
Persistent transmission of shigellosis in England is associated with a recently emerged multi-drug resistant strain of Shigella sonnei

  • Independent consultant
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Background Whole genome sequencing has enhanced surveillance and facilitated detailed monitoring of transmission of Shigella species in England. Methods We undertook an epidemiological and phylogenetic analysis of isolates from all cases of shigellosis referred to Public Health England between 2015 to 2018 to explore recent strain characteristics and transmission dynamics of Shigella species. Results Of the 4950 confirmed cases of shigellosis identified during this period, the highest proportion of isolates were S. sonnei (54.4%), followed by S. flexneri (39.2%), S. boydii (4.1%) and S. dysenteriae (2.2%). Most cases were adults (82.9%) and male (59.5%), and 34.9% cases reported recent travel outside the UK. Throughout the study period diagnoses of S. flexneri and S. sonnei were most common in men with no history of recent travel abroad. Species prevalence was not static with cases of S. flexneri in men decreasing from 2015-2016, and the number of cases of S. sonnei increasing from 2017. Phylogenetic analysis showed this recent increase in S. sonnei was attributed to a novel clade exhibiting resistance to ciprofloxacin and azithromycin, which had emerged from a Central Asia sub-lineage. Conclusions Despite changes in species prevalence, Shigella diagnoses in England are persistently the most common in adult males without reported travel history, consistent with sexual transmission amongst men who have sex with men. The trend in increasing ciprofloxacin resistance, in addition to plasmid-mediated azithromycin resistance, in S. sonnei is of significant public health concern with respect to transmission of multi-drug resistant gastrointestinal pathogens and the risk of treatment failures. Summary Shigella diagnoses in England are most prevalent amongst men who have sex with men. S. sonnei exhibiting resistance to both azithromycin and ciprofloxacin has replaced azithromycin-resistant S. flexneri as the most commonly isolated species in this setting.

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Since the 1970s, shigellosis has been reported as a sexually transmissible infection, and in recent years, genomic data have revealed the breadth of Shigella spp. transmission among global networks of men who have sex with men (MSM). In 2015, Public Health England (PHE) introduced routine whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of Shigella spp. to identify transmission clusters. However, limited behavioural information for the cases hampers interpretation. We investigated whether WGS can distinguish between clusters representing sexual transmission in MSM and clusters representing community (non-sexual) transmission to inform infection control. WGS data for Shigella flexneri from August 2015 to July 2017 were aggregated into single linkage clusters based on SNP typing using a range of SNP distances (the standard for Shigella surveillance at PHE is 10 SNPs). Clusters were classified as 'adult male', 'household', 'travel-associated' or 'community' using routine demographic data submitted alongside laboratory cultures. From August 2015 to March 2017, PHE contacted those with shigellosis as part of routine public-health follow-up and collected exposure data on a structured questionnaire, which for the first time included questions about sexual identity and behaviour. The questionnaire data were used to determine whether clusters classified as 'adult male' represented likely sexual transmission between men, thereby validating the use of the SNP clustering tool for informing appropriate public-health responses. Overall, 1006 S. flexneri cases were reported, of which 563 clustered with at least one other case (10-SNP threshold). Linked questionnaire data were available for 106 clustered cases, of which 84.0 % belonged to an 'adult male' cluster. At the 10-SNP threshold, 95.1 % [95 % confidence interval (CI) 88.0-98.1%] of MSM belonged to an 'adult male' cluster, while 73.2 % (95 % CI 49.1-87.5%) of non-MSM belonged to a 'community' or 'travel-associated' cluster. At the 25-SNP threshold, all MSM (95 % CI 96.0-100%) belonged to an 'adult male' cluster and 77.8 % (95 % CI 59.2-89.4%) of non-MSM belonged to a 'community' or 'travel-associated' cluster. Within one phylogenetic clade of S. flexneri, 9 clusters were identified (7 'adult male'; 2 'community') using a 10-SNP threshold, while a single 'adult male' cluster was identified using a 25-SNP threshold. Genotypic markers of azithromycin resistance were detected in 84.5 % (294/348) of 'adult male' cases and 20.9 % (9/43) of cases in other clusters (10-SNP threshold), the latter of which contained gay-identifying men who reported recent same-sex sexual contact. Our study suggests that SNP clustering can be used to identify Shigella clusters representing likely sexual transmission in MSM to inform infection control. Defining clusters requires a flexible approach in terms of genetic relatedness to ensure a clear understanding of underlying transmission networks. Online publication available here:
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Objectives Ultraorthodox Jewish populations living in towns with good sanitary infrastructure but with conditions of crowding have been the epicenter of Shigella sonnei shigellosis outbreaks. In this study, the incidence and risk factors of S. sonnei shigellosis in children living in an ultraorthodox community were determined. Methods Data for the years 2000–2013 for all reported culture-proven S. sonnei shigellosis cases in children aged 0–59 months in the city of Elad were compared with data for the rest of the sub-district. Environmental factors obtained through parental interviews were evaluated for 78 incident cases of S. sonnei shigellosis and 141 community controls, matched by age, sex, and neighborhood. Conditional logistic regression models were performed. Results Cyclic epidemics of S. sonnei shigellosis occurred every 2 years. The mean annual incidence was 10.0 per 1000 children in Elad (95% confidence interval 7.9–12.6) vs. 3.8 per 1000 children (95% confidence interval 3.3–4.4) in the sub-district (p < 0.001). Concurrent diarrheal disease in family members, having the same person in the daycare center responsible for food handling and changing diapers, and more rooms and sinks in the center, were positively associated with S. sonnei shigellosis, while children’s hand-washing before meals was inversely associated. Conclusions The burden of S. sonnei shigellosis in ultraorthodox communities is high. Enhanced hygiene interventions are required for epidemic control.
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Background Rates of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) have increased over recent years among gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in England and Wales. HIV diagnoses remain high in this group and men with diagnosed HIV are disproportionally affected by STIs. MSM are therefore a priority for health promotion efforts to reduce STIs. Understanding awareness of and attitudes towards STIs is essential in developing health promotion interventions to reduce prevalence. Methods: Eight focus group discussions (FGDs) with a total of 61 MSM in four English cities included a ranking exercise to gauge how ‘scary’ participants thought 11 STIs are. The exercise sought insights into participants’ awareness of, knowledge about and attitudes towards STIs and blood-borne viruses (BBVs). FGDs were audio-recorded, transcribed and data analysed thematically. Results: All groups ranked HIV and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) as the scariest infections, and the majority ranked syphilis and herpes as highly scary. Scabies was ranked as the least scary by most groups. Rankings were dependent on how well informed participants felt about an infection, its transmission mechanisms, health affect and the availability of vaccines and treatment. Personal experience or that of friends influenced perceptions of particular infections, as did their prevalence, treatment options, visibility of symptoms and whether an STI could be cleared from the body. Conclusions: The study findings suggest that, although some MSM are well informed, there is widespread lack of knowledge about the prevalence, modes of transmission, health implications and treatment regimens of particular STIs.
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Shigella are globally important diarrhoeal pathogens that are endemic in low-to-middle income nations and also occur in high income nations, typically in travellers or community-based risk-groups. Shigella phylogenetics reveals population structures that are more reliable than those built with traditional typing methods, and has identified sublineages associated with specific geographical regions or patient groups. Genomic analyses reveal temporal increases in Shigella antimicrobial resistance (AMR) gene content, which is frequently encoded on mobile genetic elements. Here, we whole genome sequenced representative subsamples of S. flexneri 2a and S. sonnei (n = 366) from the United Kingdom from 2008 to 2014, and analysed these alongside publicly available data to make qualitative insights on the genomic epidemiology of shigellosis and its AMR within the broader global context. Combined phylogenetic, epidemiological and genomic anlayses revealed the presence of domestically-circulating sublineages in patient risk-groups and the importation of travel-related sublineages from both Africa and Asia, including ciprofloxacin-resistant sublineages of both species from Asia. Genomic analyses revealed common AMR determinants among travel-related and domestically-acquired isolates, and the evolution of mutations associated with reduced quinolone susceptibility in domestically-circulating sublineages. Collectively, this study provides unprecedented insights on the contribution and mobility of endemic and travel-imported sublineages and AMR determinants responsible for disease in a high-income nation.
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We announce the release of SnapperDB v1.0 a program for scalable routine SNP analysis and storage of microbial populations. Availability: SnapperDB is implemented as a python application under the open source BSD license. All code and user guides are available at Reference genomes and SnapperDB configs are available at Contact: Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
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Horizontal gene transfer has played a role in developing the global public health crisis of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). However, the dynamics of AMR transfer through bacterial populations and its direct impact on human disease is poorly elucidated. Here, we study parallel epidemic emergences of multiple Shigella species, a priority AMR organism, in men who have sex with men to gain insight into AMR emergence and spread. Using genomic epidemiology, we show that repeated horizontal transfer of a single AMR plasmid among Shigella enhanced existing and facilitated new epidemics. These epidemic patterns contrasted with slighter, slower increases in disease caused by organisms with vertically inherited (chromosomally encoded) AMR. This demonstrates that horizontal transfer of AMR directly affects epidemiological outcomes of globally important AMR pathogens and highlights the need for integration of genomic analyses into all areas of AMR research, surveillance and management.
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In December 2013, Public Health England (PHE) observed an increase in the number of cases of Shigella sonnei linked to the Orthodox Jewish Community (OJC). Ultimately, 52 cases of S. sonnei phage type (PT) P and PT7 were notified between November 2013 and July 2014. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) was performed on a HiSeq 2500 platform (Illumina) on isolates of S. sonnei submitted to PHE during the investigation. Quality trimmed sequence reads were mapped to a reference genome using BWA-MEM, and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified using GATK2. Analysis of the core genome SNP positions (>90 % consensus, minimum depth 10×, MQ≥30) revealed that isolates linked to the outbreak could be categorized as members of distinct monophyletic clusters (MPCs) representing concurrent regional outbreaks occurring in the OJCs across the United Kingdom. A dated phylogeny predicted the date of the most recent common ancestor of the MPCs to be approximately 3.1 years previously [95 % highest posterior density (HPD), 2.4-3.4]. Isolates of S. sonnei from cases from the OJCs in Israel included in the phylogeny, branched from nodes basal to the UK OJC outbreak clusters, indicating they were ancestral to the UK OJC isolates, and that the UK isolates represented multiple importations of S. sonnei into the UK population from Israel. The level of discrimination exhibited by WGS facilitated the identification of clusters of isolates within the closely related bacterial populations circulating in the OJC that may be linked to a unique point sources or transmission routes, thus enabling a more appropriate public health response and targeted interventions.
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National surveillance of Shigella flexneri ensures the rapid detection of outbreaks to facilitate public health investigation and intervention strategies. In this study, we used whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to type S. flexneri in order to detect linked cases and support epidemiological investigations. We prospectively analyzed 330 isolates of S. flexneri received at the Gastrointestinal Bacteria Reference Unit at Public Health England between August 2015 and January 2016. Traditional phenotypic and WGS sub-typing methods were compared. PCR was carried out on isolates exhibiting phenotypic/genotypic discrepancies with respect to serotype. Phylogenetic relationships between isolates were analyzed by WGS using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing to facilitate cluster detection. For 306/330 (93%) isolates there was concordance between serotype derived from the genome and phenotypic serology. Discrepant results between the phenotypic and genotypic tests were attributed to novel O-antigen synthesis/modification gene combinations or indels identified in O-antigen synthesis/modification genes rendering them dysfunctional. SNP typing identified 36 clusters of two isolates or more. WGS provided microbiological evidence of epidemiologically linked clusters and detected novel O-antigen synthesis/modification gene combinations associated with two outbreaks. WGS provided reliable and robust data for monitoring trends in the incidence of different serotypes over time. SNP typing can be used to facilitate outbreak investigations in real-time thereby informing surveillance strategies and providing the opportunities for implementing timely public health interventions.
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Objectives: Phenotypic and genotypic methods for the detection of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Shigella sonnei in England and Wales were compared and evaluated. Methods: WGS data from 341 isolates of S. sonnei isolated between June 2015 and January 2016 were mapped to genes known to be associated with phenotypic AMR. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed on all viable isolates (n = 335). Results: Fifteen of 335 isolates had a discrepancy between phenotypic and genotypic testing for 1 of the 10 antimicrobial classes tested, equating to 15 (0.45%) discordant results out of a possible 3350 isolate/antimicrobial combinations. All 15 mismatched results were genotypically resistant but phenotypically susceptible. Eleven of the 15 discrepancies were observed in streptomycin resistance profiles. The most common resistance profile was trimethoprim, sulphonamides, tetracyclines and streptomycin, occurring in 97 (28.4%) isolates. Resistances to ciprofloxacin and the third-generation cephalosporins, not detected in England and Wales prior to 2002, were identified in 18.2% and 12% of isolates, respectively. Three hundred and four (89.1%) isolates were MDR. There was no significant association between any of the AMR determinants tested and recent foreign travel in male or female cases. The number of isolates of S. sonnei harbouring blaTEM-1 and ermB/mphA was significantly higher in men who reported no recent travel outside the UK. Conclusions: The use of WGS for routine public health surveillance is a reliable method for rapid detection of emerging AMR in isolates of S. sonnei.
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We report an outbreak of azithromycin-nonsusceptible Shigella flexneri 3a infection in Taiwan associated with men who have sex with men. The bacterial strains belonged to the sublineage A of a recently reported outbreak lineage associated with men who have sex with men, characterized by reduced azithromycin susceptibility and circulation in shigellosis low-risk regions.
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In England in 2015, Shigella sonnei isolates from men who have sex with men produced extended-spectrum β-lactamases and exhibited macrolide resistance. Whole-genome sequencing showed a close relationship among the isolates, which harbored a plasmid that was previously identified in a shigellosis outbreak among this population but has acquired a mobile element.
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Shigellae are sensitive indicator species for studying trends in the international transmission of antimicrobial-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Orthodox Jewish communities (OJCs) are a known risk group for shigellosis; Shigella sonnei is cyclically epidemic in OJCs in Israel, and sporadic outbreaks occur in OJCs elsewhere. We generated whole-genome sequences for 437 isolates of S. sonnei from OJCs and non-OJCs collected over 22 years in Europe (the United Kingdom, France, and Belgium), the United States, Canada, and Israel and analyzed these within a known global genomic context. Through phylogenetic and genomic analysis, we showed that strains from outbreaks in OJCs outside of Israel are distinct from strains in the general population and relate to a single multidrug-resistant sublineage of S. sonnei that prevails in Israel. Further Bayesian phylogenetic analysis showed that this strain emerged approximately 30 years ago, demonstrating the speed at which antimicrobial drug-resistant pathogens can spread widely through geographically dispersed, but internationally connected, communities.
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Shigella spp. cause ≈500,000 illnesses in the United States annually, and resistance to ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, and azithromycin is emerging. We investigated associations between transmission route and antimicrobial resistance among US shigellosis clusters reported during 2011–2015. Of 32 clusters, 9 were caused by shigellae resistant to ciprofloxacin (3 clusters), ceftriaxone (2 clusters), or azithromycin (7 clusters); 3 clusters were resistant to >1 of these drugs. We observed resistance to any of these drugs in all 7 clusters among men who have sex with men (MSM) but in only 2 of the other 25 clusters (p<0.001). Azithromycin resistance was more common among MSM-associated clusters than other clusters (86% vs. 4% of clusters; p<0.001). For adults with suspected shigellosis, clinicians should culture feces; obtain sex histories; discuss shigellosis prevention; and choose treatment, when needed, according to antimicrobial drug susceptibility. Public health interviews for enteric illnesses should encompass sex practices; health messaging for MSM must include shigellosis prevention.
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Increasing rates of shigellosis among adult males, particularly men who have sex with men (MSM), have been documented in the United States, Canada, and Europe, and MSM appear to be at greater risk for infection with shigellae that are not susceptible to ciprofloxacin or azithromycin. Azithromycin is the first-line empiric antimicrobial treatment for shigellosis among children and is a second-line treatment among adults. Isolates collected in 2014 in two U.S. cities from outbreaks of shigellosis displayed highly similar pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns and decreased susceptibility to azithromycin (DSA). This report summarizes and compares the findings from investigations of the two outbreaks, which occurred among MSM in metropolitan Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, and Chicago, Illinois.
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Objectives To inform control strategies undertaken as part of an outbreak of Shigella flexneri 3a among men who have sex with men (MSM). Methods All men aged ≥18 years diagnosed with S flexneri 3a between October 2012 and May 2013 were invited to participate. Semistructured in-depth quantitative interviews were conducted to explore lifestyle and sexual behaviour factors. Results Of 53 men diagnosed, 42 were interviewed of whom 34 were sexually active MSM. High numbers of sexual partners were reported (median=22) within the previous year; most were casual encounters met through social media networking sites (21/34). 63% (20/32) were HIV-positive and actively sought positive partners for condomless sex. 62% (21/34) of men had used chemsex drugs (mephedrone, crystal methamphetamine and γ-butyrolactone/γ-hydroxybutrate), which facilitate sexually disinhibiting behaviour during sexual encounters. 38% (8/21) reported injecting chemsex drugs. Where reported almost half (12/23) had attended or hosted sex parties. All reported oral–anal contact and fisting was common (16/34). Many had had gonorrhoea (23/34) and chlamydia (17/34). HIV-positive serostatus was associated with both insertive anal intercourse with a casual partner and receptive fisting (adjusted OR=15.0, p=0.01; adjusted OR=18.3, p=0.03) as was the use of web applications that promote and facilitate unprotected sex (adjusted OR=19.8, p=0.02). Conclusions HIV-positive MSM infected with S flexneri 3a used social media to meet sexual partners for unprotected sex mainly at sex parties. The potential for the transmission of S flexneri, HIV and other infections is clear. MSM need to be aware of the effect that chemsex drugs have on their health.
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Surveillance data suggest an intensification of the shigellosis epidemic associated with sexual transmission in men who have sex with men (MSM) in England with separate introductions into the population. In 2014, sexual transmission between MSM might have accounted for 97%, 89%, and 43% of non-travel associated Shigella flexneri 3a and S. flexneri 2a, and S. sonnei diagnoses. Clinicians should sensitively ascertain sexual history for men with enteric infections to facilitate prompt diagnosis and appropriate management.
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The emergence of new sequencing technologies has facilitated the use of bacterial whole genome alignments for evolutionary studies and outbreak analyses. These datasets, of increasing size, often include examples of multiple different mechanisms of horizontal sequence transfer resulting in substantial alterations to prokaryotic chromosomes. The impact of these processes demands rapid and flexible approaches able to account for recombination when reconstructing isolates' recent diversification. Gubbins is an iterative algorithm that uses spatial scanning statistics to identify loci containing elevated densities of base substitutions suggestive of horizontal sequence transfer while concurrently constructing a maximum likelihood phylogeny based on the putative point mutations outside these regions of high sequence diversity. Simulations demonstrate the algorithm generates highly accurate reconstructions under realistically parameterized models of bacterial evolution, and achieves convergence in only a few hours on alignments of hundreds of bacterial genome sequences. Gubbins is appropriate for reconstructing the recent evolutionary history of a variety of haploid genotype alignments, as it makes no assumptions about the underlying mechanism of recombination. The software is freely available for download at, implemented in Python and C and supported on Linux and Mac OS X. © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.
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During 2012-2013 in Montreal, Canada, 4 locally acquired Shigella spp. pulse types with the mph(A) gene and reduced susceptibility to azithromycin were identified from 9 men who have sex with men, 7 of whom were HIV infected. Counseling about prevention of enteric sexually transmitted infections might help slow transmission of these organisms.
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Phylogenies are increasingly used in all fields of medical and biological research. Moreover, because of the next generation sequencing revolution, datasets used for conducting phylogenetic analyses grow at an unprecedented pace. RAxML (Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood) is a popular program for phylogenetic analyses of large datasets under maximum likelihood. Since the last RAxML paper in 2006, it has been continuously maintained and extended to accommodate the increasingly growing input datasets and to serve the needs of the user community. I present some of the most notable new features and extensions of RAxML, such as, a substantial extension of substitution models and supported data types, the introduction of SSE3, AVX, and AVX2 vector intrinsics, techniques for reducing the memory requirements of the code and a plethora of operations for conducting post-analyses on sets of trees. In addition, an up-to-date, 50 page user manual covering all new RAxML options is available. The code is available under GNU GPL at
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Shigella are human-adapted Escherichia coli that have gained the ability to invade the human gut mucosa and cause dysentery(1,2), spreading efficiently via low-dose fecal-oral transmission(3,4). Historically, S. sonnei has been predominantly responsible for dysentery in developed countries but is now emerging as a problem in the developing world, seeming to replace the more diverse Shigella flexneri in areas undergoing economic development and improvements in water quality(4-6). Classical approaches have shown that S. sonnei is genetically conserved and clonal(7). We report here whole-genome sequencing of 132 globally distributed isolates. Our phylogenetic analysis shows that the current S. sonnei population descends from a common ancestor that existed less than 500 years ago and that diversified into several distinct lineages with unique characteristics. Our analysis suggests that the majority of this diversification occurred in Europe and was followed by more recent establishment of local pathogen populations on other continents, predominantly due to the pandemic spread of a single, rapidly evolving, multidrug-resistant lineage.
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Diagnoses of Shigella flexneri in the United Kingdom (UK) are usually travel-related. However, since 2009, there has been an overall increase in UK-acquired cases. The Health Protection Agency has been investigating a national outbreak of S. flexneri detected in 2011 and which is still ongoing. Cases occurred mostly in men who have sex with men and were of serotype 3a. The investigation aimed at obtaining epidemiological data to inform targeted outbreak management and control.
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Many programs for aligning short sequencing reads to a reference genome have been developed in the last 2 years. Most of them are very efficient for short reads but inefficient or not applicable for reads >200 bp because the algorithms are heavily and specifically tuned for short queries with low sequencing error rate. However, some sequencing platforms already produce longer reads and others are expected to become available soon. For longer reads, hashing-based software such as BLAT and SSAHA2 remain the only choices. Nonetheless, these methods are substantially slower than short-read aligners in terms of aligned bases per unit time. We designed and implemented a new algorithm, Burrows-Wheeler Aligner's Smith-Waterman Alignment (BWA-SW), to align long sequences up to 1 Mb against a large sequence database (e.g. the human genome) with a few gigabytes of memory. The algorithm is as accurate as SSAHA2, more accurate than BLAT, and is several to tens of times faster than both.
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A means for determining immune status against shigellosis would significantly improve the design and evaluation of interventional and other epidemiologic studies. Previous case-control studies have indicated the potential role of humoral antilipopolysaccharide antibodies. To test this proposition, 190 soldiers serving in a field unit were monitored prospectively for 2.5 months for shigellosis. Blood samples were taken at the beginning of the follow-up period and tested for serological evidence of prior exposure to Shigella sonnei and Shigella flexneri. The risk for acquiring S. sonnei shigellosis was 3.7 times higher for individuals lacking homologous antibodies (P less than 0.02). The risk for acquiring S. flexneri shigellosis was 2.4 times higher for individuals lacking antibodies, although a low attack rate for S. flexneri resulted in numbers too small to achieve statistical significance. While the importance of the serum antilipopolysaccharide antibodies in protection against the disease remains unclear, these findings demonstrate that they are strong markers of acquired immunity. Serological markers should be incorporated in epidemiologic studies of shigellosis and in the design and evaluation of future trials of potential anti-Shigella vaccines.
Background: In urban Australia, the burden of shigellosis is either in returning travelers from shigellosis-endemic regions or in men who have sex with men (MSM). Here, we combine genomic data with comprehensive epidemiological data on sexual exposure and travel to describe the spread of multidrug-resistant Shigella lineages. Methods: A population-level study of all cultured Shigella isolates in the state of Victoria, Australia, was undertaken from 1 January 2016 through 31 March 2018. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing, whole-genome sequencing, and bioinformatic analyses of 545 Shigella isolates were performed at the Microbiological Diagnostic Unit Public Health Laboratory. Risk factor data on travel and sexual exposure were collected through enhanced surveillance forms or by interviews. Results: Rates of antimicrobial resistance were high, with 17.6% (95/541) and 50.6% (274/541) resistance to ciprofloxacin and azithromycin, respectively. There were strong associations between antimicrobial resistance, phylogeny, and epidemiology. Specifically, 2 major MSM-associated lineages were identified: a Shigellasonnei lineage (n = 159) and a Shigella flexneri 2a lineage (n = 105). Of concern, 147/159 (92.4%) of isolates within the S. sonnei MSM-associated lineage harbored mutations associated with reduced susceptibility to recommended oral antimicrobials: namely, azithromycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and ciprofloxacin. Long-read sequencing demonstrated global dissemination of multidrug-resistant plasmids across Shigella species and lineages, but predominantly associated with MSM isolates. Conclusions: Our contemporary data highlight the ongoing public health threat posed by resistant Shigella, both in Australia and globally. Urgent multidisciplinary public health measures are required to interrupt transmission and prevent infection.
Objectives The 1916 Royal Commission on Venereal Diseases was established in response to epidemics of syphilis and gonorrhoea in the UK. In the 100 years since the Venereal Diseases Act (1917), the UK has experienced substantial scientific, economic and demographic changes. We describe historical and recent trends in STIs in the UK. Methods We analysed surveillance data derived from STI clinics’ statistical returns from 1917 to 2016. Results Since 1918, gonorrhoea and syphilis diagnoses have fluctuated, reflecting social, economic and technological trends. Following spikes after World Wars I and II, rates declined before re-emerging during the 1960s. At that time, syphilis was more common in men, suggestive of transmission within the men who have sex with men (MSM) population. Behaviour change following the emergence of HIV/AIDS in the 1980s is thought to have facilitated a precipitous decline in diagnoses of both STIs in the mid-1980s. Since the early 2000s, gonorrhoea and syphilis have re-emerged as major public health concerns due to increased transmission among MSM and the spread of antimicrobial-resistant gonorrhoea. Chlamydia and genital warts are now the most commonly diagnosed STIs in the UK and have been the focus of public health interventions, including the national human papillomavirus vaccination programme, which has led to substantial declines in genital warts in young people, and the National Chlamydia Screening Programme in England. Since the 1980s, MSM, black ethnic minorities and young people have experienced the highest STI rates. Conclusion Although diagnoses have fluctuated over the last century, STIs continue to be an important public health concern, often affecting more marginalised groups in society. Prevention must remain a public health priority and, as we enter a new era of sexual healthcare provision including online services, priority must be placed on maintaining prompt access for those at greatest risk of STIs.
This guideline is intended for use in UK Genitourinary medicine clinics and sexual health services but is likely to be of relevance in all sexual health settings, including general practice and Contraception and Sexual Health (CASH) services, where men who have sex with men (MSM) seek sexual health care or where addressing the sexual health needs of MSM may have public health benefits. For the purposes of this document, MSM includes all gay, bisexual and all other males who have sex with other males and both cis and trans men. This document does not provide guidance on the treatment of particular conditions where this is covered in other British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) Guidelines but outlines best practice in multiple aspects of the sexual health care of MSM. Where prevention of sexually transmitted infections including HIV can be addressed as an integral part of clinical care, this is consistent with the concept of combination prevention and is included. The document is designed primarily to provide guidance on the direct clinical care of MSM but also makes reference to the design and delivery of services with the aim of supporting clinicians and commissioners in providing effective services. Methodology This document was produced in accordance with the guidance set out in the BASHH CEG’s document ‘Framework for guideline development and assessment’ published in 2010 at and with reference to the Agree II instrument. Following the production of the updated framework in April 2015, the GRADE system for assessing evidence was adopted and the draft recommendations were regraded. Search strategy (see also Appendix 1) Ovid Medline 1946 to December 2014, Medline daily update, Embase 1974 to December 2014, Pubmed NeLH Guidelines Database, Cochrane library from 2000 to December 2014. Search language English only. The search for Section 3 was conducted on PubMed to December 2014. Priority was given to peer-reviewed papers published in scientific journals, although for many issues evidence includes conference abstracts listed on the Embase database. In addition, for ‘Identification of problematic recreational drug and alcohol use’ section and ‘Sexual problems and dysfunctions in MSM’ section, searches included PsycINFO. Methods Article titles and abstracts were reviewed and if relevant the full text article was obtained. Priority was given to randomised controlled trial and systematic review evidence, and recommendations made and graded on the basis of best available evidence. Piloting and feedback The first draft of the guideline was circulated to the writing group and to a small group of relevant experts, third sector partners and patient representatives who were invited to comment on the whole document and specifically on particular sections. The revised draft was reviewed by the CEG and then reviewed by the BASHH patient/public panel and posted on the BASHH website for public consultation. The final draft was piloted before publication. Guideline update The guidelines will be reviewed and revised in five years’ time, 2022.
Background: Shigellosis is an acute, severe bacterial colitis that, in high-income countries, is typically associated with travel to high-risk regions (Africa, Asia, and Latin America). Since the 1970s, shigellosis has also been reported as a sexually transmitted infection in men who have sex with men (MSM), in whom transmission is an important component of shigellosis epidemiology in high-income nations. We aimed to use sophisticated subtyping and international sampling to determine factors driving shigellosis emergence in MSM linked to an outbreak in the UK. Methods: We did a large-scale, cross-sectional genomic epidemiological study of shigellosis cases collected from 29 countries between December, 1995, and June 8, 2014. Focusing on an ongoing epidemic in the UK, we collected and whole-genome sequenced clinical isolates of Shigella flexneri serotype 3a from high-risk and low-risk regions, including cases associated with travel and sex between men. We examined relationships between geographical, demographic, and clinical patient data with the isolate antimicrobial susceptibility, genetic data, and inferred evolutionary relationships. Findings: We obtained 331 clinical isolates of S flexneri serotype 3a, including 275 from low-risk regions (44 from individuals who travelled to high-risk regions), 52 from high-risk regions, and four outgroup samples (ie, closely related, but genetically distinct isolates used to determine the root of the phylogenetic tree). We identified a recently emerged lineage of S flexneri 3a that has spread intercontinentally in less than 20 years throughout regions traditionally at low risk for shigellosis via sexual transmission in MSM. The lineage had acquired multiple antimicrobial resistance determinants, and prevailing sublineages were strongly associated with resistance to the macrolide azithromycin. Eight (4%) of 206 isolates from the MSM-associated lineage were obtained from patients who had previously provided an isolate; these serial isolations indicated atypical infection patterns (eg, reinfection). Interpretation: We identified transmission-facilitating behaviours and atypical course(s) of infection as precipitating factors in shigellosis-affected MSM. The intercontinental spread of antimicrobial-resistant shigella through established transmission routes emphasises the need for new approaches to tackle the public health challenge of sexually transmitted infections in MSM. Funding: Wellcome Trust (grant number 098051).
There is increasing evidence that shigellosis is a predominantly sexually transmitted disease among men who have sex with men (MSM) and that infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a risk factor for shigellosis. Retrospective analysis of antibiotic resistance profiles of Shigella species isolated from stool specimens of patients presenting with diarrhea from January 2010 to July 2012 in three German outpatient clinics specialized in HIV care. Among 79 cases of Shigella sonnei, 56 occurred in HIV-infected MSM, while 23 were observed in HIV-negative MSM. High resistance rates (>90 %) were found for doxycycline, tetracycline, aminoglycosides, all cephalosporins of first and second generations tested, and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. In total, 54 % of cases were resistant to ciprofloxacin. Compared to negative subjects, HIV-infected MSM had a significantly higher rate of quinolone resistance. For ciprofloxacin, the resistance rates were 66 versus 24 %, respectively (p = 0.0016). Individual resistance patterns did not indicate that this was due to a limited outbreak. Rates of resistance to other antibiotics than quinolones showed no differences between HIV-infected and HIV-negative cases. No resistance was found for carbapenems or newer cephalosporins such as ceftriaxone. The high rates of S. sonnei isolates resistant to quinolones and other traditional antibiotics are of concern. Innovative prevention efforts are urgently needed. The empirical use of quinolones in HIV-infected patients presenting with S. sonnei infection is no longer recommended.
Next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) projects, such as the 1000 Genomes Project, are already revolutionizing our understanding of genetic variation among individuals. However, the massive data sets generated by NGS--the 1000 Genome pilot alone includes nearly five terabases--make writing feature-rich, efficient, and robust analysis tools difficult for even computationally sophisticated individuals. Indeed, many professionals are limited in the scope and the ease with which they can answer scientific questions by the complexity of accessing and manipulating the data produced by these machines. Here, we discuss our Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK), a structured programming framework designed to ease the development of efficient and robust analysis tools for next-generation DNA sequencers using the functional programming philosophy of MapReduce. The GATK provides a small but rich set of data access patterns that encompass the majority of analysis tool needs. Separating specific analysis calculations from common data management infrastructure enables us to optimize the GATK framework for correctness, stability, and CPU and memory efficiency and to enable distributed and shared memory parallelization. We highlight the capabilities of the GATK by describing the implementation and application of robust, scale-tolerant tools like coverage calculators and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calling. We conclude that the GATK programming framework enables developers and analysts to quickly and easily write efficient and robust NGS tools, many of which have already been incorporated into large-scale sequencing projects like the 1000 Genomes Project and The Cancer Genome Atlas.
Following the clinical observation that there appeared to be an association between shigellosis and male homosexuality, the medical records of 113 patients at The New York Hospital were reviewed retrospectively. Of the 38 males studied who were between the ages 19 and 61, seventeen were homosexual (44-7 per cent.). Only one of the matched controls was homosexual. Of the men with shigellosis who had a history of foreign travel, 10 per cent. were homosexual; however, among the patients without a travel history, 57-1 per cent. were homosexual (P less than 0-05). For male patients with shigellosis who do not have an appropriate travel history, the physician should expand his epidemiological investigation to include sexual contacts. Men and women who perform rectal intercourse should be cautioned to abstain from this activity until their stool cultures are negative for shigella. If a male patient with shigellosis is homosexual, he should be screened for other sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B, and amoebiasis.
Estimates of global, regional, and national morbidity, mortality, and aetiologies of diarrhoeal diseases: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study
GBD Diarrhoeal Diseases Collaborators. Estimates of global, regional, and national morbidity, mortality, and aetiologies of diarrhoeal diseases: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet Infect Dis, 2017;17:909-948. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30276-1
No reuse allowed without permission. (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint . doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Oct. 9, 2019;
  • Sci Rep
Sci Rep. 2018 May 9;8(1):7389. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-25764-3.
Comparison of phenotypic and WGS-derived antimicrobial All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint
  • Z Sadouki
  • M R Day
  • M Doumith
  • M A Chattaway
  • T J Dallman
  • K L Hopkins
  • R Elson
  • N Woodford
  • G Godbole
  • C Jenkins
Sadouki Z, Day MR, Doumith M, Chattaway MA, Dallman TJ, Hopkins KL, Elson R, Woodford N, Godbole G, Jenkins C. Comparison of phenotypic and WGS-derived antimicrobial All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint . doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Oct. 9, 2019;
All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint
  • T Childs
Childs, T., et al., Rapid increase in lymphogranuloma venereum in men who have sex with men, United Kingdom, 2003 to September 2015. Eurosurveillance, 2015. 20(48): p. 30076. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint . doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Oct. 9, 2019;