and Ribeiro 2019). In this context, it is important for organizations to ensure that the employees are able to remain loyal and continue working in the organizations through their leaders (Isa et al. 2019). Accordingly, there are many studies addressed the significant role of leadership styles on employee happiness. ...
The aim of this study is to explore the mediating role of employee happiness on the relationship between visionary leadership and employee creativity in the universities of Saudi Arabia. Although there are growing interest toward studying the effect of leadership on employee creativity, still there is a lack of empirical evidence in this area. This study followed the quantitative approach, so 100 self-administered questionnaires were collected from academic staff. For analyzing the data, we employed SPSS, and Smart-PLS software for having the results of this study. The results indicated that visionary leadership has a positive impact on employee happiness and creativity, however, employee happiness is found not predicting employee creativity. Moreover, the results also showed that the role of mediator of employee happiness is not found. Therefore, the study provided new ideas and implications for leaders and policymakers due to the significant role of visionary leadership for increasing the employees' happiness and creativity in workplace.
... In addition, leadership is also one of the factors of happiness at work. According to Isa et al. (2019) leaders play an important role in determining employee happiness. Leadership style that is appropriate and acceptable to millennial employees will positively affect employee happiness. ...
... The hypothesis results from challenge leadership support the findings of previous research by Isa et al (2019) which concluded that leadership significantly affects happiness at work. The role of the leader is very important in determining employee happiness. ...
The purpose of this study is to analyze the perception millenial employees about workload, work life balance and challange leadership on happiness at work. This study used quantitative data types with the population of this study are employees worked in Kuningan Area South Jakarta. The sample used in this study are 100 respondents. The methode used for data collection is by used a questionnaire distribution technique trough google form. The analysis technique in this study used the inner model andouter model test wich were processed and analyzed using SmartPLS software which is equipped with variable descriptions of each respondent’s characteristics. The results of this study showed that the workload had a significant effect on happiness at work, work life balance had a significant effect on happiness at work, challenge leadership had a significant effect on happiness at work, workload had no significant effect on challenge leadership, work life balance had a significant effect on leadership. Concequently millenials do not query about workload but work life balance are the primary reason, and challange leadership to experience hapiness at work.
... Perceptions influence commitment both direct and indirectly through the mediation effect of work happiness (Semedo, Coelho, Ribeiro, 2019). Aside from implementing excellent leadership strategies, leaders who have the ability to understand and consider their employees' professional paths have been shown to have a significant impact on the employees' happiness at workplace (Isa et al., 2019). ...
... As per the present study results, managerial leadership has a significant positive impact on employee happiness hence, the researcher fails to reject H2. The findings of the study are quite similar to extant literature (Isa et al., 2019;Salas-Vallina, 2020). The outcomes of this paper would have an impact on human resource performance in the education industry, notably in terms of enhancing academicians' happiness. ...
Purpose. The principal aim of the study is to explore the association and impact of managerial leadership on employee happiness in private universities. The study has two objectives. First, to check the association between managerial leadership and employee happiness. Second, to inspect the impact of managerial leadership on employee happiness. Method. The study has used social exchangeand human relation theories as a basis of research. Through a structured questionnaire, data for thestudy is collected from academicians working in private universities in Punjab. The Punjab region is chosen because it is rapidly expanding as an education hub. The study’s relevant sample is calculated using the G*Power software. This software-generated a sample size of 159 respondents. Collected data is analyzed using SPSS-23 software and results are drawn. Findings. The findings of the study exhibit that managerial leadership and employee happiness both are co-related. There is a significant impactof managerial leadership on employee happiness. Managerial leadership is considered as a predictor of employee happiness in the formation of a regression analysis. The computed regression results betweenmanagerial leadership and employee happiness. Managerial leadership is considered an independentfactor in this study, whereas employee happiness is considered a dependent factor. The study further concludes that positive managerial leadership helps to bring happiness among academicians and viceversa. Value of results. The literature on managerial leadership and employee happiness is very limited therefore, the present study makes a unique contribution in this area and adds value to the extant literature.
... Besides, [10] stated that the elements of freedom in terms of time and not being tied to the workplace cause many entrepreneurs to conduct business using social media. As stated by [11], another factor that influences employee happiness is the element of freedom. Furthermore, [12] also stated the changing world of global marketing with worldfamous brands focused on the digital market in a more effective and cheap way through social media has changed traders and buyers to actively use social media as a business medium. ...
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Technology has become an integral part of society, substantially contributing to its many facets. With the advent of technology, media entrepreneurship in Malaysia has expanded significantly. The younger generation, specifically Generation Z, relies heavily on social media for communication, information inquiry, and online purchasing and selling. This change has had a significant impact on the Malaysian field of technopreneurship. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the factors that influence Generation Z's use of social media for business and their propensity to engage in technopreneurship. This is a quantitative study that uses a questionnaire to collect demographic information, factors influencing Generation Z to use social media for business, and their motivations or aspirations to partake in technopreneurship activities. 280 respondents from Generation Z technopreneurs were selected through random sampling. The software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to perform a descriptive analysis of the obtained data. According to the study's findings, each factor has a significant relationship with the motivation to engage in technopreneurship.
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The competitive context of globalisation is arising some complex issues for companies. One of the main problems is high turnover rates, which are negatively affecting organisations' results. The willingness to stay in a company can be affected by numerous variables and, understanding these variables can be crucial for the sustainability of any business. This research aims to address and measure willingness to stay within a company, understand if and how much it is influenced by organisational culture, specifically by commitment, happiness, justice and loyalty. Using survey data from 284 active workers, the results reveal that willingness to stay is positively influenced by organisational commitment, organisational happiness and, organisational 68 M. Cruz et al. loyalty. Although organisational justice does not directly affect willingness to stay, it acts has a mediator in the other three variables, revealing an indirect relationship between organisational justice and willingness to stay established through organisational commitment, organisational happiness and, organisational loyalty.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the descriptive data of organizational factors that contribute to staff happiness. The survey was conducted in one of the Malaysian Higher Education Institutions which was located in the southern region of Peninsular Malaysia. The study involved 15 respondents comprising academic and non-academic staff at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. A session of Round Table Discussion (RTD) was organised to discuss the issues that were highlighted in a survey data. The topics included the opinions and suggestions of respondents to propose personal factors that contributed to staff happiness. The RTD session was audio-recorded and transcribed. The respondents were given a copy of the transcripts to review and ensure the accuracy. The data were analysed using thematic analysis. In order to confirm data trustworthiness, the researchers applied both participant and literature review cross-checks. The data analysis showed that personal economy and appreciation dimension were among the highest contributors in determining employee happiness, followed by support system, workstation environment and trust. In conclusion, the data set provided an initial record on how personal factors of employees in the organisation had affected their happiness at workplace.
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The current study examines the multifaceted challenges and opportunities that are confronted and yet available to Afghan refugees in Pakistan, focusing on the legal, economic, social, security and humanitarian aspects. Afghanistan neighbouring Pakistan has a long and traditional, cultural as well as religious history along with sharing borders through trade for centuries. It is obvious that ancient civilizations and empires have shaped their enduring geo-strategic and geo-economic significance through several factors. Consequently, the country became a unique geographical settlement for many dynasties. However, since the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan has become a safe and more accessible host for millions of Afghan refugees seeking refuge from conflict, violence, and political instability. The study aims to explore the various factors associated with Afghan refugees, focusing on the socio-legal, humanitarian as well economic considerations in the integration process despite some security concerns. Similarly, despite making millions of sacrifices, there is a huge gap that has ultimately affected the policy measures for both countries in developing a conducive atmosphere for trust building. Further, hosting millions of refugees for the last fifty years, the government in collaboration with multiple national and international organizations had extended legal, economic, and humanitarian aid for the reintegration of the displaced individuals. The study thus is important to focus on the stability, essentially economic, legal and human development aspects to improve the living condition of the bordering communities under the umbrella of legal and humanitarian perspectives.
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Stres di tempat kerja merupakan isu kesihatan yang semakin relevan dalam konteks pentadbiran di universiti penyelidikan (RU). Kecenderungan dan persaingan dalam kalangan warga RU dalam memenuhi kriteria penarafan universiti, termasuklah dalam melipatgandakan penerbitan dan penyelidikan, menjadikan isu stres perlu diberi perhatian serius. Apatah lagi, dalam kalangan kakitangan akademik yang pada masa sama memegang jawatan pentadbiran di universiti, beban kerja tambahan boleh membawa kepada stres yang berlebihan, justeru memberi kesan negatif terhadap kesihatan pekerjaan dan akhirnya menjejaskan produktiviti individu dan organisasi. Atas dasar inilah, kajian ini dijalankan bagi mendapatkan bukti empirikal terhadap hubungan stres dan produktiviti dalam kalangan pentadbir di universiti penyelidikan. Daripada 218 soal selidik yang diedarkan, seramai 72 responden telah memberikan maklumbalas. Responden terdiri daripada para pentadbir akademik dari beberapa RU di Malaysia, termasuklah mereka yang memegang jawatan Dekan, Timbalan Dekan, Pengerusi, Ketua Jabatan, Ketua Program, Ketua Jaminan Kualiti serta Penyelaras Program. Soal selidik kajian ini dibangunkan berdasarkan soal-selidik ASSET, manakala ukuran produktiviti pula menggunakan kriteria penilaian prestasi tahunan RU. Penemuan kajian menunjukkan stres di tempat kerja sememangnya memberi kesan terhadap para pentadbir fakulti. Isu kesihatan pekerjaan merupakan impak tersembunyi yang dibimbangi akan membawa kesan yang buruk sekiranya tidak ditangani dengan baik.
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This paper examined the effect of work environment on job satisfaction with the spotlight on a merchant bank in Ghana. Among other objectives, the paper set out to ascertain the impact of physical and mental environment on employees’ performance, to know the overall satisfaction level of employees in the bank and study whether physical, social and psychological work environment affect job satisfaction. Stratified sampling technique was adopted to select the sample for the study. Questionnaire was used as the research instrument while Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was employed to analyze the data gathered from the field study. Findings of the study indicated that most of the staff at the bank are satisfied with their work environment especially the physical ambiance. The paper concludes that the environment has a significant effect on employees’ satisfaction. The findings of the paper emphasize the need for management to improve the work environment of employees to boost productivity
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Happiness at the workplace refers to how satisfied people are with their work and lives. The idea of happiness is related to individual’s subjective well-being. Happiness at the workplace is crucial for improving productivity in any organization. Happy people are productive people while those people who are unhappy may not pay full attention to any task. Some scholars believe that organizations which are able to maintain long-term happiness at the workplace could probably increase and sustain productivity. Therefore, they should know what factors could affect employee happiness in order to effectively enhance happiness at the workplace. But research on employee happiness was rarely seen in the past. The issue of happiness at the workplace needs to be properly conceptualized so that useful research on it could be conducted. This paper presents a potential conceptual framework of happiness at the workplace that could give valuable contribution to future research in this area.
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Networks, contacts and power are very important for career success. As such this article tries to (a) find out the use of social network sites for social and/or professional purposes, (b) examine the differences between the internal contact and the external contact used by employees, (c) ascertain the differences between information power and relational power used, and (d) analyze the relationships between communication networks, organizational contacts and communication power with career success. The study employed a quantitative research design. A total of 308 middle level management officers were surveyed, using a questionnaire as the research instrument for data collection. Findings revealed that the employees used mainly email, Facebook and Twitter. They used social networking sites more for social networking than for professional networking. Generally, the employees used more of the internal contacts than the external contacts. However, the employees perceived that they were equally capable of having information power and relational power. Nonetheless, the findings also showed that career success was predicted by information power, external contacts, social networking use, and relational power. Therefore, career success encompasses both what you know and whom you know to climb up the career ladder for successful accomplishment at the workplace.
What is positive psychology? Positive psychology is concerned with the enhancement of happiness and well being, involving the scientific study of the role of personal strengths and positive social systems in the promotion of optimal well-being. The central themes of positive psychology, including Happiness, Hope, Creativity and Wisdom, are all investigated in this book in the context of their possible applications in clinical practise. Positive Psychology is unique in offering an accessible introduction to this emerging field of clinical psychology. It covers: available resources including websites and test forms, methods of measurement, a critique of available research, recommendations for further reading. Positive Psychology will prove a valuable resource for psychology students and lecturers who will benefit from the learning objectives and research stimuli included in each chapter. It will also be of great interest to those involved in training in related areas such as social work, counselling and psychotherapy.
Two studies investigated the cognitive consequences of personal space invasions on a city sidewalk. Invaded pedestrians crossed a street faster, judged the invader more negatively, rated the invader's behavior as less appropriate, attributed specific intentions, and in one study but not the other, rated their own feelings less positively than did non-invaded pedestrians.
The workplace environment impacts employee morale, productivity and engagement - both positively and negatively. The work place environment in a majority of industry is unsafe and unhealthy. These includes poorly designed workstations, unsuitable furniture, lack of ventilation, inappropriate lighting, excessive noise, insufficient safety measures in fire emergencies and lack of personal protective equipment. People working in such environment are prone to occupational disease and it impacts on employee's performance. Thus productivity is decreased due to the workplace environment. It is the quality of the employee's workplace environment that most impacts on their level of motivation and subsequent performance. How well they engage with the organization, especially with their immediate environment, influences to a great extent their error rate, level of innovation and collaboration with other employees, absenteeism and ultimately, how long they stay in the job. Creating a work environment in which employees are productive is essential to increased profits for your organization, corporation or small business. The relationship between work, the workplace and the tools of work, workplace becomes an integral part of work itself. The management that dictate how, exactly, to maximize employee productivity center around two major areas of focus: personal motivation and the infrastructure of the work environment.