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The construction of the Ambarawa (Willem I) - Kedungjati railway line by the Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NISM) is for military purposes and the transportation of the plantations of the Dutch colonial government so that it was significant to study. The successful placement of the train station is supported by the structural quality of the station building that was built as well as the city/regional focal point. Then in the development of the regional spatial structure allows a shift in the role of the land route where the railway station building is located.This study aims to examine the placement of Railway Stations in the City Spatial Plan on the Ambarawa-Kedungjati Line because at present the Ambarawa train station still has a strong role because it is the starting point for the development of the city which produces a variety of morphological spatial expressions in the form of a compact form of square shape and Urban sprawl in the form of linear development. The results of the study can be taken into consideration in the planning of the area where the railway station building is placed in line with the development of the city and or district layout.
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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Placement of Ambarawa Railway Station in city spatial planning
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CITIES 2018: Spatial Economic Transport Interaction for Sustainable Development
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 340 (2019) 012031
IOP Publishing
Placement of Ambarawa Railway Station in city spatial
N Solikhah1
1Department of Architecture and Planning, Universitas Tarumanagara, Campus 1, L Building,
7th Floor, Jl. Let Jen. S. Parman Number 1, West Jakarta 11440, INDONESIA
Abstract. The construction of the Ambarawa (Willem I) - Kedungjati railway line by the
Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NISM) is for military purposes and the
transportation of the plantations of the Dutch colonial government so that it was significant to
study. The successful placement of the train station is supported by the structural quality of the
station building that was built as well as the city/ regional focal point. Then in the development
of the regional spatial structure allows a shift in the role of the land route where the railway
station building is located.This study aims to examine the placement of Railway Stations in the
City Spatial Plan on the Ambarawa-Kedungjati Line because at present the Ambarawa train
station still has a strong role because it is the starting point for the development of the city which
produces a variety of morphological spatial expressions in the form of a compact form of square
shape and Urban sprawl in the form of linear development. The results of the study can be taken
into consideration in the planning of the area where the railway station building is placed in line
with the development of the city and or district layout.
Keywords: Railway station, Urban morphology, Urban sprawl, Ambarawa
1. Introduction
The railroad network on Java is one of the most complete and densest railroad networks in Asia as one
of the forms of the transportation equipment revolution in the early 19th century to complement the
Grote Postweg (the Java-based highway from Anyer - Panarukan, currently more famous as the Pantura
Line) built by Daendels in 1808-1810 [1]. The first railway line in Java, Semarang-Kedungjati, was
inaugurated in 1871, then Batavia-Buitenzorg (Jakarta-Bogor) was opened in 1873, the Surabaya-
Pasuruan route in 1878, the Buitenzorg-Bandung (Bogor-Bandung) route was completed in 1884, and
then the Surabaya-Solo and Semarang lanes. In 1894, the Surabaya-Batavia railway line through Maos,
Yogyakarta and Solo was successfully completed. In 1912 the second alternative route between
Surabaya-Batavia, through Cirebon and Semarang was successfully completed. The Kedungjati-Willem
I (Ambarawa) branch was inaugurated on 21 May 1873 following the inauguration of the Semarang-
Surakarta-Yogyakarta line [1].
The construction of the railroad network in Java was inseparable from the Dutch strategic interests
to exploit Java, so the placement of Railway Station buildings became a matter that required
CITIES 2018: Spatial Economic Transport Interaction for Sustainable Development
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 340 (2019) 012031
IOP Publishing
consideration [2]. This is reinforced by the opinion of Handinoto [3], that the railway station building is
designed as a focal point so that it has an important role for the architecture of the city/ region.
The next step with the existence of the railway network is the placement of the train station in the
city or district that is passed. The easiest tendency for railroad station placement is in the city center so
that it is easily accessible by passengers. Placement of train stations in cities in Java in the past generally
worked well, including train stations in Bandung, Tegal, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Malang, Jombang. The
successful placement of the train station is supported by the structural quality of the station building that
was built as well as focal point of the city/ region [3].
As one of the initial routes built by Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NISM), the
Ambarawa-Kedungjati Line is significant to be studied. The construction of the Ambarawa Railway
(Willem I) -Kedungjati railway is not separated from the military interests and transportation of Dutch
colonial government plantations (Figure 1). Therefore, the placement of the railway station building on
the Ambarawa (Willem I) - Kedungjati line is certainly on the basis of mature consideration.
Figure 1. From the Ambarawa map in 1905, the placement of railway station buildings was close
to military camps (military interests) and located on the plantation path (Source:
Along with the development of land transportation and the efficiency of the railway line and the
collapse of the bridge that connects Ambarawa-Kedungjati, the Ambarawa (Willem I) - Kedungjati
railway line was finally officially closed in 1976. Towards the end of the 20th century, road traffic on
the Island Java is increasingly crowded, including the land crossing of Ambarawa-Kedungjati which is
the main route connecting the City of Ambarawa-Grobogan Regency. The cities and regencies in the
Ambarawa-Kedungjati railway line in general have developed rapidly, which has an impact on the
placement of the train station which was originally planned properly in the city or district spatial layout.
The development of the regional spatial structure allows a shift in the role of the land route that the
railroad traverses. If initially the land route where the train station building is located is an important
route, then in the development of the regional spatial structure allows a shift in the role of the land route
where the railway station building is located [4]. With the plan of Directorate General of Railways of
the Ministry of Transportation to reactivate Tuntang-Kedungjati railway line, an integrated system is
Based on this background, this study aims to study the placement of Ambarawa Railway Station in
City Spatial Planning. The results of the study of the placement of the Railway Station in the City Spatial
Plan on the Ambarawa-Kedungjati Line can be taken into consideration in city and or district planning
where the railway station building is placed in line with the development of the city and or district
The approach method used in this study is a qualitative approach to find out the placement of
Ambarawa Railway Station in the City Spatial Plan on the Ambarawa-Kedungjati Line because of its
significant role in the history of Railroad transportation in Java. The study area boundaries is the
Ambarawa Railway (Willem I) Station.
CITIES 2018: Spatial Economic Transport Interaction for Sustainable Development
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 340 (2019) 012031
IOP Publishing
Primary and secondary data that has been evaluated using historical search methods (diachronic
reading) and synchronic reading with the placement of railway station buildings as starting points will
be analyzed evaluatively descriptively, namely problem solving procedures by describing the current
state of the research object based on facts or what it is. Presentation of data will be supported with
illustrations and graphic images to facilitate the delivery of information [5].
2. Architectural typology of Ambarawa Station
2.1. Spatial system
The main building space pattern of Ambarawa Station is arranged linearly (extends horizontally east-
west) and symmetrical between the left wing and the right wing of the building. Linear pattern is one of
the prototypes of train stations in Indonesia. Circulation flow for visitors to Ambarawa station is linear
following the pattern of space. During the Dutch colonial period there was a difference in the flow of
circulation between the indigenous population and the foreign population (European) which was seen
in the difference between the waiting area and the toilet. The waiting area for the indigenous population
is on the outside of the main building (Figure 2 point 2) while the toilet is on the outside of the main
building (Figure 2 point 1). The waiting area for white people is on the inside of the main building which
is equipped with bars and toilets in (Figure 2 points 3, 4, 5). [6]
Ambarawa Station applies Indische Architecture, marked by the presence of an open corridor
(vestibule) that surrounds the main building. With the separation of building masses in accordance with
the activity zone, the flow of passenger activity circulation is separated from the circulation flow of the
main activity. The main building is oriented to the East-West axis horizontally. The opening in the main
building of Ambarawa Station is oriented towards the platform and emplacement which is visible from
the direction of the door opening, while the orientation to the front corridor is in the window area. When
viewed from the space organization, Ambarawa Station is an island station type, where the main building
of the station is flanked by an Emplacement/ railway line [6].
1. Service Room (WC, Technician Room) / 2. Waiting Room / 3. Bar / 4. Sitting Room / 5. VIP Toilet /
6. Clinic / 7. Showroom / 8. Office /9. Leader Room / 10. Ticket Room / 11. Signal Room
Indigenous Foreigner
Figure 2. The spatial system of main buildings of Ambarawa Station [6]
CITIES 2018: Spatial Economic Transport Interaction for Sustainable Development
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 340 (2019) 012031
IOP Publishing
2.2. Physical systems and figural quality
The physical form of the main building of the Ambarawa station is a combination of concrete structures
with steel structures. The main building of the Ambarawa station is cube shaped using a concrete
structure which is shaded by Overkapping in the form of a steel canopy with a wide span (about 22 m)
of steel construction (Figure 3). Thickening of plastering on the main building as well as ornaments.
Terracota couples as a waterproof coating as well as an aesthetic maker. The ceiling on the main building
of the station using wood material that can reduce the heat that arises as well as a high ceiling allows
hot air gathering place so that the room under it will become cooler, given the geographical climate of
the tropics [6].
Main Building
Figure 3. The figural quality of main buildings of Ambarawa Station [6]
2.3. Stylistic system
The stylistic system is analyzed based on indicators of roofs, columns, openings and decorative types.
The main building of the Ambarawa station is a concrete roof which is shaded by Overkapping in the
form of a steel canopy with a wide span (about 22 m) structured supported by a steel column (Figure 4).
The shape and pattern of doors and windows has the same type, namely the Indis characteristic, using
high and wide wood materials [8]. The most prominent ornaments in the main building of the Ambarawa
station are terracotta frame with arc construction. At the end of the brick arch ended with molding of
cement. In the interior of the main building get Art Deco influence on the details of doors, windows and
floor motifs. The stilistic system is also formed from the means of supporting railway activities when
Ambarawa Station is still active, namely: manual signal control made by Alkmaar (city name in the
Netherlands), Genta PJL or Genta Cross Guard Officer is a communication aid that sends news related
to the Train and Ancient Clock travel. The stations that use Alkmaar signaling, all notes use manual
shifting levers that are near each money order (the notes are not operated centrally). Alkmaar's signaling
system cannot be assembled with a block signal, so it cannot be used at a station adjacent to other stations
that use electrical signaling equipment [6] [7].
Overkapping terracota Door details and plafond
various floor patterns Regulator Alkmaar Signals GPL Ancient Clock
Figure 4. Stilistic character of main building of Ambarawa Station
Source: [6]
CITIES 2018: Spatial Economic Transport Interaction for Sustainable Development
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 340 (2019) 012031
IOP Publishing
3. Placement of Ambarawa Railway Station in city spatial planning
Ambarawa is one of the cities included in the first phase of the railway line construction by the
Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NISM). Ambarawa was originally a military city
during the Dutch Colonial Government. For the operational benefit of the Dutch Colonial Government,
King Willem I ordered the construction of a new railway station that would allow the government to
transport its troops and the results of coffee plantations to Semarang. Ambarawa Railway Station was
built adjacent to Benteng Willem I and was inaugurated on May 21, 1873 along with the opening of the
Semarang-Kedungjati-Ambarawa line. With the deactivation of the Ambarawa-Kedungjati line in 1976,
Ambarawa Station changed its function to the Ambarawa Railway Museum which was inaugurated on
April 21, 1978. Ambarawa Station still serves the Ambarawa-Tuntang PP and Ambarawa-Bedono PP
lines for tourism purposes.
The construction of the Ambarawa (Willem I) - Kedungjati railway line was inseparable from
military interests and the transport of the products of the Dutch colonial administration. This can be seen
from the selection of Ambarawa Station (Willem I) location adjacent to the Willem I fortress in the city
of Ambarawa. When viewed from the station placement on city architecture, the morphology of the city
of Ambarawa produces a variation of the city / region's morphological spatial expressions in the form
of a compact square shape. A square city shows the opportunity to expand the city in a relatively
balanced direction (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Position of Ambarawa Railway Station in city spatial planning
(Source: Author, 2018; [9])
Placement of the Ambarawa (Willem I) railway station is one example of the integration of station
placement with the overall city layout. The Ambarawa train station is the main axis of the city which
runs from North to South. The main building of the station is located at the intersection of the main road
with the road leading to the fortress of Willem I so that the figural quality of the main building which is
shaded by an overkapping roof forms a monumental impression of the station building as a focal point
(Figure 6).
CITIES 2018: Spatial Economic Transport Interaction for Sustainable Development
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 340 (2019) 012031
IOP Publishing
Figure 6. Figural quality of Ambarawa Railway Station and Fort Willem I.
Source: Author, 2018
In terms of city architecture, the placement of the Ambarawa train station is one of the determinants
of the development of the city's morphology. Its location which is on the axis of the main road makes
the surrounding area develop because it is now also the center of the city. Whereas the area around Fort
Willem I is currently neglected because the fortress is not functioning. Part of the former military camp
area was used as Ambawara’s Jail Class IIA LP.
Furthermore, the morphology of the Ambarawa region developed, one of which was influenced by
the development of transportation infrastructure. Judging from the development of transportation
infrastructure, the morphology of the Ambarawa region in the period of lateral growth includes the
period of development of inter-city transportation relations. Starting from the placement of the train
station, based on the map of the Ambarawa region in 2011 it can be seen that the urban sprawl Ambarawa
perforation process is in the form of linear development, which is a perforation that indicates the
inequality of urban area spillages on all sides - the outer side of the main city area (Figure 7). Perforation
is most quickly seen along the existing transportation routes, especially with the construction of toll
roads that connect West Java to East Java.
Figure 7. Urban Sprawl Ambarawa
Source: Author, 2018
4. Conclusion and recommendations
Placement of the ambarawa railway station building has an important role in the development of
Ambarawa city. The placement of the Ambarawa train station building (Willem I) was initially not
separated from the military interests and transportation of the plantations of the Dutch colonial
CITIES 2018: Spatial Economic Transport Interaction for Sustainable Development
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 340 (2019) 012031
IOP Publishing
government. In the development of the city of Ambarawa, the train station still has a strong role because
it is the starting point for the development of the city which produces variations in the spatial
morphological expressions of the region in the form of a square. Starting from the placement of the train
station, it can be seen that the urban sprawl process of Ambarawa is in the form of linear development,
which is a perforation that indicates the inequality of the urban area perforation on all the outer sides of
the main area. city.
The results of the study of the placement of the Railway Station in the City Spatial Plan on the
Ambarawa-Kedungjati Line can be taken into consideration in city and or district planning where the
railway station building is placed in line with the development of the city and or district layout.
Based on the role of Ambarawa Railway Station building in the layout of the city of Ambarawa, it is
necessary to manage an integrated historical system since the investigation phase (Heritage Management
System), which includes: Significant Investigation Stage, Phase Assessing Significance, until
Significance Management Stage, which is a step end to determine the direction of management policies
and possible development. In addition, it is necessary to have an active role from the local government
to provide learning to the public on the importance of the sustainability of buildings and historical areas.
5. References
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[3] Handinoto 1999 Perletakan Stasiun Kereta Api Dalam Tata Ruang Kota-kota di Jawa (Khususnya
Jawa Timur) Pada Masa Kolonial. Jurnal Dimensi Teknik Arsitektur. 27, No. 2, DESEMBER
1999, 48 56
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Jalur Ambarawa-Kedungjati. Research Report. Not Published. Jakarta: Direktorat Penelitian
dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Tarumanagara
[5] Moleong L. J. 2005 Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya)
[6] Solikhah N., Kurnia A. S. 2017 Tipologi Arsitektural Stasiun Kereta Api Jalur Ambarawa-
Kedungjati (Studi Kasus: Stasiun Ambarawa, Stasiun Tuntang, Stasiun Bringin, Stasiun
Kedungjati). Research Report. Not Published. Jakarta: Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian
kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Tarumanagara
[7] Hartanti, Nurhikmah B. 2010 Stasiun Kereta Api di Pulau Jawa-Indonesia (Jakarta: PT.
Kereta Api (Persero) - Pusat Pelestarian Benda dan Bangunan afiliation with FTSP Universitas
[8] Junianto 2002 Arsitektur Indis. (Malang: Grup Konservasi Arsitektur Kota dan Lingkungan,
Jurusan Arsitektur-Universitas Merdeka Malang)
[9] Yunus H. S. 2001 Struktur Tata Ruang Kota (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar)
Full-text available
This text aims to conduct a historical analysis of the development of the Semarang-Joana Tram Company or Stoomtram Maatschappij (SJS) in the railway map of Indonesia from the Dutch Colonial era to the Post-Independence period. The analysis employed historical methods, relying on primary sources obtained from Dutch and Indonesian archives and libraries, as well as interviews, site visits, and focus group discussions. The results showed that historical situation factors significantly determined the culture and performance of SJS companies. During the Dutch Colonial period, this situation strongly supported the growth and development of the company due to being assisted by ‘an open-door policy’ that provided foreign capital. Furthermore, the external factors that benefited the success of the SJS company at the beginning of its development included the following: (1) the ease of processing land for the railway, (2) the establishment of a previously designed railway, (3) the growth of plantation companies, (4) plantations, and (5) urban population improvement. The political changes during the Japanese military occupation led to the integration of SJS management into the government railway management under the Rikuyu Sokkyoku Administration. After Indonesia gained independence, SJS was nationalized and managed under the same administration as the Government Railway Department, which later became PT Kereta Api Indonesia. The shift in management from a private company to a government entity resulted in a decline in SJS performance.
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Railway Company in Indonesia started in 1860's. They were held by both government (SS- Staad Spoorwegen) and private (NIS, etc). The same happened as in Europe after rev. industry, railway station's placement as new kind of building became very important in urban planning. Faster progression,in railway services in Indonesia in the begining 20 th century, that reached almost all of town in Java; caused railway station's placement, either in larger city or Kabupaten city will be importance. In the end of 19 th and 20 th century, railway transportation was one of important infrastructure.But in the second part of 20 th century, after independence, the roadway progression caused railway services become come down, so railway stations were careless. In the end of 20 th century, the dense of roadway in Java caused railway's function raise again. In general towns has been develop, so railway station placement which been though exactly in urban planning, become to make trouble for city trafic. The scoupe of this paper covered about the placement of railway station in the past, as input for development city in Java for the future. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Per kereta api an di Indonesia baru dimulai pada th. 1860 an. Perusahaan kereta api ditangani oleh dua instansi yaitu oleh pihak pemerintah (seperti: S.S - Staad Spoorwegen) dan pihak swasta (seperti :NIS - Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij, dan sebagainya). Seperti halnya di Eropa setelah revolusi industri, perletakkan stasiun sebagai suatu jenis bangunan baru, menjadi sangat penting dalam tata ruang kota. Dengan makin majunya per kereta api an di Indonesia pada awal abad ke 20, yang hampir mencapai seluruh kota di Jawa, maka penempatan stasiun kereta api baik di kota-kota besar maupun kota Kabupaten menjadi suatu pemikiran yang penting. Pada akhir abad ke 19 dan abad ke 20, angkutan dengan kereta api, menjadi salah satu sarana yang sangat penting, baik angkutan barang maupun manusia. Tapi pada bagian kedua abad 20, setelah kemerdekaan, karena kemajuan jalan darat, peran kereta api menjadi menurun, sehingga stasiun kereta api menjadi merana. Di akhir abad 20, karena padatnya arus lalu lintas jalan darat di P. Jawa, peran kereta api menjadi hidup kembali. Kota-kota pada umumnya telah berkembang pesat, sehingga letak stasiun kereta api yang dulunya telah dipikirkan dengan sangat baik sekali dalam tata ruang kotanya, sekarang menjadi masalah dalam pengaturan lalu lintas kota. Tulisan ini membahas tentang perletakkan stasiun kereta api dimasa lampau sebagai masukan dalam pemikiran perkembangan kota-kota di Jawa untuk masa mendatang. Kata kunci: Stasiun kereta api, Tata ruang kota.
Kajian Perletakan Stasiun Kereta Api dalam Tata Ruang Kota di Jalur Ambarawa-Kedungjati
  • N Solikhah
  • A Kurnia
Solikhah N., Kurnia A. S. 2018 Kajian Perletakan Stasiun Kereta Api dalam Tata Ruang Kota di Jalur Ambarawa-Kedungjati. Research Report. Not Published. Jakarta: Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Tarumanagara
Persero) -Pusat Pelestarian Benda dan Bangunan afiliation with FTSP Universitas Trisakti
  • Nurhikmah B Et Hartanti
Hartanti, Nurhikmah B. 2010 Stasiun Kereta Api di Pulau Jawa-Indonesia (Jakarta: PT. Kereta Api (Persero) -Pusat Pelestarian Benda dan Bangunan afiliation with FTSP Universitas Trisakti)