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Discriminant analysis based on binary time series

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Abstract and Figures

Binary time series can be derived from an underlying latent process. In this paper, we consider an ellipsoidal alpha mixing strictly stationary process and discuss the discriminant analysis and propose a classification method based on binary time series. Assume that the observations are generated by time series which belongs to one of two categories described by different spectra. We propose a method to classify into the correct category with high probability. First, we will show that the misclassification probability tends to zero when the number of observation tends to infinity, that is, the consistency of our discrimination method. Further, we evaluate the asymptotic misclassification probability when the two categories are contiguous. Finally, we show that our classification method based on binary time series has good robustness properties when the process is contaminated by an outlier, that is, our classification method is insensitive to the outlier. However, the classical method based on smoothed periodogram is sensitive to outliers. We also deal with a practical case where the two categories are estimated from the training samples. For an electrocardiogram data set, we examine the robustness of our method when observations are contaminated with an outlier.
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Metrika (2020) 83:569–595
Discriminant analysis based on binary time series
Yuichi Goto1·Masanobu Taniguchi1
Received: 6 January 2019 / Published online: 12 October 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019
Binary time series can be derived from an underlying latent process. In this paper,
we consider an ellipsoidal alpha mixing strictly stationary process and discuss the
discriminant analysis and propose a classification method based on binary time series.
Assume that the observations are generated by time series which belongs to one of
two categories described by different spectra. We propose a method to classify into
the correct category with high probability. First, we will show that the misclassifica-
tion probability tends to zero when the number of observation tends to infinity, that
is, the consistency of our discrimination method. Further, we evaluate the asymp-
totic misclassification probability when the two categories are contiguous. Finally, we
show that our classification method based on binary time series has good robustness
properties when the process is contaminated by an outlier, that is, our classification
method is insensitive to the outlier. However, the classical method based on smoothed
periodogram is sensitive to outliers. We also deal with a practical case where the two
categories are estimated from the training samples. For an electrocardiogram data set,
we examine the robustness of our method when observations are contaminated with
an outlier.
Keywords Stationary process ·Spectral density ·Binary time series ·Robustness ·
Discriminant analysis ·Misclassification probability
Mathematics Subject Classification 62H30 ·62G86
This research supported by Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellow Grant Number JP201920060 (Yuichi
Goto), and the Research Institute for Science & Engineering of Waseda University and JSPS Grant-in-Aid
for Scientific Research (S) Grant Number JP18H05290 (Masanobu Taniguchi).
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (
019-00746- 1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
BYuichi Goto
1Present Address: Waseda University, 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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In this paper we present an alternative method for the spectral analysis of a strictly stationary time series (Yt)eZ. We define a "new" spectrum as the Fourier transform of the differences between copulas of the pairs (Yt; Yt-k) and the independence copula. This object is called copula spectral density kernel and allows to separate marginal and serial aspects of a time series. We show that it is intrinsically related to the concept of quantile regression. Like in quantile regression, which provides more information about the conditional distribution than the classical location-scale model, the copula spectral density kernel is more informative than the spectral density obtained from the autocovariances. In particular the approach provides a complete description of the distributions of all pairs (Yt; Yt-k). Moreover, it inherits the robustness properties of classical quantile regression, because it does not require any distributional assumptions such as the existence of fi nite moments. In order to estimate the copula spectral density kernel we introduce rank-based Laplace periodograms which are calculated as bilinear forms of weighted L1-projections of the ranks of the observed time series onto a harmonic regression model. We establish the asymptotic distribution of those periodograms, and the consistency of adequately smoothed versions. The finite-sample properties of the new methodology, and its potential for applications are briefly investigated by simulations and a short empirical example.
The book deals mainly with three problems involving Gaussian stationary processes. The first problem consists of clarifying the conditions for mutual absolute continuity (equivalence) of probability distributions of a "random process segment" and of finding effective formulas for densities of the equiva­ lent distributions. Our second problem is to describe the classes of spectral measures corresponding in some sense to regular stationary processes (in par­ ticular, satisfying the well-known "strong mixing condition") as well as to describe the subclasses associated with "mixing rate". The third problem involves estimation of an unknown mean value of a random process, this random process being stationary except for its mean, i. e. , it is the problem of "distinguishing a signal from stationary noise". Furthermore, we give here auxiliary information (on distributions in Hilbert spaces, properties of sam­ ple functions, theorems on functions of a complex variable, etc. ). Since 1958 many mathematicians have studied the problem of equivalence of various infinite-dimensional Gaussian distributions (detailed and sys­ tematic presentation of the basic results can be found, for instance, in [23]). In this book we have considered Gaussian stationary processes and arrived, we believe, at rather definite solutions. The second problem mentioned above is closely related with problems involving ergodic theory of Gaussian dynamic systems as well as prediction theory of stationary processes.
Quantile-based approaches to the spectral analysis of time series have recently attracted a lot of attention. Despite a growing literature that contains various estimation proposals, no systematic methods for computing the new estimators are available to date. This paper contains two main contributions. First, an extensible framework for quantilebased spectral analysis of time series is developed and documented using object-oriented models. A comprehensive, open source, reference implementation of this framework, the R package quantspec, was recently contributed to CRAN by the author of this paper. The second contribution of the present paper is to provide a detailed tutorial, with worked examples, to this R package. A reader who is already familiar with quantile-based spectral analysis and whose primary interest is not the design of the quantspec package, but how to use it, can read the tutorial and worked examples (Sections 3 and 4) independently.