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The astonishing 63Ni radioactivity reduction in radioactive wastes by means of ultrasounds application

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Nowadays, the radioactive wastes production is certainly one of the main issues along with their storage. The most interesting way to treat them would certainly be the radioactivity reduction. In this paper we show that the ⁶³Ni radioactivity reduction by ultrasounds is not a violation of the exponential decay law but can be explained by the Deformed Space–Time theory. The cavitation procedure under the DST conditions achieves a radioactivity decrease around 14% in 200 s. Comparing these results with the theoretical ones obtained by the decay law, we earn more than 20 years in the ⁶³Ni radioactivity decrease. For confirming the data, ICP-MS measurements were performed on cavitated and no-cavitated samples: once again, the 14%-difference (with CV 5%) was obtained from the analyses of both samples. Even if the data are not definitive, the new idea is that a radioactive substance can be “normalized” by its transformation into a normal stable one without radiation emission overcoming the traditional approaches (dilution, inertization, radioactive transmutation with fast neutron irradiation) and avoiding the use of large deposits or big reactors. Our results may be considered as starting point to pave the way to new methods to treat useless harmful radioactive substances from nuclear or medicine industry.
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SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:1319 |
Research Article
The astonishing 63Ni radioactivity reduction inradioactive wastes
bymeans ofultrasounds application
AlbertoRosada1· FabioCardone2,3· PasqualeAvino4
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Nowadays, the radioactive wastes production is certainly one of the main issues along with their storage. The most
interesting way to treat them would certainly be the radioactivity reduction. In this paper we show that the 63Ni radio-
activity reduction by ultrasounds is not a violation of the exponential decay law but can be explained by the Deformed
Space–Time theory. The cavitation procedure under the DST conditions achieves a radioactivity decrease around 14%
in 200s. Comparing these results with the theoretical ones obtained by the decay law, we earn more than 20years in
the 63Ni radioactivity decrease. For conrming the data, ICP-MS measurements were performed on cavitated and no-
cavitated samples: once again, the 14%-dierence (with CV 5%) was obtained from the analyses of both samples. Even
if the data are not denitive, the new idea is that a radioactive substance can be “normalized” by its transformation into
a normal stable one without radiation emission overcoming the traditional approaches (dilution, inertization, radioac-
tive transmutation with fast neutron irradiation) and avoiding the use of large deposits or big reactors. Our results may
be considered as starting point to pave the way to new methods to treat useless harmful radioactive substances from
nuclear or medicine industry.
Keywords Radioactivity·
63Ni· Reduction· Ultrasounds· Cavitation· Decay law
1 Introduction
The management of radioactive waste is one of the main
problems for the to-day mankind: during these last dec-
ades expensive and hard-realization proposals for achiev-
ing minor actinides burning or radionuclide transmuta-
tions have been proposed by International agencies [1]. At
the moment, the deactivation mainly consists in mechani-
cal processes, mainly the inertization where the waste is
incorporated into a large volume of material, or using liv-
ing organisms, e.g., Ralstonia detusculanense, an archae-
bacterium [2] able to signicantly reduce the radioactivity
of radionuclides coming from ssion reaction (e.g., Co-60,
Sr-90, Cs-135, Cs-137). Further, this crucial problem, i.e.,
reducing the radioactivity of nuclear (sanitary and indus-
trial) wastes, has also mainly been addressed through the
use of two main methodologies: mechanical and chemi-
cal-electrochemical methods. However, these methods do
not modify the radioactivity of the single radionuclide but
limit themselves to separate the radioactive fraction from
all the rest of the material and, possibly, to concentrate
it. In this way, the deactivation of a radioactive substance
consists in incorporating it in a large volume of inert mate-
rial: the result is a radioactivity decrease per unit of volume
but the total number of radioactive nuclei is unchanged
[3, 4].
Sugihara [5] proposed a treatment based on water
at high pressure for deactivating fission products in
Received: 21 August 2019 / Accepted: 28 September 2019 / Published online: 3 October 2019
* Pasquale Avino, | 1National Agency forNew Technologies, Energy andSustainable Economic Development
(ENEA), Via Anguillarese 301, 00123Rome, Italy. 2Istituto perlo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati (ISMN- CNR), Via dei Taurini,
00185Rome, Italy. 3GNFM, Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica “F. Severi”, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, p.le A. Moro 2, 00185Rome,
Italy. 4Department ofAgriculture, Environmental andFood Sciences, University ofMolise, Via De Sanctis, 86100Campobasso, Italy.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... On the wake of the experiment of thorium, 7,8 the feasibility of normalizing a more complex molecule was investigated. 10,12 Nickel Nitrate made of radioactive Nickel-63 in Nitric acid (1.5 molar) was solved in bi-distilled and deionized water. The volume of the studied sample was 30 cm 3 : 25 cm 3 of nickel nitrate molecules in nitric acid and 5 cm 3 of water. ...
... In a similar way, a reduction of 13% of intensity was obtained [10][11][12] in the case of Nickel-63 after 100 s sonication at 35 kHz, 15 W. In 100 s, the same reduction effect was obtained as in 20 years on natural decay. Thus, also in this case, the same effect was obtained in a time lapse reduced of a factor about 10 4 . ...
... In this last experiment, the mass spectroscopy indicated that new nuclei were found after sonication. 10,11 In particular, the Cobalt-59, a stable element, was found to increase by 14%. Also, increases of lithium-7 (+35%), Beryllium-9 (+9%) and boron-11 (+9%) were detected. ...
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Three cases are reviewed of radioactive material with anomalous decay after ultrasound irradiation. In the pure element thorium-228 in distilled water, the radioactivity decreased faster after cavitation than the natural decay. The more complex molecule of Nickel Nitrate, made of radioactive nickel-63, in solution of nitric acid and distilled water was investigated before and after ultrasound irradiation. The X-rays produced by Bremsstrahlung of the electrons from the beta decay of Ni-63 were recorded and a 13% decrease of intensity was measured after 100 s of sonication. A decrease of nickel and an increase of other elements was detected by mass spectrometry in the sonicated sample. The Cobalt-57 decay was investigated by detecting the gamma and X-ray intensity from the Iron-57 resulting after its beta emission. In this third case too, an anomalous decay was observed after sonication. These three cases of anomalous behavior can be explained at the light of the Deformed Space–Time theory. It assumes that a suitable sudden variation of energy density can induce a local deformation of space–time, thus violating the Local Lorentz Invariance. This variation can be created by the ultrasounds in the matter, thus, allowing reactions that cannot occur in a flat (Minkowskian) space–time. The “neutralization” of a radionuclide occurs when it undergoes a DST transformation changing the radionuclide into non-radioactive nuclides.
... From the phenomenology of experiments concerning both space-time deformation emissions [1,[3][4][5] and DST transformations, nuclear metamorphoses, [6][7][8][9][10][11], we can set = 10 m   which corresponds to the characteristic diameter measured for the so-called Ridolfi cavities [5]. ...
... As already mentioned at § 10. behavior of the fi fth element g 44 of the metrics, in particular hadronic and leptonic, to obtain the production of electric charges directly from the nuclear metamorphosis of the matter (Ref. [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]). One of these devices is being designed and built in the laboratories of High Sonic Technology (HST) in Rome as a reactor-generator which exploits in particular the results obtained here relating to the F function in order to determine the dimensions and operating conditions of its components. ...
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The framework of the Deformed Space-Time theory has been extended in the past from four to fi ve dimensions, where the fi fth coordinate is the energy exchanged by the interaction. In this theory, each fundamental interaction is described by an energy-dependent metric. This picture has been exploited in order to take care of the interaction behaviour both when Lorentz invariance holds and the spacetime is Minkowskian and when Lorentz is violated and must be recovered in a non-minkowskian spacetime. It has been successfully attempted to complete the pentadimensional metric of the four fundamental interactions calculating the fi fth element of the metric corresponding to the fi fth coordinate energy. The mathematical tool exploited is the method of the Ricci fl ow which gave the complete explicit form of the fi fth element of the metric, answering in this way the question of "how the energy measure the energy" for each interaction, setting the electromagnetic interaction as the reference for the energy measure. In this sense it has been given meaning to the problem of the energy gauge for interaction, identifying the gauge with the fi fth metric element. The consequences of the nuclear metamorphosis have been also examined for reaching the technological goal of a device stably producing this metamorphosis under the hadronic metric. The most valuable consequence is that in this pentadimensional picture, the old Einsteinian dream of a complete geometrization of the interactions is reached. The results achieved in the present work have allowed to design, build, and test of devices capable of exploiting the behavior of the fi fth element of the metrics to obtain the production of electric charges directly from the nuclear metamorphosis of the matter.
... From the phenomenology of experiments concerning both space-time deformation emissions [1,[3][4][5] and DST transformations, nuclear metamorphoses, [6][7][8][9][10][11], we can set = 10 m   which corresponds to the characteristic diameter measured for the so-called Ridolfi cavities [5]. ...
... As already mentioned at § 10. behavior of the fi fth element g 44 of the metrics, in particular hadronic and leptonic, to obtain the production of electric charges directly from the nuclear metamorphosis of the matter (Ref. [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]). One of these devices is being designed and built in the laboratories of High Sonic Technology (HST) in Rome as a reactor-generator which exploits in particular the results obtained here relating to the F function in order to determine the dimensions and operating conditions of its components. ...
The framework of the Deformed Space-Time theory has been extended in the past from four to five dimensions, where the fifth coordinate is the energy exchanged by the interaction. In this theory, each fundamental interaction is described by an energy-dependent metric. This picture has been exploited in order to take care of the interaction behaviour both when Lorentz invariance holds and the spacetime is Minkowskian and when Lorentz is violated and must be recovered in a non-minkowskian spacetime. It has been successfully attempted to complete the pentadimensional metric of the four fundamental interactions calculating the fifth element of the metric corresponding to the fifth coordinate energy. The mathematical tool exploited is the method of the Ricci flow which gave the complete explicit form of the fifth element of the metric, answering in this way the question of "how the energy measure the energy" for each interaction, setting the electromagnetic interaction as the reference for the energy measure. In this sense it has been given meaning to the problem of the energy gauge for interaction, identifying the gauge with the fifth metric element. The consequences of the nuclear metamorphosis have been also examined for reaching the technological goal of a device stably producing this metamorphosis under the hadronic metric. The most valuable consequence is that in this pentadimensional picture, the old Einsteinian dream of a complete geometrization of the interactions is reached. The results achieved in the present work have allowed to design, build, and test of devices capable of exploiting the behavior of the fifth element of the metrics to obtain the production of electric charges directly from the nuclear metamorphosis of the matter.
... Finally, by applying the same ultrasonic sonication technique to substances containing a radionuclide, a significant reduction in activity has been found and analyses have confirmed that this reduction is due to the nuclear metamorphosis of the radionuclide into other inactive nuclides under matter conservation conditions [97][98][99]. ...
... Indeed, all these phenomena, summarized under the label "nuclear metamorphosis" [88][89][90][91]94,[97][98][99], always occurred in the absence of any kind of gamma emissions above the natural background, thus excluding that they could be interpreted as phenomena connected to customary nuclear transformations. Hence, this consideration yields the possibility to interpret this absence of emitted energy in the sense of Mignani's mimicry. ...
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After a brief digression on the current landscape of theoretical physics and on some open questions pertaining to coherence with experimental results, still to be settled, it is shown that the properties of the deformed Minkowski space lead to a plurality of potential physical phenomena that should occur, provided that the resulting formalisms can be considered as useful models for the description of some aspects of physical reality. A list is given of available experimental evidence not easy to be interpreted, at present, by means of the more established models, such as the standard model with its variants aimed at overcoming its descriptive limits; this evidence could be useful to verify the predictions stemming from the properties of the deformed Minkowski space. The list includes anomalies in the double-slit-like experiments, nuclear metamorphosis, torsional antennas, as well as the physical effect of the “geometric vacuum” (as defined in analogy with quantum vacuum), in the absence of external electromagnetic field, when crossing critical thresholds of energy parameter values, energy density in space and energy density in time. Concrete opportunities are suggested for an experimental exploration of phenomena, either already performed but still lacking a widely accepted explanation, or conceivable in the application of the approach here presented, but not tackled until now. A tentative list is given with reference to experimental infrastructures already in operation, the performances of which can be expanded with limited additional resources.
... The obtained microemulsion was placed for 6 min in an ultrasonic bath (Strasonic, 18-35, Liarres.r.l., Casalfiumanese, Italy). The treatment with ultrasonic sound waves markedly favors dispersion and extraction through the phenomenon of cavitation [24]. Finally, the last step involved breaking the microemulsion and separating the apolar phase containing the PAEs and I.S. from the aqueous phase. ...
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In this study, a simple, fast, and effective methodology has been developed for the detection and quantification of seven phthalates potentially released in hot drinks from disposable containers used in vending machines. The authors determined the optimal conditions to be applied during the various steps of extraction of seven phthalates (DMP, DEP, DBP, DiBP, DEHP, DNOP, and DDP) from hot beverages using a model solution. The extraction and preconcentration technique used was ultrasound–vortex-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (UVA-DLLME) followed by gas chromatographic analysis obtaining recoveries from 66.7% to 101.2% with precision and reproducibility <6.3% and <11.1%, respectively. The influence of waiting time, from the dispensing of the drink to its actual consumption, for the extraction of molecules was investigated, obtaining a temporal release profile slightly shifted towards the PAEs with higher molecular weight and vice versa for those with low molecular weight. In addition, the best instrumental parameters to be applied during the analysis of the extracts obtained were established. This optimization was carried out using GC-FID, whereas the analysis of real samples was carried out by means of GC-IT/MS for ultra-trace analysis purposes; limits of detection (LODs) ranging between 0.8 ng mL−1 and 15.4 ng mL−1 and limits of quantification (LOQs) from 1.6 ng mL−1 to 35.8 ng mL−1, both of them lower than those found by FID, were obtained.
... A more complete set of experiments with the involvement of instruments including mass spectrometers gamma ray spectrometry, calorimetric techniques is under way. As a following step, experiments will be conducted adding other nuclides in the reactor chamber in order to investigate the viability of producing isotopes of interest including high value ones -such as rare earths [15] -and of reducing the radioactivity of potentially dangerous radioactive materials [16], [17], [18] such as nuclear waste. ...
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A relatively simple experiment, which has been proven to be fully reproducible, shows that in solutions of water and deuterated water, sensible quantities of fluorine are generated when a triggering energy is supplied in form of electric field with suitable characteristics leading to discharges in the material between the electrodes. The novelty of the experiment is the simplicity of the layout, the full reproducibility and the concrete proof of the events based on simple techniques to detect elements that, as it was accurately checked, were not present in the system before energy supply. Modularity is another interesting feature of the solution presented here. The experimental apparatus used (named STORM REACTOR(R) and described here for the first time in scientific literature) consists of reaction chamber, control system and instrumentation to detect fluorine. It is illustrated together with the measured results and with discussions on the issue of reproducibility and on possible application areas, including energy production. The case of fluorine production is of potential major importance at industrial level being fluorine widely employed in medical, materials and agrochemical sciences (in particular artificial radioactive fluorine isotopes in medical diagnosis). Moreover, its production with traditional methods can be considered difficult and expensive as compared to generation in a safe and inexpensive way using the device presented here.
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This is the original preprint published by Annals of Mathematics and Physics 2024, 7(1), pp. 024-053, same title.
The reviewed papers presented here provide a general overview of worldwide radioactive waste‐related studies conducted in 2019. The current review includes studies related to safety assessments, decommission and decontamination of nuclear facilities, fusion facilities, and transportation. Further, the review highlights radioactive wastewater decontamination, management solutions for the final disposal of low‐ and high‐level radioactive wastes (LLRW and HLRW), interim storage and final disposal options for spent fuel (SF), and tritiated wastes, with a focus on environmental impacts due to the mobility of radionuclides in the ecosystem, water and soil along with other research progress made in the management of radioactive waste. Practitioner points • The release of radionuclides and their subsequent fate and transport in the environment poses public health concern and has stimulated recent research on the waste management techniques. • Seeking a safe and environmental‐friendly solution is the current trend for existing and projected inventories of radioactive waste. • Significant progress in the field of geological disposal of radioactive waste has been made in the last two decades.
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The conditions of local Lorentz invariance (LLI) breakdown, obtained during neutron emission from a sonicated cylindrical bar of AISI 304 steel, were reproduced in a system made of a mole of mercury. After 3 min, a part of the liquid transformed into solid state material, in which isotopes were found with both higher and lower atomic mass with respect to the starting material. Changes in the atomic weight without production of gamma radiation and radionuclides are made possible by deformed space–time reactions.
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Deformed Space-Time (DST) transformations are the consequence of the DST reactions induced in matter by the variation in energy density, in conditions of broken Local Lorentz Invariance (LLI). Through the DST transformations, it is possible to change the atomic weight of matter without using ionizing radiations and avoiding radionuclide production. In this sense, we can call this change of atomic weight “nuclear metabarysis”. These phenomena of nuclear metabarysis are associated with neutron emission. We discuss an experiment of sonication of a steel bar (carried out in Rome in 2012), and analyze the energy distribution of the emitted neutrons. The main signatures of the neutron emission are its asymmetry and anisotropy. We compare these features of neutron emission with those of the Lorentz invariance breakdown, obtained by means of electromagnetic experiments some years ago.
Conference Paper
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The technology of power generation from nuclear power is accompanied by the formation of radioactive waste, which has significant potential environmental hazards. This paper proposes new methods of decontamination of NPP equipment with fluids that immediately after use can be converted into an environmentally safe condition - curing methods of decontamination solutions. A characteristic feature of curable solutions decontamination methods is that the composition of the decontamination solution, and also processes in the solution during deactivation, affect the subsequent transfer of this solution to a solid state, as well as on the properties of the matrix, which will be "sealed" removed radionuclides. The main factor determining the course of the process of decontamination methods can be divided into contact, acid-abrasive, ultrasound and combined. Concerning the main component of the decontamination solution (slurry) methods can be subdivided into solutions with hydraulic binders, clay slurry (with conventional clay and a clay with a high alumina content) suspension of diatomite and combined. The means of transfer of the solutions used in the solid state methods are divided into "self-curing" heat treatable and cemented. Application of methods of the curing solution allows us to reduce the number of operations to deactivate air conditioning that provides economic benefits and allows us to create a whole class of portable equipment and to reduce the amount ongoing to dump 4-6 times in comparison with cemented.
One of the most important discoveries of this century - cold fusion - was summarily rejected by science and the media before sufficient evidence had been accumulated to make a rational judgment possible. Enough evidence is now available to show that this rejection was wrong and that the discovery of a new source of clean energy may help solve some serious problems currently facing mankind. The book catalogues and evaluates this evidence and shows why the initial reaction was driven more by self-interest than fact. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the history and science behind the cold fusion controversy. In addition to the technological importance of the effect, the discovery of new ways to initiate nuclear reactions without producing significant radiation reveals an entirely new mechanism operating at the nuclear level in solid material. This new mechanism has important implications for an understanding of many other phenomena. © 2007 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Experimental evidence of non-conventional reactions, which were collected in these last years, can be all justified in the framework of a general theory that predicts local variations of the space-time metrics. These deformations are different for the different fundamental interactions and for different stored energy and are connected to a violation of the Lorentz Local Invariance.
It is proposed to implode a dense thermonuclear plasma by a shell of fissile material. After ignition of the fusion plasma, the fusion neutrons released cause fission reactions in the imploding shell and which thereby greatly increases its implosion velocity. This results in an even larger fusion energy output, which in turn accelerates the implosion process even more. The proposed concept should work without going to the very high target densities, typically 10**3 times solid density, required for inertial fusion concepts where a compression of a cold target is followed by shock wave ignition and thermonuclear burn. The fissile shell can be composed of **2**3**8U but even of **1**0B.
The influence of the electron environment on the alpha decay is elucidated. Within the frame of a simple model based on the generalized Thomas-Fermi theory of the atom, it is shown that the increase of the electron density around the parent nucleus drives a mechanism which shortens the lifetime. Numerical results are provided for 144Nd, 154Yb and 210Po. Depending on the nuclide, fractional lifetime reduction relative to the bare nucleus is of the order of 0.1-1% in free ions, neutral atoms and ordinary matter, but may reach up to 10% at matter densities as high as 10^4 g/cm3, in a high-Z matrix. The effect induced by means of state-of-the-art compression techniques, although much smaller than previously found, would however be measurable. The extent of the effect in ultra-high-density stellar environments might become significant and would deserve further investigation.
Relativity in a Deformed Space-Time: An Axiomatic View to Special Relativity Deformed Minkowski Space-Time Relativistic Kinematics in a Deformed Minkowski Space Wave Propagation in a Deformed Space-Time Metric Description of Fundamental Interactions and the Breakdown of Local Lorentz Invariance: Leptonic Interaction Hadronic Interaction Breakdown of Local Lorentz Invariance Mathematics of Deformed Space-Time: Generalized Minkowski Space Killing Symmetries of Generalized Minkowski Spaces Finite Structure of Deformed Cronotopical Groups and other articles