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Abstract and Figures

With the recent prevalence of information networks, the topic of community detection has gained much interest among researchers. In real-world networks, node attribute (content information) is also available in addition to topology information. However, the collected topology information for networks is usually noisy when there are missing edges. Furthermore, the existing community detection methods generally focus on topology information and largely ignore the content information. This makes the task of community detection for incomplete networks very challenging. A new method is proposed that seeks to address this issue and help improve the performance of the existing community detection algorithms by considering both sources of information, i.e. topology and content. Empirical results demonstrate that our proposed method is robust and can detect more meaningful community structures within networks having incomplete information, than the conventional methods that consider only topology information.
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The Journal of Supercomputing (2020) 76:226–254
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection
algorithms using content andtopology information
AmhmedBhih1 · PrincyJohnson1· MartinRandles1
Published online: 19 October 2019
© The Author(s) 2019
With the recent prevalence of information networks, the topic of community detec-
tion has gained much interest among researchers. In real-world networks, node
attribute (content information) is also available in addition to topology information.
However, the collected topology information for networks is usually noisy when
there are missing edges. Furthermore, the existing community detection methods
generally focus on topology information and largely ignore the content information.
This makes the task of community detection for incomplete networks very challeng-
ing. A new method is proposed that seeks to address this issue and help improve the
performance of the existing community detection algorithms by considering both
sources of information, i.e. topology and content. Empirical results demonstrate that
our proposed method is robust and can detect more meaningful community struc-
tures within networks having incomplete information, than the conventional meth-
ods that consider only topology information.
Keywords Social networks· Community detection· Hybrid similarity· Incomplete
information networks
1 Introduction
Real-world networks are not random networks, and they usually exhibit inhomoge-
neity and reveal a high level of order and organisation [1]. An interesting feature
that real-world networks usually present is the community structure property, under
* Amhmed Bhih;
Princy Johnson
Martin Randles
1 Department ofElectronics andElectrical Engineering/Computer Science, LJMU,
LiverpoolL33AF, UK
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection algorithms…
which the topology of network is organised into modules commonly called commu-
nities or clusters [2].
In many real-world network structures such as social networks and the World
Wide Web, in addition to the link information, nodes also have their attribute values
referred to as attribute/content information. For example, in a social network, the
nodes’ properties could describe the roles of a person while the topological structure
represents relationships among a group of people.
Most of the existing approaches found in the literature make use of either link
information or attribute information analysis alone for community detection. How-
ever, in real-world networks, neither piece of information on its own is sufficient
in determining good clusters of the network. The link information is usually sparse
and noisy. On the other hand, relying on the attribute information alone could mis-
lead the process of community detection. For example, the process may not iden-
tify the strength of a node’s relationship with its neighbours correctly. Consequently,
by taking into account only one source of information, the algorithm may fail to
detect accurately the entire community memberships. Considering more than one
source of information for community detection could produce meaningful clusters
and improve the robustness of the network. For instance, when considering both the
attribute information and connectivity information, if either one source of informa-
tion is noisy or missing, the other could make up for it. Therefore, the proposed
approach will consider attribute information and structure information. The struc-
ture information consists of shared neighbours information and connectivity infor-
mation aspects of the network [3].
1.1 Research benet andits impact
Community structure is a common and important topological characteristic of many
real-world complex networks. Nodes belonging to a tight-knit community are more
than likely to have other properties in common [4]. The determination of communi-
ties in the networks can provide powerful insights into the structure of networks,
help to better understand the structural make-up of the networks and analyse com-
plex phenomena at different scales [5, 6]. Thus, the outcome of this research work
has valuable applications in several fields such as biology, social science, physics,
computer science and business science [5, 7].
In social networks, for example, analysis of community detection is extremely
useful in the context of many applications, including customer segmentation, vertex
labelling, recommendations and link inference [8]. Community structure is impor-
tant not only in social networks, but also in various other networks. For example,
determination of community structure in the Internet can address questions such as
how to route data as packets in an efficient way, how to reduce the time consumption
for such traffic and what is the fast and safe path to consider to reach the destination.
It can go further in depth, by elucidating questions like how computer viruses are
spreading through the Internet and what mechanisms they follow to hit organisa-
tions. Also in dark networks, community structure can reveal the hidden relation-
ships between individual terrorists [9]. Similarly, in the case of the World Wide Web
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(WWW) pages related to the same subject are typically organised into communities,
so that the identification of these communities can help the task of seeking for iden-
tifying the category of the network as well as understanding its dynamic evolution
and organisation [10].
Clustering is an important technique in mobile ad hoc and sensor networks [11]
for the improvement of certain management, e.g. energy consumption and commu-
nication tasks. Yu and Chong [12] reported that the cluster structure is an effec-
tive topology that could provide many benefits in the context of wireless sensor net-
works (WSNs). It could be used to increase the system capacity by spatial reuse of
resources. Furthermore, it improves routing performance, because of the fact that
the set of cluster heads and cluster gateways can normally form a virtual backbone
for inter-cluster routing, and thus, the generation and spreading of routing informa-
tion can be restricted to this set of nodes. Additionally, they stated that the cluster
structure makes an ad hoc network appear smaller and more stable in the view of
each mobile terminal.
1.2 Related work andscope ofstudy
1.2.1 Related work
Community detection is an active area of network science research and over the
years, a wide variety of community detection algorithms have been proposed to find
the communities in the network. Community detection is also named as graph parti-
tioning, in much of the literature [13, 14]. It is tempting to suggest that community
detection and graph partitioning are really addressing the same question, since both
their aim is to identify groups of nodes on a network that are better connected to
each other than to the rest of the network. However, it is very important to stress that
the task of graph partitioning and community detection can be distinguished from
one another based on whether the experimenter fixes the number and size of the
groups or it is unspecified [15]. Graph partitioning is the problem of partitioning a
graph into a predefined number and size of clusters. It has been pursued particularly
in computer science and related fields with applications in parallel computing and
very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design, whereas, in the community detection,
which has been pursued by sociologists and more recently by physicists and applied
mathematicians, with applications especially to social and biological networks, the
number and size of clusters are unspecified. Furthermore, the goal in the former is
usually to identify the best division of a network regardless of whether or not a good
division existed. In case there are no good divisions existing, the least bad one will
be identified as the solution. On the other hand, in the latter, the algorithm only
divides the network when good divisions exist and leave the network undivided in
case there are no good divisions existing [3, 15].
The community detection algorithms can be classified in different ways, and
depending on the selected criteria, one algorithm can belong to more than one
category. Among them, those based on modularity maximisation form the most
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection algorithms…
prominent family of community detection algorithms such as fastgreedy algorithm
[16] and Louvain algorithm [17].
Fastgreedy algorithm is an agglomerative hierarchical clustering method pro-
posed by Newman [16]. The algorithm greedily maximises the modularity function
Q and starts the process by assigning a different community to each node in the
network. Then, at each stage in the process, the pair of clusters that yields greatest
increase of modularity or smallest decrease is merged until only one cluster remains
containing all nodes in the network. The whole procedure can be represented by a
dendrogram (hierarchical tree) that illustrates the order of the mergers. Cuts through
the dendrogram at different levels give different partitions into communities. The
optimal community cluster can be found by cutting the dendrogram at the level of
maximum Q.
Louvain algorithm is a hierarchical agglomerative optimisation method proposed
by Blondel etal. [17] and attempts to optimise the modularity of a partition of the
network. The optimisation is performed in two steps that are repeated iteratively.
This algorithm starts with each node in the network belonging to its own commu-
nity. Then, in the first step and for each node in the network, the algorithm uses
the local moving heuristic to obtain an improved community structure by moving
each node from its own community to its neighbours’ community and evaluating the
gain of modularity associated with the moving of the node. The node is then placed
in the community for which the modularity change is the most positive. If none of
these modularity changes is positive, the node stays in its original community. This
process is applied repeatedly and sequentially for each node until all the nodes in
the network are considered, and no further improvement can be achieved. This con-
cludes the first step. The second step of the algorithm consists of building a new
network from the communities discovered in the first step. Therefore, the individual
nodes in the new network are the individual communities from the first step. In this
new network, there will be an edge between two nodes if there were edges between
the corresponding two communities in the previous step. The weights of those new
edges are the sum of the weights of the edges between nodes in the corresponding
two communities. The edges between nodes of the same community in the first step
will lead to self-loops for this community node in the new network. Once the second
step is completed, it is possible to replay the first step and iterate again if necessary.
The two steps repeat iteratively and stop when there is no more change in the modu-
larity gain, and consequently, a maximum modularity is obtained.
Another popular method widely used to find communities in the network is
based on the random walk. An example includes Walktrap (WT) algorithm which
is proposed by Pons and Latapy [18]. Walktrap algorithm is based on the principle
that random walks on a network tend to get ‘trapped’ into densely connected parts
defining the communities. In this method, the authors propose using a node similar-
ity measure based on short walks to capture structural similarities between nodes
instead of modularity to identify community via hierarchical agglomeration. The
algorithm starts by assigning each node to its own community, and the distance for
every pair of communities is computed. Communities are merged according to the
minimum of their distances and the process iterated. After n 1 steps, the algorithm
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finishes and gives a hierarchical structure of communities called a dendrogram. The
best partition is then considered to be the one that maximises modularity.
Information theoretic algorithms are another major type of community detection
clustering algorithms that use the concept of information theory to find community
clusters in the network. Infomap algorithm is an example of information theoretic
algorithms proposed by Rosvall and Bergstrom in [19].
Infomap algorithm characterises the problem of finding the optimal community
clustering in the network as the problem of finding the most compressed (shortest)
description length of the random walks on the network. It uses a random walk as a
proxy for information flow in a network and minimises a map equation, which meas-
ures the description length of a random walker, over all the network clusters to reveal
its community structure. To represent the community structure, the algorithm uses a
two-level nomenclature based on Huffman coding: a level to distinguish communi-
ties in the network and the other to distinguish nodes in the community. In practice,
the random walker is likely to stay longer inside communities, and therefore, in the
process of finding a community containing few inter-community links, only the sec-
ond level is needed to describe its path, leading to a compact representation.
However, most of these algorithms are classified as global algorithms, which
require access to the information of the entire network and make use topology infor-
mation and largely ignore the attribute information [2].
1.2.2 Background andscope ofstudy
Another property of similar interest is transitivity or global coefficient clustering,
which is defined as the tendency between two nodes to be connected if they share a
mutual neighbour [20]. In terms of network topology, transitivity is defined as the
presence of a heightened number of sets of three vertices with edges between each
pair of nodes (triangles) in the network.
Empirical studies have found that the concept of transitivity applies in about
70–80% of all cases across a variety of small group situations [21, 22]. Huijuan and
Shixuan [23] proposed a graph clustering algorithm called SNGC that considers
both connectivity between nodes and shared neighbours. Their experimental results
show that the proposed algorithm provides promising results and could be applied to
the analysis of social networks, computer networks, bioinformatics, etc.
Another common occurrence in networks is that similar nodes associate with
each other more often than others (e.g. in social networks, people choose to be
friends with people who share their beliefs). This property is known as homophily
[24]. Traud and Kelsic [25] show that a set of nodes’ attributes can act as the pri-
mary organising principle of the communities. Several studies have been performed
to investigate this phenomenon of homophily, which is summarised in McPherson
etal. [24].
There have been modifications and revisions to many methods and algorithms
already proposed. A comprehensive survey of community detection in graphs has
been done by Fortunato in [2]. Other reviews available in the literature are by Bedi
and Sharma in [26] and Plantié and Crampes in [27].
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection algorithms…
Recently, there have been several studies [2833], [34] showing that the com-
bination of attribute and link information to detect communities in a network can
improve the clustering quality. Most of these studies propose new algorithms that
aim to use both sources of information; however, most methods use all attributes
the same way without considering which ones may influence the community struc-
ture more, and lack the flexibility of balancing the information coming from network
adjacency matrix (link information) and its node attributes.
Considering more than one source of information for community detection could
produce meaningful clusters and improve the robustness of the network. Therefore, a
pre-processing approach that considers both the attribute information and connectiv-
ity information aspects of the network for community detection is presented in this
work. It should be noted that this work does not attempt to introduce a new com-
munity detection algorithm and rather proposes a pre-processing step to improve
the performance of the existing community detection algorithms and enable them to
execute in unreliable data network environments with better results.
In this paper, a network is represented as an undirected network G = (V, E, A),
where V is the set of nodes and E is set of edges between nodes. Each node Vi V is
associated with an attribute vector (
), where d is the attribute dimension
and i represents the node ID.
The main goal of this work is to find K non-overlapping communities in the
network where the community (C) is defined as a list of non-empty node subsets:
C = {
}, and
that satisfy
∅ for any ij.
1.3 Contributions arising fromthis work
During the past decade, the problem of community detection in networks has drawn
a great deal of attention and several algorithms have been proposed. Recently, sev-
eral studies have proposed methods that make use of both attribute and link infor-
mation to detect communities in a network. However, as mentioned in the previous
section, most of these studies propose new algorithms that aim to use both sources
of information, use all attributes the same way without considering which ones may
influence the community structure more, and lack the flexibility of balancing the
information coming from network adjacency matrix and its node attributes. Addi-
tionally, none of the studies examines the quality and the number of community
structures that could be identified in the network when some of the links are miss-
ing, i.e. noisy network environment.
The aim of this work is to design and implement a method that seeks to improve
the performance of the existing community detection algorithms for incomplete net-
works. Hence, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on the community
structure that seeks to:
1. Design and implement a unique pre-processing approach for the state-of-the-art
community detection algorithms by tightly integrating the attribute information,
shared neighbours and connectivity information aspects of the network to produce
a new matrix.
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2. Study the correlation between communities and attributes in the network and
introduce weight detection attribute model to learn the degree of contributions of
different attributes based on the impact of attribute on the community structure.
3. Evaluate the performance of pre-processing approach within incomplete, net-
1.4 Structure ofthepaper
This paper is organised as follows: the experimental datasets along with the quality
metrics for assessing the network clustering results are discussed in Sect.2. Sec-
tion 3 investigates the correlations between attributes and community structure of
the network. Section4 describes the novel proposed method along with a similarity
matrix, used to weight the links between nodes in the network. Section5 briefly
presents the experimentations and evaluates the results of the proposed approach
against the benchmark algorithms. The conclusion and future work are presented in
2 Datasets andperformance metric
2.1 Datasets
In order to investigate the correlations between attributes and community structure
and to evaluate the proposed approach, anonymised Facebook datasets as introduced
by Traud etal. [35] and [25] are used. The Facebook datasets are undirected and
unweighted. The datasets were recorded on a particular day in September 2005 and
contain Facebook networks from 100 different American university networks whose
nodes represent users and whose links represent friendships between users. Attribute
information about each user is also provided. Each user has seven node attributes: a
student/faculty status flag, gender, major, second major/minor (if applicable), dormi-
tory (house), year and high school. In this work, four networks from 100 Facebook
datasets are used. In particular, the Caltech36, Reed98, Haverford76 and Vassar85
datasets, which contain 769, 962, 1446 and 3068 nodes and 16,656, 18,812, 59,589
and 119,161 edges, respectively, are used.
For more information about dataset, interested readers may refer to work by
Traud etal. in [35] and [25]. However, the proposed approach in this work is not
limited to the social networks but can be applied to many kinds of graph structures.
2.2 Performance metrics
To quantify the performance of the proposed approach, the quality of the obtained
community structures is evaluated based on the modularity, number and size of
detected communities.
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection algorithms…
Denition 1 modularity (Q) Modularity (Q) is a prominent measure for the qual-
ity of a community structure introduced by Newman and Girvan in [36], and it has
become a widely accepted quality of measure for community detection. Modularity
states that a good cluster should have a bigger than expected number of connections
between the nodes within modules and a smaller than expected number of connec-
tions between nodes in different modules. The higher the value of modularity, the
better its community strength.
Formally, modularity can be defined as [2]:
where Aij is an element of the adjacency matrix,
is the degree of node i.
is the
Kronecker delta symbol, which is equal to 1 if ci = cj and 0 otherwise, and ci is the
label of the community to which node i is assigned.
3 Correlation analysis
3.1 Shared neighbours
In order to measure how likely any two nodes with a common neighbour are them-
selves connected, the clustering coefficient of each node in the network is calculated.
Denition 2 clustering coecient CCO The node clustering coefficient
of a
node i is defined as the ratio of the number of edges connecting the neighbours of i
to the total possible number of such edges of i, and
is the degree of node i [10]:
is the number of edges between neighbours of node i.
The clustering coefficient for the whole network is the average of the local values
where n is the number of nodes in the network [10].
Figure1 shows the visualisation results of the cluster coefficient for each node
in the four datasets. In this figure, colours of nodes correspond to values of their
corresponding clustering coefficients. As can be seen, there are some nodes that
have high clustering coefficients, which indicates strong connectivity between each
other. In other words, they are more prone to be in the same cluster. Furthermore,
ij [
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the clustering coefficient for the considered networks is 0.4288, 0.3304, 0.3268 and
0.2487 for Caltech36, Reed98, Haverford76 and Vassar85 datasets, respectively.
It is clear from the above discussion that the shared neighbours’ information
can be used to describe the nature of connections between nodes in the network.
This should motivate the use of shared neighbours’ information in detecting
community clusters in the network.
3.2 Correlation ofcommunities andattributes
For the sake of computing the correlation between connectivity of nodes and their
attributes, the nodes are clustered based on their attributes in which the nodes whose
attributes are similar are grouped together to form a cluster. Also, four different
(a) Caltech36 (b) Reed98
Fig. 1 Visualisation results of node clustering coefficient for subset of four datasets (colour figure online)
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection algorithms…
community clustering algorithms, which are Fast Modularity [37], Louvain [17],
leading eigenvector algorithm [38], and Walktrap [39] are applied on the datasets
to find the communities. Then, the correlations between the resulting communi-
ties from these algorithms and the attributes are measured using Jaccard similarity
index, which was introduced by the Paul Jaccard in [40].
Figure2 presents the Jaccard similarity index for four different community detec-
tion algorithms with each attribute over the four networks in the Facebook dataset. It
is interesting to notice that for the same dataset, the order of the correlation strength
across different attributes is not same and varies from one community clustering
algorithm to another. For example, in Reed98 dataset, if the agreement with the Fast
Modularity algorithm is considered, the most agreement is observed with the attrib-
ute ‘student faculty’. On the other hand, Louvain algorithm performs the best if the
agreement with the ‘year’ is considered. This is due to the fact that each algorithm
differs on how they treat the nodes and assign them to different communities with
different size and number of communities.
Even though there exists a difference in attribute ranking across different algo-
rithms and datasets, as an overview, the most agreements are observed with student
faculty, gender, year and dormitory attributes. However, in computing the correla-
tion between attributes and community structure, Traud and Kelsic [25] reported
that the order of correlation strength is significantly dependent on the agreement
index used and not consistent across different indices.
Observing the correlation between the attributes and the communities in the net-
work indicates that the attribute information is a source of data that can be used to
perform the community clustering task. Furthermore, based on the homophily prop-
erty of a network as shown above it is clear that the linked nodes are more likely to
share similar attributes. However, the attributes do not have the same influence as
the community structure and some attributes weigh more than others in their influ-
ence. Thus, the impact of different attributes on communities needs to be known and
properly weighted according to their influence on the community structure. This will
balance the role of network information and node attributes.
4 The proposed optimisation approach
The proposed approach could be defined as a pre-processing phase for conventional
community clustering algorithms, which takes a graph G = (V, E, A), the weight
of attributes (W) and two more weighting factors (α and β) as inputs. α is used to
weight the contribution between connectivity information and both attribute and
shared neighbours’ information. β is used to weight attribute information to the
number of common neighbours. However, these weighting factors (W, α, β) can be
either provided as part of the input if they are known a priori or calculated from the
The proposed approach returns a hybrid similarity matrix. The hybrid similar-
ity matrix is a weighted combination of attribute information, shared neighbours’
information and connectivity information between the nodes. Once the proposed
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Fig. 2 Agreement of different community detection algorithms with each attribute, for a subset of four
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection algorithms…
approach constructs the hybrid similarity matrix, it can be integrated with any of
the state-of-the-art clustering algorithms proposed for weighted graph (e.g. New-
man fast greedy algorithm, Louvain algorithm, Newman algorithm based on leading
eigenvector of a modularity matrix or Walktrap algorithm) to extract optimum com-
munity clusters.
4.1 General architecture
The general architecture of the proposed approach is shown in Fig.3. As can be seen
in the figure, the approach has two phases, namely the parameter learning phase
and information aggregation phase. The aim of the first phase is to extract optimal
parameters, whereas the second one is used to build a hybrid similarity matrix.
We formally describe the generative process of hybrid similarity matrix as the
Hsim (i,j)
: hybrid similarity matrix, A: adjacency matrix (matrix representa-
tion of exactly which nodes in the network contain edges between them),
Wasim (i,j)
the weighted attribute similarity between a pair of nodes (i, j), α: the weighting fac-
tor used for the contribution of connectivity information to the attribute informa-
tion and shared neighbours information, β: the weighting factor used for the contri-
bution of attribute information to the number of common neighbours information,
: shared neighbours similarity between nodes i and j,
: the attrib-
ute similarity between a pair of nodes (i, j) in network G = (V, E, A), and W: a matrix
containing the weights of each attribute of the node in the network.
Denition 3 shared neighbours Given a graph G = (V, E), for a node i V, the
neighbours of node i are nodes that directly connect to node i and is denoted by
(i,j)=∝ A(i,j)+(1−∝
Wasim (i,j)=WAsim (i,j)
Fig. 3 System architecture for the proposed approach
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The shared neighbours of node i and j are the nodes that both directly connect to
nodes i and j. It is defined as:
The shared neighbours similarity between nodes i and j is calculated by dividing
the number of shared neighbours between them by the maximum degree of i and j
nodes. It is defined as:
: shared neighbours between nodes i and j and
: degree of node i
In the hybrid similarity matrix, as is defined in Eq.4, the strength of relationship
between nodes is determined by attribute information, connectivity information and
shared neighbours and controlled by two weighting parameters (α and β). The α and
β weighting parameters can be given as part of the input values by the human agent
based on their knowledge of the data structure and their perception of the impor-
tance of each attribute. However, choosing the right weighting values of attributes
without a priori knowledge of the network is a challenging task. Hence, the values
of the attribute weighting factors (W) in the proposed approach need to be set care-
fully. In the following sections, the two phases of the proposed approach (the param-
eter learning phase and information aggregation phase) will be discussed in detail to
provide guidelines on how to set these parameters.
4.2 The parameter learning phase
Since the goal of utilising details on attribute information, shared neighbours and
connectivity information in this work is to get the best community clusters for the
network, the attributes of the nodes should be weighted in such a way that greater
weight is given to the more influential attributes and smaller weights for the less
influential. Determining the influence and thus the weights of the attributes cor-
rectly will enhance the community structure algorithm and improve the detection of
communities in the networks. The main purpose of the proposed attribute weighting
technique is to search for small groups of nodes (initial clusters) that contain more
internal connections (links between nodes in the group) than external connections
(between nodes of the group and nodes in other groups) and then find the attrib-
ute similarity between nodes in the same groups to get the influence factor for each
To accomplish this, the parameter learning phase, as shown in Fig.3, is subdivided
into two stages: local clustering stage and attribute weighting stage. Local clustering
phase is to extract dense nodes from the network to form the initial clusters. These ini-
tial clusters are local small ones, far from being the optimal result, and are only used in
the second stage to weight the attributes of each node in the network as well as estimate
the α and β parameter values.
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection algorithms…
In the local clustering phase, the initial clusters are obtained by applying the first
phase of the DICCA algorithm proposedby the authors in [41], named local clustering
phase. The basic idea of the local clustering phase in DICCA consists of picking up m
nodes to be originators in which the m nodes are spread out across the entire region of
the network and assigning each node to the closest originator to form a cluster.
The attribute weighting stage is then applied to find the strength of the weighting for
each attribute based on the structures of current clustering results. During the attrib-
ute weighting stage, the set of attributes for each node are weighted according to its
influence in the community in which the highly influential attributes are assigned with
high strength weights; meanwhile, the less influential attributes are assigned with low
strength weights.
In order to find the attribute weighting, it is necessary to measure the proximity
between pairs of nodes in the initial clusters based on their attributes. To do so, the
attribute similarity metric needs to be defined first.
4.2.1 Attribute similarity metric
The attribute similarity between nodes Vi and Vj within the same cluster is determined
by examining each of d set of attributes on the two nodes and reflect on the strength of
the relationship between them in terms of their attribute values.
It must be emphasised that irrespective of the similarity metric considered to find the
weight of attributes, first, the similarity between the attribute values of each pair of nodes
belonging to the same local cluster needs to be calculated. The procedure is as follows:
be the similarity matrix for cluster i with N nodes each with d attributes,
the local attribute weight for cluster i is obtained by adding the appropriate dimension
attribute of each node in the cluster to form a vector of 1 × d size and expressed as:
The weighting for the entire network is then calculated by adding the corresponding
attribute of each local attribute weight (sum of the vectors) to form another vector in
1 × d size. It is formally defined as:
: the local attribute weight for cluster i and W: attribute weights of the
node in the network.
It is worth mentioning that the weights assigned to the attributes in the parameter
learning phase
LW ={Lw1,Lw2Lwm}
range between 0 and 1.
Whether or not a certain subset is optimal depends on the similarity metric
employed. The question about what are the best similarity measures between nodes
to choose, for different types of attribute data, is beyond the scope of this work. In
this work, a Jaccard similarity coefficient is used to define the attribute similarity
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between nodes in the same cluster and to find the weight of attributes (W) during the
parameter learning phase. For an overview of the research work on determining the
most meaningful similarity measures in various fields and for different types of data,
see [42, 43].
Denition 4 Jaccard similarity Given a network G = (V, E, A), for any pair of
nodes Vi, Vj V, the Jaccard similarity between nodes Vi and Vj with respect to
attribute is indicated as J(Ai, Aj) and is defined as the size of the intersection divided
by the size union of the data sets, as given below [44]:
returns a value between 0 and 1, with 0 denoting no similarity and 1
denoting identical sets.
Furthermore, since in this work Jaccard similarity is used to measure attribute
similarity between nodes, the
could be defined as the Jaccard similarity matrix
for cluster i. The weighted attribute similarity
Wasim (i,j),
between any two nodes i
and j is defined as follows:
where each node has d attributes and
is the attribute vector of node i.
The pseudo-code outlining the entire procedure with Jaccard similarity is listed in
Algorithm1. Eect ofα andβ onthequality ofcommunity structure When considering to
select the values for the two weighting factors (α and β), the type of emphasis on one
of the network parameters needs to be considered. For example, emphasis on the con-
nectivity information source means that the parameter α should be greater than 0.5.
On the other hand, emphasis on attribute and shared neighbours information means
that α should be less than 0.5. The same argument holds good for the parameter β,
i.e. β greater than 0.5 indicates that attribute node information source has more con-
tribution than the information related to the number of common neighbours. In the
networks, the weighted combination of attribute information, shared neighbours and
connectivity information is not same and the values of α and β need to be selected
carefully. However, in practice without any prior domain knowledge, it is quite dif-
ficult to scale the contribution of each source of information.
In order to determine the effects of varying α and β parameters on the quality of
community clustering and thereby to determine the parameters’ selection range, four
different datasets are used to track how the community clustering changes when the
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection algorithms…
values of α and β are varied from 0.1 to 1 with a step size of 0.1. Also, modularity
index is used to evaluate the quality of community detection.
Figure4 shows how the two parameters influence the community clustering qual-
ity. The X-axis and Y-axis in the figures represent the values of α and β, respec-
tively, while the Z-axis represents the modularity score. As can be clearly seen from
Fig. 4 ad Modularity value achieved by four community clustering algorithm dataset using different
value of α and β on: a Caltech36, b Reed98, c Haverford76, d Vassar85 datasets
Fig. 5 Attribute weights for four datasets
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Fig. 5a–d, the modularity is remarkably robust to the choice of parameter values.
When α = β = 0, the modularity of community detection is 0.25 for most of the
algorithms for all the datasets. However, it is worth mentioning that α = β = 0 indi-
cates that the information used to find the community clustering is just based on the
number of common neighbours
Hsim(i,j)=SNsim (i,j
As an overview, with an increasing value of β, the quality of community cluster-
ing decreases for a constant value of α. On the contrary, with an increasing value of
α, the quality of community clustering increases slightly for a constant β value. It is
also noticed that for values of α < 0.6 the modularity is dramatically affected by var-
ying the value of β. The modularity fluctuates between 0.01 and 0.4, and it becomes
relatively stable when α value ranges between 0.6 and 0.7. However, the modularity
becomes almost stable for the vast majority of β values when α
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Experimental results also demonstrate that the connectivity information is more
useful than the shared neighbours’ information and attribute information. Therefore,
the value selected for α should be greater than or equal to 0.5. For the datasets con-
sidered in this work, high modularity values are obtained when α
With regard to these two parameters α and β, there is no straightforward way to fit
them to datasets and different datasets may require different parameter values. How-
ever, based on the above argument, in order to better exploit the sources of infor-
mation and obtain optimum robustness in the detection of community clusters in
the presence of noise, the value of α is set based on the weights of attributes (w) as
In this work, to avoid a cumbersome decision process, equal importance is given
to shared neighbours and attribute information in which β = 0.5 is set in all the fol-
lowing performed experimentations.
4.3 Information aggregation phase
The information aggregation phase aims to build a weighted matrix, named hybrid
matrix, based on the knowledge learned from the parameter learning phase. These
weighted attributes w, α and β values are used to build a hybrid similarity matrix as
defined in Eq.4. In the hybrid matrix, the edges that link nodes do not have simi-
lar attributes or do not have shared neighbours will be punished and assigned with
low strength weights, while the edges connecting similar nodes or having shared
neighbours will be assigned with high strength weights. Also, there are some edges
which will be added between the nodes to represent the attribute and shared neigh-
bour similarity.
5 Experimentation andresults
5.1 Experimental setup
In order to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach to detect communities
under an unreliable network structure, an experimentation has been conducted using
four different Facebook dataset networks when some edges are missing, while the
node attributes are fully available. Furthermore, for the sake of evaluation, edges are
removed from the network at random and the number of removed links is increased
from zero to half the number of edges in the network in steps of 5% of network
In each experiment, the performance is computed using the results obtained
by applying each of the four algorithms with and without applying the proposed
approach as a pre-processing step. Each algorithm has been applied more than once
on the data, and the experimental results presented are the average of ten simulation
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To quantify the performance of the proposed approach, the quality of the obtained
community structures is evaluated based on the modularity, number and size of
detected communities.
The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated in terms of repeatability
and reproducibility when noise is introduced in the environment. This is measured
by its ability to find the same ground truth communities detected under normal con-
ditions even when noise is introduced. The outcome of the community clustering
solution obtained by each algorithm with the original dataset (complete dataset) is
used as a ground truth and compared against the outcome of the clustering solutions
when a number of edges are progressively removed from zero to half the number of
total edges in the network.
Moreover, for simplification, in the following sections when the proposed
approach is combined with Fast Modularity algorithm (FA) it is referred to as
Hybrid-FA; when combined with Louvain algorithm (LA) as Hybrid-LA; when
combined with leading eigenvector (LE) as Hybrid-LE; and Hybrid-WA when
combined with Walktrap algorithm (WA). Additionally, to facilitate comparison of
results in line charts, the results obtained using the proposed approach are denoted
by dashed line style with ‘x’ marker points.
It is worth mentioning that we have attempted to define and evaluate the compu-
tational complexity of this algorithm in [45]. While the exact mathematical model
for the computational complexity of the pre-processing algorithm is harder to for-
malise, it could be represented using the computational model as [ log
], in
which n is the total number of nodes in the network and m the number of edges.
5.2 Experimental results anddiscussion
In this subsection, the effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithm are assessed from
two aspects. One is to evaluate the attribute weighted method proposed in this work
along with the methodology used to set the parameter value. The other aspect is to
integrate the proposed approach with well-known community clustering algorithms
and make a comparison of the results achieved without the integration to show how
the proposed approach can be used to improve the robustness and quality of those
well-known community clustering algorithms.
5.2.1 Evaluation ofattribute weighting method
As highlighted in Sect.3, different attributes have different significance for assess-
ing the similarity between the nodes in the same community clusters; therefore, the
attribute weighting method is proposed. In this section, the performance of the pro-
posed attribute weighting method is experimentally evaluated.
The evaluation is done by checking how well the weight of the attributes (W)
obtained by the weighting method match with the actual important attributes and is
presented in Fig.2.
Figure5 shows the attribute weights obtained by the weighting method for the
four datasets under consideration. It is obvious that the attributes have different
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection algorithms…
weight strengths and order of importance for different datasets. However, looking at
the attribute weights of the four data sets, it is clear that four specific attributes (stu-
dent, gender, dormitory and year attribute) have the highest weighting values across
all four data sets. Anyway, the remaining attributes (high school and major/minor
attribute) do not have strong influence on the community structure, hence weighted
with a very small value in the attribute weighting stage.
Moreover, the comparison between Figs.2 and 5 shows that the parameter learn-
ing phase achieves almost the same results in most cases, whereas the attribute
importance order is either same or only slightly different due to small differences in
the attribute correlation. For example in Caltech36 dataset, the order of importance
attributes are student, gender, year and house with attribute weight values 0.4695,
0.3102, 0.2195 and 0.2193, respectively. In comparison with Fig.2 and for the case
of the Fast Modularity algorithm as an example, the order is changed to student,
gender, house and year attribute, achieving Jaccard index values of 0.2772, 0.2412,
0.1746 and 0.1239, respectively.
Furthermore, to evaluate the performance of the proposed weighting method in
handling noisy data, Fig. 6 shows the values of attribute weight for the four larg-
est weighted attributes obtained by the weighting method when the percentage of
removed edges varied from 0 to 50%. From the figure, it is worth noting that the
ordering of weights is remarkably stable and the attribute weighting method shows
an effective performance by getting rid of the noisy datasets and correctly weights
attributes according to their importance.
To further assess the parameters analysis phase, the number of initial clusters
identified at local clustering stage along with the value of α against the per cent of
removed edges, for the four datasets, is reported in Table1.
The results in Table1 indicate that the noise has no significant influence on the
value of α. In other words, the method used to define α value (see Eq.12) is some-
what stable. In addition, it is clear that local crusting tends to partition data to a
larger number of initial clusters. Considering Reed98 dataset, for example, when the
missing edges varied from 0 to 50%, the values of α and the number of obtained ini-
tial clusters were {0.808, 382} and {0.823, 446}, respectively.
It is also worth noting from Table1 that the value of α is not related to the num-
ber of initial clusters found by the local clustering stage. In some cases, higher value
of α is obtained when more initial clusters are found. For others, however, the value
of α increases when fewer initial clusters are found. Considering Reed98 dataset, for
instance, when the missing edges increased from 15 to 20%, both α value and the
number of initial clusters increased from {0.814, 399} to {0.816, 405}, respectively.
On the other hand and for the same dataset, when the missing edges increased from
5 to 10%, the value of α increased from 0.812 to 0.813; meanwhile, the number of
initial clusters decreased by 3. However, the value of α for the four considered data-
sets is always higher than 0.75. This value is in agreement with what was observed
in Sect., where the connectivity information contains more useful informa-
tion than the shared neighbours or attribute information (α 0.5) and to get high
modularity the value of α should be higher than 0.7.
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Overall, the results clearly demonstrate that the parameter learning method has
the ability to extract essential and informative attributes and to weight them to
reflect the relative importance of attribute in community clustering tasks.
5.2.2 Model performance
In this subsection, using the optimal parameters determined using the parameter
learning phase (as discussed in Sect. 4.1), the performance of the pre-processing
approach is evaluated. Number ofcommunity clusters Since the number of communities in the net-
works is unspecified, the algorithms try to automatically detect the most appropriate
number of communities by maximising the modularity. The variation in number of
community clusters when different numbers of edges are removed is shown in Fig.7.
It is observed that the conventional algorithms are adversely affected by noise, so fail
Fig. 6 Robustness of weighting method to the edge removal
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection algorithms…
to account for appropriate community structures. Moreover, most cases result in an
increasing number of communities with an increasing 5% of missing edges. The only
exception is the LEA algorithm, which results in almost the same number of com-
munities even without applying the pre-processing approach.
Considering Caltech36 dataset, for example, increasing proportions of edges
are randomly removed from the network (from 0 to 50%), the number of commu-
nities detected by all conventional algorithms is changed from {10,10,12,72} to
{39,39,10,104} for {FA, LA, LEA, WA} algorithms, respectively. Such behaviour
can be explained by the fact that the conventional algorithms consider only topology
information. On the other hand, the proposed approach considers attribute, shared
neighbours and connectivity information. Since the nodes in the same community
usually are not just highly connected but also have similar attributes and transitiv-
ity coefficient, the proposed approach uses attribute information to make up for the
missing link information and to identify the community membership. Consequently,
integrating the proposed approach with a conventional algorithm is more advanta-
geous for discovering the most appropriate number of community structures than
using the conventional algorithm on its own.
Walktrap algorithm when run on the dataset on its own failed to detect the appro-
priate number of communities, and compared to the other algorithms, the number
of communities returned by Walktrap is extremely high for all considered datasets.
However, applying the proposed approach as a pre-processing step to build the
hybrid similarity matrix before applying the Walktrap community detection algo-
rithm has significantly improved the performance to obtain just 8 clusters.
Furthermore, when the percentage of removed edges is increased from 0 to
50%, the number of clusters formed using the proposed approach is more similar
to the original partition network when there is no noise applied. For example, in the
case of Caltech36 dataset when 50% of edges are missing, the number of obtained
Table 1 Results for four datasets
Dataset Caltech36 Reed98 Haverford76 Vassar85
of initial
of initial
of initial
of initial
0 384 0.813 382 0.808 412 0.779 824 0.767
5 381 0.816 392 0.812 427 0.781 835 0.767
10 392 0.818 389 0.813 436 0.782 844 0.768
15 388 0.816 399 0.814 419 0.782 873 0.769
20 392 0.816 405 0.816 443 0.783 898 0.771
25 391 0.816 397 0.815 463 0.783 921 0.771
30 390 0.816 409 0.817 467 0.784 927 0.772
35 394 0.817 402 0.818 476 0.783 948 0.773
40 398 0.815 418 0.819 489 0.786 953 0.774
45 390 0.817 432 0.824 487 0.788 1003 0.776
50 387 0.811 446 0.823 514 0.788 1036 0.778
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communities is {4,8,8,4} for {Hybrid-FA, Hybrid-LA, Hybrid LEA, Hybrid-WA}
algorithms, respectively. This demonstrates that the proposed approach has the capa-
bility to extract relevant information from highly noisy datasets and make these
algorithms quite robust to edge removal. Size ofcommunity clusters To take a closer look at the sensitivity of the
obtained communities to the noise, the average size of the obtained communities,
when percentage of removed edges is increased from 0 to 50%, is investigated and
shown in Fig.8.
Considering Vassar85 dataset, for example, increasing the proportion of edges
that are randomly removed from network (from 0 to 50%), the average community
size detected by all conventional algorithms dropped from {614, 511, 438, 51} to
{94, 95, 583,28} for {FA, LA, LEA, WA} algorithms, respectively. In contrast,
combining the proposed pre-processing approach with the community clustering
algorithms considered in this work results in community clusters with almost con-
stant average size. This effect comes from the fact that since the conventional com-
munity identification is based only on the adjacency matrix, the number of commu-
nity clusters obtained is heavily dependent on the number of links in the network, so
as the percentage of missing edges increases, the clustering algorithm becomes less
stable and the clusters become smaller. In contrast, this is not the case for the hybrid
similarity matrix, which is based on different considerations (attribute information,
shared neighbours information and connectivity between nodes in the network).
Fig. 7 Number of community clusters for: a Caltech36 university dataset, b Reed98 university dataset, c
Haverford76 university dataset, d Vassar85 dataset
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection algorithms… Modularity Regarding the quality of community clusters, the modularity
metric is used as a scoring function to assess the quality of detected community clus-
ters with and without applying the proposed pre-processing phase. Figure9 shows the
averaged Q values, plotted for each community detection algorithm. As shown in this
figure, in most cases using the proposed pre-processing approach has resulted in a
slightly lower modularity than the conventional community detection methods. How-
ever, the difference is negligible and the results suggest that the proposed approach
is a promising and powerful tool to assist in the fine tuning of different sources of
information in community clustering area.
Moreover, the comparison between Figs.7, 8 and 9 shows that while the approach
achieves a good modularity quality that is comparable with the conventional meth-
ods, the approach is significantly more effective in terms of both number and size of
communities detected where the network structure is found to have some unreliable
or missing information.
Table2 shows the overall performance results of the proposed method using dif-
ferent types of source information.
Fig. 8 Average community size for: a Caltech36 university dataset, b Reed98 university dataset, c Haver-
ford76 university dataset, d Vassar85 dataset
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6 Conclusion andfuture work
In this paper, an optimisation tool for the existing community detection algorithms
is proposed. This tool could be used as a pre-processing stage that makes use of
attribute information, shared neighbours and connectivity information aspects of the
network to build a hybrid similarity matrix. Because the attributes in a network usu-
ally do not play equally important roles in clustering tasks, the proposed approach
assigns a weighting value to each attribute during the process of building hybrid
similarity matrix to reflect the relative importance of each attribute.
Besides the attribute weighting parameter, the approach required the specification
of two more parameters α and β; these control the degree of contribution of con-
nectivity information, attribute similarity and shared neighbours information for a
good balance between them. The sensitivity of the pre-processing approach to α and
β parameters is analysed. In addition, a simple but effective model for determining
attribute weighting value and α and β values of the approach to achieve an optimal
result is provided.
Fig. 9 Modularity index vs missing edges for: a Caltech36 university dataset, b Reed98 university data-
set, c Haverford76 university dataset, d Vassar85 dataset
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An optimisation tool forrobust community detection algorithms…
Table 2 Performance comparison of the proposed approach using different types of information
Algorithm Caltech36 dataset Reed98 dataset Haverford76 Vassar85
%Missing edges %Missing edges %Missing edges %Missing edges
0% 50% 0% 50% 0% 50% 0% 50%
Only link information Good Good Good Bad Good Bad Good Good
Only attribute information Very Good Bad Bad Bad Good Good Good Bad
Pre-processing link and attrib-
ute information
Good Very good Very good Very good Very good Very good Very good Very good
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A Jaccard similarity coefficient is used to denote attribute similarity between
nodes and combined with adjacency matrix (links information). The approach is
tested in conjunction with three traditional algorithms (Newman greedy algorithm,
Louvain greedy algorithm and Neman spectral optimisation) popular in the litera-
ture by applying to three real-life Facebook data networks. Experimental results
demonstrate that this approach yields better effectiveness and robustness than the
state-of-the-art algorithms over noisy networks.
The proposed approach utilises a similarity function for comparing attributes. In
a wide range of real-life applications, data contain a mixed type of attributes (e.g.
numerical, categorical). Therefore, it is important to use appropriate similarity met-
rics to correctly measure the attribute proximity between two nodes in the network.
However, the appropriate choice of the similarity measure depends on the attribute
type of network to study. An interesting guideline to extend this research work is to
use a more sophisticated approach that supports datasets with mixed attribute types.
Furthermore, we have already developed a set of ‘decentralised algorithms’ for com-
munity clustering. We will be evaluating these algorithms with the pre-processing
scheme proposed in this paper. We will also explore using the smartphone datasets
(3.3TB) collected by the University of Cambridge using Device Analyzer.
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank their families for their continued support and
encouragement during this work. In addition, they would like to thank the Libyan Cultural Bureau in
London for their financial assistance in supporting the PhD work of the first author.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Interna-
tional License (http://creat iveco mmons .org/licen ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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... In addition to this, we have picked some community detection algorithms to analyze the direct usage of some of the facets discussed in section II. For instance, algorithm by A. Bhih et al. [83] illustrates the direct use of facets and algorithms namely, community diffusion (CoDi) [20], COmmunity-preserving SocIal Network Embeddings (COSINE) [18], Overlapping Community Detection based on Information Dynamics (OCDID) [21] demonstrates the indirect usage of the facets. ...
... The usage of the facets by these algorithms in addition to their proposed strategies are discussed here. A. Bhih et al. [83] proposed an algorithm using a similarity matrix which is build using the influence of clustering coefficient, topic, common interests etc., on community structure and further detected communities using a novel clustering algorithm. However, CoDi and COSINE algorithm is dependent on the exploitation of cascade based information and structural equivalence measure for community detection. ...
... Out of these algorithms, we shall discuss CoDi, COSINE and community detection algorithm by A. Bhih et al. [83] to illustrate combined algorithms. CoDi and COSINE are information diffusion based algorithms that have been picked to explain how communities are detected when only cascade information is provided. ...
The flow of information through active users in online social networks (OSNs) plays a major role in forming natural social groups, popularly known as communities. Although structural and topological aspects of the network had been central to most of the community detection approaches, incorporation of information flow for community detection has been an emerging topic in the recent past. Often, the flow of information is studied as a traceable process called information diffusion. The flow of information in the network affects various factors like temporal characteristics, network attributes, or social attributes. The information diffusion process helps to extract this information including where and when information is generated and in what fashion the dispersion occurs. Thus, it has the potential to aid the community detection process in social networks. In this article, the deployment of the information diffusion process for community detection has been studied extensively. The study is mainly focused on how information flow affects various network properties and social facets and explored the possibility of deployment for community detection. Various information diffusion models and community detection algorithms have been discussed in the context of network properties and social facets. Current challenges, future directions, and modalities for the deployment of information diffusion in community detection have been discussed. In addition, various widely used datasets, evaluation metrics as well as evaluation methods for evaluating community detection algorithms are also detailed.
... The proposed method identifies the community clusters from an entire network without the global knowledge of the network topology due to the use of the Parallel Decentralized Iterative Community Clustering Approach (PDICCA), a pipelined parallel implementation that transforms the serial process of the DICCA into a parallelized approach. Recent research [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] has shown that using content data also helps measure the similarity between nodes. Nodes with similar content are highly likely to belong to the same community. ...
... They have also adopted the block coordinate descent method to optimize the model parameters. Bhih et al. [20] proposed a new method for community detection by considering both topology and content sources of information. The proposed algorithm tightly integrates the network's attribute information, shared neighbors, and connectivity information aspects to build a hybrid similarity matrix. ...
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Community detection is essential in P2P network analysis as it helps identify connectivity structure, undesired centralization, and influential nodes. Existing methods primarily utilize topological data and neglect the rich content data. This paper proposes a technique combining topological and content data to detect communities inside the Bitcoin network using a deep feature representation algorithm and Deep Feedforward Autoencoders. Our results show that the Bitcoin network has a higher clustering coefficient, assortativity coefficient, and community structure than expected from a random P2P network. In the Bitcoin network, nodes prefer to connect to other nodes that share the same characteristics.
... The algorithm dynamically optimizes the similarity matrix for each iteration by examining the implicit contents of the topological structure and the content similarity matrix, deepening the relationship between network topology and node contents. (Bhih et al. 2020) provided an optimization tool as a preprocessing step for constructing a hybrid similarity matrix for existing community detection algorithms. Their approach assigns weight values to each content during the matrix construction process and determines the similarity between information-links through the Jaccard similarity coefficient. ...
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The realm of complex network analysis is witnessing a surge in research focus on community detection. Numerous algorithms have been put forth, each harboring distinct advantages and drawbacks. Predominantly, these algorithms rely solely on network topologies for community detection. Yet, many real-world networks harbor valuable node content that intricately mirrors the fabric of their communities. Recognizing this, leveraging node contents stands as a potential avenue to augment the quality of community detection. This study introduces an innovative evolutionary algorithm rooted in the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) to propel community detection in complex networks by intertwining content and structural information. Noteworthy is its departure from the conventional multi-chromosome evolutionary algorithms, opting for a single-chromosome design that substantially curtails computational complexity. The algorithm employs a distinctive FAHP-based local operator, termed the community topological modifier, to refine community structures and elevate the quality of community detection within the current generation. A novel criterion for gauging content similarity among nodes is integrated into the algorithm. Additionally, an early fusion approach is suggested, creating a hybrid graph that amalgamates structural and content information between nodes. Rigorous evaluation in diverse real networks ensued, with comparative analyses against state-of-the-art and traditional methods. Notably, the proposed algorithm emerged as the frontrunner, securing top rankings across all evaluation criteria—such as normalized mutual information (NMI) and adjusted Rand index (ARI)—based on the results of the Friedman test.
... Disadvantages Content and topology information A pre-processing approach that considers both the attribute information and connectivity information aspects of the network for community detection is presented in this work [13] Considering more than one source of information for community detection could produce meaningful clusters and improve the robustness of the network The main disadvantage of these categories is that it is difficult to determine the ideal network topology for an issue. When the topology is decided, it acts as a lower bound for classification error A multi-view clustering method based on robust nonnegative matrix factorization (MVCRNMF) [14] MVCRNMF can learn the contribution weights from the link and content information adaptively A novel spammer classification method based on LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) [15] Retrieves global and local data to capture the nature of spam-sending in subject distribution patterns ...
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Networks in the real world are dynamic and evolving. The most critical process in networks is to determine the structure of the community, based on which we can detect hidden communities in a complex network. The design of strong network structures is of great importance, meaning that a system must maintain its function in the face of attacks and failures and have a strong community structure. In this paper, we proposed the robust memetic algorithm and used the idea to optimize the detection of dynamic communities in complex networks called RDMA_NET (Robust Dynamic Memetic Algorithm). In this method, we work on dynamic data that affects the two main parts of the initial population value and the calculation of the evaluation function of each population, and there is no need to determine the number of communities in advance. We used two sets of real-world networks and the LFR dataset. The results show that our proposed method, RDMA_Net, can find a better solution than modern approaches and provide near-optimal performance in search of network topologies with a strong community structure.
... These, in conjunction with the global transitivity coefficient, the identification of giant components, and the detection of within-network communities, were employed to describe how connected and clustered the entire cattle movement system in Uganda is. The Walktrap algorithm, based on the principle of random walks 41,42 , was used to identify the communities. In this study, ...
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Animal movements are a major driver for the spread of Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs). These movements link populations that would otherwise be isolated and hence create opportunities for susceptible and infected individuals to meet. We used social network analysis to describe the seasonal network structure of cattle movements in Uganda and unravel critical network features that identify districts or sub-regions for targeted risk-based surveillance and intervention. We constructed weighted, directed networks based on 2019 between-district cattle movements using official livestock mobility data; the purpose of the movement (‘slaughter’ vs. ‘live trade’) was used to subset the network and capture the risks more reliably. Our results show that cattle trade can result in local and long-distance disease spread in Uganda. Seasonal variability appears to impact the structure of the network, with high heterogeneity of node and edge activity identified throughout the seasons. These observations mean that the structure of the live trade network can be exploited to target influential district hubs within the cattle corridor and peripheral areas in the south and west, which would result in rapid network fragmentation, reducing the contact structure-related trade risks. Similar exploitable features were observed for the slaughter network, where cattle traffic serves mainly slaughter hubs close to urban centres along the cattle corridor. Critically, analyses that target the complex livestock supply value chain offer a unique framework for understanding and quantifying risks for TADs such as Foot-and-Mouth disease in a land-locked country like Uganda. These findings can be used to inform the development of risk-based surveillance strategies and decision making on resource allocation. For instance, vaccine deployment, biosecurity enforcement and capacity building for stakeholders at the local community and across animal health services with the potential to limit the socio-economic impact of outbreaks, or indeed reduce their frequency.
... In [51], the authors propose an optimization tool that exploits both the content and the topology of social networks. The authors show that the information conveyed by the topology of the network is usually noisy, and aim to support such a dimension of analysis with the content associated with the nodes. ...
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The massive adoption of social networks increased the need to analyze users’ data and interactions to detect and block the spread of propaganda and harassment behaviors, as well as to prevent actions influencing people towards illegal or immoral activities. In this paper, we propose HURI, a method for social network analysis that accurately classifies users as safe or risky, according to their behavior in the social network. Specifically, the proposed hybrid approach leverages both the topology of the network of interactions and the semantics of the content shared by users, leading to an accurate classification also in the presence of noisy data, such as users who may appear to be risky due to the topic of their posts, but are actually safe according to their relationships. The strength of the proposed approach relies on the full and simultaneous exploitation of both aspects, giving each of them equal consideration during the combination phase. This characteristic makes HURI different from other approaches that fully consider only a single aspect and graft partial or superficial elements of the other into the first. The achieved performance in the analysis of a real-world Twitter dataset shows that the proposed method offers competitive performance with respect to eight state-of-the-art approaches.
... A pre-processing approach that considers both the attribute information and connectivity information aspects of the network for community detection is presented in this work. [13] Considering more than one source of information for community detection could produce meaningful clusters and improve the robustness of the network. ...
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Networks in the real world are dynamic and evolving. The most critical process in networks is to determine the structure of the community, based on which we can detect hidden communities in a complex network. The design of strong network structures is of great importance, meaning that a system must maintain its function in the face of attacks and failures and have a strong community structure. In this paper, we proposed the robust memetic algorithm and used the idea to optimize the detection of dynamic communities in complex networks called RDMA_NET (Robust Dynamic Memetic Algorithm). In this method, we work on dynamic data that affects the two main parts of the initial population value and the calculation of the evaluation function of each population, and there is no need to determine the number of communities in advance. We used two sets of real-world networks and the LFR dataset. The results show that our proposed method, RDMA_Net, can find a better solution than modern approaches and provide near-optimal performance in search of network topologies with a strong community structure.
... After each iteration, similar clusters merge until k clusters are produced. Bhih et al. [23] proposed a topological-and content-based community detection algorithm. In their work, they proposed a new hybrid similarity matrix representing a weighted contribution of attribute information, information shared by the neighbors of a node, and the connectivity information among the nodes. ...
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The presence of community structures in complex networks reveals meaningful insights about such networks and their constituent entities. Finding groups of related nodes based on mutual interests, common features, objectives, or interactions in a network is known as community detection. In this paper, we propose a novel Stacked Autoencoder-based deep learning approach augmented by the Crow Search Algorithm (CSA)-based k-means clustering algorithm to uncover community structure in complex networks. As per our approach, firstly, we generate a modularity matrix for the input graph. The modularity matrix is then passed through a series of stacked autoencoders to reduce the dimensionality of the matrix while preserving the topology of the network and improving the computational time of the proposed algorithm. The obtained matrix is then provided as an input to a modified k-means clustering algorithm augmented with the crow search optimization to detect the communities. We use Crow Search Algorithm-based optimization to generate the initial centroids for the k-means algorithm instead of generating them randomly. We perform extensive experimental analysis on several real-world and synthetic datasets and evaluate various performance metrics. We compare the results obtained by our algorithm with several traditional and contemporary community detection algorithms. The obtained results reveal that our proposed method achieves commendable results.
... Two algorithms were applied to four real-world networks with various characteristics to prove the usefulness and universality of this method. Reference [19] proposed a scheme to improve the existing community detection algorithm by considering the information topology and content. It can detect a more meaningful community structure in the network with incomplete information, but the discrimination of invalid information is not high, resulting in the unexpected detection effect. ...
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In view of the difficulty and low efficiency of most existing algorithms in detecting large-scale community networks, an unsupervised community detection algorithm based on graph convolution networks and social media is proposed. First, some positive and negative sample nodes are labeled according to the node similarity to complete the graph segmentation. Then, the improved graph convolution network model is used for training to obtain the local community where the given starting node is located. Finally, the local community is optimized by setting the threshold of membership degree, so as to further screen the nodes outside the community and obtain accurate community detection results. The experimental analysis of the proposed algorithm based on Flixster, Douban, and Yelp datasets shows that when the number of community divisions is 12, the modularity values on the three datasets are 0.59, 0.62, and 0.69, respectively, and the standard deviations of F1 are 0.044, 0.048, and 0.040, respectively. Overall, the proposed unsupervised community detection algorithm has better robustness.
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Searching for key nodes in social networks and clustering communities are indispensable components in community detection methods. With the wide application demand of detecting community networks, more and more algorithms have been proposed. Laplacian centrality peaks clustering (LPC) is an efficient and simple algorithm which is proposed on the basis of density peaks clustering (DPC) to identify clusters without parameters and prior knowledge. Before LPC is widely applied in community detection algorithms, some shortcomings should be addressed. Firstly, LPC fails to search for key nodes in networks accurately because of the similarity calculation method. Secondly, it takes too much time for LPC to calculate the Laplacian centrality of each point. To address these issues, a community detection algorithm based on Quasi-Laplacian centrality peaks clustering (CD-QLPC) is proposed after studying the advantages of Quasi-Laplacian centrality which can replace density or Laplacian centrality to characterize the importance of nodes in networks. Quasi-Laplacian centrality is obtained by the degree of each node directly, which needs less time than Laplacian centrality. In addition, a trust-based function is utilized to obtain the similarity accurately. Moreover, a new modularity-based merging strategy is adopted to identify the optimal number of communities adaptively. Experimental results show that CD-QLPC outperforms many state-of-the-art methods on both real-world networks and synthetic networks.
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In this era of big data, as the data size is scaling up, the need for computing power is exponentially increasing. However, most of the community detection algorithms in the literature are classified as global algorithms, which require access to the entire information of the network. These algorithms designed to work on a single machine cannot be directly parallelized. Hence, it is impossible for such algorithms working in stand-alone machines to find communities in large-scale networks and also the required processing power far exceeds the processing capabilities of single machines. In this paper, a set of novel Decentralized Iterative Community Clustering Approaches to extract an efficient community structure for large networks are proposed and devalued using the LFR benchmark model. The approaches have the ability to identify the community clusters from the entire network without global knowledge of the network topology and will work with a range of computer architecture platforms (e.g., cluster of PCs, multi-core distributed memory servers, GPUs). Detecting and characterizing such community structures is one of the fundamental topics in network systems’ analysis, and it has many important applications in different branches of science including computer science, physics, mathematics and biology ranging from visualization, exploratory and data mining to building prediction models.
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The expansion of the web and emergence of a large number of social networking sites ( SNS ) have empowered users to easily interconnect on a shared platform. A social network can be represented by a graph consisting of a set of nodes and edges connecting these nodes. The nodes represent the individuals/entities, and the edges correspond to the interactions among them. The tendency of people with similar tastes, choices, and preferences to get associated in a social network leads to the formation of virtual clusters or communities. Detection of these communities can be beneficial for numerous applications such as finding a common research area in collaboration networks, finding a set of likeminded users for marketing and recommendations, and finding protein interaction networks in biological networks. A large number of community‐detection algorithms have been proposed and applied to several domains in the literature. This paper presents a survey of the existing algorithms and approaches for the detection of communities in social networks. We also discuss some of the applications of community detection. WIREs Data Mining Knowl Discov 2016, 6:115–135. doi: 10.1002/widm.1178 This article is categorized under: Algorithmic Development > Structure Discovery
Social networks usually have abundant attributes associated with users to describe their features. Behavior attribute is one of the most important types of attribute which can better reflect users' intrinsic interests. In practice, many network applications prefer communities that not only are densely intra-connected, but also have homogeneous attribute value on specific behavior attributes. Structure clustering and attribute categorization are two types of method which can take full advantage of topology information and attribute information to partition the network, respectively. In this paper, we propose a novel community detection method by realizing structure clustering technology and attribute categorization technology simultaneously. Specifically, structure clustering is realized by optimizing modularity which captures densely intra-connected nature of communities. As for attribute categorization, a new metric named as homogeneity is defined to achieve the goal that nodes within each community have homogeneous attribute value, while in different communities have diverse attribute values. A multi-objective optimization evolutionary mechanism is adopted to optimize modularity and homogeneity simultaneously. Extensive experiments on several real-world networks demonstrate that our method can get a set of community structures corresponding to different trade-offs between structure clustering and attribute categorization which are beneficial for diverse applications.
Real-world complex networks usually exhibit inhomogeneity in functional properties, resulting in densely interconnected nodes, communities. Analyzing such communities in large networks has rapidly become a major area in network science. A major limitation of most of the community finding algorithms is the dependence on the ordering in which vertices are processed. However, less study has been conducted on the effect of vertex ordering in community detection. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm, DIGMaP to identify the invariant groups of vertices which are not affected by vertex ordering. We validate our algorithm with the actual community structure and show that these detected groups are the core of the community.
Conference Paper
Community structure is an important property of networks. A number of recent studies have focused on community detection algorithms. In this paper, we propose an efficient hierarchical graph clustering algorithm based on shared neighbors and links between clusters to detect communities. The basic idea is that vertices in the same cluster should have more shared neighbors than that in different clusters. We test our method by computer generated graphs and compare it with MCL algorithm. The performance of our algorithm is quite well.
Revealing the latent community structure, which is crucial to understanding the features of networks, is an important problem in network and graph analysis. During the last decade, many approaches have been proposed to solve this challenging problem in diverse ways, i.e. different measures or data structures. Unfortunately, experimental reports on existing techniques fell short in validity and integrity since many comparisons were not based on a unified code base or merely discussed in theory. We engage in an in-depth benchmarking study of community detection in social networks. We formulate a generalized community detection procedure and propose a procedure-oriented framework for benchmarking. This framework enables us to evaluate and compare various approaches to community detection systematically and thoroughly under identical experimental conditions. Upon that we can analyze and diagnose the inherent defect of existing approaches deeply, and further make effective improvements correspondingly. We have re-implemented ten state-of-the-art representative algorithms upon this framework and make comprehensive evaluations of multiple aspects, including the efficiency evaluation, performance evaluations, sensitivity evaluations, etc. We discuss their merits and faults in depth, and draw a set of take-away interesting conclusions. In addition, we present how we can make diagnoses for these algorithms resulting in significant improvements.
Written by leading authorities in database and Web technologies, this book is essential reading for students and practitioners alike. The popularity of the Web and Internet commerce provides many extremely large datasets from which information can be gleaned by data mining. This book focuses on practical algorithms that have been used to solve key problems in data mining and can be applied successfully to even the largest datasets. It begins with a discussion of the map-reduce framework, an important tool for parallelizing algorithms automatically. The authors explain the tricks of locality-sensitive hashing and stream processing algorithms for mining data that arrives too fast for exhaustive processing. Other chapters cover the PageRank idea and related tricks for organizing the Web, the problems of finding frequent itemsets and clustering. This second edition includes new and extended coverage on social networks, machine learning and dimensionality reduction.