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Swarm Intelligence Amplifies the IQ of Collaborating Teams


Abstract and Figures

In the natural world, Swarm Intelligence (SI) is a well-known phenomenon that enables groups of organisms to make collective decisions with significantly greater accuracy than the individuals could do on their own. In recent years, a new AI technology called Artificial Swarm Intelligence (ASI) has been developed that enables similar benefits for human teams. It works by connecting networked teams into real-time systems modeled on natural swarms. Referred to commonly as "human swarms" or "hive minds," these closed-loop systems have been shown to amplify group performance across a wide range of tasks, from financial forecasting to strategic decision-making. The current study explores the ability of ASI technology to amplify the IQ of small teams. Five small teams answered a series of questions from a commonly used intelligence test known as the Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices (RSPM) test. Participants took the test first as individuals, and then as groups moderated by swarming algorithms (i.e. "swarms"). The average individual achieved 53.7% correct, while the average swarm achieved 76.7% correct, corresponding to an estimated IQ increase of 14 points. When the individual responses were aggregated by majority vote, the groups scored 56.7% correct, still 12 IQ points less than the real-time swarming method.
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Swarm Intelligence Amplifies the IQ of
Collaborating Teams
Gregg Willcox
Unanimous AI
San Francisco, CA
Louis Rosenberg
Unanimous AI
San Francisco, CA
Abstract— In the natural world, Swarm Intelligence (SI) is a
well-known phenomenon that enables groups of organisms to
make collective decisions with significantly greater accuracy than
the individuals could do on their own. In recent years, a new AI
technology called Artificial Swarm Intelligence (ASI) has been
developed that enables similar benefits for human teams. It works
by connecting networked teams into real-ti me systems modeled on
natural swarms. Referred to commonly as “human swarms” or
“hive minds,” these closed-loop systems have been shown to
amplify group performance across a wide range of tasks, from
financial forecasting to strategic decision-making. The current
study explores the ability of ASI technology to amplify the IQ of
small teams. Five small teams answered a series of questions from
a commonly used intelligence test known as the Raven’s Standard
Progressive Matrices (RSPM) test. Participants took the test first
as individuals, and then as groups moderated by swarming
algorithms (i.e. “swarms”). The average individual achieved
53.7% correct, while the average swarm achieved 76.7% correct,
corresponding to an estimated IQ increase of 14 points. When the
individual responses were aggregated by majority vote, the groups
scored 56.7% correct, still 12 IQ points less than the real-time
swarming method.
Keywords— Swarm Intelligence, Artificial Swarm Intelligence,
Collective Intelligence, Crowdsourcing, Wisdom of Crowds, IQ, AI.
For over a century, biologists and ecologists have observed
natural species that amplify their group intelligence by forming
real-time systems among members. This process, commonly
referred to as Swarm Intelligence (SI), enables a wide range of
social organisms, from schools of fish and flocks of birds to
swarms of honeybees, to solve problems in groups that are
intractable to the individuals on their own. [1] In recent years,
the technology of Artificial Swarm Intelligence (ASI) has
enabled networked human teams to form similar systems and
achieve similar benefits when making decisions. Referred to
commonly as “human swarm” or “hive minds,” these systems
have been shown in many studies to significantly amplify the
accuracy of human groups across a variety of decision-making
tasks, from predicting financial markets and sporting events, to
forecasting sales and marketing outcomes. [2-7,17, 18].
Research into ASI is often compared to traditional methods
of harnessing the intelligence of human groups. Often referred
to as crowdsourcing or tapping the “Wisdom of Crowds,” these
methods date back to the work of Galton (1907) and generally
involve collecting survey responses from individuals which are
aggregated statistically, often by plurality vote. [8-15].
While prior studies have shown that groups can increase
their performance on standardized tests through statistical
aggregation of answers, no prior study has compared statistical
aggregation to real-time “human swarming” using a commonly
administered IQ test. The objective is to explore if groups
demonstrate better performance and thus higher IQ on the
RSPM test when working as a real-time swarm, as compared to
(i) taking the test as individuals, and (ii) reaching decisions as a
group where RSPM answers are provided by majority vote.
The fundamental difference between crowd-based methods
and swarm-based methods for harnessing team intelligence is
that swarming creates a unified system in which the human
participants work together in real-time, connected by feedback
loops that allow them to converge on solutions together in
synchrony. As shown in Figure 1 below, a typical ASI system
includes a group of Human Users, each at their own remote
location and each using their own computer. Each computer
runs a software interface to continuously capture the user’s real-
time input, and continuously send it to a central processing
engine that runs swarming algorithms in the cloud. This engine
processes the real-time human input and sends back the evolving
real-time collaborative output to each participant, thereby
creating a closed-loop system among all users.
Fig.1. System Diagram for an ASI (Human Swarming) System
2019 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Industries (AI4I)
978-1-7281-4087-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/AI4I.2019.00036
For this study, the ASI system used the Swarm
platform from Unanimous AI. The Swarm platform enables
users to connect from anywhere in the world using a standard
web browser. Upon logging in, users access an animated client
that captures real-time input from all participants simultaneously
and feeds the data to the Swarm engine, which runs in the cloud
on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The Swarm engine processes
the data in real-time and streams the continuous output that
represents the collective actions of the full group back to all
participants. This creates a feedback loop between the users and
the Swarm engine, enabling the group to quickly converge upon
optimized solutions together in synchrony.
As shown below in Figure 2, the system used in this study
enables networked teams to answer questions by collaboratively
moving a graphical puck from a starting location to a target
associated one of a set of available answer options. A question
appears on the screens of all users at the same time, along with
the answer options. Each user provides input by manipulating a
graphical magnet with a mouse or touchscreen. By adjusting the
position and orientation of their magnet with respect to the
moving puck, participants express their input in real-time. Users
find this highly intuitive, as they are “pulling” in the direction
they want the puck to go, updating their input continuously as
the puck moves across their screen. In this way, a team can
deliberate, supporting or opposing the pull of others, until the
group converges upon a direction and guides the puck to the one
solution they can best agree upon. In the example below, the
group evaluated the best invention of the 20
century by moving
the puck from center of the screen to the answer Antibiotics. The
process of deliberation and convergence took 22 seconds.
Fig.2. A human swarm choosing between options in real-time
It’s important to stress that input from each user is not a
discrete vote, but a stream of vectors that varies freely over time.
Because all participants can adjust their intent continuously in
real time, the group explores the decision-space, not based on
the input of any individual member, but based on the emergent
dynamics of the full system. This enables a complex negotiation,
empowering the group to collectively wrestle with the issue and
converge on the most agreeable solution in synchrony.
The complexity of the real-time deliberation can be shown
visually using a technique called a Support Density Graph. It is
a heat-map showing a time-integration of support (e.g. force)
applied towards each of the six answer options over the
deliberation period. Figure 3 below shows a Support Density
graph for the question posed in Figure 2, the heat-map showing
the aggregated force applied by the 35 participants over the 22
second deliberation period. While the group used in this
example had thirty-five networked participants, the Swarm
platform has been shown to successfully amplify the intelligence
of groups as small as three persons and as large as hundreds.
Fig.3. Support Density graph of swarm-based decision
It is important to note that participants do not only vary the
direction of their pull using their magnet, but also modulate the
magnitude of their pull by adjusting the distance between their
magnet and the puck. Because the puck is in continuous motion
across the decision-space, users need to continually adjust their
magnet so that it stays close to the puck’s rim. This is critical, as
it requires that all participants to be continuously engaged during
the deliberation process, evaluating and reevaluating their intent
in real-time. If a participant stops adjusting their magnet with
respect to the changing position of the puck, the distance grows
and their applied sentiment wanes. Thus, like bees vibrating
their bodies to express sentiment in a biological swarm, or
neurons firing to express conviction levels within a biological
neural-network, the participants in an ASI system must
continuously update their intent during the decision process, or
lose their influence over the outcome.
To assess the ability of “human swarming” to amplify the IQ
of networked human groups, a study was conducted across a set
of five networked groups, each of 6 to 10 members. In total, 42
human subjects participated in this study. All were paid
participants from Amazon Mechanical Turk. The study used a
set of questions from a commonly used intelligence test known
as the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (RSPM). This
instrument measures the deductive reasoning ability in test-
takers. The RSPM test was chosen for this study because of its
acceptance as a reputable measure of IQ as well as it’s simple
visual format – all questions are presented as a set of images
with a missing image that completes a presented pattern. In
addition, prior studies have shown the RSPM test gives
consistent results when administered to paid participants from
Amazon Mechanical Turk [15]. An example question from the
RSPM test is shown below in Figure 4, modified to be presented
as a five-option solution [16].
Fig. 4. Sample Qu estion from RSPM test
Questions of the visual format shown above were used in
both the individual and group assessments. For individuals, the
questions were provided through a simple online survey. For
teams using the Swarm platform, the graphical image was
displayed to the group along with the swarming interface which
allowed them to select among the five answer options. Figure 5
below shows a snapshot of a team in the process of pulling the
graphical puck towards one of the answer options.
Fig. 5. Swarming Group responding to RSPM question
To prevent cheating on individual survey version of the
test, all participants were allocated a maximum of 45 seconds
to answer each question. This ensured that participants from
Amazon Mechanical Turk would not have time to cheat by
looking up answers. When using Swarm, the participants
were also time limited to prevent cheating. All answers were
recorded in 38 seconds or less.
Each of the 41 participants was asked to complete a six
question RSPM test, providing 246 individual responses. Each
of these participants was a member of one of the five real-time
groups, consisting of between 6 to 10 members. These groups
also completed the RSPM test using the Swarm platform. The
RSPM tests were also aggregated by group such that the most
popular answer a group was selected by plurality vote. For
questions where the vote was split evenly across multiple
answers, a “deadlock” was determined and classified as an
incorrect response. For questions where the swarm could not
converge upon an answer within the 60 second time limit, a
“deadlock” was determined and classified as an incorrect
The IQ of each response method was calculated as a function
of the average and standard deviation of individual accuracies
on the modified test, according to the standard IQ formula,
where ߤ is the mean individual score on the test, ߪ is the
standard deviation of individual scores on the test, and X is the
score to convert to an IQ:
ܫܳܺ ͳͲͲ ൅ ͳͷ כ ܺെߤ
ߪ ሾܧݍǤ ͳሿ
The distribution of performance across all individuals who
participated in this study was approximately normal, with a
mean of 3.22 questions correct (53.7%), and a standard
deviation of 1.51 questions correct (25.7%). The distribution of
individual performances is shown in Figure 6 below.
Fig. 6. Histogram of Individual Accuracies
A comparison was performed among each of the three
response mechanisms:
1. Individuals taking an RSPM test alone
2. Groups taking an RSPM test by plurality vote
3. Groups taking an RSPM test as real-time swarms
As shown in the Table 1 below, the average individual
achieved 53.7% correct on the RSPM test. When aggregating
responses for each working group by plurality vote, the average
accuracy increased to 56.7% correct, which corresponds to a 2%
increase in IQ score compared to the average individual. When
enabling the teams to work together as real-time swarming
systems, the performance increased to 76.7% correct, which
corresponds to 14-point increase in IQ score compared to the
average individual.
Table 1: Test Performance by Response Method
To assess significance of this increase over individuals, a
two-sample heteroscedastic t-test was performed that compares
the Group Vote and Swarm percent correct to the 41 individuals.
Using this method, we find that the swarm significantly
outperforms the average individual in the study (p=0.025), but
that the group vote does not (p=0.406), indicating that we can
only be confident that swarms, and not votes, amplify the
intelligence of teams, as measured by this modified RSPM test.
To assess whether the swarm outperformed the group by
random chance, a paired t-test was conducted that compared
each group’s percent correct using each of the two response
methods. Using this method, we find that this amplification of
team intelligence is statistically significant (p=0.016), indicating
that it’s unlikely that the teams amplified their intelligence when
swarming as compared to voting due to random chance alone.
The results of this study are very promising for business and
engineering teams that collaborate over computer networks. By
using an ASI technology like the Swarm platform, networked
groups were able to increase their effective IQ by 14 points as
compared to the average individual and by 12 points as
compared to teams that answered the questions by plurality vote.
If teams can make themselves significantly smarter on an IQ test
using an online technology such as the Swarm platform, then it’s
possible that teams can see similar benefits when making
strategic decisions, numerical forecasts, and subjective
judgements in real-world environments. Future studies should
be performed across larger question sets and wider varieties of
group sizes and population demographics.
This research study was funded in part by the National Science
Foundation, NSF Award ID 1840937. Access to Swarm
software platform provide by Unanimous AI, Inc.
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Measured IQ
% IQ Increase
over Average
Individuals 53.7% 100 --
Group Vote 56.7% 102 2%
Swarm 76.7% 114 14%
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Full-text available
Swarm Intelligence (SI) is a natural phenomenon that enables social species to quickly converge on optimized group decisions by interacting as real-time closed-loop systems. This process, which has been shown to amplify the collective intelligence of biological groups, has been studied extensively in schools of fish, flocks of birds, and swarms of bees. This paper provides an overview of a new collaboration technology called Artificial Swarm Intelligence (ASI) that brings the same benefits to networked human groups. Sometimes referred to as “human swarming” or building “hive minds,” the process involves groups of networked users being connected in real-time by AI algorithms modeled after natural swarms. This paper presents the basic concepts of ASI and reviews recently published research that shows its effectiveness in amplifying the collective intelligence of human groups, increasing accuracy when groups make forecasts, generate assessments, reach decisions, and form predictions. Examples include significant performance increases when human teams generate financial predictions, business forecasts, subjective judgements, and medical diagnoses.
Conference Paper
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For well over a century, researchers in the field of Collective Intelligence have shown that groups can outperform individuals when making decisions, predictions, and forecasts. The most common methods for harnessing the intelligence of groups treats the population as a “crowd” of independent agents that provide input in isolation in the form of polls, surveys, and market transactions. While such crowd-based methods can be effective, they are markedly different from how natural systems harness group intelligence. In the natural world, groups commonly form real-time closed-loop systems (i.e. “swarms”) that converge on solutions in synchrony. The present study compares the predictive ability of crowds and swarms when tapping the intelligence of human groups. More specifically, the present study tasked a crowd of 469 football fans and a swarm of 29 football fans in a challenge to predict 20 Prop Bets during the 2016 Super Bowl. Results revealed that the crowd, although 16 times larger in size, was significantly less accurate (at 47% correct) than the swarm (at 68% correct). Further, the swarm outperformed 98% of the individuals in the full study. These results suggest that swarming, with closed-loop feedback, is potentially a more effective method for tapping the insights of groups than traditional polling.
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Much research has been done in the field of collective intelligence to aggregate input from human populations with the goal of amplifying the abilities of the groups. Nearly all prior research follows a similar model where input is collected from human participants in isolation and then aggregated statistically after the fact. The paper introduces a radically different approach in which the human participants is not aggregated statistically, but through a real-time dynamic control in which the participants act, react, and interact as a part of a system modeled after swarms in nature. Early testing of these "human swarms" suggest great potential for amplifying the intelligence of human groups, exceeding traditional aggregation methods. on the simulation of collaborative systems as it relates to the emergence of real-time collective intelligence. While theoretical studies are of great research value, there’s a growing need for real-world platforms that test the emergence of collective intelligence among human users. This short paper introduces such a platform. It enables networks of online collaborators to converge on questions, decisions, and dilemmas in real-time, functioning as a unified dynamic system. The dynamic system has been modeled after biological swarms, which is why refer to the process as “social swarming” or "human swarming". Early testing of human swarms suggests a great potential for harnessing collective intelligence.
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We review recent research on collective intelligence, which we define as the ability of a group to perform a wide variety of tasks. We focus on two influences on a group’s collective intelligence: (a) group composition (e.g., the members’ skills, diversity, and intelligence) and (b) group interaction (e.g., structures, processes, and norms). We also call for more research to investigate how social interventions and technological tools can be used to enhance collective intelligence.
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While collective intelligence (CI) is a powerful approach to increase decision accuracy, few attempts have been made to unlock its potential in medical decision-making. Here we investigated the performance of three well-known collective intelligence rules ("majority", "quorum", and "weighted quorum") when applied to mammography screening. For any particular mammogram, these rules aggregate the independent assessments of multiple radiologists into a single decision (recall the patient for additional workup or not). We found that, compared to single radiologists, any of these CI-rules both increases true positives (i.e., recalls of patients with cancer) and decreases false positives (i.e., recalls of patients without cancer), thereby overcoming one of the fundamental limitations to decision accuracy that individual radiologists face. Importantly, we find that all CI-rules systematically outperform even the best-performing individual radiologist in the respective group. Our findings demonstrate that CI can be employed to improve mammography screening; similarly, CI may have the potential to improve medical decision-making in a much wider range of contexts, including many areas of diagnostic imaging and, more generally, diagnostic decisions that are based on the subjective interpretation of evidence.
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Forecasting tournaments are level-playing-field competitions that reveal which individuals, teams, or algorithms generate more accurate probability estimates on which topics. This article describes a massive geopolitical tournament that tested clashing views on the feasibility of improving judgmental accuracy and on the best methods of doing so. The tournament’s winner, the Good Judgment Project, outperformed the simple average of the crowd by (a) designing new forms of cognitive-debiasing training, (b) incentivizing rigorous thinking in teams and prediction markets, (c) skimming top talent into elite collaborative teams of “super forecasters,” and (d) fine-tuning aggregation algorithms for distilling greater wisdom from crowds. Tournaments have the potential to open closed minds and increase assertion-to-evidence ratios in polarized scientific and policy debates.
This article explores how a collaboration technology called Artificial Swarm Intelligence (ASI) addresses the limitations associated with group decision making, amplifies the intelligence of human groups, and facilitates better business decisions. It demonstrates of how ASI has been used by businesses to harness the diverse perspectives that individual participants bring to groups and to facilitate convergence upon decisions. It advances the understanding of how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to enhance, rather than replace, teams as they collaborate to make business decisions.
Conference Paper
Swarm Intelligence is natural phenomenon that enables social animals to make group decisions in real-time systems. This process has been deeply studied in fish schools, bird flocks, and bee swarms, where collective intelligence has been observed to emerge. The present paper describes Swarm.AI —a collaborative technology that enables swarms of humans to collectively converge upon a decision as a real-time system. Then we present the results of a study investigating if groups working as “human swarms” can amplify their social perceptiveness, a key predictor of collective intelligence. Results showed that groups reduced their social perceptiveness errors by more than half when operating as a swarm. A statistical analysis revealed with 99.9% confidence that groups working as swarms had significantly higher social perceptiveness than either individuals working alone or through plurality vote.