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Abstract and Figures

Purpose: Maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max) is a key determinant of endurance performance. Therefore, devising high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that maximizes stress of the oxygen-transport and -utilization systems may be important to stimulate further adaptation in athletes. The authors compared physiological and perceptual responses elicited by work intervals matched for duration and mean power output but differing in power-output distribution. Methods: Fourteen cyclists (V˙O2max 69.2 [6.6] mL·kg-1·min-1) completed 3 laboratory visits for a performance assessment and 2 HIIT sessions using either varied-intensity or constant-intensity work intervals. Results: Cyclists spent more time at >90%V˙O2max during HIIT with varied-intensity work intervals (410 [207] vs 286 [162] s, P = .02), but there were no differences between sessions in heart-rate- or perceptual-based training-load metrics (all P ≥ .1). When considering individual work intervals, minute ventilation (V˙E) was higher in the varied-intensity mode (F = 8.42, P = .01), but not respiratory frequency, tidal volume, blood lactate concentration [La], ratings of perceived exertion, or cadence (all F ≤ 3.50, ≥ .08). Absolute changes (Δ) between HIIT sessions were calculated per work interval, and Δ total oxygen uptake was moderately associated with ΔV˙E (r = .36, P = .002). Conclusions: In comparison with an HIIT session with constant-intensity work intervals, well-trained cyclists sustain higher fractions of V˙O2max when work intervals involved power-output variations. This effect is partially mediated by an increased oxygen cost of hyperpnea and not associated with a higher [La], perceived exertion, or training-load metrics.
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Optimizing Interval Training Through Power-Output Variation
Within the Work Intervals
Arthur H. Bossi, Cristian Mesquida, Louis Passeld, Bent R. Rønnestad, and James G. Hopker
Purpose:Maximal oxygen uptake (
VO2max) is a key determinant of endurance performance. Therefore, devising high-intensity
interval training (HIIT) that maximizes stress of the oxygen-transport and -utilization systems may be important to stimulate
further adaptation in athletes. The authors compared physiological and perceptual responses elicited by work intervals matched
for duration and mean power output but differing in power-output distribution. Methods:Fourteen cyclists (
69.2 [6.6] mL·kg
) completed 3 laboratory visits for a performance assessment and 2 HIIT sessions using either
varied-intensity or constant-intensity work intervals. Results:Cyclists spent more time at >90%˙
VO2max during HIIT with
varied-intensity work intervals (410 [207] vs 286 [162] s, P= .02), but there were no differences between sessions in heart-rate- or
perceptual-based training-load metrics (all P.1). When considering individual work intervals, minute ventilation (
VE) was
higher in the varied-intensity mode (F= 8.42, P= .01), but not respiratory frequency, tidal volume, blood lactate concentration
[La], ratings of perceived exertion, or cadence (all F3.50, .08). Absolute changes (Δ) between HIIT sessions were calculated
per work interval, and Δtotal oxygen uptake was moderately associated with Δ
VE (r= .36, P= .002). Conclusions:In
comparison with an HIIT session with constant-intensity work intervals, well-trained cyclists sustain higher fractions of
when work intervals involved power-output variations. This effect is partially mediated by an increased oxygen cost of hyperpnea
and not associated with a higher [La], perceived exertion, or training-load metrics.
Keywords:intensity prescription, time at
VO2max, elite cycling, maximal aerobic power, exercise hyperpnea
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves repeated bouts
of high-intensity exercise interspersed with recovery periods. This
method is typically employed to increase the training stimulus for
the cardiorespiratory system over prolonged continuous exercise.
Accordingly, much of the scientic work related to HIIT has
focused on maximal oxygen uptake (
VO2max) improvements,
as the upper limit to the aerobic metabolism and a key determinant
of endurance performance.
It has been suggested that exercising at
high intensities is benecial to improve
particularly in
the case of well-trained athletes.
Therefore, accumulating time at
or close to
VO2max (eg, >90% or >95%) during a HIIT session may
be important for training adaptation.
Previously, Billat et al
have demonstrated that the ability
to sustain exercise at >95%˙
VO2max can exceed 15 minutes if
power output is adjusted according to expired gas responses. In
comparison, constant work rate exercise or HIIT performed to
exhaustion produces time at >90% or >95%˙
VO2max of only a few
Billat et al
used a protocol that commenced at
the lowest power output eliciting
VO2max, and once attained,
power output was decreased progressively. Subsequently, power
output was regulated as per individual oxygen uptake (
responses, enabling >95%˙
VO2max to be sustained and time to
exhaustion prolonged.
Although this laboratory protocol is
appealing as a training session, it is not practical for the majority
of athletes. Alternatively, a HIIT session in which the work
intervals include power output variations might provide similar
means to increase time at >90%˙
Previous research suggests that power output distribution
affects physiological responses during standardized HIIT sessions,
with increased time at >90%˙
VO2max following decreasing-
intensity versus constant-intensity work intervals
and greater time
at >85%˙
VO2max following all-out versus constant-intensity work
intervals being reported.
Although the previously mentioned studies
did not investigate potential mechanisms, authors attributed the
results to a difference in
VO2kinetics between HIIT modes,
VO2kinetics have been observed during decreasing-intensity
versus constant-intensity single bouts of exercise matched for mean
power output.
It is believed that
VO2kinetics reect changes in
oxidative metabolism within the muscle,
which, in turn, respond
to the energy state of the cells, in particular, the concentration of
adenosine diphosphate.
Higher work rates elevate adenosine
diphosphate concentrations and activate oxidative phosphorylation
more rapidly,
ultimately producing faster
VO2kinetics at the onset
of decreasing-intensity compared with constant-intensity exer-
This mechanism leads to the possibility that multiple
changes in power output within the rst half of a work interval
would maximize time at >90%˙
Despite the attractiveness of the
VO2kinetics hypothesis,
ventilatory variables such as minute ventilation (
VE) or respiratory
frequency (ƒ
) have been largely ignored as part of the physiolog-
ical responses to different patterns of power output distribu-
As the oxygen cost of hyperpnoea at high-intensity
exercise is substantial, reaching 15% of
VO2max in some indivi-
exacerbated ventilatory responses caused by varied-
intensity work intervals may help to explain an increased time
at >90%˙
VO2max in this type of HIIT. Indeed, evidence suggests
work rate magnitude affects ventilatory response dynamics.
However, the strong association reported between ƒ
and ratings
Bossi, Passeld, and Hopker are with the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences,
University of Kent, Chatham, United Kingdom. Mesquida is with the Faculty of
Biology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Passeld is also with the
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada. Bossi,
Mesquida, and Rønnestad are with the Dept of Sport Science, Inland Norway
University of Applied Science, Lillehammer, Norway. Hopker (J.G.Hopker@kent. is corresponding author.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, (Ahead of Print)
© 2020 Human Kinetics, Inc. ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION
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of perceived exertion (RPE)
suggests that the extra respiratory
drive may be associated with a higher perceptual strain and
premature fatigue,
potentially offsetting the benets of being
able to spend a longer time at >90%˙
The purpose of this study was to compare the physiological
and perceptual responses elicited by work intervals matched for
duration and mean power output, but differing in power output
distribution. Specically, constant-intensity work intervals were
prescribed in 1 HIIT session, whereas power output was repeatedly
varied within the work intervals of the other one. We tested the
following hypotheses: Higher fractions of
VO2max would be
sustained in the varied-intensity mode, and ventilatory variables
would predict changes in
A total of 14 well-trained male cyclists volunteered for this study
during their off-season. The Inland Norway University research
ethics committee at Lillehammer University College approved the
study in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Study Design
Participants visited the laboratory on 3 occasions, at the same time of
the day, separated by at least 48 hours. In the rst visit, participants
completed a submaximal lactate threshold test and a maximal
incremental test to characterize their cycling ability and physiologi-
cal prole. They were also familiarized with the HIIT sessions used
during subsequent visits. In visits 2 and 3, participants performed in
randomized order 2 HIIT sessions with either varied-intensity or
constant-intensity work intervals, matched for duration and mean
power output. Acute physiological and perceptual responses were
compared between HIIT sessions at the same time points.
Participants were instructed to refrain from all types of intense
exercise 24 hours before each laboratory visit and to prepare as they
would for competition. They were instructed to consume identical
meals 1 hour before each laboratory visit and to refrain from
caffeine during the preceding 3 hours. All tests were performed
free from distractions, under similar environmental conditions
(16°C17°C), with participants being cooled with a fan.
Ergometer Setup
All cyclists used the same bike (2017 Roubaix One. 3 size 56;
Fuji, Taichung, Taiwan) mounted on a cycle ergometer (KICKR;
Wahoo Fitness, Atlanta, GA) considered to be valid and reliable.
Saddle position was individually adjusted, and measures were noted
for replication. The bike was equipped with a crank-based power
meter (SRAM S975; SRM, Jülich, Germany), from which power
output and cadence were recorded. An indoor cycling training
software (TrainerRoad v1.0.0.49262; TrainerRoad LLC, Reno,
NV) was used to customize all testing sessions, which were per-
formed in ergometer mode. The laptop was connected to the KICKR
through Bluetooth and to the SRM through an ANT+ dongle. With
this setup, the resistance of the KICKR was controlled by the power
output and cadence readings of the SRM. Power output, cadence, and
heart rate (HR) were recorded by a cycle computer (PowerControl 8;
SRM) at a sampling rate of 1 Hz and subsequently analyzed using
open-source software (version 3.4; GoldenCheetah, London, UK; The KICKR and the SRM were
calibrated by the manufacturer prior to the study. Before each
use, a member of the research team warmed-up the KICKR by
riding for 10 minutes at 100 W and then performed the spindown
through the TrainerRoad software, which is a zero-offset calibration
of the strain gaugesbased on bearing and belt friction. The zero offset
procedure of the SRM was performed according to the manufac-
turers recommendations.
To examine the validity of the power outputs generated by
the KICKR through this setup, individual targets determined for
each HIIT session (see text below) were compared with the SRM
readings. A freely available spreadsheet
was used to assess data
at 77%, 84%, and 100% of maximal aerobic power (MAP) for
agreement, with a total of 288, 96 and 288 duplicates, respectively.
The comparison KICKR versus SRM revealed a typical error
of estimate of 7 W (90% condence limits [CLs], 6 to 7 W);
correlation coefcient (r) of .98 (90% CL, 0.97 to 0.98); and mean
bias of 3 W (90% CL, 4to3 W) at 77%MAP; a TEE of 2 W
(90% CL, 2 to 3 W), r= 1.00 (90% CL, 1.00 to 1.00) and mean bias
of 1 W (90% CL, 0 to 1 W) at 84%MAP; and a TEE of 8 W (90%
CL, 7 to 9 W), r= .97 (90% CL, 0.97 to 0.98) and mean bias of
11 W (90% CL, 10 to 12 W) at 100%MAP. Our ergometer setup
was therefore deemed valid.
Preliminary Testing
In the rst visit, participants height and body mass were measured,
and they completed a cycling experience index questionnaire,
well as standalone questions about their training habits. In brief, by
adding up the scores from each question, individuals are assigned a
total score from 0 (representing a complete noncyclist) to 37
(representing a highly experienced and well-trained cyclist).
Participants subsequently completed a lactate threshold test, which
started at 125 W, increasing by 50 W every fth minute (25 W if
blood lactate concentration [La] was 3 mmol·L
), and terminated
when [La] reached 4 mmol·L
. Blood samples were taken from a
ngertip at the last 30 seconds of each 5-minute bout and were
immediately analyzed (Biosen C-Line; EKF Diagnostics, Penarth,
United Kingdom). At the start of the test, cyclists chose their
cadence, which they subsequently held constant throughout the
remainder of the test. Power output at 4 mmol·L
[La] was
calculated for each cyclist from the relationship between [La]
and power output in the last 2 stages, by using linear regression.
VO2was measured during the last 3 minutes of each stage (15-s
sampling time) using a computerized metabolic system with mix-
ing chamber (Oxycon Pro; Erich Jaeger, Hoechberg, Germany).
Prior to every test, the gas analyzer was calibrated with certied
calibration gases of known concentrations, and the ow turbine
(Triple V; Erich Jaeger) was calibrated with a 3-L syringe (5530
series; Hans Rudolph Inc, Shawnee Mission, KS).
After the lactate threshold test, cyclists rode for 10 minutes at a
power outputbetween 50 and 100 W before performing the maximal
incremental test to determine
VO2max, MAP and maximal work rate
Wmax). The test started at 200 W with work rate being increased by
25 W every minute until voluntary exhaustion or an inability to
maintain cadence above 70 rev·min
despite verbal encouragement.
Pedaling cadence was freely chosen, but participants were instructed
to avoid abrupt changes.
VO2was continually measured, and
VO2max was calculated as the highest 60-second mean. MAP
was calculated according to Daniels et al.
This method extrapolates
the relationship between submaximal power outputs and respective
measures of
VO2max, by means of linear regression.
Power output data were recorded continuously throughout the test,
Wmax calculated as the mean of the last 60 seconds of the
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incremental test. Straight after the maximal incremental test, a blood
sample was taken from a ngertip and immediately analyzed to
establish [La]. Cyclists reported their peak RPE using the Borg 6 to
20 scale immediately after terminating the test.
HIIT Sessions
Initially, participants performed a 15-minute warm-up based on
Borg 6 to 20 RPE scale. The warm-up consisted of 5 minutes
at an RPE of 11 (light), followed by three 1-minute intervals at
16 (between hard and very hard), interspersed with two 2-minute
blocks and a nal 3 minutes, all at 9 (very light). Cyclists were
allowed to manipulate the work rate imposed by the cycle ergome-
ter to match the required RPE.
Both HIIT sessions started with 5 minutes at 50%MAP,
followed by six 5-minute work intervals at a mean intensity of
84%MAP, interspersed with 2.5-minute recovery at 30%MAP.
Varied-intensity work intervals consisted of three 30-second
surges at 100%MAP, interspersed with two 1-minute blocks,
and a nal 1.5 minutes at 77%MAP. Constant-intensity work
intervals consisted of 5 minutes at 84%MAP. A detailed outline of
the warm-up and both work intervals can be seen in Figure 1.The
number of work intervals, their duration, and the duration of
recovery intervals were chosen based on athletesperception
of what constitutes a valuable training session for aerobic capa-
city development. The mean intensity for the work intervals
was chosen based on pilot testing to warrant both HIIT sessions
would be completed with physiological responses typical of
exercise performed within the severe intensity domain. As for
the varied-intensity work intervals, the 30-second surges at 100%
MAP were chosen based on previous work of our lab with
and cross-country skiers.
Given the superior time at
VO2max elicited by 30 seconds compared with longer work
intervals in the cycling study,
we reasoned that the 1.5 minutes at
100%MAP employed in the cross-country skiing study
be split into 3 surges to characterize the varied-intensity work
Heart rate was continuously measured during the entire HIIT
VO2was measured during the 5-minute work intervals
(5-s sampling time) using the same equipment and following the
calibration procedures adopted in the preliminary testing. Time at
VO2max was calculated by summing all raw
over the established cutoff. At the end of each work interval,
ngertip blood samples were taken to assess [La], and RPE was
recorded. Participants self-selected their cadence, and water con-
sumption was not restricted. Twenty minutes after nishing the HIIT
Figure 1 (A) Warm-up procedure based on RPE that was performed prior to both sessions of high-intensity interval training, (B) varied-intensity
work intervals, and (C) constant-intensity work intervals. The intensity of both sessions was prescribed as a percentage of the individuals MAP, and
6 work intervals were completed. Both high-intensity interval-training sessions started with 5 minutes at 50%MAP, which is omitted from the gure for
clarity. %MAP indicates percentage of maximal aerobic power; RPE, rating of perceived exertion.
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Interval-Training Optimization 3
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sessions, session RPE (sRPE) was recorded. An individualized
training impulse (iTRIMP), which is a training-load metric based
on HR,
was also calculated to compare the training load between
HIIT sessions. Within the iTRIMP calculation, exercise intensity is
weighted according to participantsown HR[La] exponential
obtained during the preliminary testing. iTRIMP was
calculated for each HIIT session by summing the weighted scores
from every 5-second HR means.
Data Analyses
Dependent variables were assessed for normality using Shapiro
Wilk tests. Paired ttests were used to compare time at
VO2max, sRPE, and iTRIMP between HIIT sessions.
Two-way repeated-measures analyses of variance (work interval
mode ×work interval number) were performed to test for differ-
ences in mean
VO2as a percentage of maximal (%˙
VO2, mean
VE, mean ventilatory equivalent for oxygen
VE ·
1), mean ƒ
, mean tidal volume (V
), mean carbon
dioxide output (
VCO2), mean HR, [La], RPE, and mean cadence.
Following the analysis of variance, Bonferroni pairwise compar-
isons were used to identify where signicant differences existed
within the data. Cohen dor partial eta squared (η2
p) were computed
as effect size estimates. Absolute changes between HIIT sessions
were calculated for mean
VE) and total
VO2) per
work interval. The association between Δ
VE and Δ
modeled by multilevel analysis with participant as a random effect
(ie, random intercept). A correlation coefcient (r) was then
computed by adjusting for repeated observations within partici-
pants. Data were analyzed using SSPS (SSPS Statistics 25; IBM,
Armonk, NY), and signicance level was set at P.05. Results are
presented as mean (SD) (90% CLs).
Participantscharacteristics are presented in Table 1.Therewasa
longer time at >90%˙
VO2max for HIIT with varied-intensity com-
pared with constant-intensity work intervals (410 [207] vs 286 [162] s
[90% CL, 312 to 508 vs 209 to 362 s]; t=2.63; P=.02; d=0.16;
Figure 2A), despite no difference in mean power output as measured
by the SRM crank (324 [30] vs 323 [30] W [90% CL, 310 to 338 vs
309to337W];t=1.35; P=.20; d= 0.01). There was also no
differences in sRPE (6.0 [1.8] vs 6.6 [1.7] [90% CL, 5.2 to 6.9 vs
5.8to7.5];t=1.62; P=.13;d=0.09; Figure 2B), or iTRIMP (178
[43] vs 181 [46] [90% CL, 157 to 198 vs 160 to 203]; t=.43;
P=.68; d=0.02; Figure 2C). The mean
VO2responses to both
types of work intervals are presented in Figure 3.
Statistics and effect size estimations from the analysis
of variance are given in Table 2. No interactions between
work interval mode and work interval number were found for
VO2max (Figure 4A), total
VO2(Figure 4B),
VE (Figure 4C),
VE ·
(Figure 4D), V
(Figure 4E),
VCO2(Figure 4F),
HR, [La] (Figure 4G), RPE (Figure 4H), or cadence (Figure 4I).
There was a main effect of work interval mode for %˙
VO2max, total
VE ·
1, and
VCO2, but not for ƒ
, HR, [La],
RPE, or cadence. A main effect of work interval number was found
for %˙
VO2max, total
VE ·
, HR, [La], and
RPE. Pairwise comparisons revealed differences between conse-
cutive work intervals for all variables (all Ps.05), except for
, in which work interval 1 was different from 3, 4, 5, and 6 (all
Ps.02). There was no main effect of work interval number for
VCO2or cadence.
Multilevel analysis produced the following model
(y=mx+ b):
VO2ðmLÞ=23.3 · Δ
VE ðL · min1Þþ239.6
ðmSE =4.4;P<.001;bSE =118.9;P=.06;ICC =.43Þ(1)
A moderate correlation was found between Δ
VE and Δ
(r= .36; r
= .13; P= .002).
Consistent with our rst hypothesis, well-trained cyclists sustained
higher fractions of
VO2max when they performed the varied-
intensity compared with constant-intensity work intervals during
a HIIT session. Time at >90%˙
VO2max, %˙
VO2max sustained, and
VO2, all suggest an increased aerobic cost elicited by the
varied-intensity work intervals. Importantly, this increased demand
was not accompanied by a higher ƒ
, HR, [La], RPE, or cadence.
Furthermore, we found no differences between conditions in sRPE
or iTRIMP, which may suggest that varied-intensity work intervals
produce a higher training stimulus per dose of exercise. Consistent
with our second hypothesis,
VE was also higher during the varied-
intensity compared with constant-intensity work intervals. In addi-
tion, Δ
VE was moderately associated with Δ
VO2, suggesting
differences in the oxygen cost of hyperpnoea partially explain
the magnitude of
VO2differences between HIIT sessions.
Varying power output between 100% and 77%MAP within
the work intervals of a HIIT session increased the mean time at
VO2max by 43%, from 286 seconds (4 min 46 s) produced by
Table 1 Participant Characteristics and Preliminary
Testing Results, Mean (SD)
Age, y 24 (6)
Height, cm 184 (5)
Body mass, kg 75.0 (5.2)
VO2max, mL·kg
69.2 (6.6)
VO2max, L·min
5.16 (0.35)
Wmax, W·kg
5.77 (0.66)
Wmax, W 430 (35)
Maximal aerobic power, W·kg
5.18 (0.56)
Maximal aerobic power, W 387 (33)
Maximal heart rate, beats·min
191 (9)
, mmol·L
13.3 (1.3)
VEpeak, L·min
211 (17)
, cycles·min
63 (10)
, L 3.4 (0.5)
1.19 (0.04)
19.4 (0.6)
4 mmol·L
, W·kg
3.77 (0.53)
4 mmol·L
, W 282 (34)
Cycling Experience Index 26 (6)
Races in the previous season 13 (11)
Training in the previous season, h 523 (218)
Current training, h·wk
11 (5)
Abbreviations: [La]
, peak blood lactate concentration; ƒ
, peak breathing
frequency; LT, lactate threshold; RER
, peak respiratory exchange ratio;
, peak rating of perceived exertion;
VEpeak, peak minute ventilation;
VO2max, maximal oxygen uptake; V
, peak tidal volume;
Wmax, maximal
work rate during the incremental test.
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the constant-intensity work intervals (84%MAP) to 410 seconds
(6 min 50 s). This result stands out as we did not manipulate the
mean intensity and length of the work and recovery intervals, or
total HIIT duration, which often is the case in studies assessing time
at or close to
Previously, Billat et al
that effort could be minimized, and exercise sustained for more
than 15 minutes at >95%˙
VO2max, when power output was manip-
ulated according to expired gas responses. Despite HIIT with
varied-intensity work intervals produced a shorter duration at
VO2max compared with that of Billat et al,
our results
provide evidence for a more practical approach to programming
this type of training.
Unique to our study was that varied-intensity work intervals
VO2without affecting most variables reecting the
physiological and perceptual strain of exercise. In contrast, Zadow
et al
reported times at >85%˙
VO2max of 2 minutes 31 seconds
and 2 minutes 4 seconds, for respectively all-out and constant-
intensity work intervals, but with greater HR, RPE, and sRPE.
Collectively, these results suggest there may be a tolerance limit for
the magnitude of power output variation that allows cyclists to
optimize time at >90%˙
VO2max without compromising exercise
capacity. Another strength of our work is that HIIT sessions
were matched for all prescription elements affecting the exercise
dose, except power output distribution. For instance, Lisbôa et al
reported longer time at >90%˙
VO2max (4 min 19 s vs 2 min 03 s)
following decreasing-intensity versus constant-intensity work
intervals, but conditions were matched by participants capacity
to perform work above critical power.
Work and recovery interval
durations were not controlled, potentially affecting time at a high
fraction of
VO2max more than the power output distribution
Thus, the higher time at >90%˙
VO2max was likely
achieved by a change in exercise dose.
High-intensity interval training can be prescribed with differ-
ent formats according to the aim of the training session. To produce
the longest times at or close to
VO2max, short work intervals
(<1 min) have been recommended.
In agreement with this
proposition, adding repeated power output variations within longer
5-minute work intervals increased time at >90%˙
VO2max. Never-
theless, there is contrasting evidence from training studies, with
evidence that both short
and long work intervals
may trigger
a potent stimulus for increasing
VO2max. This suggests time at
VO2max is unlikely to be the only training variable driving
VO2max enhancements. Its relatively poor reliability must also be
Despite these considerations, we speculate that our
novel HIIT session, if repeated over time, may combine the benets
of both short and longer work intervals. Further work is necessary
to conrm this hypothesis.
Ventilatory responses to work intervals of different power
output distributions have been previously neglected.
Figure 2 (A) Time spent over 90% of
VO2max, (B) sRPE, and
(C) individualized training impulse (iTRIMP). Open circles represent
each participant, and black squares represent the mean values for high-
intensity interval-training sessions with varied-intensity and constant-
intensity WI. sRPE indicates session rating of perceived exertion;
maximal oxygen uptake; WI, work interval. *Different from constant
WI (P=.02).
Figure 3 Mean
VO2responses (5-s sampling time) to varied-
intensity (dotted line) and constant-intensity (solid line) work intervals.
The horizontal dashed line represents 90% of maximal V
O2(mean of all
participants). SD is omitted from the gure for clarity. As individual
participants reached 90% of maximal V
O2at different time points, dotted
and solid lines do not reect the mean time spent over 90% of maximal
O2indicates oxygen uptake.
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Table 2 Statistics and Effect-Size Estimations From the Analysis of Variance for Each Variable Analyzed
Interaction Main effect of interval mode
Main effect of interval
VO2max 1.03 .39 .07 11.26 .005* .46 43.71 <.001* .77
VO21.00 .40 .07 10.78 .006* .45 42.85 <.001* .77
VE 0.32 .76 .02 8.42 .01* .39 32.01 <.001* .71
VE ·
10.61 .56 .05 5.65 .03* .30 35.60 <.001* .73
0.55 .59 .04 3.50 .08 .21 41.79 <.001* .76
0.36 .75 .03 2.02 .18 .13 12.32 <.001* .49
VCO21.06 .39 .07 18.69 .001* .59 2.38 .09 .15
Heart rate 0.16 .87 .01 <0.01 .93 <.01 68.57 <.001* .85
Blood lactate concentration 0.50 .58 .04 1.54 .24 .11 35.75 <.001* .73
Rating of perceived exertion 0.58 .66 .04 1.72 .21 .12 3.99 <.001* .70
Cadence 0.87 .46 .06 0.06 .82 <.01 1.09 .36 .08
Abbreviations: %˙
VO2max, percentage of maximal oxygen uptake; ƒ
, breathing frequency;
VO2, oxygen uptake;
VCO2, carbon dioxide output;
VE, minute ventilation;
VE ·
1, ventilatory equivalent for oxygen; V
, tidal volume.
*Statistical signicance.
Figure 4 (A) Mean %˙
VO2max, (B) total
VO2, (C) mean
VE, (D) mean f
, (E) mean V
, (F)
VCO2, (G) [La], (H) RPE, and (I) mean cadence. Data are
displayed per work interval as mean (SD) for high-intensity interval-training sessions with varied- (triangles) and constant-intensity work intervals
(squares). ƒ
indicates breathing frequency; [La], blood lactate concentration; RPE, rating of perceived exertion;
VCO2, mean carbon dioxide output;
VE, mean minute ventilation; %˙
VO2max, mean oxygen uptake as a percentage of maximal;
VO2, total oxygen uptake; V
, tidal volume. *Different from
previous work interval (all P.03). Different from work intervals 3, 4, 5, and 6 (all P.02). Main effect of work-interval mode (all P.01). §Main
effect of work-interval number (all P<.001).
6(Ahead of Print)
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Interestingly, our results suggest they play a role in the observed
changes in total
VO2. Compared with constant-intensity work
intervals, varied intensity produced higher
VE and
VE ·
implying a greater mechanical work of the pulmonary system and
an increased oxygen cost of hyperpnoea.
Indeed, the multi-
level analysis used in this study predicted that for each liter of
increase in
VO2is increased by 4.7 mL. This is nevertheless
higher than the cost of exercise hyperpnoea reported by Aaron
et al
as 2.9 mL of oxygen per liter of
VE, or more recently by
Dominelli et al
as 2.4 mL·L
. Altogether the model intercept of
239.6 mL, results suggest mechanisms other than an increased
may account to a greater extent for the observed changes in aerobic
cost of HIIT. It is therefore not surprising that only a moderate
correlation between Δ
VE and Δ
VO2(r= .36) was found in the
present study.
The fact that we did not nd differences in ƒ
or V
varied-intensity and constant-intensity work intervals, alongside the
differences in
VE, has some practical and mechanistic implications.
Practically, ƒ
has been considered a marker of physical effort,
reinforcing the sense of equivalence in strain levels between both
types of HIIT. Mechanistically, a higher
VE with no signicant
changes in either ƒ
or V
indicates that both contributed to the
increases in
VE, although in small magnitudes or with interindivid-
ual differences, challenging the hypothesis of a distinct mechanistic
control of ƒ
and V
during exercise.
Indeed, it has been previ-
ously suggested that during high-intensity exercise central com-
mand regulates
VE preferentially through changes in ƒ
our data do not support. Instead, Tipton et al
have proposed
VE is
regulated by a complex integration of mechanical and physiological
factors, making it difcult to completely associate ƒ
and V
with a
particular type of reex. Therefore, the higher
VE in the varied-
intensity compared with the constant-intensity work intervals is
likely the result of a tightly coupled interaction between the
increases in ƒ
and V
that manifest during this type of exercise.
Additional mechanistic insight can be gained from a close
inspection of Figure 3.Repeatedsurgesat100%MAP,asopposed
to a single surge at the start of each work interval, seem required
to produce the observed differences in time at >90%˙
Not only the oxygen cost of hyperpnoea, but also the oxygen
cost of muscle contraction, may have been greater during the
varied-intensity compared with the constant-intensity work inter-
vals. Higher exercise intensities have been shown to elicit a more
uniform activation of the quadriceps femoris muscles
and their
motor units.
Thus, it is reasonable to assume some high-thresh-
old bers were only recruited at 100%MAP. The low efciency
and high fatigability of these bers may have contributed to an
increased whole-body
VO2and time at >90%˙
we cannot discard the
VO2kinetics hypothesis as proposed by other
If the initial 30-second surges of the varied-intensity
work intervals did not directly affect time at >90%˙
VO2max, faster
VO2kinetics apparently contributed to a higher %˙
VO2max sus-
tained and total
VO2. Future studies should use breath by breath
ergospirometry and leg electromyography to provide evidence for
these hypotheses.
Practical Applications
Well-trained cyclists looking for alternative strategies to optimize
training stimulus are advised to try the varied-intensity work
intervals as outlined here. Whether performance adaptations will
be superior to constant-intensity work intervals remain to be
established by a longitudinal study; but similar ƒ
, HR, [La], RPE,
and training load metrics suggest that it is unlikely that negative
training outcomes occur.
In comparison with a HIIT session with constant-intensity work
intervals, well-trained cyclists sustain higher fractions of
when power output is repeatedly varied within the work intervals.
This effect is partially mediated by an increased oxygen cost of
A.H.B. is a CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientíco e
Tecnolo´gicoBrazil) scholarship holder (200700/2015-4). The authors
thank Joar Hansen for his technical support and Tomas Urianstad, Vemund
Lien, and Ingvild Berlandstveit for their assistance with data collection. The
authors also thank the participants for their enthusiasm to complete this study.
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8Bossi et al
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... To maximally enhance _ VO 2max , it is recommended to perform interval sessions that accumulate as much time as possible at intensities ≥90% of _ VO 2max (Buchheit & Laursen, 2013;. Following this rationale, several studies with male endurance athletes as participants have focused on optimizing interval sessions through maximizing the time spent ≥90% of _ VO 2max (e.g., Almquist et al., 2020;Bossi et al., 2020;Held et al., 2023;Rønnestad et al., 2021;Thevenet et al., 2007). In these studies, the combinations of different workloads and -durations, different numbers of work intervals as well as different work-rest patterns have been explored. ...
... Previous studies on male endurance athletes have identified interval sessions with alternating higher and lower workloads within each work interval (Bossi et al., 2020;Rønnestad et al., 2021), and series with multiple short work intervals with active recovery in between (Almquist et al., 2020;Rønnestad & Hansen, 2016) to be well-suited for extending the time ≥90% of _ VO 2max . The physiological mechanisms underlying the longer time sustained ≥90% of _ VO 2max during series of multiple short work intervals and variable work intervals compared to traditional constant pace work intervals (CON) are not fully understood. ...
... The physiological mechanisms underlying the longer time sustained ≥90% of _ VO 2max during series of multiple short work intervals and variable work intervals compared to traditional constant pace work intervals (CON) are not fully understood. Nevertheless, it has been postulated that factors such as higher levels of intramuscular adenosine diphosphate (Wilson, 2015), the larger use of respiratory muscles (Bossi et al., 2020), and the higher activation of type II muscle fibers (Vanhatalo et al., 2010) contribute to the greater energy demand observed during variable workloads compared to constant workload efforts. Particularly, interval sessions with series of multiple short intervals (e.g., 30 s) with active recovery in between (e.g., 15 s) have been observed to be favorable for achieving and sustaining a long time ≥90% of _ VO 2max (Almquist et al., 2020;Rønnestad & Hansen, 2016). ...
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It has been suggested that time spent at a high fraction of maximal oxygen consumption (%O 2max ) plays a decisive role for adaptations to interval training. However, previous studies examining how interval sessions should be designed to achieve a high %O 2max have exclusively been performed in males. The present study compared the %O 2max attained during three different 6 × 8 min interval protocols, in female ( n = 11; O 2max , 62.5 (6.4) mL · min ⁻¹ ·kg ⁻¹ ) and male ( n = 8; O 2max , 81.0 (5.2) mL · min ⁻¹ ·kg ⁻¹ ) cyclists. Mean power output during work intervals were identical across the three interval protocols, corresponding to the cyclist's 40 min maximal effort (PO 40min ): (1) 30 s intervals at 118% of PO 40min interspersed with 15 s active recovery at 60% (30/15), (2) constant pace at 100% of PO 40min (CON), and (3) altering between 60 s intervals at 110% and 60 s at 90% of PO 40min (60/60). Additionally, the study explored whether the m. vastus lateralis characteristics of the cyclists (fiber type proportion, capillarization, and citrate synthase activity) were associated with the %O 2max attained during the interval sessions. Overall, mean %O 2max and time ≥90% of O 2max were higher during 30/15 compared to CON (86.7 (10.1)% and 1123 (787) s versus 85.0 (10.4)% and 879 (779) s, respectively; both p ≤ 0.01) and 60/60 (85.6 (10.0)% and 917 (745) s, respectively; both p ≤ 0.05), while no difference was observed between 60/60 and CON (both p ≥ 0.36). During interval sessions, %O 2max and time ≥90% of O 2max did not differ between sexes. Skeletal muscle characteristics were not related to %O 2max during interval sessions. In conclusion, well‐trained cyclists demonstrate highest %O 2max during 30/15, irrespective of sex and skeletal muscle characteristics.
... Exercising at intensities close toVO 2max strains the O 2 delivery and utilization system, thereby serving as a potent physiological stimulus for increasingVO 2max and endurance performance (Wenger and Bell 1986;Buchheit and Laursen 2013). Following this rationale, several studies on endurance athletes over the last 15 years have focused on optimizing the physiological stimulus during interval training (e.g., Thevenet et al. 2007; Almquist et al. 2020;Bossi et al. 2020;Rønnestad et al. 2022a;Held et al. 2023). To maximize the time spent close toVO 2max , a power output between 90% and 100% of maximal aerobic speed/power (MAS/MAP; i.e., the lowest speed/power that elicitsVO 2max ) is recommended (Billat and Koralsztein 1996;Hill and Rowell 1997;Laursen and Jenkins 2002;Midgley and Mc Naughton 2006). ...
... Another alternative for eliciting additional time at a higḣ VO 2 is to have regular and multiple workload variations during the work intervals (VAR intervals). Bossi et al. (2020) investigated this approach in well-trained male cyclists (aver-ageVO 2max of 69 mL·min −1 ·kg −1 ) when a 6 × 5 min interval protocol with three 30 s periods at 100% of MAP, interspersed with cycling at a lower power output, was compared with duration-and power output-matched evenlypaced work intervals. Despite no session differences related to mean heart rate (blood lactate) and RPE, there were higher mean percentage ofVO 2max and time ≥ 90%VO 2max during varied compared to evenly-paced work intervals (410 s vs. 286 s, respectively; p = 0.02). ...
... Possibly, the divergent results between these two VAR studies on welltrained cyclists were due to the lower amplitude of power output variations in the last study. Compared to the evenlypaced intervals, work intervals were initiated with an average of 27 W in Urianstad et al. (2023) study compared to 63 W higher power output in the Bossi et al. (2020) study. ...
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Interval training is considered an essential training component in endurance athletes. Recently, there has been a focus on optimization of interval training characteristics to sustain a high fraction of maximal oxygen consumption (≥90% VO2max) to improve physiological adaptations and performance. Herein, we present a synopsis of the latest research exploring both acute and chronic studies in endurance athletes. Further, a decision flowchart was created for athletes and coaches to select the most appropriate interval training regime for specific individualized goals.
... It has been well established that the structure of an interval protocol and the variation of the intensity within an interval can have a substantial influence on the Time@V O2max (Billat et al., 2013;Bossi et al., 2020). Turnes et al. (2016) were among the first to show that an increased Time@V O2max, attained by intensity variations, could result in improved adaption to exercise. ...
... The structure of the protocol is based on previous studies, investigating possible differences in acute and longitudinal differences of different HI[I]T protocols, both in term of physiological adaptations and actual sport performance improvement (Bossi et al., 2020;Lisbôa et al., 2015;Rønnestad et al., 2022;Rønnestad et al., 2015;Zadow et al., 2015). The intensities were chosen to ensure attainment of at least 90%V O2max and are based on findings in cyclists and cross country skiers (Bossi et al., 2020;Rønnestad et al., 2022;Rønnestad & Hansen, 2016;Rønnestad et al., 2019). ...
... The structure of the protocol is based on previous studies, investigating possible differences in acute and longitudinal differences of different HI[I]T protocols, both in term of physiological adaptations and actual sport performance improvement (Bossi et al., 2020;Lisbôa et al., 2015;Rønnestad et al., 2022;Rønnestad et al., 2015;Zadow et al., 2015). The intensities were chosen to ensure attainment of at least 90%V O2max and are based on findings in cyclists and cross country skiers (Bossi et al., 2020;Rønnestad et al., 2022;Rønnestad & Hansen, 2016;Rønnestad et al., 2019). Figure 1 depicts the structure of the VAR interval protocol. ...
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Background: Time spent above 90% of maximal oxygen uptake (V̇ O2max) has been shown to be a valuable indicator of high-intensity interval training (HI[I]T) effectiveness. This study aimed to investigate whether variations in exercise intensity during an interval could lead to increased responses of the physiological systems associated with aerobic exercise performance. We hypothesized that a varied intensity protocol (VAR), vs. a work-matched constant intensity protocol (CON), would elicit a higher time spent above 90% V̇ O2max and evoke a higher skeletal muscle fractional O2 utilization/extraction, as measured by the drop in tissue saturation index (ΔTSI) with the NIRS technology. Materials & Methods: Nineteen participants (177.2 ± 8.9 cm, 71.7 ± 9.6 kg, 34 ± 12 years, 3687 ± 665 mL.min-1 absolute V̇ O2max, 51.9 ± 6.1 relative V̇ O2max) completed two HI[I]T protocols of 4 x 5 minutes with 3 minutes rest in between intervals: one constant-power (CON) and one varying-power (VAR) protocol. The VAR protocol consisted of two surges at 100% of maximum aerobic power (MAP) at the beginning and the middle of the interval, interspersed with sections at 75% of MAP. The CON protocol was work-matched to the VAR protocol and ridden at a constant power output. V̇ O2max, MAP and the maximal drop in TSI (ΔTSImax) were assessed in an incremental exercise test to voluntary exhaustion. Time spent above 90%V̇ O2max (T>90%V̇ O2max) and 90% ΔTSImax (T>90%ΔTSImax) were the primary outcomes of interest. Results: For T>90%V̇ O2max, there was no significant difference between the VAR (437 ± 420 s) and CON (372 ± 375 s) protocols (t(19) = 1.02, p = 0.32). Similarly, there was no significant difference in T>90%ΔTSImax between the VAR (397 ± 402 s) and CON (394 ± 440 s) protocols (t(15) = 0.05, p = 0.96). Conclusions: Our results did not support the hypothesis that a varied intensity protocol (VAR) would elicit a higher time spent above 90% V̇ O2max or higher skeletal muscle fractional O2 utilization/extraction compared to a work-matched constant intensity protocol (CON). Further research is needed to explore the potential benefits of varied intensity HI[I]T protocols on aerobic capacity and other aspects of exercise performance.
... For that reason, it has been claimed that both the fraction (%) of V̇O 2max achieved during exercise and the time spent ≥90% of V̇O 2max are valid indicators of the training session's aerobic stimulus (Thevenet et al., 2007). Consequently, a growing number of studies investigating how to optimize interval training sessions, particularly by maximizing time ≥90% V̇O 2max , have been conducted (Almquist et al., 2020;Bossi et al., 2020;Held et al., 2023;Rønnestad et al., 2016;Thevenet et al., 2007). As frequently highlighted in these studies, it is important to note that acute responses to exercise do not necessarily accurately reflect the magnitude of adaptations following a training intervention. ...
... The efficacy of exercising at intensities near V̇O 2max for adaptations to prolonged endurance training have been repeatedly discussed for at least 40 years (Billat et al., 1996;Buchheit et al., 2013;Daniels et al., 1984;Held et al., 2023;Midgley, McNaughton, & Wilkinson, 2006;Thevenet et al., 2007;Wenger et al., 1986). In recent years, this topic has been actualized through several acute studies comparing the V̇O 2 response to different types of interval sessions (Almquist et al., 2020;Bossi et al., 2020;Held et al., 2023;Rønnestad et al., 2016;Thevenet et al., 2007). In these studies, the interval sessions eliciting the longest accumulated time ≥90% of V̇O 2max have been argued to be the most efficient for enhancing V̇O 2max and endurance performance. ...
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It has been suggested that time at a high fraction (%) of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) plays a decisive role for adaptations to interval training. Yet, no study has, to date, measured the % of VO2max during all interval sessions throughout a prolonged training intervention and subsequently related it to the magnitude of training adaptations. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the relationship between % of VO2max achieved during an interval training intervention and changes in endurance performance and its physiological determinants in well‐trained cyclists. Twenty‐two cyclists (VO2max 67.1 (6.4) mL·min⁻¹ ·kg⁻¹; males, n = 19; females, n = 3) underwent a 9‐week interval training intervention, consisting 21 sessions of 5 × 8‐min intervals conducted at their 40‐min highest sustainable mean power output (PO). Oxygen uptake was measured during all interval sessions, and the relationship between % of VO2max during work intervals and training adaptations were investigated using linear regression. A performance index was calculated from several performance measures. With higher % of VO2max during work intervals, greater improvements were observed for maximal PO during the VO2max test (R²adjusted = 0.44, p = 0.009), PO at 4 mmol·L⁻¹ [blood lactate] (R²adjusted = 0.25, p = 0.035), the performance index (R²adjusted = 0.36, p = 0.013), and VO2max (R²adjusted = 0.54, p = 0.029). Other measures, such as % of maximal heart rate, were related to fewer outcome variables and exhibited poorer session‐to‐session repeatability compared to % of VO2max. In conclusion, improvements in endurance measures were positively related to the % of VO2max achieved during interval training. Percentage of VO2max was the measure that best reflected the magnitude of training adaptations.
... For example, a Norwegian national team coach of cross-country (XC) skiers in Norway explained that a simple but predictive rule-of-thumb for seasonal success among their male and female elite XC skiers was to complete ∼100 "hard" sessions (including "threshold", HIIT, and races) during a season, out of ∼500 total endurance sessions and races. In this holistic and real-world context, coaches and athletes are not pursuing "maximal time near VO 2 max" (e.g., Billat et al. 2000;Jones et al. 2008;Bailey et al. 2011;Zadow et al. 2015;Bossi et al. 2020;Rønnestad et al. 2020) nor an otherwise "maximally exhaustive" HIIT session in isolation. Instead, they pursue an individually sustainable integration of a high overall training volume and regular, specific stimuli above LT1 (including but not limited to HIIT) across typical training weeks, periodized multi-week macrocycle progressions, annual cycles, or an Olympic quadrennium. ...
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High-intensity interval training (HIIT) prescriptions manipulate intensity, duration, and recovery variables in multiple combinations. Researchers often compare different HIIT variable combinations and treat HIIT prescription as a “maximization problem”, seeking to identify the prescription(s) that induce the largest acute VO2/HR/RPE response. However, studies connecting the magnitude of specific acute HIIT response variables like work time >90% of VO2max and resulting cellular signalling and/or translation to protein upregulation and performance enhancement are lacking. This is also not how successful endurance athletes train. First, HIIT training cannot be seen in isolation. Successful endurance athletes perform most of their training volume below the first lactate turn point (<LT1), with “threshold training” and HIIT as integrated parts of a synergistic combination of training intensities and durations. Second, molecular signalling research reveals multiple, “overlapping” signalling pathways driving peripheral adaptations, with those pathways most sensitive to work intensity showing substantial feedback inhibition. This makes current training content and longer-term training history critical modulators of HIIT adaptive responses. Third, long term maximization of endurance capacity extends over years. Successful endurance athletes balance low-intensity and high-intensity, low systemic stress, and high systemic stress training sessions over time. The endurance training process is therefore an “optimization problem”. Effective HIIT sessions generate both cellular signal and systemic stress that each individual athlete responds to and recovers from over weeks, months, and even years of training. It is not “epic” HIIT sessions but effective integration of intensity, duration, and frequency of all training stimuli over time that drives endurance performance success.
... Over recent decades, optimisation of endurance training has attracted considerable attention in the literature, in an attempt to provide a more scientific basis to endurance performance through 'evidenceinformed' coaching practice. In this sense, training strategies which seek to optimise physiological adaptations have been widely investigated, with a particular emphasis on training intensity distribution [e.g., [1][2][3], exercise modalities [e.g., [4][5][6][7][8][9] and the manipulation of training variables [e.g., [10][11][12]. Ensuring an integrated approach to periodisation which covers all aspects of performance is considered important for continuously eliciting adaptations, managing fatigue/recovery, and avoiding stagnation during an athlete's competitive season [13][14][15][16]. ...
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Background: In endurance cycling, both high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and sprint interval training (SIT) have become popular training modalities due to their ability to elicit improvements in performance. Studies have attempted to ascertain which form of interval training might be more beneficial for maximising cycling performance as well as a range of physiological parameters, but an amalgamation of results which explores the influence of different interval training programming variables in trained cyclists has not yet been conducted. Objective: The aims of this study were to: (1) systematically investigate training interventions to determine which training modality, HIIT, SIT or low- to moderate-intensity continuous training (LIT/MICT), leads to greater physiological and performance adaptations in trained cyclists; and (2) determine the moderating effects of interval work-bout duration and intervention length on the overall HIIT/SIT programme. Data Sources: Electronic database searches were conducted using SPORTDiscus and PubMed. Study Selection: Inclusion criteria were: (1) at least recreationally-trained cyclists aged 18–49 years (maximum/peak oxygen uptake [V̇O2max/V̇O2peak] ≥45 mL·kg-1·min-1); (2) training interventions that included a HIIT or SIT group and a control group (or two interval training groups for direct comparisons); (3) minimum intervention length of 2 weeks; (4) interventions that consisted of 2–3 weekly interval training sessions­. Results: Interval training leads to small improvements in all outcome measures combined (overall main effects model, SMD: 0.33 [95%CI = 0.06 to 0.60]) when compared to LIT/MICT in trained cyclists. At the individual level, point estimates favouring HIIT/SIT were negligible (Wingate model: 0.01 [95%CI = -3.56 to 3.57]), trivial (relative V̇O2max/V̇O2peak: 0.10 [95%CI = -0.34 to 0.54]), small (absolute V̇O2max/V̇O2peak: 0.28 [95%CI = 0.15 to 0.40], absolute maximum aerobic power/peak power output: 0.38 [95%CI = 0.15 to 0.61], relative absolute maximum aerobic power/peak power output: 0.43 [95%CI = -0.09 to 0.95], physiological thresholds: 0.46 [95%CI = -0.24 to 1.17]), and large (time-trial/time-to-exhaustion: 0.96 [95%CI = -0.81 to 2.73]) improvements in physiological/performance variables compared to controls, with very imprecise interval estimates for most outcomes. In addition, intervention length did not contribute significantly to the improvements in outcome measures in this population, as the effect estimate was only trivial (βDuration: 0.04 [ 95%CI = -0.07 to 0.15]). Finally, the network meta-analysis did not reveal a clear superior effect of any HIIT/SIT types when directly comparing interval training differing in interval work-bout duration. Conclusion: The results of the meta-analysis indicate that both HIIT and SIT are effective training modalities to elicit physiological adaptations and performance improvements in trained cyclists. Our analyses highlight that the optimisation of interval training prescription in trained cyclists cannot be solely explained by interval type or interval work-bout duration and an individualised approach that takes into account the training/competitive needs of the athlete is warranted.
... When prescribing longer (~ 5-min) intervals in highly trained athletes, "fast-start" and/or variable-speed intervals may allow for greater accumulated time ≥ 90% of V O 2 max compared to constant-speed intervals [75,76]. One investigation in cross-country skiers demonstrated that 5 × 5-min intervals above the second lactate threshold with 3 min of Fig. 2 Simplified depiction of sample high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and sprint interval training (SIT) protocols with reference to thresholds demarcated in common domain-based training models and physical activity and exercise intensity classifications [22, 24-26, 31, 32]. ...
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Interval training is a simple concept that refers to repeated bouts of relatively hard work interspersed with recovery periods of easier work or rest. The method has been used by high-level athletes for over a century to improve performance in endurance-type sports and events such as middle- and long-distance running. The concept of interval training to improve health, including in a rehabilitative context or when practiced by individuals who are relatively inactive or deconditioned, has also been advanced for decades. An important issue that affects the interpretation and application of interval training is the lack of standardized terminology. This particularly relates to the classification of intensity. There is no common definition of the term “high-intensity interval training” (HIIT) despite its widespread use. We contend that in a performance context, HIIT can be characterized as intermittent exercise bouts performed above the heavy-intensity domain. This categorization of HIIT is primarily encompassed by the severe-intensity domain. It is demarcated by indicators that principally include the critical power or critical speed, or other indices, including the second lactate threshold, maximal lactate steady state, or lactate turnpoint. In a health context, we contend that HIIT can be characterized as intermittent exercise bouts performed above moderate intensity. This categorization of HIIT is primarily encompassed by the classification of vigorous intensity. It is demarcated by various indicators related to perceived exertion, oxygen uptake, or heart rate as defined in authoritative public health and exercise prescription guidelines. A particularly intense variant of HIIT commonly termed “sprint interval training” can be distinguished as repeated bouts performed with near-maximal to “all out” effort. This characterization coincides with the highest intensity classification identified in training zone models or exercise prescription guidelines, including the extreme-intensity domain, anaerobic speed reserve, or near-maximal to maximal intensity classification. HIIT is considered an essential training component for the enhancement of athletic performance, but the optimal intensity distribution and specific HIIT prescription for endurance athletes is unclear. HIIT is also a viable method to improve cardiorespiratory fitness and other health-related indices in people who are insufficiently active, including those with cardiometabolic diseases. Research is needed to clarify responses to different HIIT strategies using robust study designs that employ best practices. We offer a perspective on the topic of HIIT for performance and health, including a conceptual framework that builds on the work of others and outlines how the method can be defined and operationalized within each context.
... Over recent decades, endurance training optimisation has attracted considerable attention in the scientific literature, in an attempt to provide a more scientific basis to endurance performance through 'evidence-informed' coaching practice. In this sense, training strategies which seek to optimise physiological adaptations have been widely investigated, with a particular emphasis on training intensity distribution [e.g., [1][2][3], exercise modalities [e.g., [4][5][6][7][8][9] and the manipulation of training variables [e.g., [10][11][12]. Ensuring an integrated approach to periodization which covers all aspects of performance is considered important for continuously eliciting adaptations, managing fatigue/recovery, and avoiding stagnation during an athlete's competitive season [13][14][15][16]. ...
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Background: In endurance cycling, both high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and sprint interval training (SIT) have become popular training modalities due to their ability to elicit improvements in performance. Studies have attempted to ascertain which form of interval training might be more beneficial for maximising cycling performance as well as a range of physiological parameters, but an amalgamation of results which explores the influence of different interval training programming variables in trained cyclists has not yet been conducted. Objective: The aims of this study were to: (1) systematically investigate training interventions to determine which training modality, HIIT, SIT or low-to moderate-intensity continuous training (LIT/MICT), leads to greater physiological and performance adaptations in trained cyclists; and (2) determine the moderating effects of interval work-bout duration and intervention length on the overall HIIT/SIT programme. Data Sources: Electronic database searches were conducted using SPORTDiscus and PubMed. Study Selection: Inclusion criteria were: (1) at least recreationally-trained cyclists aged 18-49 years (maximum/peak oxygen uptake [V O2max/V O2peak] ≥45 mL·kg-1 ·min-1); (2) training interventions that included a HIIT or SIT group and a control group (or two interval training groups for direct comparisons); (3) minimum intervention length of 2 weeks; (4) interventions that consisted of 2-3 weekly interval training sessions. Results: Interval training leads to small improvements in all outcome measures combined (overall main effects model, SMD: 0.33 [95%CI = 0.06 to 0.60]) when compared to LIT/MICT in trained cyclists. At the individual level, point estimates favouring HIIT/SIT were negligible (Wingate model: 0.01 [95%CI =-3.56 to 3.57]), trivial (relative V O2max/V O2peak: 0.10 [95%CI =-0.34 to 0.54]), small (absolute V O2max/V O2peak: 0.28 [95%CI = 0.15 to 0.40], absolute maximum aerobic power/peak power output: 0.38 [95%CI = 0.15 to 0.61], relative absolute maximum aerobic power/peak power output: 0.43 [95%CI =-0.09 to 0.95], physiological thresholds: 0.46 [95%CI =-0.24 to 1.17]), and large (time-trial/time-to-exhaustion: 0.96 [95%CI =-0.81 to 2.73]) improvements in physiological/performance variables compared to controls, with very imprecise interval estimates for most outcomes. In addition, intervention length did not contribute significantly to the improvements in outcome measures in this population, as the effect estimate was only trivial (βDuration: 0.04 [ 95%CI =-0.07 to 0.15]). Finally, the network meta-analysis did not reveal a clear superior effect of any HIIT/SIT types when directly comparing interval training differing in interval work-bout duration. Conclusion: The results of the meta-analysis indicate that both HIIT and SIT are effective training modalities to elicit physiological adaptations and performance improvements in trained cyclists. Our analyses highlight that the optimisation of interval training prescription in trained cyclists cannot be solely explained by interval type or interval work-bout duration and an individualised approach that takes into account the training/competitive needs of the athlete is warranted.
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There are various categorization models of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in the literature that need to be more consistent in definition, terminology, and concept completeness. In this review, we present a training goal-oriented categorization model of HIIT, aiming to find the best possible consensus among the various defined types of HIIT. This categorization concludes with six different types of HIIT derived from the literature, based on the interaction of interval duration, interval intensity and interval:recovery ratio. We discuss the science behind the defined types of HIIT and shed light on the possible effects of the various types of HIIT on aerobic, anaerobic, and neuromuscular systems and possible transfer effects into competition performance. We highlight various research gaps, discrepancies in findings and not yet proved know-how based on a lack of randomized controlled training studies, especially in well-trained to elite athlete cohorts. Our HIIT “toolbox” approach is designed to guide goal-oriented training. It is intended to lay the groundwork for future systematic reviews and serves as foundation for meta-analyses.
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Purpose To investigate the influence of exercise intensity normalisation on intra- and inter-individual acute and adaptive responses to an interval training programme. Methods Nineteen cyclists were split in two groups differing (only) in how exercise intensity was normalised: 80% of the maximal work rate achieved in an incremental test (%Ẇmax) vs. maximal sustainable work rate in a self-paced interval training session (%Ẇmax-SP). Testing duplicates were conducted before and after an initial control phase, during the training intervention, and at the end, enabling the estimation of inter-individual variability in adaptive responses devoid of intra-individual variability. Results Due to premature exhaustion, the median training completion rate was 88.8% for the %Ẇmax group, but 100% for the %Ẇmax-SP group. Ratings of perceived exertion and heart rates were not sensitive to how intensity was normalised, manifesting similar inter-individual variability, although intra-individual variability was minimised for the %Ẇmax-SP group. Amongst six adaptive response variables, there was evidence of individual response for only maximal oxygen uptake (standard deviation: 0.027 L· min-1· week- 1) and self-paced interval training performance (standard deviation: 1.451 W· week-1). However, inter- individual variability magnitudes were similar between groups. Average adaptive responses were also similar between groups across all variables. Conclusions To normalise completion rates of interval training, %Ẇmax-SP should be used to prescribe relative intensity. However, the variability in adaptive responses to training may not reflect how exercise intensity is normalised, underlining the complexity of the exercise dose-adaptation relationship. True inter- individual variability in adaptive responses cannot always be identified when intra-individual variability is accounted for.
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Purpose: Accumulated time at a high percentage of peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) is important for improving performance in endurance athletes. The present study compared the acute effect of a roller-ski skating session containing work intervals with a fast start followed by decreasing speed (DEC) with a traditional session where the work intervals had a constant speed (similar to the mean speed of DEC; TRAD) on physiological responses, rating of perceived exertion, and leg press peak power. Methods: A total of 11 well-trained cross-country skiers performed DEC and TRAD in a randomized order (5 × 5-min work intervals, 3-min relief). Each 5-minute work interval in the DEC protocol started with 1.5 minutes at 100% of maximal aerobic speed followed by 3.5 minutes at 85% of maximal aerobic speed, whereas the TRAD protocol had a constant speed at 90% of maximal aerobic speed. Results: DEC induced a higher VO2 than TRAD, measured as both peak and average of all work intervals during the session (98.2% [2.1%] vs 95.4% [3.1%] VO2peak, respectively, and 87.6% [1.9%] vs 86.1% [3.2%] VO2peak, respectively) with a lower mean rating of perceived exertion after DEC than TRAD (16.1 [1.0] vs 16.5 [0.7], respectively) (all P < .05). There were no differences between sessions for mean heart rate, blood lactate concentration, or leg press peak power. Conclusion: DEC induced a higher mean VO2 and a lower rating of perceived exertion than TRAD, despite similar mean speed, indicating that DEC can be a good strategy for interval sessions aiming to accumulate more time at a high percentage of VO2peak.
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The use of wearable sensor technology for athlete training monitoring is growing exponentially, but some important measures and related wearable devices have received little attention so far. Respiratory frequency (fR), for example, is emerging as a valuable measurement for training monitoring. Despite the availability of unobtrusive wearable devices measuring fR with relatively good accuracy, fR is not commonly monitored during training. Yet fR is currently measured as a vital sign by multiparameter wearable devices in the military field, clinical settings, and occupational activities. When these devices have been used during exercise, fR was used for limited applications like the estimation of the ventilatory threshold. However, more information can be gained from fR. Unlike heart rate, V˙O2, and blood lactate, fR is strongly associated with perceived exertion during a variety of exercise paradigms, and under several experimental interventions affecting performance like muscle fatigue, glycogen depletion, heat exposure and hypoxia. This suggests that fR is a strong marker of physical effort. Furthermore, unlike other physiological variables, fR responds rapidly to variations in workload during high-intensity interval training (HIIT), with potential important implications for many sporting activities. This Perspective article aims to (i) present scientific evidence supporting the relevance of fR for training monitoring; (ii) critically revise possible methodologies to measure fR and the accuracy of currently available respiratory wearables; (iii) provide preliminary indication on how to analyze fR data. This viewpoint is expected to advance the field of training monitoring and stimulate directions for future development of sports wearables.
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability of power output measurements of a Wahoo KICKR Power Trainer (KICKR) on two separate occasions, separated by fourteen months of regular use (~1 h per week). Methods: Using the KICKR to set power outputs, powers of 100-600W in increments of 50W were assessed at cadences of 80, 90 and 100rev.min(-1) which were controlled and validated by a dynamic calibration rig (CALRIG). Results: A small ratio bias of 1.002 (95%rLoA: 0.992-1.011) was observed over 100-600W at 80-100rev.min(-1) between Trial 1 and Trial 2. Similar ratio biases with acceptable limits of agreement were observed at 80rev.min(-1) (1.003 (95% 0.987-1.018)), 90rev.min(-1) (1.000 (95%rLoA: 0.996-1.005)) and 100rev.min(-1) (1.002 (95%rLoA: 0.997-1.007)). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for mean power (W) between trials was 1.00 (95%CI: 1.00-1.00) with a typical error (TE) of 3.1W and 1.6% observed between Trial 1 and Trial 2. Conclusion: When assessed at two separate time points fourteen months apart, the KICKR has acceptable reliability for combined power outputs of 100-600W at 80-100rev.min(-1), reporting overall small ratio biases with acceptable limits of agreement and low TE. Coaches and sports scientists should feel confident in the measured power output by the KICKR over an extended period of time when performing laboratory training and performance assessments.
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Purpose: Although time spent at [Formula: see text]O2max (t@[Formula: see text]O2max) has been suggested as an optimal stimulus for the promotion of greater [Formula: see text]O2max improvements, scientific findings supporting this notion are surprisingly still lacking. To investigate this, the present study described t@[Formula: see text]O2max in two different severe-intensity interval training regimens and compared its effects on aerobic indexes after a 4-week intervention. Methods: Twenty-one recreational cyclists performed an incremental exercise test and six time-to-exhaustion tests on four different days to determine [Formula: see text]O2max, lactate threshold (LT), critical power (CP) and the highest intensity (I HIGH) and lowest exercise duration (T LOW) at which [Formula: see text]O2max was attained. Subjects were assigned to the lower (LO, n = 11, 4 × 5 min at 105 % CP, 1 min recovery) or the upper severe-intensity training groups (UP, n = 10, 8 × 60 % T LOW at 100 % I HIGH, 1:2 work:recovery ratio). t@[Formula: see text]O2max was measured during the first and last training sessions. Results: A significantly higher t@[Formula: see text]O2max was elicited in the UP during training sessions in comparison with the LO group (P < 0.05), and superior improvements were observed in [Formula: see text]O2max (change in measure ±95 % confidence interval) (6.3 ± 1.9 vs. 3.3 ± 1.8 %, P = 0.034 for interaction terms) and LT (54.8 ± 11.8 vs. 27.9 ± 11.3 %, P = 0.023 for interaction terms). The other aerobic indexes were similarly improved between the groups. Conclusion: The present results demonstrated that UP training produced superior gains in [Formula: see text]O2max and LT in comparison with LO training, which may be associated with the higher t@[Formula: see text]O2max.
Many stressors cause an increase in ventilation in humans. This is predominantly reported as an increase in minute ventilation ( E). But, the same E can be achieved by a wide variety of changes in the depth (tidal volume, VT) and number of breaths (respiratory frequency, ƒR). This review investigates the impact of stressors including: cold, heat, hypoxia, pain and panic on the contributions of ƒR and T to E to see if they differ with different stressors. Where possible we also consider the potential mechanisms that underpin the responses identified, and propose mechanisms by which differences in ƒR and T are mediated. Our aim being to consider if there is an overall differential control of fR and VT that applies in a wide range of conditions. We consider moderating factors, including exercise, sex, intensity and duration of stimuli. For the stressors reviewed, as the stress becomes extreme E generally becomes increased more by ƒR than VT. We also present some tentative evidence that the pattern of ƒR and T could provide some useful diagnostic information for a variety of clinical conditions. In the Physiological Society‟s year of “Making Sense of Stress”, this review has wide-ranging implications that are not limited to one discipline, but are integrative and relevant for physiology, psychophysiology, neuroscience and pathophysiology.
Oxidative phosphorylation is the primary source of metabolic energy, in the form of ATP, in higher plants and animals, but its regulation in vivo is not well understood. A model has been developed for oxidative phosphorylation in vivo that predicts behavior patterns that are both distinctive and consistent with experimental measurements of metabolism in intact cells and tissues. A major regulatory parameter is the energy state ([ATP]/[ADP][Pi]). Under physiological conditions, the concentrations of ATP and Pi are about 100 times that of ADP and most of the change in energy state is through change in [ADP]. The rate of oxidative phosphorylation (y axis) increases slowly with increasing [ADP] until a threshold is reached and then increases very rapidly and linearly with further increase in [ADP]. The dependence on [ADP] can be characterized by a threshold [ADP] (T) and Control Strength (CS), the normalized slope above threshold (Δy/(Δx/T)). For normoxic cells without creatine kinase, T is about 30 µM, CS is about 10. Myocytes and cells with larger ranges of rates of ATP utilization, however, have the same [ADP] and [AMP] dependent mechanisms regulating metabolism and gene expression. To compensate, these cells have creatine kinase, and hydrolysis/synthesis of creatine phosphate increases the change in [Pi] and thereby CS. Cells with creatine kinase have [ADP] and [AMP] which are similar to cells without creatine kinase despite the large differences in metabolic rate. (31)P measurements in human muscles during work-to-rest and rest-to-work transitions are consistent with predictions of the model.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the validity of power output settings of the Wahoo KICKR Power Trainer (KICKR) using a dynamic calibration rig (CALRIG) over a range of power outputs and cadences. Methods: Using the KICKR to set power outputs, powers of 100-999W were assessed at cadences (controlled by the CALRIG) of 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120rpm. Results: The KICKR displayed accurate measurements of power between 250-700W at cadences of 80-120rpm with a bias of -1.1% (95%LoA: -3.6-1.4%). A larger mean bias in power were observed across the full range of power tested, 100-999W 4.2% (95%LoA: -20.1-28.6%), due to larger biases between 100-200W and 750-999W (4.5%, 95%LoA:-2.3-11.3% and 13.0%, 95%LoA: -24.4-50.3%), respectively. Conclusion: When compared to a CALRIG, the Wahoo KICKR Power Trainer has acceptable accuracy reporting a small mean bias and narrow limits of agreement in the measurement of power output between 250-700W at cadences of 80-120rpm. Caution should be applied by coaches and sports scientists when using the KICKR at power outputs of <200W and >750W due to the greater variability in recorded power.
Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is programmed to set and maintain metabolic homeostasis and understanding that program is essential to an integrated view of cellular and tissue metabolism. The behavior predicted by a mechanism based model for oxidative phosphorylation is compared to that experimentally measured for skeletal muscle when work is initiated. For the model, initiation of work is simulated by imposing a rate of ATP utilization of either 0.6 mM ATP/sec (equivalent of 13.4 ml O2/100g tissue/min or 6 µmole O2/g tissue/min), or 0.3 mM ATP/sec. Creatine phosphate ([CrP]) decrease, both experimentally measured and predicted by the model, can be fit to a single exponential. Increase in ATP synthesis begins immediately, but can show a "lag period" during which the rate accelerates. The length of the lag period is similar for both experiment and model: in the model, the lag depends on intramitochondrial [NAD(+)]/[NADH], mitochondrial content, size of the creatine pool ([CrP] + [Cr]), as well as the resting [CrP]/[Cr]. For in vivo conditions, increase in oxygen consumption may be linearly correlated with decrease in [CrP], and with increase in inorganic phosphate ([Pi]), and [Cr]. The decrease in [CrP], resting and working steady state [CrP], and the increase in oxygen consumption are dependent on the pO2 in the inspired gas (experimental) or tissue pO2 (model). The metabolic behavior predicted by the model is consistent with available experimental measurements in muscle upon initiation of work, with the model providing valuable insight into how metabolic homeostasis is set and maintained.