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Abstract and Figures

Film bulk acoustic wave resonators have demonstrated great potential in the detection of volatile organic compounds owing to their high sensitivity, miniature size, low power consumption, capacity for integration, and other beneficial characteristics. However, it is necessary to functionalize the surfaces of these resonators to enhance the adsorption and discrimination of volatile organic compounds. Here, we report a convenient and reliable method for functionalizing the surfaces of film bulk acoustic wave resonators with hydrophobins via self-assembly to enable highly sensitive and polarity sensitive detection of volatile organic compounds. Experiments conducted using various concentrations of five volatile organic compounds possessing different polarities demonstrated that the hydrophobin coating enhanced the responsivity of the proposed sensor. The obtained results were in good agreement with the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller model of multilayer physisorption, which suggests that the hydrophobin coating enhanced the sensitivity by improving the monolayer adsorption capacity. Our work demonstrates that the combination of multifunctional biosurfactants and microelectromechanical devices can permit high-performance gas sensing.
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Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 163502 (2019); 115, 163502
© 2019 Author(s).
Hydrophobin-functionalized film bulk
acoustic wave resonators for sensitive and
polarity-sensitive sensing of volatile organic
Cite as: Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 163502 (2019);
Submitted: 15 August 2019 . Accepted: 02 October 2019 . Published Online: 14 October 2019
Jin Tao, Ye Chang, Jingqiu Liang, Xuexin Duan, Wei Pang, Yanyan Wang, and Zefang Wang
Reduced dislocation density and residual tension in AlN grown on SiC by metalorganic
chemical vapor deposition
Applied Physics Letters 115, 161101 (2019);
Experimental demonstration of free electron maser operation in the regime of non-resonant
Applied Physics Letters 115, 163501 (2019);
POLED displays: Robust printing of pixels
Applied Physics Letters 115, 163301 (2019);
Hydrophobin-functionalized film bulk acoustic
wave resonators for sensitive and polarity-sensitive
sensing of volatile organic compounds
Cite as: Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 163502 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5124525
Submitted: 15 August 2019 .Accepted: 2 October 2019 .
Published Online: 14 October 2019
Jin Tao,
Ye Chang,
Jingqiu Liang,
Xuexin Duan,
Wei Pang,
Yanyan Wang,
and Zefang Wang
State Key Laboratory of Applied Optics, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Changchun 130033, China
College of Life Sciences, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology and Instruments, College of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics
Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Tianjin International Joint Academy of Biotechnology and Medicine, Tianjin 300457, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:
Film bulk acoustic wave resonators have demonstrated great potential in the detection of volatile organic compounds owing to their high
sensitivity, miniature size, low power consumption, capacity for integration, and other beneficial characteristics. However, it is necessary to
functionalize the surfaces of these resonators to enhance the adsorption and discrimination of volatile organic compounds. Here, we report a
convenient and reliable method for functionalizing the surfaces of film bulk acoustic wave resonators with hydrophobins via self-assembly to
enable highly sensitive and polarity sensitive detection of volatile organic compounds. Experiments conducted using various concentrations
of five volatile organic compounds possessing different polarities demonstrated that the hydrophobin coating enhanced the responsivity of
the proposed sensor. The obtained results were in good agreement with the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller model of multilayer physisorption,
which suggests that the hydrophobin coating enhanced the sensitivity by improving the monolayer adsorption capacity. Our work demon-
strates that the combination of multifunctional biosurfactants and microelectromechanical devices can permit high-performance gas sensing.
Published under license by AIP Publishing.
The detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is of great
significance in the fields of human healthcare, indoor air quality, indus-
trial gas pollution, and forensic science because VOCs are biomarkers
of various diseases and disorders
and among the most important
substances known to degrade indoor air quality.
VOCs can also be
used to determine the causes of crimes
and track airborne contami-
Traditional technologies for detecting VOCs are based on gas
chromatography–mass spectrometry and gas chromatography–flame
ionization detection.
However, spectrometer-based VOC-sensing
systems are generally expensive and suffer from the lack of portability
and high power demand. Optofluidic microsystems are a newly devel-
oped analytical technology integrating photonics and microfluidics
that possess numerous unique characteristics for enhancing the sensing
performance for VOCs.
Optofluidic VOC detection systems are
typically complex because they have to include light sources, photode-
tectors, pumps, and gas channels. Therefore, it is necessary to develop
miniature, portable, inexpensive, and accurate VOC sensors. To date,
various small, inexpensive, and fast VOC sensors have been developed,
such as chemoresistors,
metal oxide semiconductor sensors,
mal sensors, hybrid nanostructure sensors,
mechanical resonator
and optical sensors.
Among these methods, resonator sen-
sors are most competitive in terms of sensitivity and resolution owing
to the high quality factor of electromechanical resonators.
Film bulk acoustic wave resonators (FBARs), as piezoelectric
transducers operating in the gigahertz regime, have been exploited for
VOC detection based on the mass loading effect
and chemical
These sensors feature high sensitivity, miniature size, and
low power consumption. FBAR arrays have also been used as elec-
tronic noses to achieve discrimination of VOCs.
can also function as a virtual sensor array with temperature modula-
tion to detect and discriminate VOCs.
The surfaces of FBARs are
typically functionalized with polymers,
supramolecular mono-
or self-assembled monolayers
to realize selectivity and
improved adsorption. Surface functionalization of the sensors plays a
Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 163502 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5124525 115, 163502-1
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE
key role in recognition, sensitivity, selectivity, stability, and reversibil-
ity. Polymer coating is the most common surface functionalization
method for electronic noses. However, such modification processes
are complex and exhibit poor selectivity. In addition, some VOCs can
penetrate the polymer bulk, which increases the recovery time and can
even cause the sensor to malfunction. Self-assembled monolayers can
afford high selectivity and fast adsorption/desorption although the
modification process is complex and these monolayers are not robust
over prolonged periods.
In our previous work, we demonstrated that hydrophobins are
excellent materials for surface functionalization.
exhibit remarkable physicochemical properties, such as self-assembly,
amphiphilicity, stability, and surface activity.
Owing to these
properties, hydrophobins display a variety of functions at interfaces,
including adhesion, formation of coatings, reduction in the surface
tension of water, and modification of the hydrophilic/hydrophobic
properties of the interfaces. Hydrophobins can also form membranes
via self-assembly at air/water or water/solid interfaces.
hydrophobins hold great potential for applications involving emulsifi-
and interfacial modification.
It has also
been demonstrated that hydrophobins are safe for use in food prod-
and exhibit no cytotoxicity, possibly extending their use to
personal care and biomedical applications.
Moreover, hydrophobins
are promising materials for surface modification and as surface mem-
branes in biosensing and electrochemical applications.
In this work, we used HFBI, a hydrophobin from Trichoderma ree-
to modify the surface of an FBAR and achieve a highly sensitive,
stable, and polarity sensitive VOC sensor. HFBI formed a stable and
uniform film at the surface of the FBAR via self-assembly. The resulting
HFBI film was stable and attractive to polar VOCs. Five VOCs possess-
ing different polarities and concentrations were tested experimentally.
Our results were in good agreement with the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller
(BET) model of multilayer physisorption, which explains the sensing
mechanism of the proposed sensor.
FBARs generally consist of a piezoelectric thin film (e.g., AlN or
ZnO) sandwiched between top and bottom electrodes as shown in
Fig. 1(a). The detailed fabrication process of FBARs was reported pre-
Figure 1(a) presents a cross-sectional view of the FBAR
structure coated with an HFBI film layer. Numerous researchers have
attempted to exploit FBAR devices for sensor applications with
remarkable results.
FBAR sensors, which function as mass trans-
ducers, are very similar to the well-known quartz crystal microbalance.
When a mass (Dm) is added to the device surface, the resonant fre-
quency (f
)shifts(Df)as described in the following equation:
where Ais the surface area of the FBAR and qand lare the density
and shear modulus of the piezoelectric material, respectively. The
mass sensitivity (Df=Dm) can be derived from Eq. (1) to be
2.5 10
The HFBI film was deposited simply by droplet casting. The
HFBI solution was prepared by dissolving HFBI (0.50 mg) in phos-
phate buffer (1 ml, pH 7.2), and 1 ll of this solution was added drop-
wise onto the surface of the FBAR using a micropipette and allowed to
stand for 5 min to undergo self-assembly. Next, the device was washed
with pure water and dried under vacuum. Figures 1(b) and 1(c) pre-
sent images of the bare and HFBI-coated FBARs, respectively.
To check the uniformity of the HFBI film, an atom force micro-
scope was used to measure the smoothness and roughness of the surfa-
ces of the bare FBAR and HFBI-coated FBAR as shown in Figs. 1(d)
and 1(e). The surface roughnesses (Ra) of the bare FBAR and HFBI-
coated FBAR were found to be 1.11 and 1.56 nm, respectively, indicat-
ing that a uniform HFBI film was formed on the FBAR surface.
Figure 1(f) shows the impedance phases of FBAR sensors with
(blue curve) and without (red curve) the HFBI coating. The frequency
shift was 1.83 MHz, which corresponds to a mass increase of 0.732 ng.
A VOC detection system with two gas channels was established.
One channel produced saturated VOC vapor by bubbling pure nitro-
gen gas (99.999%) through liquid VOCs. The other channel carried
pure nitrogen gas to dilute the VOC vapor. The flow velocities were
monitored and controlled using a mass flow controller. Various con-
centrations of VOCs were obtained by adjusting the flow velocity ratio
FIG. 1. (a) Cross-sectional view of the FBAR structure coated with an HFBI film
layer. Optical microscopy images of a bare FBAR (b) and an HFBI-coated FBAR
(c). (d) and (e) AFM images of a bare FBAR and an HFBI-coated FBAR surface.
(e) AFM image of the surface. (f) The resonant frequency of the bare FBAR sensor
was 1.15272 GHz (red curve). The HFBI coating caused a downward frequency
shift of 1.83 MHz (blue curve), corresponding to a mass increase of 0.732 ng.
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE
Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 163502 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5124525 115, 163502-2
Published under license by AIP Publishing
between the carrier nitrogen and pure nitrogen. The different concen-
trations of VOCs were quantified as the ratio (P/P
tial pressure (P) to its saturation vapor pressure (P
), which was
controlled by adjusting the velocities of the two gas channels. The con-
centration of the VOCs in ppm can be calculated as follows:
C ppm
where P
is the saturation vapor pressure of the VOC, P
is the total
pressure (760 mm Hg), and rand Rare the flow rates (in sccm) of the
carrier nitrogen and dilution nitrogen, respectively. Here, r=ðrþRÞis
equal to P/P
. Further details of the detection system were reported
Figures 2(a) and 2(b) present the real-time responses of the bare
FBAR and HFBI-coated FBAR sensors upon exposure to seven differ-
ent concentrations of ethanol vapor. The sensors were first flushed
with pure nitrogen to obtain a stable baseline. Next, the FBAR sensors
were exposed to ethanol vapor at a constant velocity of 500 sccm. The
resulting negative frequency shift indicates the adsorption of ethanol
molecules to the sensor surface. The response times of the bare FBAR
and HFBI-coated FBAR sensors are 16 and 18 s, respectively, for etha-
nol vapor at a P/P
value of 0.7. Next, the vapor flow was switched off,
and pure nitrogen was reintroduced to flush the sensor. The frequency
recovered back to the baseline in several tens of seconds, indicating
that the VOC molecules were removed by the nitrogen gas flow. The
recovery times of the bare FBAR and HFBI-coated FBAR sensors are
32 and 34 s, respectively. These results demonstrated that the fabri-
cated sensors exhibited a quick response and full recovery.
To elucidate the adsorption characteristics, adsorption isotherms
for the frequency shifts of the two sensors are presented in Fig. 2(c).
The black line representsthe linear fit of the frequency shift of the bare
FBAR sensor upon exposure to ethanol vapor at partial pressures
) ranging from 0.1 to 0.7. The adsorption isotherm was almost
linear and fitted well with the Langmuir adsorption theorem,
cating the monolayer adsorption of the ethanol molecules at the bare
FBAR sensor surface in a concentration-dependent manner owing to
weak van der Waals forces between the ethanol molecules and the
FBAR sensor surface. The adsorption of the ethanol molecules to the
FBAR surface led to a downward shift of the resonant frequency. As
van der Waals forces between device surfaces and ethanol molecules
are relatively weak, this interaction was concentration dependent and
reversible. Upon switching off the ethanol flow and flushing the sensor
with nitrogen gas, the resonant frequency of the device recovered to
the baseline.
In contrast, the adsorption isotherm for the HFBI-coated FBAR
sensor upon exposure to ethanol vapor [red curve in Fig. 1(c)]was
more exponential than linear and was well fitted by the BET model of
multilayer physisorption.
In the BET model, the adsorption of gas
molecules at a solid interface is physical and multilayer. The adsorp-
tion is dependent on the gas concentration and the attractive force
between the gas and solid interface. The BET equation can be
expressed as follows:
where m,mm,andCare the adsorption capacity, monolayer adsorption
capacity, and adsorption energy constant, respectively. The values of
mmand Care typically dependent on the nature of the solid surface
and gas, allowing them to be used as “fingerprints” for the detection
and discrimination of VOCs.
The HFBI coating improved the sensitivity to ethanol by eight-
fold at a P/P
value of 0.7. The most plausible explanation for this is
that HFBI is more attractive to ethanol molecules than the bare FBAR
surface (AlN) owing to the negatively charged nature of HFBI. As eth-
anol molecules are also highly polar, the sensitivity enhancement upon
HFBI coating can be attributed to polarity. To confirm this hypothesis,
hexane, a nonpolar VOC, was also investigated as shown in Fig. 3.
The response times of the bare FBAR and HFBI-coated FBAR sen-
sors are 9 and 13 s, respectively, for hexane vapor at a P/P
value of 0.7.
sors are 9 and 22 s, respectively. Figure 3(c) shows the adsorption iso-
therms for the bare (black data points and fitting line) and HFBI-coated
(red data points and fitting line) FBAR sensors upon exposure to hexane
vapor. Although the HFBI coating improved the sensitivity toward hex-
ane by approximately twofold, this improvement was smaller than that
FIG. 2. Real-time responses of the (a) bare and (b) HFBI-coated FBAR sensors to eth-
anol vapor concentrations (P/P
) ranging from 0.1 to 0.7, where Pand P
are the vapor
partial pressure and saturation vapor pressure, respectively, at room temperature. (c)
Adsorption isotherms for the bare (black) and HFBI-coated (red) FBAR sensors.
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE
Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 163502 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5124525 115, 163502-3
Published under license by AIP Publishing
observed for ethanol because hexane molecules are nonpolar, leading to
weaker attractive forces between the hexane molecules and HFBI.
To further evaluate the amplification effect of the HFBI coating,
three additional VOCs (methanol, tetrahydrofuran, and acetone) were
tested. Figure 4(a) compares the observed frequency shifts for various
concentrations of the five VOCs possessing different polarities. Here, we
define the amplification factor as the ratio of the frequency shift for the
HFBI-coated FBAR sensor to that for the bare FBAR sensor upon expo-
sure to a particular concentration of VOC vapor. Figure 4(b) presents
the corresponding amplification factors of five VOCs. It is readily appar-
ent that the HFBI coating improved the sensitivity of the FBAR sensor
and that polar VOCs were adsorbed more strongly than nonpolar
VOCs. The sensing mechanism of the proposed sensor is based on the
BET model of multilayer physisorption as illustrated in Fig. 4(c).
According to Eq. (2), the concentrations of hexane, tetrahydrofu-
ran, acetone, ethanol, and methanol at the P/P
value of 0.7 are found
to be 111656, 133333, 1740042, 40152, and 89222ppm, respectively.
The corresponding frequency shifts of the HFBI-coated FBAR are
0.186, 1.638, 1.160, 1.140, and 2.539MHz, respectively. The noise of
the proposed sensor is estimated to be 0.3 kHz. Therefore, the detec-
tion limits of the five VOCs are found to be 180.2, 24.4, 44.0, 10.6, and
10.5 ppm, respectively, as listed in Table I.
By fitting with the BET equation, the values of mmand Cfor the
five VOCs were determined as listed in Table I. As these parameters
FIG. 3. (a) Real-time responses of the (a) bare and (b) HFBI-coated FBAR sensors
to hexane vapor concentrations (P/P
) ranging from 0.1 to 0.7. (c) Adsorption iso-
therms for the bare (black) and HFBI-coated (red) FBAR sensors.
FIG. 4. (a) Frequency shifts and (b) amplification factors for various concentrations
of five VOCs with different relative polarities. (c) Schematics of the monolayer
adsorption of bare FBARs and the multilayer adsorption of HFBI-coated FBARs.
TABLE I. BET fitting results of mmand Cfor the five VOCs.
Detection limits
Hexane 180.2 610.8 0.009 v
65.1 63.4
C3.8 61.1
Tetrahydrofuran 24.4 62.8 0.207 v
741.9 6120.1
C1.0 60.4
Acetone 44.0 66.2 0.355 v
676.0 6102.8
C0.5 60.1
Ethanol 10.6 60.6 0.654 v
614.5 655.0
C0.6 60.1
Methanol 10.5 61.8 0.762 v
970.4 667.8
C1.6 60.4
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE
Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 163502 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5124525 115, 163502-4
Published under license by AIP Publishing
are generally different for different VOCs, they can be used as finger-
prints for gas discrimination. The mmvalues for the HFBI-coated
FBAR sensors were considerably larger than those for the bare FBAR
sensors, which indicates that the HFBI surface can adsorb a greater
amount of VOC molecules than that present in the single monolayer
formed on the AlN surface of the bare FBAR sensor. Owing to its
polarity, HFBI preferentially adsorbed polar VOCs. In other words,
the number of VOC molecules adsorbed on the HFBI film increased
with increasing VOC polarity.
In summary, this work demonstrated an HFBI-coated FBAR for
the sensitive and polarity-sensitive sensing of VOCs. The measure-
ment results show that the HFBI coating exerted a remarkable influ-
ence on the performance of the FBAR sensor and greatly enhanced its
sensitivity by two- to eightfold. The adsorption isotherms were deter-
mined for the five VOCs. Fitting with the BET equation afforded the
mmand Cvalues for the five VOCs, which can potentially be used as a
fingerprint to discriminate different VOCs. The proposed HFBI-
coated FBAR sensor possesses several advantages, such as the relatively
simple coating method of droplet casting, the satisfactory stability of
the HFBI coating, improved sensitivity, and polarity-sensitive sensing
owing to the negatively charged nature of the HFBI film. This sensor
holds great potential applications in biosensing owing to the multi-
functional nature of HFBI.
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Science
and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province (No.
2016B010111003), the Science and Technology Development
Plan Project of Jilin Province (Nos. 20180201024GX and
20190302062GX), and the National Key R&D Program of China
(No. 2018YFB1801900). Zefang Wang acknowledges the support of
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81601593).
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Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE
Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 163502 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5124525 115, 163502-5
Published under license by AIP Publishing
... To further break the sensing ultimate limit of the independent micro/nano-beams, various nonlinear phenomena, materials [10,11], and devices [12] are studied and adopted. Among these nonlinear physics studies, there are main three methods in single or coupled micro/nanomechanical systems to improve the sensitivity. ...
... Assuming the modal damping coefficient μ1 and μ2 is low enough, the expression of b within AVR but away from the point of  = -1 can be simplified to 21 A    =+ (10) which represents a curve consisting of two straight lines being symmetrical around the axis of  = - 1 . ...
... (11) It can be seen from Fig. 2(d) that the two peak points C and D are the intersections of the response amplitude curves illustrated by (10) and (11). For deriving their frequency expressions (11) is taken into (10) and the following equation is obtained on the condition of 2 1 max( , 2 ) ...
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An ultra-sensitive mass detection scheme is proposed via frequency superposition phenomena of autoparametric vibration systems for the first time in this paper. For an autoparametric vibration system, amplitude-frequency curve of the direct excitation mode contains two symmetrical peaks, due to the energy transfer with the parametric excitation mode. We have discovered that, frequency superposition of the two coupled modes can be realized via frequency sum of the two peaks. After applying a mass perturbation, both the two peaks shift to lower frequencies, and sum of their frequency shifts is equal to the sum of the modal frequency shift of the parametric excitation mode and twice that of the direct excitation mode. To evaluate quantitatively the sensing performances, frequency expressions of the two peaks have been theoretically derived, as well as the mass sensing theory has been established. Both theoretical and numerical results show that the frequency shift is about 1.5 times multiplied, as well as high stability and high linearity are obtained. Compared to conventional frequency shift based scheme, not only the mass sensitivity can be amplified by 50%, but also the effect of the excitation fluctuation can be greatly suppressed. This work not only opens a new avenue in applications of autoparametric vibration systems, but also provides a new metrological scheme for mass sensitivity amplification.
... The sensitivity and resolution of an independent micro/Nano-beam depends on various factors, such as resonant frequency, quality factor [11][12][13][14], noise level [15], and vibration level [16]. https Volume of the permanent magnets w 1,2 Width of HB and VB t 1,2 Thickness of HB and VB l 1,2 Length of HB and VB Q 1,2 Quality factor of HB and VB x (y) Normalized displacement of HB and VB X* (Y*) Scale of the resonant amplitude of VB and HB Damping coefficient of HB and VB b 1,2 Magnetic coupling coefficient of HB and VB G 0 Normalized amplitude of the driving force X 0 Normalized frequency of the driving force e A small perturbation parameter a 1,2 Steady state amplitudes of HB and VB r Frequency difference between X 0 and x 1 (r = (X 0 -x 1 )/e) r 1 Frequency difference between x 2 and x 1 (r 1 = (x 2 -2x 1 )/e) Dx 1L,1R Shift of the lower sensing frequency and the higher sensing frequency Dx s Sum of the two sensing frequency shifts Dx s = Dx 1L + Dx 1R Dx 2L,2R Shift of the lower detecting frequency and the higher detecting frequency Dx d Sum of the two detecting frequency shifts Dx d = Dx 2L + Dx 2R DA 1L,1R Amplitude change of the left peak and the right peak DA d Amplitude difference of the two peaks DA d = DA 1L -DA 1R To further break the sensing ultimate limit of the independent micro/nano-beams, various nonlinear phenomena, materials [17,18] and devices [19] are studied and adopted. Among these nonlinear physics studies, resolution enhancement accompanied by quality factor improvement through damping adjustment [20], optical spring effect [21,22], residual stress [23], mechanical sideband excitation [24], parametrical pump [25][26][27], phase synchronization [28,29], and internal resonance [30][31][32], as well as sensitivity enhancement through integrated nano-optomechanical system [33], bifurcation in Duffing oscillators [34,35], modal localization [36,37], parametric resonance amplification [38], synchronization [39,40], and internal resonance (IR) [41,42] have been demonstrated in single or coupled micro/nanomechanical systems, which have also been studied in our previous works for mass sensing [39,[43][44][45][46][47]. ...
... Some latest researches of the mass sensing have also been carried out. J. Tao et al. demonstrated that the combination of multifunctional biosurfactants and microelectromechanical devices can permit high-performance gas sensing by improving the monolayer adsorption capacity [17]. T. Rabenimanana et al. functionalized the electrostatic nonlinearity to overcome mode aliasing limitation in linear mode-localized sensors and further exceed the ultimate sensitivity reachable in the linear regime [48]. ...
This paper, the first of two companion papers, mainly reports a double amplification scheme for mass sensitivity, via a differential phenomenon in various non-Duffing internal resonance systems with even power nonlinearities and coupling. Both frequency sum and amplitude difference of the two symmetrical peaks, in response amplitude of the basic mode, are capable of differentially amplifying the sensitivity as well as greatly suppressing the effect of noise caused by driving amplitude fluctuation. Combining frequency up-conversion to further amplify the sensitivity, double amplified mass sensitivity is thus achieved via frequency shift. Magnetically coupled orthogonal beams with a frequency ratio of two to one, is adopted as an example for both theoretical and experimental demonstration. Experimental results show effect of driving voltage fluctuating in the range of 200 mV to 600 mV is reduced by 360%, as well as the sensitivity for mass perturbation in the range of 0 g to 10 g is 332% amplified. Lower driving threshold and wider sensing range are further obtained through adjusting modal damping. Compared to those based on synchronization or internal resonance under the same frequency ratios, the proposed amplification scheme, not only enhances the mass sensitivity up to about 166%, but also suppresses the effect of driving amplitude fluctuation down to about 27.8%, indicating a potential possibility to break through the sensing limit.
... Biosensors are an advanced achievement for quickly diagnosing the amount of substances of different chemical natures and represent an effective alternative to traditional methods for analyzing the content of various components in a reaction mixture [93]. For example, hydrophobins were used by M. Tao et al. for acoustic wave resonators, allowing the development of a sensitive system with the ability to detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) [94]. VOCs are biomarkers for several diseases [95]; thus, their detection and quantification are very important. ...
The review summarizes current information about hydrophobins – low molecular weight proteins synthesized by filamentous fungi and which are one of the strongest cellular biosurfactants. The mechanism of biosynthesis of hydrophobins, the chemical structures and spectrum of its natural and synthetic isoforms, biological activity and role in the regulation of vital processes of producers are presented. The potential for using hydrophobins in biotechnology has been demonstrated.
Small-sized, high-sensitivity, and low-cost sensors are required for gas-sensing applications because of their critical role in environmental monitoring, clinic diagnosis, process control, and anti-terrorism. Given the rapid developments in micro-fabrication and microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technologies, film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR) gas sensors have received increased research attention because of their improved working frequency and reliability. This chapter discusses the state-of-the-art and recent developments in FBAR gas sensors. The sensing mechanism and limitations of these sensors are summarized. Recent progress in the development of four major aspects of FBAR gas sensors, namely, FBAR gas sensors using different sensing materials, FBAR gas sensors used in electronic noses, system integration of FBAR gas sensors, and FBAR gas sensors used as micro-GC detectors, is reviewed. The potential future of FBAR sensors used in flexible electronics is also discussed.
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Research on innovative surface functionalization strategies to develop materials with high added value is particularly challenging since this process is a crucial step in a wide range of fields (i.e., biomedical, biosensing, and food packaging). Up to now, the main applied derivatization methods require hazardous and poorly biocompatible reagents, harsh conditions of temperature and pressure, and are time consuming and cost effective. The discovery of biomolecules able to adhere by non-covalent bonds on several surfaces paves the way for their employment as a replacement of chemical processes. A simple, fast, and environment-friendly method of achieving modification of chemically inert surfaces is offered by hydrophobins, small amphiphilic proteins produced by filamentous fungi. Due to their structural characteristics, they form stable protein layers at interfaces, serving as anchoring points that can strongly bind molecules of interest. In addition, genetic engineering techniques allow the production of hydrophobins fused to a wide spectrum of relevant proteins, providing further benefits in term of time and ease of the process. In fact, it is possible to bio-functionalize materials by simply dip-casting, or by direct deposition, rendering them exploitable, for example, in the development of biomedical and biosensing platforms.
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices show promising applications for highly sensitive gas sensors for continuously monitoring of hazardous and flammable gases when integrating with specifically designed sensing materials. Improving the SAW sensor’s responses by using nanostructure sensing materialshas become a research hot topic in recent years. In this work, we presented a SAW room temperature NO 2 gas sensor with high sensitivity using one-dimensional (1D) Bi 2 S 3 Nanobelts as the sensing materials. SAW devices with thecentral frequency of ~200 MHz were fabricated on ST-cut quartz substrate as the sensing platform. The Bi 2 S 3 Nanobelts were synthesized by solvothermal method and deposited onto SAW sensors using a spin-coating technology. The response of the prepared SAW gas sensors was 2 kHz when subjected to 10 ppm NO 2 even at room temperature. Moreover, the sensor shows good selectivity, reversibility, and stability. The sensing mechanism of one-dimensional Bi 2 S 3 nanobelts-based SAW sensors for NO 2 detection was also be discussed.
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Quartz Crystal Resonator (QCR) has been proved to be effective for CO2 gas sensing, however, the mechanism of this sensing process remains unclarified. This paper proposes an innovative modeling for a QCR-based CO2 gas sensor. The proposed modeling is based on the Langmuir Adsorption Theorem and the Sauerbrey equation of QCR. The Langmuir Adsorption Theorem assumes that a monolayer of gas molecules is formed at the maximum gas concentration while each adsorbate molecule is assumed to take only one active site on the adsorbent surface. Therefore, the Sauerbrey equation is modified by combining Langmuir Adsorption Theorem and then the effect of both surface concentration and Langmuir constant are investigated and analyzed. Different from traditional analysis, the proposed modeling works well on not only the linear relationship between CO2 concentration and frequency shift at low CO2 concentration but also the non-linear saturation stage at higher CO2 concentration. Moreover, a lab experiment is carried out to verify the Langmuir-Sauerbrey adsorption modeling. Surface concentration constant and Langmuir constant are retrieved from the experiment and considered as material properties for gas sensing capability. The proposed modeling could also be applied to most QCR-based gas sensor, in which physical adsorption is mainly involved. Additionally, determination of surface concentration constant and Langmuir constant will benefit the understanding of many other gas sensing process.
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The paper presents principle of operation and design of the most popular chemical sensors for measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in outdoor and indoor air. It describes the sensors for evaluation of explosion risk including pellistors and IR-absorption sensors as well as the sensors for detection of toxic compounds such as electrochemical (amperometric), photoionization and semiconductor with solid electrolyte ones. Commercially available sensors for detection of VOCs and their metrological parameters—measurement range, limit of detection, measurement resolution, sensitivity and response time—were presented. Moreover, development trends and prospects of improvement of the metrological parameters of these sensors were highlighted.
This paper describes the detection and discrimination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using an e-nose system based on a multiparameter virtual sensor array (VSA), which consists of a single-chip temperature-compensated film bulk acoustic wave resonator (TC-FBAR) coated with 20-bilayer self-assembled PSS / PDDA thin films. The high-frequency and microscale FBAR multiparameter VSA was realized by temperature modulation, which can greatly re-duce the cost and complexity compared to those of a traditional e-nose system and can allow it to operate at different temperatures. The discrimination effect depends on the synergy of temperature modulation and the sensing material. For proof-of-concept validation purposes, the TC-FBAR was exposed to six different VOC vapors at six different gas par-tial pressures by real-time VOC static detection and dynamic detection. The resulting frequency shifts and impedance responses were measured at different temperatures and evaluated using principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA), which revealed that all analytes can be distinguished and classified with more than 97% accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, this report is the first on an FBAR multiparameter VSA based on temperature modulation, and the proposed novel VSA shows great potential as a compact and promising e-nose system integrated in commercial electronic products.
High sensitivity, selectivity, and stability are key requirements for carbon nanotube (CNT)-based sensors to realize their full potential in applications ranging from chemical warfare agent detection to disease diagnostics. Herein we demonstrate the sensing of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) relevant to human diseases using an array of chemiresistive carbon nanotube (CNT)-based sensors functionalized with ionic liquids (ILs). The ILs are fluid at ambient temperature and were selected to produce a discriminating sensor array capable of the gas-phase detection of human disease-related VOCs. We find that sensor arrays consisting of imidazolium-based ILs with different substituents and counterions provide selective responses for known biomarkers of infectious diseases of the lungs. Specifically, the sensors discriminate the various volatile biomarkers for tuberculosis based on their polarity, solubility, and chemical affinities. In addition to selectivity, the sensors also show a high level of reversibility and promising long-term stability, which renders them to be suitable candidates for practical applications in breath analysis.
This paper reports a novel miniaturized detector for gas chromatography based on film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR) sensor array. Polymer coated FBAR demonstrated detection limit of parts per million (ppm) concentrations for several volatile organic vapors. Orthogonal selectivity between n-pentane and acetone is achieved by integrating different polymer coated FBARs as sensor array. A prototype of chromatographic instrument using FBAR sensor array as detector was demonstrated by facile hyphenation of the device with commercial separation column. Such GC system is used to quantitative identification of dual gas mixture by employing principal component analysis (PCA). This MEMS chemical sensor technology offers high sensing performance, miniaturized size, and low power consumption, which are critical for development of portable gas chromatography.
With the anticipation for a more connected world through the Internet of Things, there is still a strong demand for miniaturized chemical sensors. Here, we report on a miniaturized resonant chemical sensor based on a Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT) with a low operating voltage suitable for portable gas sensor applications. Previously reported CMUT chemical sensors required a DC operating voltage (16∼50 V) higher than the supply voltages of common circuits (e.g., 1.8–5 V). Thus, additional circuitry such as a charge pump circuit often was required as a part of the sensor interface circuits to supply the DC voltage to CMUT. This resulted in additional power consumption and a larger footprint. In this work, the vacuum gap of the CMUT which determines the operating voltage was reduced to 50 nm through the development of a double oxidation process with a high wafer-level yield. We achieved a significantly smaller pull-in voltage (<10 V) for a 500-nm-thick CMUT resonant sensor. The CMUT was operated at approximately 80% of the pull-in voltage (∼8 V) which does not require additional voltage supply to that of the real-time read-out circuitry. Based on the resonant frequency of 6.7 MHz, the theoretical sensitivity of the fabricated CMUT resonant sensor was 0.8 Hz/fg. By coating four different chemically-sensitive polymer layers, we confirmed the operation of the CMUT with low operating voltage as a chemical sensor. Frequency shifts due to the chemical reaction of volatile organic compounds were observed and analyzed through principal component analysis. This work demonstrates the potential of the developed CMUT with low bias voltage as a key component of a portable chemical sensor system.
Suspended nanomaterials including nanowires and nanorods have attracted great interest as promising candidates for gas sensing materials because they can perform sensitive gas detection without being affected by the substrate. However, the suspended nanomaterial-based gas sensors reported so far have been developed in the absence of a heater, and given the fact that most sensors require high operating temperature, integration with the heater is essential for practical use of the sensor. This work demonstrates a suspended ZnO nanorod-based sensor integrated with a heater, based on a batch process. Depending on the degree of heating from the integrated heater, the suspended ZnO nanorods exhibited various sensitivities and the highest response was obtained when heated to 5.2 V. To further increase the response to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the ZnO nanorods were functionalized with cobalt porphyrin and the functionalized ZnO nanorods exhibited response that was 2.6 times higher than that of the pristine one at 10 ppm toluene. The functionalized ZnO nanorods detected 2 ppb of toluene, which is lower than the concentration detectable by any of the previously reported chemoresistive VOC sensors.
In the efforts at controlling automobile emissions, it is important to know in what extent air pollutants from on-road vehicles could be truly reduced. In 2014 we conducted tests in a heavily trafficked tunnel in south China to characterize emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from on-road vehicle fleet and compared our results with those obtained in the same tunnel in 2004. Alkanes, aromatics, and alkenes had average emission factors (EFs) of 338, 63, and 42 mg km−1 in 2014 against that of 194, 129, and 160 mg km−1 in 2004, respectively. In 2014, LPG-related propane, n-butane and i-butane were the top three non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) with EFs of 184 ± 21, 53 ± 6 and 31 ± 3 mg km−1; the gasoline evaporation marker i-pentane had an average EF of 17 ± 3 mg km−1; ethylene and propene were the top two alkenes with average EFs of 16 ± 1 and 9.7 ± 0.9 mg km−1, respectively; isoprene had no direct emission from vehicles; toluene showed the highest EF of 11 ± 2 mg km−1 among the aromatics; and acetylene had an average EF of 7 ± 1 mg km−1. While EFs of total NMHCs decreased only 9% from 493 ± 120 mg km−1 in 2004 to 449 ± 40 mg km−1 in 2014, their total ozone formation potential (OFP) decreased by 57% from 2.50 × 103 mg km−1 in 2004 to 1.10 × 103 mg km−1 in 2014, and their total secondary organic aerosol formation potential (SOAFP) decreased by 50% from 50 mg km−1 in 2004 to 25 mg km−1 in 2014. The large drop in ozone and SOA formation potentials could be explained by reduced emissions of reactive alkenes and aromatics, due largely to fuel transition from gasoline/diesel to LPG for taxis/buses and upgraded vehicle emission standards.
A biomarker can be a metabolite, coming from a metabolic pathway or cell process, which might be employed in the diagnostic of diseases, predict patient response towards chemical therapies and/or monitor disease recurrences. Biomarkers, e.g. aldehydes or hydrocarbons, are often identified from different body fluids such as blood, urine, serum, saliva or from various tissues samples, and their concentration can vary from one sample to the other. However, the detection and the action of these biomarkers for diseases is a complicated process. Cancer is one of the main cause of death worldwide. The main characteristic of cancerous tumor is the uncontrolled growing of cells inside the organism. Likely, these uncontrolled growths are as consequence changes in the metabolism that could be analytically monitored. Depending on where the cancer cells are located, they provide different characteristics profiles. These profiles as fingerprints are used for differentiation in a comparison to normal cells. This critical study aimed at highlighting the latest progress in this area, especially in the employment of gas chromatography for the monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the identification of possible molecules used as biomarkers for cancer therapy.