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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947848, IEEE Access
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STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD):
A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for
1Geophysics Department,Stanford University, 397 Panama Mall, Stanford, 94305-2215, CA, United States (e-mail: mmousavi@stanford.edu)
ABSTRACT Seismology is a data rich and data-driven science. Application of machine learning for
gaining new insights from seismic data is a rapidly evolving sub-field of seismology. The availability of
a large amount of seismic data and computational resources, together with the development of advanced
techniques can foster more robust models and algorithms to process and analyze seismic signals. Known
examples or labeled data sets, are the essential requisite for building supervised models. Seismology has
labeled data, but the reliability of those labels is highly variable, and the lack of high-quality labeled
data sets to serve as ground truth as well as the lack of standard benchmarks are obstacles to more rapid
progress. In this paper we present a high-quality, large-scale, and global data set of local earthquake and
non-earthquake signals recorded by seismic instruments. The data set in its current state contains two
categories: (1) local earthquake waveforms (recorded at "local" distances within 350 km of earthquakes)
and (2) seismic noise waveforms that are free of earthquake signals. Together these data comprise ~
1.2 million time series or more than 19,000 hours of seismic signal recordings. Constructing such a
large-scale database with reliable labels is a challenging task. Here, we present the properties of the data
set, describe the data collection, quality control procedures, and processing steps we undertook to insure
accurate labeling, and discuss potential applications. We hope that the scale and accuracy of STEAD
presents new and unparalleled opportunities to researchers in the seismological community and beyond.
Benchmark, data set, earthquake, seismic signal, machine
learning, AI
Earthquakes are sudden movements across faults that release
elastic energy stored in rocks and radiate seismic waves
that travel throughout Earth. Every day there are about fifty
earthquakes worldwide that are strong enough (magnitude
> 2.5) to be felt locally, and every few days an earthquake
occurs that is capable of damaging structures [1]. In addi-
tion, a multitude of smaller earthquakes (magnitude < 2.5)
are happening (Fig. 1) that are too weak to be felt, but that
are readily recorded by modern instruments. These small
earthquakes provide valuable information about earthquake
processes [2] .
The seismic waves generated by earthquakes are recorded
in the form of seismograms, which are records of ground
motion at a particular place as a function of time. To
characterize the vector components of ground motion, earth-
FIGURE 1. Gutenberg-Richter law [3] for b=1. Nis the number of
earthquakes having a magnitude M,aand bare constant. For the typical case
of b=1, the number of earthquakes increases by a factor of 10 for each single
unit decrease in M.
quakes are usually recorded by three-component instru-
ments (seismographs) equipped with one vertical and two
orthogonal horizontal sensors (Fig. 2). Several seismic wave
VOLUME 4, 2016 1
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947848, IEEE Access
Mousavi et al.:STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD): A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
arrivals, called phases, are observable on seismograms. P
and S phases are the two fundamental types of seismic
phases observable on earthquake seismograms. In P or
compressional waves, material moves back and forth in the
direction in which the wave propagates, while in S or shear
waves, material moves at right angles to the propagation
direction. P waves travel faster than S waves, such that the
first arriving pulse labeled “P” is a P wave that followed
a direct path from the earthquake to the seismic station
(Fig. 2). An earthquake begins to rupture at a hypocenter
(or focus), which is defined by a position on the surface
of the earth (epicenter) and a depth below this point . The
hypocenter of an earthquake is found from the arrival times
of seismic waves recorded on seismometers at different sites.
The size of an earthquake at its source is measured from
the amplitude (or sometimes the duration) of the motion
recorded on seismograms, and is expressed in terms of
magnitude. Magnitude is a logarithmic measure. At the
same distance from the earthquake, the amplitude of the
seismic waves from which the magnitude is determined
are 10 times as large during a magnitude 5 earthquake
as during a magnitude 4 earthquake. The total amount of
energy released by an average earthquake, depending on
magnitude type, increases by a factor of approximately 32
for each unit increase in magnitude.
FIGURE 2. A schematic showing propagation of seismic waves and
recording of the ground motion from them by seismic stations (receivers). E, N,
and Z represent east, north, and vertical components of each instrument
recording ground motions. An annotated earthquake waveform is presented in
the zoomed window above.
Earthquakes are not the only sources that generate seismic
waves. Many other sources such as explosions, landslides,
oceanic waves, planes, helicopters, trains, wind, thunder-
storms, traffic, and people, generate ground motions that are
recorded by thousands of seismic instruments that are con-
tinuously operated by seismic monitoring networks around
the world. Hence, there is an enormous amount of seismic
data generated every day, and much of that ground motion
is due to sources other than earthquakes, which we refer to
as "non-earthquake" signals.
Seismology is a data-rich and data-driven science, and the
rate of data acquisition is accelerating as seismic sensors
get steadily less costly. The massive and rapidly growing
amount of data highlights the need for more effective tools
for the efficient processing and extraction of as much useful
information as possible to enable scientist to realize the
full potential to gain new insights into earthquake processes
from them. Seismologists use only a portion of the recorded
data to understand the physics of earthquakes and learn
about Earth’s deep interior, where direct observations are
impossible. Most seismic data sets have not been fully an-
alyzed and important discoveries can result from reanalysis
of data sets using new data analysis tools.
Machine learning (ML) techniques have been shown to
be powerful tools for processing (e.g. [4]–[6]) and exploring
(e.g. [7], [8]) seismic data. The success of these ML-
based methods in achieving state-of-the-art performance
is mainly due to availability of large-scale and accurately
labeled training data sets. Although, hundreds of terabytes
of archived seismic waveform data and tens of millions of
human picked parameters are available, a large and high-
quality-labeled benchmark data set for seismic waveforms
does not yet exist. This is attributable to several technical
issues regarding reliable synchronization of metadata and
waveform data and a lack of comprehensive and efficient
quality control mechanisms.
Preparing a training set is one of the most time-consuming
steps in making supervised models. Both the quantity and
the quality of the training set are crucial to the perfor-
mance of a model. Without a standard benchmark (e.g.
ImageNet [9]), it is difficult to compare the performance
of different approaches and to identify, adopt, and improve
on best practices [10]. As an example, for the multiple
deep-learning-based phase picking models that have been
developed recently, each used a different data set for training
and demonstration of its performance. In the absence of
a standard benchmark, authors set their own criteria for
evaluating performance. This inhibits progress because it
makes it difficult to determine the relative performance, as
well as the advantages and weaknesses, of each method.
Here we introduce STEAD, the first high-quality large-
scale global data set of earthquake and non-earthquake
signals recorded by seismic instruments. Benchmark data
sets such as STEAD can accelerate progress in applying
machine learning to problems in seismology. It facilitates
training, validation, and performance comparisons, and the
adoption of best practices. Moreover, this data set could
have applications beyond seismology. The database is pub-
2VOLUME 4, 2016
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947848, IEEE Access
Mousavi et al.:STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD): A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
licly available through https://github.com/smousavi05/STE
AD. In the following sections, we first present the properties
of the database. Then we discuss pre- and post-processing
during the construction of the data set. In the last section
we address some potential applications of the data set.
STEAD includes two main classes of earthquake and non-
earthquake signals recorded by seismic instruments. At
this stage the earthquake class contains only one cat-
egory of local-earthquakes with about 1,050,000 three-
component seismograms (each 1 minute long) associated
with ~450,000 earthquakes (Fig. 3) that occurred between
January 1984 and August 2018. The earthquakes in the data
set were recorded by 2,613 receivers (seismometers) (Fig. 4)
worldwide located at local distances (within 350 km of the
earthquakes). The non-earthquake class currently contains
only one category of seismic noise including ~100,000 sam-
ples. Locations of instruments recording noise waveforms
are presented in Fig. 5. Most of the seismograms have been
recorded since 2000 (Fig. 6) in the United States and Europe
where denser station coverage is available.
We provide seismic data as individual NumPy arrays con-
taining three waveforms (each waveform has 6000 samples
associated with 60 seconds of ground motion recorded in
east-west, north-south, and vertical directions respectively).
35 attributes (labels) for each earthquake and 8 attributes
for each noise seismogram are associated with each NumPy
array. Noise attributes are mainly limited to the information
about the recording instrument (e.g. network code, code,
type, and location of the reciever) (Fig. 7). For the earth-
quake data (Fig. 8), in addition to the station information, we
also provide information about the earthquake (e.g. origin
time, epicentral location, depth, magnitude, magnitude type,
focal mechanism, arrival times of P and S phases, estimated
errors, etc), and recorded signal (e.g. measurement of the
signal-to-noise ratio for each component, the end of signal’s
dominant energy (coda-end), and epicentral distance).
The unit of each attribute is included in the attribute’s
name. The epicenters of earthquakes (source_latitude and
source_longitude) are given in units of latitude and
longitude in the WGS84 reference frame. The depths
(source_depth_km) where the earthquakes begin to rupture,
are given in km. Based on the seismic network providing the
metadata, this depth may be relative to the WGS84 geoid,
mean sea-level, or the average elevation of the seismic
stations that provided arrival-time data for the earthquake
Earthquake hypocenters and origin times (source_origin_time),
when an earthquake began to rupture, have been estimated
by seismic networks using earthquake location methods
based on observed phase arrival times at multiple stations.
The distances between earthquakes (source_distance_km
and source_distance_deg) and the recording stations are
calculated and provided in two formats of degree (the
angle subtended at the center of the earth by the great
circle arc between the two points) and kilometers. The
distribution of the source_distance_km are given in Fig. 9.
Most of the seismograms were recorded within 110 km of
the earthquakes. Earthquakes are mainly shallower than 50
km (Fig. 10).
Magnitude is approximately related to the released seis-
mic energy and provides an estimate of the relative size
or strength of an earthquake. There are different methods
(scales) for measuring the magnitude. The data set contains
seismograms associated with a wide range of earthquake
sizes from magnitude -0.5 to magnitude 7.9 (Fig. 11), but
small earthquakes (magnitudes < 2.5) comprise the majority
of the data set. Magnitudes have been reported in 23
different magnitude scales where local (ml) and duration
(md) magnitudes are the majority(Fig. 12). This is because
of the distance range of the data where these two magnitude
scales are the most common scales. Unfortunately, the un-
certainties for magnitude estimations have not been reported
and only in ~24 % of the cases, the name of institute that
calculated the magnitude (source_magnitude_author) were
reported and have been provided.
source_id is a unique identification number provided
by monitoring network that can be used to retrieve the
waveforms and metadata (or additional information such as
shake maps, etc) from established earthquake data centers.
More than 6200 waveforms contain information about the
earthquake focal mechanisms (Fig. 13). These include one
or two nodal plane solutions for events at different locations
and with different mechanisms.
The category of each seismogram (trace_category) and its
name (trace_name) are given in the attributes as well. The
trace_name is a unique name containing station, network,
recording time, and category code ("EV" for earthquake and
"NO" for noise data).
The sample points where P and S phases arrive
(p_arrival_sample and s_arrival_sample) are provided while
status (p_status and s_status) shows how these arrival times
have been determined. There are three types of arrival
statuses in the data set (Fig. 14). "Manual" picks are arrival
times that are hand-picked by human analysts, "automatic"
picks are those measured by automatic algorithms by mon-
itoring networks, and "autopicker" are arrival times deter-
mined using our AI-based model in this study. About 70 %
of the picks are manually picked arrival times that we expect
to have high accuracy. For the "autopicker" picks we use
only arrival times with high confidence (high probabilities
given by the deep-learning model [4]). As a measure of un-
certainties in arrival time picks, a weight (a number between
0 and 1) is provided for most cases. Moreover, we have
cross-checked the quality of the "manual" and "automatic"
picks using the deep-learning method as discussed in the
next section.
The back azimuth angle (back_azimuth_deg) is the di-
rection that seismic waves arrive at the receiver. It is
measured clockwise from the local direction of north at
the receiver to the great circle arc connecting the receiver
VOLUME 4, 2016 3
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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947848, IEEE Access
Mousavi et al.:STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD): A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
FIGURE 3. Location, size, and depth distributions of recorded earthquakes.
FIGURE 4. Locations of seismic instruments recording earthquakes shown by
navy blue triangles.
FIGURE 5. Distribution of stations recording seismic noise shown by navy
blue triangles.
FIGURE 6. Number of earthquake seismograms as a function of time.
and epicenter. The data set contains earthquake signals
arriving at receiver from all backazimuths (Fig. 15). P_travel
times (p_travel_sec) are given in seconds and are calculated
based on the arrival time of the P-wave at a receiver
and the earthquake origin time. The coda_end_sample is
the sample point where the dominance of scattered energy
from an earthquake signal ends and the noise takes over.
The network_code is the code for the seismic monitoring
network to which the instrument belongs. This code can be
use for retrieving either the waveform or metadata directly
from the monitoring network. The instruments used for
making the data set belong to 144 seismic networks operated
at local, regional, and global scales by different national
and international agencies. Here, we used data recorded
by only 7 types of instruments. Of these, 99.5% are either
high-gain broad band or extremely short period (Fig. 16).
All seismograms (earthquake and non-earthquake) are three-
4VOLUME 4, 2016
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947848, IEEE Access
Mousavi et al.:STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD): A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
FIGURE 7. Example of noise data. a) time-series ground motions for
east-west, north-south, and vertical directions respectively. b) header
information (labels) associated with the seismogram.
FIGURE 8. A sample earthquake seismogram. a) time-series ground motions
for east-west, north-south, and vertical directions respectively. b) header
information (labels) associated with the seismogram. The unit of each label is
given in the label name.
FIGURE 9. Distribution of epicentral distances for earthquake data.
FIGURE 10. Distribution of earthquake depths.
FIGURE 11. Distribution of earthquake magnitudes.
component, resampled to 100 HZ, and have the same 60
second (6000 samples) duration where the time of first
sample is given by trace_start_time in UTC. trace_start_time
is randomly selected to be between 5 and 10 seconds prior
to the P-arrival time. For more details see the following
The focal mechanism refers to the direction of slip in
an earthquake and the orientation of the fault on which
it occurs. These focal mechanisms are computed using a
method that attempts to find the best fit to the direction of
P-wave first motions observed at each receiver. There is an
ambiguity in distinguishing the fault plane, on which slip
occurred, from the orthogonal, mathematically equivalent,
VOLUME 4, 2016 5
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Mousavi et al.:STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD): A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
FIGURE 12. Distribution of magnitude scales for earthquake data. ml is the
local magnitude, mb, body wave magnitude, and md is the duration magnitude.
etc include mw, ms, mwr, mb_lg, mn, mpv, mlg, mwc, mc, mg, mh, mlr, mww,
mpva, mbr, mblg, mwb, mlv, h, m, and mdl scales.
auxiliary plane. Hence, the parameters for two nodal planes
are provided for those earthquakes that the focal mechanism
solutions have been calculated and available through data
centers. Each nodal plane is given by 3 values (strike, dip,
and rake). Fault strike is the direction of a line created by
the intersection of a fault plane and a horizontal surface,
0◦to 360◦, relative to North. Strike is always defined such
that a fault dips to the right side of the trace when moving
along the trace in the strike direction. Fault dip is the angle
between the fault and a horizontal plane, 0◦to 90◦. Rake is
the direction a hanging wall block moves during rupture, as
measured on the plane of the fault. A rake of 90◦means that
the hanging wall moves up-dip (thrust), 0◦means it moves
in the strike direction (left-lateral), -90◦means it moves
in down-dip direction (normal), and 180◦means it moves
opposite to the strike direction (right-lateral).
The metadata used in the construction of STEAD mainly
consist of the information about the recording stations,
recorded earthquakes, and hand-picked parameters, such
as arrival times of P and S waves at each station. The
metadata was acquired from multiple resources including:
1) the International Seismological Center [11], 2) the Na-
tional Earthquake Information Center [12], 3) the Northern
California Seismic Network [13], 4) the Southern California
Seismic Network [14], 5) the Pacific Northwest Seismic
Network [15], 6) the New Madrid Seismic Network [16],
7) the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
(IRIS) [17], 8) the Advanced National Seismic System
Composite Catalog [18], 9) the Global Seismograph Net-
work (GSN) [19] and 10) the broader literature (e.g. [20],
[21]). In total, we processed more than 120 million data
entries from these resources to extract and re-organize the
metadata associated with local waveforms. For the lower
magnitude ranges where fewer manual picks were avail-
able, we used theoretical arrival times. This information
was combined with the earthquake and station information
to build a comprehensive relational database. The final
database includes more than 4 million phase arrival times of
earthquake waveforms recorded by 3-component stations at
local stations from around the world between January 1984
and August 2018.
Earthquake Waveforms:
We used the database of metadata to request the asso-
ciated waveforms from continuous time-series archived at
the IRIS data management center [22]–[24]. To ensure that
each waveform only includes one earthquake signal (with
known parameters) and to prevent inclusion of unknown
(non-cataloged) earthquake signals, we used a short, fixed
window (1 minute) around the phase arrival times at differ-
ent stations to request data. Each window contains both P
and S waves and begins from 5 to 10 seconds prior to the
P arrival and ends at least 5 second after the S arrival. Only
1.5 million waveforms associated with the earthquakes in
our database were available on the IRIS archive. We then
detrended and removed the mean from all the waveforms,
and resampled them at 100 Hz.
In the post-processing step, we checked the quality of
existing labels using auxiliary algorithms, added new labels
such as P-wave travel time, the end of earthquake signal
(coda_end_sample) and computed a measure of the signal-
to-noise ratio (snr). We estimated the end of earthquake
signal based on the time series envelope, and measured the
snr separately for each component as:
snr = 10 log10
where S and N are 95th percentile of amplitudes in a
short window after S and prior to the P arrival time
respectively. The distribution of the signal-to-noise ratio for
earthquake seismograms is presented in Fig. 17. Most of
the seismograms have snr between 10 and 40 decibels. The
snr can be used to distinguish data with one or two faulty
channels (where some of the components are mainly noise
but earthquake signal can still be observed on a remaining
component) or to select high-quality waveforms for tasks
that are sensitive to the waveform quality.
Four types of errors can be included in the waveform data.
1) earthquake characterization errors: these include errors in
location, depth, origin time, and magnitude estimates of the
earthquakes and can be due to errors in the arrival time
picking, inaccurate velocity models, non-robust algorithms,
number of recording stations etc. These errors can also affect
the calculated epicenter distance, back azimuth, and P travel
time. 2) errors in arrival time picks: these are either due
to inaccurate theoretical arrival time estimates or human
errors in the manual picks. 3) some time series do not
contain the expected earthquake signals: this can be due to
either inaccurate theoretical arrival time estimation during
the preparation of the database or to timing errors between
6VOLUME 4, 2016
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947848, IEEE Access
Mousavi et al.:STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD): A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
FIGURE 13. Geographical distribution of focal mechanisms shown by beach balls.
FIGURE 14. Proportions of the status of P-arrival and S-arrival picks. Manual
picks are arrival times that were hand-picked by experienced human analysts.
Automatic picks are those made by automatic algorithms reported by seismic
networks, while autopicker are arrival times that we picked using our AI-based
FIGURE 15. Distribution of the back-azimuths at which earthquake signals
arrive from at seismic statins.
FIGURE 16. Types of seismic instruments used in building the data set. The
first letter specifies the general sampling rate and the response band of the
instrument where B are broad band, H represnts high broad band, E are
extremely short period, and S are short period instruments. The second letter
specifies the family to which the sensor belongs where H and L represent high
gain and low gain seismometers respectively.
FIGURE 17. Distribution of signal-to-noise ratio (averaged over all
components) for earthquake seismograms.
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Mousavi et al.:STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD): A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
phase catalogs and archived data. 4) some time-series con-
taining multiple uncatalogued earthquakes in addition to the
expected earthquakes: this is due to either non-robustness or
lack of sensitivity of current detection algorithms used by
seismic networks, and leads to an incompleteness in current
earthquake catalogs. From our point of view, this would lead
to labeling errors to the data set by labeling the waveforms
of uncatalogued earthquakes as noise or vice versa.
Unfortunately, the uncertainties in location, depth, and
origin time estimates are not uniformly reported for all
events by our resources and it is difficult to estimate them;
however, we provide five parameters (source_gap_deg,
source_error_sec, source_horizontal_uncertainty_km, source_origin_uncertainty_sec,
source_depth_uncertainty_km)Fig. 18, for earthquakes for
which this information were available. This can be used to
assess the quality of reported parameters. source_gap_deg
Fig. 18c, is the largest azimuthal gap between az-
imuthally adjacent stations (in degrees). In general, the
smaller this number, the more reliable is the calculated
horizontal position of the earthquake. Earthquake loca-
tions in which the azimuthal gap exceeds 180 degrees
typically have large location and depth uncertainties.
source_horizontal_uncertainty_kmFig. 18d, defined as the
length of the largest projection of the three principal errors
on a horizontal plane. The horizontal uncertainty varies from
about 100 m horizontally for the best located events to 10s of
kilometers for global events. source_depth_uncertainty_km,
defined as the largest projection of the three principal errors
on a vertical line. source_error_sec, is the RMS of the travel
time residuals of the arrivals used for the origin computation.
The source depth is the least-constrained parameter in
the earthquake location, and the error bars are generally
larger than the variation due to different depth determination
methods. Sometimes when depth is poorly constrained by
available seismic data, the location program will set the
depth at a fixed value. For example, 33 km is often used
as a default depth for earthquakes determined to be shallow,
but whose depth is not satisfactorily determined by the data,
whereas default depths of 5 or 10 km are often used in mid-
continental areas and on mid-ocean ridges since earthquakes
in these areas are usually shallower than 33 km.
Estimated uncertainties for most of the arrival time picks
are given in terms of weights. To replace the theoreti-
cal arrival times with more accurate picks and to double
check the quality of manual and automatic picks, we used
PhaseNet [4], a deep-leaning based phase picker. To identify
traces with no earthquake or with more than one earth-
quake, we used CRED [6], a deep-learning-based model
that detect earthquakes signals based on their time-frequency
characteristics. With the help of these algorithms, we found
during pos-tprocessing that many of the traces that should
have lacked earthquake signals, contained uncatalogued-
earthquake signals, or suffered from inaccurate arrival time
picks. Examples of problematic data with incorrect labels
identified by post-processing are shown in Fig. 19. This
processing to remove problematic waveforms reduced the FIGURE 18. Uncertainties in the earthquake characterization.
8VOLUME 4, 2016
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947848, IEEE Access
Mousavi et al.:STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD): A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
size of the original waveform data set by ~8 %. To estimate
the remaining errors, we visually inspected 116,000 wave-
forms, randomly selected from the data set after the post-
processing. Based on that sample, the remaining waveform
data with error types of 2, 3, and 4 combined, make up less
than 1% of the data set.
Noise Waveforms:
We randomly selected one-minute noise waveforms from
the time periods between the cataloged earthquakes. After
performing the same pre-processing (detrending, band-pass
filtering, and resampling), we performed post-processing
consisting of de-signaling followed by double checking
using the generalized earthquake detector, CRED [6] to
ensure that the noise traces do not contain earthquake signal
(even hidden within the background noise). The de-signaling
algorithm used here is a combination of the methods intro-
duced in [25] and [26] that identifies the anomalous spectral
features associated with earthquake signals (based on statis-
tical considerations) in a continuous wavelet domain.
Developing more robust models for processing seismic
signals and characterizing earthquakes is a direct application
of STEAD. Previous studies showed that deep-learning
approaches can outperform traditional algorithms in these
tasks. Existence of a large-scale data set with highly accurate
labels like STEAD can facilitate development of more robust
deep-learning models.
Denoising, detection, phase picking, and classifica-
tion/discrimination are common processes performed on
seismic signals. Denoising refers to suppressing the noise
level and is traditionally done using simple band-pass
filtering [27]. Earthquake signals generally have simpler
waveforms compared to signals such as speech or au-
dio; however, denoising of seismic signals can be more
challenging due to the existence of strong coherent, non-
stationary, and non-Gaussian noise [28]. Seismic denoising
is particularly important because it can improve the snr
and as a result improve subsequent processing such as
detection [29] and phase picking. Examples of applications
of machine learning methods for denoising seismic signals
include both supervised [30] and unsupervised [31]–[34]
methods. Recorded seismic noise and earthquake signals
characterized by their snr and the beginning/end of the
signals make the data set well-suited for building denoising
models. Moreover, the data set can be used for developing
decomposition models for separating overlapping signals
(either two earthquakes, or earthquake and non-earthquake
signals), which is another common and closely related
problem in observational seismology.
Earthquake detection is one of the first data processing
steps and remains a challenging problem in earthquake
seismology. A good detection algorithm should: have few
false positives (does not detect non-earthquake signals as
earthquakes), few false negatives (does not miss small or
weak earthquake signals), generalize well (is not limited to
FIGURE 19. Examples of problematic seismograms detected by AI-based
models during post-processing. a) is a seismogram that does not contain any
earthquake signal. b) and c) are seismograms that in addition to the expected
earthquake (with annotated picks) contain signals from uncataloged
earthquakes. d) is an example of seismogram where the manual P-arrival pick
is incorrect. P and S arrival times are marked by vertical blue and red lines
VOLUME 4, 2016 9
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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947848, IEEE Access
Mousavi et al.:STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD): A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
a specific shape, range, or setting of earthquakes), be insen-
sitive to background noise, and be efficient for processing
large data volumes. Characteristic-function-based (e.g. [35])
and similarity-search based (e.g. [36]–[38]) are the two main
categories of algorithms commonly used for detection. In the
characteristic-function based method a simple transforma-
tion is typically used to construct a function (e.g. STA/LTA)
that highlights abrupt changes in the continuous data and
makes it easier to distinguish earthquake signals. The ad-
vantages are that these methods are fast and generalize well-
meaning that they can detect non-repeated earthquakes with
non-similar waveforms. This generalization tends to also
be the weakness of these methods because they inherently
can not make a distinction between an earthquake signal
and a non-earthquake pulse. Moreover, they are sensitive to
background noise. On the other hand the similarity-search
based methods look for repeated events with strictly similar
waveforms. So they are more robust and generally result in
much lower false positive rates; however, they are limited
to repeated events and this can come with much higher
computational cost. Neural networks have been used for
earthquake signal detection (e.g. [39]–[46]). These methods
can combine the advantages of characteristic-function and
similarity-search based methods. In this approach a machine
is trained to learn general characteristics of an earthquake
signal by being exposed to many examples of earthquake
and non-earthquake signals. Once the machine learns this
general model, its application is fast since the detection
is done in just one round. Previous studies showed that
supervised learning can be a powerful tool for earthquake
signal detection, however, there is still ample room for im-
provement and the development of more general and robust
models. The global distribution of data, wide magnitude
range, high accuracy of labels, and the end of earthquake
signal as well as its beginning, positions STEAD to serve as
an ideal data set for building more robust and comprehensive
detection models.
Once an earthquake signal is detected, the arrival times
of P and S waves need to be picked to locate the source. In
addition to low false positive and false negative rates, pick
accuracy is a crucial factor for obtaining reliable locations.
Only 1 millisecond of error in determining P-wave arrivals
can lead to ~7 m errors in estimated location [47]. While
traditional algorithms for phase picking have a statistical
basis [48]–[52], machine learning approaches use a variety
of techniques (e.g. [4], [53]–[58]) to identify and pick
different phases. The scale and reliability of picks in STEAD
can foster building more accurate phase pickers. The random
time lag between the beginning of each earthquake seismo-
gram and first arrival reduces the data preparation process
for this purpose.
Classification/discrimination of seismic signals is another
problem in observational seismology where STEAD could
be useful through transfer learning. Some examples in-
clude classification of volcanic signals (e.g. [59]–[62]),
the discrimination of explosions from natural earthquakes
(e.g. [63]–[67]), discrimination of quarry blasts from mi-
croearthquakes (e.g. [68], [69]), discrimination of seismic
signals from earthquake and tectonic tremor (e.g. [70]),
and discrimination of local from teleseismic earthquakes
(e.g. [71]).
Direct earthquake characterization is yet another line of
research where STEAD can be useful. Rapid estimation of
the back-azimuth (e.g. [72]–[74]), magnitude, distance, and
depth have applications for earthquake early warning sys-
tems. This is where the limited data used in previous efforts
at applying machine learning techniques (e.g. [75], [76])
may have been problematic. A large, accurately labeled
data set like STEAD could help overcome these limitations.
Moreover, STEAD also has potential to be used to directly
determine the earthquake locations using machine learning
approaches (e.g. [77]–[79]), a challenging problem that has
not yet been fully solved. This data set might be used for
building ground-motion prediction models. These models
are one of the most important elements used for seismic
hazard assessments [80], [81]. Ground-motion prediction
models are used to estimate the strong motion given a
hypothetical earthquake source. Linear regression analysis
is commonly used for developing ground-motion prediction
equations [82], [83]. However, ML has shown to be a
powerful tool for developing such models [84]–[87].
In addition to these, similarity of seismic signals to other
time series data such as audio (see [88]–[91]) suggests a
potential for using STEAD beyond seismological applica-
tions. Denoising, detection, and classification are common
problems for audio and acoustic signals as well (e.g. [92]–
[94]). Despite some differences, the existence of millions of
human-picked labels, and extra information such as known
locations of sources and receivers are unique characteristics
of STEAD that do not exist in most equivalent audio data
Understanding the properties of earthquakes and subsurface
processes they express must come through the analysis of
recorded signals by near surface sensors. The complex, non-
stationary nature of these signals requires powerful and
sensitive processing tools to exploit them fully. Machine
learning (ML) techniques are powerful tools that can learn
the relationships and discover patterns directly from the
data. The efficient extraction of as much useful information
as possible from the recorded signals and the potential of
gaining new insight is a challenge and the focus of an active
field of research.
Here we introduce STEAD as the first high-quality
large-scale global labeled data set of earthquake and non-
earthquake signals recorded by seismic instruments. Bench-
mark data sets such as STEAD can accelerate progress in
applying machine learning to problems in the seismology. It
facilitates validation and comparison of competing methods,
which promotes adoption of best practices, and accelerates
research progress.
10 VOLUME 4, 2016
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947848, IEEE Access
Mousavi et al.:STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD): A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
Future directions will concentrate on expanding the data
set to regional (400 to 2000 km distance) and teleseismic
(> 2000 km distance) earthquake seismograms, and include
other non-earthquake categories such as seismic waves gen-
erated by explosions, volcanoes, landslides, oceanic waves,
planes, helicopters, trains, wind, thunderstorms, and traffic.
We hope the high-precision monitoring techniques and
models that will be developed with the help of this data set,
can ultimately improve our understanding of earthquake pro-
cesses by sharpening our ability to characterize seismicity.
We thank Tim Ahern, Jerry Carter, and Chad Trabant
from IRIS data services and Harley Benz from USGS for
their help during compilation of the data set. The authors
also thank William Ellsworth for his helpful suggestions.
The facilities of IRIS-DS, and specifically the IRIS Data
Management Center (http://ds.iris.edu/ds/nodes/dmc/, last
accessed August 2018), were used for access to waveform
data required in this study. The IRIS-DS is funded through
the National Science Foundation (NSF) and specifically the
GEO Directorate through the Instrumentation and Facilities
Program of the NSF.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947848, IEEE Access
Mousavi et al.:STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD): A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
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S. MOSTAFA MOUSAVI received the M.S. de-
gree in Risk Engineering from University of
Tehran, Tehran, Iran in 2010 and the M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in geophysics from University of
Memphis, TN, USA in 2017.
He is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow
at Stanford University, CA, USA. He is the author
of more than 20 journal, and 3 conference papers.
His research interests include machine learning,
signal processing, statistics, and observational
Dr. Mousavi is a fellow of National Elite Foundation of Iran and a
recipient of Jeannne X. Kasperson award by the American Association of
Geographers and SEP/SEG award by ExxonMobil in 2014.
YIXIAO SHENG received his B.S. degree in
geophysics from the University of Science and
Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui Province, in
2014. He is currently pursuing the PhD degree in
Geophysics at Stanford University, CA, USA.
He has been a research assistant at Stanford
since 2014. His research interest focuses on ex-
tracting useful information from passive seismic
signals, including both ambient seismic noise and
earthquake ground motion. One of his recent
projects involves using graph analytics and geostatistical tools to understand
the spatial variability of earthquake ground motion.
Mr. Sheng is a student member of American Geophysical Union,
Seismological Society of America, and Southern California Earthquake
Center since 2014.
WEIQIANG ZHU received the B.S. (2013) and
the M.S. (2016) in Geophysics from Peking Uni-
versity, Beijing, China. He is currently pursuing
the Ph.D. in Geophysics at Stanford University,
Since 2016, he is a Research Assistant at
Geophysics department, Stanford University. His
current research is the application of deep learn-
ing in seismology and physics-based earthquake
simulation. He is interested in developing new
methods based on deep neural networks to solve the challenging problems
in seismology, e.g. earthquake monitoring, early warning, ground motion
prediction, etc.
Mr. Zhu is a member of American Geophysical Union (AGU), Seis-
mological Society of America (SSA) and Southern California Earthquake
Center (SCEC) since 2016.
GREGORY C. BEROZA received his BS degree
in Earth Science from UC Santa Cruz in 1983,
and his Ph.D. from MIT in geophysics from MIT
in 1989.
After a year as a Postdoc at MIT, he joined the
Stanford Geophysics Department in 1990 where
he now holds the Wayne Loel Professorship.
He is the author of over 170 publications. His
research interest is in analyzing seismograms to
understand how earthquakes work and to quantify
the hazards they pose. He is particularly interested in earthquake source
processes for shallow earthquakes, intermediate-depth earthquakes, induced
earthquakes, and slow earthquakes.
Prof. Beroza received a Presidential Young Investigator award from NSF
in 1991, is a fellow of the American Geophysical Union since 2008, has
been named to the Brinson, RIT, IRIS/SSA, and Lawson lecturerships,
and received the Beno Gutenberg medal from the European Geosciences
Union in 2014 for outstanding contributions to seismology. Since 2007
he has been Deputy-Director, then Co-Director of the Southern California
Earthquake Center.
VOLUME 4, 2016 13