
M. Lipman's Methodology "Philosophy for Children" as a tool for developing the creativity of future biology teachers

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Deep ecology is an ecological philosophy that promotes an ecocentric lifestyle to remedy the problems of depleting resources and planetary degradation. An integral part of this ecosophy is the process of forming a metaphysical connection to the earth, referred to as self-realisation; an unfolding of the self out into nature to attain a transcendental, non-egoic state. Findings from our research indicate that secondary school students in environment clubs align with the principles of deep ecology, and show a capacity to become student eco-philosophers, and they report empathy for becoming ecocentric beings. This study explores the capacity for students to engage in environmental philosophy.
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The revolution that Matthew Lipman inaugurated in educational theory and practice in his Philosophy for Children program has two dimensions. The first—introducing philosophy as a subject matter in the elementary school—is based on the assumption that childhood is an appropriate stage of life to read, think, and talk about philosophical issues like justice, friendship, what we mean by self, and so on. As such, it represents a change in the way some adults understand children as thinkers, meaning makers, communicators, and moral agents. The second dimension is pedagogical. It is the idea that a guided, open-structured, dialogical speech community which he called "community of philosophical inquiry" (CPI)--is the most appropriate way to practice the philosophical curriculum that he had developed with students. This paper explores CPI as a concrete application of John Dewey's educational theory, which posits a drive towards the reconstruction of habits—including, and perhaps primarily, the reconstruction of habits of belief—as an ongoing result of the dialectical relationship between our current habits and what he calls "impulse," and works to overcome through dialogue the gaps Dewey identified between child and curriculum, the "psychological and the logical," and ultimately, between child and adult.
Ecologically responsible policies are concerned only in part with pollution and resource depletion. There are deeper concerns which touch upon principles of diversity, complexity, autonomy, decentralization, symbiosis, egalitarianism, and classlessness.
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