Detection and Prevention of Intrusion in the cloud environment is a tedious process. The main objective of this research work is to propose a Hybrid Intrusion Detection algorithm for private cloud environment which is efficient in terms of security and performance. A detailed study has been carried out on the existing Intrusion detection systems, which gives a clear view that existing system cannot detect intrusion effectively. Artificial Intelligence has been incorporated in the research work to detect any type of intrusion in private cloud environment. Incorporating Artificial Intelligence technique resulted in self adapative Intrusion Detection System, which has been tested using the real time data collected using the network speed. Implementation of the research work gives a clear view about the efficiency of the algorithm in terms of security and performance, which has not been considered in the earlier research work. Detailed statistical analysis has been carried out as a part of the research work to prove the correctness of the proposed algorithm. The result of the implementation and analysis gives a clear scope for further research work on Intrusion Detection System for cloud based environment. The proposed algorithm can be implemented for highly secured private cloud which are built for Military purpose and Banking sector to monitor the activities of the network efficiently.
Robots and chatbots are sophisticated. Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly popular in the financial industry due to its ability to provide customers with cheap, efficient and personalised services. This article uses doctrinal sources and a case study to show that many banks and FinTech start-ups are investing in AI. Yet, there are a number of challenges arising from the use of AI which could undermine trust and confidence amongst consumers. This article features the issue of bias and discrimination in banking. There is evidence that algorithms discriminate against certain races and gender. Legislative gaps in the Equality Act 2010 and the General Data Protection Regime will be analysed. Ultimately, human beings are still needed to input, train and help machines to learn. Fortunately, the FCA are leading in regulating technology, from the launch of regulatory sandboxes to their co-operative collaboration with FinTech start-ups on regulatory matters. Augmented intelligence collaboration is needed to enable industry players and regulators to provide seamless regulation and financial stability. The future of AI regulation is inter-disciplinary in approach.
This paper explores the physical and digital accessibility of financial services at public savings banks and cooperative banks in Germany to assess whether the reduced regional presence due to branch closures can be compensated by digital offerings. To measure physical accessibility at the business area level we use variables of topography, settlement structure, age structure and age-dependent choice as regards means of transport. Digital accessibility is measured by broadband internet access. Comparing both measures of access to financial services shows that in particular inhabitants of sparsely populated rural regions have both a relatively poor physical and a below average digital access. In the next years, an improvement of broadband internet access will be of utmost importance in these regions, since projected population decline will induce further branch closures particularly there. However, the substitutability between both distribution channels depends on the kind of financial service offered. Finally, the comparison between savings banks and cooperative banks reveals no major differences in physical accessibility. However, savings banks—with regard to the indicators used for assessing physical accessibility—have a much more homogeneous presence in Germany than the cooperative banks.
Iskusstvennyy intellekt v sisteme kadrovoy bezopasnosti predpriyatiya [Artificial intelligence in the system of personnel security of the enterprise
A A Voronovich
I V Krist
D A Devyaterikov
I Lysak
S V Glukhareva
Ispol’zovanie informatsionno-kommunikativnykh tekhnologiy kak strategicheskaya zadacha gosudarstvennoy politiki [The use of information and communication technologies as a strategic objective of public policy
T L Lepikhina
D I Serebryanskiy
Tsifrovaya ekonomika: kontseptual’naya arkhitektura ekosistemy tsifrovoy otrasli [Digital economy: Conceptual architecture of a digital economic sector ecosystem
Akatkin M Yu
O E Karpov
V A Konyavskiy
E D Yasinovskaya
Strategicheskoe planirovanie i perspektivy primeneniya iskusstvennogo intellekta v vysokotekhnologichnykh promyshlennykh predpriyatiyakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Strategic planning and prospects for the use of artificial intelligence in high-tech industrial enterprises of the Russian Federation
K Zoidov
S V Ponomareva
D I Serebryanskiy
Lovushki dlya iskusstvennogo intellekta [Traps for artificial intelligence
A Raykov
Primenenie iskusstvennogo intellekta v sfere bankovskogo obsluzhivaniya v Rossii [The use of artificial intelligence in banking in Russia
A S Bukhanov
N D Nikonenko
Sovremennye napravleniya tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya bankovskoy sfery [Modern trends in technological development of the banking sector
E P Dubchenko
I V Rybchinskaya
Razvitie tsifrovoy ekonomiki: iskusstvennyy intellekt v otechestvennom promyshlennom proizvodstve [Digital economy development: Artificial intelligence in domestic industrial production
R A Imanov
S V Ponomareva
D I Serebryanskiy
Iskusstvennyy intellekt: tseli, zadachi i osobennosti primeneniya [Artificial intelligence: goals, objectives and application features
L K Pipiya
V S Dorogokupets
O E Osipova
N V Shashkova
V A Khokhlova
Etapy razvitiya iskusstvennogo intellekta po otnosheniyu k ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti chastnogo i gosudarstvennogo sektorov [Stages of the development of artificial intelligence in relation to the economic security of the private and public sectors
E R Mukhina
D I Serebryanskiy
2017: stat. sb. [Russian statistical yearbook
Ezhegodnik Rossiyskiy Statisticheskiy
Pochemu v blizhayshie 3 goda operatsionistov v bankakh mozhet zamenit’ iskusstvennyy intellekt? [Why in the next 3 years bank operators can be replaced by artificial intelligence?