
Childhood Emotional Abuse Predicts Late Adolescent Sexual Aggression Perpetration and Victimization

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... Furthermore, it is critical to emphasize the deleterious effect of emotional neglect on adolescents' psychological health from a developmental perspective (Glaser, 2002). Research in this field has revealed that adolescents subjected to childhood emotional neglect exhibited lower subjective well-being and less prosocial behavior (Zurbriggen et al., 2019). ...
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Emotional neglect is an under‐recognized but relatively common type of childhood maltreatment. Although it has been reported that adolescents will facilitate positive growth after experiencing childhood maltreatment, such as sexual abuse, it is unknown whether adolescents could also get a promotion after experiencing emotional neglect. Thus, we aimed to examine the association between emotional neglect and posttraumatic growth (PTG) and further explored the potential influence factors underlying such association. Six hundred and thirty‐five adolescents (55.2% female, M age = 14.12 years old, SD = 1.47) were asked to complete self‐report questionnaires regarding emotional neglect, school engagement, psychological suzhi, and PTG. Results showed that emotional neglect was negatively associated with PTG, and school engagement mediated such association. Further, psychological suzhi moderated the direct pathway from emotional neglect to PTG in which the deleterious effect of emotional neglect on PTG was weaker for adolescents who reported higher psychological suzhi. Meanwhile, psychological suzhi moderated the indirect pathway from emotional neglect to school engagement in the mediated model in which the deleterious effect of emotional neglect on school engagement was weaker for adolescents who reported higher psychological suzhi. Overall, the current study advances our understanding of the relationship between emotional neglect and PTG, and further tests the potential roles of school engagement and psychological suzhi in this relationship.
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Cilj rada je analiza veza između seksualne viktimizacije u detinjstvu i seksualnog prestupništva u adolescenciji, korišćenjem Modela socijalnog razvoja. Kao opšte metode, u radu se koriste analiza i sinteza teorijskih i empirijskih nalaza. Određeni empirijski podaci pokazuju da adolescentni seksualni prestupnici češće imaju iskustvo seksualne viktimizacije u detinjstvu u poređenju sa grupom neseksualnih adolescentnih prestupnika. Ovaj nalaz se može objasniti naučenošću i ponavljanjem obrasca ponašanja koji su doživeli. Mladi koji su socijalizovani u seksualno nasilnom okruženju, seksualnom agresijom pokušavaju da kontrolišu svet oko sebe jer su bili izloženi normalizaciji seksualnog nasilja tokom detinjstva. Traumatičnost seksualne viktimizacije podstiče uverenja u antisocijalne mogućnosti i vrednosti. Društveni odgovor na ovaj oblik krivičnih dela maloletnika treba da bude zasnovan na umrežavanju relevantnih službi za zaštitu dece od seksualnog nasilja, od socijalnih, policijskih, obrazovnih do zdravstvenih i kroz obezbeđivanje bezbednosne i psiho-socijalne podrške detetu koje je žrtva seksualnog nasilja
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Research identifying rates and effects of adult/adolescent sexual revictimization among child sexual abuse victims was reviewed. Approximately one-third of child sexual abuse victims report experiencing repeated victimization. Child sexual abuse victims have a 2 to 3 times greater risk of adult revictimization than women without a history of child sexual abuse. Physical contact in abuse and revictimization in adolescence were found to lead to the greatest risk of revictimization. Repeated victims had more symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and dissociation than women with a history of child sexual abuse alone. Theories of revictimization and mediating variables were also reviewed. Clearer definitions of repeated victimization are needed and future research should include studies that follow child sexual abuse victims prospectively.