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Social Media Use and Empathy: A Mini Meta-Analysis

Social Networking, 2019, 8, 147-157
ISSN Online: 2169-3323
ISSN Print: 2169-3285
10.4236/sn.2019.84010 Oct. 9, 2019 147 Social Networking
Social Media Use and Empathy: A Mini
Shu-Sha Angie Guan1, Sophia Hain2, Jennifer Cabrera3, Andrea Rodarte1
1California State University, Northridge, USA
2University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, USA
3University of California, Irvine, USA
Concerns about the effects of social media or social networking site (SNS)
on prosocial development are increasing. The aim of the current study is to
meta-analytically summarize the research to date (
= 5) about the relation-
ship between general SNS use and two components of empathy (
, empath
concern and perspective-taking). Random effects meta-analyses showed tha
SNS use was significantly and positively related to affective empathy though
only marginally related to cognitive empathy. These effects were generally
small in size and do not es
tablish causality. Future research should explore
how specific behaviors are related to different forms of empathy.
Social Media, Empathic Concern, Perspective-Taking
1. Introduction
Understanding how individuals relate to and empathize with one another is
foundational to the scientific study of social development. Empathy, the ability
to understand the emotions of others (the cognitive component of perspec-
tive-taking) and share in them (the affective component of empathic concern), is
believed to underlie the human capacity to bond with offspring in parent-child
attachment and cooperate with group members in ways that progress societies
[1] [2]. This relational construct is believed to be the “foundation of human so-
cial experience” [3] and is linked to outcomes at the individual and societal level.
For example, adolescents with higher empathy become adults with better social
skills, higher civic engagement, and greater prosocial skills like helping [4] [5]
[6]. Additionally, countries with higher empathy have higher levels of collectiv-
How to cite this paper:
Guan, S.-S.A., Hain
., Cabrera, J. and Rodarte, A. (2019)
Media Use and Empathy: A Mini Meta
Social Networking
, 147-157.
August 19, 2019
October 6, 2019
October 9, 2019
Copyright © 201
9 by author(s) and
Research Publishing Inc.
This work
is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY
Open Access
S.-S. A. Guan et al.
10.4236/sn.2019.84010 148 Social Networking
ism, subjective well-being, prosocial behaviors, and U.S. states with higher em-
pathy have reduced violent crime [7] [8].
However, there is growing concern that empathy is decreasing among recent
cohorts of adolescents and young adults while narcissism is increasing [6]. Social
media may play a role in this phenomenon. The current meta-analysis explores
the relationship between social media use in daily life and the two components
of empathy. We begin by discussing the history of social media or social net-
working sites (SNSs), linking it to the literature on empathy, outline our metho-
dological strategy, present our results, and end with a discussion of limitations
and implications. Altogether, this study will provide important insight into the
effects of media use.
1.1. Social Networking Sites
In the last two decades, technological advances and social media have made it
easier to “connect” with others. Social media is part of what researchers broadly
call “new media” or “digital media” and has several affordances that separate it
from older forms of media (e.g., television, radio, newspapers), such as pervasive-
ness, disembodiment, interactivity, and asynchronicity [9] [10] [11]. Social media
sites, or social networking sites (SNSs), are defined as Web-based services that: 1)
individuals can use to construct public or semi-public profiles within a bounded
system; 2) identify other users with whom they share a connection; and 3) view
and traverse their and others’ lists of connections [12]. Indeed, in the late 1990s,
the first recognized sites (, were
aimed at connecting friends. Later, sites like LiveJournal (1999) and Friendster
(2002) provided a means for individuals to share profiles and personal opinions.
These characteristics and affordances of today’s most popular SNSs, like
(2006), and
(2010), likely shape the values and capaci-
ties formed from time online.
1.2. Media-Empathy Paradox
Although digital media can facilitate relationship formation and maintenance,
there is recent evidence of a media-empathy paradox, the irony that a tool created
for social connection may be reducing connective capacities [13] [14]. For ex-
ample, an analysis of 72 study samples shows that survey measures of empathy
have declined nearly 40% in American young adults since 1979 and research-
ers point to social media as a culprit for cultivating increasing focus on the self
rather than on others [14]. Not only may other-oriented traits like empathy be
decreasing, but self-oriented traits like narcissism, self-esteem, and self-satisfaction
are also on the rise across a similar timespan [15] [16] [17] [18]. However, it can
be argued that higher self-esteem during emerging adulthood may be normative
or protective [19].
To reconcile the media-empathy paradox, some social media researchers have
emphasized specific online activities as an explanatory factor. For example, so-
cial digital interactions like chatting may be linked to higher empathy [20] [21];
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whereas the affordances of SNSs that create an emphasis on and opportunities
for controllable, malleable self-presentation may lead to promotion of self-interest,
narcissism, and fame-orientation [14] [22] [23] [24]. Similarly, a meta-analysis
of prosocial media suggests that exposure to prosocial media is linked to higher
empathic concern and prosocial behaviors [25]. However, other work on SNS
use found SNS activities were also positively linked to narcissism and loneliness
[26] [27]. To our knowledge, there have been no meta-analyses on the relation-
ship between general social media use and empathy. Overall, the link between
SNS use and empathy is still not well established or understood.
2. Method
2.1. Search Strategy
As shown in Figure 1, electronic searches for articles and abstracts were per-
formed in PsycINFO, ProQuest, and Google Scholar from 1990 to 2017 and again
in the summer of 2019 with final searches completed by August 11, 2019. The
main search strategy used combinations of keywords related to digital media
, social media, social networking sites, cyberspace, online, Internet, Face-
book, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram). Media keywords were included in all
combinations with empathy keywords (
, cognitive empathy, affective empa-
thy, sympathy, personal distress). In addition, we cross-referenced our search
with articles cited in reviews about media and prosocial outcomes [25] [28] [29].
Searches were conducted primarily by authors Hain and Cabrera. They were
then collected into an electronic folder, checked for duplicates and eligibility and
coded by Hain, Rodarte, and Guan. The final sample of studies included
= 5
studies that met the inclusion criteria.
Figure 1. Flowchart of search procedures.
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2.2. Study Selection
2.2.1. Empathy
We included studies with the cognitive or affective dimensions of empathy. These
factors were assessed using the Interpersonal Reactivity Index [30], Adolescent
Measure of Empathy and Sympathy [31], Basic Empathy Scale [32], or the Ques-
tionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy [33].
2.2.2. Media Use
We included different SNSs (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) and media use activities
(e.g., texting, commenting, emailing). However, to narrow the scope and
strengthen interpretability, we only selected for relatively active but general uses
of SNSs in everyday life (
, profile updates, chatting, instant messaging, email-
ing, posting, and commenting) as measured by frequency (e.g., Use of Facebook
Questionnaire [UFQ] from less than once a day to three or more times a day
[21]; never to very frequently [20]) or duration (e.g., not at all to more than 10
hours a day on a “typical day” [34]). That means that we excluded studies in a
specific setting such as in an educational context (e.g., assessing course discus-
sion boards [35]), only assessed specific forms of exposure (e.g., prosocial or an-
tisocial media; for a review see [25]), cyberbullying [36], or manipulated use
2.2.3. Data Extraction
A rating document was prepared, revised, and used during coding. Variables
coded included: study year, authors, country, participant composition, gender
composition, mean age, design, media use measures, empathy measures, cova-
riates, and test statistics. Hain and Rodarte coded each of the articles. If there
was a discrepancy, Guan reviewed the article and resolved the difference. We de-
rived a standardized coefficient (
from regression models or fixed effects from
multilevel models [38] by multiplying the non-standardized coefficient by the
standard deviation of
and dividing by the standard deviation of
[39] and
calculated the effect size using the formula
= +
= 1 when
is nonnegative and
= 0 when
is negative [40]. For studies
with multiple time points, the effect estimate was averaged across time points if
the correlation between time points was unknown. This conservatively assumes
a high correlation (
= 1) between time points rather than assuming no correla-
tion but will underestimate the precision [41]. Multiple effect estimates within a
study were also averaged across gender or SNS activities (e.g., chatting, posting)
to create a global SNS use estimate so as not to violate the independence assump-
tion of the meta-analysis.
3. Results
3.1. Meta-Analysis
The studies were meta-analyzed using fixed effects in which the mean effect size
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, correlation) was weighted by sample size. Study characteristics are provided
in Table 1. We converted correlations into Fisher’s
for analysis and converted
back to Pearson’s
for interpretation. Heterogeneity index analysis (
) was run
to assess the amount of variability across studies. For affective empathy,
36.61, and cognitive empathy,
= 31.75, were both above the critical value for a
(4) = 9.488 when
= 0.05 and we conclude that the studies were not homo-
genous and include random effects analyses.
Aggregated effect sizes are shown in Figure 2. Overall, social networking use
was positively related to affective empathy,
= 0.07,
95% CI [0.04, 0.10],
< 0.01. Additionally, social networking use was positively related to cog-
nitive empathy,
= 0.05,
95% CI [0.02, 0.08],
= 3.03,
= 0.002. Given the
heterogeneity of studies, random effects were also tested and showed that SNS
Figure 2. Meta-analysis of relationship between global social media use to affective and
cognitive empathy.
Table 1. Study characteristics and effect size estimates.
% Female
r SE
Media Type
et al.
(2014) 410 75%
73.6% White, 9% African
American, 6.7% Hispanic,
5.2% Asian
18 - 50 USA EC
FB Chat, Photo,
Video, Link
et al.
(2015) 1390 58%
46.3% Hispanic, 21.6%
Caucasian, 14.7% Black,
12.9% Asian, 4.5% Other
age = 23.39;
= 3.11 USA EC
0.03 General Use
et al.
(2017) 503 45.9% N/A 14 - 17 Spain EC
FB & Twitter
Powell & Roberts
(2017) 100 50% N/A 18 - 58 UK EC
Duration of
Vossen &
Valkenburg (2016) 942 50.4% N/A 10 - 14 Netherlands EC
Social Media
Note: EC = empathic concern and PT = perspective-taking.
S.-S. A. Guan et al.
10.4236/sn.2019.84010 152 Social Networking
use was positively related to affective empathy,
= 0.11,
95% CI [0.01, 0.21],
= 2.14,
= 0.032. However, SNS use was only marginally related to cognitive
= 0.09,
95% CI [0.00, 0.18],
= 1.91,
= 0.056. These effects are all
small in size (Cohen, 1988). Regression analyses to test the effect of percentage
of gender and average age of a study on effect size were not significant, though
these analyses are likely under-powered given
= 5.
3.2. Publication Bias
We found no evidence of publication bias for the affective empathy effect sizes
based on Egger’s test,
= 5, regression intercept = 3.72, 95% CI [−3.63, 11.08],
= 0.394. Additionally, the effect sizes for cognitive empathy showed no signifi-
cant publication bias on Egger’s test,
= 5, regression intercept = 4.07, 95% CI
[−2.46, 10.47],
= 0.311.
4. Discussion
Despite the decreases in empathy coupled with increases in media use at the so-
cietal level [13], individual social media use in terms of frequency or time spent
per day appears to be related to higher levels of empathy, particularly affective
empathy. Even though the associations were small, they trended positive. How-
ever, there may be some online behaviors that cultivate empathy (e.g., sharing
emotions, expressing support [21]) more than others (e.g., updating profile photos
[20]). In combination with emerging longitudinal evidence that social media use
at one time point is predictive of higher levels of cognitive and affective empathy
one year later among adolescents [42] and experimental work that shows that
interdependent Facebook use can promote relational orientation [37], this study
contributes to the growing literature on how social media can facilitate positive
psychosocial development.
Although promising, there are limitations of the current meta-analysis to con-
sider. This study aimed to look only at global measures of social media use in
everyday life and, because of this inclusion parameter, includes a small sample of
studies and effect sizes. This likely limits the generalizability of the results and
our ability to detect differences by moderators (gender, age). Also, the results are
correlational and do not establish causality. Previous research suggests that indi-
viduals who are prosocial offline are often prosocial online [29]. Despite our at-
tempts to narrow the scope, there remained variability in the measures of media
use and study parameters as indicated by the heterogeneity index. Given the
wide range of online activities, future studies should explore how specific beha-
viors are related to different forms of empathy (e.g., helping strangers vs. family
or friends [25]). Additionally, the social media landscape is constantly evolving
and this study captures media use as assessed by recent studies in one moment
in time. Cultural psychologists suggest that changes in technology use, as part of
larger shifting sociodemographic and ecological changes, can shape cultural val-
ues and learning environments in ways that directly affect human development
across time [43].
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It is also important to note that all of the studies included, and much of media
research in general, have been conducted in industrialized, individualistic coun-
tries like the United States. This limited our ability to detect cultural differences.
On the one hand, the most popular SNSs are often developed in Western cul-
tures and can reflect the highly individualistic values of their developers and us-
ers [37] [44]. On the other hand, the Internet is a “global village” of individuals
from various nationalities and cultural backgrounds with nearly 60% of the on-
line population residing outside of the U.S. [44]. These diverse offline cultural
values can be reflected in the online [45]-[52]. Additionally, there may be values
and goals specific to the SNS context outside of the values that users bring with
them [53]. Previous meta-analyses suggest that the effects of media use may be
stronger in non-Western countries [26]. Future research should explore how cul-
tural values in the online and offline interact in shaping development.
Although limited, this meta-analysis provides useful insights into the me-
dia-empathy paradox [13]. Additionally, it may be informative in better under-
standing growing generations of adolescents and young adults who have become
the first generations to have grown up fully immersed in digital media (
, “dig-
ital natives”) having been born around or after the 1990s when the Internet was
first commercially launched. This may mean that psychosocial development for
these “digital natives” differs from prior generations of “digital immigrants” [9].
For example, greater face-to-face communication with family members, close
friends, and acquaintances was associated with higher levels of psychological
well-being (e.g., life meaning, relationship quality) for older adults age 35 - 54
but not for young adults age 18 - 34 [54]. As technology transforms society, so-
cial relationships, and media landscapes, it will become ever important to track
how these changes affect individuals and their development.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-
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, 20, 3-18.
... Empathy has been studied as a factor impacting the style and quality of social network use [43][44][45]. Guan et al. [46] noted in their meta-analysis that social media use was positively related to affective empathy, but only marginally related to cognitive empathy, highlighting a 'media-empathy paradox', where a tool created for social connection may reduce connective capacities [46][47][48]. Researchers have emphasized the role of social media in increasing focus on oneself rather than others, potentially decreasing empathy and increasing more self-oriented personality traits (narcissism, self-satisfaction, etc.), with results varying depending on the type of online activity [49][50][51][52]. ...
... Empathy has been studied as a factor impacting the style and quality of social network use [43][44][45]. Guan et al. [46] noted in their meta-analysis that social media use was positively related to affective empathy, but only marginally related to cognitive empathy, highlighting a 'media-empathy paradox', where a tool created for social connection may reduce connective capacities [46][47][48]. Researchers have emphasized the role of social media in increasing focus on oneself rather than others, potentially decreasing empathy and increasing more self-oriented personality traits (narcissism, self-satisfaction, etc.), with results varying depending on the type of online activity [49][50][51][52]. ...
... Firstly, in line with the literature on the topic, we found low levels of Emotional Intelligence [88,89] and Empathy [46,90,91] in our sample of young French adults. Young people, especially men, displayed poor interpersonal skills and low levels of empathy, and seemed to experience particular difficulties in their relationships with others. ...
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(1) Background: This study investigates the influence of social networks on young adults, focusing on both positive and negative impacts. It considers problematic social networking site use (PSNSU), emotional intelligence, empathy, and the phenomenon of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO). (2) Methods: A comprehensive online survey was conducted with 442 participants aged 18 to 30 years that used various psychometric tools to assess emotional intelligence, empathy, internet and social media use, and FoMO. (3) Results: The study revealed that young adults display low competencies in emotional intelligence and empathy, with a tendency towards problematic internet and social media use. High FoMO scores were observed, correlating with negative internet use outcomes. Gender differences in these aspects were also explored. (4) Conclusions: The findings suggest a complex interaction between social network use, emotional skills, and FoMO that impacts young adults’ mental health and social behaviors. This study highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of these relationships and their implications for well-being and social interaction in the digital age.
... Sin embargo, otro estudio longitudinal en Alemania ha encontrado que el incremento en el uso de redes sociales durante la adolescencia favorece los componentes afectivos de la empatía (Lachmann et al., 2018;Melchers et al., 2015). Además, en una reciente revisión sistemática se halló una relación significativa y positiva entre el uso de redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter e Instagram y la empatía afectiva, pero la relación sería inexistente o negativa con los componentes cognitivos de la empatía (Guan et al., 2019). ...
... Uno de los hallazgos más interesantes de este estudio fue la relación positiva entre la empatía y el uso de redes sociales durante las situaciones de crisis, ya que entre mayores puntajes se obtuvieron en el IRI, mayor fue la frecuencia de uso de TikTok e Instagram durante los periodos de crisis sociales. Resultados similares fueron reportados en la revisión sistemática de Guan et al. (2019), donde el uso de redes era mayor en personas con más altos índices de empatía afectiva. Esto podría indicar que las personas con mayor facilidad para sentir las emociones ajenas buscan con mayor frecuencia información sobre las situaciones amenazantes en los contenidos compartidos por otros (Ayala, 2012), lo que conlleva a un mayor contagio emocional e identificación con las experiencias compartidas en las redes sociales, manteniéndose una retroalimentación positiva entre la empatía y uso de las redes sociales. ...
... De forma interesante, habilidad empática de toma de perspectiva no se asoció con el uso de redes sociales ni su efecto sobre la salud mental durante las dos crisis. Contrariamente, estudios previos han hallado un rol protector de las habilidades de mentalización y toma de perspectiva sobre el efecto negativo de la exposición a la adversidad, incluso a través de redes sociales (Guan et al., 2019;Huang et al., 2020). En este estudio, es posible que los participantes no estén usando las habilidades de mentalización para ponerse en el lugar de los demás durante el uso de redes sociales, por ello esta habilidad no cumple con su rol protector sobre la salud mental. ...
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Múltiples estudios sugieren que las crisis sociales exacerban los problemas de salud mental en la población. Sin embargo, el funcionamiento empático y la disponibilidad de información en redes sociales puede mediar su impacto. Colombia atravesó recientemente dos crisis sociales: la pandemia por COVID-19 y la huelga nacional del 2021. Se analizó la relación entre empatía, uso de redes sociales y salud mental durante estas crisis. 314 participantes respondieron en línea los cuestionarios Índice de Reactividad Interpersonal, Tiempo de uso de redes sociales, Escala de Estrés Traumático Secundario, Escala para el Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada GAD-7 y el Índice de Bienestar WHO-5. Los resultados indicaron mayor uso de redes durante las crisis; mayor reporte de ansiedad y de estrés traumático entre más tiempo de uso de redes; peores indicadores generales de bienestar y de salud mental entre mayor uso de redes; relación negativa entre salud mental y medidas de empatía y peores indicadores de salud mental en personas con un menor nivel educativo que más usaron redes y con índices altos de malestar personal y fantasía empática. En conclusión, las habilidades empáticas influyeron sobre la relación entre el uso de redes sociales y salud mental durante las dos crisis sociales.
... Cognitive empathy is considered a deliberate skill that develops with practice, whereas emotional empathy may occur more automatically in response to evocative stimuli (Martingano, 2020). In an attempt to determine whether the relationship between social media and empathy is different for cognitive and emotional empathy, Guan et al. (2019) conducted a mini metaanalysis of five previously published studies on this topic. They found that, overall, individuals' social media use was associated with higher self-reported emotional empathy and cognitive empathy. ...
... This means our study should be able to detect correlations higher than r = .06 or lower than À.06, a size comparable to previously reported average effect sizes (r = .05-.07; Guan et al., 2019). ...
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As social media becomes more popular, so do debates about its socio-emotional implications. The current study examined the relationship between social media use and narcissism, alexithymia, and empathy among 1253 American adults. We find that, within this sample, social media use is negatively correlated with self-report and performance measures of empathy, particularly cognitive empathy, and positively correlated with narcissism and alexithymia. However, this result appears constrained to the demographics of this sample. We also report a mini meta-analysis on the relationship between empathy and social media use including our results alongside those of previous research. We find that this strength and direction of this relationship may depend upon nationality, age, and data collection date. In contrast to our result, studies conducted in Europe or with a sample under 18 years of age find a positive relationship between social media use and empathy. In addition, data collected in more recent years tends to report a more positive association between social media and empathy. This paper helps to clarify the relationship between social media use and socioemotional traits and contributes to public debates about social media.
... Considering the results of the existing research, the propensity to use social media for online social interaction depends on several other underlying factors, such as age, motive, or level of sociability. For instance, a study by Guan et al. (2019) revealed a significant positive relation between face-to-face communication and higher levels of psychological well-being, but this applied only to older generations and not to individuals aged between 18 and 34 who have used social media regularly since they were born. Furthermore, a study by Valkenburg & Peter (2007) focused on preadolescents and adolescents also revealed age differences in regard to online social media interaction, with 15-year-olds being the most active. ...
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As a fallout of the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the whole world was put into isolation. During this period, social media saw a record influx of users who used the technology to stay connected. However, the long-lasting effects of the pandemic on interpersonal relationships and mental health remain a burning topic. Thus, the study aims to examine how the pandemic affected our ability to build new interpersonal relationships in connection to aspects of emotional intelligence such as empathy and Theory of Mind (ToM). Furthermore, the study also examines how the use of social media for communication changed after the pandemic. In total, N = 464 subjects (Age: M = 27.07; 47%, F = 25,9; 53%) participated in the study. Empathy, ToM, social media use for communication before and after the pandemic, and the ability to form new relationships before and after the pandemic were assessed. A compelling finding of the study indicates a statistically significant positive relationship between empathy and the ability to form new relationships before and after the pandemic, suggesting that empathy outweighs both emotional intelligence and social media usage in building new relationships. However, no significant relation was found between ToM and the ability to form new relationships before and after the pandemic. Lastly, no relation was found between ToM, empathy, and the use of social media for communication before and after the pandemic. Future studies should examine how the pandemic may have affected other facets of relationship formation and social interaction dynamics in connection with other aspects of emotional intelligence that have not been covered.
... Rather, research increasingly demonstrates that these activities actively shape social cognitive processes themselves 128,129 . One example of this is how engagement in social media platforms requires interpreting and responding to a broad range of emotional cues and perspectives, which potentially may hone face-to-face empathy skills 130 . A longitudinal survey of Dutch adolescents showed that social media use held a relationship to improved cognitive and affective empathy 131 . ...
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In response to the mass adoption and extensive usage of Internet‐enabled devices across the world, a major review published in this journal in 2019 examined the impact of Internet on human cognition, discussing the concepts and ideas behind the “online brain”. Since then, the online world has become further entwined with the fabric of society, and the extent to which we use such technologies has continued to grow. Furthermore, the research evidence on the ways in which Internet usage affects the human mind has advanced considerably. In this paper, we sought to draw upon the latest data from large‐scale epidemiological studies and systematic reviews, along with randomized controlled trials and qualitative research recently emerging on this topic, in order to now provide a multi‐dimensional overview of the impacts of Internet usage across psychological, cognitive and societal outcomes. Within this, we detail the empirical evidence on how effects differ according to various factors such as age, gender, and usage types. We also draw from new research examining more experiential aspects of individuals’ online lives, to understand how the specifics of their interactions with the Internet, and the impact on their lifestyle, determine the benefits or drawbacks of online time. Additionally, we explore how the nascent but intriguing areas of culturomics, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality are changing our understanding of how the Internet can interact with brain and behavior. Overall, the importance of taking an individualized and multi‐dimensional approach to how the Internet affects mental health, cognition and social functioning is clear. Furthermore, we emphasize the need for guidelines, policies and initiatives around Internet usage to make full use of the evidence available from neuroscientific, behavioral and societal levels of research presented herein.
... leading to what has been called the 'media-empathy paradox' (Guan et al. 2019): Precisely the technologies that have been expressly designed to foster social connection seem to lead to a deterioration in people's interpersonal capacities. Apparently, the means humans have, throughout the ages, acquired to access others' emotional life no longer seem to function well in what has become our everyday business -technologically mediated social interactions in online spaces. ...
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Empathy is an integral aspect of human existence. Without at least a basic ability to access others’ affective life, social interactions would be well-nigh impossible. Yet, recent studies seem to show that the means we have acquired to access others’ emotional life no longer function well in what has become our everyday business – technologically mediated interactions in digital spaces. If this is correct, there are two important questions: (1) What makes empathy for frequent internet users so difficult? and (2) What can we do to alleviate the negative consequences? Correspondingly, the aim of this paper is twofold. First, we identify structural differences between offline and technologically mediated interactions that can explain why digital empathy is harder to achieve. Second, drawing on the literature on ‘situated affectivity,’ we consider the idea of modifying digital spaces in ways specifically designed to ‘scaffold’ empathy where our evolved mechanisms fail. Section 2 argues that empathy is requires interpreting the behavior of embodied subjects. Section 3 identifies three factors that are crucial for this interpretative endeavor: the empathizer’s affective repertoire, their perceptual input, and their background knowledge. Section 4 argues that technologically mediated interactions differ from face-to-face interactions with regard to these factors in ways which render our evolved empathy mechanisms less effective in the digital world. Section 5 introduces the idea that situational factors can serve as ‘empathic scaffolds,’ i.e., as ‘tools’ that can ‘shape’ people’s empathic reactions. Section 6 wraps up the main line of reasoning, responds to objections and invites further scholarship.
... It's possible that increases in exposure to others in difficulty-whether because of economic shocks, or because of increased loneliness, or because of more pessimistic worldviews-could inspire increased empathy. The wide adoption of social media after 2008 has also provided increased exposure to others' needs, which could help to inspire empathy (Guan et al., 2019;Vossen & Valkenburg, 2016). ...
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Previous research has found declining dispositional empathy among American youth from 1979 to 2009. We update these trends until 2018, using three datasets. Study 1 presents a cross-temporal meta-analysis of undergraduates’ empathy (Interpersonal Reactivity Index), finding significant cubic trends over time: perspective taking (PT) and empathic concern (EC) both increased since 2009. Study 2 conceptually replicated these findings using nationally representative datasets, also showing increasing PT (Study 2a: American Freshman Survey) and EC (Study 2b: Monitoring the Future Survey) since 2009. We include economic, interpersonal, and worldview covariates to test for potential explanations, finding evidence that empathy trends may be related to recent changes in interpersonal dynamics.
... Issues of autonomy highlighted by the Facebook emotional contagion study are not the only area of concern. Manipulation of the psychological state of users, in particular levels of empathy, have been demonstrated to have mixed effects dependent on the structure and formulation of the information environments [90]. Network structures, as conditioned by algorithmic design, can in some instances impact the susceptibility of individuals to certain types of information that might either increase or decrease empathy towards issues and persons outside of one's own experience. ...
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The long progress towards universal human rights is regressing. This regression is pronounced within digital spaces once thought to be potential bulwarks of a new era in human rights. But on the contrary, new technologies have given rise to threats that undermine the autonomy, empathy, and dignity of human beings. Early visions of human rights being strengthened by networked technologies have instead crashed into technological realities which not only fail to advance human rights discourses, but rather serve to actively undermine fundamental human rights in countries around the world. The future of human rights is increasingly threatened by advances that would make George Orwell blush. Omnipresent data collection and algorithmic advances once promising a utopian world of efficiency and connection are deeply interwoven with challenges to anonymity, privacy, and security. This paper examines the impact of technological advances on the regression of human rights in digital spaces. The paper examines the development of human rights through changes in concepts of autonomy, empathy, and dignity, it charts their regression as technologies are used to increasingly prey on these very same characteristics that un-dergird human rights discourses.
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ÖZ Amaç: Bu araştırma, ergenlerde sosyal medya kullanım bozukluğu, aleksitimi ve empati arasındaki ilişkinin yapısal eşitlik modeli ile incelemesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırma, 388 ergenle tanımlayıcı-kesitsel olarak yapılmıştır. Veriler, “Bilgi Formu”, “Sosyal Medya Bozukluğu Ölçeği”, “Toronto Aleksitimi Ölçeği” ve “Temel Empati Ölçeği” kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde, ölçeklerin faktör analizi, madde toplam korelasyonu, Cronbach Alpha güvenilirlik katsayıları hesaplanmıştır. Araştırmanın hipotezleri yapısal eşitlik modeli ile test edilmiştir. Bulgular: Ergenlerde sosyal medya bozukluğu düzeyinin artması, aleksitimi düzeyini arttırmaktadır. Aleksitimi düzeyinin artması ise, empati düzeyini azaltmaktadır. Sonuç: Bu araştırmanın sonuçları, sosyal medya kullanım bozukluğunun ergenlerde aleksitimi ve empati üzerindeki etkisini göstermesi açısından önemlidir. Ayrıca, sosyal medyanın ergenlerde sağlıklı kullanımına yönelik geliştirilecek eğitim ve sağlık politikalarında, bu araştırmanın sonuçlarından yararlanılabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ergen, Sosyal Medya, Aleksitimi, Empati Kaynakça: Abi-Jaoude, E., Naylor, K. T., & Pignatiello, A. (2020). Smartphones, social media use and youth mental health. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 192(6), E136-E141. Alonzo, R., Hussain, J., Stranges, S., & Anderson, K. K. (2021). Interplay between social media use, sleep quality, and mental health in youth: A systematic review. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 56, 101414. Aslan, G., Bakan, A. B., & Yildiz, M. (2021). An investigation of the relationship between alexithymia and empathy tendency in university students receiving health education. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 57(2), 709-716.
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Abstract Effect size reporting is crucial for interpretation of applied research results and for conducting meta-analysis. However, clear guidelines for reporting effect size in multilevel models have not been provided. This report suggests and demonstrates appropriate effect size measures including the ICC for random effects and standardized regression coefficients or f 2 for fixed effects. Following this, complexities associated with reporting R 2 as an effect size measure are explored, as well as appropriate effect size measures for more complex models including the three-level model and the random slopes model. An example using TIMSS data is provided.
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Studies examining the effects of exposure to prosocial media on positive outcomes are increasing in number and strength. However, existing meta-analyses use a broad definition of prosocial media that does not recognize the multidimensionality of prosocial behavior. The aim of the current study is to conduct a meta-analysis on the effects of exposure to prosocial media on prosocial behavior, aggression, and empathic concern while examining multiple moderators that the prosocial behavior literature suggests are important to our understanding of why individuals voluntarily help others (e.g., target, type, cost). Results from 72 studies involving 243 effect sizes revealed that exposure to prosocial media was related to higher levels of prosocial behavior and empathic concern and lower levels of aggressive behavior. Moderation analyses suggest that several moderators accounted for heterogeneity in the model, including age of participant, region, media type (active vs. passive), and study design. In terms of multidimensional moderators, prosocial media had stronger effects on prosocial behavior toward strangers than did any other target and on helping and prosocial thinking but not donating or volunteering. Comparisons with other meta-analyses on media effects are made and implications for parents, media producers, and researchers are discussed.
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Cultural products can reflect as well as influence people’s cultural perspective. Through examining the cultural products distributed in new media, we can understand the impact of new media on China from a cultural perspective. In the first section, Chinese culture within the framework of Hofstede’s culture dimension is laid out, which is described as high power distance, long-term orientation, weak uncertainty avoidance, emphasizing accomplishment, restrained, and very collectivistic. In the second part, we review the evidences explaining what Chinese cultural values are reflected in new media. We find that Chinese collectivism is evident from institution online presentation to individual social networking, underlying the formation of social capital on the online social networks. In the last section, we explain the relationship between new media and cultural change and discuss how new media may influence Chinese cultural change. Despite the short history of new media, it potentially exerts power along with modernization in influencing people’s cultural orientation in collectivism–individualism. In conclusion, as the new media changes communication and becomes a more important platform disseminating cultural products, we submit that cultural products in new media reflect Chinese cultural value and may influence Chinese cultural change in the long run.
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Facebook and Twitter have change interpersonal relationships. Adolescents are the sector of the population who use most these networks. They use them in an emotional way, to express their emotions and to comment on those of others. Empathy, narcissism, and self-esteem may play an important role in the use of these networks. Using a sample of 503 Spanish adolescents (272 males, 231 females), this work studies the relationship between the Basic Empathy Scale, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and emotional and empathic use of Facebook and Twitter. The results showed that those who use Facebook and Twitter have higher scores in empathy. It has been observed that certain ways of using these two social networks are associated with narcissism. Greater use of Facebook and Twitter is associated with lower self-esteem.
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The aim of this article is to improve understanding of self-effects in social media, and to compare self-effects with reception effects. Self-effects are the effects of messages the cognitions, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors of the message creators/senders themselves. Four theories have tried to explain self-effects in offline environments: self-persuasion, self-concept change, expressive writing, and political deliberation. The article reviews research into online self-effects that evolved from each of these theories, and argues why self-effects may be stronger online than offline. Based on this review, a model is introduced that helps explain how online self- and reception effects may coalesce and amplify each other. The article ends by presenting some suggestions for future research.
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Social networking sites like Facebook are popular and ever-expanding , especially among adolescents in Turkey. The study of 406 adolescents aged 14 to 18 (M age = 15.61, SD = 1.16) provides novel insights into how adolescents from Turkey within a specific cultural framework, display certain kinds of self-presentation strategies. Using the Revised Self-Presentation Scale (RSPS; Lee et al., 1999) when coding adolescents' profiles for strategies and information, we found that exemplification is the most utilized strategy followed by the ingratia-tion strategy. Self-report results differed from coded behavioral strategy use for intimidation and self-promotion, where there were higher levels of intimidation strategy than self-reported; for the self-promotion strategy, self-reported levels were higher than coded behavioral use. Particular strategy usage also predicted the sharing of types of information and the number of network friends.
Empathy has long been a topic of interest to psychologists, but it has been studied in a sometimes bewildering number of ways. In this volume, Mark Davis offers a thorough, evenhanded review of contemporary empathy research, especially work that has been carried out by social and personality psychologists.Davis' approach is explicitly multidimensional. He draws careful distinctions between situational and dispositional “antecedents” of empathy, cognitive and noncognitive “internal processes,” affective and nonaffective “intrapersonal outcomes,” and the “interpersonal behavioral outcomes” that follow. Davis presents a novel organizational model to help classify and interpret previous findings. This book will be of value in advanced undergraduate and graduate courses on altruism, helping, nad moral development.
Youth well-being, social connectedness, and personality traits, such as empathy and narcissism, are at the crux of concerns often raised about the impacts of digital life. Understanding known impacts, and research gaps, in these areas is an important first step toward supporting media use that contributes positively to youth's happiness, life satisfaction, and prosocial attitudes and behaviors. By examining existing work addressing these issues across domains, we found that a complex interplay of individual factors, type of digital media engagement, and experiences in media contexts informs outcomes related to well-being, social connectedness, empathy, and narcissism. We argue that further research is needed to uncover how, where, when, and for whom digital media practices support positive well-being and social connectedness outcomes. Specifically, research needs to move beyond correlational studies to uncover causal connections between traits like narcissism and media use. Longitudinal studies are also needed to explore patterns of media use over time and related impacts. Further research is needed to explore how specific technologies can be designed to support positive well-being, social outcomes, and prosocial personality traits. Finally, research is needed regarding parenting, educational practices, and policies that support positive digital media use and related outcomes. Although existing research suggests that digital life has mixed potentials and effects for well-being, social connectedness, empathy, and narcissism, we provide recommendations for clinicians, policy makers, and educators in partnering with caregivers and youth to support media use that promotes positive outcomes in these areas.
Facebook is a relatively new tool launched in 2004, and yet it is quickly attracting numerous people around the world. The current work examined not only how Facebook is perceived and used in independent and interdependent cultures but also how one would be subsequently influenced by the different usage of Facebook. In Study 1, we found that Korean participants had more relational/interdependent beliefs about Facebook than did American participants. Furthermore, Study 2 showed cultural differences in actual activities on Facebook, such that relational/interdependent activities on Facebook were more prevalent in Eastern than in Western cultures. Importantly, in Study 3, we found that experimentally induced interdependent usage of Facebook led to more relational reasoning. Taken together, our findings suggest that people would use Facebook in culturally appropriate ways, and further, Facebook might function as a mechanism to maintain or reinforce cultural differences in psychological processes.