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Women’s Economic Empowerment: Transforming Systems through Development Practice

  • Cowater International
Economic opportunities for women in developing
and emerging economies mean greater empowerment
in market systems, enhanced gender equality within
the household, benets to children’s well-being, and
gains for businesses, sectors, and national and global
However, women are often relagated to unskilled, low-
paid and even hazardous employment or enterprise
development. How can we overcome the gendered
biases in regulatory frameworks, business environments
and community social norms that result in signicant
barriers to women? What support is needed for women
to navigate their care responsibilities while earning a
dignied livelihood? What types of interventions can
lead to sustainable jobs or successful enterprises?
Women’s Economic Empowerment draws on experiences
in diverse contexts such as Libya, Ghana, Nepal,
Indonesia and Guatemala. The volume presents proven
market systems approaches for women’s economic
empowerment, describes the circumstances under which
each approach could be applied, and illustrates with
examples and case studies. The ultimate goal of the
book is to support and inspire long-term and dynamic
policy change and research that is led by women
and men, and is both gender-inclusive and gender-
The contributors of this edited collection have proven
expertise in market-systems approaches that create
sustainable and equitable market-based solutions for
women and other vulnerable populations. They offer
extensive experience across nancial services, impact
investing, entrepreneurship, sector development (including
agriculture value chains), and technology solutions.
Linda Jones is Vice President Partnerships and Innovation, Mennonite Economic
Development Associates (MEDA).
Adam Bramm is a MEDA Associate Director, West Africa, North Africa, and Middle East.
Women’s Economic Empowerment
Transforming Systems Through Development
Edited by Linda Jones and Adam Bramm
Publish date: 15 October 2019
ISBN|Binding |Price 9781788530682 Paperback £19.95 | $29.95 | €24.95
9781788530675 Hardback £39.95 | $59.95 | €49.95
9781788530699 ebook £9.99 incl VAT | $9.99 | €9.99
Extent|Format: 220 pages | 234 x 156 mm
Keywords: Gender, women, economic empowerment,
development studies, market systems, equality
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Part 1: Introduction | Chapter 1: Trends inuencing gender equality and women’s
economic empowerment practice | Chapter 2: Concepts and terms
Part 2: Key approaches for women’s economic empowerment | Chapter 3: Regulatory and
socio-cultural enabling environments | Chapter 4: Sector development—focus on agriculture
| Chapter ve: Financial inclusion—challenges and opportunities | Chapter 6: Gender lens
investing for business growth and impact | Chapter 7: Enterprise development—starting and
building businesses | Chapter 8: Labour force participation—a pathway to greater equality |
Chapter 9: Information and communication technology for WEE
Part 3: Managing risk and assessing outcomes | Chapter 10: Managing risks for women’s
participation | Chapter 11: Measuring women’s economic empowerment
Part 4: In conclusion | Chapter 12: Emerging trends in innovative finance and technology innovation
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