Technical Report

Background paper: Review of thematic (multi-)stakeholder networks

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Background paper: Review of thematic (multi-) stakeholder networks. Prepared for the Annual General Assembly 2019. Global Donor Platform for Rural Development. Available from:

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This article examines the governance of organizational networks and the impact of governance on network effectiveness. Three basic models, or forms, of network governance are developed focusing on their distinct structural properties. Propositions are formulated examining conditions for the effectiveness of each form. The tensions inherent in each form are then discussed, followed by the role that management may play in addressing these tensions. Finally, the evolution of governance is explored.
 Scaling Up of Nutrition
  • Ruth Richardson
  • Cordelia Salter
 Richardson, Ruth. Interviewed by Abbie Yunita, Utrecht (via Skype), May 28, 2019.  Salter, Cordelia. Interviewed by Melanie van Driel, Utrecht (via Skype), May 28, 2019.  Scaling Up of Nutrition. 2016. "Sun Movement Strategy and Roadmap (2016-2020)."  Scaling Up of Nutrition. 2018. "Annual Progress Report 2018."  Scaling Up of Nutrition. 2018. "SUN Movement Annual Progress Report 2018."