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The Role of Gamification Techniques in Promoting Student Learning: A Review and Synthesis

  • Al Falah University

Abstract and Figures

This study reviewed previous research on the role of gamification techniques in promoting students’ learning. The role of gamification in promoting students’ learning has been investigated empirically by many scholars. To date, mixed results about the effectiveness of gamification have been reported, and researchers frequently argue that the inappropriateness of certain techniques may have contributed to these mixed findings. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol was used to assess the criteria required for this review. A total of 40 studies were identified and included in the systematic review. The selected studies were used to assess the association between certain gamification techniques and students’ learning in this study. The results showed that gamification techniques differently affect students’ learning. In addition, it is important for students to be instructed about the application of gamification approach before they engage in a gamified learning task. The key challenges relating to the use of gamification techniques were also discussed.
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Volume 18, 2019
Accepting Editor Kay Fielden │Received: March 6, 2019│ Revised: May 19, June 5, June 28, July 2, July 12,
July 22, August 2, 2019 │ Accepted: August 5, 2019.
Cite as: Alomari, I., Al-Samarraie, H., & Yousef, R. (2019). The role of gamification techniques in promoting
student learning: A review and synthesis. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 18, 395-417.
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Islam Alomari
Centre for Instructional Technology
and Multimedia, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Hosam Al-Samarraie*
School of Media and Performing
Arts, Coventry University, Coventr y,
Reem Yousef
General Education Department, Al
Falah University, Dubai, UAE
* Corresponding author
This study reviewed previous research on the role of gamification techniques in
promoting students’ learning.
The role of gamification in promoting students’ learning has been investigated
empirically by many scholars. To date, mixed results about the effectiveness of
gamification have been reported, and researchers frequently argue that the in-
appropriateness of certain techniques may have contributed to these mixed
The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA) protocol was used to assess the criteria required for this review. A
total of 40 studies were identified and included in the systematic review. The
selected studies were used to assess the association between certain gamification
techniques and students’ learning in this study.
The results showed that gamification techniques differently affect students’
learning. In addition, it is important for students to be instructed about the
application of gamification approach before they engage in a gamified learning
task. The key challenges relating to the use of gamification techniques were also
Gamification Techniques in Higher Education
for Practitioners
This review can help educational decision makers and practitioners to stimulate
certain learning outcomes of the students with the help of specific gamification
gamification, gamified learning activities, higher education, lifelong learning
Gamification, as a concept, is defined as the techniques used in non-game settings (Deterding, Dix-
on, Khaled, & Nacke, 2011). Gamification techniques are commonly used in higher education to
increase learners’ motivation and engagement in a learning task. Students’ engagement in a gamified
learning activity can result in a better learning outcome (Barata, Gama, Jorge, & Gonçalves, 2013;
Eleftheria, Charikleia, Iason, Athanasios, & Dimitrios, 2013; Kuo & Chuang, 2016). Many previous
studies on gamification have argued that by motivating students through a reward-based learning
method, their learning skills will be enhanced and eventually increase their learning outcomes (Buck-
ley & Doyle, 2016; Domínguez et al., 2013; Kim, Song, Lockee, & Burton, 2018). Despite these stud-
ies, there are some mixed findings reported in the literature about the potential of gamification in
facilitating students’ learning in different settings. For example, Landers and Armstrong (2017) re-
ported that gamification may not effect changes in instructional outcomes when learner attitudes
towards game-based learning are low. Thornton and Francia (2014), on the other hand, stated that
the application of gamification may not be applicable to all curriculum, which may result in unfavor-
able consequences.
Recently, various gamification techniques have been used to gamify learning experiences such as
points, prizes, badges, leaderboards, scoreboards, challenges, levels, and feedback (Barata et al., 2013;
Kim, Rothrock, & Freivalds, 2016; Yildirim, 2017). Applying gamification techniques in a curriculum
can help provide a more inclusive activity through its effect on students’ sense of competition, inter-
action, and motivation (Aşıksoy, 2017; Davis, Sridharan, Koepke, Singh, & Boiko, 2018). Still, many
previous studies have shown that gamification techniques may not necessarily offer the best option
and outcome of learning to the students (Ding, Er, & Orey, 2018; Van Roy & Zaman, 2018). Mekler,
Brühlmann, Tuch, and Opwis (2017) found that gamification did not significantly improve students’
grades as most of them were unfamiliar with the protocol of gamification. Students’ unfamiliarity
with the gamification approach has been reported by many previous studies as the main reason for
not completing the task (Butler & Bodnar, 2017; Kim, 2013). In addition, some students in the gami-
fied learning task were found to require more time to understand the gamification process (Ding,
Kim, & Orey, 2017). Thus, this study argues that applying certain gamification techniques may im-
pose favorable and unfavorable consequences on students’ learning. The literature also showed that
providing students with the appropriate learning activities/instructions can help facilitate communi-
cation and interaction between them in any learning setting (Lao & Gonzales, 2005; Shirrell, Hop-
kins, & Spillane, 2018). Recently, several gamification techniques have been used to stimulate stu-
dents' various learning outcomes (Butler & Bodnar, 2017; Filatro & Cavalcanti, 2016; Kim, Rothrock,
& Freivalds, 2016; Ortiz-Rojas, Chiluiza, & Valcke, 2017; Van Roy & Zaman, 2018). However, it is
still debatable how certain gamification techniques can stimulate learners’ learning. This study aims to
characterize the gamification techniques and the purpose of using them in creating a gamified learn-
ing activity. Precisely, the authors conducted a systematic review of the literature to determine the
role of gamification techniques in promoting students’ learning. Outcomes from this review can help
educational decision makers and practitioners understand how to stimulate certain learning outcomes
of the students with the help of specific gamification techniques.
Alomari, Al-Samarraie, & Yousef
The researchers reviewed empirical studied on the effects of gamification elements or techniques on
students’ learning in a university context. The selected articles, which have been published in peer
reviewed journals or conferences, were gathered to answer the following questions: ‘How can gamifi-
cation elements/techniques be used to promote students’ learning?’ and ‘What are the challenges in
implementing them in a university context?’
This work included empirical studies that were published during 2016 to 2018, particularly because
most reviews about gamification were found till 2016 (Caponetto, Earp, & Ott, 2014; Dicheva,
Dichev, Agre, & Angelova, 2015; Nah, Zeng, Telaprolu, Ayyappa, & Eschenbrenner, 2014; Subhash
& Cudney, 2018; Surendeleg, Murwa, Yun, & Kim, 2014). The literature of the present review was
obtained from various databases, including Google scholar, Springer, ERIC (education resources
information system), IEEE Xplore and Science Direct. Certain keywords were used to search for the
articles (“gamification” OR “gamify” OR “gamified”) AND (“higher education” OR “undergraduate
students” OR “postgraduate students” OR “university students” OR “university level”). A total of
8468 articles were identified through database searching. 1192 out of these articles were removed due
to duplicates. A total of 7276 articles were screened for relevance. Of these, 7219 articles were re-
moved by title. Then, the full text of each remaining article (total 57 articles) was read in which 17
articles were removed as they did not present sufficient statistics. The articles were arranged using the
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol, which has
been recommended by many previous studies (Al-Samarraie & Saeed, 2018; Neeley, Ulman, Sydelko,
& Borges, 2016; O'Flaherty & Phillips, 2015; Sardi, Idri, & Fernández-Alemán, 2017) (see Figure 1).
The identified articles (n:40) were written in English, presented empirical findings within a higher
education setting, and published in peer-reviewed journals or proceedings. In addition, articles used
in this review included measures of the effects of gamification elements on students’ learning (e.g.,
performance, achievement, and motivation).
Gamification Techniques in Higher Education
Figure 1: The selection process of articles
The identified articles were evaluated by the researchers to satisfy the criteria of relevance and quality.
Evaluating the relevance and quality of the selected articles in the present review was established by
following the recommendations of Sardi et al. (2017). The following criteria were used to evaluate
the relevance and quality of the identified articles:
1. The sample size is enough to generalize the study’s findings.
2. The research procedures are discussed adequately in the text.
Alomari, Al-Samarraie, & Yousef
3. The statistical data provided sufficient constraints to allow the researchers to assess the ef-
fects of gamification on students’ learning.
4. The study is published in a peer-reviewed journal or in a conference proceeding.
The weight of each selected paper was assessed based on the available evidence calculated by sum-
ming scores on each of the four criteria above by the two researchers (8 scores, 2 for each criteria).
The researchers considered an article to be low quality (1) when it received 2 or less scores; medium
quality (2) when it received 3-5 scores; and high quality (3) when it received more than 5 scores. The
inter-rater reliability (r) result for all articles was .85, showing a good agreement between the re-
searchers. The quality check result resulted in 16 articles that were categorized as medium quality and
the rest (24 articles) were categorized as high quality.
Figure 2 shows the type of gamification techniques used in the selected articles. From the figure, it
can be said that the most commonly used techniques in the previous works were: points (75%);
badges (68 %), leaderboards (63%), levels (38%). Other gamification techniques (e.g., rewards, pro-
gress bar, challenges, feedback, and avatar) were found to be less utilized. Appendix TableA1 shows
previous studies on the utilization of gamification techniques in higher education. The following
subsections explain these techniques.
Figure 2: Gamification techniques used in previous studies
Points are defined as numerical values that are used to evaluate individuals' performance metrics in
game and non-game contexts (Brewer et al., 2013). Many previous studies have addressed the poten-
tial of point-based system in increasing students’ motivation, particularly when performing computa-
tional tasks (Diniz, Silva, Gerosa, & Steinmacher, 2017; Wang & Lieberoth, 2016). The potential of
Gamification Techniques in Higher Education
using this technique in facilitating students’ learning has been addressed in the works of Aşıksoy
(2017); Kuo and Chuang (2016) who showed how the point-based system can help teachers establish
a positive competition learning-environment in order to motivate students in their learning activities.
This includes stimulating individual’s desire for reward which serve as credits in an academic envi-
ronment. In addition, point-based system can stimulate learners’ engagement due to its role in creat-
ing a fun and enjoyable experience, which encourage the students to interact more with the learning
environment in various domains (Davis et al., 2018). Hew, Huang, Chu, and Chiu (2016) stated that
the point-based system can be a useful game technique to make individuals feel challenged, as well as
offering students feedback on their progress and rank users based on their level of participation
(Huang & Ho, 2018). Based on these observations, this study anticipates that the use of points to
gamify the learning activity can help in creating a competition-fun environment in which a group of
students try to think about views/ideas to argue with others. This process is believed to motivate
students to participate frequently for the sake of receiving more points. Outcomes from such prac-
tices can help in reducing the instructor’s role, which is very important for promoting student-
centered learning. This further suggests that utilizing the point-based system can motivate students to
engage in a sharing network that is more likely to be accepted by the other group members. Other
previous studies have reported a notable effect of using points in improving the performance of
students (De-Marcos, Garcia-Lopez, & Garcia-Cabot, 2016; Mekler et al., 2017) due to its role in
increasing the number of answered questions by the individual students (Denny, McDonald, Emp-
son, Kelly, & Petersen, 2018).
Badges are defined as a visual representation of achievements that can be earned and collected in the
gamified activity (Seaborn & Fels, 2015). Many studies used badges as a gamification technique to
reinforce learners’ motivation, mainly by increasing the individual’s sense of competence and self-
determination (Suh, Wagn er, & Liu, 2018; Van Roy & Zaman, 2018). The application of badges in
online learning tasks has been reported to help maintain students’ engagement in their learning (Fila-
tro & Cavalcanti, 2016). According to Huang, Hew, and Lo (2018), badges can enable students to
become active learners by giving them confidence to take part in the class discussion and promote
them to produce higher quality results. Enabling students to earn badges through badge-based learn-
ing pathways will increase the social interaction among them (Ding et al., 2018). In addition, students’
motivation in the learning task can be stimulated with badges (Balci, Secaur, & Morris, 2018; Butler &
Bodnar, 2017) by encouraging them to spend more time and devote more effort to earn more recog-
nition (Ding et al., 2018). Previous studies (Denny et al., 2018; Rincon-Flores, Gallardo, & de la
Fuente, 2018) have also emphasized the role of badges in improving the performance of learners.
For example, when students are encouraged to discuss cases and exchange ideas with others, they are
likely to establish positive attitudes toward the task, thus enhancing their performance (Balci et al.,
2018). Meanwhile, when a learner makes an achievement, he/ she will gain a badge that could stimu-
late other learners to devote more effort to the task, resulting in enhancing the overall learning out-
Leaderboards refers to the use of an electronic board to display the ranking of leaders (users) in a
competitive learning situation (Seaborn & Fels, 2015). The use of leaderboards in online learning
tasks have been found to promote students’ learning behaviors by creating a sense of competition
between learners. This is believed to help sustain students’ motivation in the learning activity
(Schreuders & Butterfield, 2016). In addition, leaderboards have played an important role in increas-
ing students’ performance by allowing them to see the performance of their classmates and which, as
a result, stimulate individuals to become more involved in the learning process (Suh et al., 2018).
Many previous studies have also reported that using leaderboard as a gamification technique in the
learning process would increase students’ motivation (Kuo & Chuang, 2016; Roosta, Taghiyareh, &
Alomari, Al-Samarraie, & Yousef
Mosharraf, 2016) by creating a social comparison among the learners which motivate them to in-
crease their contribution rate (Hew et al., 2016). Students’ engagement in the learning task can be
also increased with leaderboards (Ding et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2016) based on the sense of reputation
a learner may attain when he/ she get a higher rank as compared with others (Aldemir, Celik, &
Kaplan, 2018). This can enhance students’ interactions with the subject under discussion and, even-
tually, increase their scores.
The levels-based system is used commonly to rank individual’s progress in stages based on the diffi-
culties, challenges, or questions he/she need to complete in order to get to the next stage. The lower
the level an individual needs to achieve, the less difficult the task will be. However, the higher the
level a student needs to complete, the more effort and time he/she needs to spend (Nah et al., 2014).
Several studies have reported that the levels-based system can improve students’ motivation while
learning complex topics (Butler & Bodnar, 2017; Diniz et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2016; Mekler et al.,
2017). This can be due to the potential of this technique in creating a sense of flow when the student
loses track of time pursuing an activity that is both fun and challenging. The consequence of such
experience is believed to stimulate individual students’ motivation to complete the next level. Some
researchers (e.g., Filatro & Cavalcanti, 2016; Khalil, Ebner, & Admiraal, 2017; Schreuders & Butter-
field, 2016) have reported the influential role of levels-based system in promoting students’ engage-
ment, mainly through students’ reports and interactions with the gamified platform. The researchers
in this study believe that using this technique in a university context would help in creating a social
pressure on learners to have the will to perform well on the task at hand. This includes increasing
their efforts to achieve interpersonal and small-group skills. This method has also been used to facili-
tate students’ performance (Kim et al., 2016; Mekler et al., 2017; Rincon-Flores et al., 2018) through
the process of goal setting. For example, when students are engaged in the gamified learning activity,
they are likely to undergo motivational and behavioral changes subject to the limits of constraints
such as one’s ability. This may increase students’ potential to get higher levels of confidence by criti-
cally analyzing tasks and actively integrating knowledge with incoming information. These experienc-
es can affect students’ performance, thus enhancing the overall learning process.
Other gamification techniques, such as rewards, progress bar, challenges, feedback, and avatar, have
been used either alone or along with other gamification techniques mentioned above. Ding et al.
(2018) reported that using rewards-based system can result in a positive effect on learners’ motiva-
tion and engagement. In addition, other previous studies (e.g., Ding et al., 2018; Roosta et al., 2016)
have indicated that using progress bar for gamifying a learning activity can improve the motivation
and engagement of learners by allowing students to track their progress and identify the contribution
of each member throughout the learning session. Feedback, as a gamification technique, has also
been used by few scholars as an attempt to improve students’ motivation, engagement, and perfor-
mance in different leaning settings (Kim et al., 2016; Roosta et al., 2016). This includes reminding
students to contribute to the development of their own learning, as well as communicating the pro-
gress of their learning with other members. In addition, other scholars (e.g., Rincon-Flores et al.,
2018; Van Roy & Zaman, 2018) have reported that gamifying the learning activity by increasing the
level of challenge can stimulate students’ motivation and performance in a learning task. Avatar-
based system has been used rarely in previous studies (Rincon-Flores et al., 2018) in which its use was
limited to the development of students’ learning performance. Thus, the utilization of certain gami-
fication techniques can help promote different learning behaviors and outcomes. Appendix Table B1:
shows how certain gamification techniques can promote students’ learning.
Gamification Techniques in Higher Education
Despite the positive effects demonstrated by the use of gamification techniques in higher education
on students’ behavioral and learning outcomes (e.g., motivation, engagement, and performance)
(Bovermann & Bastiaens, 2018; Huang et al., 2018; Ortiz-Rojas et al., 2017), there are a number of
challenges that need to be addressed. For examples, previous studies on gamification in a university
context (Ding et al., 2018; Van Roy & Zaman, 2018) have reported that some students may not inter-
act with the gamified learning task due to their unfamiliarity with gamification and its strategies.
Some students may not be able to engage in the learning activity due to the fears of failure, which, as
a result, influences their interest in taking part in the learning activity. In addition, the competence of
a person may change when the context changes (Fischer, Bullock, Rotenberg, & Raya, 1993). The
changes in competency levels of students may lead to some undesirable consequences, including
students’ frustration and loss of self-confidence (Butler & Bodnar, 2017). According to Ding et al.
(2017), some students in the gamified learning activity may require more time to acquire the neces-
sary understanding for them to progress effectively through the learning process. As such, instructors
still need provide the support and encouragement for students to have a better understanding of
what will be expected of them (Sailer, Hense, Mayr, & Mandl, 2017). Özdener (2018) reported an-
other challenge of using gamification in a Wiki environment. She found that teachers of the course
did not possess an adequate level of consciousness of the fact that student capabilities are an im-
portant factor in learning the task. Students in the gamified activity must be able to cooperate effec-
tively with other students. In addition, helping the instructors to improve their technological skills is a
vital aspect that can be crucial to the overall success of integrating gamification into learning activi-
ties. Aldemir et al. (2018) stated that it is difficult to use single gamification element to evaluate its
effectiveness in promoting students’ perceptions. Çakıroğlu, Başıbüyük, Güler, Atabay, and Memiş
(2017) reported that students who did not achieve a desirable performance showed negative views
about the effectiveness of the gamification process. This concern has been also supported by Piteira,
Costa, and Aparicio (2017) who reported that students felt uncomfortable when their names did not
appear on the leaderboards. Furthermore, gamification may not motivate all students the same way
(Hew et al., 2016), which can be due to individual differences between students within one class-
room. Finally, the use of gamification in a large assessment program may not results in a set of even-
ly distributed feedback. This is because students in the gamified task needs more time to manage
their thoughts and ideas (Schreuders & Butterfield, 2016). Therefore, a successful gamified learning
task should be designed in a way that ensure students acquire the experiences and practice they need
to successfully share and progress in the learning task.
Improving the motivation and engagement of learners in learning activities is important for the de-
velopment of skills and competences. The review of the literature revealed that several gamification
techniques, such as points, badges, leaderboards, levels, rewards, progress bar, challenges, feedback,
and avatar, can be used to gamify learning experiences in different university courses. The results
showed the potential of using gamification techniques in promoting learners’ motivation, engage-
ment, and performance, mainly by establishing a comparative learning-environment that influence
how a student learn, not necessarily the context in itself. This includes creating a fun statement
among students that encourage them to be more engaged with the learning task, thus increasing their
interest and motivation. Understanding how gamification techniques affect the behavior of learners
can help researchers and instructors to select the suitable techniques for their students. This under-
standing is vital for context’s designers where they need to choose the suitable gamification interven-
tions that can stimulate students during the discussion session. In addition, it is important for stu-
dents to be instructed about the application of gamification approach before they engage in the dis-
cussion. Previous studies seem to provide poor guidance to future researchers about the suitability of
Alomari, Al-Samarraie, & Yousef
gamification techniques for achieving a certain learning objective. Providing enough knowledge
about these issues is vital to understand the role of gamification in education.
1. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest: The authors declares that they have no relevant
or material financial interests that relate to the research described in this paper
2. Research involving human participants: This research involves no human subjects.
3. Informed consent: This research is a review study in which informed consent is not neces-
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Table A1: Previous Studies on Gamification in Higher Education
Sample /
Varia b les
man (2018)
of gamification on
students’ motivation.
es, and group
on students’ motivation.
Suh, Wagner, and
Liu (2018)
Investigated the role of
gamification in promot-
ing students’ engage-
ment in a learning task.
164 students/
Points, levels,
badges, and lead-
Gamification enhanced user en-
gagement through the mediation
of psychological needs satisfaction
between game dynamics and en-
Thongmak (2018)
Studied how gamifica-
tion can enhance stu-
dents’ problem-solving
skills, engagement,
attention, enjoyment,
understanding, and
13 students /
Cards, points,
feedback, and
social engagement
Problem solving,
engagement, atten-
tion, enjoyment,
understanding, and
Gamification provided students
with more time to solve problems,
understand learning problems,
increased their confidence, de-
creased recitation, and reduced
their stress.
Delello, Hawley,
McWhorter, Gip-
son, and Deal
Explored the effects of
gamification on stu-
dents’ motivations and
90 students /
Motivations and
Using badges motivated students
in their learning of the course
Balci, Secaur, and
Morris (2018)
Investigated the impact
of gamification on
students’ motivation
and academic perfor-
102 students /
Badges and
Motivation and
A positive influence of gamifica-
tion on students’ motivation was
found, but not on their academic
El Tantawi, Sadaf,
and AlHumaid
Examined how gamifi-
cation can support
students’ academic
92 students /
Storyline, points,
badges, and lead-
Academic writing
Gamification improved students’
academic writing skills.
Sample /
Varia b les
Davis, Sridharan,
Koepke, Singh, and
Boiko (2018)
Studied students' expe-
riences when learning
in a gamified course.
139 students/
Points, leader-
boards, levels, and
Learning, achieve-
ment, and engage-
Gamification positively influenced
students' learning, achievement,
and engagement with the course
Özdener (2018)
Explored the effects of
gamification elements
on students’ participa-
tion rates and academic
63 students /
Multi- discipline
Badges, leader-
boards, rewards,
and points
Participation and
academic success
The gamification strategy has a
positive impact on students’ partic-
ipation and academic success in
Wiki activities.
Aldemir, Celik, and
Kaplan (2018)
Explored students’
perceptions of a series
of game elements in a
gamified course.
118 students /
Challenge, narra-
tive, leaderboards,
rewards, badges,
win-state, points,
and constraints
The gamified learning experience
offered a dynamic nature with the
interplays among different psycho-
logical, social, pedagogical, and
game elements.
Bovermann and
Bastiaens (2018)
Studied how gamifica-
tion can enhance stu-
dents’ motivation.
97 students /
Multi- discipline
Points and leader-
Intrinsic motivation
Gamification enhanced students’
intrinsic motivation.
Huang, Hew, and
Lo (2018)
Examined how gamifi-
cation can be used to
enhance student en-
gagement in a learning
96 students /
Gamification enhanced students’
engagement during class activities.
Gallardo, and de la
Fuente (2018)
Investigated the poten-
tial of gamification as a
technique to develop
mathematical modelling
competencies among
50 students /
Challenges, pro-
gressive levels,
avatar, and badges
Performance and
Gamification introduced a high
level of innovation and supplied
the type of motivation and emo-
tion essential for encouraging
students’ active participation in a
learning task.
Ding, Er, and Orey
Examined the influence
of the gamification
approach on students’
14 students /
Points, leader-
boards, badges,
progress bar,
reactions, and
Emotional engage-
ment, cognitive
engagement, moti-
vation, and self-
Increased students’ engagement in
online discussion.
Sample /
Varia b les
Denny, McDonald,
Empson, Kelly, and
Petersen (2018)
Studied the role of
gamification in facilitat-
ing students’ engage-
ment and exam per-
701 students /
Points and badges
Engagement and
Gamification increased the learn-
ing outcomes of students.
Başıbüyük, Güler,
Atabay, and Memiş
Studied the effects of
gamification on stu-
dents’ engagement and
academic performance.
37 students /
reputation, real
gifts, points and
Engagement and
Gamification had positive effects
on students’ engagement and aca-
demic performance.
Barna and Fodor
Evaluated the effec-
tiveness of gamification
in an IT course.
2500 students /
Points, badges,
and levels
Participation and
Gamification improved the course
Sailer, Hense, Mayr,
and Mandl (2017)
Investigated the effects
of gamification on
students’ competence,
autonomy (freedom to
make decisions), and
social relatedness.
419 students /
Points, badges,
leaderboards, and
Competence, au-
tonomy, and relat-
Badges, leader boards, and per-
formance graphs positively affect-
ed competence and satisfaction, as
well as perceived task meaningful-
ness. Avatars, meaningful stories,
and teammates affected experienc-
es of social relatedness.
Butler and Bodnar
Determined the impact
of a gamified home-
work on students’ mo-
41 students /
Points, badges,
and levels
Gamification had neutral impact
on students’ academic motivation.
Khalil, Ebner, and
Admiraal (2017)
Studied how gamifica-
tion elements in Mas-
sive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs) can
increase student en-
1763 students/
Gamification enhanced students’
outcome by promoting students’
participation in learning activity,
quiz trials, and engagement in
discussion forums.
Sample /
Varia b les
Yildirim (2017)
Investigated the effects
of gamification on
students’ achievement
and attitudes toward
the gamified lesson.
97 students /
Points, badges,
levels, and leader-
Achievement and
Gamification had a positive impact
on students’ achievement and
Elabnody, Fouad,
Maghraby, and
Hegazy (2017)
Examined the potential
of certain elements of
gamification in stimu-
lating students’ experi-
ence and engagement.
115 students /
Points, badges,
and leaderboards
User experience
and engagement
The gamified group had per-
formed more activities than the
non-gamified group. Gamification
increased student engagement.
Ding, Kim, and
Orey (2017)
Used gamification as an
approach in online
discussions to increase
student engagement.
22 students /
Points, levels,
badges, progress
bar, leaderboards,
and thumbs ups
Gamification increased students’
engagement and motivation in the
online discussion.
Aşıksoy (2017)
Studied the potential of
using gamification to
enhance students’ mo-
tivations and learning
61 students /
Points, leader-
boards, and badg-
Motivations, learn-
ing achievements,
and perceptions
Gamification increased students’
motivation and learning achieve-
Diniz, Silva, Gero-
sa, and Steinmacher
Analyzed the use of
gamification to orient,
motivate, and engage
undergraduate students.
17 students / CS
Points, levels,
ranking, and
Motivation, en-
gagement, and
Gamification increased students’
motivation, engagement, and con-
Tan and Saucerman
Assessed the impact of
gamification in the
context of in-class
problem sessions.
104 students /
Points and leader-
Motivation, enjoy-
ment, and encour-
Gamification promoted students’
motivation, enjoyment, and collab-
Ortiz-Rojas, Chilui-
za, and Valcke
Analyzed the impact of
gamification on stu-
dents’ learning perfor-
mance, intrinsic motiva-
tion, self-efficacy and
100 students /
Performance, in-
trinsic motivation,
self-efficacy, and
Gamification enhanced students’
engagement. However, no signifi-
cant impact on learning perfor-
mance, intrinsic motivation, self-
efficacy was found.
Sample /
Varia b les
Mekler, Brühlmann,
Tuch, and Opwis
Investigated the effects
of gamification on
intrinsic motivation,
competence and per-
formance of students.
273 students /
Points, levels, and
Intrinsic motiva-
tion, competence,
and performance
The gamification elements pro-
moted performance quantity, but
not intrinsic motivation and com-
Piteira, Costa, and
Aparicio (2017)
Studied how the im-
plementation of a
gamified lesson can
contribute to students’
perception and attitude.
108 students /
Points, leader-
boards, badges,
levels and progress
Perception and
The gamification elements posi-
tively influenced students’ percep-
tion and attitude.
Roosta, Taghiyareh,
and Mosharraf
Characterized the ef-
fects of gamification
elements on learners’
273 students /
Badges, feedback,
points, and pro-
gress bar
The gamified session improved
learners’ participation.
Hew, Huang, Chu,
and Chiu (2016)
Investigated the effects
of gamification on
student cognitive and
behavioral engage-
43 students /
Points, badges,
and leaderboards
Gamification motivated students
to engage in more difficult tasks.
Wang and Lieberoth
Explored how gamifi-
cation can develop the
general knowledge of
learners in a non-
formal education plat-
593 students/
Points and leader-
engagement, en-
joyment, learning,
and motivation
Incorporate gamification elements
into a web application enhanced
the general knowledge of users in
a non-formal education platform.
De-Marcos, Garcia-
Lopez and Garcia-
Cabot (2016)
Studied the role of
gamification elements
in enhancing the learn-
ing performance of
undergraduate students.
379 students /
Trophies, badges,
and leaderboards
Gamification increased the learn-
ers’ performance.
Kuo and Chuang
Applied gamification to
an online context for
academic promotion
and dissemination.
73 students /
Points, leader-
boards, and badg-
Engagement and
Gamification elements had a posi-
tive impact on students’ motivation
and engagement.
Sample /
Varia b les
Kim, Rothrock, and
Freivalds (2016)
Explored the effects of
gamification on stu-
dents’ engagement in
lab-based activities.
100 students /
Points, levels,
badges leader-
boards, and feed-
Motivation, en-
gagement, and
Gamification increase learners’
motivation, engagement, and per-
Yaya and Kelvin
Examined the effects
of gamification on
students’ learning of
Mandarin language.
20 students /
Achievements and
skills, feedback, and
Gamification had a positive impact
on learners’ concentration, skills,
feedback, and immersion.
De-Marcos, Garcia-
Lopez, Garcia-
Cabot, et al. (2016)
Examined how gamifi-
cation and social gami-
fication can influence
students’ learning per-
167 students /
Points, achieve-
ments, and leader-
Students’ performance was pro-
moted with the use of gamifica-
Poondej and Lerd-
pornkulrat (2016)
Explored the effects of
gamification on stu-
dents’ engagement in a
learning process.
577 students/
Points, levels, and
achievement re-
Gamification significantly in-
creased students’ engagement in
Schreuders and
Butterfield (2016)
Studied the effects of
gamification on stu-
dents’ engagement,
experience, and content
32 students /
Points, levels, and
progress bar
Engagement, expe-
rience, and content
Gamification had positive impact
on students’ engagement, experi-
ence, and content coverage.
Fleischmann and
Ariel (2016)
Explored the effects of
gamification on stu-
dents’ satisfaction and
understanding of a
30 students /
Challenges and
Satisfaction and
Gamification led the large majority
of students to enjoy the learning
canti (2016)
gamification on stu-
dents’ engagement.
and levels
engagement in online learning
Tab l e B1: The Relationship between Certain Gamification Techniques and Students’ Learning
(Butler &
Bodnar, 2017;
Diniz et al.,
2017; Kuo &
2016; Roosta
et al., 2016;
Tan & Sau-
(Çakıroğlu et
al., 2017; De-
Marcos, Gar-
et al. 2016;
Denny et al.,
2018; Poondej
& Lerdporn-
kulrat, 2016)
et al., 2017;
Denny et
al., 2018;
Kim et al.,
Mekler et
al., 2017)
(Aldemir et
al., 2018;
2017; Piteira
et al., 2017)
(Barna &
(Barna &
Fodor, 2017;
& Ariel,
(Piteira et
al., 2017;
(Tan &
man, 2017;
Wang &
(Mekler et
al., 2017;
Sailer et al.,
mann &
(Delello et al.,
2018; Kuo &
2016; Ortiz-
Rojas et al.,
2017; Roosta
et al., 2016;
Van Roy &
Zaman, 2018)
(Filatro &
2016; Hegazy
et al., 2017;
Hew et al.,
2016; Huang
et al., 2018;
Ortiz-Rojas et
al., 2017)
(Balci et al.,
2018; De-
Lopez, &
Cabot 2016;
Denny et
al., 2018;
et al., 2017;
Flores et al.,
(Aldemir et
al., 2018;
2017; De-
lello et al.,
2018; Piteira
et al., 2017)
(Barna &
(Barna &
Fodor, 2017)
(Piteira et
al., 2017;
(Balci et al.,
2018; Bover-
mann &
2018; Kuo &
2016; Roosta
et al., 2016;
Tan & Sau-
(Ding et al.,
2018; Ding et
al., 2017; He-
gazy et al.,
2017; Hew et
al., 2016; Suh
et al., 2018)
(Balci et al.,
Çakıroğlu et
al., 2017;
Lopez, &
Cabot, et al.,
2016; Kim
et al., 2016)
(Aldemir et
al., 2018;
2017; Piteira
et al., 2017)
(Piteira et
al., 2017;
(Tan &
man, 2017;
Wang &
(Mekler et
al., 2017;
Sailer et al.,
(Butler &
Bodnar, 2017;
Diniz et al.,
2017; Kim et
al., 2016;
Mekler et al.,
(Filatro &
2016; Khalil et
al., 2017;
Poondej &
kulrat, 2016;
Schreuders &
2016; Suh et
al., 2018)
(Kim et al.,
Mekler et
al., 2017;
Flores et al.,
(Piteira et
al., 2017)
(Barna &
(Barna &
Fodor, 2017)
(Piteira et
al., 2017;
(Mekler et
al., 2017)
(Ding et al.,
(Ding et al.,
(Aldemir et
al., 2018)
Progress bar
(Ding et al.,
2018; Roosta
et al., 2016)
(Ding et al.,
2018; Ding et
al., 2017;
Piteira et al.,
(Piteira et
al., 2017)
(Piteira et
al., 2017)
(Van Roy &
Zaman, 2018)
Flores et al.,
(Aldemir et
al., 2018)
mann &
Ariel, 2016)
mann &
(Kim et al.,
2016; Roosta
et al., 2016)
(Kim et al.,
(Kim et al.,
mann &
Ariel, 2016)
k, 2018)
mann &
ak, 2018)
Flores et al.,
(Sailer et
al., 2017)
Alomari, Al-Samarraie, & Yousef
Islam Alomari is a Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Instructional Tech-
nology and Multimedia, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Her research interests
are educational technology and development, lifelong learning, and higher
Hosam Al-Samarraie is an academic member of staff in the School of
Media and Performing Arts, Coventry University, UK. His background in
Information Technology has influenced his work within digital technolo-
gy, behavioral modeling, and design studies in a number of ways. His
research areas are in Human-Computer Interaction, Digital Media, and
Higher Education with emphasis on visualization, managing, clustering,
and prediction of various interaction patterns. He is also interested in
developing design guidelines for different user groups. His recent projects
have focused primarily on the use of machine learning and multi-criteria
decision-making methods to analyze, model, and predict aspects related
to users’ design preferences, user experience with technology, visual inter-
action, and usability testing.
Dr. Reem Yousef is an academic member of General Education De-
partment, Al Falah University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. She finished
her Bachelor of Science in English Language & Translation from Ajman
University of Science and Technology. Her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees were
in English Language Education (TESOL) from University Science Malay-
sia where she received a Graduate Assistant Schema award from 2011
2014. Her research interests include TESOL curriculum theory, effective
learning and teaching strategies in different learning contexts.
... Many studies focus on short-term outcomes and lack longitudinal data assessing the ongoing effects of gamification on reading skills (Sailer & Homner, 2020). In addition, few studies have explored the differential impact of various gamification elements (e.g., points, badges, leaderboards) on different student populations and learning contexts (Alomari et al., 2019;Huang et al., 2020). Furthermore, most of the existing studies are limited to small samples and specific educational settings, reducing the generalizability of the findings (Luo et al., 2023;Sanabria Huertas, 2021;Waluyo et al., 2023). ...
... This diversity suggests that while gamification is a versatile tool, its effectiveness depends on careful adaptation to specific educational settings and learner needs (Dicheva et al., 2015). This study offers a comprehensive analysis of the most efficient gamification components for enhancing reading learning in various educational settings, surpassing other studies that merely mention the commonly employed gamification elements such as points, badges, feedback, grades, and leaderboards (Alomari et al., 2019;Bai et al., 2020;Majid et al., 2024;Subhash & Cudney, 2018). ...
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Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this systematic literature review is to explore the use of gamification in reading instruction between 2020 and 2024, focusing on the main theories and models, implementation strategies in various educational settings, measurable effects on student engagement and comprehension, and future directions for research. Background: Reading instruction faces persistent challenges, including declining student engagement, varied reading comprehension levels, and a lack of motivation among learners. Traditional methods often fail to captivate students, resulting in suboptimal literacy outcomes. In response to these challenges, educators and researchers are increasingly turning to gamification as a promising approach to reinvigorate reading instruction. Gamification, which incorporates game design elements into non-game contexts, has the potential to enhance student motivation, engagement, and comprehension. Methodology: In order to guarantee precision and reliability, this systematic literature review follows the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) 2020 guidelines. This review focuses on studies published in the Web of Science, Scopus, and ScienceDirect databases from 2020 to 2024 and applied inclusion criteria to select 15 peer-reviewed studies from 421 retrieved, focusing on gamification in reading instruction. Contribution: This paper addresses a gap in the existing literature on gamified reading instruction by examining the theoretical foundation, different implementation strategies, and measurable effects of gamification in reading instruction across various educational settings and age groups. Additionally, it offers recommendations and guidance for future research in the field of gamified reading instruction. This study also offers a systematic approach for educators to implement gamified reading instruction. Findings: This review examined a total of 15 papers, encompassing various educational settings and age ranges. The investigations were conducted in multiple countries, including China, Indonesia, and Spain, demonstrating a worldwide interest in gamified reading education. Self-determination theory (SDT) is significant in the domain of gamified reading teaching. Primary school extensively incorporates gamified reading instruction, emphasizing the use of badges, leaderboards, narrative contexts, and avatars to foster captivating and individualized learning experiences. Multiple studies consistently demonstrate that the integration of game aspects into reading teaching leads to improvements in reading speed, reading accuracy, reading immersion, interactivity, and frequency. Recommendations for Practitioners: Educators are encouraged to integrate gamification elements tailored to different educational stages, such as badges and narrative contexts in primary education and collaborative challenges in higher education, to enhance student engagement and comprehension. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers should focus on conducting longitudinal studies to assess the long-term effects of gamification and work on integrating varied theoretical frameworks to provide a more consistent foundation for future research. Impact on Society: This paper proposes that implementing gamification in reading instruction has the potential to positively influence reading comprehension and student motivation, ultimately leading to improved educational results on a larger scale. Future Research: Future research should explore the long-term effects of gamification on reading instruction, address the identified limitations of current studies, and investigate its effectiveness across different cultural and educational contexts.
... This suggests that student collaboration can be effectively developed with technological assistance (Yurtseven Avci et al., 2020). However, it is noted that incorporating gamification does not alter students' attitudes (Alomari et al., 2019;Shavab et al., 2021). The effectiveness of the 5E learning cycle model enhanced by Classcraft gamification in improving students' problem-solving skills in science was assessed using a valid pretest and posttest consisting of five essay questions. ...
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Problem-solving skills are essential for students to navigate both academic challenges and real-world situations effectively. However, many junior high school students struggle to develop these skills, particularly in science education. This study aims to explore the effects of gamification, using Classcraft, integrated into the 5E Learning Cycle model on the science problem-solving skills of seventh-grade students. Conducted as a quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design, the research involved a cluster random sample of public junior high schools in Yogyakarta. A pretest-posttest problem-solving skills test was administered, with instruments validated using Pearson correlation and reliability measured through Cronbach's alpha. Data analysis employed independent sample t-tests and effect size to determine the impact of the intervention. The results demonstrate that Classcraft-assisted gamification within the 5E Learning Cycle significantly enhances students' problem-solving abilities. This suggests that integrating gamification into instructional models not only boosts engagement but also fosters critical thinking skills crucial for everyday decision-making and problem resolution, thereby equipping students with practical skills applicable to real-life situations.
... Mitsubishi Company has implemented gamification settings in the workplace in the form of incentive programs given to employees to improve performance. A study by [43] highlights several game elements such as points, prizes, challenges, badges, scoreboards, leaderboards, levels, and feedback. Other elements include progress bars, countdowns, collectibles, bonuses, certificates, and avatars. ...
... Also, one respondent mentioned it would be "helpful if there was more detailed information on what exactly each item is to better understand the Anar Seeds. " This response revealed the importance of making game rules explicit and explaining to students how each gamification mechanic works, as evidenced by Alomari et al. (2019) and Machajewski (2017). ...
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As online learning and teaching are becoming an educational trend, online students’ engagement will directly impact the learning and teaching effects and outcomes. A scientific application of gamification in online learning, teaching, and online course design will improve online learners’ learning experience and help build a better virtual learning context for online learners worldwide. This study focuses on how gamification can engage online students from skills, emotional, participation, and performance perspectives. The gamification components investigated in this study are Points (also called Anar Seeds in the context of this study) and Badges, the most widely used components in gamification design in education, and online instructors have primarily used them to motivate students’ learning and acknowledge their achievements by timely rewarding specific learning behavior or performance. A mixed method has been applied to explore further the relationships between gamification components and online students’ engagement and how online students perceive the impacts of gamification on their online learning experience. The findings show a significant correlation between Points and online students’ skills, emotional, participation, and performance engagement, while it exists only between Badges and online students’ participation engagement. The findings also reveal mixed perceptions of online students towards gamification. Study limitations regarding lack of age criterion, limited measurement indicators, and oversimplification of survey responses have also been discussed. It is suggested that future research can be conducted from either the instructors’ or the gamification designers’ perspectives to determine any other factors that might contribute to the implementation of gamification in the online learning context.
This dataset contains evaluation results from video game-based assessments administered to first-level university students across six different academic programs at Universidad Indoamérica from October 2022 to August 2024. The data were collected using an adapted version of Pacman through the platform, where traditional quiz questions were integrated into gameplay mechanics. The dataset comprises 1418 assessment attempts from students in Law, Medicine, Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Architecture, and Nursing programs, documenting their performance in digital culture and computing courses. Each record includes attempt number, timestamp, student identifier, gender, academic period, section, career program, and score achieved. The dataset enables analysis of student performance patterns, learning progression through multiple attempts, and comparative studies across different academic programs and periods. This information can support research in educational gamification, assessment design, and digital learning strategies in higher education.
italic xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">Contribution: This article investigates the impact of gamified learning on high school students (grades 9–12) in computer science, emphasizing learner engagement, knowledge improvement, and overall satisfaction. It contributes insights into the effectiveness of gamification in enhancing educational outcomes. Background: Gamification in education is explored, focusing on its potential to address challenges in learner engagement. The study draws on gamification principles and user-centered design frameworks to create meaningful gamified learning experiences. Intended Outcomes: The study aims to measure knowledge improvement, overall satisfaction, and engagement in gamified learning. It seeks to assess the effectiveness of the designed educational games in enhancing algorithmic, computational, and analytical thinking skills. Application Design: Utilizing an agile development process, Unity game engine, and Swift Core-AR, this article details the creation of user-centered gamified environments. It outlines the deployment methodology for augmented reality-based games, emphasizing iterative design based on user feedback. Findings: Statistical analyses show positive correlations between overall satisfaction, engagement, and motivation with knowledge improvement. The paired t -test reveals a significant increase in knowledge levels post-gamification. One-way alternative to the one-way analysis of variance underscores the influence of satisfaction on knowledge improvement, highlighting its critical role.
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The research aims to identify the characteristics of lexical competence development in schoolchildren using elements of gamification within the framework of foreign language learning. The article examines the effectiveness of applying gamification technology to enhance the level of lexical competence formation in secondary school pupils during English language learning. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the authors have studied modern and innovative ways to develop English lexical competence in schoolchildren using gamification technology in foreign language classes, as well as elaborated a model for developing lexical competence in English classes in secondary school through elements of gamification. The main results of this research are as follows: the methodological potential of gamification in foreign language learning was identified; a set of tasks using elements of gamification was proposed for teaching English vocabulary in school; English vocabulary learning was modeled through the sequential integration of modern game technologies into the educational process.
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The purpose of this research is to find out how immersive technology can improve online learning and student engagement. The study investigates how immersive technologies, for example augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can be incorporated into online learning environment using a case study methodology. The paper explores how immersive technologies affect online course satisfaction among learners generally through learning results, and student involvement. By conducting a comprehensive literature review, the paper synthesizes existing knowledge and identifies gaps in the literature. In the systematic review in which exclusion and inclusion criteria was used to identify the suitable articles to be analyzed based on the study questions. The outcome of the study revealed that immersive technologies significantly boost learner engagement, improving the student learning outcomes thereby increasing their overall course satisfaction with online courses. However, it also identifies challenges and gaps in current research, emphasizing the need for further exploration. Recommendations for educators and policymakers include investing in immersive technologies learning tools, providing adequate training, fostering collaboration, and addressing issues of access and affordability. This paper sough to enhance the comprehension of how immersive technologies can be strategically leveraged to revolutionize online learning environments. By exploring the integration of advanced digital tools and techniques, the study uncovered various ways in which virtual and augmented reality can significantly improve the effectiveness and engagement of online learning. Ultimately, the findings provide valuable insights that can guide educators, institutions, and educational technology developers in optimizing online learning environments through the thoughtful application of immersive technology.
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In recent years, flipped learning has attracted much attention around the world. This instructional approach is appealing because it can free up class time for knowledge application activities with help from the instructor and peers. However, its implementation can be fraught with challenges. Student disengagement in out-of-class activities, for example, is one of the major challenges of flipped learning. The purpose of this study is to examine whether gamification can enhance student engagement in a flipped course. A comparison study was conducted, involving two classes of undergraduate students in an Information Management course. The results indicated that students in the gamification-enhanced flipped learning group (n = 48) were more likely to complete the preclass and post-class activities on time than those in the non-gamified flipped learning group (n = 48). Students in the gamification-enhanced flipped learning group also produced higher quality artifacts than the non-gamified flipped learning group in the pre-class thinking activities. Moreover, students in the gamification-enhanced flipped learning group scored significantly higher in the post-course test than did their non-gamified counterparts.
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Gamification tools (GTs), added game design elements into non-game context which attracted attention of educators as a potentially useful method to increase engagement, motivation and performance of students. However, the efficacy of these tools has not been well-established due to conflicting results of relevant studies. In our study, the effectiveness of two most common GTs, badges (i.e., digital credentials for achievements) and leaderboards (performance based digital rankings), on the academic performance and self-reported motivation levels of students were investigated. Two experiments were conducted in two 100% online undergraduate physics courses taught via Learning Management System (LMS). In Experiment 1 (N=102), GTs were implemented in only the quiz scores (40% of the course grade) through LMS, e.g. badges were awarded and leaderboards created based on quiz scores. In Experiment 2 (N=88), both quiz and assignment scores (100% of the course grade) were gamified, e.g. badges and leaderboards were based on both quiz and assignment scores. Participants were randomly assigned into one of four groups: badges-only, leaderboards-only, badges-with-leaderboards and control (i.e., no badges, no leaderboards). Self-report questionnaire about students' attitudes and motivation toward GTs were collected at the end of study. The results from both experiments demonstrated that although most students showed positive attitudes towards badges and leaderboards on the motivation questionnaire, neither badges nor leaderboards significantly affected academic performance of students. This study suggests GTs may be useful in influencing student motivation however, they are not effective in increasing student academic performance.
Although many studies have focused on the potential of implementing gamification in education, the existing literature remains inconclusive about its effectiveness. In order to make sense of the contradictory findings regarding the effectiveness of implementing game design elements in an online learning environment, this paper complements the available body of research by addressing three holes. We have (1) analysed gamification's underlying motivational processes from a Self-Determination Theory-perspective, thereby accounting for the motivational effects of various game design implementations; (2) empirically assessed subtle motivational changes over time, and (3) accounted for the potential individual differences in motivational effects of gamification. Over a period of 15 weeks, we administered four surveys to measure the possible evolution in students’ (N = 40) motivational levels in response to interacting with need-supporting game elements that were implemented in Google + Communities used in a university course. Participants’ autonomous and controlled motivation was curve linear, showing an initial downward trend that surprisingly shifted to an upward tendency towards the end of the semester. Their controlled motivation stayed stable throughout. The results illustrated the significance of the individual nature of motivational processes, the importance of sensitive longitudinal motivation measurements, and the relevance of the implemented game elements’ design characteristics. We end this article by opening the debate on using theoretical lenses when designing gamification, and by providing avenues for future research.
Gamification has become popular in education. However, gamified classroom activity together with assessment activity are not yet much explored. In this study, the gamification was tested by assigning students enrolling in a programming concept class (object-oriented programming using Java) to play a simple card game and contest their programs involving the card game with others. The simple card games are chosen to decrease an instructor’s burden. The results of the focus group discussions show that gamified classroom activity could enhance students’ problem solving skills, engagement, attention to the course content, enjoyment and friendship, understanding, and creativity. The gamified assessment activity also lets students have more time to solve problems, clearly understanding the problems, increasing their confidence, decrease recitation, and reduce their stress. Intrinsic motivation is the main construct driving students to engage in gamification, supported by students’ extrinsic motivation.
The present study details the implementation of an improvement process for a gamification activity from a Calculus course for undergraduate students aimed to develop mathematical modeling competencies. The improvement process was studied taking into account three types of data: the results of the students' performance assessment, the meta-evaluation of the educational and proactive effects and gamification costs, and data on the level of satisfaction achieved on the educational activity. The results of 50 performance assessments were analyzed, as well as the results from the meta-evaluation process carried out by the course's teacher. The study concludes that while it is true that gamification is a strategy that introduces a high level of innovation and brings the type of motivation and emotion that encourages learning, its educational intent can be further strengthened by including performance assessment and meta-evaluation processes to better understand its function and make adjustments to its design in a timely manner.
The use of online collaborative learning activities has been notably supported by cloud computing. Although specific reference has been made to a certain online application or service, there has been no clear understanding of how different cloud computing tools have shaped the concept of collaborative learning, and the extent to which these resources are accessible to today's students. Thus, a review of the literature was conducted to identify studies on cloud computing tools for collaborative learning in a blended classroom. The review of the literature led to the inclusion of 29 relevant studies categorized as synchronized tools, Learning Management System (LMS) tools, and social networking tools. The review results revealed a set of evidences supporting the use of certain cloud computing tools for certain collaborative learning activities categorized under sharing, editing, communication and discussion. The key opportunities and challenges associated with the use of these tools in a blended learning context were also identified and discussed. Findings from this study will certainly help academicians, practitioners and researchers to understand the potential of using cloud computing environments from a wider perspective.
The ubiquitous presence of technology in classrooms has inspired a shift from traditional classroom lectures to integrated digital learning environments. These interactive learning environments present the opportunity to evolve the teaching process through the incorporation of game elements that have been shown to capture user attention, motivate towards goals, and promote competition, effective teamwork, and communication. Gamification and game-based learning systems aim to bring these benefits into the learning and teaching process. This paper presents a systematic literature review of game-based learning systems, frameworks that integrate game design elements, and various implementations of gamification in higher education. A systematic search of databases was conducted to select articles related to gamification in education for this review. The objective is to identify how gamified learning systems have been used and categorize its use in higher education. The findings of this literature review allow higher education institutions to employ and explore efficient gamified learning and teaching systems to improve student engagement, motivation, and performance.
School systems around the world are adopting more intellectually ambitious academic content in the hopes of improving their educational productivity. In the United States, these efforts have required significant changes to teachers’ instructional practices, and increased attention to teachers’ formal and on-the-job professional learning opportunities. Focusing on the initial implementation of a reform-oriented approach to teaching mathematics in two local school systems in the United States, this paper examines whether – and under what circumstances – elementary teachers’ professional learning opportunities predict changes in their instructional practices and beliefs related to mathematics. Our findings reveal that teachers’ on-the-job interactions during the first year of reform predicted changes in their instructional practices; further, these changes were associated with the infrastructures that local school systems created to support teacher learning in mathematics. Teachers’ participation in formal professional development, in contrast, predicted changes in their instructional beliefs, but not their practices. These findings have implications for future efforts to design formal and on-the-job professional learning opportunities that support ambitious educational reforms.