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PLA Journal 2013
Pakistan Library Association Journal
Promotion of library and Information services and resources and user
awareness: A case study of SCEE NUST Library Islamabad
Mr. Naimat Ullah Shah
Assistant at SCEE, NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan
Dr. Haroon Idrees
Assistant Professor
DLIS, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
This study has been taken to evaluate the approach adopted by library
professionals for the promotion of information services and resources of SCEE NUST
(School of Civil and Environmental Engineering National University of Science and
Technology Islamabad) Library and elicit the level of awareness among students towards
services and resources. A well structured interview was conducted amongst the library
officers to ascertain the modes used for the promotion of services and resources.
Interviews of ten users of SCEE NUST library were also conducted to find their level of
awareness about library services and resources. The responses were gathered from 10
users (4 female and 6 male users). The survey found that library professional used Email
alerts, library website, Facebook page, newsletters, brochures, notice boards and
displaying fresh arrivals and library website for the promotion of information resources
and services of the library. Most of (90%) the respondents were aware about information
services and resources through promotional activities done by SCEE NUST library. On
the base of the findings, it is suggested that library professional should regularly conduct
these promotional activities to improve awareness of the users through promotion of
information services and products of the libraries.
Key Words: Promotion, Library and Information Service, Brochures, Newsletter, new
arrivals, web page, resources.
The word library can be used as an information center and the user of information
center are the consumers of information. Information is a very important source for
national growth. Growing awareness of the job of information has concluded in the
organization of information systems to give a quality of information services and
resources. Awareness about services and resources is necessary in the preparation,
scheming, and use of these services and resources for most favorable use of information.
Library acquisition, managing and distribution should be based on the current concept of
marketing. Federal area public sector universities libraries of Pakistan have ascended
enormously in quantity, basic structure serving people and service quality ever since the
inception of first library of such type in this area. (Jestin & Parameswari, 2005) has
examined that the progressively more important function of information is the outcome in
information systems that give a quality of services and products to users. The authors
Pakistan Library Association Journal
believe that library services should be based on the current concept of marketing to attain
user satisfaction, and to care for a society of users to improve the library's representation
in the view of the users.
Despite the fact that the idea of promoting the library services is relatively new, the
same has become essential for the amelioration of libraries in federal area of Pakistan.
Promotion of the library and information services will be very important and must not
only be strongly canvassed for, but also must be carefully executed. The quick emergent
sectors of the market of the world like foods, banking, publicity and electronics,
information and communication technology win to where are they at present not because
they propose free services and goods, but for the reason that of their "litheness",
"compromise" and "on loan-leave" attitude (Adeyoyin, 2005).
The term promotion has been variously defined but yet the definition that suits our
context more appropriately is cited by (Kotler) comes from American marketing
association which says that promotion is the procedure of awareness of individuals and
organization motives which involves the planning carrying out the distribution of ideas,
goods, services which result in such an exchange that would satisfy concerned individuals
or organizational motives. We may compare a library with market that is there to provide
information where as the user is the consumer of information that the library provides. For
the achievement of user satisfaction libraries need to improve practice of promoting of
library services and resources through better promotional techniques and circulation of
information. In order to compete with ever-growing internet and other information
technology facilities and to attract user libraries ought to improve their services by
upgrading their culture which is only attainable through constant efforts. (Kotler & Fox,
1995) is of the view that universities, museums charities and libraries must promote their
resources and services to achieve political social, and economic sponsorship.
Libraries must look for new and original steps to enhance their service quality and
to expand their user base. For this purpose they must focus on user need and ways to
attract and aware user through powerful and effective promotion. According to (Kotler,
1997) promotion embraces various aspects like analysis, planning and carefully devised
programs to enable willful exchange with target markets to meet organizations goals. This
is dependent on effective pricing, communication and distribution for informing and
motivating as well as providing a service to the organization. Promotion may also be
defined as the management process which is there to identify , anticipate and ensure
efficient supplies in line with customer requirements(Nicholas, 1998). As the users of
libraries are usually unknown therefore the process of satisfying library users varies
enormously from the process of sale and promotion. But in case of library, promotion is
restricted to known users having specific requirements.
The concept of promotion in information sector has been debated for a long period
by librarians and information experts and many factors have been responsible in making
us learn and implement promotional techniques. Librarianship is evolving continuously
and rapidly. Information technology has played an important role in making libraries and
information centers more competitive and alert. Libraries have been constantly under
pressure due to information revolution. Factors such as budget cuts, increased numbers of
users, rising cost and complexity in information requirements are constantly compelling
PLA Journal 2013
Pakistan Library Association Journal
professionals to espouse marketing to improve management of library and information
The main objectives of promotion are to make aware and meet the requirements
through identifying client base as well as supply the right kind of service and products. As
this concept gives extreme importance to customer satisfaction so customer are the main
focus of the concept. . (J. Rowley, 2001) Term promotion as a process of awareness of
LIS services in a way is beneficial for efficient, and proper delivery of goods and services
to customers. This study is confined to the scope of subject to promotion of information
products and services. A university library has to identify its objectives, users and their
particular needs and to provide such service and product which embrace the identified
aims. This implies that university libraries are now becoming more market oriented in
which every single operation aims at not only satisfying customer satisfaction but also
creating, awaking and enhancing the existing demand by attractiveness of users (Kavulya,
All kinds of libraries need to focus on adopting a customer-centered and strategic
promotional planning to ensure effective library management (Cooper, 2000). The long
standing concept that that libraries are the natural places for the fulfillment of information
needs has now been replaced by the pressure of providing quality services in time based
on customer orientation(Leisner, 1995) . The increase in services has not been coordinated
by service management’s considerate or taking of the marketing concept. Service oriented
organizations has low rate to take up marketing activities and techniques that, in product
promotion, have bring satisfaction to customers and beneficial to producers (Adeyoyin,
2005). The promotional idea is founded on client satisfaction; this involves knowing client
needs and then fulfills to gather those needs (J. E. Rowley, 1995).According to (Kotler,
1994)promotional tools as the explanation to achieving organizational aims consist in
shaping the needs and demand of the users and giving the full satisfactions more fruitfully
and resourcefully than the competitors; the promotional tools rests on four type pillars,
that are target market, customer needs, coordinated marketing and profitability. It has been
observed that libraries still to absolutes techniques of promotion, advertising and public
relation which aim to convince the library users that the already existing services are more
than their requirements (Kavulya, 2004). According to (Weingand, 2001) users usually
gauge the advantage of a library on the basis of previous experiences and knowledge of
quality and types of services being offered. so it is necessary to inter-act with customers
regarding with their previous experiences of using the libraries are meeting the
expectation of users marketing may go a long in promotion .according to (Morgan &
Noble, 1992) believe that adoption of promotional techniques as a basic organizing
process is inventible for the survival of libraries and according to this is the only way in an
era of where rapid technological changes are taking place. (Weingand, 1995) holds the
same opinion as he considers that promotion is a marketing tool that is essential to meet
organizational objectives of libraries where satisfying customers is the top priority.
The proposed study focuses on promotional activities of the libraries that create
awareness among the users about their Library's services and resources. Since promotion
Pakistan Library Association Journal
is an important aspect in libraries but little work has been done on it in libraries. A lot is
needed to be done on promotion of library information services and resources, because it
is essential to match with basic standards of librarian ship to make use of good resources
and provide good services in time.
The study will meet the following objectives:
• To know about the promotional activities in the library under study.
• To identify the tools used for the promotion of information resources and service
in the universities libraries.
• To know about the level of awareness of the users about information resources and
• To give recommendation for the better utilization of information resources and
• What are the practiced promotional activities in the libraries under study?
• What are the tools used for the promotion of information of resources and
• What is the level of awareness of the users about information resources and
• What are the recommendations for the better utilization of library by applying
appropriate promotional activities?
The study will be qualitative in nature and structured interview method will be
used for the purpose of the study. The target population for this study will be the users of
SCEE NUST library of Islamabad. Structured interview method will used as a tool for
data collection. Two questionnaires will be developed, one for the librarian to collect data
about the library and current promotional activities and another will be used to collect data
from the library users to know about their level of awareness about current information
services and resources. A sample of 10 users will be selected from SCEE NUST library by
using convenient sampling technique.
SCEE NUST library
The described data was collected by interview with library officer of SCEE NUST
library. National university of Science and technology is a top ranked engineering
University of Pakistan and also ranked in top 150 universities of Asia and in top 500
universities of the world. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering National
University of Science and Technology (SCEE NUST) library was established in 2003.It
has a wonderful building that includes computer lab, stacks, reference section, circulation
area, study area, Periodical section, reception and is fully air-conditioned. The traditional
collection of the library crossed the point of 15000 volumes which cover all disciplines of
civil and environmental engineering and also cover historical and Islamic, literature. The
PLA Journal 2013
Pakistan Library Association Journal
number of subscribed journals is 13 which cover wide area of required civil and
environmental engineering researchers and also subscribed top level of electronic database
which provide access to academic research journals. The users of the library are more than
Promotional Activities at SCEE NUST Library
Presently it is not sufficient if libraries just offer a high-quality service. Libraries
need to 'show' what we do and this message should get to the customer very quickly.
Libraries are competing with a range of groups such as the mass media, electronic media,
internet, information brokers, and others. The aim of any promotional movement in
libraries is to raise the customer foundation (Rani, 2007).
No doubt that it is international phenomena that you have to promote your library
and if you have to promote your library and take promotional steps these steps are not
beneficial just for users but beneficial for the institution as a whole. If the user of the
library knows about resources and services of the library they use those maximum times
and thus you will be in the position that you market your resources and services more and
more. SCEE NUST library uses a lot of activities to promote the library services and
resources. In this regard they preferred a library web page, face book page in the
institutional library name and time to time update their status. Secondly the library officer
arranges the orientation program for the users and during study inside the library keeps
inquiring the user about any problem(s) being faced while using the services in the library,
and tells them regarding the awareness about library services and resources and urges
them to visit the library web page. They use SMS and send mail to the students and
faculty about new services. Library also has a separate fresh arrival section. The students
come over there and get to know about the new arrivals. Library uses signboards’ as a
promotional tool for different type of resources. It guides the students about different type
of collections and sections of the library.
Some of the techniques used for promotion of library resources and services in
SCEE NUST Library are as under:
E-Mail Alerts: Libraries send mails to their users. The addresses of the users can be
achieved from library member ship form of user.
Orientation Programmes: In university libraries librarians construct a brief presentation
about the library show out their resources and services.
Brochures: Libraries can create well designed, interesting, attractive brochures. These
brochures should highlight benefits to the user and should keep the user engaged till the
Newsletters: Library's Newsletter works as a medium of letting the user know the variety
of library activities, also those that have already taken place, or those that are designed for
the future. Newsletter can work as a good promotional tool.
Facebook Page: Can work as an excellent promotional tool .The librarian should promote
their services and resources through FB page. Like new arrival list may be displayed at FB
page. Timing and introduction of new services are provided by library.
Library Website: A well designed and easily usable page automatically commercializes
library and can be a good tool for promotional activities. any new information can be
easily uploaded and the website also works as a notice board.
Pakistan Library Association Journal
Notice Board/ Sign Board: This can provide easy and in time access to the users to the
resources and services. It may also used for awareness of users regarding library
Fresh Arival Section: This section can work as good promotional tool .the student come
over there and come to know about the new arrivals.
The Described data was collected through interviews taken from 10 users of the
SCEE NUST library, in which 4 respondents are female users and 6 respondents are male
users of the library.
Male Female
Respondents (%)
50% of the respondents visit the library three times a week, 20% of them visits the library
once a week and 30% visit daily.
PLA Journal 2013
Pakistan Library Association Journal
Daily Visit Once a week Thrice a week
Visitors (%)
Ratio of Visit
Most of the respondents (90%) become aware about information services and
resources of SCEE NUST library through web page and face book page and (70%) by
attending library Orientation programs, seminars/conferences and workshops. All of the
respondents (100%) use the Signboards to find out books in their fields of interest. More
than 60% of the respondents keep themselves up to date through published Newsletters
and Brochures and by face book page/ library website.
A majority (90%) of the respondents knows about newly acquired books and e-
resources of the library through fresh arrivals section. Through e-mails (40%) about
newly acquired books. A majority of the respondents need and take help from the library
staff for their needful information in their respective field of interest. .
On the basis of the findings, some suggestions are deposited to improve the
promotion of library information services and resources.
Current awareness tools such as brochures, newsletters, new arrival lists should be
prepared, compiled and disseminated regularly and properly.
Orientation programs should be used to inform users about new and up-to-date
information needed by them.
Conferences and workshops should be conducted to aware the users about the use
of resources and services.
Promotion is necessary for every library for awareness of the library users about
their current information services and resources. The achievement and continued existence
of academic libraries is dependent on receiving the users to use the library information
services and resources since a library with no users is a waste of time and to achieve
something in this it is necessary to let the users be aware of the individual of the library
Pakistan Library Association Journal
and information services and resources. So the academic libraries should use promotional
techniques to know the requirements of their users and to sketch successfully to fulfill
their necessities and needs.
The crucial mean of the promotion at this time is to make users aware about the
accurate information to the right user in the right time. Keeping in view the emerging
scenario we may conclude that promotion is well organized process of marketing which
requires planning, analysis of customer needs in order to find ways for promotion of LIS
services this needs in such a way that is beneficial for both the costumer and the
organization (Durkin & Howcroft, 2003).
Adeyoyin, S. O. (2005)." Strategic planning for marketing library services". Library
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Cooper, L. G. (2000)." Strategic marketing planning for radically new products". The
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Durkin, M. G., & Howcroft, B. (2003)." Relationship marketing in the banking sector: the
impact of new technologies". Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 21(1), 61-71.
Jestin, J., & Parameswari, B. (2005). "Marketing of information products and services for
libraries in India". Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 32.
Kavulya, J. M. (2004). "Marketing of library services: a case study of selected university
libraries in Kenya". Library Management, 25(3), 118-126.
Kotler, P. "Marketing Management, 2000". The Millennium Edition. Prentice Hall.
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controle; Marketing administration: analysis, planning, implementation and
control: Atlas.
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Kotler, P., & Fox, K. F. (1995). Strategic marketing for educational institutions.
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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Conference.
Morgan, P., & Noble, S. (1992). "Marketing library and information services in the'90s".
Australian Library Journal, 41, 283-283.
Nicholas, J. (1998). "Marketing and promotion of library services". Paper presented at the
Library and Information Services in Astronomy III.
PLA Journal 2013
Pakistan Library Association Journal
Rani, S. (2007). "Marketing of information services and products in university libraries of
Punjab and Chandigarh (India): An exploratory Study". Electronic Journal of
Academic and Special Librarianship, 8(3).
Rowley, J. (2001)." Remodelling marketing communications in an Internet environment".
Internet Research, 11(3), 203-212.
Rowley, J. E. (1995). "From storekeeper to salesman: implementing the marketing concept
in libraries". Library review, 44(1), 24-35.
Weingand, D. E. (1995). "Preparing for the new millenium: the case for using marketing
strategies". Library Trends, 43(3), 295-317.
Weingand, D. E. (2001). Administration of the small public library: Chicago: American
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