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In terms of foreign policy, Afghanistan is the most important determinant for the policy makers in Pakistan. Since its formation in 1947, Pakistan's relations with Afghanistan have not been cordial. In the aftermath of 9/11, this country has become a flash point of clashing interests among different powers. Due to the Indian involvement in the country, the western borders between Pakistan and Afghanistan have become very insecure. Pakistan has always been a victim of the instability in Afghanistan. In this study an effort is made to evaluate the impacts of instability in Afghanistan on Pakistan. Also it aims at sorting out factors and policy goals of actors involved in the war on terror in Afghanistan. A historical and analytical research effort has been made to bring about the real facts and the prospects of the issue.
Instability in Afghanistan: Implications for Pakistan
Mohammad I*
Department of Political Science, Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan
*Corresponding author: Mohammad I, Department of Political Science, Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan, Tel: +61 4 70786984; E-mail:
Received date: August 01, 2016, Accepted date: August 02, 2016, Published date: August 04, 2016
Copyright: © 2016 Mohammad I. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
In terms of foreign policy, Afghanistan is the most important determinant for the policy makers in Pakistan. Since
its formation in 1947, Pakistan’s relations with Afghanistan have not been cordial. In the aftermath of 9/11, this
country has become a flash point of clashing interests among different powers. Due to the Indian involvement in the
country, the western borders between Pakistan and Afghanistan have become very insecure. Pakistan has always
been a victim of the instability in Afghanistan. In this study an effort is made to evaluate the impacts of instability in
Afghanistan on Pakistan. Also it aims at sorting out factors and policy goals of actors involved in the war on terror in
Afghanistan. A historical and analytical research effort has been made to bring about the real facts and the
prospects of the issue.
Keywords Instability; Implications; Flash point; Decades
For the last three decades or so Afghanistan faces serious challenges
of instability due to internal stripe and wars. Firstly, the internal race
for power between dierent groups since Sardar Daoud took over the
government of his cousin in 1971; secondly, the USSR supporting
groups made dierent Coup from time to time [1]. In 1979 USSR
entered their troops into Afghanistan and a war started between the
Mujahedeen and the Red Army. is battle created destruction, ruined
the infrastructure and made the country instable. Due to war the
country became underdeveloped. eir people had to take refuge in
dierent countries to save their families and children. ey were
striving to nd food and shelter for their children. To make their own
hands strong they used army to kill the innocent people, create terror
and fear in their hearts. Due to eleven years long war in Afghanistan its
people suered and also the neighbouring countries especially
Reasons behind long lasting wars in Afghanistan
e war brought instability, hater, disparities and destruction in
Afghanistan. is war was imposed by the Afghan elite and the credit
goes to their wrong decisions. Afghanistan was a prosperous country
before the war. A large number of tourists were coming to Afghanistan
which in return provided huge amounts of revenue to the national
exchequer. e main cause of instability was the ideological war of two
super powers USSR and USA during the cold war era. Both had their
own interests in Afghanistan. USSR wanted to reach warm waters and
have access to the Middle East’s oil resources. While USA wanted to
contain USSR with the help of her allies Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the
Afghan Mujahedeen. e main elements which smoothen the way for
hatching the eggs in Afghanistan were; (a) political and military elite;
(b) rural people; (c) insurgent groups; (d) war lords; (e) geographical
location; (f) roughly terrain and hilly areas, having no road connection
with central government; (g) poverty; (h) and extremism.
When the government fails to provide employment to its masses,
remove poverty and change their life standards, then the huge bulk of
youth could take guns and join terrorist group [2]. Extremist thoughts
also played very decisive role in destabilizing the country. Due to
illiteracy of her people the mullahs could easily misguide the innocent
people in the name of religion. Aer the withdrawal of USSR from
Afghanistan the USA and her allies le alone those Mujahedeen who
fought against the USSR. ey were once called by the allies as holly
warriors. But aer, no attention was given to establishing a unity
government in Afghanistan. e arms which were taken by the ghters
against the foreign invader were turned against each other. is battle
for power continued for six year. e war lords introduced their self-
imposed punishments which were enough to speak for its cruelty and
barbarism. e Afghan society became wild, brutish and nasty. ere
was no sign of rule of law because there was no law at all. ere was no
concept of center governmental. e conditions resembled the Hobbs
state of nature. Powers who could bring war destiny to the Afghanis
did not look back for peace. All the people were fed up from these wild
Rise of the Taliban
A new group came into the front which was called the Taliban. e
word means those students who received religious education from
madrasas [3]. Many of them fought against Russia and were familiar
with the war tactics. Ninety percent (90%) area of Afghanistan was
captured by them very quickly. ey imposed Islamic law or the Sharia
law as the state law. Pakistan was the rst to recognize the Taliban
government. As compared to the past there was peace and stability
during the Taliban regime.
Aer 9/11 terrorist attacks on the USA, Taliban were demanded to
hand over Osama Bin 4 Laden to them. Denying which brought
another devastating war to Afghanistan. e USA and her allies
attacked the country with sophisticated technology and modern
arsenal. e soil of Afghanistan became a weapon test-ground where
everyone had the opportunity to test his own weapon. ey had no
concern with the consequences. ey had no answer to the question –
what is the target! And who is killed? Many children were killed, many
Journal of Political Sciences & Public
Affiars Mohammad, J Pol Sci Pub Aff 2016, 4:3
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0761.1000213
Research Article OMICS International
J Pol Sci Pub A, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-0761
Volume 4 • Issue 3 • 1000213
wounded and many aected psychologically. Many of them ew to
neighbouring countries to nd shelter. A huge number of came to
Pakistan as refugees. Some of them had to nd shelter in Iran and
other neighbouring countries.
Strategic importance of Afghanistan
e main cause behind the instability in Afghanistan is the
involvement of neighbouring states and world powers. ey want to
grind their own axis by establishing puppet governments to take
advantages of the geo-strategic and geo-political importance of
Afghanistan and have an access to the energy rich CARs. e USA
wants to make strong position in Afghanistan to contain Russia, China
and Iran. But on the other hand want a permanent air base to explore
the central Asian resources [4]. Afghanistan is a gateway which every
state wants to use on his own style. During the last century it had been
a focal point between USSR and British India at last an agreement was
reached between the two which gave it the status of a buer state.
In 1947, aer the partition of India cold war started between the two
super powers [5]. When USSR attacked Afghanistan, the USA had a
policy to stop them on the Pak-Afghan border. She succeeded in her
antagonistic designs to stop the USSR with the help of Saudi Arabia
and Pakistan. e two neighbouring states Pakistan and India were
against each other in Afghanistan. Each of them wanted to have their
supported government which would guarantee their interests in
e New Great Game
Since long, India has been using the Afghan soil for her own
interests. She wants to reach the energy rich CAR’s. Pakistan has an
advantage over India because it borders Afghanistan. Being landlocked
Afghanistan depends on Pakistan’s Sea ports for mobility and trade.
Gawader port and Pak China Economic Corridor (PCEC) will be
equally benecial to Central Asian countries and Afghanistan.
Pakistan is also working on a motorway project from Gawader to
Peshawar then Torkhum and Kandahar to provide transit trade
facilities to Afghanistan and Central Asian Republics. On the other
side India made Iranian port Charbahar functioning. Iran through an
agreement has given Charbahar port to India for ten year lease. Also a
300 km road from Charbahar to Afghanistan is constructed.
With the advent of USA and NATO a new great game has been
started in Afghanistan. Saleem Sa an anchor person and journalist in
Pakistan called the situation as the game of Buzkhashi [6]. He
compares Afghanistan’s situation to this game of Buzkashi and calls it a
great game [7]. In which all the countries involved are trying to fulll
their interests by exploiting Afghanistan. at is why Afghanistan
becomes so important for the world powers.
Afghanistan is located amidst of Central Asia, South Asia and Far
East which increases its signicance several times inside and outside
the region. Afghanistan is also positioned at the crossroads of three
most important powers of Asia Iran, Pakistan and China while the
other two major powers Russia and India are located at a short
distance from Afghanistan which makes it exposed to the outside
interference [8].
No state in its neighbourhood near or far is ready to permit other
states to achieve dominance in Afghanistan. Such behaviour has
destroyed greater part of Afghanistan. Blame for much of the political
instability and ight of its people goes to the external powers
struggling hard to attain their strategic, ideological and economic
interests in the country. Afghanistan is a pearl in pursuit of which
dierent powers are involved. India, Iran and US factors are very
crucial because their involvement is destabilizing Afghanistan, and
have direct bearing on Pak-Afghan relations.
Afghan instability, implications for Pakistan
Due to civil wars no group is in a position to form multi ethnic
government in which due share is given to everyone on the population
basis. Due to the rivalries of dierent world and regional powers, peace
is far away dream in Afghanistan [9]. e last three decades of war has
darkened the destiny of Afghanistan people it has also brought
destruction and aected the whole region in general and Pakistan in
particular. e instability in Afghanistan is impacting the order of life
in Pakistan. Due to wars, instability and involvement of world and
regional powers, Pakistan has been aected very severely. e details
are as followed:
Socio-political impacts: Afghanistan has been facing instability,
wars and destruction for the last three decades or so. Afghanistan is
not aected alone but the neighbouring countries also do. Pakistan
being a front line state aected very severely. Pakistan is a poor country
which was not in a position to face such huge bulk of refuges which
came to Pakistan due to war. About 3 million people came to Pakistan
which is a great challenge for the poor country having fragile economy.
e daily cost of the Afghan refugees is $1 million in which half is
donated by UN and the remaining half comes from Pakistan. It is
raises the debt burden on Pakistan economy [10]. It also aects
Pakistan’s education, health and infrastructure. When the Russia
returned and new government formed, very small number of refugees
went back to Afghanistan.
Aer 9/11, America attacked Afghanistan which generated afresh
inow of refugees to Pakistan. Due to this unchecked inow of
refugees militancy has grown in Pakistan. Pakistan is not in a position
to handle such a huge number of refugees and the international
community is not seriously supporting Pakistan [11]. Another great
impact is that camps of Afghan refugees are becoming nurseries of
terrorists and militants which is a great threat to the security of
Since her independence Pakistan has been facings a big enemy in
the shape of India. e eastern border has remained insecure due to
India war like attitude. She spares no eorts to harm Pakistan and till
to date three wars have been fought between the two. Now India is
involved inltrating terrorists into Balochistan, KPK and other parts of
the country to destabilize the law and order situation and posture
Pakistan as a failing and terrorist state in the world. e Indian
intelligence agency RAW is involved in distributing weapon and
nancial support to the rebels of BLA (Balochistan Liberation Army)
and BLF (Balochistan Liberation Front). She has opened consulates in
Jalalabad and Kandahar near Pakistani border. Where insurgents are
trained and equipped with arms and weaponry to carry out terrorist
activities in Balochistan and KPK [12].
To stop the inltration of terrorists, militants and extremists
Pakistan has deployed more than 80,000 army personals on her
western border. Due to long stay of Afghan refugees, Pakistani society
has been infected with sectarianism, Kalashnikov culture, drugs, puppy
and religious extremism [13]. Sophisticated and conventional weapons
were supplied to Afghanistan for war purpose but instead they were
Citation: Mohammad I (2016) Instability in Afghanistan: Implications for Pakistan. J Pol Sci Pub Aff 4: 213. doi:10.4172/2332-0761.1000213
Page 2 of 6
J Pol Sci Pub A, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-0761
Volume 4 • Issue 3 • 1000213
supplied to, and used in Pakistan. Camps where Afghan refugees
stayed inside Pakistan became places of criminals and gangsters.
Due to instability in Afghanistan drug trade is high because on large
area of Afghanistan puppy is cultivated. e income coming from
heroine trade is used by terrorist because its cultivation is mostly done
in terrorist dwelling areas. According to a report all the region is
aected by the drugs and about 800,000 people in Pakistan alone are
abused. About 400,000 in ve Central Asian countries and almost 2
million in Iran are drug addicts [14].
Insurgency, the rise of TNSM and Taliban
Aer 9/11 a new wave of terrorism began in Pakistan’s tribal areas
and KPK. e USA and NATO strikes in Afghanistan made the
terrorists and foreigners take shelter in the FATA and tribal area of
Pakistan. From these attacks Afghanistan once again became a battle
eld. Pakistan being a front line state decided to become ally of USA in
the war against terrorism. Because of long border consisting
mountains and terrain area between the two states, it was easy for the
militant to safely escape from Afghanistan to FATA. Aer this many
local group started kidnapping, robbing, looting and even killing
innocent people. ese developments aected the socio economic and
political arena of day today life.
ey became so proud that they challenged the writ of government
in FATA, tribal areas and Malakand division. In reaction Mulla Fazal
Ullah with his group started their activity in Malakand division in the
name of Sharia and Islamization. Fazal Ullah called it TNSM (Tehreek-
e-Nifaz Sharia-e-Muhammadi). Due to this the group was once
imagined to have been creating a state within the state. ey enforced
their laws and installed self-structured courts system which had
nothing to do with Islam and Sharia. One who disobeyed and went
against their orientation was given severe punishment. ese practices
greatly disturbed the socio economic and political life of the common
people in Malakand division.
TNSM movement of the Taliban destroyed schools, hospitals,
colleges, cinemas, robbed banks and centres where people were
engaged in their daily businesses. Even they threatened government
servants who were working in dierent departments.
e government decided to take military action against the group.
In the wake of it a large number of people were internally displaced
(IDP’s). ey were temporarily settled in the districts of Mardan and
Swabi. It was a dicult task but Pakistan done it well [15]. Rail, roads
and infrastructure was damaged by it in the entire country. In swat also
called “the Switzerland of Pakistan” tourism the main source of
economy was greatly aected. Tourists were discouraged by the group
activities, so the country tourism industry was damaged.
Prevailing sate of insecurity
ese wild acts of terrorism have challenged Pakistan’s security,
integrity and defense. ere is a feeling of insecurity in the mind of
every citizen because men of law enforcement agencies and VIP
personalities have been targeted by them. For example ex-president
Musharraf was attacked, attack was made on ex-PM Shaukat Aziz, and
Suicide attack was made on the leader of ANP a political party. An
attack was made on Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore which closed
the doors of international cricket on Pakistan.
e ICC cricket world Cup matches were scheduled in India,
Pakistan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka but due to security reasons all the
cricket matches which were to be played in Pakistan had been
cancelled and rescheduled. Pakistan’s important places such as GHQ
Rawalpindi, PNS Mehran Karachi, Police stations in dierent parts of
the country were targeted by the terrorists. FC training centre, Army
public school Peshawar, International Islamic University Islamabad,
Manawa police training school and Bacha Khan University Chersada
were attacked by terrorists. Terrorism had greatly aected the
education and health sectors.
e terrorist had targeted the polio vaccination teams and leady
health workers. Many have lost their lives and most of them became
disabled. Terrorists attacked the schools in dierent parts of the
country. e education department of KPK has reported that nearly
65% of schools had been aected due to terrorist attacks. Majority of
them were girls’ schools and colleges and 42% were boys’ schools and
colleges. Due to which 150,000 students le their education
incomplete. Due threats from these groups almost 8000 lady teachers
have become jobless [16].
Operation Zarb-e-Azab
To eradicate terrorism from its roots, Pakistan army started
operation Zarb-e-Azab in Waziristan Agencies. Due to which millions
of its residents were aected and took shelter in plan areas. According
to reports 929,859 people migrated from the area and took refuge in
camps in Kohat and Banu area. e government provided them with
food, medicine and other goods of daily use from its own resources not
demanding international community support [17].
e Violations of State’s Sovereignty by US Drones
Another serious impact is the violation of sovereignty and integrity
of Pakistan by drone attacks, which are carried out by USA in FATA
and Waziristan. ese drones not only killed the terrorists but also
innocent people and childrens. Pakistan raised her voice against it at
dierent forums on dierent occasion. Since 2005 till 2016, 320 drone
attacks were made in which 2,806 people killed and 353 injured. e
following table shows the number of drone attacks and its impacts:
Table 1.
Rise in Sectarian Violence
Another impact is sectarian violence which destabilizes Pakistani
society very badly. e terrorists are taking great advantage of Shia and
Sunni divide and using it for their own evil gains. is strife is
considered to be the fossil of Afghan Jihad. During Soviet invasion
Pakistan became safe haven for those elements that had to participate
in Afghan Jihad. It was also the beginning of sectarian tussle between
Shia and Sunni and other groups.
ey started targeting one another places of worships and religious
rituals, which aected Pakistani society and outlook very deeply. From
sectarian stripes, since 1999 till 2009, some 22,000 Shia became victims
of terrorist attacks. Most of these sectarian attacks took place in
Kurram agency; Para Chinar, Hungo and Orakzai agency, majority of
aected were Shia population [18]. ese sectarian attacks not only
paralyzed Pakistani society but also created internal security problems.
In response to it, the government banned some jihadists groups like
Sipah-e-Sahaba, Sipah-e-Muhammad, Jaish-e-Muhammad, etc. ese
groups were mainly responsible for sectarian violence. e number one
enemy of Pakistan, India took advantage of the situation and used
these groups for her own evil designs. India supplied arms and
provided nancial support to these jihadists to destabilize Pakistan.
Citation: Mohammad I (2016) Instability in Afghanistan: Implications for Pakistan. J Pol Sci Pub Aff 4: 213. doi:10.4172/2332-0761.1000213
Page 3 of 6
J Pol Sci Pub A, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-0761
Volume 4 • Issue 3 • 1000213
About 80,000 people have died and thousands injured in the war on
terror. Some $70 billion were lost in this war.
Year Incidents Killed Injured
2005 1 1 0
2006 0 0 0
2007 1 20 15
2008 19 156 17
2009 46 536 75
2010 90 831 85+
2011 59 548 52
2012 46 344 37
2013 24 158 29
2014 19 122 26
2015 14 85 17
2016 1 5 0
Total 320 2806 353+
Table 1: Drone attack in Pakistan: 2005-2016.
Another very aected city from terrorism is Karachi, which is
economic and social hub of Pakistan. About 60% of our revenue comes
from Karachi. But for the last two decades or so, Karachi has become a
battle ground for dierent ethnic groups like, MQM (Muhajir Qaumi
Movement), Pashtuns and Sindhi. All these groups are against each
other and target killing each other workers. MQM had strong hold in
Metropolitan Karachi. Like all other cities, Karachi is also aected
from war on terror. Many gangster groups have strengthened their
TTP and other terrorist organizations are found involved there.
ey kidnap people, doing bank robberies, street extortion and
ransom. Some foreigner elements are also involved in terrorist
activities in Karachi. NATO used the Karachi port for transportation of
weapons and other equipment’s of their forces in Afghanistan. Some
NATO containers were stolen by terrorists containing weapons, which
they used for their terrorist activities in Karachi. Due large population,
its residents have been limited to their residences due to terrorist
activities. Anything can happen at any time there, one would see roads
are blocked, and someone is killed by someone unknown. e ransom
and money raised from illegal means is used in these kinds of activities
which aim at terrifying the government to stop operations against
these groups in dierent areas.
Due to long lasted war, insurgency, bomb blasts and suicide attacks,
Pakistani people have become psychological patients. Majority of the
people are suering from stress and strain. Some have become
mentally disturbed because their relatives were killed in bomb blasts
and suicide attacks. Most of them become disable aer survival due to
which street begging is rising. Many of them are children who have lost
their parents and now having no resources cannot get education and
striving hard for their livelihood. e estimates and analysis drawn
from the available data suggests that Pakistan has suered more than
Afghanistan from the war against Al-Qaeda and terrorism.
Economic impacts: Peace and stability is the primary concern of
every country. If there is peace and stability then the economy will be
ok, more people, companies, will come and invest there. is will raise
the life standard of the native people and employment opportunities
would increase. Literacy rate will rise and people life standard go up.
On the other hand a country which is facing long term war and
instability then there will be no development and the infrastructure
will be destroyed. A huge bulk of people would migrate to other
countries to save their lives.
Same was the case with Afghanistan, when Russia attacked on it;
about 3 million migrated towards Pakistan. It had a great economic
burden for economically weak state, almost unprepared to face this
challenge. e daily cost of the Afghan refugees was $1 million, in
which, half was donated by UN and half by the government of
Pakistan. It raised the debt burden on Pakistan economy. It also
aected education, health and infrastructure. e Afghan government
refused to receive them back due to lack of resources. When the Russia
withdrew, new government was formed in Afghanistan but only a
small number got back.
Refugees Inux
Aer 9/11 a new dilemma in the shape of refugees’ inux started. In
the shape of refugees some militants also entered Pakistan which
disturbed law and order situation in the country. Pakistan was not in a
position to handle this new inow of refugees without international
community support. is also aected the development and growth
rate in all sectors of economy. For the last three decades, Pakistan has
been paying a huge price in men and material. e instability in the
neighbouring country has created security challenges for Pakistan. A
huge amount of economy is spent on war on terror. is situation is
impacting the export order around the world. Due to which Pakistan
failed to meet the requirements of world business community. Pakistan
has not been in a position to meet her competitors in the world
e export targets xed in the annual budgets is not met which
slows down the economic growth rate of the country. In this critical
situation, the world business community had shied their capital and
businesses to the economically stable countries of the region. is
aected the entire economic fabric, and ination rate went high. is
instability cause unemployment, and jobless youth is produced, which
is a great burden on the fragile economy. Our population consists of
about 80,000 million youth but the government had scarce resources to
handle them. In developed countries of the world such a huge number
of youth (if skilled) is a sign of development but in Pakistan it is a sign
of underdevelopment. Due to governments’ inability to provide jobs to
them, they can easily be deceived the by terrorists for their evil designs.
e ministry of industries and some autonomous bodies of provincial
governments presented a report which shows the yearly losses in
Pakistan due Afghan instability (Table 2).
From this report we can conclude that from 14 years war on terror
Pakistan has lost $106.98 billion which is a big amount for an economy
facing instability. Pakistan needed to extend its resource base, to
enhance economic growth rate. Terrorism has been destroying
Pakistan physical and human capital since 2001. Terrorism destroyed
our health, education, water sanitation, medical care centers and
infrastructure which are basic elements for economic development.
Citation: Mohammad I (2016) Instability in Afghanistan: Implications for Pakistan. J Pol Sci Pub Aff 4: 213. doi:10.4172/2332-0761.1000213
Page 4 of 6
J Pol Sci Pub A, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-0761
Volume 4 • Issue 3 • 1000213
Due to it trade activities becomes limited and economic growth
slowing down. It also restricted the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
Years $ Billion Rs Billion % Changes
2001-02 2.67 163.9 -
2002-03 2.75 160.8 3
2003-04 2.93 168.8 6.7
2004-05 3.41 202.4 16.3
2005-06 3.99 238.6 16.9
2006-07 4.67 283.2 17.2
2007-8 6.94 434.1 48.6
2008-09 9.18 720.6 32.3
2009-10 13.56 1136.4 47.7
2010-11 23.77 2037.3 75.3
2011-12 11.98 1052.8 -49.6
2012-13 9.97 964.24 -16.8
2013-14 6.63 681.68 -33.5
2014-15 4.53 457.93 -31.7
Total 107 8702.8
Source: Report presented by the (MoF), Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and Joint Ministerial Group.
Table 2: Estimated Losses in Pakistan (2001-2015).
Public development funds are used in purchasing sophisticated and
modern weaponry to meet the challenge of terrorism. e terrorist
activities have far reaching impacts on the economic system. It not
only creates social problems but also economic problems. Due to
terrorism and less economic output our GDP dropped from 7.5 to 1.6
in 2010. To fulll the annual budget decits the government has to take
foreign loans from international monetary organizations, like, IMF
and World Bank with high interest rates which is also weakening our
economy. e war on terror Coalition Support Fund (CSF) given by
USA cannot be spent on developmental activities.
Due to terrorism FATA is very severely aected where almost 60%
people are living below the poverty line. Education ratio there is very
low as compared to other areas, and female education ratio is 0%.
Another impact is drug tracking and smuggling of daily life
commodities from Afghanistan to Pakistan. ey are cheaply available
in Bara market in Peshawar. Which is duty free and cheaper compared
to Pakistani products, this also impacts the state of economy.
Karachi is the major contributor of Pakistan’s economy, which
produces 60% of the total budget. Due to sea ports, it plays a vital role
in Pakistan’s economy. But for the last two decades Karachi has become
a terrorist zone which not only aects the social and economic life of
its masses but also the economy of the country. Karachi is economic
power hub; people come to work here from dierent parts of the
In the aer math of 9/11, it is also under the sway of terrorists.
Many terrorists came to Karachi and started to receive Bata, bank
robbery; kidnapping and ransom were taken from the business
community. Due to risk and terror they shied their businesses to
other countries of the region. e money collected through these
means is used in terrorist activities. e activities are also supported by
some leading political parties for their own interests. In result of all
that goes on either in the sub rubs or in the metropolitans, beside all,
severely impact the state of Pakistans economy.
Pakistan is the neighbouring country having very close and
brotherly relations with Afghanistan. She hosts almost 3 million
Afghanistan refugees. A stable prosperous and developed Afghanistan
is in the greater interests of Pakistan. To use Afghanistan as a gateway
to Central Asian Republics Pakistan wants cordial relations with
Afghanistan. She wants a friendly government in Afghanistan which
could guarantee her interests inside and outside the country. Pakistan
wants peace in Afghanistan which would make possible the withdrawal
of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan. e stability in Afghanistan
will pave the ways for the return refugees which are a big burden on
her economy. e instability creates a lot of problem for Pakistan socio,
economic and political sectors. A number of criminals and extremists
come to Pakistan in the shape of refugees, which is disturbing the
internal peace and stability of Pakistan. Pakistan faces joblessness,
ination, no foreign investment. erefore, for the stability, peace and
development in Pakistan, a stable and peaceful Afghanistan is a
1. Kenneth K (2006) Afghanistan: Post-Taliban Governance, Security, and
US Policy. CRS Report for Congress Prepared for Members and
Committees of Congress 6.
2. Madrasa or Madrasah is a school where people go to learn about the
religion of Islam.
3. Naseer SA (2011) Prospects for peace and stability in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan Regional Dialogue Background 1.
4. At that time the world was considered to be bipolar because there were
two super powers i-e USA and USSR now Russia.
5. Buzkashi is a game very famous in Afghanistan, Central Asia and
Pakistan’s Tribal Belt, in which the horsemen try to snatch, died goat from
each other and make a point.
6. Saleem S (2013) Pakistan and Afghanistan then what need to do?.
Pakistan institute of legislative Development and transparency.
7. Kamal M (2001) e Taliban Phenomena: Afghanistan 1994–1997.
International Journal of Middle East Studies 32: 586-588.
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9. Laura s (2007) Crises in Afghanistan & the need for a comprehensive
strategy. Regional Studies 3: 20.
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aer 9/11. A Research Journal of South Asian Studies 27: 6-7.
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Citation: Mohammad I (2016) Instability in Afghanistan: Implications for Pakistan. J Pol Sci Pub Aff 4: 213. doi:10.4172/2332-0761.1000213
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J Pol Sci Pub A, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-0761
Volume 4 • Issue 3 • 1000213
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Citation: Mohammad I (2016) Instability in Afghanistan: Implications for Pakistan. J Pol Sci Pub Aff 4: 213. doi:10.4172/2332-0761.1000213
Page 6 of 6
J Pol Sci Pub A, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-0761
Volume 4 • Issue 3 • 1000213
... Poor border management and lack of state control alongside Afghanistan border turned the ungoverned areas into the heart of terrorism, narcotrafficking and other social evils. These remote areas include Durand line Pashtun tribal area of Afghanistan and Federally Administrated Area of Pakistan, Ferghana Valley, Afghan-Tajik border area of Badakhshan, and most important the Sistan-Balochistan area which is the biggest hub of Opiates trade and located at the junction of Pak-Afghan-Iran border (Idrees, 2016). ...
Full-text available
South Asia is home to almost a quarter of global population. The prevailing security concept among South Asian states is decades old which only focuses on external threats. In this article it is argued that non-traditional security challenges are more lethal than conventional security issues. The sovereignty of South Asian states is hostage to these challenges and the shifting dynamic of security in the region has been analysed empirically. Non-traditional security challenges are divided into three categories i.e., ecological problems, demographic challenges and transnational crimes and each challenge was discussed in terms of state's sovereignty and human security.
... War-ravaged Afghanistan is automatically causing instability in Central Asia and its huge market namely South Asia. Poor border management and lack of state control in sub-regions alongside Afghanistan turned these ungoverned areas into the heart of terrorism, narcotrafficking and other social evils (Idrees, 2016). These remote areas include Durand line, Pashtun tribal area of Afghanistan and Federally Administrated Area of Pakistan, Ferghana Valley, Afghan-Tajik border area of Badakhshan and most important the Sistan-Balochistan area which is the biggest hub of Opiates trade and located at the junction of Pak-Afghan-Iran border. ...
Full-text available
Afghanistan is a landlocked Country and it’s topographically surrounded by East West and North South extensions of Hindukush range which traps the invaders. It forms a crucial bridge which connects the Southern and Eastern Asia to Central Asia and West Asia. Afghanistan has enormous importance for the global world during the 19th century, the area which is today called Afghanistan acted as a buffer zone between the Britisher and the imperialist Russia. In 20th century Afghanistan engaged into theatre of Cold War hostility between the USA and the USSR. After the departure of Soviet troops, the country dipped into a decade long civil war. While the West including the US, remained largely detached to the country during the 1990’s, and regional actors supported their favourite allies. Russia, Iran, India, Pakistan, and Central Asian states chose their linked proxies in the conflict. Objective of this research is to be analysed geopolitical potential of Afghanistan as well as geo strategic competition of global and regional powers in Afghanistan. This research is the case study which evaluates geopolitical dynamics of Afghanistan and Pakistan’s concerns in South Asian politics perspective.
... War-ravaged Afghanistan is automatically causing instability in Central Asia and its huge market namely South Asia. Poor border management and lack of state control in sub-regions alongside Afghanistan turned these ungoverned areas into the heart of terrorism, narcotrafficking and other social evils (Idrees, 2016). These remote areas include Durand line, Pashtun tribal area of Afghanistan and Federally Administrated Area of Pakistan, Ferghana Valley, Afghan-Tajik border area of Badakhshan and most important the Sistan-Balochistan area which is the biggest hub of Opiates trade and located at the junction of Pak-Afghan-Iran border. ...
Full-text available
Afghanistan is a landlocked Country and it’s topographically surrounded by East West and North South extensions of Hindukush range which traps the invaders. It forms a crucial bridge which connects the Southern and Eastern Asia to Central Asia and West Asia. Afghanistan has enormous importance for the global world during the 19th century, the area which is today called Afghanistan acted as a buffer zone between the Britisher and the imperialist Russia. In 20th century Afghanistan engaged into theatre of Cold War hostility between the USA and the USSR. After the departure of Soviet troops, the country dipped into a decade long civil war. While the West including the US, remained largely detached to the country during the 1990’s, and regional actors supported their favourite allies. Russia, Iran, India, Pakistan, and Central Asian states chose their linked proxies in the conflict. Objective of this research is to be analysed geopolitical potential of Afghanistan as well as geo strategic competition of global and regional powers in Afghanistan. This research is the case study which evaluates geopolitical dynamics of Afghanistan and Pakistan’s concerns in South Asian politics perspective
... Afghanistan has a weak government which further exacerbates the security situation. Peace in Afghanistan can become a catalyst for peace in the South Asian region (Idrees, 2016). ...
Full-text available
South Asia has remained an important region in the foreign policy calculus of the US soon after the independence of Pakistan and India. The Cold War politics has been one of the main focus of US foreign policy agenda and after the disintegration of USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic), this region regained its importance in the aftermath of 9/11 attacks. The US started Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan to eliminate terrorists and their safe heavens. Pakistan and India are two important regional players in the security dynamics of South Asia and both are considered as traditional enemies. Pakistan and India have fought 3 major wars and many battles due to their bilateral issues. In this scenario, the US engagement in this region represents a unique scenario in which the US wants to get support from Pakistan for counterterrorism in Afghanistan and at the same time the US endeavours to develop strong relations with India to counter the hegemony of Chinese influence in this region. The present article represents a kaleidoscopic view of the historical engagement of the US in the South Asian region to explore the contemporary trends of power politics of this region.
... Poor border management and lack of state control alongside Afghanistan border turned the ungoverned areas into the heart of terrorism, narcotrafficking and other social evils. These remote areas include Durand line Pashtun tribal area of Afghanistan and Federally Administrated Area of Pakistan, Ferghana Valley, Afghan-Tajik border area of Badakhshan, and most important the Sistan-Balochistan area which is the biggest hub of Opiates trade and located at the junction of Pak-Afghan-Iran border (Idrees, 2016). ...
Full-text available
South Asia is home to almost a quarter of global population. The prevailing security concept among South Asian states is decades old which only focuses on external threats. In this article it is argued that non-traditional security challenges are more lethal than conventional security issues. The sovereignty of South Asian states is hostage to these challenges and the shifting dynamic of security in the region has been analysed empirically. Non-traditional security challenges are divided into three categories i.e., ecological problems, demographic challenges and transnational crimes and each challenge was discussed in terms of state's sovereignty and human security.
... War-ravaged Afghanistan is automatically causing instability in Central Asia and its huge market namely South Asia. Poor border management and lack of state control in sub-regions alongside Afghanistan turned these ungoverned areas into the heart of terrorism, narcotrafficking and other social evils (Idrees, 2016). These remote areas include Durand line, Pashtun tribal area of Afghanistan and Federally Administrated Area of Pakistan, Ferghana Valley, Afghan-Tajik border area of Badakhshan and most important the Sistan-Balochistan area which is the biggest hub of Opiates trade and located at the junction of Pak-Afghan-Iran border. ...
Full-text available
Afghanistan is a landlocked Country and it’s topographically surrounded by East West and North South extensions of Hindukush range which traps the invaders. It forms a crucial bridge which connects the Southern and Eastern Asia to Central Asia and West Asia. Afghanistan has enormous importance for the global world during the 19th century, the area which is today called Afghanistan acted as a buffer zone between the Britisher and the imperialist Russia. In 20th century Afghanistan engaged into theatre of Cold War hostility between the USA and the USSR. After the departure of Soviet troops, the country dipped into a decade long civil war. While the West including the US, remained largely detached to the country during the 1990’s, and regional actors supported their favourite allies. Russia, Iran, India, Pakistan, and Central Asian states chose their linked proxies in the conflict. Objective of this research is to be analysed geopolitical potential of Afghanistan as well as geo strategic competition of global and regional powers in Afghanistan. This research is the case study which evaluates geopolitical dynamics of Afghanistan and Pakistan’s concerns in South Asian politics perspective.
... Afghanistan has a weak government which further exacerbates the security situation. Peace in Afghanistan can become a catalyst for peace in the South Asian region (Idrees, 2016). ...
Full-text available
South Asia has remained an important region in the foreign policy calculus of the US soon after the independence of Pakistan and India. The Cold War politics has been one of the main focus of US foreign policy agenda and after the disintegration of USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic), this region regained its importance in the aftermath of 9/11 attacks. The US started Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan to eliminate terrorists and their safe heavens. Pakistan and India are two important regional players in the security dynamics of South Asia and both are considered as traditional enemies. Pakistan and India have fought 3 major wars and many battles due to their bilateral issues. In this scenario, the US engagement in this region represents a unique scenario in which the US wants to get support from Pakistan for counterterrorism in Afghanistan and at the same time the US endeavours to develop strong relations with India to counter the hegemony of Chinese influence in this region. The present article represents a kaleidoscopic view of the historical engagement of the US in the South Asian region to explore the contemporary trends of power politics of this region.
Full-text available
In the recent history, Pakistan is facing the menace of terrorism. Besides facing the consequences of Afghan War, Pakistan is also affected by various ethnic, religious and linguistic conflicts which have increased terrorists’ activities. These conflicts have severely affected the socio-economic structure of Pakistan. To gauge the impact of terrorism on Pakistan’s economic growth Solow economic growth model has been used. Using data on terrorism from Global Terrorism Database, co-integration analysis for the period 1981-2012 has been applied. The analysis suggests that terrorism has negatively affected the economic growth in Pakistan. Among the various variables that were used the terrorism is most significant and major contributor in reducing the economic growth. However, study finds that foreign assistance that is provided to Pakistan in the aftermath of the participations in Afghan war and the war against terrorism; in the shape of aid, grants and debt rescheduling etc. has a positive impact on the economic growth.
Over the past 25 years, Afghanistan has been plagued by local, regional and national conflict, effectively handicapping any ability of the country to successfully govern itself while protecting its citizens and interests. Regional networks of armed groups, narcotics traffickers and traders hoping to avoid customs regulations freely traverse Afghanistan’s territory, further contributing to its political and economic unrest. In addressing the need for regional reconstruction of Afghanistan, this article first examines the factors contributing to the country’s current state of instability including the presence of religious militant groups and warlords struggling to maintain control. As a result, poverty and drug addiction run rampant throughout the region, causing widespread emigration and loss of human capital. Next, this article addresses the need for regional cooperation to ensure the successful implementation of increased security, additional physical infrastructure and improved trade and economic agreements. Last, this article suggests ways in which Afghanistan may achieve reconstruction through cooperation with trade associations, establishment of a trust fund and creation of a regional forum. This article concludes that through encouraging investment and enlisting the collaborative efforts of its regional partners, Afghanistan will likely become a more successful and peaceful state.
Afghanistan: Post-Taliban Governance, Security, and US Policy. CRS Report for Congress Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress 6
  • K Kenneth
Kenneth K (2006) Afghanistan: Post-Taliban Governance, Security, and US Policy. CRS Report for Congress Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress 6.
Prospects for peace and stability in Afghanistan
  • S A Naseer
Naseer SA (2011) Prospects for peace and stability in Afghanistan. Afghanistan Regional Dialogue Background 1.
Pakistan and Afghanistan then what need to do?. Pakistan institute of legislative Development and transparency
  • S Saleem
Saleem S (2013) Pakistan and Afghanistan then what need to do?. Pakistan institute of legislative Development and transparency.
The Taliban Phenomena: Afghanistan 1994-1997
  • M Kamal
Kamal M (2001) The Taliban Phenomena: Afghanistan 1994-1997. International Journal of Middle East Studies 32: 586-588.
Through Their Eyes: Possibilities for a Regional Approach to Afghanistan
  • M Haroun
Haroun M. Through Their Eyes: Possibilities for a Regional Approach to Afghanistan.
Crises in Afghanistan & the need for a comprehensive strategy
Laura s (2007) Crises in Afghanistan & the need for a comprehensive strategy. Regional Studies 3: 20.
Issues and Challenges in Pakistan Afghanistan Relation after 9/11
  • H Safder
Safder H (2012) Issues and Challenges in Pakistan Afghanistan Relation after 9/11. A Research Journal of South Asian Studies 27: 6-7.
Terrorism in Pakistan Causes and Remedy
  • I Muhammad
Muhammad I (2011) Terrorism in Pakistan Causes and Remedy. Academic Journal 6: 224.