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Abstract and Figures

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify leaders and trends in branding research studies, undertaken during 2000-2019. Identification was made in the following categories: most popular subjects; most productive countries; most productive institutions; most productive scholars; most productive sources; most cited publications and most cited scholars. Design/methodology/approach Bibliometric analysis based on data from Scopus and Dimensions. Findings The majority of branding publications belong to business and management. The interest toward this research field, however, declines mostly in favor of cultural studies, psychology, sociology, etc. The majority of publications on branding are concentrated in the USA, UK and Australia. Griffith University has become a leader in the number of branding publications within 2000-2019. T C Melewar is a leader by the number of branding publications among scholars. Journal of Brand Management has been a leader among sources. Journal of Marketing is a leader by the number of the most cited papers. Research limitations/implications The authors analyze the automatically formed results on search query without human meddling. Originality/value For the first time, bibliometric analysis was carried out simultaneously upon the two bases – Scopus and Dimensions.
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Shtovba, S., Shtovba, O. and Filatova, L. (2019), "The current state of brand
management research", The Bottom Line,
The Current State of Brand Mangement Research: An Overview of Leaders and
Trends in Branding Research Over the Past 20 Years
Purpose. The aim of the paper is to identify leaders and trends in branding researches,
undertaken during 2000 2019. Identification was made in the following categories: 1) most
popular subjects; 2) most productive countries; 3) most productive institutions; 4) most productive
scholars; 5) most productive sources; 6) most cited publications; 7) most cited scholars.
Design/methodology/approach. Bibliometric analysis based on data from Scopus and
Findings. The majority of branding publications belong to Business and Management. The
interest towards this research field however declines mostly in favour of Cultural Studies,
Psychology, Sociology, etc. The majority of publications on branding are concentrated in the
USA, United Kingdom and Australia. Griffith University has become a leader in the number of
branding publications within 2000 2019. T C Melewar is a leader by the number of branding
publications among scholars. Journal of Brand Management has been a leader among sources.
Journal of Marketing is a leader by the number of the most cited papers.
Research limitations/implications: we analyse the automatically formed results on search
query without human meddling.
Practical implications.
Originality/value. For the first time, bibliometric analysis was carried out simultaneously
upon the two bases Scopus and Dimensions.
Keywords: branding, scientometrics, leaders, trend, research field, Scopus, Dimensions.
Article classification: general review.
The aim of the paper is to identify leaders and trends of branding researches, carried out within
the 2000 2019. We will make an identification upon the bibliometric approach following the
data bases of scientific publications. Such an approach to scientific research is becoming more and
more popular in marketing and management. For example, according to the bibliometric methods,
(Seyedghorban et al., 2016) analysed publications in B2B-branding during the 1972 2015,
(Lucarelli and Berg, 2011) analysed publications of city branding during the 1998 2009,
(Fetscherin and Heinrich, 2015) analysed publications of consumer-brand relationship during
the 1998 2010, (Llanos-Herrera and Merigo, 2019) analysed publications related to researches
in brand personality during the 1995 2017 , (Barahona et al., 2018) analysed publications for
identification of market research topics during the 2005 2014, etc.
We shall make the analysis of branding researches in the following categories: 1) most popular
subjects; 2) most productive countries; 3) most productive institutions; 4) most productive
scholars; 5) most productive sources; 6) most cited publications; 7) most cited scholars. The results
of the research will focus on the primary source of knowledge in branding key universities,
journals, articles, and scholars. The results of the analysis may be used for forecasting trends of
further researches in branding, building of partnerships for mutual scientific activities,
headhunting, etc.
Databases of publications and search queries
Our study shall be carried out upon the data of Scopus and Dimensions. The above systems
are large scale since Scopus indexes over 70 million of publications and Dimensions more
than 100 million. More than that, all research fields are represented by a large number of
issues. Search query shall be formed as follows: Branding OR “Brand management”. The
search area in Dimensions will be Title and abstract of a paper. Scopus allows to make more
specific exploration with more accuracy and little worth recall than Dimensions. The search
area shall be «Article title» and «Keywords», which we connect by a logical operator OR.
Publication years shall be restricted by an interval [2000, 2019]. Searching results show that on
July 1, 2019 Scopus contains information on 8459 publications in branding. Dimensions has
1438 9 such publications.
Popular research fields
Scopus refers each publication to one or more subject areas. There are just 27 such areas.
Such a categorization is somewhat rough since it does not allow to reveal tendencies as for the
content of branding researches. Dimensions uses a two-level version of Australian and New
Zealand Standard Research Classification for categorization. Science in Dimensions is divided
into 154 fields of research. The search result presents some publications which refer to each
field of the research. Therefore, using Dimensions allows to obtain more detailed distribution
of the research scope.
Figure 1 presents the distribution of branding publications on fields of research within the
four of the five-years intervals. It takes into account only those research fields, which have
more than 2% of branding publications in some of the five-years intervals. The majority of
publications belong to Business and Management, but the interest to it gradually declines.
Significant positive momentum is observed for Cultural Studies and Psychology. There is a
steady growing interest in branding researches to Human Geography, Political Science,
Sociology, and Public Health and Health Service. An interest to legal matters of branding
became statistically insignificant from 2005.
Figure 1. Distribution of publications in branding by the research fields in Dimensions
Subject matters of hot publications publications within the 20182019 are presented on
Figure 2. It shows the further decline in share of branding publications in Business and
Management, as well as in Marketing. Research field of Business and Management has now
only 19.5% of publications, whereas in 20052009 this share made up 28.8%. Research field
of Marketing has 5.4% of publications, whereas in 20002004 this share made up 8.4%. But
there is a growing interest to the non-economics research fields. Sociology demonstrated the
most rapid growth and increased its share up to 4.7%.
Figure 2. Distribution of hot publications in branding as for the research fields in Dimensions
The most productive countries
According to Scopus, scholars from the USA, United Kingdom and Australia are reported to
be the most productive. They are mentioned among the authors in more than 41% of all
branding publications within the 20002019.
Let’s analyse the dynamics of branding publications of each country (Figure 3). We shall
consider the main contributors, i.e. countries, the share of which exceeded 2% in some of the
five-years intervals. There are 14 of them. The X-axis on Figure 3 presents the percentage of
publications in branding, the authors of which are scholars from the corresponding country.
Figure 3 shows positive momentum of Spain, Germany, Italy, Sweden and France. India has
significantly increased its share recently. This country overcame the five-percent threshold
during the last five-years interval and hold the fourth rank in the number of publications thus
coming close to Australia.
Figure 3. Dynamics of countries’ contribution to branding publications
Statistics in 20182019 (Figure 4) shows that two newcomers South Africa and Malaysia
appeared among the main contributors. They are among those most productive countries that
make branding researches. Spain, Canada and especially India improved their positions in
ranking. Scholars from India are co-authors of 7.8% of all branding publications. The
peculiarity of Indian scholars’ publications is a very low level of cooperation with scholars
from other countries. Only 11% of Indian branding publications are written together with
scholars from other countries. For comparison, the level of cooperation in the neighbouring
ranked countries is as follows: USA 29%, United Kingdom 56%, Australia 52%, Spain
43%. The second peculiarity is that Indian publications mostly adhere to one journal. 13%
Indian branding publications are issued in the same journal. This factor in the neighbouring
ranked countries is the following: USA 5%, United Kingdom 8%, Australia 9%, and
Spain 8%.
Figure 4. Countries’ contribution to branding publications during 20182019
Most productive institutions
The list of the most productive institutions is presented in Table 1. We see that three of them
are from Australia and three from the United Kingdom. On the national level the most
concentrated are branding researches in Hong Kong and Denmark. Hong Kong Polytechnic
University issued almost a half of branding publications in Hong Kong, and Copenhagen
Business School more than one-third of branding publications of Denmark.
The list of the most productive institutions over the past five years is the following: Lunds
University, University of Leicester, Griffith University, Temple University, Middlesex
University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Brunel University London, Copenhagen Business
School, Bournemouth University, University of Manchester, and University of Groningen.
Each of the listed universities published from 29 to 18 papers. Comparing this list to that in
Table 1 we see that the number of British universities increased from 3 to 5.
Table 1 The most productive institutions in branding researches within the 20002019
Number of
Share in national
Griffith University
Copenhagen Business School
Brunel University London
Great Britain
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Lunds Universitet
University of Queensland
Manchester Metropolitan University
Great Britain
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong
University of Leicester
Great Britain
Monash University
Most productive scholars
The list of 10 scholars that published the largest number of branding publications is
presented in Table 2. The table also indicates the current affiliation of the scholars. Therefore
not all scholar’s publications belong to the university that is mentioned. For example, Mihalis
Kavaratzis is an author of 33 branding publications, which are indexed in Scopus. 20 of them
the author published in the University of Leicester. Correspondingly, Mihalis Kavaratzis is a
co-author of more than a half of branding publications of the University of Leicester, in
particular, 20 from 38 papers (see Table. 1). The other «monopolist» Bill Merrilees, who is a
co-author of half of publications of Griffith University.
Table 3 presents the most productive scholars of branding over the last 5 years. Comparing
Tables 2 and 3 we see that the top list is updated by one-half. Both lists are headed by
T C Melewar.
Table 2 The most productive scholars in branding researcher in the 20002019
Current affiliation
Number of publications
Melewar T C
Middlesex University
Merrilees B.
Griffith University
Kavaratzis M.
University of Leicester
Balmer J.
Brunel University London
Nguyen B.
East China University of
Science and Technology
King C.
Temple University
Keller K.
Dartmouth College
De Chernatony L.
Aston University
Esch F.
EBS University of Business
and Law
Warnaby G.
Manchester Metropolitan
Table 3 The most productive scholars in branding researchers over the past 5 years
Current affiliation
Number of publications
Melewar T C
Middlesex University
Nguyen B.
East China University of Science
and Technology
Kavaratzis M.
University of Leicester
King C.
Temple University
Arku G.
Western University
Cleave E.
Western University
Warnaby G.
Manchester Metropolitan
Pich C.
Nottingham Trent University
Zenker S.
Copenhagen Business School
Duffy B.E.
Cornell University
High productive sources
We have selected 5 sources with the largest number of branding papers (Table 4). Two
sources are in the top 5 list as in Scopus as in Dimensions, therefore Table 4 contains 8
sources. Among them there are 6 scientific journals, 1 conference proceeding and 1 magazine
(Drapers) from the fashion industry. Three of six scientific journals are good cited, their
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) exceeds 1.
The situation changed a bit over the past 5 years. The top five from Scopus and from
Dimensions differ by only one journal. So, the list of the most efficient branding publishers
contains 6 journals. Their order totally corresponds with the first six from Table 4.
Table 4 Highly productive sources in branding
Number of
Journal of Brand Management
Macmillan &
Place Branding and Public
Macmillan &
Developments in Marketing
Science: Proceedings of the
Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of Product and Brand
Journal of Business Research
European Journal of Marketing
Corporate Reputation Review
Emap Media
The most cited publications and scholars
The pair of the most cited publications in each five-years interval is presented in Tables 5
and 6. There are 15 publications, since the paper written by Douglas Holt got into two tables.
Journal of Marketing published 5 most cited papers. Two scholars Albert Muñiz and Lucia
Malär published 2 most cited branding papers.
Comparing Tables 57 with Tables 24 we see that only 1 out of 14 most cited papers are
published in high productive journal Journal of Business Research. As for the 15 most cited
scholars, we see that Kevin Lane Keller is a co-author of one most cited paper. Only 2 out of
15 most productive institutions Erasmus University Rotterdam and University of Groningen
are work places of authors of the most cited branding publications.
Table 5 Most cited branding publications in Scopus
Holt D.
Harvard Business
Why Do Brands Cause
Trouble? A Dialectical
Theory of Consumer
Culture and Branding
Journal of
Research, 2002
Brown S.,
Kozinets R.V.,
Sherry Jr.J.F
University of Notre
University of Southern
Teaching old brands new
tricks: Retro branding
and the revival of brand
Journal of
Schau H.,
Muñiz A.,
Arnould E.
University of Arizona,
DePaul University,
University of Wyoming
How brand community
practices create value
Journal of
Verhoef P.C.,
Lemon K.N.,
Roggeveen A.,
Tsiros M.,
Schlesinger L.
University of
Boston College,
University of Miami
Babson College
Customer Experience
Creation: Determinants,
Dynamics and
Management Strategies
Journal of
Retailing, 2009
Whan Park С.,
Maclnnis D.,
Priester J.,
Eisingerich A.,
Lacobucci D.
University of Southern
Imperial College
Vanderbilt University
Brand attachment and
brand attitude strength:
Conceptual and empirical
differentiation of two
critical brand equity
Journal of
Batra R.,
Ahuvia A.,
Bagozzi R.P.
University of
University of
Brand love
Journal of
Govers R.,
Go F.
University of Leuven,
International University
of Languages and
Erasmus University
Place Branding: Glocal,
Virtual and Physical
Identities, Constructed,
Imagined and
A book of
Baldus B.J.,
Voorhees C.,
Calantone, R.
California State
Michigan State
Online brand community
engagement: Scale
development and
Journal of
Research, 2015
Table 6 Most cited branding publications in Dimensions
Muñiz A.,
O’Guin T.
DePaul University,
University of Illinois
Brand community
Journal of
Research, 2001
Holt D.
Harvard Business
Why Do Brands Cause
Trouble? A Dialectical
Theory of Consumer
Culture and Branding
Journal of
Research, 2002
Jansen B.,
Zhang M.,
Sobel K.,
Chowdury A.
Pennsylvania State
Twitter power: Tweets as
electronic word of mouth
Journal of the
Association for
Science and
Keller K.,
Lehmann D.
Columbia University,
United States
Dartmouth College,
United States
Brands and Branding:
Research Findings and
Future Priorities
Science, 2006
Marwick A.,
Boyd D.
New York University,
I tweet honestly, I tweet
passionately: Twitter
users, context collapse,
and the imagined
New Media &
Society, 2011
Malär L.,
Krohmer H.,
Hoyer W.,
Nyffenegger B
University of Bern,
University of Texas at
Emotional Brand
Attachment and Brand
Personality: The Relative
Importance of the Actual
and the Ideal Self
Journal of
Morhart F.,
Malär L.,
Guèvremont A
Girardin F.,
Grohmann B.
University of Lausanne,
University of Bern,
University of Quebec at
Concordia University
Brand authenticity: An
integrative framework
and measurement scale
Journal of
Roig E.,
Clavé S.
University of Lleida,
Rovira i Virgili
University Spain
Tourism analytics with
massive user-generated
content: A case study of
Journal of
Marketing and
Services of Dimensions calculate a Mean Field Citation Ratio (FCR) for authors of branding
publications. FCR is pretty much a universal feature it is normalized both, for research area
and for publication age. The list of the best authors of branding publications following FCR is
presented in Table 7. The table includes authors that have minimum 6 branding publications.
FCR shows that one American scholar Avery Holton stands out. The seventh in ranking is
Mihalis Kavaratzis, but he significantly dominates among other authors by the number of
papers. Mihalis Kavaratzis is the only one who is at the same time in the ranking list of the
most productive scholars and in that of the most cited scholars in branding researches.
Table 7 shows that 6 out of 10 scholars affiliate with the most productive universities. As
for the relation between productivity and citation in the top part of branding distribution, we
may draw the following conclusion: productivity and citation on the level of authors and
journals are weakly correlated figures; correlation takes place on the level of universities.
Table 7 Authors of branding publications with maximum Mean FCR according to
Holton A.
University of Utah
Gertner D.
Pace University
Lucarelli A.
Lunds Universitet
Eshuis J.
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Kalandides A.
Manchester Metropolitan
Kavaratzis M.
University of Leicester
Klijn E.
Erasmus University Rotterdam,
Brown B.
Virginia Commonwealth
Ewing M.
Deakin University
Braun E.
Erasmus University Rotterdam
The paper presents the bibliometric analysis of branding publications in the 2000 2019.
This is the first analysis which is made simultaneously in two bases Scopus and Dimensions,
and this allowed to make a deep research in the matter by combining different services of both
bases. It was well established that the majority of branding publications belong to the research
field of Business and Management. But the interest to this research field declines. At the same
time there is a strong tendency to an increase in the share of branding publications which relate
to Cultural Studies and Psychology. Analysis over the last 2 years shows a further reduction in
branding publications in Business and Management, and Marketing. The share of branding
publications which relate to Sociology is rapidly growing. So the focus of branding researches
is becoming more and more multidisciplinary.
The most part of branding publications are concentrated in the USA, United Kingdom, and
Australia. During the last decade we observe a downward trend in hegemony of the top three
leaders of XXI century due to an increase in publications which come from Spain, Italy,
Germany, France and Sweden. But India demonstrates a rapid growing and following the data
of 20182019, it outstrips Australia. India branding researches are characterized by a low level
of international cooperation and high concentration of publications in one journal.
Griffith University in Australia is a leader by the number of branding publications in 2000
2019. Over the past five years the leader changed for Lunds University in Sweden. At the same
time British universities create more and more branding publications. British universities now
take 5 out of 10 places in the ranking list of the most productive institutions.
T C Melewar is a leader by the number of branding publications among the scholars in
2000 2019. He is the number one in Scopus and in Dimensions. Statistics over the past 5
years shows that the list of highly productive scholars had half changed but T C Melewar
remained a leader.
Journal of Brand Management is a leader among sources. In 2000 2019 this journal issued
2.4% of all branding publications in Scopus and 2.7% in Dimensions. The group of leading
journals did not change over the last 5 years.
For each of the five-years intervals we have found the most cited publications in Scopus and
in Dimensions. These publications must get into folders “Must read” of each of the branding
scholars. Journal of Marketing published 5 out of 14 most cited papers. This journal must
obviously get into the checking-list of branding scholars. Two scholars Albert Muñiz and
Lucia Malär published 2 most cited branding papers each.
We have also formed a ranking list of authors of branding publications following the Mean
Field Citation Ratio. American scholar Avery Holton is leading in this rating by a large
margin. Mihalis Kavaratzis the only scholar from the top list of the most productive branding
researches is also in the list.
Barahona, I., Hernández, D.M., Pérez-Villarreal, H.H. and del Pilar Martínez-Ruíz, M. (2018),
"Identifying research topics in marketing science along the past decade: a content analysis",
Scientometrics, Vol. 117 No. 1, pp. 293-312.
Fetscherin, M. and Heinrich, D. (2015), "Consumer-Brand Relationship Research: A Bibliometric
Citation Meta-Analysis", Journal of Business Research, Vol. 68 No. 2, pp. 380-390
Llanos-Herrera, G.R. and Merigo, J.M. (2019). "Overview of brand personality research with
bibliometric indicators", Kybernetes, Vol. 48 No. 3, pp. 546-569.
Lucarelli, A. and Berg, P.O. (2011), "City branding: a state-of-the-art review of the research
domain", Journal of place management and development, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 9-27.
Seyedghorban, Z., Matanda, M.J. and LaPlaca, P. (2016), "Advancing theory and knowledge in the
business-to-business branding literature", Journal of Business Research, Vol. 69 No. 8, pp. 2664-2677.
... Branding evolved from a way of identifying ownership to including family names as brands of products they manufacture that exhibit quality (Blichfeldt, 2003). Examples of family-owned brands include Ford, Walmart Inc., and BMW (Shtovba, Shtovba, & Filatova, 2019). A good brand confirms the brand's credibility in the market, emotionally connects target prospects with a product and motivates buyers to make a purchase. ...
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This paper sought to establish the vital issues that should be addressed to work on a national image. The country image is significant as it supports attracting foreign direct investment, tourists, foreign students, and expatriate workers who might bring managerial skills and technological exchange to the country. The paper tried to investigate how much political instability has impacted the national image, analyse the impact of policies on the country image and establish the effect of infrastructure on a country image, and contribute to the literature on the effect of the vital elements on the country image. The research contributes to the components of the national image. The country image is positively interrelated with a view on product integrity, pride of ownership, product gratification, enthusiasm to purchase from specific countries, and general product knowledge (Papadopoulos & Heslop, 2002). Nations historically branded themselves through icons. Symbols like flags, military uniforms, currencies, anthems, and ideology are due to regime changes and stereotypes (Fan, 2010; Dinnie, 2008; Fan, 2006). This research was based on a descriptive approach methodology, combining subjective and quantitative techniques. It was based on 100 stakeholders including politicians, media personnel, community development personnel, traditional leaders, church leaders, and academics and entrepreneurs. The study established that Zimbabwe’s image has been affected by political instability emanating from political activities, policy inconsistencies have affected inward investment in the country and the country’s infrastructure has an immense contribution to the national image. For the country to attract meaningful investment and foreign tourists it needs to deal with its image
... For example, a publication with an FCR of 2.0 has received twice as much scientific attention as the average of its research field. Compared with raw count of citations, FCR is a more accurate scientific influence measure of publications because it has been normalized both for research field and year of publication [20]. Cooperation type of a publication was identified as (1) institutional, if all its authors come from one organization, (2) national, if its authors come from two or more organizations in the same country, or (3) international, if its authors come from two or more countries. ...
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Background . Lung cancer remains the leading cause of death because of cancer globally in the past years. To inspire researchers with new targets and path-breaking directions for lung cancer research, this study is aimed at exploring the research trends and emerging hotspots in the lung cancer surgery literature in the recent decade. Methods . This cross-sectional study combined bibliometric and network analysis techniques to undertake a quantitative analysis of lung cancer surgery literature. Dimensions database was searched using keywords in a 10-year period (2012-2021). Publications were characterized by publication year, research countries, field citation ratio, cooperation status, research area, and emerging hotspots. Results . Overall, global scholarly outputs of lung cancer surgery had almost doubled during the recent decade, with China, Japan, and the United States leading the way, while Denmark and Belgium predominated in terms of scientific influence. Network analysis showed that international cooperation accounted for a relatively small portion in lung cancer surgery research, and the United States, China, and Europe were the prominent centers of international cooperation network. In the recent decade, research of lung cancer surgery majored in prevention, biomedical imaging, rehabilitation, and genetics, and the emerging research hotspots transformed into immunotherapy. Research on immunotherapy showed a considerable increase in scientific influence in the latest year. Conclusions . The study findings are expected to provide researchers and policymakers with interesting insights into the changing trends of lung cancer surgery research and further generate evidence to support decision-making in improving prognosis for patients with lung cancer.
... These studies have formed a research foundation and established the role of digital brand personality and digital innovation in developing organizational identity. Since almost all SMEs aim to compete with established enterprises, they tend to focus on sales and promotions (Ekpe et al., 2015(Ekpe et al., , 2016Shtovba, 2020) and neglect the concept of integrating organizational communications and stakeholders in their administrative affairs (Baninajarian and Abdullah, 2009). Therefore, the effects of corporate communication on organizational management and corporate reputation cannot be emphasized (Mohamad et al., 2018: Oni, 2021. ...
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Purpose This study aims to examine the current state of mission and vision statements on the company websites of fast-growing Malaysian and Singaporean small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and analyze how these attributes are functionally used to build a distinct digital organizational identity. Design/methodology/approach The content analysis method was used to examine the similarities and differences among 170 Malaysian and Singaporean-selected SMEs based on Aaker’s five brand personality scales. Findings The findings demonstrated that there were explicit discrepancies between Malaysian and Singaporean SMEs in the applications of brand personality attributes. The findings also identified an increase in communicating mission and vision statements on the websites of both Malaysian and Singaporean SMEs. This emphasizes the need for Malaysian and Singaporean companies to intensify their efforts to develop a notable digital organizational identity. Research limitations/implications This study endeavors to provide novel insights into the digital communication practices of SMEs in building digital organization identity based on brand personality elements. Therefore, this study theoretically advances Aaker’s brand personality framework by incorporating digital organizational identity as a concept of Aaker’s brand personality from the SME perspective. This study contributes to the organizational identity literature by highlighting the need for these SMEs to integrate brand personality dimensions to compete with leading global companies. Practical implications The findings indicate that managers of SMEs can develop a unique digital organizational identity by communicating their vision and mission statements on their websites as a strategic asset for sustaining corporate reputation. Originality/value To date, little is known about the inevitable adaptation and application of communication that occurs when using digital means to develop a digital organizational identity. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to establish how Asian SMEs communicate their unique brand personality through websites to build their digital organizational identity.
... Such informetric approach to identifying the various brand relations is becoming more and more popular. For example, paper [9] analyses B2B-branding papers during 1972 -2015, paper [10] analyses analysed publications related to researches in brand personality during the 1995 -2017, paper [11] identifies the leaders and the trends in branding researches during 2000 -2019. ...
... The technique applies to information resources of Dimensions with already categorized research papers. Dimensions was launched in 2018 and many researchers started using it immediately for bibliometric research [7,8,9,10]. Dimensions uses hierarchical system of research classification, included divisions at high level and research group at low level. ...
Conference Paper
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We estimated the level of interactions between all the pairs of the research groups and between all the pairs of the research divisions for 4 five-year periods on base of Dimensions data. The level of interactions is assessed by Jaccard index. Paired interaction for research divisions shows that every consecutive five-year period has decreased irregularity of its distribution of interaction. Cumulative interaction shows that all research divisions tend to have their stickiness index decreased over time. Paired interaction for research groups showed the same results but difference between two consecutive periods is greater by a larger factor. On base of interacting assessments we identified 5 research groups that have been suspiciously assigned to divisions in ANZSRC. Identified research groups have more similar research groups in concurrent divisions with statistically significant level. Those 5 research groups also have strong semantic ties with concurrent divisions, this can be an argument for adapting of ANZSRC.
... The study, which analyzes the results of research in the field of public relations, has been carried out by several academics in the field of public relations. Among them: a bibliometric review of Habermasian Theory in public relations research (Buhmann, Ihlen, & Aaen-Stockdale, 2019), a bibliometric analysis of CSR research in public relations academia from 1975 to 2011 (Kim & Lim, 2011), and trends in branding research (Shtovba, Shtovba, & Filatova, 2019). ...
Public Relations is a study that is part of the communication science family at a faculty in tertiary institutions in Indonesia. The graduates of this study program have produced thousands of research titles since they were established as independent study programs in 2013. Based on the track record of research results recorded in the university's repository, it is known that there are research trends relating to the development of international public relations scholarship. This is influenced by technological developments and globalization. These developments have led to a diversity of research topics carried out by graduates of public relations study programs. Therefore, this study aims to map research topics that have been documented, in order to sharpen the research direction of prospective public relations practitioners, as well as to contribute to strengthening the courses contained in the curriculum of study programs. The method used is descriptive quantitative based on secondary data. The results showed that the research topics produced by graduates of public relations study programs at a tertiary institution were more directed to topics that led to the profile of graduates with competencies as Public Relations Officer/Corporate Communications, and Public Relations Consultants.
... Such informetric approach to identifying the various brand relations is becoming more and more popular. For example, paper [9] analyses B2B-branding papers during 1972 -2015, paper [10] analyses analysed publications related to researches in brand personality during the 1995 -2017, paper [11] identifies the leaders and the trends in branding researches during 2000 -2019. ...
Conference Paper
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The article identifies the relations between global brands and research activity during 2009-2018. Two types of relations are studied: support of the research by global brands and usage of the global brands in the research. The research support by 27 global brands and the global brands usage in the research are analysed over 2009-2018. The support is assessed by the number of papers in which the global brand is mentioned in the funding section. The usage is assessed by a number of papers in which the global brand is mentioned in the presentation part. The most generous and simultaneously popular brands are Google, Microsoft, IBM, Samsung and Facebook. In the last three years their support dynamics and usage dynamics are positive or strong positive.
This study aims to get an insight into the intellectual structure, current research themes, and future research directions on digital currency, cryptocurrency, and blockchain. Bibliometric analysis coupled with performance analysis and cluster analysis has been conducted on the digital currency articles, published between the years 2011 and 2023, filtered using PRISMA protocol, and extracted from the Web of Science and Scopus databases. Network analysis was carried out in the Biblioshiny package of R software and VOSviewer. The study highlights that the research of digital currency is classified into four broad categories: ‘emerging technology', ‘cryptocurrencies portfolios', ‘cryptocurrencies as a medium of exchange and an asset class', and ‘cryptocurrencies and financial risk'. The chapter presents an innovative model focusing on productive avenues for future research by synthesizing the latest research articles extracted from the databases, related to digital currency through bibliometric analysis.
This study aims to explore the inhibiting factors of Indonesian doctoral students in carrying out reputable international publications. This research is a sequential mixed method exploration with qualitative exploration methods and to determine the relationship between the inhibiting factors of publication performance and quantitative methods. This study used a mixed sequential exploratory method. The first step was a qualitative analysis that explored the inhibiting factors for doctoral student publication. Primary data collection used open and unstructured interviews in depth to 7 (seven) doctoral program student participants who were selected and determined using purposive sampling method. The second step is to conduct a quantitative analysis to determine the correlation between inhibiting factors and publication performance. Primary data collection used an online questionnaire with 250 respondents selected using the snowball sampling method and then analyzed using the SmartPLS program. The results of this study indicate that the doctoral program student respondents have several obstacles to publishing in internationally reputable journals such as negative results, lack of funding, long response time, low English language skills, insufficient writing time, limited writing skills, limitations. submission capability. , high publication costs, inadequate facilities, limited journal references, limited technology skills. The novelty of this research is the first research on obstacles in the publication of doctoral students in Indonesia using the Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods with the scope of a country. This research can serve as a reference for similar research, and further research can be carried out in other countries.
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Purpose The aim of the paper is to carry out a contemporary and concise “state‐of‐the‐art” review of the city branding research domain, in particular how scholars have approached this field of study, what aspects of city branding have been studied, what cities have been chosen, and how the studies are designed. Design/methodology/approach Through an iterative search in multiple literature databases, 217 qualified research studies on city branding were identified and retrieved. Those studies were examined, analyzed and categorized according to six categories: bibliographical data, methodologies used, empirical foundation, conceptual frameworks, branding elements, and reported outcomes of branding efforts. Findings City branding is emerging as an internationally recognized research domain characterized by a high degree of multi‐disciplinary, rapid proliferation in and between disciplines, and a somewhat fragmented theoretical foundation. On the basis of research interests, three perspectives were identified (producing, consuming, and criticizing city branding) emerging across academic disciplines Research limitations/implications The study is based on research articles in English, published in academic journals, which limits the international and professional scope of the study. Another limitation is the selected time period, which does not include studies prior to 1988 or later than 2009. Originality/value As a state‐of‐the‐art review, the main contribution of this paper is a contemporary and comprehensive overview of the field as such. A methodological contribution is the attempt to run a multi‐variate analysis of the branding elements in relation to the output and performance data reported in the studies. Another contribution is the identification of three cross‐disciplinary research perspectives in the field today.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a global view of the research that has been conducted regarding brand personality by using the Core Collection of the Web of Science (WoS) as a reference. The main bibliometric indicators considered are number of articles, number of citations, main authors, principal journals, institutions, countries and keywords. Design/methodology/approach Through a bibliometric investigation, this paper performs an analysis of investigations of brand personality that have been conducted to date. In particular, the analysis focuses on the papers that have generated the greatest impact in the scientific community, the journals that have given the most attention to this concept and the authors who have most strongly influenced the academic world in this field. The analysis reveals a series of relationships between the bases of knowledge considered for different authors and journals and the structure of those relationships based on the keywords considered in each contribution. Findings This analysis allows to obtain a general and impartial view of brand personality research, and it reveals the most relevant contributions to the academic world in terms of authors, journals, institutions, countries and keywords. The analysis shows that the concept under study seems to still be in an early stage of development and there may well be an important amount of development ahead. Although there have been important contributions to this field, work is still required to consolidate this knowledge. Research limitations/implications The information provided pertains to a relatively specific subject but is still general when considered within the context of this topic and thus leaves aside elements that could greatly enrich the analysis. However, this work presents some important guidelines for conducting in-depth academic research and publication. Practical implications This work identifies the most productive and influential authors, journals, institutions and countries regarding this important topic, as well as the leading trends in this field. Applying those concepts would be helpful to improve the effectiveness of the promotion of brands and products. Originality/value The work developed in this article provides an overview of the academic research on brand personality that has been conducted as of April 2018. Another differential characteristic is that this research deeply investigates this concept, considering all the articles published in WoS worldwide.
In recent years, how marketing science is conceptualized has changed, as have the methods through which data are investigated. This reconceptualization is making a significant impact on the most important topics of this discipline. Here, a novel approach is used to analyse a collection of 1169 abstracts from articles published in the Journal of Marketing Research and the Journal of Marketing from 2005 to 2014. We apply statistical methods to answer the following questions: How is vocabulary commonly used in marketing science? What are the most relevant topics of these journals? Which articles are the most influential? What words do authors prefer? Is the consumer among the primary topics in marketing research? A set of easy-to-read visual representations are provided to answer these questions. We highlight two main findings: (i) consumers and customers are the main topics of these marketing research journals, which emphasizes the growing interest in consumers and consumer behaviour as the core of both brick-and-mortar and online businesses; and (ii) in contrast to previous periods, product has become an essential concept, perhaps due to the emergence of new product considerations and new and enhanced interrelations.
This study investigates the intellectual structure, development, and evolution of business-to business (B2B) branding research by undertaking a bibliometric analysis of scholarly articles on B2B branding over the 43-year period from 1972 to 2015. The analysis covers 169 scholarly articles by 395 authors and 10,270 citations from 33 academic journals in which B2B branding articles appeared. By identifying and evaluating the underlying structure and evolution of scholarly research in B2B branding, this study provides an exhaustive review of this discipline as well as a baseline on which future researchers in the field can build a sound theoretical foundation. The bibliometric analysis results reveal the most cited articles, keywords, authors, institutions, and countries in B2B branding discipline. Further, the study identifies major areas of B2B branding research. The study closes with implications of findings and a report on emerging trends as well as directions for future research.