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Recovery of copper and cobalt in the comparative flotation of a sulfide ore using xanthate and dithiophosphate as collectors


Abstract and Figures

Copper and cobalt are two major metals used in industry. They play a role in widely many domains like that electricity, chemistry and electrochemistry. They are contained into several minerals like chalcopyrite, carrolite, chalcocite, etc. associated to pyrite. The froth flotation and behaviors of chalcocite and carrolite were investigated through many flotation tests in order to recovery copper and cobalt. This paper investigates the effect of potassium amyl xanthate (PAX) and sodium dibutyl dithiophosphate (DANA) performance on both copper and cobalt recovery in single roughing flotation. The effect of pH on the flotation is proposed. Some parameters were kept constant such as particle size d80=75 μm, pulp density 10% solids, impeller speed 1300 rpm, and PAX doses of DANA (105 g/t per each) as collectors, dose of DF250 (5 drops) as frother, dose of Na2SiO3 (200 g/t) as dispersant and depressant. Only the pulp pH was varied from the natural pH to 11, using Ca(OH)2 as regulator. According to results, PAX (105 g/t) was found as the best collector for recovery of copper both at natural pH and pH=11. At natural pH, the concentrate was found at 16.1% copper recovery with a yield of 99.63%. At pH=11, the concentrate was found at 16.1% copper recovery with a yield of 99.05%. For the recovery of cobalt, DANA (105 g/t) was found better as the collector at natural pH producing a concentrate at 0.51% cobalt recovery yield of 76.48%. At pH=11, PAX (105 g/t) was found better as the collector. The concentrate was found at 0.91% cobalt with a recovery yield of 85.13%.
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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-6, Issue-7, July 2019
Abstract Copper and cobalt are two major metals used in
industry. They play a role in widely many domains like that
electricity, chemistry and electrochemistry. They are contained
into several minerals like chalcopyrite, carrolite, chalcocite, etc.
associated to pyrite. The froth flotation and behaviors of
chalcocite and carrolite were investigated through many
flotation tests in order to recovery copper and cobalt. This paper
investigates the effect of potassium amyl xanthate (PAX) and
sodium dibutyl dithiophosphate (DANA) performance on both
copper and cobalt recovery in single roughing flotation. The
effect of pH on the flotation is proposed. Some parameters were
kept constant such as particle size d80=75 μm, pulp density 10%
solids, impeller speed 1300 rpm, and PAX doses of DANA (105
g/t per each) as collectors, dose of DF250 (5 drops) as frother,
dose of Na2SiO3 (200 g/t) as dispersant and depressant. Only the
pulp pH was varied from the natural pH to 11, using Ca(OH)2 as
regulator. According to results, PAX (105 g/t) was found as the
best collector for recovery of copper both at natural pH and
pH=11. At natural pH, the concentrate was found at 16.1%
copper recovery with a yield of 99.63%. At pH=11, the
concentrate was found at 16.1% copper recovery with a yield of
99.05%. For the recovery of cobalt, DANA (105 g/t) was found
better as the collector at natural pH producing a concentrate at
0.51% cobalt recovery yield of 76.48%. At pH=11, PAX (105
g/t) was found better as the collector. The concentrate was found
at 0.91% cobalt with a recovery yield of 85.13%.
Index Terms cobalt, copper, dithiophosphate, flotation,
The evolution of technology has led the development of
several mining techniques for base metals that are most used.
Copper and cobalt are part and are contained in the oxidized
minerals, sulphide or mixed. They are used in several
disciplines: electricity, robotics, battery manufacturing, metal
alloys, machine building, and the list is not exhaustive [5], [9],
[11], [19].
Copper is a strategic metal and its demand is growing rapidly
[15]. Cobalt has also a great role for the growth of humans,
animals and plants. However, it cannot be taken to avoid
excessively toxic effects. [17]. Copper-cobalt ore from
copper and cobalt come from the Central African Copper Belt
in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia.
Copper sulfide minerals are chalcopyrite CuFeS2, chalcocite
CuS2, bornite Cu5FeS4. Cobalt sulfide minerals are cobaltine
Meschack Muanda Mukunga, Department of Chemical and
Metallurgical Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,
South Africa
(CoAsS), carrollite (Cu (Co.Ni)2S4) and linneite (Co3S4).
These minerals are accompanied by pyrite, which is a great
source of iron [3], [4].
Several studies on the treatment of copper-cobalt minerals
were conducted and-have shown that at pH (about 4), the
flotation of cobalt from sulfide already is best using xanthate
collector. When using nitrosonaphthol chelating reagents, the
flotation of cobalt oxides from already is best at the pH of
about 7.5 [4].
The flotation foam of a mineral sulphide Cu-Co produce a
Cu-Co bulk concentrate. During the flotation, Cu-Co float at
natural pH or pH 11 using xanthate or dithiophosphate. This
occurs when the copper mineralization as chalcocite.
Thereafter separating copper and cobalt in the bulk
concentrate is done by raising the pH to at least 11, which
depresses the cobalt minerals. It has been shown that
xanthates float better the cobalt minerals at pH=11 and
dithiophosphates do at natural pH [4].
In this study, we collected samples in the mine of Kalukuluku
in Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Chalcocite is abundant copper mineral and carrolite is
abundant mineral cobalt. For flotation tests, potassium
amylxanthate (PAX: C5H11OCS2Na) family of xanthates and
sodium amyl dithiophosphate (DANA:C8H18O2PS2Na)
family dithiophosphates were used as collectors.
Polypropylene glycol methyl ether (Dowfroth 250: DF250)
was used as foaming and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) as
depressing and dispersant. Slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) was used
as a pH regulator. The latter was varied keeping all other
parameters constant: particle size, pulp density, impeller
speed, reagents doses (PAX, DF250).
Flotation kinetics was treated for study the variation of the
cumulative recovery of a component (copper and cobalt)
proportionally to flotation time [18], as a time-rate recovery
A. Sample
The ore sample on which we worked was from mine of
Kalukuluku in Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of
Congo. It has been crushed in a laboratory jaw crusher
(primary) and then in a cylindrical laboratory crusher
(secondary) to have a size <1.7 mm. We collected 25 kg for
the result of our tests. The X-ray diffraction analysis revealed
the presence of chalcopyrite CuFeS2, of chalcocite Cu2S and
Carrolite CuCo2S4 as sulphides. The matrix was made of
quartz SiO2, Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2, Feldspar AlSi3O8 and
talc Mg3Si4O10(OH)2. After analysis by atomic-absorption
ICP, the contents of Table 1 have been revealed.
Recovery of copper and cobalt in the comparative
flotation of a sulfide ore using xanthate and
dithiophosphate as collectors
Meschack Muanda Mukunga
Recovery of copper and cobalt in the comparative flotation of a sulfide ore using xanthate and dithiophosphate as
Table 1: Chemical analysis of the sample by AAS/ICP
Contents (%)
B. Reagents
PAX and DANA were used as collectors and have been
prepared at 1% by dissolving 1 g in 100 ml of water. Na2SiO3
was used as depressing and dispersant and was prepared at
30% by dissolving 30 g in 100 ml of water. Ca(OH)2 as a pH
regulator was prepared at 20% by dissolving 20 g of CaO in
100 ml water. DF250 has been used as frother. Tap water was
used for the flotation tests. Equation (1) was used for the
passage of g/t to ml for each reagent.
C. Equipment
The following equipment was used: a laboratory mill
(length: 260 mm, diameter: 180 mm, rotation speed: 100
rpm), a flotation machine DENVER, flotation cell of 2.5 L,
panels, an VIBRA electronic balance, graduated vessels for
reagents, a pH meter, a propipette, a wash bottle of 1 liter, a
D. Grinding
1 kg of sample was mixed with 1 l of water in the mill with
50% solids into the mill. This grinding was carried out at
different times 15, 20 and 25 minutes respectively. The pulp
from the mill was placed on a sieve of 75 μm and then the
refusing was oven dried and weighed. According to Fig. 1,
grinding curve was plotted by varying the refusing 75-μm size
vs time.
Fig.1: Grinding curve’s ore of Kalukuluku
For our flotation tests, we had considered 20% of refusing on
the sieve of 75 μm. And in view of Fig. 1, 18 minutes of
grinding has been required.
E. Flotation test
Before the flotation tests in single roughing, pH meter has
been calibrated. The ore was ground for 18 minutes. The pulp
was placed into the flotation cell of 2.5 L. Having lowered the
rotor into the pulp, we operated the operation at 1300 rpm.
We added Na2SiO3 conditioned for 3 minutes and Ca(OH)2
for pH regulation. Note that have worked at natural pH and
pH 11. Then collector (45 g/t) and frother (5 drops) were
added conditioned for 2 minutes. After that, we opened the air
valve at 5 L per min and collected concentrates in fractions of
0.5; 0.5; 1; 1; 2; 2 and 2 minutes respectively. The first 4
fractions were made the head concentrate. All concentrates
and tailings were sent to the laboratory for chemical analysis
by AAS-ICP to determine the amounts of copper and cobalt.
The 60 g/t corresponding to the remaining collector were
added after the recollections fractions coming after the first,
during a conditioning time of one minute. The flotation
kinetics was also evaluated for comparison between PAX and
DANA in recovery of copper and cobalt, using the variation
of constant rate vs time. The flotation scheme in simple
roughing is shown by the Fig. 2.
Fig.2: Diagram of single roughing flotation tests
A. Variations recovery vs time and grade vs time
Fig. 2 was used to study concerned variations by changing
every time the pH using Ca(OH)2. We worked in at natural pH
and pH=11. The other parameters were kept constant: d80=75
μm, PAX (105 g/t), DF250 (5 drops), pulp density 10% solids
and impeller speed of 1300 rpm. The pulp produced by
milling for 18 minutes was placed in 2.5 L. Ca(OH)2 was
added (only to adjust pH to 11), PAX and DF250 was added
conditioned for 5 minutes. Then the air intake was introduced
at 5 L per min. Finally, concentrates and tailings were
collected, sent to laboratory for analysis by ICP-AAS to
determine grades of copper and cobalt, as well as recovery
1) Variations for copper
Figs. 3 and 4 show results of recovery and grade of copper
vs time at different pH values.
By comparison with the results of Fig. 3 and 4, we note that at
natural pH, copper recovery is fast with DANA until the fifth
minute. After the fifth minute, recovery of copper with PAX is
better and gives a concentrate at 16.1% with a yield of
99.63%. At pH 11, the curve of the PAX is better than DANA,
giving a concentrate at 16.1% copper with a yield of 99.05%.
Thus, the copper recovery is quick at natural pH with the
DANA until the fifth minute. After the fifth minute of
flotation, the PAX is better. At pH=11, PAX have a good
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-6, Issue-7, July 2019
Fig.3 : Variation of copper’s grade vs time at different pH
Fig.4 : Variation of copper’s recovery vs time at different pH
These results confirmed that the flotation by PAX is steady in
an alkaline medium condition [16].
2) Variations for cobalt
Figs. 5 and 6 show results of recovery and grade of cobalt vs
time at different pH values.
Fig.5 : Variation of cobalt’s grade vs time at different pH
According to Fig. 5 and 6, we observe that at natural pH,
selectivity of DANA is higher than selectivity of PAX. Cobalt
recoveries for both collectors are almost the same to the third
minute and beyond the third minute, the growth recovery is
more pronounced for DANA than for PAX.
Thus, with DANA, we obtain a concentrate at 0.51% cobalt
at a yield of 76.48%. With PAX, 1.13% cobalt concentrate is
obtained with a yield of 47.37%.
At pH=11, PAX is largely better from the beginning to the end
of cobalt recovery. It gives a concentrate at 0.91% cobalt with
a yield of 85.18%, it is most selective.
Fig.6 : Variation of cobalt recovery vs time at different pH
At pH=11, PAX is largely better from the beginning to the end
of cobalt recovery. It gives a concentrate at 0.91% cobalt with
a yield of 85.18%, it is most selective. This confirms the study
[14] who said that the alkaline pH depresses pyrite in the
presence of xanthates, increasing the selectivity of the used
B. Determination of flotation rate constant
Several authors have investigated the first order flotation
kinetics models [1], [6], [8], [10], [12]-[13]. Among those
models, the classic model is investigated for our study and
according to this model; we have calculated the first order rate
constant k from equation (2).
[2] and [7] have shown that the flotation kinetics studies the
quantitative variation of the recovery R of the floatable
mineral in concentrate vs time t.
where is the maximum recovery achievable or the
cumulative recovery at time infinite (%), is the recovery at
time t (%), k is the first order rate constant (s-1), t is the
flotation time (s). After developing the formula (2), we obtain
equation (3).
In the case of our study, we evaluate the variation of the factor
vs flotation time to find the rate constant k,
both for copper and cobalt.
1) For copper
According to Fig. 7, at natural pH, the flotation rate constant
is better by DANA till the 5th minute and after that, the
flotation rate by PAX increased till the end of flotation. At
pH=11, the flotation rate is largely best by PAX than by
DANA. In copper recovery, the rate flotation constant is
higher by PAX at natural pH (0.634 s-1) and pH=11 (0.443
s-1). Another very important observation concerning PAX is
that its faster kinetics in the recovery of copper both at natural
pH and at pH=11.
Fig.7 : Determination of rate constant in flotation of copper at
different pH values
In both the values of pH, the first order rate constant for
copper recovery by PAX was found to be higher than that by
2) For cobalt
Fig. 8 shows that the rate flotation constant is better by
DANA at natural pH and by PAX at pH=11 from the
Recovery of copper and cobalt in the comparative flotation of a sulfide ore using xanthate and dithiophosphate as
beginning to the end of flotation. Another confirmation is that
the rate flotation constant increases rapidly after the third
minute by DANA at natural pH.
Fig.8 : Determination of rate constant in flotation of cobalt at
different pH values
In cobalt recovery, the rate flotation constant is higher by
DANA at natural pH (0.172 s-1) and by PAX at pH=11 (0.203
This study was intended to compare the selectivity and
kinetics of PAX and DANA in recovery of copper and cobalt
from a sulfide Copper-Cobalt ore. Keeping the particle size,
pulp density, impeller speed, and reagents doses as constant
parameters, only the pH was varied from the natural and
pH=11. At natural pH, PAX was given the good results for the
recovery of copper obtaining a concentrate of 16,1% with a
yield of 99,63% and a flotation rate constant of 0,634 s-1. For
the recovery of cobalt, DANA was found as better collector
obtaining a concentrate of 0.51% with a yield of 76.48% and a
flotation rate constant of 0,172 s-1. At pH=11, PAX was found
as the better collector for the recovery of both copper and
cobalt obtaining concentrates of 16,1% Cu and 0,91% Co
respectively. The flotation yields were 99,05% and 85,18%
respectively. Flotation rate constants were 0,443 s-1 and 0,203
s-1 respectively. According to these results, it is clearly shown
that at both natural pH and pH=11, the kinetic of copper
recovery is better by PAX than by DANA. However, for the
kinetic of cobalt, DANA is better than PAX at natural pH. It is
therefore recommended that a kinetic study be further
undertaken in acidic conditions.
Authors thank the company Chemical of Africa that has
opened the doors for the samples and the laboratory.
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Meschack Muanda Mukunga: Graduate Engineer in
Department of chemical and metallurgical Engineering at University of
Lubumbashi since year 2016. Secondary school was done and completed in
Imara Institute in Lubumbashi/ DRCongo since 2009. Graduate has been
done at University of Lubumbashi in july 2016. Actually Master student
(student number 2060556) at in department of chemical and metallurgical
engineering, University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg/South Africa.
About research, “Optimization of current efficiency in electrowinning of
copper” has been done at MMG company (Kinsevere Mine) in year 2014.
Assistant teacher of Omalanga Pele Pascal Daniel who is teacher at
University of Lubumbashi since 2016
... The concentration of the metal being extracted is a determining factor in the profitability of mining a specific ore, while the physical and chemical characteristics of gold affect the methods used for its processing. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (D.R.C.), the basement is rich in many minerals which contain many metals in different proportions [1][2]. Gold is mainly found in the South Kivu and Ituri provinces, where artisanal mining is prevalent. ...
... In addition, the pH is significant and the remaining parameters ([HBr] and speed) are non-significant. (2) for GP, the model and all the parameters are highly significant. The results of Tables 4 and 5 indicate that the R 2 values of 0.9003 and 0.9994 for LP and GP respectively were highly significant confirming a good reliability, reproducibility and precision of the models. ...
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... These industries put together a set that includes exploration activities and mining of minerals, rare earth and metals. The Greater Katanga region, located in the southeastern part of the D.R.C., contains several copper and cobalt minerals deposits that have been exploited in industry since the last century [1]. The region is the richest in the world in cobalt and the second in copper after Chile. ...
... (1) and (2) below were used to calculate adsorption efficiency in percent and milligrams of Cr adsorbed per gram of adsorbent. (1) where %R is percent removal, C o is initial concentration and C f concentration after adsorption. (2) where q is adsorption capacity in mg/g, C o is initial concentration, C f concentration after adsorption, m is adsorbent mass in gram and V is volume of wastewater used during the experiment. ...
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The presence of chromium in wastewaters produced from mining industries in Democratic Republic of the Congo is harmful for the environment. As a promising and polishing method for heavy metals removal from wastewaters, adsorption has been used with agricultural waste as low adsorbent. In this study, the use of sugar beet pulp has been investigated for the removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous in batch adsorption mode. Adsorption experiments were conducted to obtain the optimal conditions combinations for the highest percent removal. Four parameters were studied such as contact time (30–180min), initial chromium concentration (10-50mg/L), pH (2-9) and solid to liquid ratio (0.25 g/100 mL-3 g/100 mL). However, the agitation rate was equal to 100 rpm and the room temperature was considered. The highest percent removals of 90.53% for 10 ppm concentration and 76.34% for 50 ppm concentration were achieved at the following conditions: pH 2, contact time 90 min, S/L ratios of 2 g/100 mL and 3 g/100 mL respectively. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms were used for the mathematical description of adsorption equilibrium. Freundlich isotherm fitted well the equilibrium data. The maximum capacity (Qmax) from the Langmuir isotherm was found to be 11.299 mg/g. These results indicated that sugar beet pulp can be used as low cost adsorbent for the removal of chromium from mining industries wastewater to avoid environmental problems
... Gold recovery from ores is a critical process in the mining industry, fueled by the escalating demand for this precious metal (Smith 2019). As a majority of metals to be extracted are contained in minerals, the mining sector has relentlessly pursued effective and sustainable gold recovery techniques (Mukunga 2019, Muanda et al. 2021. As the significance of gold in various industries, such as electronics, jewelry, and finance, continues to rise, the demand for this precious metal shows no signs of abating (Knosp et al. 2003, Oleszek-Listopad et al. 2015, Saradesh and Vinodkumar 2020. ...
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In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, gold extraction from ore in South Kivu utilized alpha-cyclodextrin (α-CD) as an eco-friendly method to replace harmful methods. Analysis of variance and response surface methodology were employed for prediction, modeling, and optimization studies. Atomic absorption spectroscopy revealed a 0.06% gold content in a randomly taken ore sample. Leaching with modified aqua regia was optimized with the following parameters: 7.27 h, 50 g/L HBr concentration, pH 1, and 200 rpm stirring speed, resulting in 98.5% removal. Neutralization tests with potassium hydroxide (KOH) followed leaching to prepare the solution medium with appropriate pH for extraction test, by varying parameters such as time, KOH concentration, and pH. Following neutralization, extraction tests with α-CD were carried out and optimized with the following parameters: 40 min, α-CD concentration of 11.6166 g/L, and a pH of 5, resulting in a percent removal of 98.9%. α-CD’s eco-friendly nature, cost-effectiveness, and high percent removal make it a promising and sustainable alternative for gold recovery, appealing to the mining industry.
... Depending on the operating conditions, extraction rates can reach 100% in hours. Because aqua regia is a corrosive and unstable reagent, it can dissolve other noble metals such as platinum and rhodium, it is used to attack gold alloys [10][11][12]. The following reaction shows the dissolution of water thanks to aqua regia. ...
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The current work focuses on the extraction of gold using alpha-cyclodextrin (α-CD) from the Kimpese quarry in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, through an environmentally friendly gold process as an alternative to the amalgamation process. The ore was sampled and characterized using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) prior to the experiments, and the analysis revealed 0.08% of gold. The ore was then leached with modified aqua regia (MAR). Time, HBr concentration, pH, and stirring speed were all varied during leaching to highlight the parameters that influence the leaching yield. The optimum conditions were determined using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and response surface methodology (RSM), implying time, HBr concentration, pH, and stirring speed of 6 hours, 80g/l, 1, and 800rpm, respectively, and a leaching percentage of 98.6928%. Following leaching, neutralization tests with potassium hydroxide (KOH) were performed by varying the following parameters: time, KOH concentration, and pH. The following factors were varied in the extraction tests after neutralization: time, α-CD concentration, pH. The optimal parameters were as follows: time of 30 minutes, α-CD concentration of 8.8639g/l, and pH of 6, with yield of 89.7350%. This method of recovering gold from ore using α-CD is inexpensive and does not harm the environment.
... However, malachite and heterogenite are abundant. The following reagents are frequently used: sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS) as sulfidiser, potassium amylxanthate (PAX: C 5 H 11 OCS 2 Na) as a collector, sodium silicate (Na 2 SiO 3 ) as depressant and dispersant [3], senfroth (G41) as frother, and dolomitic mixture (MIX) as a mineralizing agent. It has been shown by Bulatovic [4], Blazy [5], and Wills [6] that lead, zinc, and copper oxide ores are hardly floatable because they are more soluble in comparison to correspondent sulfide ore. ...
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Copper-cobalt oxide ores contain several minerals that are economically treatable by concentration techniques. The most used technique is froth flotation in which selective reagents are used to recover more valuables. It is, therefore, important to examine the optimal doses of those reagents while investigating the behaviors of minerals at the same time. This study explored the influence of lead nitrate Pb(NO3)2 on the froth flotation of oxide ore to increase valuable metals recoveries. Four factors were investigated including Pb(NO3)2 dosage, its conditioning, its addition dose in the 2nd fraction, and sulfidiser dosage. Other parameters were kept constant. The optimum was found at 25 g/t of Pb(NO3)2, conditioning together with sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) for 5 min, the addition of 5 g/t of Pb(NO3)2 in the 2nd fraction, and 3,000 g/t of sulfidiser. Recoveries in concentrates were 79.51 % Copper (Cu) and 60.27 % Cobalt (Co), with grades of 9.49 and 0.67 %, respectively. The conclusion was that the use of Pb(NO3)2 can considerably improve copper and cobalt recoveries.
... Considering the structural viewpoint, they are product of carbonic acid, where the two oxygen atoms are replaced by sulfur and one alkyl group replaces a hydrogen atom. [2], [3], [8], [10] showed that for the treatment of oxide cobalt and copper ores, sulphidisation process is employed by using soluble sulphide salts into the pulp. [11] also investigated the uses of sodium sulfide (Na2S) and NaCN (sodium cyanide) as depressants on the separation of copper and arsenic. ...
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Copper and cobalt demand is projected to be increased from here to 2050 and the challenge is to find treat economically minerals which contains those metals. Several tailings from oxide ores throughout the word contain good grades of copper and cobalt that should be recovered by froth flotation. This paper investigates the recovery of copper and cobalt through reprocessing of spiral classifier tailings by determination of specific reagents dosage. The flotation behaviours of malachite and heterogenite were studied through many roughing and cleaning flotation tests in order to recovery most of copper and cobalt. The effect of specific reagents was be varied and others parameters were kept constant. The highest recoveries of both copper and cobalt in rougher concentrate were respectively 82.51% and 72.51% with grades of 12.52% and 0.99% respectively. However, the cleaner concentrate was 24.54 Cu% and 1.38% Co with recoveries of 69.26 % and 40.7% respectively. It was concluded that the reprocessing of spiral classifier tailings through froth flotation is benefit because it recovers most of desired metal and reduces the risk of their presence on environment through plant tailings. Recycling of cleaner tailings was also proposed.
... Mukunga [15] investigated the selectivity and kinetics of PAX and DANA (sodium amyl dithiophosphate) in the recovery of copper from sulphide copper-cobalt ore. Natural pH and pH 11 were observed. ...
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The aim of this study was to examine flotation of utility metals from poor polymetallic ores and verify the potential for profitable yields in connection with potentially economic deposits of non-ferrous metals. The paper describes results in flotation concentrate research to recover copper from polymetallic ore. The polymetallic ore from Zlate Hory deposit (Czech Republic) was subjected to crushing, grinding, and screening to prepare feed for separation with mesh size under 200 microns. The heavy medium separation was performed in tetrabromethane with a density of 2.967 The float and sink products were obtained and tested for chemical composition. Next, the treated polymetallic ore sample was subjected to flotation. In flotation, various dosages of collector (PAX) and various pH were tested, at which pyrite was depressed. The recovery of metallic copper in the concentrate increased with the collector dose. As the pH of the medium increased, the pyrite content in the concentrate dropped. The lowest content of pyrite, i.e. 4.01 %, was obtained at pH 10. In the original polymetallic ore, the Cu content was 0.41 % after subsequent treatment and flotation tests, the Cu content increased to 1.38 % with Cu recovery 86.18 %.
Conference Paper
The vision of the Namibian mining industry is “to be a widely respected, as a safe, environmentally responsible, globally competitive, and meaningful contributor to the long-term prosperity of Namibia” . In order to realise this vision, the mining industry is expected to ensure responsible mining and processing of ores while contributing to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country in the immediate and long term. Socio-economic benefits in the long term can only be realised if the mineral reserves are accurately characterised and quantified to inform the development of optimal process flow sheets for the metal extraction. Namibia is endowed with deposits of various base metals. These include copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and tin (Sn). Additionally, Namibia also possesses deposits of energy minerals, namely uranium (U) and lithium (Li) as well as deposits of non-metals such as graphite and fluorspar. The base metal ores are currently mined and processed at various mines in the country, with Pb and Zn mined at Trevali’s Rosh Pinah Zinc Corporation (RPZC) while Sn is mined at Afritin Mining’s Uis Tin Mine. Trigon Metal’s Kombat Copper Mine which resumed operations in 2021 was the only operating copper mine in the country before it was placed on care and maintenance again in August 2022 after seven months of operation. Prior to resumption of mining operations in 2021, Kombat Mine had been dormant for close to two decades. The other three copper mines, namely Otjihase, Matchless and Tschudi are also on ‘care and maintenance’. While the market conditions, especially the copper price, significantly impact the decision to keep the mine in operation, another factor which can force the mine management and investors to cease operation is the significant change in the mineralisation of the orebody. This could result in high operating costs as a result of retrofitting additional sections or simply use of expensive reagents or ‘aggressive’ operating conditions which are, for example, necessitating the use of additional power or water in the processing plant. The need for an advanced mining method e.g., underground method versus opencast method may also be a critical factor. In short, the sustainability of a multi-mineralised mine can be negatively affected if no appropriate flow sheet development consideration is executed timeously. A good example of an orebody with distinct mineralisation is a copper deposit located within the Damara orogenic belt, approximately 20 km west of Tsumeb in northern Namibia. This copper deposit is mainly made up of sandstone and it consists of three mineralisation zones: the oxide zone outcropping on the surface, a transition (mixed) zone in the middle, and the sulphide zone at the bottom2. Copper mineralisation in the oxide zone extends approximately 70 m below the surface; it is mainly composed of copper minerals such as malachite (Cu2CO3(OH)2), azurite (Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2), cuprite (Cu2O), and minor chalcocite (Cu2S). This mineralisation is disseminated through a sandstone and a conglomerate unit lying above a dolomite unit. The transition zone contains a combination of oxides (predominantly malachite) and the sulphides (predominantly chalcocite and bornite, with covellite (CuS) in minor quantities). While the sulphide zone contains chalcopyrite (CuFeS_2), bornite (Cu5FeS4), and chalcocite (Cu2S). Since the processing plant is usually constructed for a specific ore type (e.g., oxide or sulphide), upon depletion of the oxide ore, the mine has two options which are dependent on the prevailing and projected market conditions as well as financial position of the company. The first option is to cease operation and declare the end of life of mine (LOM). Alternatively, the mine can engage in an expansion programme to develop or re-design the process flow sheet for treating other different mineralisation zones. A holistic consideration of the multi-mineralised zones ensures that the processing plant is designed, in phases i.e., phase 1 and 2, to extract copper sustainably and efficiently from all the distinct ore mineralisation zones. For the copper deposit with three mineralisation zones as discussed above, phase 1 would entail processing of the ore extracted from the oxide zone which responds favourably to the low-cost heap leaching with dilute sulphuric acid (H2SO4). The copper sulphide minerals do not respond favourably to leaching unless it is done under reducing and ‘aggressive’ conditions. An example would be the use of microorganisms in bioleaching or at elevated pressures in autoclaves, i.e., pressure leaching. This should be part of phase 2, in which copper should preferably be extracted from the sulphide ore after a concentration stage such as froth flotation to reduce the tonnage, and thereby improving the grade of metal value while reducing the concentration of impurities (gangue) by using pyrometallurgical unit processes in a smelter, such as at Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb smelter. Such a processing route is characterised by fast kinetics, but it can be energy-intensive. Depending on the ratio of oxide/sulphide minerals, the transition ore can be processed by using the flow sheet for either oxide (i.e., via heap leaching, at adjusted operating conditions, such as increased lixiviant consumption) or sulphide (i.e., smelting, after froth flotation at controlled operating conditions, such as pressure of oxygen to minimise the copper reporting to the slag phase). The authors propose a holistic and more sustainable approach. To ensure a sustainable extraction of multi-mineralised base metal deposits, it is critical to increase the LOM of such operations. The ore from all three mineralisation zones should be extracted as compared to only mining and processing ore from a single mineralisation zone and then closing the mine. Therefore, the proposed approach ensures mining and processing of the ore from all mineralisation zones. The principal aim is to minimise disruption to operations caused by focusing only on specific ore types within a given deposit while knowing very well that the orebody is multi-mineralised. During phase 1, i.e., when processing the oxide ore, a comprehensive metallurgical test work programme should be initiated and fully undertaken to guide the development of the flow sheets for the transition and sulphide ores, with the configuration and/or design of the processing plant pursued towards the end of phase 1 to avoid disruptions to operations after that phase. The alternative is to prolong the LOM after phase 1 by converting the mine into a concentrator to produce the copper concentrate, from both the transition and sulphide ores, which can then be sold to the smelters.
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The modelling of flotation has been reviewed with the aim of identifying their usefulness, significance as well as limitations. From literature it is clear that, various flotation models have been developed based on the processes and sub-processes occurring in flotation. An overview of the literature indicates that various approaches have been adopted in quantifying the process. Flotation models based on kinetics have prevailed in almost all flotation conditions regardless of the ore type and ore characteristics as well as flotation cell configurations. It may be concluded that the classical first order kinetic model is comparatively a better model and can be utilized to optimize the flotation process as it is applicable to both batch and continuous flotation processes with high confidence level.Finally, it is suggested that future work should focus on improving the models which can more accurately predict the prevailing conditions and enable better optimization of the flotation process.
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To improve kinetic flotation models, many first-order flotation kinetics models with distributions of flotation rate constants were redefined so that they could all be represented by the same set of three model parameters. As a result, the width of the distribution become independent of its mean, and parameters of the model and the curve fitting errors, became virtually the same, independent of the chosen distribution function. In our case, investigations of the chalcopyrite ores are carried out using the Classical model, Klimpel Model and fully mixed model. According to the experimental results obtained in laboratory, the Classical model is most appropriate for presentation of kinetic flotation, especially by means of MATLAB modeling.
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This research was conducted to search and identify spontaneously growing heavy metal-tolerant plant species that are potentially useful for phytoremediation in contaminated sediment. Five sites were selected for collection of plants growing on polluted shore (river bank) sediment of the Xiang River, China. The concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cu and Cd in plants, sediments, and grasshoppers were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS700, Perkin-Elmer, USA). Considering translocation factor and bioaccumulation factor, Rumex crispus (Polygonaceae), Rumex dentatus (Polygonaceae), and Lagopsis supina (Labiatae) could be potentially useful for phytostabilization of metals. R. crispus can be considered potentially useful for phytoextraction of Cd. In light of the biomagnification factors, grasshoppers are deconcentrators for Pb and Cd, microconcentrators for Zn and macroconcentrators for Cu to the plants, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first report on Zn, Pb, Cu and Cd accumulation in R. crispus and L. supina, providing a pioneer contribution to the very small volume of data available on the potential use of native plant species from contaminated sediments in phytostabilization and phytoremediation technologies.
How resource depletion affects productivity is a crucial question for several industries. In fact, several natural resource-exporting countries have seen their productivity levels affected by resource depletion. Nevertheless, usually, it is not clear what the real productivity growth is, without discarding the effects of resource depletion in the production structure. The main aim of the paper is to empirically answer a relevant issue regarding the Chilean copper mining industry, which is, the slowdown of its productivity in the last decade, considering in the analysis the role of resource depletion. In particular, we consider resource depletion to be an exogenous and unpaid force that opposes technological change and hence increases costs through time, capturing in this way some stylized facts of, for example, the mining and fishing industries. The decomposition framework was applied to the Chilean copper mining industry, one of the most important in the world, using data from the period of 1985–2015. The econometric results were robust and pointed to the fact that the productivity fell sharply during the period; however, it did not fall as much as the traditional estimation methods pointed out. Our model showed that as much as 15% of this decline was due to the increase of the resource depletion variable (copper ore grade).
The flotabilities of chalcopyrite and galena with sodium humate (HA) and ammonium persulfate (APS) as the depressant were studied by flotation test, adsorption measurement and infrared spectroscopic analysis. Single mineral flotation test shows that the slurry oxidation environment and the proper oxidation of galena surface are prerequisites for the depression of galena by sodium humate. The closed-circuit flotation test of copper/lead bulk concentrate shows that the grade and recovery of Cu reach 30.47% and 89.16% respectively and those of Pb reach 2.06% and1.58% respectively in copper concentrate, and the grade and recovery of Pb reach 50.34% and 98.42% and those of Cu reach 1.45% and 10.84% respectively in lead concentrate with HA and APS. The selective depression effect of HA and APS is more obvious than that of potassium dichromate. The results of FTIR analysis and adsorption measurements indicate that the adsorption of sodium humate on the fresh surface of galena is negligible, while after oxidation, sodium humate can be chemically adsorbed on the surface of galena. According to the theory of solubility product, the sodium humate can display the oxidation product PbSO4, after then, adsorb on the surface of lead chemically to produce inhibitory effect. Thus, it can be seen that the combination of HA and APS is an efficient non-toxic reagent to achieve cleaning separation copper/lead bulk concentrate by flotation. The combination of HA and APS is an efficient non-toxic reagent to achieve cleaning for copper/lead bulk concentrate by flotation.
The physical factors that influence the rate of flotation of particles are reviewed. Particular emphasis is placed on the hydrodynamic interactions between particles and bubbles and the dependence of the flotation rate on the particle and bubble sizes. Theory and experiment indicate that the flotation process is first-order with respect to the particle concentration. However, the rate constant is strongly dependent on the particle size and the bubble diameter. For small particles the flotation rate varies approximately as the diameter to the 1. 5 power, so for particles in the range 4 to 30 mu m the rate of removal from a cell is very low. However, it appears that the rate constant should vary inversely as the cube of the bubble diameter so one remedy for low recovery rates would be to use small bubbles of the order of 100 mu m in diameter.
Numerous flotation models have been proposed in the literature. Thirteen of these have been applied to batch flotation data and evaluated with respect to one another using statistical techniques. Flotation tests were carried out on samples of a US porphyry copper ore (Pinto Valley, AZ). The ore was tested using various collector and frother systems to produce different time-recovery profiles. These were used to calculate flotation rate and ultimate recovery parameters for each model. The models were then evaluated statistically to determine the overall fit of the calculated to the observed data and to test the range of significance of the parameters in each model.
A flotation pre-treatment study for the separation of enargite (Cu 3AsS 4) from chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) ores of different origins was investigated in this work. The copper ore bearing enargite mineral contained 5.87 mass% As and 16.50 mass% Cu while the chalcopyrite bearing ore contained 0.32 mass% As and 21.63 mass% Cu. The two ore samples were mixed at 7 : 3 (enargite : chalcopyrite) by weight ratio to prepare a mixed ore sample with As content at 3.16 and 18.25 mass% Cu for the flotation study. Effect of particle size, slurry pH, flotation time, collector type, collector addition or dosage and depressants were investigated to evaluate efficiency of enargite separation from chalcopyrite and recovery of both minerals as separate concentrates. For enargite single ore flotation, the 38-75 μm size fraction showed that over 98% of enargite was selectively recovered within 5 min at slurry pH of 4 and As content in the final tailings was reduced to 0.22 mass%. In mix ore (enargite + chalcopyrite) flotation, 97% of enargite was first removed at pH 4 followed by chalcopyrite flotation at pH 8, and over 95% recovery was achieved in 15 min flotation time. The As content in the final tailings was reduced to 0.1 mass%.
The Missouri Pb ores are the only domestic Co resource being mined and processed for other metals; therefore, they present a viable short-term opportunity for Co production. Lead, zinc, and copper concentrates are produced from the ore. The Cu concentrate can contain up to 30 pct Co and the Pb concentrate up to 15 pct Co. Since Co is detrimental to the processing of the Zn concentrate; the remainder of the Co is rejected to the tailings. The tailings can contain as much as 50 pct Co originally present in the mined ore. Researchers at the U.S. Bureau of Mines have successfully tested on a continuous basis a process that recovers a bulk sulfide concentrate from mill tailings. The concentrate contains up to one-half of the Co and from 50 to 90 pct of the Pb, Zn, and Cu. Concentrate weight represents 10 pct or less of the total tailings.
Handbook of Flotation Reagents: Chemistry, Theory and Practice is a condensed form of the fundamental knowledge of chemical reagents commonly used in flotation and is addressed to the researchers and plant metallurgists who employ these reagents. Consisting of three distinct parts: 1) provides detailed description of the chemistry used in mineral processing industry; 2) describes theoretical aspects of the action of flotation reagents 3) provides information on the use of reagents in over 100 operating plants treating Cu, Cu/Zn, Cu/Pb, Zn, Pb/Zn/Ag, Cu/Ni and Ni ores. * Looks at the theoretical aspects of flotation reagents * Examines the practical aspects of using chemical reagents in operating plants * Provides guidelines for researchers and engineers involved in process design and development. Significant progress in understanding the science of mineral processing over the past several decades has been made, especially in the development of chemical reagents. It should be stressed that chemical reagents used in flotation are the backbone of every flotation process. Therefore, the development of an effective reagent scheme for treatment of mineral ores is closely related to understanding the chemistry and reaction of the individual reagents in relation to characteristics of the particular ore to be treated.